✧ student handbook ✧


travelling satelite
Rules in Hogwarts

1. Students shall not leave Hogwarts grounds unless granted permission.

2. On the 1st & 3rd weekends of each month, 3rd - 7th year students may visit Hogsmeade Village with a permission slip from the student's parent or guardian. Students are free to travel to Hogsmeade after classes on Fridays 3:00 PM until curfew 10:00 PM.

3. All students must be in their dorms by 10:00 P.M.

4. Magic should only be used in relation to school work or approved extra-curriculum activities. Magic that is not related to studies may only be cast with supervision of a faculty member or Prefect.

5. Duelling may only be performed on a duelling stage under direct supervision of a faculty member or Prefect.

6. Uniforms must be worn at all times on Hogwarts Campus. Uniforms are to be kept neat and tidy. Students may dress casually during Hogsmeade weekends, if granted permission to go.

7. Students may not enter these areas without permission or faculty supervision: The Forbidden Forest, The Black Lake, The Restricted Section of the Library

8. Boys may not enter the girls' dormitories. Trying to do so will trigger prevention spells. The one exception to this is a male Prefect in an emergency.

9. Students may not enter the common rooms or dormitories of houses other than their own. Each common room has a protective measure in place to restrict access. The Gryffindor Tower and Slytherin Dungeon require passwords. Ravenclaw Tower requires the answer to a riddle. The Hufflepuff Basement requires tapping a specific barrel in a particular rhythm. Attempts to bypass these protective measures by members of other houses are considered serious offenses.
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Heads Core Professors Elective Professors Staff & Other

[SIZE= 12px]Headmaster & Head of House Gryfinndor: Minerva Mcgonagall[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Head of House Ravenclaw: Filius Flitwick[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Head of House Hufflepuff: Pomona Sprout[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Head of House Slytherin: Horace Slughorn[/SIZE]


Professor of Astronomy: Aurora Sinistra

Ravenclaw; a serious and strict woman, gives lots of homework for her classes


Professor of Transfiguration: Sonja Baldwin

Gryffindor; a stern, no-nonsense Professor when teaching but relatively a fun person outside class


Professor of History of Magic: Cuthbert Binns

Ravenclaw; a senile ghost who speaks in a droning voice, teaches the most boring classes


Professor of Charms: Filius Flitwick

Ravenclaw; an emotional fellow with a gentle spirit, one of the more favorable Professors


Professor of Herbology: Pomona Sprout

[SIZE= 12px]Hufflepuff; very cheerful and positive Professor who will chide her students when necessary.[/SIZE]


Professor of Potions: Horace Slughorn

Slytherin; an analytical and calculating individual with a strong moral compass


Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts: Myron Gardner

Slythern; A proud and sarcastic Professor most notably known and popular for his good looks


Professor of Arithmancy: Septima Vector

A very strict Professor who's known to give lots of complicated homework, but always willing to help learning students.


Professor of Care of Magical Creatures: Rubeus Hagrid

[SIZE= 12px]Friendly half-giant who's usually feared by most first years, he tells students tales of Harry Potter and his friends.[/SIZE]


Professor of Divination: Jeraine Medina

A cooky Professor with a high-pitch voice, she's deemed pretty until she opens her mouth.


Professor of Alchemy: Dominic Hicks

Intimidating at first glance, actually a cool Professor and makes classes enjoyable. Alchemy is only available to 6th & 7th year students when there's enough demand.

Professor of Studies of Ancient Runes: Bathsheba Babbling

Like her name, Bathsheba tends to "babble" or ramble quite often, usually off it's off subject.


Keeper of Keys and Grounds: Rubeus Hagrid


Flying Instructor: Rolanda Hooch

A respected instructor who pushes good sportsmanship, but can be seen occasionally temperamental with 1st years.


[SIZE= 12px]Hogwart's Librarian: Irma Finch[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]A short-tempered woman whose overly protective of books, she's quite unpopular with the students & rumored to have a relationship with Argus Filch[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Caretaker: Argus Filch[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Unpleasant in person with a loathing for children, he always unnecessarily suspicious of students but does his job well regardless[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]Head Matron: Poppy Pomfrey[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]A very competent nurse who rarely lets the injured out of the sick bay until they're fully healed, well-trained in healing spells[/SIZE]
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