• Okay, I've been sitting on this for a while but I'm really angry about how a meme spoiled all of infinity war for me.
    But I need to get through Black Panther first.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    I never saw black panther and still watched infinity war
    But I want to watch them all before I watch infinity war (except for iron man 2 and 3)
    I just realized that christopher columbus never actually achieved his original goal of circumnavigating the globe.

    His goal was to reach india by traveling westward, around the world.
    His original goal was to reach India and China. Circumnavigation was just an added benefit
    And his intended means were going west around the globe because he figured that absolutely nothing could go wrong there. And, to be fair, less went on on his journey than any other journey to india.
    Fun Fact: A hijacked Etheopian Airlines plain had to be shot down over switzerland airspace by french and italian fighter jets because the switzerland airforce doesn't work nights on weekends. What a wacky world we live in.
    Oh my god my interest check quality is dead. I used to be good but it sucks now.
    Don’t post interest checks until you’re happy with them
    But I can't fund a way to get happy with them.
    Fun Fact: Serial Killer Richard Chase would only enter victim's homes that were unlocked. If they were locked he felt unwelcome. What a wacky world we live in.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    Would he enter if they were locked or unlocked?
    You said unlocked twice and I’m curious

    If they were unlocked. How did I screw that up.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    Thank you xp
    Fun fact: in Italy it is a crime to tell a man he has no balls. What a wacky world we live in.
    So I was listening to the radio and they were doing a game about celebrities and their yearbook nominations and one of the choices for oprah was "most likely to become president" and while that wasn't the right answer I just nodded like "yeah, I'd vote for her."
    Fun Fact: An elderly couple in china refused to reloacte their house for highway construction. Their house no sits in the middle of a highway. We really do live in a wacky world, don't we.
    Fun Fact: In the time between it being discovered and the wrong doing that was stripping it of it's planetary status, Pluto completed one revolution around the sun. What a wacky world we live in.
    If you get to college and you were always at college reading level is there even anywhere to go up from there?

    Like, is there a super college reading level or something?
    Idea Idea Like in school systems where they track your proficiency analyzing a text, finding context clues, recognizing things like foreshadowing, imagery, etc.

    And I honestly don't know. Do they measure your reading level up that far??
    Oh I see. Doesn't really seem like the kind of thing that can be measured in "levels" but eh... Thanks for the info Kitty!
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    I think it’s like “congressman archive level” after or something. And then top tier is like “ancient holy religious texts in a dead language” level
    Demon: I will give you the power to defeat your enemies, but you must give me your first born child.
    Me, an asexual: *smiles deviously*
    Ah. But everyone knows that to cheat a demon is to find the smallest technicality and exploit it.
    But can you beat a demon at it's own game? There is nothing in the phrase 'your first born child' that would concretely disqualify an adopted child.
    It's simple. Adopt an animal.
    Did you know that philosophers would do annotations in the bible and a lot of time it would be arguing about interpretations with other philosophers but sometimes they would make comments about things in the bible they thought were amusing so in other words people who studied the bible invented the riff track.
    Fun fact: a high school once held a fundraiser campaighn where they played Justin Bieber's "Baby" between classes and made students pay to stop it. They raised 1000 dollars in three days. What a wacky world we live in.
    Interest Check: This roleplay isn't like other roleplays...
    Me: It has three jails.

    (I realize noone understands this)
    You know the Last Jedi is bad when you actually want the How it Should have Ended version to be canon
    Peacemaker .45
    Peacemaker .45
    Can we just pretend Last Jedi never happened?
    No! I need it to make jokes about it!
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