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  1. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    (Sorry, I ended up crashing at my friends' for a few days. Would anyone like to recap for me? I don't mind just jumping in if not.)
  2. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    "I wouldn't." Aleks said quickly, dispelling the mermaid with a flick of his wrists. "I don't hurt people, the rest of my family can influence people's emotions but I don't. Well, mostly because I can't, but even if I could i wouldn't, it seems wrong." He rolled his eyes a little at the cheesy...
  3. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks laughed softly, and let the dragon fall away, and watched as it snowed black feathers. He turned to look at Alex and smiled a little shyly. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd think it was real. They can't hurt anyone. Illusions are my specialty." He explained. He caught Lila's gaze and nodded at...
  4. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks glanced over his shoulder and frowned at Hasan. He uncovered his ears and smiled a little at Andromeda. While she and the others conversed on football he held his hand out and whispered. "draig, ffeinddio Hasan's ofn." Black swirls of glittery mist slunk around the floor and grasped at...
  5. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks shrugged. "I've no idea what that is. I don't play sports. I'm going to watch tonight though." Aleks noticed Alex's irritation at Sean and smiled a little to himself. It would be amusing if the two began to fight.  "So how does the game work? How many players are there? How do you score...
  6. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks narrowed his eyes slightly. Alex's aura was a solid forest green haloed in gold. Another shifter. Hints of amber yellow and shots of emerald graced Alex's aura as well. He ignored the handshake and said. "Aleks, spelled 'a-l-e-k-s'. The pleasure is mine." He noted the jersey and asked...
  7. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks scanned the hallway full of students on their way to class, half looking for Andromeda, half trying to find his next class. The entire class he had performed tricks and illusions, making mermaids swim and flowers bloom, only partially paying attention to the teacher. No one had paid him...
  8. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    (Sorry, was out with friends at breakfast.)  Aleks slid into the third seat from the front of the chemistry classroom and immediately realised two things; one he had made a complete fool of himself in front of Andromeda, two he hadn't brought his books with him to class. The book part wasn't...
  9. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    "Homecoming?" Aleks looked taken aback. "What on earth is that? Spirit stick?" He groaned inwardly, he had no idea what the hell this stuff was. Curse his homeschool lifestyle filled with God awful tutors and hours upon hours of 'bonding time' with his sister. "I'm awful at this, aren't I?" He...
  10. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    He nodded. "I'd love to go. You're flying?" He looked puzzled. "Oh! You're a cheerleader." He pressed his hand to his face. "Of course!" Aleks smiled a little abashedly. "Wow, I can't believe I didn't get that. I'll definitely go then, to see you. Just a quick question," He leaned towards her...
  11. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    "Thanks." Aleks caught her sidelong glances at his ears and he smiled. "It's alright, you can ask or stare. I'm a Huli Jing, a Chinese fox spirit. We're pretty well known for enchantments and conjuring, which is why I can do this." He held his hand out and a small pool of silver mist formed in...
  12. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks found the room #303. "Ah, gratitudes, Andromeda." He grinned. "What're your other classes, maybe we share a few. I have Political Science after this, AP Bio, Psych, Ap Chem. then lunch. My last two classes are the learning lab and physics. Wow, it looks like almost all of my classes are on...
  13. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    "Chemistry, but I've no clue where it is." Aleks admitted. "I'd love to walk with you, Andromeda. That's a pretty name." He smiled and unintentionally grabbed the stormy purples of anxiety from her aura. "I know I look like a sophmore," He started and retrieved the crumpled class schedule from...
  14. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    "No! I mean, no, not like I'll never need to talk to you or. . "He trailed off. "Sorry, okay no. I just wanted to say hello I guess." He smiled a little. "But now I've gone and blundered on and made a myself a fool. I'll go now, well. not really go, I do have to go to class, and I'm bound to get...
  15. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    "Yes." He looked surprised. "How did you know?" Aleks shoved shoved his hands into his hoodie's pocket. He noted her slight anxiousness and silently apologised to whatever god he had made angry who in return grace Aleks with the gift of being awkward all the time. He fidgeted a little. "Sorry. I...
  16. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks dropped his empty cup of tea into the trashbin and followed after Andromeda. It seemed the right time to get lost in the school, looking for the chemistry room, and the cafeteria was boring him. He caught up to her but trailed slightly behind, not wanting to seem odd, which he was, but...
  17. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks clapped his hands together and the demon horse melted away like early morning mist in the sun. He didn't want to admit it, but he was bored, and half interested in joining the table of students nearby. Absentmindedly he let his human form slip away a little, and his canines sharpened, his...
  18. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks laughed softly. He had lost Sorren's attention with his trick, and gained no one else's. He focused his attention back on the prancing horse and whispered. "twir nos ofn". The glittery gold horse stumbled and began to change. It's coat began sooty and black, and it's eyes sunk into hollow...
  19. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    Aleks raised an eyebrow quizzically and sipped his tea. The flash of green in Sorren's eyes was interesting, Aleks had to admit, but it didn't help him with the enigma of his aura. Was his reading really that bad? He considered walking over to Sorren and asking him about his heritage, but it...
  20. Aquaria Wolf

    Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

    "Finally!" Aleks huffed. It had taken him nearly half an hour to find the cafeteria. After grabbing a hot cup of tea he found an empty seat and began observing the other students. His eyes glowed a soft green colour as he took in the atmosphere. One of his limited gifts was aura reading, and...