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  1. Sana Natsuko

    Closed ⋮◝❋ (darn tootin) - layout testing

    If you want a place to post a bunch of testing stuff for the post, I would recommend the private workshop. That way you can post all your finished designs to impress everyone, and you have a place to find out why something isn't working without the threat of everyone else seeing. Of course if...
  2. Sana Natsuko

    Help Tips on learning to code?

    The alternative is normal BBCode which uses basic tags
  3. Sana Natsuko

    Help Tips on learning to code? I also had a slight dealing with HTML and CSS but not enough to make anything profession. But if anything helped me at all through all that, it was these two website. I am not saying to look at every...
  4. Sana Natsuko

    Help titles on parchment

    No problem, happy to help
  5. Sana Natsuko

    Help titles on parchment

    Or if you mean aesthetics wise, I think you can't change that and your next best option would be to try and find an image that looks like you want and use it as a background-image
  6. Sana Natsuko

    Help titles on parchment

    Do you mean like this? Test Header Test Text
  7. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    I just read Ayama as Kahir... I think I might be losing it
  8. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    This is test code to see if I can type code in the in the editor without anything breaking font-weight: bold; color: blue; border: solid 1px green; width: 100px; This is test code to see if I can type code in the in the editor without anything breaking font-weight: bold...
  9. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    And you are definitely using the code editor? (green cog next to the save when typing a message)
  10. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    Yeah, pretty much. The way I like to remember it is html is all the words in the post/website, CSS is all the color, sizes and positioning and javascript is all the behind the scenes code. Also you can put the CSS wherever you want here, I just prefer to keep it under my div's so I have them in...
  11. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    Your close, there are three ways to implement CSS into your code, first off is inline, which is basically normal BBCode and is more of the last resort type, then there is external, where you have a separate file to hold all your CSS code in, this is usually the most common in making web pages...
  12. Sana Natsuko

    Resource Starry Sheet for starry characters!

    If you don't want either a picture or text version of your appearance, feel free to remove the entire div. But don't forget to change the height in nonStickyInformation! Appearance Quite odd and usually doesn't know what they...
  13. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    Not exactly, css and the class tags here do differ, but what can be used inside the class tags is literally everything that can be used in css classes, but you still have to type it out as 'class name=(name)(styling stuff)/class'.
  14. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    Yeah, the three big website languages are html, css and JavaScript which all translate to here as div’s, classes and script tags. It is a shame you couldn’t find anything on the forum, but I am positive if you ask someone will know the answer, loads of good coders here
  15. Sana Natsuko

    Help anyone willing to help?

    What a lie! Looking back at it, I completely forgot flex box existed, justify content is better than having the margins forcefully moved to where they need to be
  16. Sana Natsuko

    Help anyone willing to help?

    Page just reloaded to show me Alteras already answered it
  17. Sana Natsuko

    Help anyone willing to help?

    I don't actually know about the scroll box, but as one way to get the text box and image together would be like this. I messed around with the code a bit and made so instead of applying the changes directly, the div's have been given classes and then those classes are what apply the changes. It...
  18. Sana Natsuko

    Help anyone willing to help?

    Could you be a bit more specific on what it is you still want to learn in coding, so we can just see what you already know and what you want to learn more than other things
  19. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    No problem, I really enjoy coding and I am still learning. I have actually got html work to hand in soon so helping out like this helps keep me used to it and stay in touch
  20. Sana Natsuko

    Help thread no longer active

    Basically yeah, in the normal BBCode, you're limited on your styling to inline code which is basically like a div but instead of typing div with words inside its font or color, where as with the introduction of classes in BBCode+ you can use pretty much all css, I would say learn it before hand...