
Hahahahahaha nice one bruh
Seraph Darkfire
Seraph Darkfire
I know right? I was trying to hide it so no one would peek in on my work while I was busy. Well, at least I still have my Workshop, I can keep working on stuff there until it is unhidden.
Yeah, i feel you. Im trying to get my HP together right now but I got peeople waiting on me and Im like holddd up bruh. This was just an idea like a day ago lol. 

I actually gotta get it altogether now
Seraph Darkfire
Seraph Darkfire
I've had my idea for a little while now. It is about struggling to regain a lost life. I'm enjoying writing it up.
Same for mine. Its just hard to get the plot together for me or rather how to go about having the players move throughout the world
Seraph Darkfire
Seraph Darkfire
Sometimes it helps to kind of ferry them to certain scenes, while at other times letting them play it out on their own.

I myself am writing down a basic event post to detail what I want to happen at the beginning of the roleplay, of course it is just for me, no one else gets to see it :P  
Yeah, ive got this journal im jotting everything down in.
Seraph Darkfire
Seraph Darkfire
I did the same thing when I was working on my first DnD quest.
Ive just got this frar that people will leave before Im done lol
Seraph Darkfire
Seraph Darkfire
Me too, I'm sure a lot of people are like that. It sucks when you put a lot of work into something and people simply lose interest or are fickle roleplayers to begin with.
Yep, forever a fear of mine when thinking about roleplays lmao
Seraph Darkfire
Seraph Darkfire
It is an unavoidable risk that we take when making roleplays. I once made a roleplay on another site that was based entirely around Breaking the Fourth Wall. People played as themselves wearing masks and had powers that allowed them to manipulate the world and interact with their characters. It was crazy and lasted for quite a bit of time.
That sounds insane wtf hahaha
Seraph Darkfire
Seraph Darkfire
It was probably the wildest and longest roleplay I've ever run. The only thing that could be second was a Time Traveler roleplay I started.
Makes me wonder with the ones before you know? Like what could have been. Like with my Void or yours with the progenitors lol