
Celestial Water
Celestial Water
Yup. Once you get in your head like that it’s game over. 😂🤣

I work in a diesel shop as a parts/service/dispatch clerk and the job requires a lot of multitasking. I kept getting compliments from truck drivers on how calm I was under all this pressure and I was confused bc inside I’m not calm but I am on the outside cause gotta stay in the zone. One guy kept complimenting me multiple times and I look up and notice there‘s 3 truck drivers in the lobby watching me work and I’m like 😳 then I start messing everything up and the guy gives me the biggest WTF face like ‘what just happened to the lady that was killing it’. 😫😩

But I’m leaving this job to go to a bakery as a baker lol my current job is just too intense sometimes (Ex: being on 2-3 phone calls at a time and just being pulled every which way 😵‍💫). Even tho I get compliments on how good a worker I am people don’t realize what’s going on in the inside. I’m a mess! Aha…
Edric Blight
Edric Blight
Yea exactly lol. I also get waaaay too much in my head so I wasn’t thinking and was too busy being pissed off at myself that I didn’t notice my stick and made a stupid mistake. I don’t know if my teammates saw it and luckily I don’t think they did, but there was like one dude in the stands watching us practice and he totally saw it lmao. It was embarrassing.

Lol I’d crack under the pressure of that haha. I do so badly when being watched- which isn’t really a good trait for an athlete. But I do get way too much in my head. I do well when I don’t know anyone’s watching but bad when I try and do well under the pressure of knowing people are watching lol.

But that other job sounds more fun ngl, and tasty too. :) LOL. Best of luck at that new job btw!

Yes, despite the compliments you’re right- people don’t know what’s going on inside in reality 😆. I’m always over thinking and freaking out in my head.
Celestial Water
Celestial Water
Yikes. I’m sorry! But at least it was just the one guy. Aha. But a sport on ice I’m sure there’s all kinds of crazy stuff that happens.

Same here. If I’m being watched versus not watched… Ugh. I hate it! Back when I was in HS I tried a season of band color guard bc 2 of my childhood friends joined and I did okay in practice (for learning a routine in a season) and absolutely horribly on the football field. I still kinda cringe thinking back on it lmao but I had fun during practice 👀

Thanks! First job where I‘m nothing but excited instead of nervous about!

Yup. It’s a curse and a habit I just don’t know how to break away from. First step is admitting the problem tho. Lol