
A lot of folks on our site are very heavily socially anxious, and aren't certain how to go about leaving. What sounds simple to you may be extremely hard for them...
It's no excuse, of course. But it's at least a reason why.
I have social anxiety also, but I still try to push past it because I know how much it hurts to be really into a RolePlay and then to have your partner just suddenly stop talking to you. I talk OOC to most of my partners and attempt to befriend them, so they shouldn't have a reason to be anxious.
Ahh, nonetheless, not everyone can be quite as strong as you.

It could be that because you've befriended them, that makes them even more anxious, since they may not want to disappoint you. Of course, by ghosting, they're accomplishing the opposite of what they want... But it's still no fun to think of all the possible conflicts that could come with a proper leave.

My best advice? Ghosting sucks, but it's unfortunately something that's going to happen near-constantly, so I would try a QTIP. And that's to say "Quit Taking It Personally". It's unfortunate, but a reality.
Do you have any advice on how I might go about doing that? So far it's happened with every friend I've made here.
Basically... Just understand that 99.99% of the people who ghost you are folks that don't mean harm by it. It's not a personal attack to you, it's just either A) They're too shy to let you know, or B) They got very busy irl (I've had it where someone ghosted me, but they also never showed up on RpNation again, so who knows what could have happened?). Sometimes it's hard to not take it personally, I get that. But it's like traffic... The people around you may be acting dumb, but it ultimately does no good to get uppity.
Yeah, that makes sense. It's just hard to keep that in mind when I already have abandonment issues, I suppose.
The way I personally get around ghosting is making friends before the RP starts. If you know someone very well already (Longer than you've kept the RP going), they're less likely to leave without a word, since you've had a previous relationship you still expect each other to tend to. Talk to people around the site! Get involved in discussions! Talk to people casually before talking to them about matters of RP. If they ghost you, they have to dump the relationship, too. If they still do that, maybe you don't want to be friends.
That's true. I've never been good at replying to the discussion part of this site, but I suppose I can give it a shot if I can save myself some grief in the process.