
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
Nah they are amazing!
Also octopus doesn't come from Latin, so plural is octopuses or octopodes
*the more you know*
Roleplay Skittle
Roleplay Skittle
It's actually correct both ways. :P just most people don't like octopi, I don't like octopuses... soooo.. yeah. xD

And I would rather see a flying spider than an octopus in any environment. They scare the hell out of me.
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
I just meant it has no etymological basis. d:
Roleplay Skittle
Roleplay Skittle
>> then there was really no point in saying anything. xD tell me about cacti now.
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
Cacti is actually correct, it does come from Latin.
Roleplay Skittle
Roleplay Skittle
Why does coming from Latin determine whether or not the plural is correct?
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
Because many words that come from Latin still keep their Latin plural in English, plus the normal English plural (cactus, cacti/cactuses).
But words that come from Greek have a different plural, so the latin plural can't be applied to a greek word.
Roleplay Skittle
Roleplay Skittle
xD so are you saying it's okay to call a cactus in plural cactuses but it's not okay to say octopi?
Project Naiad
Project Naiad
Indeed. Cactus is both a Latin and English word.
Octopus never was a Latin word. d: