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  1. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Would uploading the brain into a Synthetic body cause a split personality? No, probably not.
  2. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Likely doing that would cause both minds to cancel each other out. Synthetic bodies are crafted to mimic and resemble humans to allow the brain to integrate, since it can't handle being in a body too dissimilar to the human body. It's very delicate is what I'm trying to say, and forcing it to...
  3. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    But... why would that ever happen? Why would you choose to implant an AI like that, considering the rough resource situation the Havens are in? This absolutely would not happen because Bionic Augments and Synthetic bodies are intended for humans only, and they take up valuable resources to craft...
  4. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Bionics and Synthetics are still humans, doesn't change anything. Bionic Augments are controlled by the brain and Synthetics are controlled by uploaded human consciousnesses, no AI required for either.
  5. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Uh... no, AI don't interface with humans in the first place so that would never happen
  6. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    No, it's not. I deliberately specified in the lore that AI serve primarily as onboard systems and are restricted from having free will.
  7. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    You should read the lore before going any further down that rabbit hole.
  8. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    I'd say anti-grav, but I didn't put much thought into this cause I don't consider it hugely important. it's a hand-wave, basically. I don't want to explain every detail of the universe and how stuff works cause imo it detracts from the fun and I'm not a big fan of pure sci-fi where that happens...
  9. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Desperation will do that lol, they really crunched to get as many Havens operational as possible They aren't connected, just floaty bois. I did consider having them be tethered but decided against it.
  10. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Lore thread has been posted Be warned; it is VERY rough, but I wanted to get it out cause I have to go out for dinner in about ten minutes and I didn't want to put it off and leave you guys hanging for even longer. So yeah it's not great, but it's serviceable. Give me some input on stuff you...
  11. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [Lore]

    THE LIMBO PRINCIPLE -LORE- The Lore thread for The Limbo Principle. Have fun, maties. 2248 - The first AI was successfully created. 2252 - The first Synthetic was successfully created. 2264 - Small-scale disputes between Organics and Synthetics grew into a short-lived but savage war...
  12. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Cheers man, I might take you up on that lol. I don't think I'm too bad at worldbuilding but coming up with names for stuff hurts my soul. Once I've posted the Lore, feel free to let me know anything you think should be added!
  13. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Looks good! I'm liking the whole allergy thing you got goin', and you're clearly bigger brain than me with all that fancy terminology lol Nicely, I think. Working on it right now, just finished a brief timeline and some other stuff. Should be up at some point, but it'll remain a permanent WIP...
  14. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Character Sheets thread is up laddies I deliberately left 'em kinda plain cause I'm okay with you guys changing it up. Format it however you want, just get the important stuff down. Feel free to leave out personality and/or backstory, always fun to find stuff out as the RP progresses. I'm not...
  15. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [CS]

    THE LIMBO PRINCIPLE -CHARACTER SHEETS- Character Sheets for The Limbo Principle. Have fun, gamers. Accepted Characters: Patience, little one...
  16. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    I like the sound of that! Good to finally see someone being a human and not a robot lol And yes I knew that. I definitely knew that. It's common knowledge, isn't it? I definitely... yeah... (Thank you I knew I was forgetting something lmao)
  17. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    The idea I have for the AI is more like the Cephalons from Warframe, AI installed onto ships and into buildings and such like onboard systems. Smaller 'bodies' controlled by AI would either be less intelligent than a primary AI, or would be controlled directly by a primary AI. For example if a...
  18. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Like, body jumping? Hm I never actually thought of that. Actually neat idea but you're right, takes less effort to send in an AI or automaton of some sort. That's something I kinda want to avoid. I envision the AI as being more like... helpers than anything else. So they do things like look...
  19. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    The initial idea for the Synths were very heavily inspired by the Exo yeah, but I didn't want to have it be as restrictive since there aren't many looks you can find outside of Destiny that look Exo-ey. Exo-esque? Whatever.
  20. Hextremus

    Futuristic The Limbo Principle [OOC]

    Lol sorry, that design's neat but I'd say machines with that sort of look would be more in line with AI than Synthetics. I'd need to give your idea some thought cause building a flotilla of flying rafts would be rather difficult to pull off in secret, since Havens are quite strict on resource...