Darren moved to lay back as Alex stood up and licked his head. "I love you too." He said and nuzzled into her. He couldnt it to get married to her. After all they've been through they deserved to be married. He was happy to have her back. He wouldnt know what to do without her and the pups.
Samuel smiled as they drove and ran his free hand over Zoey's cheek, he loved her so much. Driving them home, he parked in the drive way and got the twins out. "You go to bed while I put these two down." He said to her and kissed her lips before stepping into the house. He went to put the twins...
Darren enjoyed just being with Alex and the peace of the cave with the moonlight shining through it. Things had been really busy with the pups and the pack, it was more then a handful. His father really was training him to become Alpha now, giving him more then just paperwork to do all the time...
Darren nuzzled into Alex as they reached the cave. He rested his head on top of hers and sighed. This was probably the most silent it had been for the last years. Now he could just relax for a bit instead of always being so tensed up and stressed out. He closed his eyes in comfort and licked the...
Samuel nodded and hugged Semele. "It's going to be okay with Damon." He said and pulled back with a small smile. "We'll find a way to get him back home and away from Hayes." He said and stepped out of the kitchen. Thomas looked at his daughter and then turned to look at Samuel as he walked out...
Samuel nodded. "The doctor already diagnosed me when I had an attack in the hospital." He said. "Once my shoulder is healed completely they're gonna see how I do in a war zone like environment, if they think I'll be fine then I can stay, if not... I don't want to think about what they would do...
Darren gave her a confused look. An old smell of another wolf? He didnt know if he liked the sound of that. He looked towards the pack house and took a deep breath before he started walking off with Alex again. Maybe they were both being paranoid. He licked her snout before he ran off again, to...
"Lily is fine." Samuel said. "Zoey just keeps having nightmare about the birth because of the complications, but Lily is fine. She has strong blood in her veins, as well as Darrius." He said before taking a deep breath and sighing as he rubbed his eyes. "It's probably just been a lot at once, us...
Darren howled softly as Alex did and smiled. This was fun. He licked her face and kept running until she suddenly skidded to a halt. He stopped too and looked at her. He didnt have her nose, he had strength and speed so he just looked at her. "What's wrong?" He asked her and sniffed the air, but...
Samuel grabbed a drying cloth and dried the dishes that Semele did. "She's okay, I guess." He said. "She's just been worked up over Damon. She's still worried about Lily." He answered. He didnt know if Zoey worried over him, though she probably did.
Thomas looked at his daughter and then his...
Darren smirked as Alex kissed his cheek, but then she suddenly shrugged off her clothes and ran. "Hey!" He protested and quickly pulled his clothes off before he shifted and chased after her. He caught up to her after a minute and bumped her hip before he ran off in front of her. They hadnt been...
Darren watched Alex go put the pups to bed and got ready. He nodded when she came down and grabbed her hand. He trusted the pack with his kids.. At least he was trying to, he didnt really trust anyone besides himself, but they needed this. He gave his father and uncle a look before he stepped...
"I can take the cab back home." Samuel said, but sighed softly. "Why didn't you get some sleep in your room while I help you mom clean." He suggested and stood up to help Semele clean the table, leaving Zoey with her dad. Samuel got the heavy plates and glasses, he didnt want Semel doing the...
Sam looked over to Zoey when she leaned into him and kissed her head. He knew she was tired and so were the twins. Maybe it was time to go home, it had seemed like a long night already. He would help Semele clean up and help her with the General if she wanted, he could let Zoey go home before...
Darren snickered as the pack did and shook his head at Alex with a smirk. They were werewolves, they would eat with their hands. he was raised like that and he turned out fine... Right? They weren't like human toddlers that was for sure. He was excited to go out with Alex tonight, but a cautious...
The twins ate with a fork and used their free hand sometimes as well. Darren looked past Alex and smirked, shaking his head. He looked at his father and the others before he kissed Alex's cheek and started eating as well, he was starving and the steak was awesome! It was good to see the pack eat...
Thomas was about to respond to his wife when Samuel and Zoey walked back in, he scoffed at his wife's look. Yes he was wounded and beat up, but he was still the old Thomas, nothing would change that. Samuel looked at Zoey and continued eating, he loved this food and he enjoyed it a lot, it was...
I smiled softly at him and looked at my plate for a second. "Thank you Oliver, you always know what to say to make me feel a little better." I said and finished my food. After he cleaned his plate, I cleaned mine and hugged him from behind before I moved to sit back where I sat before. I started...
Darren laughed at the pups and ruffled their hair before they ran off. He just grinned at Jerome and Jackson, Jackson was okay, he still didnt completely like Jerome so he thought it was funny with the pups bugged him. Darren sat down next to his father and looked at the man. He watched his pups...