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Fandom Overlord Alternative

Naho village

Sall snorted at the lizardmans comment and crossed his arms, had he not been listening to the speaker? "Iv'e told you we have been cut off from the neighboring villages for a while now, the couriers had stopped coming from the town up river." Pausing for a few seconds to give it some thought he began again. "The Spawnlings up north are more common though, i can only speculate what has happened or is happening but that is something i can not be sure." Scratching the back of his neck he almost looked ashamed. "The spawnlings here only haunt us at night, but further north they are much more active, the village is safe now during the day but..." Grunting he looked to the side as if not wanting to think about it. "May i ask of you to go see if the town is standing? The town to the north is a three day journey on foot but with your mounts it might take less."

Outside the hut the villagers were browsing the wares definitely interested but unsure if they could afford any of it, if they wanted information how could they give it? Sall was in his hut giving them what they wanted but they villagers were out here stoked on what to do. They were still unsure of these new villagers of course but if they were here to trade they cant really give anything back to them it wasnt just being unsure financially it was also morally. Tenn, the minotaur walked up to one of the booths that were showcasing a variety of weapons and such and had his eyes on a greatsword which would be great against the relatively unarmored spawnlings that he had defended the village from. "How much?" he pointed at the sword and looked up to the vendor

The four fisherman that had spotted the spire earlier were still cautious about the new arrivals, they were looking for any kinks within their facade of friendliness. At least until one of them came up to them. The four stared at the human girl for a few seconds before Grazi spoke up. "Hello there, i am called Grazi, you are?" He did a slight bow as of wulver culture, and the other three one buy one introduced themselves mimicking the same gesture if not rather stiffly. "I am called Laffa, I am called Diam, I am called Baza."

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Azure Sky Azure Sky Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Mekuto Mekuto ChazGhost ChazGhost Astralworks Astralworks


As the trio walked through the new pitch black tunnel that the spawnling had digged they could a faint sound of rumbling down further in front of them. The closer they got the rumbling got louder and before nought the rumbling sound was above them, the sound of running water. But as soon as the trio was right under the sound a new sound emerged, within their minds a voice spoke to them, it was grotesque sounding a raspy voice with a little too many fleshy things in the way. "What are you? three thiinngss surviving my pack, you are not normal and you will answer."

Dante Verren Dante Verren Nastarial Nastarial ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow


Within Sigvold the scene was rather peaceful if not somewhat surreal to what is happening on the outside, the npc's not of insomnia were vending to the npcs of insomnia and the denizens were making due with what they have. Attempting to insulate their homes with cloth and going to one of the few vents from the great forge below when it got too cold for their homes, as such there were gatherings near these vents with insomnia's npc's standing vigilant at their posts. They were kept warm as Neizil had talked to Akudez about giving the guards cold resistance items so they could protect the city without having to think about the cold. Skost had been resistant to the idea as Selvernas had not ordered it nor did she know about it but Akudez calmed her down telling her Selvernas is too busy to think of such trival matters.

No where to be found near the people or the other npc's however was Avenir, the Wood Elf had predictability been near the grove where it felt natural for her to be around plus it kept Neizil out of her hair. She had been tending to the grove since the temperature change had started and that she started to feel strange but without any calls to action she had been left alone, unsure of what to do she decided to be where she was most comfortable outside of her room on Ioavollr that is. It wasn't until the owner of the Grove coming back did she hid from her, why did she feel the need to? she was unsure, maybe it was instinct? or perhaps she simply didn't want to answer why she was doing there. Not truly bothered by Kafka the Great Lord of the forest she simply hid until she left or she was ordered to leave, However when the ground started to vibrate and move slightly did she jump out of her spot and had to ask what was happening, and confronted Kafka.

(also yes she can talk to trees...)

Walking out of her place she approached the Great forest spirit slowly as to not alert her. "Um, miss Kafka?"

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Just a few seconds after Kafka was able to calm herself, she'd be brought yet into another miniature panic attack as a wood elf spake from behind her. Turning around with a sharp gaze, she'd awkwardly start muttering out sentences, just how much did Avenir see?
"A-ah, you... how long have you... did you see any of... t-that?"
Of all the NPCs, the one that just had to be here was one of Selvernas' own, splendid. If she saw anything, anything at all, the upcoming conversation with the guild leader will be difficult, to say the least. Well, let's not over-suppose just yet.

"Avenir, sheesh, don't scare me like that," she'd murmur lowly, before looking straight in the eyes of the NPC, shooting her a half friendly, half nervous smile.
"Something wrong, Avenir? I apologize if I seem a bit distressed, I was not really expecting a visit you see..."
Kafka, in a further attempt to calm herself, allowing for proper conversation, would start fidgeting with one of the "leaves" which served as her hair.
"If you want to ask about what just happened, it was simply pest control, nothing to worry about."

There was now a dilemma tearing Kafka's mind apart, does she tell the truth, or rather save face? With the former option, she'll be able to share more information about the unknown enemy, but it could also damage her image by quite a bit. By the Ancient, the first venture and already such a failure. Why did she have to do that? She could've just... healed herself normally. And at last, what is the guarantee that she won't do something even worse the next time she sets afoot out of Sigvold?

"I hope this does the trick for you two. Just know that I'm not going to be worth much in a fight down here" Shizira informed Connor as she joined him down in the darkness of the tunnel. Which was perfectly understandable. Her wings alone made it difficult for her in enclosed spaces. At least she wouldn’t have a hard time hitting the creature, Connor mused. Of course, that depended on them catching it first.

He looked up as Oswald joined them, landing far gracefully than he. Probably an archer thing. Archers tended to be lighter a more manoeuvrable than heavily armoured warriors after all.

"I think a hunt like this will be enough for now. I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to fight at full strength. Between the three of us I doubt that thing is strong enough to last more than a minute even if we can’t fight at full strength. Either that or we are fighting a raid boss and are about to get slaughtered” Oswald commented, which earned a nod from the vampire. Of course, he had considered the very real possibility that he and the other players were not at all invincible in this new world. They had merely won a single skirmish, against creatures that were little more than maddened beasts with not even a shred of self-preservation within their twisted bodies. That was hardly a sufficient test. However, this new beast seemed more intelligent than the rest, intelligent enough to realize that it was outclassed.


“This may be a trap of some kind” Connor spoke up, frowning at the darkness before him as the trio got moving. Even his vampiric sight could not penetrate it all. He felt much calmer now that battle had long been concluded. Although his mind was much clearer, he realized with no small amount of irritation that he wasn’t happy about it. He longer to feel the Thrill again, to hear it sing within the very depths of his soul. His fingers tightened around the hilt of Lifedrinker.

And that was when the grating voice drifted down through the tunnels.

"What are you? three thiinngss surviving my pack, you are not normal and you will answer” The voice, no doubt coming from the avian-like creature hissed, somehow carrying with it a hint of curiosity and malice mixed into one. It was a voice that could have made grown men and women flee the moment it assaulted their ear drums.

Connor cursed and got into a combat stance, his sword held before him in a two handed grip.

Nastarial Nastarial Dante Verren Dante Verren
Sall had provided them with what little he knew, and while it wasn't nearly as much as he had hoped to learn it was it was a good starting place. "Sall I believe that while Fabian may be a little... over eager a mutual defense pact is beneficial to both of us." Rex paused for a moment and leaned forward slightly, "to secure ourselves from attack we need to cleanse this forest and to that end I suggest you allow us to assist you in defending your village, then as the sprawlings return to their den we follow them and scour them. After that we should begin a sweep of the surrounding forest as well as check on the other villages."

Petroshka Petroshka HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest ChazGhost ChazGhost
Fabian nodded in approval, before making his way to the door. "Please excuse me my friends." He simply said before making his way outside. Closing the door behind him, he was once again greeted by the chilled winter air. Raising his right hand to his ear, he quietly cast the spell Message. "Selvernas. We have made contact with the village. All is going well so far. Be expecting their wounded. I have offered the Services to Sigvold to them. On a high note, the villagers have taken to the goods we've brought." Fabian said quietly watching said villagers go from cart to cart browing the wares he had crafted with his own hands. While low level, they were still masterfully crafted.

ChazGhost ChazGhost Petroshka Petroshka Mekuto Mekuto
[class=dualBorder]background: black; border: solid 4px gray[/class]
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Alyssa Morrow

Secretly sleeping until the time comes...
...Becoming the 'definition' of withered, what do I wish for?

Alyssa gave them an appreciative smile as Oswald tried to assuage her concern after joining them, though it quickly became strained with how he decided to finish his statement. If that creature they'd seen but moments ago was as intelligent as it seemed, this could be as hard as the worst case scenario. She wasn't one to give in to the worst case, though, and while steeling her nerves, they got moving. Alyssa opted to pretend Sanguis hadn't mentioned anything about a trap, since that had already run through her mind before she jumped down into this horrendous situation.

They hadn't been going very long when a rumbling was heard and as it got louder with their progression, it seemed likely the tunnel ran underneath a waterfall or something similar. Then the voice came, thick and foul, demanding to know about them. Of course, it had given some information away in the process. It was likely this was in an alpha position as far as the creatures from before went, which also meant this thing was far from alone and more existed elsewhere. Accusing them of being abnormal was also an interesting touch. It could be inferred in one of two ways, to the half-dragon's best guess: either it was reference to how swiftly they had taken down its 'pack,' or perhaps how their races didn't exist here. It'd be something to ponder for later.
'My pack,' Alyssa mocked inwardly with a smirk. You give too much away, but I'll play.

It was going to be a gamble, but Alyssa hated those that wouldn't give a straight fight. Pursuit quests always pissed her off royally. Even though she maintained her position as a rear guard, she ensured her bow was notched and raised her voice, "Words are meaningless! Come and let us gauge each other fairly." She hoped Sanguis and Oswald would mind her making a counter-demand. It was only to get the creature out of hiding and then they could whammy it all they liked.

I've already lost it, but the pain, it let me flap my wings...
Into Fate, solve the puzzle and bask in the sun
Dante Verren Dante Verren ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow Petroshka Petroshka
Secret Meeting and Agendas
The blade was close to striking its target when Selvernas' gauntlet parried the thrust and knocked the tanto off-course. Hopping back after the initial failed strike, Nyamiko noticed that Selvernas had summoned a halberd and was poised for a counterattack but seemingly stopped herself. A small tense moment of silence followed Selvernas' angry question before Nyamiko started giggling.

"Ah... Nice to see your reflexes are still top notch, Selvernas. Its good. Very good indeed... But enough fun, I have important things to discuss with you." Nyamiko said, sliding her tanto back into its hidden sheath before settling herself down into a chair Ichi had quietly prepared for her at the table. Lightly tapping the table, the curtain that covered the doorway leading to the kitchen parted as small shadowy creatures, almost looking like rabbits, came bounding out balancing a single tray holding a teapot, 2 teacups, and a plate of daifuku. Ichi quickly set the table and poured out two cups of tea before bowing and exiting the room, the shadow bunnies simply evaporated into nothing. Leaving Nyamiko and Selvernas alone.

"Now that we are alone.... I guess I should get started then. As you may know, I have been keeping tabs on the whole village situation this whole time and based on Niiko's observation, its been going well so far. Looks like I won't be needed for any local diplomacy at the moment then." Nyamiko started, stopping to have a small sip of tea. It felt rather odd for her to be drinking the 'proper' way when she found out that she can literally stick food into her face for the same effect. Taking another small sip, she took a small breath to calm herself.

"What I have been meaning to ask is... Is it alright if I take an extended leave of the place. Just for a week or two so I may scout out the Southern regions. I'll be bringing a couple of my NPCs with me of course if you will allow it and leave the rest under your direct command. And I mean only your command, they have direct orders from me to disobey the rest except you. Why? For my own amusement of course." Nyamiko smiled and took another sip of tea. "And that you are the only one I really trust at the moment."

Petroshka Petroshka
Following the vampire into the darkness Oscar kept his gaze constantly shifting around the tunnel as he attempted to track the monster. It was easy to tell which way it was going but other than the straight digging there really wasn't any sign of the monster doing anything else. The idea that this was a trap was constantly in the back of his mind as this situation was not really in their favor. The only one who was in their element would be Sanguis, the two archers in this enclosed space would have a harder time, and with really no room to fly Shizria as she said was at massive disadvantage. More doubts began to fill his mind but suddenly they stopped and a strange calm washed over him. It was if his body was telling his mind to shut up and focus on what was ahead of him.

As he regained his focus the group came to a stop. A rumbling came from above them and Sanguis stood into a readied stance. Oscar instinctively dropped to one knee and pulled back the string of his bow so he was ready to fire, then it happened. A raspy voice spoke directly to his mind...this thing wasn't normal after all. When Shizira replied to the monster Oscar sighed inwardly, Words weren't entirely meaningless as they still needed to find out what this thing was. Of course he wasn't going to be that upset if they outright killed it with out asking questions either. Hopefully Shizira's taunting worked and the creature would reveal it'self. Otherwise this would be an annoying fight.
Nastarial Nastarial ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow

"Well once we take care of the spawnlings problem I assume you'll be able to get in contact with the others villages and kingdoms. But moving on." Drix stated before looking to Rex. "I agree with Rex. Let us stay the night so we can help defend the town and hopefully be able track down the spawnling that flee back to there home, where I can then burn the whole lot of them" Drix said looking back to Sall. "Once we have dealt with the spawnling, at least for the most part we'll check out the other villages and see if they are okay." Drix added.


Merchant 5
Monk 1
Magical Artificer 1
"Oh that blade" the golem merchant said looking over at the blade. The merchant grabbed the blade moved it easily to the counter, even though it looked fairly heavy. "In our regular currency it would be $$$ but based of what we began to learn about your currency it would about $$$" the golem stated calmly and fluently. The price for the weapon was more then a regular weapon of the same type but it a far better quality. "I am aware of how expensive a weapon like this is so I can make you deal or in this case a trade. Mr. Drix and Mistress Ebony have told us gather information of this place in very important. So books of the history of the this land, legends, and other important parts aspects of this world will viewed very highly in a trade... Only for a limited time of course." The merchant said adorable smile on it's face.
Petroshka Petroshka HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Mekuto Mekuto Azure Sky Azure Sky Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Astralworks Astralworks
Yoshiwara District

Cav' was more than a little confused when everything became a blur but when it was apparent that she would have even gotten a hit in even if she didn't hesitate, she thought it was another one of those sick jokes that she loved so much. Unsummoning her weapon felt weird, it slowly started to de-materialize and its weight even lightened up quickly before it completely disappeared, she glanced at it and saw the few flecks disappear into thin air. Calming herself down she looked at Nyamiko with disapproval but acted like everything was okay when ichi came into the room, when he left she started. "Whats this important thing you had to tell me?" She grabbed a tea cup and took a sip of the tea, it was quite good.

"The southern regions? We're not even sure if there is anything down there" Of course it seemed that the southern regions were warmer which meant that there was a high chance of it being inhabited, but they don't even know if what was down there was hostile or not. After giving it some thought and glancing at her when Nyamiko said that Caveria was the only one she trusted she decided it couldn't hurt, afterall Nyamiko was stealthy. "I'd like you to maintain some sort of direct contact and to be careful, is that okay?"

Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow

Verdigris Grove

Avenir looked at the Great Forest Spirit confused, 'pest control?' "If you are feeling distressed i suggest spending a night at the yoshiwara district that Nyamiko owns" She bowed before the her before coming back up. "May i be excused? Niezil is asking for me again" Her tone at the ending statement was of slight tedium. She may have to report this anomaly to Lady Selvernas later but it was obvious the great forest spirit was not feeling well. Perhaps she needed a vacation? maybe to one of the warmer lan- oh wait they were not of the land they had been have they...


Ruins *Subterranean*

The creature Growled at the stubbornness of these things directly into their mind to disorient them. "Words from a trapped rodent!" Right after saying that the thing bursted from the side of the tunnel as if it was coming out of water opening its maw of nothing but teeth and aiming at the two lesser armored beings and attempted to bite down as hard as it could. But it would not stay still, it used its momentum to slam itself and whatever it hit on the other side of the wall and digging through, slapping the ceiling and walls of the tunnel to unstablize the tunnel causing much of it to collapse. However when it dug a couple of meters downward it hit an opening and dropping itself and the others that he charged falling down a much larger subterranean cave like place. But when they hit the ground it looked like that the entire floor they were on was paved as the ground they hit was made of stone or marble that was flattened.

The monster got back up from its landing without a scratch it seems and upon further insight the thing seemed to land on two hands with large tail like tentacles sprouting out its back. It roared at the trio moving to the side rapidly and hiding behind a large pillar of some sort, presumably to keep the cave from collapsing. But when the trio looked behind they could find that it was no longer there, instead it essentially ran up the pillar to once again dig.

Dante Verren Dante Verren Nastarial Nastarial ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow

Naho Village

Sall leaned back on a chair and crossed his arms at their words of acceptance and urging him to accept, well if it would help the village and its people.... "Fine" He shrugged and got up from his seat. "at the very least please defend the village, and the very most take in the wounded, for now maybe." he walked out of the hut not caring if they took anything seeing how there wasnt much to take anyways. Walking over to the hospice to help Avina with the injured and sick he explained everything to her as he would have to do it to everyone else once they got back from looking at the trinkets.

The minotaur looked at the sword for a few more seconds before deciding that a shiney new toy wasnt worth what little they have, they didnt have money but they had very few books of anything. "Never mind." He waved to the Golem before walking over to another cart which seemed to be selling potions of some kind. "What do these do?" If there were any for healing maybe Avina can use them.

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Azure Sky Azure Sky Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Mekuto Mekuto ChazGhost ChazGhost Astralworks Astralworks
Contempt and Killer (Demon) Queen


Pandemona looked at Greer in disdain as he gave her a thumbs up while Nemo wasn't looking. Did he try to transmit a message without Nemo's consent? Pandemona was loyal to Insomnia and respected the Great Lords, but ultimately, the one she respected the most and whose orders she prioritized was Nemo. She was thinking of giving Greer a thumbs down, but she was in no position to behave that way and it would have been disrespectful to her superior. She just haved at him. Mister Greer is strange.

Aferwards she quickly turned around as the wulvers approached her. "Nice to meet you, all. I am Lilith." She replied, tiltinn her hear slightly to the right, touching her cheek and smiling brightly, somewhat amused at their behaviour. Her killer cuteness had probably already touched their hearts. "Are you doing well?" Pandemona asked, displaying the innocence of a child and asking a question that in such a situation, was merely that of a pure kid, ignorant of the world's cruelty.


"She is not a dog, you silly chunnibyou. Tehe!" Nemo replied in a simingly playful manner to Greer's suggestion/joke, displaying faux-cheerfulness. The comment actually bothered him though. "It is fine, I belive in her." He proceeded with another reply on his usual tone, as he watched the small demon interacting with the wulvers.

I belive in her. Yeah, I do. I belive in her...I belive. Beliveee!

Nemo was secretly trying to convincing himself that Pandemona won't do anything foolish. Then Greer asked a question which was actually a good one.

"I understand why you would ask that. But I am not the best person to ask. Because my answer will always be the same. I feel normal. If I where to define normal, I feel like I always did. You could say that my current form even emphasises what I belive regarding my self. Or lack thereof..." Nemo made a short pause as if he realised something. "Oh, if you were asking about certain body functions, everything is fine. And no, I can't make certain body parts grow. I don't have enough racial levels after all."

@Beto Gravitational Force Gravitational Force ChazGhost ChazGhost HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Nastarial Nastarial Dante Verren Dante Verren ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow Petroshka Petroshka Astralworks Astralworks Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow
"It's just..." Greer pauses. "if it's enough for this much of a change to me, what would it do to a NPC who was already a Demon? Especially one with...Pandemona's personality. We're trapped in new bodies in a new world, I don't know if there's such a thing as too much paranoia."

"Even if she's still loyal and does what she thinks you want, how do you know she knows what you want? I for one made it clear to the Carnies what was expected. The last thing we need is for the NPCs to end up against us."

"As for the residents of this new world, even if we make peace with them how will we maintain it if it's based on an image of us that is false? We need to have more than just an alliance based on lies and gifts. Something where we can have both full disclosure of our true forms AND obedience. I believe we should speak to Fabian about bolstering our forces with beings who we control utterly."

Azure Sky Azure Sky

In response to the Shizira’s taunt, the creature let out a howl that directly assaulted the within the minds of the three present. Connor gritted his teeth at the ear-splitting noise. The beast sounded angry this time. Good, so was he.

“Words from a trapped rodent!" The thing hissed at them, before suddenly the tunnel floor ahead of them erupted in a shower of bits of earth and stone. The creature barrelled out of the newly made hole, its mouth open as wide as it could go, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth. It made straight for the three players, more specifically the two lesser armed archers. Moving quickly Connor put himself in the way of the beast’s charge, grunting as the creature’s weight threatened to push him back. To make matters worse, the blasted thing began thrashing in its attempt to bite down on his armoured form.

As Connor struggled to contain the beast, the floor suddenly gave way beneath them. He had just enough time to let out a yelp of surprise before he was falling. It was brief, but he was able to catch a glimpse of a large cavern before they hit the ground. The air was knocked out of him and he lay there for a few moments. His armour had cushioned the fall, something he was very thankful for. He had no desire to get turned into a pancake over something this trivial.

A loud screech drew his attention. Oh yes! The bird-thing! He leapt to his feet, sword raised. Somehow he’d managed to hold onto it during the fall and now it was rearing for blood.

He spotted the beast some distance away, tentacles appendages having suddenly sprouted form its back. Could this thing change its appearance at will, like a slime?

He abandoned the train of thought as the monster, rather than capitalise on their temporary impediment, instead chose to flee up a nearby pillar, no doubt intent on try to dig its way out again.

“Oh no you don’t, you bastard!” Connor roared and sprinted forwards, ignoring his comrades, desiring nothing more than to finish this beast once and for all.

Nastarial Nastarial Dante Verren Dante Verren
[class=dualBorder]background: black; border: solid 4px gray[/class]
[class name=dualBorder state=hover]background: black; border: solid 4px gold[/class]
[div class=dualBorder]
Alyssa Morrow

Secretly sleeping until the time comes...
...Becoming the 'definition' of withered, what do I wish for?

Alyssa's plan seem to go a little too well as the creature, a mass of gnashing teeth, burst from the wall and attempted to snap its jaw hard on them. Luckily Sanguis put himself in its path but Alyssa still moved back. This was too closer for comfort. She was about to loose an arrow when the tunnel floor gave way and for the first moment of the fall, she was panicked. She opened her wings in reflex and found she now had enough room for flight. And now a split second decision had to be made as she pinned her bow between her knees.

She dove toward Oswald's falling form, aiming to catch him about his shoulders. Once she had him, she'd gently lower him to the bottom of the cavern. Looking up, she saw Sanguis thud promptly.
That had to hurt, she thought. The creature screeched much like mutated avian from earlier, and it made Alyssa frown as she watched it scurry up a column, seeming to change its form on the way. Taking to a higher elevation again and grasping her bow in her hand, she moved to cut the thing off from its path. She felt something bubble within her chest and an idea came. Most creatures feared flame and Sanguis was far enough away to be safe. Taking a deep breath, she spewed fire, aiming it to cut off the beast's potential escape route. She wanted to drive it back to the ground where the trio would be at a better advantage, so she started a few dozen yards above it and slowly moved the stream down the pillar until it was nearly upon the creature. Of course, if it managed to take some damage from her breath weapon, she wouldn't complain.

When the end of it finally came, she'd start volleying some arrows at it, to help it make the decision to go back to the cavern's floor.

I've already lost it, but the pain, it let me flap my wings...
Into Fate, solve the puzzle and bask in the sun
ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow Dante Verren Dante Verren

"I promise you, we'll keep the village safe while we are here" Drix said calmly following Sall outside. Drix then stopped and looked over to his merchants and smiled. "Looks like they are doing good. Could be far better but it's a start..." Drix said crossing his arms and leaning against a building.

The merchant at the potion stand smiled brightly when the Minotaur came to it's stand. "Oh they do so much, so so much! I have healing potions but I have so much more then just that! I have slime potions, explosive potions, fire potions, cow transformation potions, giant's grow potion, and even more!" the golem said super excited. "I can keep going if you want, I have so many more!... Also the prices are listed on the bottles." the golem said smiling brightly like the other golem.
Petroshka Petroshka HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Azure Sky Azure Sky Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Mekuto Mekuto Astralworks Astralworks
The creature was understandably upset at Shizira's taunt and decided to do something about. Oswald watched as the thing emerged from a newly formed whole and raised straight towards Shziria and himself. He was going to activate a dodge skill but at the last second Sanguis did his job as tank and stepped between Oscar and the creature. The vampire struggled against the beast and Oscar readied an arrow to fire only to feel the sensation of nothing under his feet and he looked down to see there was no longer a floor. Even as Oswald a flair of panic sparked inside of him as he realized he was falling. In his mind his only hope was to roll as soon as he hit the ground to try to reduce the impact... this was going to hurt.

Luckily for Oscar his guild mates once more had his back. While he was falling and internally cursing his luck he felt hands grab his shoulders. His decent slowed and he tilted his head back to see that Shizira had grabbed him to stop his fall from having a painful end. With a grateful smile on his face he nodded his head, "Thanks for the save" he told her and his eyes drifted over to Sanguis who had no savior. Man it looked like he was in pain. Now Oscar kinda felt bad that he was the one who Shizira had caught.

Once his feet were back on the ground he saw the monster scurrying towards a pillar and growing tentacles. Man this thing was gross to look at. It was bad before but the tentacles made it way worse. Sanguis who was now up and moving charged after the creature in a rage while Shizira took to the air to unleash a very bad ass looking torrent of flame. Watching the pillar it looked like she was trying to drive it down the pillar to the ground. Knocking an arrow he activated his ability full bend and pulled back the bowsting as far as he could without snapping the string. Aiming for right above the creature's head he let loose the arrow.
ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow Nastarial Nastarial
"Thank you for your concern, I'll... consider it."
Kafka would turn to face the Grove Heart, it did its part, let's just hope for that. Looking up at the clouded sky, she'd speak out one more time.
"Yeah, you can go."
Waiting for the elf to vanish, Kafka had a lot to think about. The explanations, the small talk, herself, everything was a bit blurry still, but the overall image was there.
She'll have to make sure to not screw up again anytime soon, that's for one.

Battle, she'll have to battle to figure all of this out. That'll be the first steps, then... it depends, really. The grove heralds are fanatical spreaders of the Ancient's will, isn't that right? Then maybe, that would make sense. There are other factors in this equation though, a whole bunch of them. Some of them don't add up at all, also, what's with this overthinking?
Letting out a light grunt, Kafka once more sat down in the grass. Now to wait, again.
The grass is soft...
"I was Thinking the same thing my necron looking friend." Fabian said walking towards the two, passing the stands set up. "I've already brought into the realm 12 Ice Sprites whom are already mining. Now I suggest you both make yourselves useful and escort the infirm and weak back to Sigvold." He continued making his way to the wall surrounding the village with a piece of chalk in hand. Upon getting to the wall, Fabian once again used message.
"Master! How can I be of Service, Nyah?" Came the familiar voice of Sigvold's favorite Cabbit, Eins. This brought a small smile to the Frost's face as he began drawing the proper runes on the section of wall.
"I need you to send the Miners to this village. Make sure they are armed and ready for battle. Also, Make sure the Forge Master is here as well. It's time to show this world what the guild of Insomnia can do my friend." He replied moving to another section of wall, to draw the same rune.

"It will be done master. What of me?" The ever loyal cabbit asked as he began relaying orders to the others.
"You will return to the Great Forge and defend it. I have a feeling these Spawnlings will attack sigvold as well."

ChazGhost ChazGhost Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Azure Sky Azure Sky
Ruins & Naho

As the creatures tried to block its away from reaching the ceiling to find a better combat area for itself the avian spawnling lunged itself at the fire spewing humanoid it threw its arms out and opened its mouth wide. But one of the other things fired something at the spawnlings head causing its head to move and miss the flying humanoid and crash into the ceiling hard enough that vibrations could be felt throughout the cavern. The avian behemoth however was unfazed by the collision and started to dig with its hands and tentacles at an astonishing speed essentially throwing a jet of dirt and rubble down as it dug aggressively. The arrow that had pierced its head had already started to be pushed out by the beings regenerative properties and but the minor scorch marks it had endured had also started to heal but much slower.

Up on the surface however everything was rather calm and all was well. The Wulver continued to converse with the small human girl, curious on how odd she was. "We should be fishing for food but we are well, and yourself?" While a few feet away the minotaur pointed at a bottle that was labeled in something that he couldnt read but the golem had said it was a healing potion of some sort. "I am interested in this potion, it is healing correct? The golem who vendors weapons said we may buy items with books yes?" Avina could make much use of these potions and may even replicate them. Sall sat down at the area for the injured watching one of the strangers write intrigue circles on the walls. "what is he doing?" He questioned the lizardman that had followed him to the hospital geninuely curious on how he is doing it and what effect it will bring.

Slowly but surely a faint rumbling became louder and louder as the ground started to shake everyone slowly, but surely became alerted to the presence of something breaking ground. Exploding onto the peaceful scene the Avian monster shrieked as it broke ground flying a dozen feet into the air before landing on the ground ungracefully. The thing had reappeared on the surface just outside the gates of the village it quickly gotten itself up right before glancing around and attacking anything living in sight.


Dante Verren Dante Verren Nastarial Nastarial ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Azure Sky Azure Sky Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Mekuto Mekuto ChazGhost ChazGhost Astralworks Astralworks
Greer's skills built through years of combat in the game kicked in. Also enough passive abilities that he knew where the Avian Spawnling was before it did.

"INFERNAL BINDINGS!" Black chains covered in infernal runes shot up from the ground and pulled the Avian Spawnling to the ground while constricting it so it couldn't move. The chains dealt more and more damage the longer something was bound in them and got harder to remove, but Greer didn't intent to let it have any chance of escape.

"Infernal Bound Impalement." A spear of metal shot from the sky and impaled the Avian Spawnling's head as a second shot from the ground and impaled its midsection. Jonathan had paid the extra money to get access to the Book of Infernal Magic expansion and Infernal Bound Impalement dealt twice as much damage if the foe was already restricted in movement or mobility. It dealt quadruple damage if it was both. And Infernal Bindings did both.
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As the creature was bound in chains it quickly tore its skin and limbs with its own flesh instantly connecting itself back as it pulled itself away from the meaningless bounds but before it could complete the process spears struck it from the head and midsection. But the creature didn't stop, tearing itself free from the bindings and the spears. Shrieking it looked to what did it to him and lunged at the skeleton biting down on infernal thing looking to tear it to shreds.
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
After Sall had left Rex remained he was contemplating tactics for eliminating the Spawning and then he had begun to consider the possibility that the appearance of Sigvold and the actions of his commrades might change how the Spawnlings behave. His pondering was interrupted by ground shaking movement, it seemed to be coming from outside the village.

[Greater Teleportation] In a moment Rex was in the air roughly a kilometer above the gate as soon as the teleport was complete he began to fall through the air.

It was easy to pick out the creature and then he saw that Greer was beginning to engage the target, remembering what Sall had said about fire Rex activated a mid-tier commander skill [Imbue Element - Fire]. The blade of his spear erupted in fire.

[Fly] Activating the fly spell allowed him to adjust his trajectory as he hurled downwards towards the foe.

Seeing how the creature had resisted Greer's attacks and was now lunging at him, Rex used the fly spell to intercept, twisting back he struck at the creatures head with his spear. Rather than stabbing with the spear he swung it like a great sword. The impact of spear and skull sounded like a lighting bolt and the force that Rex was able to bring to bear caused a shockwave to ripple through the air. Billowing flames surged forth from the spear and washed down over the creature's head.

Using [Fly] to keep himself from being thrown to the the ground from his own recoil he landed between the creature and the village and instinctively took a fighting stance.

Petroshka Petroshka Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
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Real Agendas and Other Things
"To be careful? Aww, its nice to see you care." Nyamiko dryly chuckled before taking a sip of tea and picking up a piece of daifuku from the plate. Biting into the sweet treat, she lightly tapped her foot twice against the wooden floor and the doors to the dining room slid open as Ichi entered the room. Acknowledging his appearance with a nod, Nyamiko simply held out her hand and Ichi reached into his kimono to extract a simple looking scroll before handing it over to Nyamiko. Finishing up her treat, Nyamiko pulled out a similar scroll from her own kimono and handed the one she got from Ichi over to Selvernas.

"Here. Scrolls of Discreet Communication, one of the many tools I use out in the field. The sets are linked so you can read whatever is written on the other copy. I'll demonstrate." Nyamiko said, opening her own scroll and pulling out a small stick of charcoal. She started doodling a small henohenomoheji on the scroll. All this done while making sure to block what she drew from Selvernas' sight. Smirking slightly, she closed up her scroll.

"I just sent you my first message on the scroll. Open up your copy and it should be there." Nyamiko explained.

Petroshka Petroshka
Nemo and The Plan

Everything was going smoothly. Pandemona made friends with some wulvers, the villagers where gradually becoming less wary, Greer was not blowing stuff up, and the overall atmosphere was good. It was a nice start. Nemo took his time to analyze the beauty of nature, the fresh air, the snow, the trees, the azure sky, the lack of polution. All elements that where not possible to experience in his original world. He was happy and relaxed.

Then, it happened. A hideous monster he was unfamiliar with came out of nowhere and attempted to attack the villagers. Greer was quick in intercepting it, but the skills he used where not enough to eliminate it. Not even after Rex came to the sceneand attacked it as well. It was a strong one.

"What did I tell you before about wishful thinking?"

[Law of Attraction], a skill that brought a creature close to him. Getting away was impossible for 20 seconds. As the spawnling was forcefully pulled towards him, Nemo used [Gravity Lock]. As the name suggested, it applied a gravitational increase on the creature, making it so that the spawnling was kept in place, forcefully brought to the ground.

[War Cry], a Hate Management, or aggro type skill. Nemo shouted loudly, and caused aggresive creatures to hate and concentrate their attacks on the user. As soon as the effects of his previously used skills wore off, the spawnling launched itself at him, in a frenzy. But before it could even make contact with his body...

[Law of Repulsion] as the name suggested, pushed one creature 20 meters away from him. Nemo smirked as he trolled the creature.


"Understood. Tehe!" Pandemona switched to her battle attire, equipling her gigantic gauntlets and revealing her horns and tail, wearing a sadistic smile on her face and radiating bloodlust. She used [Fiery Outburst] to appear before the creature in a flash and then...

[Meteor Rush]!

Pandemona's gauntlets where engulfed in blue flames as she launched a fury of punches towards the spawnling, making a small crater on the ground as she pummeled it.


"Yes, my Lord!" the demon got out of his sister's shadow, brandishing his blades.

[Spectral Dance]

Demonbane moved around the creature at blinding speed, occasionally appearing as a transparent blur, but most of the times being unable to follow, as if he were invisible. Only the sound of slashes could be heard, and the effects would be visible on the creature's body.

"Now retreat!"
"As you wish."

Pandemona got back near the wulvers and her brother re-entered her shadow.

Yes, Pandemona?
Was this also part of the plan?
The plan? Ah...

Nemo facepalmed. So much for the fragile noble girl roleplay. He let his gamer mode get the best of him.

"Grazi, Laffa, Diam, and Baza. You saw right? That creature was so scary! It...it was just self defence. I was scared..."

Pandemona, I doubt they will belive you...
Tehe! At least I tried.
Good grief.

"Greer, Rex! How about you guys do your thing?" He doubted the spawnling was dead or near death.

@A-i-D-ee-Crisis Gravitational Force Gravitational Force ChazGhost ChazGhost HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Nastarial Nastarial Dante Verren Dante Verren ThePerpetualShadow ThePerpetualShadow Petroshka Petroshka Astralworks Astralworks Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow
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Greer didn't move as the creature's jaws closed around him, only for it to bite empty air as Double Blink activated for its first effect, placing him just to the right of its jaws. Clearly he'd underestimated this thing's power. The second Blink activates when the creature slashes at him with its claws, placing him right next to its side. He'd need to make a physical attack to recharge his ability, he couldn't do it manually at the moment.

Dapper Mage and Elegant Evoker were excellent classes for stacking boosting effects without penalty, although the requirements for it meant most players chose other classes. In Greer's case he'd decided the benefits outweighed the costs when the Infernal expansion allowed them to be exploited so easily.
"Quickened Maximized Infernal Arcane Blow."
Greer lightly pokes the side of the creature. The boosting effects cause what would otherwise be minor damage to blow a hole in the creature that Greer could walk through. Its regeneration was a problem he'd have to rectify.

"Infernal Spiked Acid Pit." A pit full of acid opens beneath the creature's feet, sending it tumbling down onto the spikes below.

"Infernal Thwomp." A spiked rock head with an enraged expression appears over the pit before falling into it, impaling the creature and further crushing it into the acid and spikes below.

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