Hi! So I was existing and got kinda a stupid idea for a rp, but I would like to use it to branch out and try out genres I usually wouldn’t. The general idea of this is to spin a wheel to decide genre, sub-genre, setting, plot (if you don’t want to make one up on the spot) and finally characters...
Eddie waved his hand dismissively at being thanked for the rescue, he was sure anyone else would do that in a situation like that. Or, well probably not but the thought of someone else helping was just wishful thinking as many people would probably just return to being asleep merely believing...
Eddie nodded as he silently watched her just fall asleep on his couch, which, it still did feel weird to have a roommate suddenly chucked into your life. But he most definitely wasn’t planning on kicking her out as he still did feel bad for her. So he just mumbled a quiet goodnight, even if it...
Eddie paused at the sudden barrage of questions his way, which of course he did have the answers for all of them. It was just surprising to see something live so long not know much about classes, which reasonably. He should’ve guessed they wouldn’t know much about the school system and the...
He paused, his eyebrows burrowing down a bit as he seemed a bit sympathetic for her, he didn’t know the entirety of the story but it did seem a bit sad that her only home was with some guy she would occasionally go to in order to eat his dreams, it just seemed a bit depressing, it made another...
Eddie frowned more deeply, he had a bunch of conflicting emotions. He couldn’t even guess in his wildest dreams that a creature could— or would create nightmares. But that did explain the recent horrific nightmares he was having every single night. He didn’t even know that something similar to...