• I can't help but feel there was this time during the early 2010s where producers decided to have a contest of who could mangle a live action film based on a children's franchise the worst and that's why stuff like the Lightning Thief and the Last Airbender sucked so much.
    A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks "What was in that drink I had last night?"
    An Actual Study: New York City is the most congested city in the US.
    Me, a New Yorker: You don't say.
    Why is it that everyone wants to play brooding a-holes or just a-holes in general. It's like, how are we supposed to Roleplay when none of the characters want to interact because they're all a-holes who hate people.
    I once heard a story where a D&D game was so full of edgelords that the tavern they all met in didn't have enough corners for them to brood in
    Wow. There really are a lot of Isekai rps recently. Jeez.
    Been wondering. Would you say Big Trouble in Little China is an Isekai?
    I've never watched it so I don't know.
    Well, it's good fun, if you ever want to give it a watch. ^3^
    Types of Characters/Roleplayers you'll run into on RPN #6: The Fandom Freak. This roleplayer loves fandom roleplays. Like, really loves them. This wouldn't be a problem if they didn't decide to attempt to join non-fandom rps using fandom characters such as, say, Link or Iron Man even if the RP is a completely original world with zero connection to any fandoms.
    What if Skyrim is actually an Isekai? After all, we don't know anything about the Dragonborn's history and waking up in a strange place is a common start to an Isekai story.
    "You're finally awake."
    "Where the [EFF!] am I?!?"
    Here's a question: Does dying and going to heaven (or hell) count as being Isekaied?
    It's technically outside your universe that way, right? So whether it is, or it isn't, it will feel like it is.
    But could heaven be considered to be in our universe or would it count as it's own separate universe? It's definitely not a planet.
    As far as I know, no one's been there and back to verify either way. I'd call it part of our universe myself, but an atheist probably wouldn't.
    It is bizarre to me that Honey (the plug-in) has been around as long as it has and not one person has thought to say the phrase "Save money with honey."
    The Pope: Henry, if you cut England's ties with the Church, I'll excommunicate you!
    Henry VIII: Yes... that's what cutting ties with the church means...
    Concept: a new Lego Pirates of the Caribbean game but with Sea of Thieves and/or the sailing part of Assassin's Creed: Black Flag-like gameplay.
    You know, considering the amount of BS that goes on in an Ace Attorney courtroom, I'm surprised Van Zieks is the only character with a drinking problem.
    The Wizard of Oz was an Isekai story.
    Totally using this an example next time I need to explain what Isekai is. ^;3^
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    What is an Isekai
    An Isekai is, at it's core, a story in which the main character/characters is/are trapped in another world, which is what the word Isekai means when translated from Japanese to English. Probably not exactly, since stuff like this tend not to have very good direct translations but that's besides the point. It's largely an anime trope but it's existed longer than that such as, for example, the Wizard of Oz.

    They also have a disturbing habit of overlapping with the harem genre for some reason.
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