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  • When you're up all night and you have to wait for your rp friends on the other side of the country/world wake up and get online...I can only binge tik tok so long, people.
    For instance, coffee is a simple drug that, to really simplify, accelarates the rate at which you consume energy, which makes you feel more energized while you're there. However, your body adjusts to the intake of the substance, which makes it so the more you consume caffeine the more reliant your body becomes on you consuming that to keep its normal metabolism. This means coffee becomes less and less effective and you feel more tired in general.
    As such, the basic solution to this is to gradually reduce the amount consumed, and bear with the lack of energy for a while, to allow your body to adjust to consuming less of the substance. Fortunately it's not the kind of substance one normally is able to cause permanent damage to oneself with.
    I'll try to cut down on the coffee intake. I don't drink any soda, so I don't really consume any other drinks with caffeine other than tea every so often.
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