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The Duck Overlord
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Hikiko had woken just as she always did, hugging one of her many stuffed animals in her tangle of blankets. Daichi, who shared the room with her, was already gone, probably off to soccer practice or something. He wasn't only the spitting image of their father, but also seemed to be following in his foosteps; however, he had his heart set on playing soccer professionally rather than doing the diplomatic work Tai did. Hence the reason he was at a university so close to home.

Kiko sat up and stretched her arms over her head, ready for another day of school at the same place her parents had studied. When she threw her legs over the bed, though, something clattered to the floor. She hadn't kept her phone near her, so what was-

A Digivice.

She had to blink a few times, even rub her eyes, to be sure she was seeing what she thought she was. But there it was, clear as day. A Digivice so much like her father's... or maybe it was her father's?

Picking up the device, she padded into the living room, where her mother and father were sitting on the couch, whispering furiously. Tai was running his hand through his hair, which, though shorn shorter than it had been in his teenage years, still remained spiky and untameable. Akari was rubbing one hand up and down his back as he fiddled with something in his hand. Upon closer inspection, it was...

...his Digivice.

"Papa?" Kiko murmured, her voice shaking. Tai and Akari turned toward her, wan smiles on their faces, but they froze when she held up the Digivice.

The next few minutes were full of Tai swearing.

* * *​

Tai and Akari explained it all; their friends Ken and Yolei were in a panic because their youngest child, Kazuomi, was missing. Considering the size of their family, this wasn't too surprising... but they suspected it had something to do with the Digital World, for the computer in their home had been flashing odd colors.

Though Tai and the rest of his friends wanted to do something, they weren't able to, because their Digivices were simply not functioning. They didn't beep or glow as they used to... they were completely unresponsive.

But then... why did Kiko have a Digivice now? Her parents couldn't tell her.

That was when Kiko heard the whistle.

She stood up, still in her pajamas, trying to pinpoint the source of the whistle. It reminded her of something, but she wasn't sure what... it gave her a nostalgic feeling, but she knew it didn't belong to her...

It belonged to the part of her DNA that had come from her father.

She rushed to her room, hurrying to put on an outfit Aunt Kari had once given her to fuel her love for the Digital World. Something in her told her that it was calling her. It was up to her to find Kazuomi.

Before her parents could say anything, Kiko was out the door and heading for Odaiba Bay. That was where the whistle was coming from, she just knew it. Everything always led back to the bay where her father and his friends had fought their final battle with Diaboramon and with Ordinemon. It was always the bay.

Maybe she'd find the whistle, and some answers, there, too.

Location: Home > Heading to Odaiba Bay | Scenario: A Mysterious Whistle... | Mood: Focused + Determined | Outfit: This (But Orange) | Interactions: N/A | Tags: N/A​
♡coded by uxie♡

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And so it begins... Just like what just happened to Kiko, everyone's characters have received a Digivice overnight and Ken and Yolei's son, Kazuomi Ichijouji, is missing. Only the new owners of the Digivices can help, apparently, but before they can figure out much, they hear the echo of Kari's whistle. The sound will lead them to Odaiba Bay. For those who aren't the children of specific DigiDestined, well... looks like you have no idea what's happening.

Happy Adventure!

Nico Nico stepherz345 stepherz345 Acethekidd Acethekidd Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul KageYuuki KageYuuki Juju Juju Blitzkrieg Bob Blitzkrieg Bob
Last edited:


Location Tottori, Japan
"Th-That's the Void Caller..."

The masculine voice said, slightly a tremble as Saru pulled the obsidian sword from its crypt. The blade was black as night and smooth as glass with glowing flakes like stars in a dark, moonless sky. The group had just fought through a horde of undeath thought undefeatable to claim this artifact and its unearthly power. Their fight, however, was not over. A dozen or more separate stone crypts burst open, releasing a harsh, thick dust into the air and revealing the blackened armor of even greater buried warriors. These were unlike the countless before as each had its own unique weapon and intricate armor. These were the elites tasked with truly guarding the tomb, awoken only by those great enough to overpower the horde.

"Then, I suppose it's time we test it, eh?" Saru said aloud, firmly grasping the woven handle of the blade. He could feel a surge of power flow through him, touching his very core with a mystic arcane flow--a feeling he had only felt before with the psionics of the great mage tower. A sorceress was already on the same page as she charged her hands with fiery might to blast as the undead while a behemoth of a man in front of her launched out a set of massive axes, in doing so burning the very flesh from his chest as they lit ablaze. Saru was no mage. He lunged forward with a blinding speed, leaving silhouettes of his image in his path. He was a warrior, after all.

The elite guard were not so weak as to be blitzed, however. No, one of the mightier launched himself forward with comparable speed, thrusting a large spear forward directly into the path Saru was on. Just as Saru might find himself impaled, however, the fallen guardsmen found his spear caught by still image of Saru. In the half-moment that followed, Saru had the blackened blade of the Void Caller embedded deep into the back of the warrior, shoved forcefully between two of its armor plates. The decrepit flesh of the guard blackened over like a plague of glass before shattering, in doing so launching a jolt of energy into three other nearby undead. Saru stepped back in confusion and bewilderment.

The masculine voice from before, now seen to be a large man covered in runes, said, "That is the power of the Void Caller... any critical damage becomes stronger and killing blows release arcane energy." Saru came to. In part, due to the explanation. Also in part due to the recently-shocked guardsmen becoming enraged. The fiery duo in the back of the party had burned through two of them, but the fight was far from over. Not only did they need to clear these guards out, they had to escape the temple and return to the path of war. This tangent of adventure was not their destination, but merely a stop along the way to the greater goal.

. . .

The group had survived their encounter. The four that remained were stronger because of it, but the loss of Skrum the Infernal Guardian was a definite detriment to their team. He forfeit his body to unleash the Gates of Pandemonium which allowed the others to escape the horde, but the sacrifice was his mortal form. The ritual to give him a new one would take time and they needed to press on.

The four stood around a map laid out in front of them, illuminated by the violet light of the fiery sorceress. The rune-covered brawler from earlier ran his fingers along the map, tracing different ways to approach the next keep. "We cannot wait for Skrum to continue the assault. The moment the Azure Empire knows Saru has the Void Caller, they'll bring down reinforcements and we..."

Saru was distant. His mind fuzzy. Before this, he was entirely focused on the moment. However, as his teammate went on explaining their plan, he found himself nodding along to an odd, indescribable tune. He wasn't sure what this was. A an enemy spell, perhaps? They were deep in wood and they checked for warding. There should be no enemy vision here. Even these thoughts became hazy to Saru until the grunt of his teammate snapped him back to reality.

"Did acquiring an artefact of old, Saru, make you feel above the need for strategy?" the brute said in a surprisingly refined tone. His emerald eyes locked into Saru.

"No, Kaisen, it's just..." but before Saru could explain himself, he found the same tune that had him dozing off earlier now had his complete attention. It stole his mind, body, and spirit away from the task at hand in a way unlike any magic had ever before with a sudden and unavoidable force.

Of course it did. Saru opened his eyes and stared blankly at his ceiling. His room was only illuminated by a green and blue set of small LED's from his gaming gear on his PC. It wasn't magic that woke up Saru. No, it was an odd, incessant whistling. He looked around for the source of the whistling only to find his PC screen come to life... which was odd. Part of his nightly routine was shutting down his computer. His parents spent a pretty exuberant amount of money on his setup, so he made an effort to take care of it. As he stood up to check out his PC, he found another surprise. Hitting his wooden floor was an entirely new item. Turning on his bedside light revealed the tough, smooth casing of a dark blue device.

His mother may not have talked about Digimon much, but Saru was fairly certain this was some kind of Digivice. And, when he touched it, he had a sense of familiarity to it. It wasn't something he could consider logically, much like the magic that bound the Void Caller to him in his dream. It just was. In that moment, he knew it was his. He would have continued down this thought, but that same whistling that awoke him returned and drew his attention back to his computer screen. He let out a sigh, feeling like the protagonist in a B rate horror film; everyone watching screaming not to go in, but doing so anyway. On his screen, however, was nothing too alarming. Just a little blip on Google Maps.

Odaiba Bay.

Saru didn't know much about the place, but when he went to move his cursor off the dot with his mouse, he felt this odd yet powerful urge to... well, not to. The force of his mouse hovering over that spot was almost magnetic and as he touched it, the whistling that was previously in his head now sounded audible, as if it was right in front of him. There was no explanation for this. Any of this. But, Saru felt compelled to see it through.

He second questioned himself, certainly. His mind was full of doubts. But, for every doubt, there was this urge; and, if he wasn't drawn enough, there was that odd whistle that he just knew existed. He wasn't crazy. A few minutes ago, Saru was asleep, dreaming of being the hero in one of his games. He was rushing forward into war torn territory to end an generation-old war that destroyed cultures and built new ones. Perhaps it was time for an actual adventure. Transit to Tokyo then Odaiba wasn't precisely difficult and funding the adventure wasn't hard given how much of his streamer profits he was allowed. Saru found himself frantically packing anything he thought he'd need for this trip: extra clothes, water bottles, cell phone, and so on. He felt it was safer without his laptop; it wasn't uncommon for thugs to steal those in public transit. The more he thought over the things he needed, the more it sunk in how terrible of an idea this could be.

Sneaking around his parents, traveling pretty damn far without their consent while underage, following the call of some unexplained phenomenon. At a point, Saru even stopped entirely to consider if he really wanted to do this. This was absurd. Even if nothing came of it, his parents would be so, so pissed. He wasn't sure how his mom would take it. She didn't talk much about Digimon, but Saru knew she had some type of history with them. He knew how his dad would react, though. His dad would tell him, 'Masaru, you could have told me. Communication is important.' Or, 'Masaru, it's literally stupid to just go without knowing anything.' He could imagine his father trying to tell him about how he could have asked others what their experiences were or maybe how his mother could have called her old friends.

Saru couldn't come up with any counter point to the points his father would make. That's what gave him pause. When he saw this through a set of rational eyes, it was downright stupid. But, then, Saru wrapped his hand around his new Digivice. His mom didn't have one and if she did, he never saw it. He looked at it for a while. It didn't really do anything now, but it was a symbol. It meant something. It felt like it had always been a part of him. And, perhaps having it meant he didn't have a rational viewpoint. Because the longer he held that device, the more he realized that this was less of an option and more of an instinct.

Not long after his realization, Saru left his home on Tottori, took a bus to a train station, then took the next train that took him closest to the point on the screen he saw earlier. He would figure out how to get there from that point, but for now... Saru was headed to Odaiba.


Takuma Motomiya
~Son of Miracles~
Takuma hated that he had to get up early to get to training for the soccer club, but at least it meant he could take a nap when he got home without his parents saying anything. Not that his father ever had a problem with him napping - heck, he encouraged it. "I never got to nap in my day," he was always saying, even though he was far from being super old, "so enjoy it while you can, sport."

Which, of course, he did, because anything his father encouraged had to be good, right? Except maybe chasing girls who clearly didn't like him. That was something he never quite picked up. Still, as he yawned this morning for the fifth time during practice, he couldn't help but wonder if these early mornings were worth all the fun he had while playing the sport his father had introduced him to. The coach blew the whistle and allowed them to have a break, so Taku went back to his duffel bag and rummaged through it for his water bottle.

It was then he found the Digivice.

He recognized it vaguely from the times his father would bring him to "DigiDestined Family Gatherings," but it didn't look like his father's, which was supposedly more advanced than some of the others' Digivices. Turning it over, he didn't see anything that indicated it was somebody else's. Was this thing supposed to be his? Why the hell would he need a Digivice? Unless...

His thoughts promptly shut off as soon as he heard the whistle.

It wasn't his coach's whistle, because none of his teammates were reacting to it. Also, it sounded too far away. So what was going on...? Taku stood up and looked around, trying to figure out which direction it was coming from. But all he could do was follow this gut instinct he had...

Throwing on his signature green hoodie, he took off with the Digivice in hand, leaving his things with the rest of the team, who started calling after him. But he ignored them. He had to figure out what was going on. It was what his dad would do. Even if he didn't want to do everything the way his dad did, this was something that couldn't be ignored.

He had a Digivice now, which meant he had a lot more responsibility than before.

Location: School > Heading to Odaiba Bay | Scenario: Just Like Dad *Sigh* | Mood: Confused | Outfit: This + Green Hoodie | Interactions: N/A | Tags: N/A​
Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
When Sachihiro Kido woke up something felt....different. While it was a feeling he'd never experience before, it wasn't necessarily bad. His groggy mind was still trying to wake up while his body was telling him to leap out of bed. The teenager sat up and started getting ready for the day, chalking up this strange feeling to.....a dream perhaps? A dream he couldn't remember. However, as he followed his morning routine and was now fully awake the feeling only grew stronger. As Sachihiro put on his brown jacket on he felt something inside the right pocket. That was odd. He didn't remember leaving anything in his pockets last night. What Sachihiro pulled out was a small little device. A Digivice to be exact. It looked exactly like his father's. The dark grey device sat perfectly in his hand and instinctively he touched the screen. Saichi expected the Digivice to be unresponsive per usual. It hadn't worked in years after all, but how did it end up in his pocket?

However, much to Sachi's surprise the small screen let out a flash of bright light. "Gah!" he let out a surprised yelp and accidentally dropped it on the floor. Thankfully the Digivice was a surprisingly sturdy piece of plastic and it remained undamaged. He picked it up and looked touched the screen again. It lit up again at his touch before dimming again. The urge from earlier now only growing stronger. This. He was meant to find this. This Digivice wasn't his father's, it was his. Sachihiro had no idea how he knew it, he just simply knew it for a fact. If the feeling wasn't evident enough the sound of a whistle certainly didn't help matters. It was like a siren, beckoning him to follow.

"Everything all right Sachi?" his mother's gentle concerned voice called up. He could already hear her coming up the stairs and towards his room. Saichi had not thought of trying to hide the Digivice or even responding to his mother to keep her out. Instead, he stood there still trying to piece everything together. His mother simply walked into his room. Her eyes immediately went to his hand and she smiled gently at her son. "Oh, I haven't seen this in years! Where did you find it?" she asked curiously.

"It was in my pocket," Saichi replied and gently put it back in there. The fewer questions she asked the better. He tried to block out the whistle as his mother let out a little "aw" and touched her son's cheek.

"Your father must've put in there for you. To believe in yourself and find your path. Do you remember when you were little? You'd sit in my lap and you'd listen to your father talk about the Digital World. You could listen to your father talk about Odaiba Bay for hours. Oh, you use to run outside for hours playing with this thing, playing Digimon. I can't believe how much you've grown since then. You'll still be my little Digi-Destined no matter how big you get though." His mother gushed as she fixed his jacket.

His mother's story was the final clue that he didn't realize he needed. The urge, the Digivice, and the whistle. It all pointed to the Digital World and for some unknown reason, Odaiba Bay was where he needed to go. That was where he needed to go. He smiled at his mom as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Sachihiro couldn't tell his mom any of this and he had no idea when he was returning. All he knew was that he had to go. "I love you, mom. I'm going to get some fresh air. Maybe play Digimon again for old time's sake." he joked. Although a part of him wondered how much of that was an actual joke. Once she left the room he packed his backpack with a little first aid kit, snacks, and another outfit. Bringing the whole tent and camping gear would be suspicious. With his wallet and phone safely tucked in his pants pockets, he quickly made himself a piece of toast and ate on the go. Odaiba Bay was a short bus ride away from Shibuya. With his allowance, he could easily afford a bus ticket and get there in an hour.

So that's exactly what Sachihiro did.

Sachihiro Kido sat on the bus seat, looking out a window and firmly holding onto his bag in his lap as he processed everything that just transpired. While he felt a pang of guilt for not being honest with his mother (and he had no intention of telling his father), he knew this was what he had to do. His parents often told him needed to find his path and follow it and right now his path was towards Odaiba Bay.
Kohaku Ishida

Kohaku had woken up before her alarm for some reason. An odd, inexplicable feeling gnawing at the back of her mind. Nuzzling deeper into the blankets, she fumbled for her phone and switched on some music in a vain attempt to wake up.

One brings shadow, one brings light
One more chapter we've yet to write
Want for nothing, nothing denied
Wand'ring ended, futures aligned

A low groan as the music playing from her phone switched to a blaring alarm. "Fine..." The redhead grumbled as she finally dragged herself out of the blankets she'd all but entombed herself with. It was going to be a long day, between all of the most annoying classes and the long kendo practice afterward. It was going to be late by the time she made it back home. With a tournament looming around the corner, Kohaku understood why they had such a long practice scheduled. Hell, she'd even encouraged the decision.

Didn't mean she was necessarily excited about it.

Dressed and ready, Kohaku reached over to unplug the small case that housed her wireless earbuds, only to find something decidedly larger sitting on top of them. "The hell?" She picked up the unknown object, narrowing her eyes at it. Kohaku recognized the blue, plastic-y looking device. She'd seen it several times over the years.

A Digivice.

Likely belonging to one of her parents. Though . . . it wasn't nearly as weathered looking as she remembered theirs being. Sapphire hues rolled in annoyance before Kohaku strode from her room into the kitchen. Beyond the droning of the morning news, a thick, heavy silence hung over the space. Yamato seemed intent on glaring a hole into either his coffee or whatever he was cradling in his hand. Likely his phone. Sora seemed equally drawn into whatever she was reading on her own phone, brows knitted together with concern. Breakfast sat untouched on the counter between them.

"Uh..." Kohaku raised an eyebrow, "morning?"

Both of her parents jumped, turning to face her with tired smiles. "Mor-" Yamato blinked, looking at the object in Kohaku's hand. A surprised swear as his own digivice clattered on the wooden floor.

"So Kazoumi's gone missing...?" Kohaku summarized as she picked at a plate of cold eggs. Frankly, she had a hard time keeping track of who was who in the weird, not-quite-family the Digidestined had become. Not that she'd put all that much effort in trying to keep everyone straight.

Beyond Hikiko.

But she couldn't escape her no matter what she tried.

Sora nodded, "everyone's worried sick."

"And because a computer was acting up, you actually think that has something to do with it?" Kohaku wasn't sure why she always had such a hard time saying Digital World or anything related. But she'd forgotten why she even scoffed at the idea anymore. A shrill whistle cut through the droning of the morning news, who the hell gave one of the neighbor kids a whistle??

"We can't rule out the possibility."

"Not to mention you finding a digivice of all things . . . " Yamato mused, still glowering at his worn and dormant digivice.

"And now it's my problem?" The younger redhead lashed out to bite back the fear that bubbled up in the back of her mind.

"It's not-" her father sighed, running a hand through his hair, "none of us know what's going on right now."

"I need to get going. Maybe smack the kid with the whistle."

Her parents exchanged a quick glance, "Whistle?"

Kohaku gave the two an incredulous look, "How can you not hear that?" The silence and concerned looks spoke volumes. Her lip twitched slightly, "Forget it, I'm going to be late." She pivoted on her heel and strode out the door without her bag. That damn whistling followed her outside. The sound seemed to resonate with her blood, leaving an inexplicable feeling of nostalgia. Without even being aware of it, Kohaku didn't take her normal route to school.

Her path took her to Odaiba Bay instead.


With: TK ○ Location: Home -> Odaiba Bay ○ Outfit: x

Haru was never a morning person, at all. So when he heard an incessant buzzing in his ear he slapped the source away. Only to be greeted with a clatter against the wooden floor. He made a small sound and shifted slowly to look over the side of the bed. His brows furrowing when he spotted the device on the floor. Why was there a digivice in his room, on his floor and buzzing in his ear? He picked his way out of bed and picked it up off the floor. He honestly always wanted one, this was kind of like the one his uncle Tai had.

He looked around and blinked, was it his? Clearly not, the stories of the Digiworld had nothing to do with him. He walked out of his room and to his father's study.

"Hey, dad?"
Haru said to his father who was working on a paper at his desk. He pointed to the digivice in his hand.

"Isn't this yours, why was it in my room?" he asked TK.

TK stared and then his gaze turned to his own digivice that was on his desk.

Oh hell, Haru thought. Did this mean he had to go on a digital adventure too?


The whistle was incessant as he listened to his father explain things. He rubbed at his ear through the whole story of Yolei and Ken's youngest going missing.

"So you're saying that Kazoumi is gone through a portal in a computer, and you think because I have a digivice I have to help rescue him?" Haru pursed his lips.

"Exactly, though I have a feeling you probably won't be alone, " TK said and tapped his pen against the wooden desk. He would have to call the others about this.

"Alright, I'm game." He grinned. He did think that if he got to see the digital world he could probably better understand things about his parent's childhood. Plus Digimon are kinda like Aliens and that's super freaking cool.

Then there was the whistling again.

"Dad I'm gonna go to the beach and think about this," he said with a furrowed expression. That seemed to be where the whistle was coming from. He walked out the door, clipping the device to his pants and headed out the door.

What a morning.

Yoki squinted at the strange device, poking it with a finger. It had been on her floor when she woke up five minutes ago, and had flashed with a bright light two minutes after that. She squatted on the ground beside it, her bare feet cold on the floorboards. Was this put here by her grandfather? He liked to collect old technology, relics of 'better times' when he was a tech inventor. Whatever this thing was, it looked almost as old as the busted up laptop her mother kept at her desk. It looked familiar though. Where had she seen it... she scanned her memories. Then it clicked. The digidestined had these. Her mother and her had attended some of their reunions, where she heard their stories, including the disaster of her grandfather's V-Pets.

Finally confident, Yoki plucked the strange device from off of her floor and turned it in her hands. It was bulky, in the vague cross shape, and had a satisfying weight to it, despite its size. The covering was a dull cream plastic accented by streaks of gold. No matter how many times she tapped it, the screen remained black and unresponsive. Yoki placed the device onto her dresser, and once she was dressed for the day, she brought it into the kitchen.

Her mother and grandfather exchanged a look when she presented it to them. "Where did you get this, sweetheart?" her grandfather sat forward in his seat and pulled his glasses from the top of his head, holding the device out so he could see it better. "Aaa-ah! Well, would you look at that. This looks just like the ones your friends have Minami. What did they call call them?"

"Digivices." Her mother said carefully. Finally she approached the table and gently took the device from her father's hand. "Where did you get this, Yoki?"

On my floor she signed. Her mother looked shocked, but her grandfather's eyes lit up. He began to babble about the separate dimension, where the antibody had been released long ago. Yoki could hardly listen, looking out the window, towards the bay. Their house was not far from the ocean, thanks to her mother's weekend surfing lessons, but instead of the hiss of waves Yoki heard a low whistle. Something told her she should investigate. If she left soon she would be able to get back to school as well.

Her mother got a cellphone call, looked worried, and told them that she had to leave for work, leaving Yoki with her grandfather. Skipping breakfast, Yoki gathered her bag and went to step out the door when her grandfather stopped her, calling her name.

"Don't forget your umbrella! There's a chance of rain!" he said, handing over her cloud-covered umbrella. In her haste Yoki had forgotten the weather, which was unusual. As if reading her thoughts, her grandfather grinned, his wrinkle-lined eyes sparkling. "Ah, and you should also take this." He pressed the digivice into her hand and winked.
⊡ ⊡ ⊡
(Collaboration with KageYuuki KageYuuki )​
Yoki made her way towards Odaiba Bay. In one hand she held her folded umbrella and in the other the white and gold digivice, resting in her palm as if it were a compass. Unaware of her surroundings, she stared intently at the digivice while she walked, as if it would explain the loud whistling in her ear.

With a grumble, Kohaku pulled out her earbuds, switching them back off for the meanwhile. Music did nothing to muffle the everpresent whistle, and the infernal sound only seemed to get louder the closer she got to Odaiba Bay. Looking up from her phone, she noticed another walking down the sidewalk.

It wasn’t anyone she recognized. At least, not from behind. She raised an eyebrow, there weren’t any schools out this way that she knew of. So why was- Kohaku spied the digivice then.

“So you’ve been dragged into this too, huh?” She said, finally catching up and walking alongside the other girl. She recognized her now, at least from when her parents and their friends would all get together. Yoki, hands down the quietest of all the kids.

...Though come to think of it, Kohaku couldn’t remember her saying anything in ages now.

Yoki looked up at the familiar voice, a faint look of surprise passing over her otherwise blank expression. It had been a while, but she recognized the girl as Kohaku. They had never really spoken at the reunions, even before Yoki had gone silent. The older girl was belligerent at worst and standoffish at best, so Yoki gave her a wide berth so as not to upset the girl. Frankly, she was a bit intimidated by the girl, but nonetheless she slowed down her pace so Kohaku could catch up.

She gave a short nod at Kohaku’s question and pointed to her digivice and then her ear. A frown passed over her face as she pointed towards the bay.

Sapphire hues followed where Yoki had pointed. “Well, at least I’m not the only one hearing that damn whistle.” Kohaku huffed, slipping the digivice from her pocket to study once more. “I guess Kazoumi’s gone missing, I don’t know if you’ve heard yet. Now we find these things and that whistling starts up.” She shook her head, stuffing it back in her pocket. “Wonder who else is gonna show up at the bay.”

Yoki tilted her head and peered at Kohaku’s digivice. She held her own up as a comparison, looking between the two. They were definitely of the same build and looked new, unlike the old ones the digidestined had. At the news of Kazoumi’s disappearance the color from Yoki’s face drained. She frowned, looking disturbed. This whistling had to be linked with the cause. What if they were in trouble? What if they didn’t get there in time? Suddenly Yoki lurched ahead of Kohaku and broke into a run, her long hair bouncing behind her.

Kohaku blinked, “O-oi! Wait up!” She called out running after her. Guess she didn’t know about that…
Location: Minamoto mansion, school, bus going to Odaiba Bay
Mentions: -

In the bedroom of the young Minamoto family’s heir everything seemed calm and in darkness, after all, it was very late and the young Daisuke would be sleeping to wake up early for his daily training, school classes and other responsibilities.

But, under the sheets of his beds Daisuke was very awake while multicolor flashes bombarded his eyes, and the sounds of swords, guns and monsters hit his ears through the earphones, because he wasn´t sleeping at all, but -as many nights before- he was secretly playing video games in his laptop.

He was fighting with a few swordsmen in a boss dungeon against a giant blue anthropomorphic bull, but he was also fighting against his eyelids and the blurry vision resulting of his exhaustion and the long hours playing. He drank a zip of cola that kept him awake until the end of the game and the ‘congratulations, you have won’ message.

He whispered “Yes, yes, yes” and after closing his laptop fell asleep with a smile.

Daisuke opened the eyes after the alarm of his clock sounded, he sat on his bed and touched his aching back. He had slept in a bad position and now his back will be a nuisance the rest of the day, however, he softly slapped his cheeks to wake up, but as he left the bed he heard something had fallen from the sheets.

As it was still dark and early in the morning, he didn’t care much, probably he had left his cell phone or something on the bed before falling asleep. It was only after he finished his jogging routine, the breakfast and preparations for going home that he returned to his bedroom to grab his backpack, when he slipped on the floor.

It hurts his back, he groaned comically and took the object on the floor that had caused his fall, and what he found was something he never had seen before. It was like some sort of electronic artifact with a little screen that reminded him a tamagochi mini device.

“Young master, the car is awaiting” said his cousin from the other side of his door.
“I’m going, thank you, Sakura-san”. He replied and put that device into his pocket and quickly left his bedroom.

The rest of the day should pass as always, classes, student council issues, kendo club at school, kenjutsu training at the dojo; but then, at some point, he started to hear a whistle, after doing some questions it seemed that only him could hear it, and its source was no other the extraign device he had found in his bedroom, which now was also showing a small map aiming to with an arrow to Odaiba Bay.

He didn’t know what it was, but he had heard the stories about the incidents of several years before involving digital monsters. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it sounded like an adventure. He excused himself of the kendo club and took a bus to Odaiba Bay -to avoid his chauffeur would tell his grandfather where he was going-.

While he rested his head on the window of the bus he saw the streets, boys and girls on the street, and wondered how was to spend time with friends after school, when he received a message from his cousin. “Why did you skip kendo club? Don’t you feel well?”, Daisuke rolled his eyes, he might escape from everyone except from his cousin, Sakura.
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Hikiko Kamiya
~Daughter of Courage~
Well, she'd gotten to the bay. But now that she was here, she wasn't sure what to do. Glancing around, Kiko didn't really see anyone. Unless...

There was someone running. They had pink hair and-


Kiko's face went blank when she spotted her sort-of cousin, Kohaku, whom she'd never liked, despite liking everybody. Why was she running after this girl with pink hair? Had... had they heard the whistle too?

She called out, "Wait!" Running toward the two girls, she waved the Digivice she'd received in the air. "Did you hear the whistle too?" A part of her groaned at the thought of having to talk to Kohaku, but it could be worse. Why was it that they despised each other, anyway? Uncle Matt was awesome! Even Aunt Sora was cool, although her mother often joked about the time she dumped Tai... but that was irrelevant.

Skidding to a stop, she pointed at the Digivice, hoping she'd gotten at least the pink-haired girl's attention. "Did you get one of these, too?"

Location: Odaiba Bay | Scenario: The Person I Least Wanted to See | Mood: Confused / Full of Dread | Outfit: This (But Orange) | Interactions: Yoki, Kohaku | Tags: KageYuuki KageYuuki Juju Juju
Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork


Location Tottori, Japan - > Odaiba
Mentions Kiko, Yoki, Kohaku
Nearly seven hours. It took him nearly seven hours to get from Tottori to Odaiba. In part because this was his first time using the various forms of long-distance public transit, but still, it was a fairly lengthy sum of time. Made slightly better by a chance to nap in the solitude of the longer tram, but it was a long few hours. There wasn't a moment he questioned himself, however. No, that whistling only seemed to be more lively as he approached Odaiba. And, every now and then as he glanced up and away from his new Digivice, odd reflections in the glass always made him feel like he was being guided... or he was tired. Which he was.

Nonetheless, he made it to Odaiba and from there, the bay where he saw the dot on his screen. He hadn't been there long, either. All of Odaiba was much, much more industrialized that Tottori, but such made since given its proximity to Tokyo. Not that Saru had never been to cities, just it was a lot different than what he was used to. Beautiful in its own right. Odaiba was fairly pristine as well, but made sense as it was literally a man made island. It helped prevent it from being to eerie as Saru made his way through the area. He knew the direction of the dot, but only now did he consider what might be there.

Perhaps, however, strict directions weren't the way he was fated to go. The same faint whistling was carried in the wind while street lights that had just earlier turned off due to the rising sun flickered. The direction wasn't too far off, and all things considered, the tired mind of Saru thought it just as much a push in the right direction as he did the instinct to travel here in the first place. Clutching his backpack and his Digivice just a little tighter, he headed off in the direction the wind carried him.

And, what might he have been lead to? Lo and behold, three random girls he never saw before all right off the path laid out for him in Odaiba. Saru rounded the corner of the street he was on pretty much in plain view, but had no idea what to say or do. If anything, he looked like a poor fawn in headlights just now having the realization that perhaps other people also heard the same call he did.


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