• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed ♡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀsᴇ


𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾'𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾



▽c - personal brand
model #(x) - entry


hello, and welcome to another bbcode collection thread. what you may encounter here might not be that special, but they are works of creativity to me, created by me. if a model does not have a code shared, or my brand, then it is in no way, shape, or form, meant to be replicated by anyone. if you are to really like an entry that is not free, then message me and i might lend you the watermarked code. but only then. if you see someone using a code that is 90% exactly like one of mine found here, that doesn't have my watermark, please inform me of it.
thank you, and happy viewing.
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model #1: peizhi [prero]
use: completed character log



the colour of my heart, some people say it's dark

 POPULAR PARIAH ▪ the prominent oil found atop of bland water ; a dense outcast perpetually swarmed with transparent masses of nameless and faceless vessels. the blank and monotonous compounds of the universal liquid beneath the practical petroleum all blend and mix in harmony, while the intruding substance's stays afloat, never once fiddling with the idea of conforming to its lower inhabitant. this inability to mesh with its unattainable counterpart grants the oil a superiority complex, and the water's habit to constantly hold the oil up without faltering and show it incredulous amounts of favour only feeds the toxic bubbling of the bold thinking. although the oil never comprehends why it's given so much mindless attention, its subconscious commands its psyche to accept it with detestation, and nonchalance. the oil and the water never get along, for the oil deemed the water insignificant long ago. but the water would be nothing without its pariah.

 BELOVED FRIGHT ▪ zealous love and stricken fear ; what conduces both of these intense emotions to thrive in euphony? he does. given the thickly hazy platform of mental hierarchy from a young age, he's been adored yet feared all of his life, and rightfully so when the world is viewed from his perspective. the unrequited love others throw at him does not exist without the simultaneous uneasiness those same people encounter. the anxiety people feel wash over them as they view his presence, blurs his perfect picture. but it never ruins it. he's got the face of an angel, and this is what most become smitten over, but his tongue that rivals one of a loathing king is his second defining feature, along with his serpentine eyes. with his exterior person appearing as if he's a young man who's proper, respectful and elegant in movement, it never fails to supply a sufficient amount of dismay when they hear of, or even experience themselves, what he's capable of during human interaction.

 CRITICALLY DEVIOUS ▪ the epitome of a humanized fox ; cunning, sly, artful, scheming- there aren't enough words to correctly recount the deceitful properties in which belong to him. always drumming up trouble within his subconscious, he never ceases contemplating the endless possibilities of how he could make a situation chaotic, beneficial to him, or hurtful to others. to pair this fact with another that breeds more information saying he is also cripplingly blunt, the reason why he is feared becomes more comprehensible. he always says what's on his mind; he lacks the self control one would need to prevent this. however, because he thinks himself as a deity and others as mere pack-mules, he regards his verbal thoughts as royal code - something not to be hidden or censored. his superiority complex is not one to be underestimated, alongside his wily and candid tendencies.



the colour of my skin, oh all i see is gold



name: Zhōng Pei Zhi
hànzì: 鍾裴智
age: 22
born: Aug 5th
sign: Leo
gender: Male
sexuality: Homosexual
nationality: Chinese

hair colour: brunette ; the brightness changes with the seasons
eye colour: dark chocolate abysses
height + weight: 184 cm + 59 kg
complexion: a cold, milky tan
build: a thinness to his bones but doesn't have a lanky stature ; appears skinny but is sturdy where he stands

⬀ strengths:
- brave, naturally charming, intelligent, filial, independent, manipulative, never falters

⬂ weaknesses:
- hardheaded, zealously self-righteous, occasionally lacks self control, hypocritical, possessive

✔ favours:
- fashion, oolong tea, music, cold places, complete silence, rainy nights, daydreaming, teasing others

✖ despises:
- uncomfortable warmth, those who can't think for themselves, dependent people, rumours, rowdiness

languages: english ; (conversational) korean ; (native) chinese

notable aspects:
- speaks within the sichuanese dialect ; has sichuan accent, wears reading glasses, lives alone with a longhair (patchwork) Cymric cat

Peizhi is the popularly-infamous young man with the volatile contempt framed by a dreamy appearance. Many adore him blindly, and many are frightened of his true existence. Because of this black and white array of mixed emotions his peers are faced with, he's a victim to numerous rumours - the main ones being that he abuses drugs, robs people at his leisure, and is at the ready to start a fight with anyone at any time - but the authentic ruling about these frivolous mass assumptions is that they are false. But Peizhi doesn't fret about these lies' nonsensical lives, as they circulate and never dissipate; Peizhi finds it humourous. The hive mind the babbling idiots adopted only entertains him as he watches the tiny piranha swarm their next gossip from afar. As a matter of amusing fact, he himself can't stand drugs and their users, doesn't care enough about the peons around him to steal their petty possessions, and is too lodged on his high horse to waste time on any low worldlier brawl. As the public eye sees him, he is merely an explosive yet mysterious guy that is most likely running a drug house, while he looks everywhere with a despising and crippling stare of scorn. Though, in actuality, Peizhi is just a young man who is overly nonchalant, dominated by his superiority complex, and has a sense of entitlement regarding this world and those who inhabit it.


model #2: "whisper" ; 1/2
use: decorative mood ; song tribute


w h i s p e r t o m e


tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love
tell me your love

model #3: "whisper" ; 2/2
use: decorative mood ; song tribute


i r e a l l y l o v e y o u


i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them
i don't care about them

model #4: peizhi ; 1/?
use: fill-in post layout



a crippled smile

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi est ante, convallis imperdiet consectetur a, vehicula in orci. Nam dictum quam et nibh maximus sollicitudin. Cras ornare massa nec massa vehicula venenatis. Ut et malesuada sem, vitae luctus leo. Aliquam tellus lacus, tincidunt id nunc sit amet, dictum pretium velit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean dapibus quam et leo semper commodo eget nec ligula. Fusce condimentum ipsum felis, quis consequat elit blandit placerat.

In bibendum libero id quam blandit semper. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur lobortis risus a felis tempus egestas. Morbi vitae maximus risus. Donec ultrices libero a aliquet lacinia. Sed nunc tortor, auctor at dignissim elementum, finibus sit amet ipsum. Curabitur sed facilisis felis. Nullam ullamcorper eu lorem et aliquet. Maecenas nec iaculis lectus, vitae finibus mauris. In laoreet nibh ex, quis euismod nulla consequat et. In risus justo, feugiat vel leo id, auctor suscipit risus. Mauris sed sagittis dolor. Nunc ullamcorper blandit quam, id mattis arcu pellentesque ac. Fusce iaculis scelerisque posuere.

Curabitur mollis risus in enim hendrerit ultrices. Donec rutrum, neque quis aliquet placerat, massa odio lacinia lacus, vitae vestibulum lectus magna id ligula. Sed viverra augue viverra, placerat elit nec, volutpat felis. Phasellus vestibulum molestie condimentum. Vivamus rhoncus, ex et volutpat egestas, leo risus fringilla nunc, eget egestas ex ex sed mi. Ut tempor efficitur lorem, sed fringilla sem. Proin finibus lorem metus, ut venenatis massa varius sed. Vivamus luctus lectus a mauris condimentum aliquam. Ut elementum, leo quis placerat varius, lectus nisi molestie massa, aliquet sollicitudin massa dui sit amet neque. Nulla quis aliquet magna, id dignissim ipsum. Pellentesque cursus blandit leo, non ultricies lorem iaculis sed. Aenean semper mauris a nunc tempus mattis. Nunc mollis gravida ligula. Fusce id pellentesque orci. Maecenas accumsan et tellus vitae gravida. Vivamus fringilla rutrum mauris sit amet fermentum.

Phasellus finibus nisi libero. Donec sagittis velit nec eros sodales fringilla. Ut gravida porttitor posuere. Donec consectetur ligula at lacus hendrerit viverra. Proin pellentesque est vel cursus ullamcorper. Cras accumsan nisi sapien, sed porta mi dignissim ac. In placerat, diam eget dictum commodo, sapien augue viverra felis, ut suscipit lacus magna et arcu. Praesent tincidunt in felis sit amet gravida. Sed at velit sit amet ante porta convallis. Morbi luctus viverra dolor id posuere. Aliquam congue eros dui, nec gravida orci laoreet non. Maecenas dictum dapibus diam imperdiet pellentesque.

Sed quis suscipit lorem, et feugiat ex. Phasellus fermentum neque mauris, nec sagittis erat lacinia ut. Vestibulum suscipit eleifend lectus, rutrum facilisis eros. Mauris eu odio ut nibh varius dignissim. Suspendisse vel nibh a sem auctor sodales sit amet in ante. Ut at interdum tortor. Integer semper pretium volutpat. Sed ut condimentum massa. Vivamus ut eros vulputate, blandit justo quis, hendrerit purus. Pellentesque eget nulla quis nisl ornare sollicitudin eget et ipsum.

• • •
model #5: i will give you all i got [?]
use: unidentified cs

notes: redoing


wip oops
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model #6: gray princess [?]
use: unidentified cs

notes: redoing xx


wip oops
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model #7: kyomoon [?]
use: "finish info accordingly" cs

notes: scroll over the first gif, since it's prolly not obvious?
-this is def not mobile friendly oops (what ones are???? xd)
***the very last cloud link (dotted box) is jinny shirtless***
it's a fair warning... xd




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis sodales leo. Quisque at eros maximus, volutpat massa sit amet, porttitor leo. Nunc iaculis libero sed placerat tempor. Nunc imperdiet mauris nibh, in imperdiet est rutrum sit amet. Maecenas massa augue, ornare in tortor sit amet, tincidunt semper nunc. Nullam luctus tortor lectus, non mollis nisl facilisis eget. Nullam velit nunc, finibus vel purus a, ultrices convallis urna. Etiam pharetra, neque sit amet cursus finibus, lorem lectus pharetra libero, non mollis ante eros vel nibh. Nulla vehicula vitae eros sed luctus.

Etiam vehicula nibh nec ligula condimentum, id luctus quam venenatis. Donec velit nisl, semper eu placerat porttitor, iaculis nec eros. Donec vitae mauris et magna bibendum vestibulum. Morbi tempor, nunc ut commodo condimentum, velit nisl blandit libero, sed faucibus dolor ante et nisi. Cras sed metus vulputate, placerat lacus eget, gravida ex. Nunc ultrices tellus quis pulvinar pulvinar. Phasellus lacinia libero vitae odio vehicula congue. Vestibulum porta lorem nec felis dignissim tristique. Fusce ut elementum velit. Nulla id neque eget ante finibus varius. Duis pellentesque lorem id lacus commodo finibus. Maecenas sodales, risus et consequat convallis, enim mauris posuere ligula, sit amet pulvinar odio elit eu velit. Donec diam erat, dapibus vitae fermentum eu, consequat vitae nisi. Integer non leo eget massa euismod maximus et non quam.

eye colour: blackened auburn

hair colour: midnight black

complexion: bitterly pale

build: very slim, lean, though has a fair amount of upper body muscle

height: 185 cm

weight: 57 kg


strengths: independent, disciplined, seemingly unable to be stressed out ; very level-headed, serene exterior, exceptional at leading

weaknesses: self-centered ; lack of consideration for others and their feelings, unforgiving, condescending at times, pessimistic regarding others, abandons people often


likes: traditional values, cleanliness, statuses of worth, photography, music, snow

dislikes: almost everything at some point

habits: neat-freak ; practically ocd, fixes his hair constantly in idle time


english, (native) korean, japanese

allergic to dust.

i pave
my own ground as i walk over it.

i don't
need you anymore

park kyomoon
 / 박교문

south korean | male | twenty one | capricorn | demisexual


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis sodales leo. Quisque at eros maximus, volutpat massa sit amet, porttitor leo. Nunc iaculis libero sed placerat tempor. Nunc imperdiet mauris nibh, in imperdiet est rutrum sit amet. Maecenas massa augue, ornare in tortor sit amet, tincidunt semper nunc. Nullam luctus tortor lectus, non mollis nisl facilisis eget. Nullam velit nunc, finibus vel purus a, ultrices convallis urna. Etiam pharetra, neque sit amet cursus finibus, lorem lectus pharetra libero, non mollis ante eros vel nibh. Nulla vehicula vitae eros sed luctus.

Etiam vehicula nibh nec ligula condimentum, id luctus quam venenatis. Donec velit nisl, semper eu placerat porttitor, iaculis nec eros. Donec vitae mauris et magna bibendum vestibulum. Morbi tempor, nunc ut commodo condimentum, velit nisl blandit libero, sed faucibus dolor ante et nisi. Cras sed metus vulputate, placerat lacus eget, gravida ex. Nunc ultrices tellus quis pulvinar pulvinar. Phasellus lacinia libero vitae odio vehicula congue. Vestibulum porta lorem nec felis dignissim tristique. Fusce ut elementum velit. Nulla id neque eget ante finibus varius. Duis pellentesque lorem id lacus commodo finibus. Maecenas sodales, risus et consequat convallis, enim mauris posuere ligula, sit amet pulvinar odio elit eu velit. Donec diam erat, dapibus vitae fermentum eu, consequat vitae nisi. Integer non leo eget massa euismod maximus et non quam.



model #8: "like this" ; 1/2
use: cs later on

notes: redoing this one atm


wip oops
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model #9: "original" [?]
use: unidentified cs


we're too precious to live as a lie

come as you are: original ♡


no need to be afraid ♡

put stuff here later chaser

❝ name name name ❞
gender • age • sign
sexuality • nationality

〉〉Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte ascding elit. Sed at vulp risus, a ullamcr eros. Duis ornare efficitur vestibulum. Integer vehi ullamcorper odio, eu interdum eros hendrerit vitae. Cras posuere in libero sit amet rutrum. Integer eu mattis eros. Quisque venenatis rutrum dignissim. Praesent at neque sodales, malesuada leo quis, faucibus diam. Morbi posuere, neque semper porta fermentum, risus lorem vehicula magna, vestibulum iaculis nisl arcu ac ante. Etiam venenatis nibh quis justo mattis imperdiet tincidunt nec augue. Pellentesque nisi eros, cursus eu aliquet sit amet, aliquet sit amet arcu. Proin volutpat posuere luctus. Nullam non tellus elit. Mauris at dapibus nisl, a bibendum risus.

Ut auctor ex vitae leo rutrum accumsan. Aliquam tristique sem vitae libero ullamcorper rhoncus. Duis posuere ultricies ultricies. Duis dignissim tortor at ullamcorper facilisis. Cras sit amet iaculis enim, ac vulputate neque. Sed vulputate malesuada dolor at scelerisque. Donec posuere metus non blandit sollicitudin. Donec ac sollicitudin mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean egestas at magna vel imperdiet. Sed quis posuere urna, non sodales elit. Fusce malesuada eros a dapibus varius. Proin nec ligula nec massa varius dictum id non orci.

Donec est ex, porttitor vitae convallis in, finibus et leo. Maecenas non arcu sit amet nisl vehicula mollis at sit amet arcu. Sed eleifend diam molestie gravida faucibus. Proin eget ex sed quam viverra semper nec ut urna. Vestibulum convallis dictum nisi ut rutrum. Donec at tortor et dolor tempus euismod et tincidunt magna. Sed in nisi quis mi blandit suscipit vitae eu augue. Etiam ut sodales quam. Cras sit amet molestie risus. Nunc facilisis dolor odio, at eleifend augue pharetra at. Praesent dictum metus et lorem tincidunt, mollis pulvinar elit scelerisque. Praesent aliquam pellentesque massa a malesuada.

Integer sed enim lobortis, porttitor ante ac, malesuada leo. Mauris mattis ex nec metus tempus, non imperdiet sapien luctus. Nullam euismod nibh quis mi consectetur, eget tincidunt ante suscipit. Quisque et sapien rutrum sapien rutrum venenatis et vitae nisl. Morbi ut mattis nisi. Etiam egestas justo ut placerat vestibulum. Pellentesque vel arcu in nisl varius aliquam eget dignissim nulla. Suspendisse a justo accumsan, porttitor augue in, posuere eros. Aenean sit amet justo mattis, fringilla lectus sed, sagittis ante.

Sed non maximus elit, sit amet tempus tortor. Donec consectetur elit nec massa lobortis, in rutrum nunc consequat. Donec eros arcu, dignissim eget consectetur eu, molestie vel libero. Mauris dapibus nibh non enim egestas, vitae consectetur urna aliquet. Quisque dapibus sem ante, sed iaculis dolor vehicula at. Donec sagittis consequat nisi et aliquet. Pellentesque et magna quam. Donec nec ex nec ex condimentum euismod et nec sapien.
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model #10: "blister" [?]
use: unidentified cs



funny, your sad story rivals a beautiful star..
but doesn't bring tears to my eyes, forget it ♡

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sem erat, euismod sit amet vulputate ut, tristique ut mi. Praesent leo dui, volutpat a molestie ac, pretium quis enim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed fermentum urna quis vehicula porta. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla leo mauris, rhoncus at erat sit amet, vulputate sodales nunc. Cras quis posuere diam, sit amet efficitur ex. Donec pharetra, massa venenatis cursus imperdiet, sapien quam placerat lectus, ut malesuada velit tortor vel nisi.

Fusce sollicitudin gravida turpis ut semper. Nullam accumsan ut arcu ut condimentum. Donec finibus in nunc non ultricies. Nullam mattis tellus in dolor hendrerit, fringilla tristique nunc finibus. Aenean sagittis quam in tristique elementum. Vestibulum vitae eros in dolor imperdiet pharetra. Donec tempus arcu sit amet quam commodo pretium. Nam aliquam mollis nunc, vitae consectetur nulla vulputate eu. Quisque sit amet convallis magna. Etiam sit amet turpis mi. Proin id massa porttitor, finibus risus sit amet, euismod arcu. Ut ac libero ex. Aenean ultrices lectus vel felis porttitor lacinia. Morbi nec aliquet turpis, id ornare tellus.

name name name
gender / age / sign
sexuality / nationality
model #11: "echo" [?]
use: finish later cs



dear diary...

i'm alone with your voice

with the stench of your lips

i'm still into you - to you




sun shin: |su•hnn sh•ihn| - n.        

   1. male ▽ twenty three ▽ pisces ▽ south korean

"the name's not sunshine."

Sed lacinia neque velit, at rhoncus lectus laoreet vitae. Nunc ac malesuada arcu, sit amet aliquet nibh. Cras a auctor sapien. Vestibulum dictum, libero ut ferme iaculis, lacus risus interdum massa, ut molestie libero nunc in felis. Maecenas quis nisl nunc. Phasellus sed lectus nec magna tempus ornare. Donec vel nisl semper, fringilla ligula id, eleifend quam. Praesent malesuada velit eget dui finibus pharetra. Praesent eu ultrices enim. Proin a lobortis augue, nec vulputate massa. In nec tortor vitae turpis pretium posuere. Mauris egestas, odio vel laoreet imperdiet, lectus justo consectetur metus, ac pretium urna felis eu mi.

Fusce tincidunt purus sed urna commodo, nec porta libero iaculis. Nullam et tristique sapien. Fusce tincidunt, tortor eget congue fermentum, augue justo sollicitudin elit, sit amet tristique massa sapien feugiat massa. Quisque quam enim, vehicula a metus vitae, congue ultrices sem. Nam sollicitudin tincidunt turpis quis rutrum. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam nec dapibus lacus, sed molestie arcu. Cras nec metus scelerisque mauris mattis aliquet. Fusce feugiat felis porttitor orci rhoncus, id euismod ante dignissim. Duis cursus nisl quis quam porttitor sagittis. Pellentesque vel lorem odio. Ut tincidunt neque eu turpis egestas, sit amet placerat lectus dictum. In semper ut odio sed convallis. In tincidunt ante sed dui congue fringilla. Vivamus maximus ullamcorper massa, at rhoncus massa condimentum non. Mauris laoreet et ante sed lobortis.

"the past is a mirror."

Morbi et magna arcu. Vestibulum tempus velit at tincidunt ultricies. Nam maximus justo sed pretium bibendum. Nam diam tortor, varius at commodo nec, porttitor eget ligula. Curabitur vel aliquam felis, in porta felis. Nulla nisl eros, maxi at ultrices sit amet, venenatis vitae nunc. Maecenas facilisis est quis sem imperdiet, ut interdum lectus fermentum. Curabitur ornare eros vitae lorem tempor imperdiet. Vivamus nec eros sed justo consectetur lacinia ut sed lacus. Quisque imperdiet dui non nulla molestie hendrerit. Donec ut suscipit est. Nunc congue, quam volutpat porttitor consectetur, lacus ex eleifend risus, non efficitur leo tortor ac turpis. Proin a vehicula nibh. Curabitur pharetra libero a maximus convallis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus non elit rhoncus, pretium nunc ut, dapibus dui.

Aenean vitae iaculis dui, sed pharetra nunc. Integer pellentesque est eget neque scelerisque luctus et sed massa. Morbi semper, est et pharetra congue, justo magna aliquam diam, eu consectetur tellus nunc vitae arcu. Donec tempor, nunc et viverra laoreet, enim nulla molestie dui, ut blandit mauris neque at velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur imperdiet vestibulum accumsan. Maecenas eleifend vestibulum pharetra. Maecenas quis leo non diam auctor molestie. Nullam id ultricies turpis, in tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum vestibulum, metus quis iaculis pharetra, erat turpis maximus ante, eget volutpat mi neque ac leo. Suspendisse potenti. Ut pellentesque libero ut nisi mattis laoreet.

how the world views him

Cras arcu nisl, scelerisque sit amet ultricies eu, molestie faucibus mauris. Mauris accumsan quam elit, ac iaculis quam pharetra sit amet. Donec venenatis tincidunt mauris, vitae dictum orci viverra id. Nulla nec dapibus ipsum, vel pulvinar neque. Fusce auctor vel leo ut porttitor. Sed arcu nisl, dapibus ut nunc ac, ullamcorper tempor nisi. Nullam sit amet varius erat, placerat dictum elit. Nulla tincidunt finibus quam, ut consequat ipsum consectetur suscipit.

Sed lacinia neque velit, at rhoncus lectus laoreet vitae. Nunc ac malesuada arcu, sit amet aliquet nibh. Cras a auctor sapien. Vestibulum dictum, libero ut fermentum iaculis, lacus risus interdum massa, ut molestie libero nunc in felis. Maecenas quis nisl nunc. Phasellus sed lectus nec magna tempus ornare. Donec vel nisl semper, fringilla ligula id, eleifend quam. Praesent malesuada velit eget dui finibus pharetra. Praesent eu ultrices enim. Proin a lobortis augue, nec vulputate massa. In nec tortor vitae turpis pretium posuere. Mauris egestas, odio vel laoreet imperdiet, lectus justo consectetur metus, ac pretium urna felis.

extra information

• eye colour: muted chocolate
• hair colour: pitch black
• build: extremely lean, in shape with slight abs
• complexion: warm beige, has few birth marks on right cheek
• height: 191 cm
• weight: 64 kg
• tattoos/piercings: left nostril pierced ; ring > stud, both ear lobes pierced.
many tattoos everywhere ; will elaborate within story accordingly
or eventually link here.

Lacinia neque velit, at rhoncus lectus laoreet vitae. Nunc ac malesuada arcu, sit amet aliquet nibh. Cras a auctor sapien. Vestibulum dictum, libero ut ferme iaculis, lacus risus interdum massa, ut molestie libero nunc in felis. Maecenas quis nisl nunc. Phasellus sed lectus nec magna tempus ornare. Donec vel nisl semper, fringilla ligula id, eleifend quam. Praesent malesuada velit eget dui finibus pharetra. Praesent eu ultrices enim. Proin a lobortis augue, nec vulputate massa. In nec tortor vitae turpis pretium posuere. Mauris egestas, odio vel laoreet imperdiet, lectus justo consectetur metus, ac pretium urna felis eu mi.

model #12: iT yONGY
use: cs for later


 ♡ chae yongin
  your name is my only poem.
22 • ♂ • scorpio
bi • south korean

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit blandit dignissim. Sed venenatis tellus ultrices tristique accumsan. Vivamus orci massa, eleifend a metus eu, suscipit tempus lectus. Integer sit amet consequat erat, at sagittis quam. Aliquam nec ipsum purus. Curabitur faucibus porta sapien ut sollicitudin.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Aenean dignissim accuan libero, eget suscipit metus faucibus et. Donec tristique metus ornare tempus blandit. Proin nibh nibh, fringilla ac efficitur ac, hendrerit eget turpis. Sed gravida vesti fermen. Morbi non leo ac eros pellente tincidunt. Proin risus lacus, tristique ut tortor non, sagittis porta dui. Fusce aliquam, nisl pellent feugiat feugiat, ex libero accum dui, eget eleifend felis dui placerat quam.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


model #13: wansoo? more like... i'm wan-swooning
use: cscscscscscscscscscscscs. (also scroll btw js)


hwang wansoo:
|hh•wahng won•shuu| - n.

1. a twenty year old demisexual child who
  must be protected
  synonyms: soft, innocent, an actual angel
  "hwang wansoo needs a protection squad"

cosmocall field


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu vestibulum purus. Praesent ut nibh odio. In posuere lectus condimentum lobortis aliquet. Morbi in rhoncus quam, at sagittis elit. Cras vitae dolor vitae orci condimentum molestie a eget ante. Nunc lacinia, ex dignissim pellentesque posuere, elit tellus tincidunt justo, non placerat quam metus ac risus. Phasellus in erat id felis tincidunt bibendum in a ante. Vivamus eget libero sed augue dignissim laoreet sed id orci. Suspendisse at sagittis augue. Ut efficitur sagittis commodo. Vivamus maximus sapien libero, non tempus enim faucibus vitae. Nulla lacinia velit nibh, in lobortis odio varius et. Etiam rhoncus, eros et hendrerit tempor, sapien orci interdum sem, ac tincidunt urna est eu nulla. Vivamus sollicitudin odio ac odio cursus, volutpat convallis neque euismod. Nunc ornare vehicula sem, eget pulvinar ligula malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu vestibulum purus. Praesent ut nibh odio. In posuere lectus condimentum lobortis aliquet. Morbi in rhoncus quam, at sagittis elit. Cras vitae dolor vitae orci condimentum molestie a eget ante. Nunc lacinia, ex dignissim pellentesque posuere, elit tellus tincidunt justo, non placerat quam metus ac risus. Phasellus in erat id felis tincidunt bibendum in a ante. Vivamus eget libero sed augue dignissim laoreet sed id orci. Suspendisse at sagittis augue. Ut efficitur sagittis commodo. Vivamus maximus sapien libero, non tempus enim faucibus vitae. Nulla lacinia velit nibh, in lobortis odio varius et. Etiam rhoncus, eros et hendrerit tempor, sapien orci interdum sem, ac tincidunt urna est eu nulla. Vivamus sollicitudin odio ac odio cursus, volutpat convallis neque euismod. Nunc ornare vehicula sem, eget pulvinar ligula malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu vestibulum purus. Praesent ut nibh odio. In posuere lectus condimentum lobortis aliquet. Morbi in rhoncus quam, at sagittis elit. Cras vitae dolor vitae orci condimentum molestie a eget ante. Nunc lacinia, ex dignissim pellentesque posuere, elit tellus tincidunt justo, non placerat quam metus ac risus. Phasellus in erat id felis tincidunt bibendum in a ante. Vivamus eget libero sed augue dignissim laoreet sed id orci. Suspendisse at sagittis augue. Ut efficitur sagittis commodo. Vivamus maximus sapien libero, non tempus enim faucibus vitae. Nulla lacinia velit nibh, in lobortis odio varius et. Etiam rhoncus, eros et hendrerit tempor, sapien orci interdum sem, ac tincidunt urna est eu nulla. Vivamus sollicitudin odio ac odio cursus, volutpat convallis neque euismod. Nunc ornare vehicula sem, eget pulvinar ligula malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu vestibulum purus. Praesent ut nibh odio. In posuere lectus condimentum lobortis aliquet. Morbi in rhoncus quam, at sagittis elit. Cras vitae dolor vitae orci condimentum molestie a eget ante. Nunc lacinia, ex dignissim pellentesque posuere, elit tellus tincidunt justo, non placerat quam metus ac risus. Phasellus in erat id felis tincidunt bibendum in a ante. Vivamus eget libero sed augue dignissim laoreet sed id orci. Suspendisse at sagittis augue. Ut efficitur sagittis commodo. Vivamus maximus sapien libero, non tempus enim faucibus vitae. Nulla lacinia velit nibh, in lobortis odio varius et. Etiam rhoncus, eros et hendrerit tempor, sapien orci interdum sem, ac tincidunt urna est eu nulla. Vivamus sollicitudin odio ac odio cursus, volutpat convallis neque euismod. Nunc ornare vehicula sem, eget pulvinar ligula malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu vestibulum purus. Praesent ut nibh odio. In posuere lectus condimentum lobortis aliquet. Morbi in rhoncus quam, at sagittis elit. Cras vitae dolor vitae orci condimentum molestie a eget ante. Nunc lacinia, ex dignissim pellentesque posuere, elit tellus tincidunt justo, non placerat quam metus ac risus. Phasellus in erat id felis tincidunt bibendum in a ante. Vivamus eget libero sed augue dignissim laoreet sed id orci. Suspendisse at sagittis augue. Ut efficitur sagittis commodo. Vivamus maximus sapien libero, non tempus enim faucibus vitae. Nulla lacinia velit nibh, in lobortis odio varius et. Etiam rhoncus, eros et hendrerit tempor, sapien orci interdum sem, ac tincidunt urna est eu nulla. Vivamus sollicitudin odio ac odio cursus, volutpat convallis neque euismod. Nunc ornare vehicula sem, eget pulvinar ligula malesuada.
model #14: hongi~
/silently sobs
use: wip cs for later


⸻⸻ • • • • • ⸻⸻

soar through the night like a bird,



Failure or lack of willpower has never once crossed his vast mind. He's the same as you and I, as he will assure whoever's asking if his disabilities are questioned. He doesn't see himself as different, and doesn't accept pity. He gives his all, and doesn't falter in his confidence. He knows he can do it, and so he does with effort.

kim hongin

twenty two

south korean

173 cm​



56 kg


Hongin's the true epitome of a hard working young man. Even when he's faced with a disadvantage most will not encounter in life, his motivation and persistence is never chipped, not ever. Being most passionate when he shows his emotions through dance, it's evident that his hearing disability cannot even catch him there. Nothing can hold him back, as his will is impervious to any obstacles.


⸻⸻ • • • • • ⸻⸻
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model #15: lovely cupid child
use: cs for later


one of these days i'll make a mobile friendly lmao
it aint today





• • • T E L L M E
♢ Orion Choi ♢

male ♢ eighteen ♢ leo

bi ♢ korean american
i have to change like you, i want us to be some thing more, i can't get you out of my mind!
there is no time to lose, i think you're my muse. i'm into you, i need to say it!
A S E C R E T  • • •
Orion might as well be the poster child for gummy, sweet, gooey innocence. Probably naive to a damning fault, he's been pampered and fed from a golden plated spoon all of his life, so he lacks a real perspective on any plausible brutality the real world can offer.




Orion is a young man who's fun loving, cute, and immensely generous. He has the biggest heart possible within a human of his high level status, and has never been exposed to someone who wasn't the same. The blonde doesn't know when to not love, and, actually, as far as he's concerned, that really isn't something that should ever happen. He believes wholeheartedly that everyone deserves love, and that he is more than capable than supplying the world with exactly that much compassion. Being described as a walking piece of candy considering how sweet he is towards everyone, most have very positive things to say about the young boy. Mostly due to the fact that... how can he not win everyone over? He has a way with words, that makes whoever the verbal expressions are directed towards, swoon with admiration. Orion really is just a sweet kid, who's lacking in the 'real life' department.

(short history)
Orion comes from an exceptionally rich family, allowing him to be very pampered ever since he was born. He's never known anything but large practical mansions for living spaces, every one of his needs and wants being met instantly, and anything else that could ever come to mind. The young boy hasn't met a tragedy within his life, so he has never particularly suffered any hardship of any kind. He just is an entirely flawless piece of glass on the stained mural on his bedroom wall. Never cracked, never tarnished, forever vivid. A perhaps overly tended to child from a snobby family.


(excess details)

eye colour: milk chocolate (but always wears blue contacts)
hair colour: sunflower blonde
complexion: fair ivory, has freckles spattered over cheeks
height / weight: 169 cm / 53 kg
build: short for a male in stature, but still lean

• • •

candy, mutual kindness, optimism, music

hatred, sadness, dishonesty, awkward silence

• • •

strong willed, natural day brightener, multi talented, persistent

dependent, doesn't portray feelings other than joy well, crybaby

• • •

-giggles way too often
-tends to play with his earlobes when he speaks

-collecting leaves

-english (native)
-italian (beginner)
model #16: "like this" ; 2/2
use: cs for later




ᴋɪᴍ ʜʏᴏᴊᴏɴɢ ; "ᴅᴀᴡɴ"

ᴍᴀʟᴇ ; 23 ; ɢᴇᴍɪɴɪ

ᴅᴇᴍɪsᴇxᴜᴀʟ ; ᴋᴏʀᴇᴀɴ



■ Like a flower blooming for the first time
Like a small blade of grass sprouting
I believed in you and went on my way
I hope you’ll wait for the real me, like this

■ Like a flower blooming for the first time
Like a small blade of grass sprouting
I believed in you and went on my way
I hope you’ll wait for the real me, like this

■ Like a flower blooming for the first time
Like a small blade of grass sprouting
I believed in you and went on my way
I hope you’ll wait for the real me, like this

■ Like a flower blooming for the first time
Like a small blade of grass sprouting
I believed in you and went on my way
I hope you’ll wait for the real me, like this

■ Like a flower blooming for the first time
Like a small blade of grass sprouting
I believed in you and went on my way
I hope you’ll wait for the real me, like this


ᴀɴᴏᴍᴀʟᴏᴜs ⇉

ɪᴍᴘᴀssɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ⇉

sᴛʀᴀɪɢʜᴛ ᴀʀʀᴏᴡ ⇉
ᴀᴅᴊ ;
deviating from what is normal, or expected.

Dawn is often perceived, even from first impressions, as awfully peculiar. from his behaviour, mannerisms, vocal tendencies, they're all fair game for being labeled as a bit on the strange side.

ᴀᴅᴊ ;
filled with or showing great emotion.

Even if he is a little on the outsider-looking-in side, he is extremely passionate about whatever he sets his mind to. he doesn't give up easily, as his impeccable will has been flawless for twenty three years so far.

ɴ ;
an honest, morally upright person.

Dawn doesn't understand how someone can act wrongfully, or sinfully; he is a man of strict virtues that prevent him of doing anything that may be interpreted as bad. his values make up his moral code, and those are impenetrable.

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model #17: "dark end"
use: idk, i guess an ic post layout??
probably for the fc in the blister cs?????
since it's his goddamn neCK????????



falling seas
falling seas
falling seas

at first
i'm feeling fine
but when i
look into you,
i'm enraged,
i'm enraged

i'm trying for you,
stay there

i'm trying for you

but this is as if i'm
in a dark end.

this dark end-
i'm in a dark end.
a dark end..
a dark end...

but, hey,
i'm still in here,
my soul is fine.
how are you doing?

...i'm still fine

oh no, really,
i can say i'm fine

i'm fine


why are you
saying that i'm
crazy, darling?

...am i crazy, darling?



model #18: pink prince hoche
use: cs for later


ᴡ ʜ ᴀ ᴛ  ᴀ  s ᴡ ᴇ ᴇ ᴛ  ʟ ɪ ꜰ ᴇ

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
그래 넌 마치 다크초콜릿
초콜릿 초콜릿 Yeah yeah
넌 내게 너무도 아름답지만
난 너무 부족한 사람인 걸
날 보면 넌 항상 미소 짓지만
널 힘들게 할까 조심스러운 걸
내 품에 안긴 널
이대로 녹이고 싶어
그래 넌 마치
다크초콜릿 같은 여자
한없이 달콤해 너의 그 입술이
그래 넌 마치
다크초콜릿 같은 여자
한없이 중독돼 너를 안는 것이
Oh my sweet lover
Oh my greatest treasure
My sweet baby
My valentine
조금씩 조금씩 익숙해지면
편안한 그대로 네가 좋은 걸
나도 모르게 울적한 날엔
어느새 너에게 전활 걸어
어디야 뭐 할까 보고 싶어
그래 넌 마치
다크초콜릿 같은 여자
한없이 달콤해 너의 그 입술이
그래 넌 마치
다크초콜릿 같은 여자
한없이 중독돼 너를 안는 것이
어느새 굳었던 내 마음도
지루한 내 일상도
좀 더 너에게 녹아
더 너를 닮아가
그래 넌 마치
다크초콜릿 같은 여자
한없이 달콤해 너의 그 입술이
그래 넌 마치
다크초콜릿 같은 여자
한없이 중독돼 너를 안는 것이
Oh my sweet lover
Oh my greatest treasure
My sweet baby
My valentine

ᴍᴀʟᴇ x 20 x ʟᴇᴏ  
ʜᴏᴍᴏsᴇxᴜᴀʟ x sᴏᴜᴛʜ ᴋᴏʀᴇᴀɴ  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit.
Velit sed faucibus digssim,
atal ligula massa molestie
labibendum iaculis lorem
masd orci. Morbi at turpis
feugiat libero eu, imperdiet
itudin, imperdiet dignissim
Donec ligula odio, aliquam ut
Roiorbi lacinia sapien vel nulla
aliquam, ut tristique orci tincidunt
Cras eu lectus finibus, mattis nunc
Praesent rhoncus tincidunt leo conva.
*alert post made to say, pls don't replicate the posts i've made so far on this thread,
they're clearly not freebies and so i do not want them remade, thank you

i've seen a few occurrences of this and i'm not pleased by it??

"oh but chaser you didn't like, INVENT bbcoding lol not every code will be 10000% unique"
of course not, but when my clearly non freebie posts are being copied just with a literal change of pictures??? i think i have a right to comment

just please don't do it. i'll make a freebie or two some day, just don't take the ones that blatantly aren't free?
the ones that don't have a code for share+no watermark are only meant to be used by me..

legit tho just go use someone else's freebies lol my own personal ones aren't worth copying guys fr
model #19: chaser ♡
S P O O N C H I L D.)
use: cs for my gummy bear






i adore you


[color= #b0cbcf]― C ʜ ᴀ s ᴇ ʀ L ɪ ᴍ

male ✧ twenty ✧ aquarius
demisexual ✧ korean american
。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。
your love makes me the bravest warrior
your love makes me the bravest warrior
your love makes me the bravest warrior

ᴘ ᴇ ʀ s ᴏ ɴ ᴀ
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id velit id justo dictum viverra a sit amet neque. Mauris quis dui tempor, malesuada eros in, rhoncus nisi. Aenean felis velit, pulvinar eu diam eget, suscipit iaculis neque. Donec maximus felis enim, ac condimentum tellus sagittis tempor.

ʙ ɪ ᴏ
Nulla sodales vestibulum est, ut fermentum turpis ullamcorper non. Donec aliquet felis quis velit tristique, a sagittis lectus mollis. Proin vitae est mauris. Nulla consectetur vestibulum mauris in consectetur. Proin in dolor tempus, porta nisi et, tempus erat. Maecenas facilisis est id odio vulputate venenatis.

ʀ ᴇ ᴘ ᴜ ᴛ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ
→ @ / relationship
→ @ / relationship
→ @ / relationship

Aliquam ullamcorper quis eros a fringilla. Integer faucibus diam eu dolor venenatis gravida. Nullam bibendum tellus ut suscipit tempus. Ut eget ipsum a nibh ultrices egestas. Aenean mattis luctus dolor, semper hendrerit turpis pulvinar in. Curabitur interdum sit amet felis id vulputate. Cras sagittis est dapibus arcu sodales, euismod euismod lorem tempor. Curabitur mattis orci nec porttitor feugiat.
model #20: wool bby
use: cs for later
scroll over big picture of wool child






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus id diam pharetra, luctus purus eu, ullamcorper purus. Quisque et lorem maximus, eleifend est eget, aliquet est. Morbi posuere lacus et ultricies vehicula. Cras semper iaculis sem. Sed vulputate, erat in luctus porta, felis arcu posuere magna, a ullamcorper enim ni nec metus. Nullam varius aliquet leo, eget pellentesque est tristique quis. Duis mollis tristique tellus, non accumsan ipsum commodo vel.​


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus id diam pharetra, luctus purus eu, ullamcorper purus. Quisque et lorem maximus, eleifend est eget, aliquet est. Morbi posuere lacus et ultricies vehicula. Cras semper iaculis sem. Sed vulputate, erat in luctus porta, felis arcu posuere magna, a ullamcorper enim ni nec metus. Nullam varius aliquet leo, eget pellentesque est tristique quis. Duis mollis tristique tellus, non accumsan ipsum commodo vel.​



ᴄ ᴀ ᴄ ᴛ ᴜ s
chapter one: persona

chapter two: history

chapter three: repute

model #21: "something special" ; 1/?
use: quick cs i made i guess, nothing that extraordinary. scroll over middle gifs

i just had to make something special for something special
go stan legends


have a code for once wow omg can it be?? see i told you i would give one eventually
just don't remove credit. the gifs can be changed and stuff and yeah. i made the gifs with 180x109, so

yeah sorry i don't make these look very pretty lmao sorry if it's confusing

[centerblock=65][bg=#f2f2f2][border=2px outset #c69f9f][center][row][column=span2][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/b8cba340e303575d9cc50190c7eff592/tumblr_owvy3yhou21sucgn0o1_250.gif[/img][/column][column=span4][size=4][color=white][div=text-shadow: 2px 1px 1px white; margin-top: 0px]
우린 좀 특별해, 좀 특별해
우린 좀 특별해, 좀 특별해[/div][/color][/size][/column][column=span2][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/971c867dbfa33c9f5d8e5de5add5f3cf/tumblr_owvy3yhou21sucgn0o5_r1_250.gif[/img][/column][/row]
[row][column=span2][div=height: 200px; border: 2px outset white; background-color: white; overflow: auto; padding: 2px]
[div=float: right;background-color: #c69f9f;margin: auto;background-position: 50% 30%;border-radius: 70%;border: 2px double white;height:20px;width: 105px;overflow:hidden;][color=white]♡[/color][/div]
I think we’ve got something special
너도 알잖아,
우리의 약속[/color][/size][/div][/column][column=span4][div=position: relative; width: 100%; height: 224px; overflow: hidden; padding: 5px;][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 150px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; font-align: justify;][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/a7d761fbe4f2cca41a0d5ec524d492e8/tumblr_owvy3yhou21sucgn0o4_r1_250.gif[/img][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/6b3328d0a8ac1aff8dafab87c88a8ae3/tumblr_owvy3yhou21sucgn0o3_r1_250.gif[/img]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum tellus condimentum turpis hendrerit pulvinar. Maecenas non erat ipsum. Duis accumsan dolor et justo suscipit fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut vestibulum justo. In vel dignissim enim. Phasellus dui nulla, scelerisque quis maximus finibus, facilisis ac mi. Quisque pulvinar id ligula vehicula pretium.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum tellus condimentum turpis hendrerit pulvinar. Maecenas non erat ipsum. Duis accumsan dolor et justo suscipit fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut vestibulum justo. In vel dignissim enim. Phasellus dui nulla, scelerisque quis maximus finibus, facilisis ac mi. Quisque pulvinar id ligula vehicula pretium.

@ / relationship
@ / relationship
@ / relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum tellus condimentum turpis hendrerit pulvinar. Maecenas non erat ipsum. Duis accumsan dolor et justo suscipit fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut vestibulum justo. In vel dignissim enim. Phasellus dui nulla, scelerisque quis maximus finibus, facilisis ac mi. Quisque pulvinar id ligula vehicula pretium.[/color][/size][/div][/div][div=position: relative; width: 100%; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 1px;][div=width: 100%; padding-right: 150px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; font-align: justify;][/div][/div][/column][column=span1][div=height: 200px; border: 2px outset white; background-color: white; overflow: auto; padding: 2px][left]
ETHNICITY  [/color][/u][/font][/size][/left][/div][/column][column=span1][div=height: 200px; border: 2px outset white; background-color: white; overflow: auto; padding: 2px]
answer[/color][/size][/div][size=1]@c h a s e r[/size][/column][/row][/border][/bg]


우린 좀 특별해, 좀 특별해
우린 좀 특별해, 좀 특별해

I think we’ve got something special
너도 알잖아,
우리의 약속

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum tellus condimentum turpis hendrerit pulvinar. Maecenas non erat ipsum. Duis accumsan dolor et justo suscipit fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut vestibulum justo. In vel dignissim enim. Phasellus dui nulla, scelerisque quis maximus finibus, facilisis ac mi. Quisque pulvinar id ligula vehicula pretium.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum tellus condimentum turpis hendrerit pulvinar. Maecenas non erat ipsum. Duis accumsan dolor et justo suscipit fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut vestibulum justo. In vel dignissim enim. Phasellus dui nulla, scelerisque quis maximus finibus, facilisis ac mi. Quisque pulvinar id ligula vehicula pretium.

@ / relationship
@ / relationship
@ / relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec condimentum tellus condimentum turpis hendrerit pulvinar. Maecenas non erat ipsum. Duis accumsan dolor et justo suscipit fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut vestibulum justo. In vel dignissim enim. Phasellus dui nulla, scelerisque quis maximus finibus, facilisis ac mi. Quisque pulvinar id ligula vehicula pretium.


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