Search results for query: *

  1. Lost Echo

    Realistic or Modern When the Past Bites (Kex x Lost Echo)

    Lynn had given up. Oh, she’d found the little Keurig cups: they were in the same box as the hot chocolate, but she was clueless where the machine was. Tossing the box onto her blank counter, she turned as she heard Aiden knock. Or well, someone. It was pretty quiet. For a moment, the inane...
  2. Lost Echo

    Realistic or Modern When the Past Bites (Kex x Lost Echo)

    Coincidences that added up. Aiden probably was probably too relieved to be free of her to think anything of it. Lynn’s lips pursed, frustrated that she couldn’t disagree with his new caution. “If you kept any of those, we should make a list.” Not sure how sensitive of a mindset Aiden was in, she...
  3. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Salt? Rolf used it regularly in his baking, but never considered its supernatural properties. At least it’d usually be handy just in case. As for the other, “Maybe carry some iron until the elders solve it?” He offered Tom the horseshoe. The man didn’t have the protection of the town out here on...
  4. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Thomas took his warning seriously. The cups might have been small, but they were full enough he had to be careful with his first sip. “I was worried you’d say that. The whole town is in an uproar about it.” He pulled the nail and horseshoe out of his pocket, “I was given these to protect myself...
  5. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Yeah, it didn’t seem like the kind of place to ever have evil spirits. The peace was seeping into his bones, relieving his worries that had grown as the gossip spread. He stepped around the house to the oak, placing his palm on the bark. He sent a pulse of thanks to the old tree, one of the few...
  6. Lost Echo

    Realistic or Modern When the Past Bites (Kex x Lost Echo)

    Lynn’s heart clenched. Fuck Aiden was still so kind. How did one go through whatever he’d survived and remain as good as he was before? And there he was, lending his strength to her as she realized she might have lost him before ever seeing him again. She noticed his large hand covering hers...
  7. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Most of the traditional knowledge Rolf was aware of was passed from son to father. He hadn’t really thought of what secrets his mother could have held and refused to share as he was not a daughter. Smiling softly at Tom’s apologetic state, he reached out and put his hand on the man’s shoulder...
  8. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Rolf treaded along more steadily, watching his step for roots and the like that Thomas seemed to know were there. He wondered if the man’s workings with the Fae had made him more attuned to nature, invigorating him when he was in it. Or was his knowledge more mundane, built from years of working...
  9. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Rolf couldn’t help but notice Thomas was as clean as he’d been for the festival. It made sense; a person wouldn’t want to be dirty in their own home, but it was a strange difference. Would the man be as amicable when he was working? It was like knowing an entirely new man, from the solemn one...
  10. Lost Echo

    Realistic or Modern When the Past Bites (Kex x Lost Echo)

    Lynn’s stomach plummeted and she froze, flinching in return. Swallowing, she forced herself to keep talking, keep saying what she’d planned as if nothing had happened. It had been years since words were hard to force out, but she kept her tone even…even as she wanted to cry. She listened to him...
  11. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Rolf enjoyed the night. His fellow red-head was good company, and with the blanket to ward off the chill of the ground, it was easy to find rest in between watches. He preferred when they were both awake, preparing for speaking the final verses at the chime of midnight or just letting...
  12. Lost Echo

    Realistic or Modern When the Past Bites (Kex x Lost Echo)

    Were the love of my life. Were. Fuck that hurt almost as much as Bec did. But Lynn kept her face patient and listening, even as her eyes wanted to widen. What would she have done if he’d done that, even 5 years ago? But he was quick to note how much pain he’d been through, and all selfish...
  13. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Rofl couldn’t judge. He’d left his family to go to an entire different village. Still, it seemed sad that Thomas’s was here yet so distant. It reminded him of his father. He swore he’d befriend the man, who was good company. He could visit the coalmaker’s hut. Starting tomorrow, “I’ll be...
  14. Lost Echo

    Realistic or Modern When the Past Bites (Kex x Lost Echo)

    For the first ten minutes, Lynn was finding things. Two coffee cups, a pot then her store of spices. Her living room now was full of half opened boxes, but she was successful. Lynn was making hot chocolate, on the stove carefully heating up the milk before adding the cocoa powder, cinnamon and...
  15. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    Rolf ignored the grass. It must have just been him overthinking things. Grass didn’t change that fast. There was a reason watching grass grow meant boredom. Instead he focused on Thomas’s plans. Rolf didn’t say anything further. In his experience, fairies weren’t very forgiving, but these Fae...
  16. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    “Oh.” Rolf blinked. He…really couldn’t imagine trying to not get picked. But sense returned as Tom explained, he wanted to make his own fairy cove in his veggie garden. The man must still believe in the myth. Rolf wasted a few seconds of wondering if his vegetable garden could be included in the...
  17. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    “Oh! What a good idea.” Taking full advantage, Rolf turned and sat on the blanket, laying back to stretch before sitting up once more. “Last year I had to give Magda my jacket to sit on. You’d have thought I’d remember that before now.” She was a pretty girl, who knew it. Still to her credit...
  18. Lost Echo

    Fantasy Story of two NPC's

    It was the Fairies Feast! Rolf was incredibly excited. Given the day to himself, as his master focused on weaving the branches they’d kept in the bakery, he would be locked in the kitchen, creating his doll. It had taken a few tries, but he’d created a doll he was proud of. The past few years...
  19. Lost Echo

    Realistic or Modern When the Past Bites (Kex x Lost Echo)

    “Wait, divorce?” Lynn couldn’t stop herself. “But why…?” She trailed off. Of course Aiden would take in his ex-wife, even if she was an abusive bitch. His manners wouldn’t have let him do otherwise. She studied him, then offered, “I can fight for you.” At the very least she could make her sleep...
  20. Lost Echo

    Realistic or Modern When the Past Bites (Kex x Lost Echo)

    She made it to her car without thinking. Starting it, she pulled up to the front, into the first pick-up spot as it was late to be leaving. Putting it into park however, with the knowledge she could only wait, caused her thoughts to overspill. No. She did not know. While she had compared every...