
Collidias Rex
Collidias Rex
Hades of Greek mythos - physically insubstantial, a figment of fiction given life by nothing but suspension of disbelief, and defeated by simply denying him away as a fairy tale.

By the same rite that hades is given his power, my own avatar has power. By my own narrative, I can simply place my avatar in a fiction where he is beyond Hades. I can construct a narrative where my avatar undoes divinity in their sleep, or where he simply overpowers any semblance of power belonging to the gods and slaughters them with glee, helpless like lambs.

Pitting fictions against one another, I will "win" at the end of the day. Hades is established, and his creator gone - his fiction is set in stone and cannot react, whereas I can simply adjust my own fiction as I like in order to  technically "win". But at the end of the day, there is no objective way to match up one fiction against the other, and any real victory is an arbitrary exercise in trivial one-upsmanship and is lacking in substance. To simply "undo" you with a snap of my fingers wouldn't be a victory in any satisfying definition of the word.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
Again Alone/Hades never has even used his Kamui so it's pointless to argue this point. Also not set in stone Alone/Hades he never showed his true power. Thus being if you use plot armor it doesn't work on a Kami. Also the four dream gods work for Hypons one of his aides. So you lose again. You're no El Cid a gold saint capable of beating the four dream gods. So your logic has some value but is pointless before someone who's perfect. Unless the four I stated. Also you have to go through all 108 immortal specters. So it a lose/lose for you. Saint Seiya is on universe/galaxy buster level so no matter what you do it's a loss for you.
The Golden Lion
The Golden Lion
Again also if you were Abzu,Mars,or Saturn then you have a chance against Hades. 
Collidias Rex
Collidias Rex
Okay. My character now wields paradoxical levels of omnipotence - hence his plot armor now transcends existential causality and thus entirely negates his foes' perfection and capability entirely, rendering them unfit to draw breath, let alone assume a position of divinity.

I win again. Yay, trivial oneupsmanship! :D