Search results for query: *

  1. vibrantsystem

    Multiple Settings [mxm] Long-Term Partner Searching!

    Aaand I guess I'll just bump this again?
  2. vibrantsystem

    Multiple Settings [mxm] Long-Term Partner Searching!

    I guess I'll just give this a bump for the morning people!
  3. vibrantsystem

    Multiple Settings [mxm] Long-Term Partner Searching!

    Hey hey hey!! I'm really bored at the moment, and putting off big assignments a lot, so I'm looking for some roleplays to do some writing! -About- -univeristy/college student. In theory I should have like, uhhh, no free time but I have too much time. -even if I haven't listed something on...
  4. vibrantsystem

    Other What do you hate the most?

    I mean your post history is literally full of it and somehow you're still around here. And what a bumper crop of inoffensive tosh. You're so boring. Ciao.
  5. vibrantsystem

    Other What do you hate the most?

    Hey I've got question‽ Are you normally this blissfully unaware when people are heckling you? I feel like your perception of social issues might just be due to your apparent utter inability to detect this. ...also your ""meme"" has some interesting spellings, nerd. "Hetro" and "domanated" are...
  6. vibrantsystem

    Other What do you hate the most?

    I feel like I've transcended to another layer of reality just from reading this. Even now, as a higher being, I can't believe I just saw someone say that seriously oh my gooooooooooooooooood.
  7. vibrantsystem

    Other What do you hate the most?

    So... you don't feel safe? Conveniently on topic, if there's one thing I hate, it's piddly little internet logicmen like you whining on and on about feminists and social justice warriors, people who go out of their way to make a positive difference to society instead of tapping out brainwashed...
  8. vibrantsystem

    Other What do you hate the most?

    What, did they threaten your safe space or something?
  9. vibrantsystem

    Alternate Earth (Homestuck RP)

    The notification that a reply had come through sounded as Aden corrected his position, having stored the boards away. TC had replied it seemed. Not that he had expected anything less of her, mind. -- TC: ah. just boring stuff, honestly. i just got home from school. TC: that sounds pretty...
  10. vibrantsystem

    Fandom Homestuck: Sburb Gamma

    ===> Jorn: reply to Main You take several deep breaths, before checking Main's message. You've got thirty seconds
  11. vibrantsystem

    Alternate Earth (Homestuck RP)

    Aden smiled to himself as he heard the small noise indicating a message had come through. Presumably it was from TC again. He hadn't been talking to anyone else. That being said, TC had messaged him out of the blue, so anything was possible really... -- TC: yup! only if i'm not distracting...
  12. vibrantsystem

    Fandom Homestuck: Sburb Gamma

    I am, yes.
  13. vibrantsystem

    Alternate Earth (Homestuck RP)

    As the message came through, a small beeping noise accompanied it. A message had come through. Aden looked up at the monitor, and away from the piece he was working on. It seemed that TC had sent him a message. Not wanting to come across as rude, Aden replied, resting his elbow on the board...
  14. vibrantsystem

    Alternate Earth (Homestuck RP)

    Sitting in at a desk in an apartment, a young man was hunched over a large board. A computer sat on the desk too, several windows open on the monitor, resting atop a pile of stacked books. Outside, the afternoon sun covered the scene in a warm light. It was really closer to evening, but for the...
  15. vibrantsystem

    Fandom Homestuck: Sburb Gamma

    Yepyep I'm still active. Waiting for someone else to post first though.
  16. vibrantsystem

    Fandom Homestuck: Sburb Gamma

    @Elision of Ecritures In the pesterlog between Main and Jorn, Main says that she named herself Jorn.
  17. vibrantsystem

    Fandom Homestuck: Sburb Gamma

    There we go.
  18. vibrantsystem

    Fandom Homestuck: Sburb Gamma

    ===> Jorn: ascend A rail. Of all the things that Main could've done for stairs, she put down a rail. A rail is not stairs. You consider berating your server player for her complete lack of understand, but that timer is staring at you from across the room. You're running out of time. Before you...
  19. vibrantsystem

    Fandom Homestuck: Sburb Gamma

    ===> Jorn: approach the sphere With the Cruxtruder now open, courtesy of Main, you can now see the contents. Some kind of orb that emerged from the top, that seems to be flashing a dark orange, almost brown. It's almost exactly like the colour you type in for Pesterchum. A strange, and rather...
  20. vibrantsystem

    Fandom Homestuck: Sburb Gamma

    True, true.