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  1. GalacticWarlord

    Realistic or Modern Fallout World (Alaska was voted for)

    Jingou Cheng drags his legs across the snow with his bag of miscellaneous items, all intended to be sold. When he finally halts to a stop he passes out on the snow, 5 miles away from the nearest civilization. His dreams are not important, but what is, is he is dying of exhaustion, this...
  2. GalacticWarlord

    Realistic or Modern Vietnam War AU Roleplay

    Your walking through the swamps of Vietnam when everyone stops for rest, the medic's plane had crashed, and he was with the army members now. Everyone sits down and talks about random stuff.
  3. GalacticWarlord

    Realistic or Modern Vietnam War AU Roleplay

    Looking for someone to do a Vietnam war roleplay with me. Character Template General Information Name: Gender: Race: Age: Military Information Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Melee Weapon: Temporary Weapon: (grenades, etc.) Branch: Specialization: (Medic, Grenadier, etc.)
  4. GalacticWarlord

    Fandom The Fallen Bear-New Vegas

    Caesars Legion may have lost the first battle at Hoover Dam, but it will not again, not ever. This takes place in the time of Fallout New Vegas, where the Legion and NCR are always fighting and warring. The party starts out as Legion recruits recruited from the outside, for their outstanding...
  5. GalacticWarlord

    Fantasy The Fallen Bear-New Vegas

    Caesars Legion may have lost the first battle at Hoover Dam, but it will not again, not ever. This takes place in the time of Fallout New Vegas, where the Legion and NCR are always fighting and warring. The party starts out as Legion recruits recruited from the outside, for their outstanding...
  6. GalacticWarlord

    Realistic or Modern Fallout World

    Fallout that is set in a location based on what everyone votes for, theres no plot its just freeplay, and be whatever you want YES YOU CAN BE AN ALIEN YES YOU CAN BE A SUPER MUTANT YES YOU CAN BE A GHOUL Also Im adding a race in called sentient mirelurks because I wish they were sentient