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Fandom Power Rangers: Bio Strike

"Calvin!" Lucas and Tidal both yelled as they saw their friend get shot and then kicked in the same spot. That's gotta hurt! Calvin knew Blood's strength, so why he decided to disregard everything you're taught in basic training is one huge mystery. Even when fully in suit getting attacked like that had to do some serious damage. They rushed over to Blood, shielding Calvin from further harm. Even if just for a moment. "You harm one of us, you gotta answer to all of us," Tidal said coldly to Blood. Funny, a while ago he was in the position of being the evil ranger trying to kill these guys... now he was standing by their side facing off against yet another evil ranger trying to kill them all. Lucas nodded, raising his fists and ready to punch Blood in the face. But before there really was a chance to attack him, Blood struck back. And he did so hard. For the second time in a short while, they got shot by the evil ranger. In the chest this time, which really friggin hurts. Tidal and Lucas yelped as the shot knocked them off their feet and sent them flying backwards. Double impact for Lucas as Jane rolled over him.

Lucas rolled to his side and coughed, searing pain everywhere. Thank goodness for the suits giving them some protection, otherwise... He did not want to think about that. Tidal groaned and clenched his chest, writhing in pain. "Why is this guy so goddamn strong?" Tidal groaned, forcing himself back up. This kind of power was pure insanity! But then things took a turn for the even worse as Drew and Calvin were beamed up and disappeared to... where exactly? Like hell if any of the Rangers knew, safe for the evil one.
"You're not going to stop us," Lucas told him, determined to find his friends and get them back. They all looked out for one another. No man left behind. But... maybe this guy was going to stop them. Once more Lucas was knocked down, by a swift and hard kick to the gut this time around. Tidal was in a bit of a worse situation there, getting lifted up by the throat. He glared at Blood.
"Just like... the Shadow project... You're going... to... fail," Tidal hoarsely squeezed out as Blood started choking him. As Jane attempted pulling him free, Tidal joined in by kicking at Blood to make him let go.
Olivia still recouped through the pain. That may not be a proper use of the word 'recoup; but at the moment she's too pained to care. Blood's blade cut like a thousand knives, even sharper than steel and harder than diamonds. With no joke intended, it is really blood-curdling just how much advanced engineering went into this. The Empress is getting desperate. Lifting up from the ground, she thought of a plan to fall back to HQ for a careful look at this. Whatever happened to Calvin and Drew isn't going to get resolved here while the rest of them get beat on.
It is always those you replace that have petty words. Being told he will fail is the funniest joke he has ever heard. Blood gripped Tidal's throat tighter. "Me, fail like you? I won't become a sniveling coward like you," he said. Jane didn't phase him. The free hand caught Jane's arm and twisted it right to the bone. He would break her arm here and now if he wasn't feeling generous. "And the bitch of a little girl in way over her head," he said to her, using Tidal as a weapon and bashing him right into Jane, both of them flying away from his strength and right into a car, shattering the windshield and denting the roof.

"As for the two of you with your fling? Well, take a shot, on me," he said like a barman would, instead shooting Olivia and Lucas once again. So no tequila for them. His weapon is intense! Olivia yelped, back down on the pavement, being best friends with it at this point. Smoke filled the air, all from their suits and the ground/car alone. Blood remained away from them, watching. Like a stalker on prey, he waited for anything to happen. Like he dared them to get back up.
"We have to retreat... Come up with a plan," Olivia strained her voice to tell the others. Whether they liked it or not. Picking herself and Jane up since she landed closer to her, she ran for the hills, making the way back to HQ. Blood remained still in serial killer slasher movie fashion just watching them run.
"Wish I knew. And I'm fine, thanks," Drew said back to Calvin in the cell. So much for mutual concern. Nevermind that, they have to figure this out. Unfamiliar things were scattered in the hall. The place resembled a prison, but all of the cells were communal spaces, like everyone had a place to be but no walls, just bars. One of those types of prisons. No other prisoners, though. A lit of empty cells with recently-used things. Weapons, mostly. Torn clothes, food scraps...the place was a mess. Calvin's likely been to a shelter before, seeing that soldiers will sometimes visit them and bring supplies. This looked like a homeless shelter but worse. Drew's stayed in one before with Isaac for only one night, shortly after their parents died and all hope had seemingly been lost.

A door opened at the end of the corridor, a well-dress but lethal enough figure walking towards their cells with a band of Dytrons at his side. "Greetings, Rangers. You are on in five minutes. Everyone's waiting!" he said. Drew widened his eyes and tilted his head. On? What does he mean they're on? Dytrons flooded their cells and grabbed both of the guys against their will, removing their morphers to prevent them from any tricks. Escorting them down into the door, neon signs pointed the way to what looked like a big stage show and arena with a crowd of aliens surrounding in bleachers. Bigger ship than he thought. Drew and Calvin both were tossed into a corner, two women outfitting them with pads, weapons of random kind, and other stuff. "What's going on?" he asked the woman, human in the face minus having blue skin. They said nothing. He glanced to the woman outfitting Calvin, seeing what she must look like.
The figure/monster from before encroached on a microphone. Tapping it, he listened to the crowd go wild for him.
Band-aids do get enough appreciation. Bandages that wrap, stick, or do both are the best friend of field medics and nurses alike. Sitting in the lab after some time had passed, Olivia thanked the nurse bandaging her arm and forehead before seeing her move on to somebody else to finish up. "It was unlike anything I had ever seen. A new Ranger outside of our technology," she told the Captain and Dr. Wilson. "One minute he morphs, the next Drew and Calvin are gone." It puzzled her, what happened to them. She's clearly worried about them. They can take care of themselves but that doesn't mean she can't be frantic in the head. Bio Blood's image captured from their helmets was on screen. Menacing suit, menacing power, the Ranger struck her to be...threatening.
"This light...did it come more from the sky or did they fade into light?" Dr. Wilson asked. Olivia sipped her water, giving her voice a break after shouting so much earlier. Tidal's throat has to be killing him now... so maybe the others will do the talking?
"Must be on mega steroids," Jane grunted to herself through pain as Tidal wondered about Blood's strength. Super mega steroids from outer space, now part of a well-balanced evil workout routine. The dipshit in dark red is seriously in for an ass whooping. Then every high school bully on TV getting a moment to be a dick happened in real life. She let out a cry, a literal cry as Blood twisted and nearly broke her arm. She'd never sounded like that before. Not that she knew of. Blood being the bully and Jane for once being the weakling. "Little girl" didn't even cross her mind because of it. Tidal smashing into her knocked the wind out of her, falling over from a throw onto a car, feeling the glass of the windshield break under her weight, rolling off of the vehicle and onto the ground as smoke rose form the suit, reminding her just how bad of shape she was underneath it. Coughing, grunt, and clenching her fists she dared not move even though she wanted more than anything to get up and kill Blood. Not just disarm him, she wanted him to fucking die. Against her will, Jane let Olivia pick her up and struggle away, retreating back to headquarters for safety. "We'll be back, motherfucker..." she muttered under her breath at Blood, making their escape.
Way to feel like a dick wad. All things considered in his head he should have at least asked about Drew. How unprofessional can he get today? Not just that but he is his friend on top of that... fessing up to himself being a jerk isn't easy. Human nature dictates he has to be stubborn, apparently. Looking around, everything did remind him of a shelter, but this was a jail and less inviting and safe feeling than any shelter he's ever visited to donate water and food to those that need it most in Inezia. One time he gave a kid some new clothes and they lit up like he'd given them an entire toy aisle in a store. Good memory, that is. He snapped to the door at the end, seeing a monster, of course, and Dytrons. Man, does this mean they're on THE ship? This would make like the third time he's been on the main ship of the Armada! "On? What do..." he asked before getting yanked out and his morpher stolen. He tried fighting for it back, but one of the botbrains elbowed his stomach and forced him to go along. A massive stage and crowd shocked him. "So we are not in Kansas anymore..." he said. Kansas being the main ship, this being Oz with neon lights and aliens. A female alien, literally looking like the littler green men from cartoons with a bulbous head and big eyes, outfitted Calvin with gear and a rusty switchblade of some kind.
Ouch! Okay, rubbing alcohol burns cuts and scrapes! Jane bit on a rag as the nurse tended to her; understanding that she is only helping but she'd be damned if help didn't hurt. The aftermath and getting patched up is the least fun part of fighting crime. Crime...now that is a word used loosely around here, isn't it? Call world domination and terrorism just a 'crime.' Like calling a feast of a dinner a 'light snack.'
"From the sky. Beam me up Scotty, from the sky kind of light," Jane answered. "Whatever took Calvin and Drew away came from the sky, that's all I know. Blood is...we never got a hit on him. Not once," she said, clearly shaken up like never seen before. She hugged her knees in the seat. Max listened in from behind the wall in the hallway. His best friend is gone, he won't just not snoop. Damn, sounded rough. Did Tidal even come off that strong when he first showed up? Would he even be able to say anything given his windpipe might be busted? (okay if it's busted he needs more than bandaids.)
Lucas clenched his fists, angered by just about everything about Blood. His strength, his behavior... all of it was incredibly infuriating. This guy was nothing like the time Tidal was evil. Blood was many times stronger and darker, much deadlier. They barely managed landing a hit on him, and when they were hit, they were hit hard. Calvin and Drew had vanished, Tidal was getting strangled... They had to get away from where they were and think of what to do next. Speaking of Tidal, as the grip on his throat tightened even further, he no longer managed to squeeze out another word. Breathing, too, became increasingly difficult. He was starting to get a little bit dizzy due to the lack of oxygen. The good thing was that Blood let him go. The bad thing was that he was being used as a weapon and bashed into Jane, knocking them both into a nearby car. He landed on the roof, feeling it dent under his weight and rolled off, landing hard on the ground.

Once more Lucas and Olivia were getting shot at after being mocked. Lucas yelped too, being knocked into the pavement. The nuclear-level blaster was sure to leave some marks. On them, on the cars, even on the pavement. He glared up at Blood from on the ground. He was daring them, and he didn't like it. Lucas strained himself, trying to get back to his feet. He nodded. Olivia was right. Although they didn't like it, they had to retreat, think of a plan, figure out what happened to Drew and Calvin. But probably above all, they had to steer clear of the Evil Ranger. So far, this man was the biggest threat they'd faced so far. With more effort than he'd want to admit, Lucas struggled himself back to his feet and made his way over to Tidal.

There was hardly any air left in him, it took several slow and deep breaths for Tidal to even be able to move. He coughed, rolling on the ground. Smoke rose from his suit, and it felt as if it was still sparking. And the car alarm going absolutely crazy didn't make the situation any better. Boy, that car's owner better have a proper insurance. Lucas' help in getting back to his feet was welcome... and needed too. The two guys shot Blood one last glare before rushing off to safety. Back to HQ and lick their wounds. Not literally, of course. That's be gross. That's what the medics are for. Although they don't lick your wounds either. That's just strange. Now who's train of thoughts could this be? Someone has been spending too much time around everyone's favorite ditz. That, still, could apply to both guys for different reasons.
Lucas hissed as his injuries were being tended to. Rubbing alcohol in an open wound was painful. Needed, but it burns. His arm, by now, was more bandage and band-aids rather than anything else. His chest was bruised from the blaster, some burns too. Thank goodness he didn't need to hide the injuries from his sister. Although Evie might lose her shit if she figured out what was going on here. Evie is the protective momma-bear/big sister, despite her being only minutes older than him. Still, they'd both go to the ends of the Earth for each other. He nodded as Jane spoke. "Straight out of the movies," he agreed. "Kind of like how we've occasionally seen monsters beam down, but in reverse." Tidal... he remained silent. He attempted to speak, but it was just some horse croaking coming out. And that. Hurt. Like. Hell. He threw up his hands in a sign of frustration. Strepsils weren't going to cut it here.

Joining Max behind the wall was Evie, having approached moments before. Moments ago one of the soldiers had told her the Rangers had come back and were injured. So of course she'd be the nice sister and check up to see if her brother was alright. She leaned an arm on Max' shoulder and quickly peeked around the doorway. Geez... they didn't look too good there. And the way they were describing their enemy... that sounded worrying. Nothing that can't be solved by blowing it up or firing huge ass guns at it, though. That is... if they managed to land a hit on them, and Jane just mentioned how difficult that had been. "That doesn't sound too good," she mumbled to Max.
Heightening senses on high alert! Not a drill! Something wonderful has happened! Splica shot up from her seat, possibly startling her generals. "Oh! Cosmoso has two of the Rangers on board his ship! Now this is a true treat!" she exclaimed, clasping hands together tightly in visual delight. Earthlings would know this feeling as seeing loved ones on a game show or something. Seeing your enemies in a show...like this, brings out the same level of joy in her 'heart.'
Blood returned to the ship, demorphing and taking a knee to the Empress. Not a protest, just a kneel. "Empress, I've done as you requested. The Rangers are down by two and the rest are injured. It's only a matter of time," he said, head down.
"Good, good. Blood Battle will determine Red and Green's fate. Do not underestimate the rest, however, Blood. They are fools but they are worthy opponents. You did good, nonetheless." Splica is pleased. On screen it's about to get weird! "Recharge your powers, Blood. I will summon you again as needed."
Drew had just been outfitted in weird things like Calvin. Ragtag armor scrounged up from God knows where and a weapon straight out of a bad science fiction movie. One of those 'straight to home video' quality movies. He examined it a bit more, looking at dry blood stains along the entire thing minus the handle. Cosmoso cleared his throat into the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen! Space dwellers and dwellettes! Welcome to Blood Battle!" he said. The audience on board roared in a thunderous cheer. Drew was taken back by how loud it was. "The only show in the galaxy willing to shed blood where no man has shed it before. Right on your viewing device! Today, our challengers come from the planet Earth much like last time. Home to the last rebellion against the Rexian Armada. Our new fighters will enter the ring, two at a time and leaving only one alive. And today is a very special edition of our show! Our champion will receive...these!" Cosmoso gestured to Drew and Calvin's morphers. Even if they only work on their bodies, the devices are valuable to others slimy enough to get their hands on them. Drew grunted.
"To start things off on our show we present to you..." the monster host looked at the smaller selection. The missing wrestlers from Inezia and a slew of other people, some even from the wastelands, were here. Including two Rangers! But something was off. All of the other people looked more weathered. Had they been abducted before and already fought? In a previous episode?
Drew definitely noticed all of the people and nudged Calvin. "We have got to get ourselves and these people out of here..." The amount of viewers and guards isn't massive but it's a good lot. Enough to tell that people other than those who were brought here are villains.

"Newcomers! The previous fighters need to get their knuckles ready for more bloodshed," Cosmoso said, the people in reference looking...terrified. Then things they must have had to do... "So you two will fight to the death!" Drew gasped. To the death??? Him and Calvin??? Frantically he looked at Calvin, Cosmoso, the other humans, rinse and repeat. "Yes, folks. The Red and Green Rangers. Powerless. Desperate. Dytrons grabbed a hold on the two Earthly defenders, tossing them into the ring and igniting some type of power source to keep them inside. "Now...FIGHT!" Cosmoso commanded. Drew paused, having literally been just thrown into this. Pretty fast shit happening, too.
Receiving the info from the team, Dr. Wilson put it into the computer. "Knowing what kind of beam, or at least where it came from, will help more than we may think," he said, typing away. For a man in his 60s he is quite a fast typer. Faster than some kids, even. Every beam that comes from the main ships up in space goes through the physical dome of the city. Beaming things back up works the same way, therefore Wilson can draw conclusions Drew and Calvin have physically left Inezia. But that is sort of a given. Olivia interjected. "There's more. I remember Bio Blood patching through to someone. Saying he had two more. That's when Calvin and Drew disappeared." More to this, indeed.

"More...so the other disappearances we've heard about are connected? One can only assume. The footage around the city does show people having violent outbursts and vanishing. But the Rangers had no outburst, so either that did not affect them or they were transported elsewhere. We have no way of knowing unless..." Dr. Wilson paused. Olivia raised a brow and sighed slightly. "Unless we lure Blood back out and tap into his comm channel to find out who is on the other end of his communicator so we know where Drew and Calvin have gone?" she asked. "I have a hunch." That's a lot for a hunch!
Wilson blinked. "Well...yes. Exactly that, actually. You see, I can see the locations of their morphers but the coordinates do not match the Armada's ships in orbit. They read closer, but wherever they are is being blocked on scanners. You'll need to get Blood back down here and try to directly link up with him so I can find the others."
Olivia hung her head and popped her shoulders. "I was afraid of that... You guys?" she asked for input. Like it or not, it's their only option to help the others. They have to get them back.
"Two Power Rangers? Well done, Blood. This Ranger of ours will be of great use after all," Volmour commented. Capturing Rangers has never been a difficult task, however. Capturing anybody is not difficult. It's getting your plan in motion with current captives that is difficult, however. Cosmoso had best be careful, unless he wants a fistful of horridly brightly colored fists in his face. The games are to begin.
Calvin did not surrender to the amount of guards and other beings in the vicinity. Surrendering means you have given up; playing smart means you're just waiting for the opportunity to move. Judging by how many bodies outnumber his own, that may be trickier than he initially thought. Other humans in the room, civilians from the city or wasteland, looked like they'd seen some shit. The host of this arena explained it all, what this was and why they're here. "An space TV show about fighting people? Did the WWE go galactic?" Calvin asked nobody but himself, his outfitter shunning him to be quiet. He complied, listening further. Sick shit going on. Twisted and evil, forcing people to fight one another for game. The stains on the arena, the type of people that seemed to be dominant here...how many innocents around the galaxy were taken and forced to kill their friends?
Morphers! Made into a prize! Like Hell anyone else is getting their hands on those! He looked at Drew while still paying attention. Stating obvious things. "I know we've got to get these people out. But we have to get our morphers or nobody's getting out of here," he replied, a bitter tone to him. I know what we have to do, he thought.

It's then he was told he and Drew would be fighting to the death in the ring. He gasped, as well. Shocked to not only be competing, but against Drew? When they were tossed in like meat sacks, an applause as they were ordered to battle. Calvin stared Drew down in the sudden death match. "Got a plan?"
What's the deal with Wilson typing fast as a cheetah in a track meet on drugs? Seriously, he's wrinkled up but he could beat Jane in a typing race! Fuck. And they were getting nowhere. Saying the same things, knowing what probably happened and all. Olivia catching on to Blood saying 'two more' is nice but that could mean anything. "No shit all of the disappearances are connected," she commented. "Took a scientist and an intellectual to figure that out?" Jane isn't trying to sound like a bitch....but she's got a point. Their college degrees really show in this instance. Intellect my left foot... she mentally trailed. She isn't even mad, she's just ticked.

"Ahh... so they aren't in Splica's ship. And that'll just be so easy to get Blood to cooperate?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm. "Seriously, it's a start to know they aren't on the main ship of the Armada but it's a step above crazy to draw out a new agent to get something from him. Just look at what he did to Tidal. I can call him the crazy cat lady and he can't even defend himself. Meow meow, Sally isn't even that cute, meow meow," Jane egged Tidal on. She's having fun with this, isn't she? DAMN that was a helluva hunch on Olivia's part, by the way!

"Really not good," Max whispered to Evie on the other side of the wall. "If they've been taken I should notify Calvin's family. Who knows how long this will be. Just listen to them... they all sound a little bit rattled by this new guy." Max noticed Jane's tone was both normal...and a bit shaken, thought she hid it well. Every time something happens with one of them, Max or Calvin let the others family know what's up so there's no worry or there's just a warning of something being up. Best friends do that. His family doesn't need specifics. Alright, maybe calling the Taylor family is a bit dramatic. Then Max had a glint in his eye.
"Or do you wanna hear my idea?" he asked her, whispering again, this time more devious and scheming. Polar to Calvin's clever or planning way of thinking.
"Ah? Now that's interesting," Actera smiled. Two of the Rangers caught in Cosmoso's clutches, forced to fight to the death for all of the universe to see? Brilliant. Such a shame nobody on Earth knows the true identities of the Power Rangers. Imagine them broadcasting this to Earth! They'd have to watch their beloved defenders kill each other. "Brilliant work, Blood." Suddenly Blood Battle had become something worth watching.
It's surprising to see Wilson's such a fast typer. It's like someone just overloaded him with sugar and cafeïne and told them an important deadline is in two hours. And then about three times faster than that. Lucas has been there. If he could type as fast as Wilson... Man, that next book would be finished in a week or two instead of a month or four. "It seems logical the disappearances are connected," Lucas said. "Really if anything strange happens in this city or the area it's just always the Armada." Giant plants all of a sudden? Armada. Alien eggs? Okay, not quite the Armada but they were after it. People turning into babies? Armada. The list goes on. "And that's not just a hunch anymore," Lucas grinned. Figuring out exactly what was needed out of the blue? How's that a hunch?
"It may be the only chance we've got to lure Blood back out, but he's not going to tell us anything. We've hardly even been able to land a single hit on him. How are we going to tap into his comm channel?" Lucas questioned.

Just because Tidal wasn't able to speak, didn't mean he was unable of defending himself. He could still flip her off... But instead he glared at Jane... and then punched her in the injured arm. Not very hard, but hard enough for it to hurt and get his message across, still looking at her with a very cold expression. Jane really did that to herself, egging him on and calling saying Sally isn't that cute. His expression turned from cold and murder to surprise at Olivia's "hunch". Really, pretty much describing exactly what was needed was not much of a hunch anymore. Just... if they weren't on the main ship, then where were they? Tidal knew there was a few dozen ships out there at the very least. They had no actual way of searching them all. And it's not like Blood is going to just kindly tell them where to look. The guy is out for... blood. As awful as that is to say.

"Yeah. Connected disappearances and them being on some unknown Armada ship? Might take a while to get them back safely. Or really just get them back at all," Evie grimaced. People being kidnapped by the Armada had a chance to end poorly. Unless you were a broody guy with a love for cats. Then things turned out sort of alright. "Maybe you should," she nodded, but whatever else she wanted to say was silenced by the change in Max' expression. The familiar glint of someone with a brilliant but probably stupid idea that might be against all rules and protocols. She liked it when people looked like that, even if she ought to report them.
"Did you forget who you're talking to?" she replied. "You sound devious and scheming. I like it and heck yeah I want to know what you're up to." And she definitely wanted in on it. Didn't matter what the plan was. Evie was eager for some adventure. Maybe blow a few things up in the process. As long as she got to kick butt and shoot a gun, she'd be a happy girl. Without the violence... she'd be a slightly less happy girl, but still eager to join in and help out wherever she could.
"Plan for this? I have a plan for running out of pepperoni when making a pizza. Stuck on a space ship about to fight you? Zip," Drew candidly replied. One thing he didn't think to prepare for was to be thrown into a fighting match against one of his friends to the death on a show with an either ill-timed or perfectly-timed name. Blood Battle. A show to spill some blood and the day they meet a guy named Blood. Like somebody planned that shit or something. Hey, there's a plan for ya, Calvin. Steel cables encased in some kind of rubbery material enclosed part of the ring in addition to the cage and force shield. Instead of fighting like the crowd egged on, Drew threw not a single punch. Leaning on the cable, he got an electric shock. "Ow!" The crowd booed him. Booed him for not fighting and ripping Calvin's head off! A voice from the other people taken before them called out in desperation. "Just fight! Fight or bad things will happen for fucks sake!" called... Red Rocker? And Green Gutbuster behind him? Aren't they the missing fighters from a match in Inezia? Another eerie thing about this while thing. Bad things will happen?

"Yes! I see you two are bent on not battling for your lives. How about I make things interesting for you?" Cosmoso offered. "You fight and kill the other person in the ring. Or... I have the Empress unleash 50 of her Doomtrons into your pathetic city and outnumber all of your forces starting by crushing your homes? As a matter of fact, why don't I just bring your little brother into this, Red? Or Green's entire family while I'm at it? I am sure they would make fine contestants!" he said. Scoundrel! Drew clenched his knuckles. Splica was watching, and she already agreed! Splendid idea, he had! Drew was torn. On one hand this meant killing Calvin or dying himself, but on the other hand it meant Inezia being wiped out, the other Ranges being annihilated and their families being sucked into this. Not that he had no faith in the others but that would overwhelm them so badly... Drew froze up at the thought of Isaac being in a place like this.
"I don't see fighting! You just bumped the Doomtron count to 100!" Cosmoso announced. The crowd went wild for it! Clench again!
"Calvin, we have to figure out a way to get out of here and warn them," he whispered. It's a plan?
Curious-er and curious-er. A hunch became less of a hunch in nanoseconds and the big plan has no way of being executed. Always the question of 'how'. But these young Rangers forget! This is a matter of 'who'! Dr. Wilson tapped his old fingers together as a pondering deviant in an old film. Nothing like the devious ones behind the wall. How are we going to tap into his comm channel? Asking that of the person who developed six Ranger powers, eleven Zords, an armor upgrade, defense systems around Inezia, so many weapons that Rambo would giggle and in the tenth grade science fair a toaster capable of melting car doors. "Use your Squadron mode abilities. First we lure Blood out by sending one of you alone. The Empress will jump on that chance. We spring a trap where I slightly boost your helmets hard computers to absorb the information within range of him. Once we get it, we can save the others. And yes, Jane, Tidal... you'll get to hit him." Wilson know how talk to them! Captain Scott grinned.

"But who do we send as our decoy? " asked the Captain. Squadron mode...a decoy... Calvin's copies would be nice but he's not here.
Unless somebody else makes the others...untraceable. "I have an idea. Perhaps I shouldn't be the decoy, however..." Olivia snapped her fingers.
Not even fifteen minutes rolled by, and Olivia is stood out in the open in the city by herself. "I can't believe I'm the decoy," she said to herself. Whatever the Captain said in the inter-rum of now and a moment ago must have been something! The others were nearby, undetectable and lurking in...the shadows. "In position?" she asked into her morpher, contacting Lucas and Jane since Tidal might be a bit groggy, still. When satisfied, she continued being vulnerable.
Walking along a path she admired the area. Tall buildings, well lit because of the sky programming, clean streets and Blood sitting on a rooftop. Double take, pause in her walking. Her eyes crept up. Looks like behind the scenes, Splica fell for this and sent him as planned.
"Pink Ranger. You're about to die," he told her, firing his weapon at her from a decent height in civilian form. He jumped down as she recoiled from the blast, morphing on impact and zipping to her. C'mon, a little closer, a little closer... she thought to herself.
Calvin furrowed his brow angrily at Drew for such a sarcastic response. Anger isn't exactly how he'd describe his feelings at the moment; more like annoyed frustration at this entire scenario. Of course nobody has a plan for moments like this. It's insane to think so. Call him immature because that's how he feels but his jealousy over Drew's getting the Battlizer isn't helping their situation. Calvin felt like such a child in the moment. A child not getting what they wanted. He knew good and well why it happened the way it did, he accepted it, he respected it. So why does he constantly feel this in the back of his head, even knowing it's all ridiculous? If anyone other than the Captain knew about this frame of mind they would say such awful things that bore truth. Such a dark pit he's in, showing it by shooting that look at Drew. Boos erupted from the crowd after an electric shock. He looked at what happened, seeing the cables being the cause of Drew's shock. "Great, another thing to be unprepared for..." he said. Not having a plan is really killing him. Part of being a soldier means thinking on your feet, though.
Those missing fighters are here! Giving out advice to do as Cosmoso says?
Figuratively Calvin spit his drink. No drink to be spit, but that same level of 'wtf' is present. Time itself became stagnant while he took in Cosmoso's threats. Fifty Doomtrons in Inezia, his family being abducted. Drew's brother, the other Rangers being brutally overwhelmed. This host knew about their lives... through the Empress no doubt? Frozen in place, the count of Doomtrons rose to a hundred if they didn't do anything! Drew had the nerve to just warn the others as opposed to doing something... he sees what he means but... but... "I am not gonna let my family get dragged in... or the others..." he whispered.

Swing! A right hook straight into Drew's face. Swing again! Left hook! Silence from the civilians, who now knew their identities most liekly so there's an issue, and applause from the crowd. "You're just gonna let that be it? Warn the others and hope your sick brother or my family doesn't get wept up into this? Because you don't wanna throw a punch? What kind of leader is that, huh?" Calvin asked him and punched again, this time bringing Drew close in a fit of mild anger and just frustration again, pleasing the crowd with a big knee to his gut. Backhanding Drew, he slightly cut his cheek as he sent Drew into the ground, catching his breath while being taken back by what he'd done. He slowly reached out... but withdrew his hand and let Drew wallow.
Jane groaned as Tidal punched her. Not like hardcore with the intent of legitimately hurting her but enough to make himself head while he can't be heard. "Bitch..." she seethed in her injury. Oh he's gonna get it later. She's thinking a big sheet of glue and a tripwire right under his door frame. She could just tie him to a metal pole and borrow the Astro Cannon on its magnet mode and have a little fun but that's just excessive. She listened in close as Wilson explained his idea. It's silly to wonder how he can tap into a comm system but hey, the Armada is funny like that. Blah blah, technical talk, blah. "As long as I can hit Blood in the crotch with something heavy I'm good." Way to be enthusiastic about the job! It's like the old man just knew what to say. If he weren't so much older than her....oh no, that's just...no. Icky.

"Definitely forgot whom I was speaking to, muchacha," Max said to Evie. "We spring our own trap on this guy. Everyone's shaken up and they're down two people. We go in with a net launcher or two, big guns and a lot of stealth in case it goes south or they don't really need us after all. Any metalheads show up and we can smoke 'em while these guys take care of that red wannabe." So he wants to encase Blood in a net? But with guns and being sneaky. They aren't hackers by any means so this is the next best thing.
All of that talk and she's the decoy after asking not to be. Being the boss' daughter did not get her special treatment. Nor should it; that would mean he didn't value her the same as the others. So he's a good dad for putting her front and center of danger! Boy is Jane glad she isn't a Scott. Squadron powers in use, Jane hid with Lucas and Tidal in position under the cover of shadows.
"Neener neener, decoy," Jane reported in. It's too funny.
Max and Evie had followed behind in secret. Behind some of this taller concrete barriers blocking an alleyway, Max held a net launcher in hand. This has to work. "Okay, if he comes in and gives 'em trouble, we net this nob," he whispered to Evie.

Surprise! Blood's here and he's not come to play. It's working! Endangering their friend is going perfectly. Wait... damn that sounds bad. Fuck, what awesome friendship skills this is leveling out as. "I can't wait anymore," Jane said to the guys as Blood got super close to Olivia while shooting, leaping out in her pre-morphed Squadron mode up and over the fucker in a backflip. "Here I ammm!" she sang, landing behind him and grabbing on tight to hold him down so they others could move in to help her and get what they need. Max kept that launcher aimed!
"I like your thinking, amigo," Evie nodded in approval. Nets, guns, and stealth. Right up her alley. Backing up the rangers now that they were down two members. After all, it's been proven over and over again that the monsters never show up on their own. They always bring their metal companions along for the party. Now, Blood wasn't a monster when it came to the looks, but he's a bad guy so he's very likely to follow the standard formula to some extend.

Tidal smirked to himself in approval. Don't say he can't defend himself just because he can't speak! After all, actions speak louder than words. And this was getting a pretty clear message across. The plan took shape more and more with each passing second. Lure Blood out, get close enough to gather the data, and punch the ever-living shit out of him while they had the chance to do so. Perfect. Tidal was most definitely keep on getting some revenge after that earlier battle. So being told he gets to punch the guy? Tidal approved, definitely. He still barely managed to get any sound out, so he just nodded along.

The how was really more meant as a "how are we going to manage getting close enough to tap into the comm channel" rather than an actual "how to do it". Clearly Dr. Wilson knew what he was speaking off. Of course he did. All ranger-related tech they've been using was made by this man! Just... you know, knowing they haven't really even been able to get close enough to land a proper blow... and them getting their asses handed to them in battle... That doesn't really make for a really wanting to get close to the guy. More like blow him apart with some long distance rockets. Now Lucas is sounding like Evie! The plan was simple enough as it sounded, though. All they had to do was figure out who to send in as a decoy...
And the person who had specifically said NOT wanting to be a decoy... became the decoy. Lucas felt sorry for her. Squadron Powers ready, they sat in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. "Ready," Lucas reported in. "Just give the signal when you need us." Tidal grunted, the closet thing to a sound of agreement he could make. Cue a blast, Olivia recoiling, and a figure jumping off a building. Surprise! It's Blood, there for the party! And he's got no clue Olivia isn't as alone here as it might seem. Either that, or he was really good at concealing the fact that he did. Lucas really just hoped for the former. Blood was enough trouble as is, and they had to deal with him quickly. Their friends' and a lot of innocent civilians' lives are at stake!

"Is is bad that I almost hope he's going to give them trouble?" Evie asked Max from their hiding place. "I really just want to shoot the fucker in the face." She held a gun at the ready. Of course she did.
"Jane!" Lucas called as she leaped out. This was too quickly, wasn't it? Sure, they were all ready to strike, but... He shook his head. No time to think. They all had to act now lest their plan would fail.
"Well, let's go then," Lucas said to Tidal. The latter shook his head and gave Lucas a little sign. Squadron Mode. Tidal would strike Blood from invisibility. After all, you can't hit what you can't see. And if he from his invisibility managed to grab onto Blood, it might give the others just the time and chances they needed. Lucas nodded back before rushing out after Jane.
"Surprise!" he called, firing his blaster.
Chronomancy is defined as the ability to manipulate time. That's what it sounds like it means, anyway. Time manipulation has to be at play seeing how everything slowed down the moment Calvin's fists landed on Drew's face. Stunned without any idea of what to do he just had to take it. Forced to the ground with fresh cuts and bruises to the face he looked up at Calvin with this confused but paused expression. Cosmoso encouraged the crowd. One hundred Doomtrons landing in Inezia may not happen after all. With the exception of the Earthen civilians, the entire crowd seemed to be going nuts. Splica on board her own ship watching fell into a fit of laughter. Two of the biggest obstacles she had in taking Earth for her own were going head to head.
His face, gut, everything hurt already. Didn't Lucas have the super strength? Al of their bodies had enhanced ability but Lucas definitely got the big boost in muscle. So much anger behind what he's saying. Explosive anger. "I'm only saying it because..." and he did not have an answer. Realization that he'd rather find a way to not have to punch a friend than to punch a friend and save people was a big one. Then came the question: What kind of leader is that?

Dabbing fingers to his mouth and nose Drew saw bits of blood. Not a gory mess but a little to show some scrapping is going on. Calvin didn't plan on backing down. Throwing down is how they'll get out of this. The other fighters to the side egged it on but cringed on every impact. They call the show 'Blood Battle' for a reason. Cosmoso had the power here. His game, his rules.

"Okay Calvin... Let's do this," he said, lunging from the ground up into Calvin's core with all of his strength. Tackling him down he swing at his face, landing the same hits dealt to him a moment ago. Back on their feet he swung to Calvin's face again in an uppercut, swirling around and kicking him straight in the chest against the electric shock cables. "Fighting you isn't my ideal but I guess I have to show you," he paused for another hit, "what I've got. You don't get to question my choices. And how DARE you act like our families aren't on my mind," Drew landed a big wallop onto Calvin on the word 'dare.' Cue roundhouse kick! Crowd goes wild! Cosmoso clapped.

"Oh it seems we have a real cage matched going on! Battling allies, one must come out on top! How badly do they want to be free?" Cosmoso went on and on for the audience as the Rangers fought one another. All they have to do is fight until one is left standing. If they can get out of here maybe they can get help from the others. Idea brewing? Drew twisted Calvin's arm and made it hurt. "One of us has to bleed a lot. If we make this guy happy we can leave and get the jump on him. Looks like getting you mad worked," Drew whispered. He...planned on making Calvin mad by acting kinda dumb?
Okay springing a trap on somebody didn't mean literally springing out with no sense of order. Both Blood and Olivia were startled as Jane leaped out from nowhere and Lucas followed firing a shot.

"This some kind of trap?" Blood asked Olivia, letting Jane grab hold of him and barely putting up a struggle. The blasts didn't phase him hardly. "Hiding under UV manipulation, Shadow?" he asked out into the cosmos, knowing Tidal's here and invisible. Sensors or something gave him a real edge. Failures from the past certainly got thrown into consideration when crafting this guys abilities. Open areas or small spaces, he will go to any length to carry out his lone purpose. Destroy them all. Chuckling, he humored everyone's efforts before swiftly breaking away and slashing that blade of his right across Jane and Lucas' chests and zooming through teleportation to locate Tidal in his cloaked form, thrusting him forward and kicking him down.

Olivia instamorphed straight to Squadron Mode in a pink flash, combat rolling out in front of Tidal. "What happened to our plan? From the shadows you all grab onto him while I intercept?" she asked the others. Blood laughed. So much for their trap.
"You think I'd fall for that?" Blood snarkily rushed past her, Olivia phasing through his attack. Wait! Phasing....that gives her an idea. An idea so god it let him wham his blade into her. Yelp! He's fast. They need him detained for this... like in a big net. Nobody brought a net did they?
Professional wrestling is staged and dramatic; fact. Also known as a manly soap opera. Manly things like violence and only small amounts of outside tension between whomever is fighting to lead a cast of characters while a coffee pot in the background takes 14 episodes to brew because 14 real days is like 2 minutes in soap opera time. Must be why so many actors look so good! Soap operas are the key to age reduction, heard it here first. Calvin, not thinking about soaps, was ready when Drew fought back. Duking it out, the two of them put up good fights. Calvin flipped him over after he himself was sent into the shock cables. "Not enough you got the new gear but you gotta act stupid too?" he asked him with raw feeling and partial adrenaline. He doesn't actually believe Drew is stupid. They're friends. But he's fighting back. Rules of this ship apply.
Man it feels weird to fight him. Withheld resentment that he's trusted with higher tech than Calvin is gets to come out.
Of course they both want nobody else to get involved on this madhouse of a ship. So why didn't he immediately think to just go along with this place so they can...wait a god damn minute? Nearly breaking Drew into a chokehold, Calvin felt the twist on his own arm and hissed. He stopped for a second. "You... you wanted me to get mad? This is all a show? What the hell?" he asked, dumbfounded and a little impressed. Family means everything to him, did Drew play on that? That's kind of brilliant...
"Oh fuck," Jane muttered when Blood caught on to the trap and just knew Tidal was around here somewhere. "I don't fucking like this," she said before he got free of her and whipped that blade around. Yup, it's still sharp and it still hurts like a motherfucker. A little bit of head hanging occurred. Jumping out ahead of time didn't ruin everything did it? Please don't tell her it's all her fault.
"I didn't screw it all up single handed did I?" she asked Lucas on the ground, seething in pain and grabbing at her chest. Being the one to just go on the attack usually works in her favor. This isn't a stealthy team here. But this big dork didn't have to rub her nose in it! All of their noses for that matter. So smug like he's so cool! Man fuck Blood. Fuck him, fuck his Empress, fuck his dumb suit. It's a Drew knock-off at the very best.

Max chuckled at Evie, trying to keep stealthy unlike their tomboy friend over there. "Please. The second he gets to be too much I'm dying to just unleash a big auto-capture net. Don't you love technology and weaponry? They make the prettiest babies." Again, he forgets who he is speaking to. Why these two haven't spent more time together is a mystery. They have so much in common. After this is done they need to grab a pizza or something with a pint of whatever the bartender will give them a discount on.
Action caught his eye. Go time? "Okay I think it's nothing but net now! Shoot him!" Max blurted and while Olivia was getting her idea, Max conveniently timed a net blast. Launching out from the over-sized canon, a glowing green net wrapped around Blood from their hiding spot and tightened its grasp. "Hay hay hay!"
"Someone decided they couldn't wait any longer and leap out.," Lucas said. "I wasn't going to risk the both of you getting hurt." Now, however, all of them were utterly screwed. Blood was unfazed by everything going on, and he knew Tidal was hiding out there in the shadows still, using his invisibility. Man, it really sucks when the villains are on to your plan and the chances you're going to be successful instantly slimmed to... basically nothing. Blood's blade was sharp as ever. Seriously, other than him purely being there to murder them... what did he have specifically against Jane and him that Blood would always either shoot them or cut them with a blade? Lucas groaned as he rolled on the ground after the impact. "Not to be an asshole, Jane... but yes. I think you did." If they'd all just stuck to the plan, maybe just maybe they wouldn't be on the pavement right now.

Tidal saw things going wrong. Blood knew he was hiding, and also seemed to somehow know exactly where he was hiding. How'd he do that? They just can't get an edge on this guy, can they? He was struck from invisibility, and kicked down. Tidal turned visible mid-roll and ended up on the ground near Lucas and Jane. "Well hi there," he said with whatever voice he had and coughed. Screw that guy. Screw this plan. Screw the entire Armada out there. All Tidal wanted to do now was get back up and kick that guy back to outer space without a helmet. Though that was more Lucas' thing to do. Super Strength and all. Hmm... would it actually be possible to knock someone into orbit? Maybe it was worth a try if they'd get their hands on Blood.

"Again, amigo, did you forget who you're talking to? They found me in the Wasteland shooting Dytrons to scraps with the biggest gun we had around." Evie loved being in charge. She loved guns, and she loved shooting evil robots and aliens until they were smoky piles that didn't grow into giants. Speaking of giants... she was low-key jealous of her brother and their mutual friends getting to pilot giant stomping robots with EVEN BIGGER WEAPONS. Man, what she'd give to pilot a Megazord one day... Just one day. But that's probably just a dream that will never come true. These two Commanders got along just fine, didn't they? Sharing a friendship with the Rangers, a love for shiny guns and kicking bad guys... And yet the only time they spend together was training at the base. And going out of their way and possibly doing not entirely legal things by being here to back their friends up.
"Go get him," she encouraged Max to shoot his net. "Next up is this big shiny baby," she lovingly stroked the gun ready to fire at Blood. Go time. Boom time? Whatever. Time to shoot.
"Fire in the hole!" Evie shot at Blood with whatever this shiny gun could do. A burst of energy shot out of the gun, straight at Blood now wrapped in a net. Evie laughed. "Hey. Hey.... I gotta say... I'm having a blast over here," Evie grinned broadly before erupting into even more laughter.
Drowned out by applause and bloodthirsty viewers in the arena, Drew and Calvin had the perfect time to have a little chat while they got close. Loosening his grip on his arm might blow the cover so he tightened it some more! Naked eyes believe one Ranger will fall here today. The intense atmosphere of the Blood Battle ship made it a lot easier to be caught up in panic or adrenaline for survival. Just being here for under an hour and you learn how things work, or so it felt. Silently in his mind, Drew devised a plan to get them out by drawing his friends desire to honorable defend the innocent. Spirit of Protection seeking the same thing in other people? Okay it's a weird plan and a little rushed to thinking but it was more of a plan than to actually die here today.
"When he explained the rules I knew what to do. Like when someone in the shop says their transmission is out of whack but say another issue. I just go to the real problem and say it isn't always the transmission," he said about cars. "Anyway, I knew I could make it a good looking fight if I got you pissed by saying we need to think instead of act in this certain predicament. Didn't have time to talk, really. Sorry buddy!" he whispered. But it's taking too long, or so the crowd thinks. "Now finish me!" he said, Drew suddenly acting as if Calvin bit him so he made himself scarce. Ever see the 'Charlie Bit My Finger' video?

With Calvin revealing it's a little jealousy that's inside of him to let him go buck wild, Drew threw the match and when ready he pretended to or actually let Calvin finish him off with any kind of attack. Making up for being put in charge of the team with lack of real experience prior. Things have been handled well in time, but boiling a little issue of the sort is normal. And hey, if him being hit a few times makes up for it, by all means, hit him! Cosmoso and the audience erupted with glee as Drew went down. "And the winner is.... GREEN!" the host cheered with the audience, disarming the electric cables so that two guards may enter the ring to escort Calvin out and remove Drew. The guards just so happened to have really big rifle-like weapons with blunt ends to them. Staging a mutiny of the ship could be so easy. Wink wink. Drew lay unconscious as one guard picked him up, the other going for Calvin.
Blood had the upper hand on the Power Rangers! Fulfilling his only mission would be nearer to its completion if not for a damn net wrapping around him from behind accompanied with a big energy blast. Blindsiding someone like this so way uncool. Yes this someone is an evil Ranger about to slay four of Earth's defenders here and now but blindsiding him is just cheating. Rude, too, for such honorable soldiers! Turning around he laid eyes on those who apprehended and attacked him, reeling back from that blast to his steaming back. "The two of you die next," Blood coldly stated. No immature threat or banter...but a really dark, serious and hateful promise. His blade will meet their flesh. His bullets will pierce their skin. The moment he's free of this net! Wiggling around he tired teleporting out of it.

"Max? Evie?" Olivia spotted them, hand over her visor to make extra sure it was them. Not here on orders, she can imagine. Big weapons on them, too, how did nobody notice? Stealthy soldiers with love of explosions and shooting things? If they start to say 'boom time' and wear track suits with metallic lining this will look like an entirely different universe. Nevermind that, this is the perfect chance. "Everyone, now!" Olivia instructed the rest of the team to get up and restrain Blood while he's restrain-able in that net. It won't hold long but this is her one shot! Taking the opportunity she jumped into Blood, using her phasing ability t stand right inside of him. "Wilson? Is this close enough?" she asked, dead serious. On the good doctor's end of the communications, he laughed.
"Why yes it is! Establishing connection to Red and Green series morphers now!" Paused a moment. "Found them!" Finally! He located them not far from Inezia, still on Earth but in a ship of some kind. He'll see about getting them out while the others handle Blood.

Olivia smiled and stepped out of Blood. That's a weird Sentence. Another day in Inezia and the life of Olivia Scott! Blood broke free of his confining space, however and got away from the Rangers, huffing and charging his weapon. "Good job, everyone. Let's get him and get the others back," she said, filled with determination to save her friends and comrades. Running up, Olivia drop kicked Blood in the shoulder, bouncing off of him when he went in for jabs at the others.
That transmission analogy went completely over Calvin's head. Clients thinking it's one problem but being redirected into the truth? That is... hold on a second. If an omniscient force is controlling Calvin, even they are a little dumbfounded. Drew has a point. Screams of the audience echoed throughout his ears but all attention was brought in by his friend here. He thought his leader was just going to let things happen and get their friends and families in danger more than they already are by just living on Earth. The passion in protecting people being exploited to get a good fight going so they can just leave sooner. Screw Blood Battle... what kind of show is this? Rhetorical question, folks. Then he watched Drew feign an injury therefore giving him the chance to end the match. All went silent. Dimmed lights lit only himself, Drew, Cosmoso and nothing more. Everything is empty and void of reality for a moment. Darting eyes to their host, he clenched his fists. Eyes back to his friend, fists relaxed. Darting to his own feet and body they clenched again. Captain Scott's words rang in his head again. Maybe what's bothering you about this can say something about yourself.

"Damn it..." he whispered to himself. Caged in with the leader being granted the responsibilities am esteemed commander would bare, he took anger or built-up jealousy out on him like an immature child hitting their sibling over a trivial thing. He nearly questioned everything Drew did and now he's flabbergasted. "We're gonna need that armor," he said, back to reality. The Battlizer started the envy in truth. Maybe it'll get them out of this ship.
Calvin did realize something about himself. Captain Scott is right. What he's bothered by isn't Drew being the leader of the Power Rangers. It's that it's taken so long for Calvin to say something to him. "Yes sir," Calvin saluted Drew for a nanosecond before body slamming him into the ring to make their showdown over with. Has he said 'yes sir' to Drew before? It's possible but he's never said it to anyone other than the Captain and Colonel with such pride and honor.

Calvin played along with the ships rules and rose his arms in victory over Drew. Guards came into the ring to get him out and either take him to his prize or to a cell for rest. Neither of these things will they do. Disarmed the cage made this too perfect. One guard got close to escort him out when Calvin jumped him and took his weapon, knocking him out and shoving him out of the ring. From here he fired that rifle all around the arena, blasting Cosmoso's controls and shooting at Dytrons residing on board. "Time to get out of here! With me?" he asked Drew.
"Nothing but net," Max grinned in Evie's fashion. Blast, net, the puns are getting out of hand. Commander Tucker did in fact share a lot in common with Max. Working together suits them kind of well. Dynamic Duo, Troublesome Two, Powerful Pair? That last one would make more sense if they had powers. Ranger powers, to be exact. Demerits might be coming their way after this but doing their job means sometimes breaking rules. But a big part of their job is to follow orders, so... Laughing with her he high-fived Evie while their target bounced back from their attacks. Laughing died down into nothing when Blood promised they would die. The grin faded. This guy is messed up enough to strike maybe just a hint of fear into Max and he's a well established soldier in the army. Not super decorated like others but he's a good one. "I don't like the sound of that," he commented on Blood's threat. Gulp!

Laying on the ground in the middle of a fight is the best way to engage your friends in conversation. "Hi Tidal," Jane replied casually when he joined her and Lucas on pavement for a little R&R. Or as she likes to call it, Rangers & Resentment. She flicked Lucas in the arm, the very arm he'd been shot in, because he said the truth about her kind of messing the plan up. It'd be a really cool twist if this was her plan or the plan all along but nope. Getting hit by Blood with Lucas again, a running theme so far in how this guy fights, should have been estimated into the plan on account of its inevitability. "I'm gonna kick this dude in his bal-- Hey there's your sister and Max," she said and pointed at the both them in their exposed hiding place. Max waved awkwardly liked a kid does when they get busted doing something.

But when Olivia took advantage of Blood tied up, Jane darted her eyes and nodded. "Kay!" she yelled back, back on her feet and holding Blood's legs so he wouldn't hop around like an evil bunny rabbit. Hold on, is she... is she really just gonna stand there? She bust into a fit of laughter for how Olivia chose to get the signal from him. Whatever works... It did work, hearing they'd found them now. But the bastard got away. At least it held for as long as it did. Turning around she gave a massive thumbs up to Max and Evie! "It worked, I guess. But let's not ever do that again unless we have bigger nets or more people for him to toss around."

Smiling under her visor she finally got to hear those words. Someone telling her to go get him! Nodding with a big nod, Jane joined the others and did a massive Squadron Mode leap over Blood and landed on his head, bouncing on one foot for a few seconds until she got bored and landed behind him and shot him with her blaster in the leg! How does that feel, bitch?? Max watched the fight from the hiding spot. Not getting involved since he knows battling a superpowered loon is going to end badly for him.
High five was returned with a broad grin. "This is Trinity Trouble all over again," Evie chuckled. "Except right now it's just the two of us. And you ain't my brother. Or a girl. Fun story, kind of long though." Evie lightly shook her head. She was reunited with her brother, so the Troublesome Twins were together once more... but they missed a crucial person. The Third Musketeer in their old gang. Eveline hadn't heard what happened to Lucielle until after she reunited with Lucas. And her brother seemed to have largely outgrown the troublemaker-phase. In fact, he had changed in a lot more ways. Eveline wasn't sure whether to be proud of her "little" brother, or be disappointed. But all of that aside... She and Max over here had acted on their own, without orders. There was likely going to be some trouble for it. Maybe they'd just be reprimanded, maybe they'd be cleaning the barrack's bathrooms for the rest of the week. Who knew?
What she did know for sure, was that Blood's threat send chills down her spine. The guy's a messed up fucker, so this is most likely not an empty thread. The Armada had threatened to kill her before. Remember Gemini? The guy had attacked and wounded her before, and made it pretty clear to Lucas that it would be the Armada that would take her life.
"I lost my sister because of you... It'd only be fitting if you were to lose yours by the hand of the Armada." Evie wasn't one to get scared quickly, but those words still haunted her. And now Blood threatened her life just the same. "Me neither..." she greed with Max and gulped. "This is the second time the Armada verbally threatens my life, and that's two too many."

"Ow!" Lucas called as Jane flicked him in the arm. He'd only been telling the truth! The plan wasn't to jump and attack blindly, but to wait and restrain. Now that plan had failed horribly and they were being knocked around again. "I think we all want to-- Oh hey, you're right," Lucas said, glancing over at his sister and Max. Evie raised a hand at them in a "peace" sign, not at all ashamed of getting caught. Even though they'd just been threatened by Blood she still looked like in general she was enjoying the situation. Blood was netted and blasted.
"Those two have a great timing," Tidal said. Really, the help was very welcome. And, coincidentally, just what they needed. A big net and a shot in the assholes's back. Now he was helplessly hopping around. Wouldn't be long before he'd break free, but at the very least he was helpless for the moment.

"On it!" Lucas said. Tidal nodded in agreement, the both of them leaping up and restraining Blood so that Olivia could get close enough. And... boy did she choose to get close. Phasing right into and through Blood. That's kind of awkward. And weird. Not too long after, however, Blood broke free once more. "Thanks for the help, sis. You too, Max. Now get to safety." Lucas told them. He hadn't forgotten the Armada's thread either. Seemed like forever ago since they'd faced off against Gemini. And then came the long awaited words. Tidal and Lucas glanced at each other for a brief moment and nodded. One Squadron Morph later, and the our of them stood ready.
"I've wanted to do this for a long time. Well... not that long in hindsight... but still," Lucas said, super strength sucker punching Blood in the gut. Tidal went invisible once more, sweeping his leg underneath Blood's feet.

Evie watched the battle alongside Max, from a nice and safe distance. Blood was one of the more dangerous folks they could face. And really, she didn't want to stand right in his way. Getting shot or slashed was not on her list of plans. Heck, she still had her scar from Gemini's dagger/frisbee. Funny.... was that where Wilson got his idea for Tidal's new weapon?
Incoming blasts from the Green Ranger alerted Cosmoso to duck and cover. He jumped a guard and rebelled! Firing everywhere and taking out the Dytrons! The crowd went wild again! This time for a different reason. Drew jumped the unsuspecting guard who had him, forcing him down to the ground and knocking his head into the post holding the cables. Stealing his weapon he got beside of Calvin. "You know it!" The two of them staged a mutiny on the Blood Battle vessel. Earthlings on board cheered them on. Now there looked like a way off of this ship with all of the security and host people spreading out in a frenzy. Captivity on this ship is brutal and hard, they want to go home. Their memories will be likely wiped to protect the Rangers' identities after they leave this ship, but they will leave this ship and be safe. Drew fired his own weapon up and around, blasting everything all to Hell, charging for Cosmoso at the central point of this entire arena. All of the security shot at them, but a bunch of goons are bad shots compared to a seasoned soldier and auto mechanic. Rather, no match for two Rangers who have seen and been in a lot of worse messes than this.

At the top, reaching Cosmoso effortlessly going through his goons, Drew had him cornered. "Give up?" he asked the host.
"I will never give up! And you're not leaving! You think you're so smart? When I destroy these you'll have noth--huh?" Cosmoso started boasting when a stray piece of metal hit in from below. The humans and other prisoners rioted, throwing things at him and distracting him long enough for Drew and Calvin to swipe their morphers back. Re-equipping it to his wrist, he looked at Calvin who did the same. Smirking he gave him a high five before tapping the button and instamorphing with him in red and green flicks. Cosmoso grunted and fired a big blast of energy from his hands. Narrowly did Drew dodge it. So he's got a little fire in him, too, eh? Angrily he swatted the self-destruct sequence for his ship. He's taking his ship down with himself and the Rangers inside? He's crazy!!!
Wilson patched through to them. "Drew here," he answered.
"Rangers! So glad to see the both of you are alright! I've locked onto your coordinates with the help of the others fighting Blood in the city. Prep for reverse teleportation!" the scientist announced to them. Drew smiled, ready to get off of this hunk of junk station.
"Okay, Wilson. We've got civilians on board, too. This lunatic initiated self destruct, this place will be gone any minute. Take us out of here in a minute," he replied. Wilson gave them the all clear.

"You take care of Cosmoso. I'll get these people ready," he said and ran off to round up all of the people who wanted off of this ship before they blow it! Cosmoso remained vigilant as his ships controls started to flare up in sparks. He wasn't a combatant, but he egged Calvin on to give him his best shot. If this ships going down, he's going with it! Drew quickly gathered everybody in one spot so Calvin could get rid of this madman once and for all. He'd go down with the ship anyway, but if they escaped and he reversed destruction he'd just find more people for his show. "Blood Battle will live on forever!" Cosmoso foolishly shouted. When the coast was clear and he'd been taken care of, Wilson teleported the two Rangers and their rescued people off of the station... seconds before it self-destructed into a big fireball in the sky.
Kicked in the shoulder, shot in the leg, punched in the gut and tripped onto his ass. Blood's battle against these four is finally getting interesting. Shifting through the open space as a dance team moves around a stage. Through the pests that protect the Earth he kept glaring at Max and Evie. No powers and no greater purpose in life than being oxygen wasters. They subdued him blindly and for that he will not forgive them. It's his mission to destroy the Rangers an nothing else but there's room for a little free play here and there. After all, the amps regarding the Rangers psyches are ingrained into his helmet. Instead of using them for reasons to get in the Rangers heads, he's got them to know just how to make them tick and how to beat them inside and out. The ultimate weapon for the ultimate killer. Freeing himself from the Rangers with a group kick, he fired a quick shot to the soldiers nearby and ricocheted a blasts' sparks to singe Max' skin on the arms. Barely missed Evie!

"Leave them alone," Olivia butted in with a dive. Blood kicked a her, but his leg went straight through her as she phased and hit him instead.
"Looks like that makes you tick, too. I know your psyches inside and out, Pinkie, Green and Yellow should be the ones to step in here, not you," Blood recoiled and shoved her back. All of the Rangers were getting in his way. Blood fired a series of blasts at them all, hitting their chests and going in for another physical attack.

And then they came back. Beaming back down from the ship, Drew, Calvin, and the handful of civilians returned to Inezia just thirty feet from the battle. Olivia and Blood both darted their eyes. Olivia's with joy and Blood's with anger. How did they get free???
"You guys! You're okay!" Olivia praised and took a second to breath in relief. Blood clenched his fists and threw them down. It's a weird scene they're returning to. Discarded net, Evie and Max to the side, Blood, the others in Squadron Mode, and a lot of singe marks around the place. Drew thumbs up-ed the team before running over a Blood backed away for a moment to think of a new tactic.
"Long story, guys. But we can explain later. Right now let's show this guy what a real Ranger can do. Max, Evie, take these people to HQ," Drew called over to the others, a whole group of people needing medical attention and memory treatment now. Lining up with the team, Drew and Olivia faced off against Blood while taking out the Battlizer visor. "Battlizer, Initiate!" Changing into his armored form, Blood's in for a world of hurt now!

"More toys, eh? Bring it," Blood invited.
"After you," Drew said to Calvin and the others.
Riots breaking out typically means that something bad is happening and people will get hurt. This riot so happens to be a riot of good guys busting out of the bad guys' shit to freedom. Perspective might be a key in a lot of riots but that is something for later. Mindless thugs really didn't stand a chance against two rained fighters busting through like airsoft BB's through paper. Reminds him a lot of the days the troops raided Armada camps in the wasteland to free people and bring them home safely. Those were good times. Newbie Calvin certainly had a lot coming for him! Experience builds character. Some say Calvin lacks that.
Cornering Cosmoso at the top like good guys always do, he pointed his rifle at him. "Just stand down. It's already over." Bad guys never want to listen. Even the people below are throwing things. Nobody standing right now is on his side yet he thinks he's gonna win by hitting the...self destruct button for his ship. Good Captains go down with the ship, supposedly... but this dude us just wacko. But Calvin took full advantage of the chance and grabbed his morpher, instantly changing and feeling supercharged again. The host wanted to play tough, meaning they didn't have to play nice either.

Thank God for Wilson! Coming through in the end! "Glad we've got a way out. I'm with you, leave him to me," he said, responding to Drew's orders well and nodding, letting him go and help the other people so he can end this. Bad TV is just bad, right? Alone with Cosmoso, Calvin combat rolled forward and twisted his legs around the monsters ankles, forcing him onto the ground with a thud before tumbling around. Knocked off and shoved back by the lunatic of space TV, Calvin aimed his Bio Baton's tip right for his gut, holding it close. Stumbling into this show was not on the agenda today but it cleared up so much in his head, plus they get to save lives. That's a win. This show will not live on forever.
"Looks like you've been cancelled," Calvin came back, slashing into Cosmoso with a heavy Green Bio Slash. Now behind him he let the host fall into sparks, defeated and allowing him to join with Drew before escaping the ship moments before it blew up. Threat terminated more like... programming terminated?
"Motherfucker!" Max cursed as his arms singed in the blast. Compared to most of the things he's seen before this was nothing but it hurt like a fucking bitch! "I get the feeling we shouldn't be so close if we aren't Rangers," he said to Evie. Seriously fucking fuck!

What did he say? Blood, not Max... about their heads? He knows what makes them... this dude escalated on the 'wrong' meter but 8 points. Jane shuddered to think what that meant and just got hit in the chest with a shot. This guy almost loves shooting things with energy blasts as much as she does. She yelped and rolled back, almost thinking Blood would be cool if he weren't such a fucking prick she wanted to make into a punching bag for her room. She did at least get a bunch of swings at him like she wanted to. Dreams really do come true. Dreams like her friends miraculously beaming down from...heaven? The guys plus a bunch of random people just came from a beam of light. "Whoah... did you guys die and come back from heaven or something? Are these angels???" Jane asked. She both joked around and legit wondered what in the actual fuck?
Calvin laughed at her, shaking his head but agreeing with Drew. "Explanations later, guys," he added. Max humbly nodded and agreed to take the people.
"Leave it to us. C'mon, this way everyone," he said, enthusiastically waving to Calvin and Drew now that they're back and not dead. Leading the civilians away to safety let the Rangers step out to play. Calvin and Jane grouped up caught their breath.

"We have fought him all day. He's a real pain in the butt," Jane let the guys know, who really didn't get to do much against him before.
To Squadron Mode, Calvin smirked and summoned his copies. "Six... well now eleven against one? This posers old news already," he mentioned, taking Drew's offer and running with it--literally--to Blood with his team of copies, overwhelming Blood with their numbers and hitting him from all sides. Jane jumped in high and took a shot from the air. The shot hit, Blood getting a good spark in on his shoulder while the copies kept him busy for everyone.
"Fookin' dickhead!" Evie called out as the vlast narrowly missed her. That definitely startled her. Ya know, being threatened and all as well. This guy meant business! "You alright?" she asked out of concern for Max. Didn't seem like he got hit as seriously as could've been, but he still got singed and that could be just as painful! "Ain't that the truth..." she said. They probably really shouldn't get too close to this guy. They weren't Rangers. They dealt with Dytrons and Deathtrons and maybe a Field Commander out in the Wastelands on a rare occasion. But nothing like this guy over here!

Lucas got kicked back in the group kick, and watched Evie get shot at. Oh no that guy didn't just... Within the blink of an eye he was back to his feet.
"She's right though. You leave them alone," Lucas said coldly, leaping at Blood to punch him in the face with full super strength. Was it exactly what Blood wanted him to do? Most likely. But nobody harms his sister and gets away with it unscratched. Ask Gemini. Or that one dude back in High School. So Blood knew how to get into their heads, huh? Well, he's sure proven that to Lucas by shooting at Evie. Surprisingly not yet the worst thing this dickhead could do, but Blood was right about this making him tick. Tidal didn't like the idea very much either. Villain capable of getting into their heads and exploit every single weakness and fear? Yeah, that's bad news. Like erasing emotions and altering memories. But probably worse. If Blood really knew how to get into each and every one of their heads, exploiting their psyches... that made him even more of a dangerous villain than he already was.

More dangerous even than him blasting the rangers EVERY SINGLE TIME. At least they weren't knocked back down on the pavement again. Still, it did hurt to be shot again. But then the best thing that could probably happen in the entire day (other than Blood spontaneously combusting, wouldn't that be nice?) happened. Drew and Calvin beamed down from... somewhere, along with a whole bunch of kidnapped civilians. "Where the heck did you guys come from?" Lucas asked.
"And how did you get back here?" Tidal added in. But Drew and Calvin were right. Explanations later. First there was a bunch of people to get to safety. And an infirmary. And a memory alteration room. Funny how messing with memories is considered the most horrible thing in the universe when Armada does it, but it's acceptable when it's the good guys using it. Then again, different motives, right?
"You got it!" Evie grinned and nodded. "Follow us if you want to live, people." Very motivating. No, really. There's a triggerhappy supervillain right over there. Best they'd leave the fighting to the rangers and get all of the non-rangers as far away from this scene as possible.

"You can say that again," Tidal said, agreeing with Jane. Over and over again Blood just proved to be nothing but trouble. Calvin summoned his copies, Jane jumped up high... Tidal faded into the shadows. Time to show this guy what their Squadron mode can do! Tidal ran at Blood while he was being distracted by the copies and struck Blood in the back from invisibility. Lucas charged at Blood once more, very eager to punch him over and over again with all the strength he had. This guy was going to pay for all the trouble he'd caused so far.
Tapping the rests of her throne on board the ship, Splica swiftly stood to approach the monitor in front of her. Blood Battle is cancelled, that's for sure. Her favorite show which almost destroyed the Red Ranger and turned the Green Ranger into a murderer of his own people. Cosmoso is gone and all of the potential fighters already there were rescued. A third of her job would have been completed for her. Sickly enough, the idea of having her job done for her is unpleasant. Getting her hands dirty and her brain involved in everything is exactly the kind of Empress she sets out to be. Silence fell for a minute. "Pity," she said. General Volmour and General Actera would think she's upset. She laughed, on the contrary. "Blood Battle was fun. But Cosmoso getting his hands on the Rangers and destroying them? I do not think so. Sooner or later he would have found himself in their company anyway. If anybody destroys the Power Rangers... it is going to be me." Cue a Doomtron duo dispatch into Inezia in 3...2...1. Splica cackled and stared at the view of Earth from the ship. She willingly let him be destroyed all while getting a finale episode out of it. Those Rangers may have survived, but another Blood battle will take their lives soon enough.
"Making your own friends since you have none, Green?" Blood asked, rolling past his entourage of replicated Green Rangers just waiting to get in the way. So pathetic how he's hiding behind them. Behind them just so Blood fights them like the team does Dytrons. Round kicks, wide strikes and some--fucking unexpected high-shot from Blue. Grasping at his shoulder, he cursed Jane through his teeth as Tidal struck him from behind and Lucas furiously pounded his frontal area. These Rangers have balls. Suicide pact? The armor of his suit withstood a lot of damage, only just now starting to take a lot of it in for some sparky sparks. Olivia an up from the side and phased through him, pulling him down onto the ground with her arms for clearance so the others can take him on. He shot at her, but he missed.

Time for the original Green and the Red one that isn't a shitty knock off to step in. Drew soared overhead in the Battlizer, allowing Calvin to get a solid attack in. Working together in the ship had one pound the other and get fired up. Now outside of the ship they can pound the same person and get fired up! Blood defended against Calvin, holding out only so much until Drew reared back around. "Battlizer, Burst Attack!" he shouted, blades out and diving into Blood as a human missile. Energy covered him until contact with Blood, forcing a massive explosion with Drew emerging on the other side. Blood collapsed after the blast in a fit of exhaustion, unable to hold out any longer. But he's not dead. He's a Ranger, like it or not. So that suit protects him like it does them. Heat from a blast, blades, potential lack of oxygen in the area...he'd be okay.
"You haven't seen the last of me, Power Rangers..." Blood cursed, evacuating himself in a teleport. Drew and Olivia knew it in their cores he would be back. They'll be ready. But not ready for the well-timed Doomtron duo to drop.

"Now that's a first. Big stuff coming in not even 3 seconds after beating the bad guy?" Drew mentioned, rounding back up with the others. "At least it isn't a hundred," he said to Calvin. Since the others weren't on the ship with them, that might just go over their heads a bit. It did Olivia's, that's for sure.
"Calvin, you and the others go in Delta Strike. I'll take the base," Drew told him and the others. Olivia nodded, following his lead as the Zords got summoned to their position. Drill, Sub, Astro, Liner, and Siren formed up into their Megazord mode as did the base itself, which just more or less formed up right there and walked to the scene. "Delta Strike Megazord!" Olivia called with the other five in that cockpit. She left everything to Calvin's lead, following him without question as she would anybody here.
"Bio Command Megazord!" Drew called alone in HQ's cockpit. Has that new cockpit smell, still. The Doomtrons took them on one-on-one each. Drew did not hesitate in swinging the heavy megazord arms at it, bashing it back as it let out mechanical growls. Firing from its laser/missile pods it blasted Bio Command with everything it had. Drew fired back with his finger lasers! Doomtron number one stepped back, recovering and calculating what to do next. But it's high time they end this now. "Bio Command Break!" Drew unleashed his final attack, shoulder mounted guns and finger guns going off at the same time. Utterly obliterating the Doomtron before him! He smiled under his visor, letting the others take care of business. "Threats Terminated." He pluralized it because it was two threats!
One hour later in the not-mobilized HQ. The civilians have been cared for and cleansed of their immediate memory. They will be okay, if not sore form their experiences. Isaac at home is happy to see the fight go on as scheduled! Because somehow that's still going to happen.
Now everything that happened to Drew and Calvin is out in the open. With a full explanation, Olivia nodded her head while helping bandage up Drew and Calvin with the aid of a nurse. "An intergalactic fight club? Broadcasting some kind of sick TV show where people from different planets fight to the death?" she asked to clarify. Drew nodded. "It's just as brutal as it sounds. But not as brutal as Blood was. He really packs a punch... You guys did good holding out against him." Of course they held out!
Captain Scott stepped into the room to check on them after all of this. He heard their initial report, details and all. "Excellent work as always, team. Drew. Calvin. May I speak with you two for a moment? Alone?" he asked, hands behind his back. Drew perked up and nodded. Olivia was left with the others as the three men stepped into the hall. Speaking of the hall...where are those eavesdropping two? Max and Evie?

"Commander Taylor. It seems what you had on your mind earlier is... for lack of better term, cleared up?"
Drew spoke before Calvin could. "Sir..if I may? He has every right to be a little jealous and upset. I'm a grease monkey who became a hero because a scientist who's apprentice killed my parents in an accident and it all worked out a weird way. He's a trained soldier fit for duty from the get-go. It's trivial but I'm okay with stepping down as leader, if it'll make things less tense," Drew said, nobly intended but a little...ditzy maybe?
Blood Battle's abrupt cancellation and decimation did not bother the Empress as much as Volmour would have believed. In fact, the Empress is pleased with the whole thing. Turning from fan to appraiser of the hosts death. But Cosmoso bore no true loyalty to the Armada. He is, or was, a side stop attraction. Nothing more and nothing less. Him defeating the Rangers would make things less interesting. Possibly having used the Rangers to eliminate him in some way, Splica came out victorious from the battle she did not even fight in. As expected of the ruler of all things galactic.
Quips from an evil Ranger regarding a lack of friends and making your own in the middle of a colorful fight really gets the creative juices flowing for other quippers. One-liners are universally shit, however it will not stop the worlds rowdiest tomboy from making one. Just thinking of one while bouncing around and watching Calvin's copies swarm Blood like Dytrons to them is getting her all excited. Should she comment on how he is literally a puppet with no purpose other than to kill people he does not know? That he in fact is wearing a suit just as ridiculous as theirs? A quip on his need to validate himself by thinking his threats are cute. All of the above suffice as things she can comment on. Tidal as a bad guy was less obnoxious than this. And he blew a car up with a driver in it. Not obnoxious, that was just evil. But it wasn't really him. Can she argue that Blood planting that massive plant in the wasteland wasn't really him either, though? Like if logic's applying here, then... How the hell did she go from thinking of a joke to questioning morality? Whatever, she's still bouncing!

Calvin and his copies waited for everybody to move out and give him a clear shot. Swat team style, he surrounded Blood while Drew flew around in the Battlizer. "Why do bad guys have to always do it the hard way?" he asked, copies kicking and swarming him all around. "Bio Enforcer Roulette!" Calvin fired from all six angles into Blood, Jane lighting up like a Christmas tree with joy! Then Drew did his thing and kicked Blood's ass. "He definitely will." Calvin said after Blood teleported. He will be back alright. Like ants.
Then Doomtrons. "I'll take two over a hundred any day of the year," Calvin replied to Drew. Jane rose a brow.
"Should I be aware?" she asked. "Blood being giant would be more frightening, I think. These rust buckets just make ratcheting sounds."
"Another long story. And I agree. But let's move out, you heard the man," Calvin said very official and stern. Following Drew's orders like they were his last. Jane complied and formed up Delta Strike with him and the others. "Delta Strike Megazord!" So the big base mech and the auxiliary mech faced off against two generic robots on the giant side? This might just be a rip off of any Japanese action movie from the early 1990's. The Doomtron against them raised arms against the Zord, firing a barrage of lasers and energy slashes in their direction. Jane swung up Delta's weapon to block the attack, the Zord bouncing on Sub's legs per her style. Calvin charged in with the weapon, giving the others chances to fight, striking the Doomtron right in the torso.
Quickly the Megazord dodged another blast, using a building as cover. No collateral damage. Absolutely none at all. But it's time for the finisher of the day.
"Delta Strike Finish!" Calvin commanded, their Zord rushing forward and swiping the weapon uppercut style diagonally through the Doomtron. Explosion, no more robots, and as always... "threat terminated." Calvin sat back in his seat, Jane leaping up and high fiving everybody else in the cockpit. Job well done!
"Is it bad that I would kind of watch that show? If you didn't blow the ship up and if it wasn't real people in real danger with a lot of fucked up shit going on behind the scenes and right there on screen," Jane blurted. All things aside, the concept of different warriors from different planets in a TV show arena is cool. She looked like she was asking a bad question. Obviously she wouldn't support a show where it's all real danger! Hearing their story was interesting. "And you two were pit against each other? Drew threw the fight so Calvin could bust you guys out?"
Calvin threw his hands up, bandaged with the aid of the nice nurse helping them all out. "Hey I didn't know what was going on. He thought on his heels. I like that." Calvin sounded really fond of Drew in this moment. He smiled at his friend next to him. Jane tugged on Lucas an Tidal's arms for them to lean in.
"I get the idea these two had a moment today," she whispered. This is the third time a pair of Rangers has been sectioned off from the others to handle a threat.

Max poked his head in just after Captain Scott asked Drew and Calvin to step out. "They're either in trouble or about to get a high five," said Jane. Max nodded. If the Captain high-fives, anyway.
Hearing Drew talk and say what he did confused Calvin. He had to interject. "Sir. What you said... about being upset, what I'm upset over saying something. My jealousy over Drew's position and equipment was childish. I had no doubts in him as a Ranger, rest assured. And it isn't that he's got less experience. Drew, you are perfectly fit for this job," he said. "I want to apologize. My faith in our leader isn't shaken, but I will admit what I learned about myself. I recognized him as leader. But not once had I did so formally outside of a mission. I will accept any demotion you see fit, sir." What he's trying to say is... yes he was jealous of the gear. But it was deeper. It's cleared up now, and he's going to willingly accept that consequence.
The Empress was surprisingly unfazed by the sudden and unexpected cancellation of her favorite show. This surprised Actera. Even more so to see the Empress apparently happy about it all. She could see where the Empress came from, however. It would, indeed, be far less interesting if Cosmoso had dealt with the rangers instead of her. If anyone should bring Earth's defenders down and show the universe the Armada is not to be meddles with, it should be the Empress herself. Not some lackey who was just in it for his own entertainment rather than true loyalty. So in the end, everything still went according to Splica's plan.
Really now? The puppet who's only purpose is to kill is making quips about friendship? That's a new one. Since when do the bad guys know anything about friendship? At least they finally seemed to be gaining some ground on Blood, making his suit spark at last. Well, what'd you expect when they all fought in Squadron Mode with everything they'd got? If that wouldn't at least temporarily stop Blood from being a pain in the butt, nothing would. Lucas and Tidal glanced at Drew and Calvin, raising a brow at their Doomtron statement. "Something we should be aware of?" Lucas asked, much like Jane. Who would possibly want a hundred Doomtrons to beam down and stomp on the city? Nobody would ever want that, right?
"Let's just take these things down already," Tidal grunted. He'd had enough of Blood, and enough of things beaming down from the sky. And with Blood gone, there was nothing else to beat than these two giant robots.

"Delta Strike... that's been a while. Should be fun," Lucas said, grinning under his visor. Time to use their newly assigned Zords, huh? Time to make quick work of these two buckets of bolts and finally call it a day. It felt like this battle had been going on since forever.
"Delta Strike Megazord!" the guys called in unison with the others. As the Megazord jumped up, Lucas went for a Drill Punch right in the Doomtron's face. He's really eager to punch things in the face today. Tidal followed suit with another punch. He was still pissed off at Blood, and since that guy wasn't there to continuously punch until he'd stop moving, Tidal would have to take his anger out on something or someone else. So this Doomtron here... made for a perfect replacement punchbag.
A quick fight and some big explosions later, it was over. For today, that is. The battle against the Armada is far from over yet. But for today... everything and everyone was safe.
"That sounds absolutely horrible," Lucas said. Blood Battle... the idea was absolutely disgusting. Nothing new in the ideas of entertainment... looking at a certain young adult book series there... but the idea that it was REAL... that shook him. At leas that show was over forever now. And the people were safe.
"I'd rather stick with watching wrestling. Obnoxious and fake, but at least people aren't actually being murdered," Tidal grimaced. The world... the universe, was a cruel place. No need to make it even worse by making people fight each other to the death for "fun". At least Drew and Calvin had handled themselves well there. The idea to be pitted against your own people... against your friends with the only chance of escaping being to turn into a murderer... No thank you. Leave it up to Calvin and Drew to know how to handle a situation like that without any serious bloodshed.
Lucas and Tidal leaned in as Jane tugged their arms. "Seems so," Lucas nodded and chuckled. Where there had been tension before, it was now gone.
"Better they did before anyone really got hurt," Tidal whispered back. Imagine these guys really trying to murder each other over something petty?

"Definitely," Evie nodded, poking her head in much like Max did. Would the Captain be the kind of guy to give high-fives, she wondered? He seemed a bit too serious and formal, but who knows... man might surprise them all. After all... she remembered how he responded that time she hijacked the comm system to warn the Rangers about Gemini. What an entry in Inezia that had been... "So... how about we leave the rangers to do the rangery stuff and the two of us go get that drink we discussed earlier?" Evie asked, giving Max a friendly nudge, prompting Lucas to shoot her a particular, meaningful glance. Which Evie in turn answered with what basically was a death glare, daring him to say a word.
Entertaining as it is horrific that show sounds like it was something to see in person. Thank God almighty Drew and Calvin were there to stop it in its tracks and save all of those people. Speaking of whom; the civilians rescued have been wiped of memory by now so they can go on with their lives with no knowledge of the Rangers' identities. Tampering with the mind mat be questionable on the moral scale but this is no normal thing done every day. The mental fortitude testing is the Armada's thing. Earth only does it so much when appropriate to protect people. Olivia's happy the show is gone. "You two going out?" Olivia asked Evie and Max. She isn't picking up on a social cue here, so here comes a potential breaker. "Mind if I join you? There's no more work to be done today and there's this new smoothie I would like to try. It's made with strawberries, bananas and peaches." On the chance the soldiers wanted this to be a two-person thing, well...

They're both stunned at Calvin. Captain Scott especially. His words are commendable and have noble intent but they're not needed. He learned a lesson about himself. Orthodox this is not, but it's eye opening nonetheless. The Captain cracked a smile. "Commander Taylor. There is no need for an apology. No demotions, no call for change in attitude. You expressed a concerning thought to me and did no hold it back so it would build up for the wrong time. I am proud you learned a little something about yourself. Following orders is your forte, Commander. Drew is your leader for the team. But all six of you are of equal importance. I want you to know that. No suit of armor says otherwise," he said. Captain Scott has a rambling sense of common sense to him.
Drew grinned and stepped up. "Actually I'm sorry, Calvin. If I made you think you couldn't just tell me something because it isn't professional... well shit. No need for professionalism, we all know that by now. Can we pretend today didn't happen the way it did? We're buds, aren't we? " he asked with a charismatic smile and extended his arm out with an open palm to shake Calvin's hand.
Jane pinched between her brows and looked down. The guys definitely had something go on today and that's cool. It's all okay. But Olivia chiming in on Max and Evie is so awkward. Max kind of got the impression maybe they'd grab that drink alone...
He looked at her, shrugged and kinda went with it. "Well we were gonna grab it just the two of us but... hey, mas amigos es mas divertido?" Max said in Spanish, hands in the air. His eyes said awkward and his body language said fuck it, the more the merrier. He and Evie could get a table together if they wanted to. No reason their friends can't tag along if they want to! Jane heavily elbowed him in the rib cage, making him groan.
"You know when a girl says she wants to grab a drink with you she means just two people, right?" she asked him. He flustered and all red!

Calvin blinked slowly. Saluting, he made it clear to the Captain he understood what he had said. "Thank you sir. It won't happen again, sir. Our team is universal in strength, I will never misread that again, sir." Formally he saluted again, feet together and posture at attention. Disciplined Calvin as always. His guard came down at Drew, who seemed just as apologetic as he had been a second ago. Uncalled for, really, given Calvin's more in the wrong. But at the end of the day it's just a petty thing that means nothing. It's all in the open, now, anyhow. Embarrassing, really, how kind Drew can be about all of this when Calvin felt like such a baby. Insubordination at its finest, right? That's what it feels like. Doubting a little bit and being butt-hurt over fancy new armor.
"Way to make me into a fool, man... " he said, grinning back and rubbing the back of his neck to ease the stress. "I'm just used to being the one in a unit that gets to test new gear. Haven't done it in a while so I must have been a little weirded out. It won't happen again. You rock it better than I could anyway," he laughed. He gladly shook Drew's hand with solid grip, bringing their shoulders together for a bro hug before release. "Buds? Bigger than that, man." Calvin smiled at Drew, a weight lifted off of his shoulders at long last. No more punching each other.
Lucas lightly shook his head as Olivia asked if she could tag along as well to try a new smoothie. Even he picked up on that social clue, and he had a tendency to be a little slow when it came to those things. Or had a huge case of denial when it concerned himself. Anyway... he couldn't help but chuckle lightly as Max got all flustered. Really, if those two got along so well, he was happy for them. The two seemed like a great match. Both had a love for explosions and weapons, and both had a heart for justice and a willingness to help others out in times of need. Even if it endangered themselves, like today. The rangers are lucky to count these people among their friends. Jane's comment didn't only cause Max to fluster, but Evie as well. Cue Lucas holding back a laugh and Evie giving him a murderous look.

"Jane's right, you know?" he commented. "Why don't you and I go grab that smoothie together, and leave Evie and Max to grab their drinks wherever they want to?" he suggested. Let the two soldiers have their nice moment together. Who knows? Maybe it might lead to something more.
"Why don't you make it a double-date?" Tidal asked with a grin. Gotta love teasing the lovebird. "Or take Jane and Drew along as well and make it a triple date?"
Cue... how many glares/punches at Tidal? The guy looked way too smug and satisfied with himself after saying this.

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