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  • Laptop has decided to forsaken me. Will be m.i.a for a bit until repairs are complete.
    That face when the Crabgot skin is only 520. Such a sick skin after the Urgot update.
    When people start cussing you out in their own language, just because you chose a champ they don't agree with. Roflmao
    HL860 Laser Sniper
    HL860 Laser Sniper
    I was about to comment with something relatable, but your profile pic creeped me out.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    Kinda depends on the champ. Janna top isn't the most efficient thing ever xP
    To Everyone who ever said "I Wish I was an Adult" when you were younger... Oh how you will regret such words when you grow up...
    ^every young person need to listen to this wise individual. Don't let it fool you! Growing up is a trap!
    now you've taken away the only thing they have, optimism.
    My god.. so damn hot today, There is only so many clothes I can take off before I start breaking the law. This is why I miss Winter.
    You really start to learn who the douches at work are once they start disappearing during 'busier sale periods" #FedUp.
    One bad thing about support.. when your team sucks, you can't really carry due to wrong runes and masteries.
    I agree.
    Or you can go manmode and become the carry yourself. Crit Jannaconda works I tell you!
    Also hate it when people say, "Well if you keep losing, maybe your doing something wrong?"...No.. No..stop and think for a second and you will realize that that is not the case. I can't be in Top Lane or Mid lane 24/7 babysitting the stragglers, when I am suppose to support the ADC, Ugh.. losing streak at the moment cause of Troll picks (Jhin top/mid) and rage quitters.
    Used to like Jhin. Until people started thinking they can play him Top/Mid. Bring back team builder, so we don't have to endure this rubbish
    I main support, so I rarely experience unconventional support champs. Had an ADC taric yesterday, trying to force me to pick vayne so I could swap with him. He was 3rd choice and 1 Was last pick, if he wanted Vayne, he could have chosen her himself. Why should i be forced to play taric because he didn't think things through.
    @Particle Now try imagining Jhin (chosen after) the enemy picked Riven top. 30+ minutes of having to endure this game where, unsurprisingly. Jhin had the most deaths
    Out of all the champs though, there is only one I absolutely hate having on my team. Sivir. Though with the current rise of players thinking Jhin can top or mid, that is quickly gonna change. I'm no stranger to picking non meta champs in lane, Heck I probably have more games with Caitlyn top than Caitlyn bottom. But I'd never go as far as to pick a champ that has no benefits going in a lane it doesn't belong in.
    When you carry the team as a support... but the ADC gets all the credit....
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    I know right..
    Drop them. Then say your back is hurting because of carrying everyone.
    3 games dodged cause the kids queuing didn't get Xayah... Swear this game mode was meant to make things faster...
    TFW a silver ranked player thinks their rank means anything. Rofl. No it doesn't.
    >tfw they use tfw but don't use the meme arrows
    >smug anime girl.jpg.wav
    < ^ ( O O ) ^ ) >
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