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  • You know what's disappointing? Being up at night when all the people you talk to aren't on :(
    Correction, I am not starting to want. I actually do want. I'm just not sure what kind of RP I would like to do. :/
    Man, I'm starting to want another RP partner who's schedule is closer to mine, as well as quicker on replies.
    Things have been going pretty interesting. Working on potentially 2 team projects. One for school, the other one for not school. And ofcourse, got a fun RP going.
    So, this class in school is finally over. And I got a few days off :) Maybe I can start to feel better. Both emotionally and physically.
    So, I'm pretty sad right now. I upset a friend of mine and no matter how much I tried to apologies and fix the problem... it didn't do anything and she has decided to move on. I'm pretty upset about this... I mean I come back to RPNation after I don't know how long.... to try and get a RP, and all I end up doing is hurting someone I considered a friend. *sigh* :(
    I'm getting pretty annoyed at my copy of Pokemon Diamond. Seriously, it's like all the old DS games just don't want to work any more... especially the Pokemon ones.

    For starters, I have to use my DS in order to get it to occasionally start. Then I've had a few times where the dumb thing will just freeze and I gotta reset it.. then mess with repeated inserting and removing the game card in the DSi Slot.
    Had that happen to my Pokemon Y game. Damn shame, I threw it away. Got to the point where it didn't start at all.
    I cleaned the port and game 's metal contacts with a rubbing-alcohol coated swab, my issues quit soon thereafter.
    The port? That where you stick the game into?
    So, still trying to get used to this uh, new feed thing. Miss chat rooms and stuff.

    But yeah, oddly enough, the forums had me as over 100 years old. o.O dang.
    Lol, an admin is needed to change your Bday, so please wait.

    We have a discord chat room for the server. Unfortunately we're still working on a way to reintegrate it back into RPN, so it'll be while before people can join it once more.
    Ah, well dang, was about to say, let me join the discord server!

    Also, yeah I know, I sent them a message about the wrong birth year. Just thought it was funny so I mentioned it on here. :P
    hello everyone.  Man I miss the older chat feature.. but anyways, I want to know if there's any active RPs I could get into pretty quickly.  Cuz I could try and start my own RP... but that'd assume others would be interested and how long it'd take to get people to join.
    I'm not ignoring you, I do have things I must do even after I post, I'll leave for the time being , I'm currently tied up on two role plays
    Don't you get it! My resignation was because I'm leaving the role play. I'm not editing it. Stop messaging me. Just ignore it!
    I try to get on as much as I can,but I don't when I can't get on.Right now I'm on break,so I will be on all week.
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