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  • when game :pleading-eyes:
    miss playing w you
    Hmmm okay because it's you asking let's smash some fuckin' capitalist imperialism with morally dubious super powers
    Yooo i want morally dubious superpowers
    I'm probably late, but nonetheless, happy late birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!
    Very funny and cool to see people I know voicing a desire for exactly the kind of RPs I run but never joining them.
    That sort of thing happens to me sometimes, someone running an RP of the style I always say I like and me not actually joining it. It’s usually either the case then that either there is some fatal detail that makes me unable or unwilling to join, or that I am already at the limit of roleplays I can reasonably be in and thus I cannot in good conscience join that one.
    Someone suggested years ago that I write a guide to researching writing material. Might do that later.
    I really should work on my heavy metal Gaelic myth RP setting one of these days.
    'What am I supposed to do if I want to talk of peace and understanding,
    But you only understand the language of the sword?'
    Defeat them at Nintendo whilst telling them what they are doing is wrong
    This RP won an award - you should come and play. TRIBUNAL
    Random Word
    Random Word
    Ooh, what award did it win? Was there a previous iteration I should probably not read because spoilers?
    Best Scenario at WARPcon in... 2017, maybe?
    There is a sequel but not an earlier iteration.
    I may do a part 3 if we ever make it through Tribunal and the sequel, Inqusition.
    It's dense, it's obtuse, and it makes zero concessions to the reader.
    It's also one of the best things I've written and can't believe my fans voted against it.
    I may take you up on that list of upcoming fantasy books! :)
    I only read The Gentlemen Bastards this year and the next book is out next April, so it was on my mind and you can see why I rec'd it.

    I'm wracking my brain for more but I've been on a big horror and sci-fi kick the last eighteen months, so I might not have actuaklly read many of the fantasy books I might know (but I can expense books to my employers during the lockdown so that's likely to change soon).

    Oh, you know what, I inflict this on literally everyone but it's my favourite scifi novel so you might like it and I'd love to hear your thoughts: Blindsight by Peter Watts
    CW for existential horror.
    My whole life is existential horror XD

    Tbh happy to get recs for horror and sci fi too.
    Ooh, in which case.
    Hammers On Bone by Cassandra Khaw
    Beneath The Rising by Premee Mohamed
    Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys
    If I were writing for a CRPG I would drive everyone insane by writing in-universe books and relentlessly bugging the level designers about exactly where to put them.
    Come and get s p o o k e d
    It is mildly amusing that if people see my name on an RP in real life they'll buy tickets without reading another word, but even the most overwritten interest check struggles to get traction.
    Hey, you were recommended to help me with a question about dice rp...I was wondering exactly how it works
    Do you think we could start one and I could learn along the way?
    I generally prefer to have 3 or more players, for many reasons, but at least two of my RPs have yet to properly start so there's time for you to get in on the ground floor.
    Or if you have 2 or more friends who are interested, I have a nice three-player horror RP that's won an award or two I could run here.
    i can see rn
    Our children will grow up on graceful promontories where a few people gather together// in their world it will be illegal to own the land// and they will make new literatures where the oil age will be forgotten/ and our cities will be folded back into the sand/ and they will not even remember how once we held the world like a bird in our hands and how we crushed it like a bird in our hands
    - Robert Montgomery
    All our splendid monuments
    Lipstick traces on a cigarette
    The sun comes up on only land
    Forest here once
    Forest here again
    -Robert Montgomery
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