
This might be problematic, I had planned that my school having a paranoid principal would be one of the safest places due to his paranoia, plus students and teach, even if caught off guard, would be able to take care of things efficiently as they've been living several weeks like this, they should be prepared unless a massive breach occurs
I was hoping to show you the school plus get some character development before moving out of the place
But I'm good to follow your lead if that's what you want
Leo Radomir
Leo Radomir
i'm not saying you can't have some of the students be prepared and i get the need for development but if you think about there's always going to be some kids that are stupid or don't care what the people in charge think etc, i do like the fact she's trying to do the right thing i can work that much into my post because now the leader will see you as a threat and i can have one of my other sister come to help you and the others. Sorry for being a rude about it and i'm willing to work with you on and idea that can work for both of us. 
Oh yes, of course there will be dumb highshoolers, those would not survive at that school... but yeah, let's continue? Your character and zombie turn

Just let me know if you want to hang around at that school or not, and we can arrange something
Leo Radomir
Leo Radomir
Not sure what to do