· · ─────── · My Charries · ─────── · ·


Gamer Girl

Hey guys! This is gonna be my little character storage. There's gonna be quite a mix of charries here and different code bc I'm a lover of things looking nice. Also, if you were wondering why there's so much green, it's my fav color. I hope you guys enjoy my characters. Much love❣

code by pasta pasta
Last edited:


gen kennedy
blonde hair
Genesis is your friendly neighborhood science geek. She spends all her time between the lab and her home, with the daily early morning walk of her pup. Because of this she's rather asocial and dissociated from the rest of the world. When she does stumble into social situations outside of work, she's rather awkward and relies on the other person to lead the conversation. The only real expection to this is when the topic of discussion is something she enjoys. If that's the case, Genesis could talk for hours and she won't feel weird or awkward at all. Maybe a bit embarrased from rambling but that's all. Surprisingly, she makes friends pretty easily. You know, for being an awkward weirdo who loves superheros and science. Working with Gen is no different than being her friend. She'll always be the first to take the lead and make sure everyone understands. Working in the lab has come with it's own weird perk of making Gen incredibly spacially aware. She pretty has eyes everywhere at this point. She's a rather laid back girl for being in charge of a lot and if she sees no real problem with something, you're good to go. Though that's nothing to take advantage of. Genesis can be a very scary girl if you're on her bad side and you'll regret it in the little ways. Luckily enough, she'll give you another chance. But only one and if you fail then well, gg. Also, you never want to catch Gen when she's really tired. She has the potential to bite your head off and will be a very grumpy person. If you ever find this wilding, just give her a coffee and some food.
Genesis was adopted at the young age of four after her mother passed away rather early. Her adoptive father was close friends with her mom and took it upon himself to adopt Genesis. For a very long time it had always been her and her dad. They were a team and she loved it. When Gen was 17, her father found someone to love. A man by the name of Marcos. They had dated in the past but for reasons unknown to her, Marcos had left. She was a bit hesistant to accept him but Marcos was the reason she found her passion. Because of his lost arm, day to day things were harder for him and Gen knew then and there that she wanted to help the world. She went to college for Neuroscience and after only two years of study, was taken on by a genius who created prosthetics. They did other things as well but prosthetics were their biggest study.
code by pasta pasta
[import]9147491[/import][div class="output"][class name=variables]--mainimg: #fdfdfd url(
) center center/cover no-repeat; --iconimg: #fdfdfd url(
) center center/cover no-repeat;[/class]
[div class="output fullnameoutput"]
Chini "Chi" Hepburn
[div class="output chunmioutput"]
[div class="output roleoutput"]
[div class="output ageoutput"]
Seventeen [17]
[div class="output genderoutput"]
[div class="output personalityoutput"]
Chin is a rather sweet and loving girl, whose heart is as big as the ears on her head. She's all about forgiving and sharing kindness among the world. Chin is, as her animal counterpart would suggest, a rather curious and cheerful girl. She's very charismatic and enjoys meeting new people. Chin is also easily distracted as rather spacey. She's known to daydream a lot and she doesn't perceive the world the way it is. Instead, she sees it as something different, and the way she treats the world is as though she's in awe of it all. Her tendency to daydream has led to her absent-mindedness, allowing her to easily and rather quickly forget things. Chin is also rather clumsy... though despite all this she always means the best. While she is 17, many would say she acts younger than that. Seeing as she lives in this dream-like world of hers and displays tainted innocence, many say that despite her undoubted intelligence, she's closer to 11.
[div class="output biographyoutput"]
Chin was born and raised in western Washington on December 1st, far out from the city and into the farmlands. Her father and mother were proud farmers and enjoyed their little farm nestled amongst the trees. Chin was born the youngest alongside her twin brother [two minutes older], an older sister, and another pair of twins - both boys. Seeing as she was the youngest, Chin was babied a lot by her family. Especially her twin brother. The family ran and maintained the farm until Chin was a little over 11. A gas fire started and not only took their home, but Chin was left alone with only the eldest of the twin brothers. Chin, being as young as she was, fell into a very depressing and dark spiral. She cried for weeks and that's roughly when she started seeing the world differently. Her brother, having been 17 at the time and the eldest sibling, was in pain as well but stayed strong for Chin. If it weren't for him, she might not even be here today. They were lucky enough to have family in the city who were able to take them in and were very loving. Chins brother believes she started seeing the world as a dream after the fire. Since then she sometimes talks to her dead family, as though they might be alive and are right there in front of her. She can see them, feel them, and everything else.
[div class="output miscellaneousoutput"]
✿ Chini was born with a weak immune system and tends to get sick easily
✿ She has a bad burn scar on her inner left thigh from when she was 11
✿ Can "see" and "speak" to her dead family - schizophrenic
✿ Likes nature, animals, sweets, coffee w lots of cream, dessert, any kind of berry or fruit, reading, jogging, and sleeping
✿ Dislikes being yelled at, sudden loud noises, having no place to hide just in case, storms, being picked up, bitter foods/drinks, and baths
✿ Natural habitat is the Andes Mountain Range, rocky mountains, and large fields
✿ Chin means "sugar", Hepburn means "high"
✿ Stands at 5'2" and weighs 100lbs
✿ When in danger she hides, removes part of her skin that is being grabbed [regens. in 2 hrs], uses her claws, or bites
[div class="output rrolearray"]














gen kennedy
blonde hair
Genesis is your friendly neighborhood science geek. She spends all her time between the lab and her home, with the daily early morning walk of her pup. Because of this she's rather asocial and dissociated from the rest of the world. When she does stumble into social situations outside of work, she's rather awkward and relies on the other person to lead the conversation. The only real expection to this is when the topic of discussion is something she enjoys. If that's the case, Genesis could talk for hours and she won't feel weird or awkward at all. Maybe a bit embarrased from rambling but that's all. Surprisingly, she makes friends pretty easily. You know, for being an awkward weirdo who loves superheros and science. Working with Gen is no different than being her friend. She'll always be the first to take the lead and make sure everyone understands. Working in the lab has come with it's own weird perk of making Gen incredibly spacially aware. She pretty has eyes everywhere at this point. She's a rather laid back girl for being in charge of a lot and if she sees no real problem with something, you're good to go. Though that's nothing to take advantage of. Genesis can be a very scary girl if you're on her bad side and you'll regret it in the little ways. Luckily enough, she'll give you another chance. But only one and if you fail then well, gg. Also, you never want to catch Gen when she's really tired. She has the potential to bite your head off and will be a very grumpy person. If you ever find this wilding, just give her a coffee and some food.
Genesis was adopted at the young age of four after her mother passed away rather early. Her adoptive father was close friends with her mom and took it upon himself to adopt Genesis. For a very long time it had always been her and her dad. They were a team and she loved it. When Gen was 17, her father found someone to love. A man by the name of Marcos. They had dated in the past but for reasons unknown to her, Marcos had left. She was a bit hesistant to accept him but Marcos was the reason she found her passion. Because of his lost arm, day to day things were harder for him and Gen knew then and there that she wanted to help the world. She went to college for Neuroscience and after only two years of study, was taken on by a genius who created prosthetics. They did other things as well but prosthetics were their biggest study.

code by pasta pasta
Something about this character appeals to me! She seems real!
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[div class=background][div class=scrollbox][div class=imagebox][/div][div class=titleblock]basics.[/div][div class=textbox]name: wesley griffiths
age: seventeen [17]
gender: male
race: black/american
occupation: student & barista[/div]

[div class=titleblock]personality.[/div][div class=textbox]wesley is a lover of all things cute, small, pastel, and artsy. his whole persona and style screams "this is me. i'm different". while he may seem like a big scary guy, wesley has a heart of gold. he only ever wishes the best for people and has a bad tendency to give others chances they don't deserve. he carries an innocent feel to him, like a newborn puppy, but don't be fooled. this pup has a bite. wesley certainly isn't perfect. what he makes up in being a saint, he lacks in any sort of confidence. he's a very humble guy, mainly because he feels like he doesn't deserve the praise he may be receiving. he cannot for the life of him do presentations without almost fainting and his nerves always find a way to get the better of him. though having been born with some pretty bad anxiety, that makes sense. still, wesley is a tough guy. he doesn't give up and continues trying to do his best and push on. he hates the thought of letting someone down and will always do his absolute best to make them happy or proud. he's always a good shoulder to cry on and he's very loyal, to the point of being a taaaaad bit overprotective.[/div]

[div class=titleblock]history.[/div][div class=textbox]wesley didn't live a hard life really. his mom and dad divorced when he was ten but they still all felt like family. his dad was around a lot and his mom was a very supportive woman. well, his home life wasn't that hard. from a young age, wesley knew he was gay. he embraced it. the kids at school, however, didn't. wesley was bullied most of his elementary years for who he was, but he didn't stop being himself. what he lost in confidence, he gained in art. wesley made sure to always express himself in person the same way he would when painting. his mother always said he was a work of art waiting to be painted. and so he did. he dressed in his favorite pastel clothes, decorated his bag with all sorts of cute things, and didn't let himself collapse. if only the confidence his clothes and bag showed could sink into his skin. he did all this yet still walked with his head down, avoiding eye contact. at some point, his dad conviced him to join football. wesley was a natural at the sport and soon came to love it. the bullying stopped once they realized he could hold his own on the field and wesley ended up being more than the gay kid. he stopped walking with shame and hid his very little confidence away.[/div]

[div class=gifbox][/div][div class=overlaytext]You're dope ![/div][div class=titleblock]others.[/div][div class=textbox]he's gay
stands at 6'2" - tall boi
fav color is salmon
teddy bear boi

credits RI.a RI.a
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[div class=background][div class=slider][div class="Tabs tab01"]basic[/div][div class="Tabs tab02"]personality[/div][div class="Tabs tab03"]history[/div][div class="Tabs tab04"]other[/div][/div][div class=centerimage][/div][div class=contentwrap][div class="scrollbox page01"]
[div class=title]requisite[/div]
[div class=title]name[/div][div class=text]roan lou emerson[/div]
[div class=title]aliases[/div][div class=text]ro-ro, caffiene addict, sleepyhead, reaper [ghoul alias][/div]
[div class=title]pronoun[/div][div class=text]they/them[/div]
[div class=title]age[/div][div class=text]16[/div]
[div class=title]gender[/div][div class=text]androgynous[/div]
[div class=title]race[/div][div class=text]korean/american[/div]
[div class=title]occupation[/div][div class=text]student[/div]
[div class=title]birthdate[/div][div class=text]january 5th, capricorn[/div]

[div class=title]appearance[/div]
[div class=title]height[/div][div class=text]5'5"[/div]
[div class=title]weight[/div][div class=text]110lbs[/div]
[div class=title]hairstyle[/div][div class=text]messy/bed head[/div]
[div class=title]eye colour[/div][div class=text]blue, pink, and purple[/div]
[div class=title]race[/div][div class=text]ghoul[/div]

[div class=title]description[/div][div class=text]roan considers themself neither male or female and dresses however they please. their hair is always messy and bags are a common attribute under their eyes. roan is pretty slim, with pretty much no curves. they have two small tattoos; a semicolon on their left wrist and a small galaxy above their right ankle. roans back is riddled with scars and they have a very nasty scar on the middle of their chest.[/div]

[div class=title]stats[/div]
[div class=title]intelligence[/div][div class=text] [/div]
[div class=title]strength[/div][div class=text] [/div]
[div class=title]dexterity[/div][div class=text] [/div]
[div class=title]constitution[/div][div class=text] [/div]
[div class=title]wisdom[/div][div class=text] [/div]
[div class=title]charisma[/div][div class=text] [/div][/div]
[div class="scrollbox page02"][div class=title]likes[/div][div class=text]coffee, nighttime, gaming, stuffed animals, sleeping, quiet, cafes, guinea pigs[/div]
[div class=title]dislikes[/div][div class=text]fighting for no reason, lots of ruckus, no internet, food, bears, ghoul restraunt[/div]
[div class=title]quirks/habits[/div][div class=text]bites inside of lip, coffee addict, remembers everything they see, hacker, insomniac, photographer, big time gamer[/div]
[div class=title]persona[/div][div class=text]roan is a very typically untypical teenger of the modern times. they don't associate themselves with a single gender and have no preferance over people. sticking to themself is their thing and charisma is an unknown universe. that being said, they have been able to make some pretty great friends. they aren't really a loner, they just would rather watch and witness how thing play out than join in and be an acting force. people watching is kinda their thing and they enjoy it. well, to a certain extent. everybody needs somebody. roan is a very smart person and is always playing with ideas in their head. intelligent conversations are a big thing for them and going back and forth with somebody is entertaining. that all being said, roan doesn't do physical activity. being an insomniac and getting little to no sleep, their body is in a constant state of exhaust. they prefer working their mind over muscle anyways. roan doesn't like being the center of attention in large groups. maybe in their friend group or when doing projects, but that's about it. anything beyond that freaks them out and anxiety will start kicking in. when roan gets anxious, they get hungry, which is a bad thing. being as their usually anxious or nervous, roan constantly has coffee with them to keep the hunger at bay. thanks to the principal of the school for understanding their needs, all coffee sold at the school is free.[/div][/div][div class="scrollbox page03"][div class=title]biography[/div][div class=text]roan wasn't always a scary ghoul. originally, they had been born as a cute little boy. not that it lasted very long. roan realized they were androgynous when they were eight and never went back on it. their parents refused their beliefs and so roan was put up for adoption. in their profile the insomnia was noted so the fact roan has been adopted surprised them. who wanted a kid who was up all night? well, ghouls did apparently. having been adopted by a pair of ghoul parents who couldn't have a kid of their own, roan was turned into a ghoul at age nine and it was then explained to them. lucky them, the parents were part of this chill group called Anteiku so unnecessarykilling wasn't in roans future. though, there was still killing. lots of fights between the chill group and other groups happened so roan had to kill and had to do it fast. not that they complained. death wasn't something that bothered them, along with many other things that would scare normal functioning people. their adoptive parents decided it was best for roan to attend school and after a little incident which led them to eating another kid after school, made sure to tell the principals about roan being a ghoul and if they told anyone, they'd kill them. so, free coffee has been a big thing in their life. the scars on their body come from fighting and the big one of the chest is where they landed on a large piece of steel from an unfinished building. luckily, they didn't die. they enemy sure did though.[/div]
[div class=title]other[/div]
[div class=text]bio mom: x - marie marlow
bio dad: x - kirrian marlow
adoptive mom: x - railey emerson
adoptive dad: x - orion emerson
unknown little bro: x - adrien marlow
guinea pigs: x - reese, vin, quinn[/div][/div][div class="scrollbox page04"][div class=title]faceclaim[/div][div class=text]unkown[/div]
[div class=title]theme[/div][div class=text]in my blood by shawn mendes[/div]
[div class=title]extra[/div][div class=text]ghoul alias is Reaper bc of their mask - x[/div]
[/div][/div][div class=loadpage][div class=greeting]どこかに行って[/div][div class=enter]click me[/div][/div][/div]
code by RI.a

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