• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Realistic or Modern { ๐‘ป๐‘ฏ๐‘ฌ ๐‘ฏ๐’€๐‘ท๐‘ฌ. }


๐™จ๐™š๐™š ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช, ๐™จ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™˜๐™š ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ฌ๐™—๐™ค๐™ฎ.
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you don't get thick skin without getting burnt.
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Skyline City has always been known as a pristine area, free from most issues other neighbouring cities face. The schools produce wonderful results with their students, the economy is thriving with engagement of local, small businesses and the collaboration of major companies as well. But behind the glittering veil the city hides behind, Skyline still faces the major issue of crime. As the sun sets in for the night, creeps with vicious intent in their eyes lurk in the shadows โ€” preying on the innocent. In recent years, reports have been filing in with victims mentioning strange occurrences; As if their attacker could lift metal with their mind or run literal circles around them before they stole everything. The SCPD blamed it on drinking, until more complaints came in.

It was clear there was something sinister at hand in the city โ€” something that didnโ€™t quite hold much value in the eyes of the mayor as it did to his citizens, yet it was a problem thatโ€™s only grown in size that needed to be terminated, and quickly. Enter Ezra Marten, one of the richest men in America and a Skyline citizen, born and raised. A self-made biotech investor, billionaire and CEO of his own company, Mr Marten introduced an idea to the city's council: why not fight fire with fire? The billionaire had his eyes and heart set on building a team of superheroes, just like the comics and movies his childhood was invested in. Within a world that is powered by money, even in Skyline City, you still can't quite say no to someone who can throw money at you.

So Ezra Marten received a pass on his crime fighting team, a select group he's been watching for a while and training is coming closer with each passing day. Whether it's a moment of pride, shame; Willing or not-so willing, you've become valuable to one rich man and his intention to clean up the streets of Skyline City.

The real question is though: Are you ready for it?
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Strong-willed, quick-witted and part time charming, the Leader is an Iron-Man or a Superman in the making. He's everything you'd want for a leader, perhaps coming off arrogant sometimes without realising it, but he means well. On the outside, the Leader appears collected and calm, which gives the rest of the team a sense of comfort in such a strange time, but internally life is still a complete mess, and with his current situation โ€” everything seems all over the place. No one's perfect, right?
THE LEADERxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOPEN

[div class=welcomebox2]
If the Leader was the face of the team, the Brains are the, well โ€” brains of the group. She's intelligent, eccentric but spontaneity isn't her strong suit. Intinuity is her talent, with an affination towards all things science. Perhaps it's because she isn't new to the crime-fighting scene, or is just more observant than her fellow peers. But the Brains is brilliant when it comes to everything about academics, being wise and just sounding intelligent when speaking. Without her, there would be no team.
THE BRAINSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOPEN

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The Medic's heart is often bigger than his brain, which is something he's heard for most of his life. He'll always put his life on the line for others, no matter if they're civillians or not. His wise perspective helps mediate the team as well, with his personality being able to adaptable to the stronger ones in the group. Without his help and his sanity, the team would've imploded before their first mission.
THE MEDICxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOPEN

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Blink and you'll miss her. The Stealth considers the shadows a second home, knowing the ins and out of every alleyway, backdoor and short-cut in the city. She's quick on her feet, ready for anything. The Stealth knows how to disappear in an instant and avoid enemies, instead of facing trouble head-on. The same could be said with dealing with her own issues, confrontation isn't really her style.
THE STEALTHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOPEN

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A silver-tongued manipulator and a master of shifting, the Actor is a riot of a character. She's often the lead when it comes to playing up a distraction or pretending to be a decoy, giving the team more time if need be during a mission. However, the Actor is no supporting star; Her ability to acknowledge help is lacking, and when she's greeted with an opportunity, the Actor relies on impulse for a second opinion.
THE ACTORxxxx;xxxxxxxxxxxTAKEN

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A gentle, and relucant, giant kind. The Brute isn't in favour of violence, he's a lover really. To the rest of the team, he's seem like such a curious choice by their benefactor, but he's certainly got the muscle to justify one of the reasons why Ezra chose him. The Brute keeps himself at a distance, for good reasons at that. Terrified at the thought of being the reason of destruction, he's reluctant to open up and help with the rest of the team. His benefactors 'words of encouragement' have been helpful, to put it nicely โ€” but with a weak temper and a cynic's outlook on everything, who know's what will happen if he's pushed to the edge.
THE BRUTE;xx;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxOPEN
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[ 01. ] while the genders are locked for the roles, i will be allowing player interpretation when it comes to abilities. the max abilities they can have is two as long as both abilities have a connection and are similar in nature. for example, if the stealth has super speed as their power, they won't be able to manipulate fire as the two absolutely don't relate. i encourage for the powers to relate to the role as well!

[ 02. ] roles are not first come, first served and the roleplay will be going through an acceptance process. realistic face claims only, with the age range being twenty to twenty-four - i will not accept face claims that don't fit the age limit and are problematic in real life. the more details in your sheet, the better as this will be a semi-detailed roleplay. i will also be expecting at least two thorough paragraphs minimum in character but more is highly encouraged and welcomed;

[ 03. ] please feel free to get as creative as you want with your characters, especially with how they earned their abilities! while there will be moments of seriousness and action sequences, i do plan for periods of bonding time and to create a found family out of this group of mismatched, outcasted and downright wild characters. character development is important for this roleplay and invested plotting as well, if you aren't here for a long-term roleplay this might not be for you.

[ 04. ] discord is a must, as the ooc for the accepted will have it's own server. this is non-negotiable for this roleplay.

[ 05. ] if you have any questions or concerns please let me know! i'm more than happy to help and i swear i don't bite!
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[ 01. ] character sheet.

[ 02. ] ooc.

[ 03. ] lore / environment.

[ 04. ] in character.
[/div][div class=title]the hype.[/div] [/div][/div]
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โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*| Definitely interested! I think I have a few ideas for the medic role and would love to audition for it. | *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง
definitely interested!
bump ! โ€” still definitely looking for more applicants !
wtf GIRL HELLO-(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/
aneirj24iXjdh3hrheu yes yes yes im in :>>

(as the leader or actor potentially?)...
i'm literally dumb and i know i probably missed it but...where do we submit character sheets??
the character sheet has yet to be posted lovely ! which will hopefully be this afternoon.

wtf GIRL HELLO-(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/
aneirj24iXjdh3hrheu yes yes yes im in :>>

(as the leader or actor potentially?)...
interested! might apply for role of the stealth or actor
iโ€™m so hyped youโ€™re both joining !! but the actor is taken by me โ€” sorry !
the character sheet has yet to be posted lovely ! which will hopefully be this afternoon.

iโ€™m so hyped youโ€™re both joining !! but the actor is taken by me โ€” sorry !

:DDDD trust me, the feeling is totally mutual!!!

and it's okay :>> i was leaning more towards the leader anyway!
I heard the concept of a superhero roleplay ๐Ÿ‘€.

I'm interested!

I'm auditioning for the brute, no doubt about it.
โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*| Definitely interested! I think I have a few ideas for the medic role and would love to audition for it. | *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง
definitely interested!
ezra marten better have a ton of patience because i am SO ready to write the sassiest girl ever
Iโ€™m interested
might give it a go :snail:
Awesome concept! ^w^
interested! might apply for role of the stealth or actor
def interested !!
wtf GIRL HELLO-(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/(/โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)/
aneirj24iXjdh3hrheu yes yes yes im in :>>

(as the leader or actor potentially?)...
i'm literally dumb and i know i probably missed it but...where do we submit character sheets??
I heard the concept of a superhero roleplay ๐Ÿ‘€.

I'm interested!

I'm auditioning for the brute, no doubt about it.
I'm absolutely interested!
i'm so glad that everyone is interested !! the character sheet can now be found here and the lore shall be up in the coming days ! < 3
nymphadora. nymphadora. i'm kind of confused, it says that the actor position is taken but it seems that somebody is applying for that so does that mean I can apply for that position too?
nymphadora. nymphadora. i'm kind of confused, it says that the actor position is taken but it seems that somebody is applying for that so does that mean I can apply for that position too?
as far as iโ€™m aware the only app for the actor is mine (which is the very first one), which is taken by me โ€” so you cannot apply for that role, sorry !

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