
An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person
Ft. The Zodiac Killer 

An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person
Hmmm.... images are glitchy...

Does that mean.... winning?
The Gif is breaking on me 

An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person
I only copy + paste them ;)
It seems you have won, yet again. 
Same, but this gif must have been to amazing for RPN to handle. 
An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person
Hehehehehehehe, what should we do next?
Idk it's up to you.
An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person
Darth Vader....... or... Hillary Clinton.... or... Barnie Stalin... I mean, Sanders.
All very good memeable people. How about Darth Vader because you know Star Wars is my life! 
An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person


Also, what do you think about the new Star Wars movie?

I personally think it's overhyped, taking the new Ghostbusters as an example... it was meh.

I mean I liked Force Awaken, but that was after seeing it like three times. I wasn't sure about it I guess I just learned to like it and then soon became obsessed with it. As for Rouge One, I don't know how I feel about it from the trailers it doesn't seem as interesting as the others. I'm not too excited to see it. 
An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person
Same for me... I guess people this days don't know the difference between Sexism and not liking a movie, like... I didn't liked the new Ghostbusters and I am not hyped for  Rogue One, and yet I get called sexist.

Don't get me started on ghostbusters I haven't even seen the movie and I hate it with a passion. I'm pretty sure my rant about it is less cringe inducing than movie itself. 

An Unknown Person
An Unknown Person
I watched it, it's cancer inducing.
An Unknown Person