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Realistic or Modern Athletica Academy CS


A lecto

Imagination is the only weapon against reality

Athletics | Swimming | Synchronised swimming |
Dance | Figure Skating | Gymnastics | International

Athletica Academy CS

- RPN rules apply.
- You can make up to three characters if you can handle them.
- Realistic Asian FC’s (for non Asian FC’s PM me)
- This is LGBT friendly so please no judgments.
- Have fun!

CS Template:
Age: (early college ages)
Looks: (eyes, hair, distinguishing marks or features)

Program: (swimming, dancing, figure skating…)
Clubs: (while you have one main program you can join a different club as well, dancing, swimming...)

Personality: (1 para or list of traits)

Biography: (1+ para)


Other: (anything else you would like to share about them, photos, theme songs,...)

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Yang Xiao Yu | 18 | M | Bisexual | 5'8 | | 132 lbs |
Figure Skater | Chinese | Blond hair | Brown eyes


Name: Yang Xiao Yu
Nationality: Chinese
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'8
Weight: 132 lbs
Looks: Blond hair, light brown eyes.

Program: Figure skating
Clubs: Gymnastics, dance.
Strengths: Figure skating, gymnastics and dance.
Weaknesses: He gets very nervous before a competition, has to work on his landings,...


Xiao Yu loves and is very dedicated to figure skating and always gives it his all. When he is in a bad or sad moon all he has to do is put on his skates and let it all out on the ice. Xiao Yu often puts his emotions into a choreography and people love to watch him but when a competition is close he is very nervous and if its a very important competition even gets himself so worked up he is on the verge of a panic attack, of course once he starts to skate all his worries disappear and he wow's his audience. That pre-competition nervousness was the reason he decided to join the academy, well that and him wanting to get even better.
Xiao Yu likes to talk to people and often has many friends because of his rather kind and sometimes a bit playful nature. Whenever a friend is in trouble they can count on him to try and help or at least get someone who can help instead. While he is usually a good guy, protective and friendly to his friends he can be a bit competitive and he tends to treat others the way they treat him. When in a bad mood he can often say something he later has to apologize for and you can count on it that he will indeed apologize. To his enemies, he doesn't feel bad if he sais a few harsh words, of course only if they have it coming, he is very unlikely to start a fight but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be part of one if he had to or think angry thoughts about someone that angered him. Even he has a line someone shouldn't cross if they don't want to bring out his bad side. But all in all, he is a good guy with a kind smile and always has a hug for a friend when they really need it.


Xiao Yu was born the youngest of two brothers in a small city in China. His parents were both working in their own restaurant, his mother was very good with people and his father was an excellent cook so the customers always liked to come back and so they made enough money that they didn't have to worry. Xiao Yu’s brother was a very smart child and made it hard for Xiao Yu to follow in his footsteps. One day when he was still a kid he went to a friends house who lived next to an ice skating rink. He was curious and sneaked in there to watch as a figure skater practiced a choreography that took his breath away. Since then he had constantly snuck in to watch the skaters practice until one day he was spotted and invited to try skating as well. While he hadn’t been good at his first try he didn't give up and continued to try, which paid off as his potential was unlocked with more and more practice. He became extremely great at figure skating and even won a few competitions. He found a great coach that helped him into the academy so he could overcome his pre-competition anxiety as well as become even better at figure skating. It is his dream to one day compete in the Olympics.

Esmeralda (Makomin) - Close/best friends
Tatsuko (Makomin) - Competative friends
Hana Choi (CreativelyPerfect) - Skating partners and friends
Ara (uxie) - Friends
Cael (short bear) - Future relationship

More TBA later, contact me in the OOC or a PM if you want to discuss relationships (friends, romance, secret romance, rivals, etc...).

Reading, figure skating, listening to music, dancing, gymnastics, hot drinks, music, friends and spending time with them, movies, cats, sweets,...

Messing up a choreography, falling on ice, bullies, spiders,...

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Yong Tae Soo | M | 18 | Bisexual | 5'9 | 133 lbs |
Gymnastics | Korean | Black hair | brown eyes


Name: Yong Tae Soo
Nickname: Tae Tae or Soo -by close friends
Nationality: Korean
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'9
Weight: 133 lbs
Looks: Black hair and dark brown eyes, he often wears contacts so his eyes look a dark blue or blue-ish black.

Program: Gymnastics (artistic)
Clubs: Track, dancing.

Has great balance, graceful and elegant when performing, horizontal bar, floor.

He is still mentally recovering from an injury so he often hesitates while doing vault exercises.


People who don't know him might describe him as a semi cold and a bit distant guy but in actuality, he just doesn't like talking about himself since it often leads to people asking about his injury and how he is doing now, which is something he really doesn't want to talk to people about unless they are close friends. He easily gets frustrated when he messes something up and often mutters under his breath when he is angry or thinks hard about something. People seem to think he is mysterious and are drawn to him but he doesn't notice it most of the time, in his previous school he was the most popular guy in his class and he didn't even realize it until people told him. Tae Soo has times where he would make a joke or a sarcastic joke which surprises people since he seems serious most of the time. With friends he is open and a bit of a different person, talks normally and is open, with occasional smiles and blushes whenever someone gets close or sais something nice about him or gives him a compliment. He also has the tendency to give people playful punches to the shoulder, calls them idiot with a kind smile when he likes them and snorts lightly when he laughs full heartedly, he also gives compliments without thinking about it which might be another reason people are drawn to him the way they are. While he is a good guy he also has his selfish moments and can be competitive, often jumping at making bets with close friends or making some kind of dare.


Tae Soo was born an only child and his parents had high expectations for him, while he did well in school his true passion was in gymnastics and he often practiced at school as well as a gym close to his home. He was very good and even made it to a few important competitions where he took home gold medals, he became a well-known gymnast by seventeen which was making his parents very proud. One day at an important competition something happened. Because the boards had been slightly mispositioned at a vault competition he injured his ankle and the doctors thought he wouldn't be able to do gymnastics again. He was devastated and depressed over it until someday at a check up the doctor announced that his ankle has fully healed and there would be nothing in the way of him doing gymnastics again. Of course, his physical condition was good but he still had flashbacks of the incident whenever he had to do vault exercises. While it became a bit better it didn't fully disappear so when he heard about the opening of the academy he jumped at the chance to go there since his biggest dream is to win gold in the Olympics.

Esmeralda (Makomin) - ex as well as curent fake girlfriend to get his parents off his back for being single for so long as well as to prevent them from finding out he is bisexual.
Tetsuko (Makomin) - close friends, he knows about the fake relationship. There is some bromance.
Ara (uxie) - Friends, he behaves like a big brother towards her.
Danny Chai (short bear) - Best friends

More TBA later, contact me in the OOC or a PM if you want to discuss relationships (friends, romance, secret romance, rivals, etc...).

Gymnastics, dancing, music, hot chocolate, coffee, spicy food, soft fabrics, taking long walks to clear his head, running, swimming, cooking, going out with friends,...

Haters, bullies, cold coffee, cold weather, storms, old horror movies,...

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name | danny chai
nationality | korean
age | 19
gender | male
sexuality | pansexual


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuerecubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuerecubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.

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Esmeralda Lee Mi Kyung | Tetsuko Sato

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nationality: Korean-German

age: 19

gender: female

sexuality: heterosexual

height: 5'2" (160cm)

weight: 130 lbs (60 kg)

Esmeralda Lee

Mi Kyung

i create . . .

Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes.



Swimming, synchronised swimming, playing the trumpet and being under pressure.

She can be quite a sore loser (hates losing), needs to work on patience when she competes in medley relay and work on breathing techniques.

Esmeralda Lee comes off as a confident individual that dislikes losing in any way whatsoever. She is very head strong and can be described as stubborn at times, especially whenever her coach advices her resting is the best but she still practices. However, she isn't one to blow her own trumpet and believes that humility is a factor that contributes to her winning streaks. She is also a very honest person as she believes that honesty should and will be the best policy. However, she does have a habit of sugar coating the truth if she is required to break extremely difficult news to her close friends. Not to be confused with being blunt, she takes into account the emotion of the individual she is interacting with as well as the atmosphere.

Speaking of which, she is quite the hot-tempered person as her tolerance level for anything non-tolerable is extremely low. That being said, whenever she is angry, she usually excuses herself and goes for a run. Despite her 'must win' attitude, she is a very protective person towards her close friends or anyone special to her. She is also a serect romantic at heart but will never admit to, even to her best friends. She isn't a fan of Public Display of Affection (PDA) but she does small acts that will let the other person know she loves/ cares for them.

Esmeralda Lee Mi Kyung was born in a small country hospital located the East of Berlin, Germany. Her mother, a German kindergarten teacher, had decided to quit her job at the age of 30 because her husband, Esmeralda's father had been offered a director's position in a hospital at Seoul. After having moved back to South Korea, Esmeralda's father increasingly started spending less time with his family as a doctor's job is never done, let alone, a director of a hospital's. Soon enough, Esmeralda's mother found herself wishing that there was someone who could fill the empty void in her heart. And she did.

At the age of 10, Esmeralda's parents divorced as her mother was finally caught cheating by her father. Her mother moved out with her new spouse and Esmeralda was left alone as the only child of the family. Her father, not being able to take standing in the same house his first love used to live, begin to actually live in the hospital he worked in. Determined to create a name for herself, Esmeralda worked hard to be an athlete. Soon enough, her father remarried and Esmeralda moved to the Seoul International Athletics Academy.

Chocolate, Welsh corgis, the sea, scented candles, collecting postcard from all around the world, drama and sitcoms, plasters with cute animations and the trumpet.

Avacado, tea, losing any battle/ competition/ fight/ bet, being told to 'calm down', insects and wasting time.

Relationships: WIP! Message me if you wanna RS!
Yang Xiao Yu- One of her closest friend, best if she had to admit it. They met on a voluntary activity whereby they had to teach underprivileged children a bit on their sports. The two ended up competing against each other and losing. Now, they swear they will compete once again when the time is right to know the ultimate winner. On a less serious note, they are extremely supportive of each other and one might note that every time they have compete in something, they go all out to support them.

Akamine Ai- Nothing much to say about her except that Esme hates her guts. It happened one day when she had had enough of Ai manipulating a student. Now wherever they go, if they so much as lock eye, be sure to look out for a blood bath. It seems like their strong personalities don't help them in at all in even minding each other's presence. However, they do band together for one reason only- if Tetsu is in trouble.

Yong Tae Soo- Her ex who she is helping by pretending they are still dating. Esme and Tae Soo broke up on good terms; their personality didn’t work out as much as they thought it would but they decided to stay friends. However, Tae Sooks afraid that his parents will find out he is not only interested in females and males. Since she has already met his parents, they decided to make it that way. Even the whole school assumes they are dating (just to be safe) but a few of their close friends know they are only friends.

✸ Danny Chai-
✸ Cael Minhyuk-

Choi Hana- Her friend who she tries to be a wingwoman for. Esme genuinely wishes that Hana would find someone she can invest her time and love in but the only problem is, Hana loves figure skating more than love itself! Esme has vowed that she would try her best to help her friend on her possible conquest of love.

Yoon Ara- One of her closest friends that she enjoys ‘trashing’ around with on Twitter. Ara is probably the only person, other than Wonho and Xiao Yu, to know that she loves watching Asian dramas. She spends a lot of her free time with Ara in her dorm room or even just going out, alongside other individuals who follow them too. Esme doesn’t admit to it but she does get jealous whenever she sees Ara with her other friends.

Han Wonho- Her actual boyfriend who she wouldn’t admit but she loves. Ara introduced the two of them together and somehow, even though they butted heads a lot (still do) because of their similarity in personality, they ended up falling for each other somehow. She appreciated that he too, was not a fan of Public Display of Emotions (PDA). Plus, he was understanding of the situation between Tae Woo and her and honestly, that was more than she could ask for. Though, she sometimes want to get back at him for teasing and embarrassing her too much.

Gabriel Nicolaev- Their love-hate friendship knows no bounds. They met when Gabriel decided to improve him swimming skills. They usually don’t see eye to eye on most matters but at the end of the day, they’re there for each other no matter what. Sometimes, Esme would even ask Gab whether he has killed someone, in humour of hum being from Russia. He usually says no or asks why she’s asking such a dumb questions but when he does say yes out of annoyance, it sparks her interest in knowing his full story.

. . . my own reality


Brownish-raven hair, black eyes and a straight scar on his upper calf.

Figure skating

Dancing and figure skating

He rarely messes up his landings (never really go for the more complicated ones), very flexible and is a fast learner.

Overly cautious and doesn't take risks as such, his performance on the ice is average when it comes to originality, a bit of a pushover and can be prone to peer pressure.

One word to describe Tetsuko is overly-cautious. He prefers sticking to things that he is already familiar with. As a result, he hates being pulled out of his habitual schedule. However, he is an extremely friendly and bubbly person. More often than not, he enjoys making new friends and keeping the peace among them. He especially hates drama, arguments and fights. One might consider him a pushover but once Tetsuko reaches his boiling point, he will be extremely brutal to everyone around him. Another trait that describes Tetsuko perfectly is his undeniable sense of humour. He enjoys jokes and puns more than the average person admits to. If one were to observe him closely, they will note that he carries on him a book of jokes.

He is also extremely naive, both in the sense of love and ordinary matters. He trusts people too easily and more often than not, get himself hurt in the process of doing so. This is also due to his insight of seeing the best in people, even if the bad outweighs the good.

Born as an orphan, Tetsuko has always wanted people to accept him the way he was. His dream, from a young age was to be a world-renowned figure-skater. Maybe it was his ambition or maybe it was because of the stigma of having figure-skating being a 'sport for girls', he ended up being bullied most of his childhood. The children in the orphanage he lived in would often tease him about more feminine than boys their age, despite it not being true. He just...wanted to figure skate. The bullying stopped, however, when he entered high school due to his sudden growth spurt. Tetsuko more often than not ended up being the tallest in his class.

Everything was starting to look brighter for him until he found out his biological mother worked for the Seoul International Athletics Academy. He wanted to know why she gave him up for adoption, whether she was married, whether she had a family of her own. But he couldn't reveal his identity yet. He wanted to be one of the best figure-skaters in the world before he musters up the courage to confront her.

Relationships: WIP- Message me if you wanna RS!
✸ Yang Xiao Yu- His friend-rival. The both of them are in the Figure Skating program and are on good terms. However, they are extremely competitive. Xiao Yu helps him get out of his comfort zone at times and Tetsuko appreciates that.
✸ Akamine Ai- The destruction to his property. Sometimes he wishes she'd tone down her personality because he really does see her as someone who's nice. She almost always gets him into trouble but the two are like Bonnie and Clyde. Just less bloody...and they don't die. But they do get detention sometimes.
✸Yong Tae Soo- His very good friend with a twinge of bromance. Tae Soo is probably his closest friend, excluding Ai and probably one of the very few he actually don’t mind drinking with. Sometimes, the two of them catch a drink or two at one of the BBQ places near their academy, just talking about things they can’t in general.
✸Yoon Ara- Ara is another individual he considers his friend. She’s the one who accompanies him whenever he hangs out with Esme and Wonho. He does get kind of anxious whenever Ara is being her friendly self, especially near Ai. He always hope that the two can get along, especially on Ai’s part.

nationality: Japanese
age: 20
gender: male
sexuality: demisexual
height: 6'3" (190 cm)
weight: 165 lbs (75 kg)

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Akamine Ai

Dear Odile,
Name: Akamine Ai
Nationality: Japanese-American
Age: 18
Gender: female
Sexuality: [closeted] bisexual

H: 1.68m
W: 112lbs
Looks: dark brownish hair adorned with umber-colored eyes

Program: ballet
Club: ballet / dancing
Strengths: confident, perfectionist, graceful & elegant
Weakness: overbearing, can't take criticism well, very competitive & mean


Ai is an Odile; a black swan. Everything about her screams trouble yet she remains alluring for others. Vain, manipulative and entitled, this girl firmly believes that the world revolves around her and anything she wishes should be granted. She despises having someone else best her at things she cares about and being ignored. Despite the seemingly evil nature, she is absolutely loyal and caring to those she cares about often retorting to dramatic measures to remind them of her love & care. She is also a total drama queen and is always extra.


Being the only daughter of a filthy rich Japanese businessman and his American wife. Ai grew up with a silver spoon on her mouth hence why she feels tremendously entitled to the point of being labeled as a spoiled brat. Thanks to their family wealth, she'd always push people to do what she wants and pressure them to give her anything she demands. Although that wasn't the only result of her family's business (fashion line), her parents barely have time to spend with her which made her jealous of children of her age with parents by their sides.

At some point, she discovered ballet and her passion for it. She was more than excellent at it and it was the first time she was ever noticed individually and not as the prissy daughter of the Akamine. Ballet gave her everything she have ever wanted: attention. Her mother was more than pleased to know that her daughter is a good ballerina so she enrolled her to a prestigious ballet school and supported her in joining competitions to further enhance her talent. The Athlete Academy provided another opportunity for her which she grabbed without any hesitation.

I'd be more than happy to work this part out with you guys through PM or OOC :' )

Esmeralda Lee Mi Kyung - the antagonist to her protagonist; their contrasting personalities paved way for Esmeralda to being Ai's rival in the school. Always expect a showdown when these two lock eyes.

Tetsuko Sato - the one fortunate enough that she considers him her "sidekick". She loves having him around because she can persuade him to do what she wants. Actually a person she relies on but she'll never admit that.
I am not perfect

fc: mizuhara kiko
the queen, herself
-not yet
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Name: Choi Hana
Nationality: Korean
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 118 Lbs
Looks: Light brown hair, dark brown eyes

Program: Figure Skating
Clubs: Dance, Gymnastics
Strengths: Natural born performer, Likes to take creative risks with every routine, Elegant, great at subverting expectations/surprising the audience
Weaknesses: Hard on herself, does not work well on a team, very competitive, sometimes takes too many risks to her own determent, she tends to put most of her time and effort in the performance of her skating that the technical side is lacking

If there is one word to describe Hana it would be 'performer'. This girl loves to be the center of attention and captivate her audience. She loves to try new things 24/7 and she has no problem incorporating what she just learned into a performance. If it doesn't work out, then it's on to the next thing, after all, that's what trial and error is there for. She's overdramatic at times and tends to exaggerate any story she tells. This social butterfly is also very prideful and thinks highly of herself, she can be very sweet and blunt. That being said, Hana can sometimes come off as arrogant and rude though she means well.

Hana grew up the youngest of 4 girls in the US right outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Her father was a high profile lawyer and her mother a journalist. Throughout her childhood, she mostly remembers her mother playing a prominent role in her upbringing as she was the one who was around more. However, that's not saying her father wasn't there at all. He was actually the one who triggered her getting into skating in first place. Both her parents were a strong believer in their children learning a sport, instrument or anything really to help their daughters be well-rounded individuals. She was around 5 year's old when she first went to an ice rink and fell in love with it, and her father made it so she'd be able to do lessons every two weeks.

Hana's mother often joked later on with her daughters that the first and best mistake of her life was was saying 'I do.' Her father was in love his work, even more so than his wife and daughters. It confused and irritated her mother to no end, leading to late night argument with the main point of the arguments being 'who are you married to, me or your job?' After months of frustration, both parties realized this and decided the best thing for themselves and their children would be a divorce. That had to be the best choice Hana's mother could have made, as in the long run, both her parents were happier as friends than they were ever when they were married.

After the divorce, Hana moved to Korea with her mother and 2 older sisters when she was 8 years old. Hana felt alone learning a country she's never really lived in before besides the occasional family trips there. During that time she really started to take skating more seriously as she felt that the more she skated the more connected she was to her father who thousands of miles away. When it came to skating it became her first love, something she could never part with as if she couldn't bare to be away from the ice, she was sort of like her father in that respect. Throughout the years she kept up with her skating training to hopefully become one of the best and when she found out about the new athletic academy opening in Seoul she jumped at the chance to attend.

Yoon Ara- Friends
Esmeralda Lee Mi Kyung- Friends
Yang Xiao Yu- Skating Partners/friends
Fiona Tien- Rivals
Kim Hye-Sin -Crush. If there were words that Hana could use to describe how she feels about her she probably couldn't get them out of her mouth in time. She thinks the girl is talented, A beautiful fighter, beautiful when she speaks, beautiful when she smiles,...Just beautiful. In all honesty, Hana never really said much about her feelings to the other girl. She could try but there was always the thought she could get rejected and it's not as she had time for relationships anyway. Hopefully, she could just say friends with Hye-Sin and admire her from a far.
She has a major pet peeve with people prounoucing her name as 'Hannah'
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yoon ara
✧ 윤아라 ✧ 18 ✧ pisces ✧ dancer ✧ siaa ✧
i like making people smile ☼
10% discount on all apparel; poppywear.com/ara

behind you
Joined April 2016

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560 Photos and Videos

yoon ara @araseo · 1h

answering some questions i got on askme-anything ;;

q: are u into girls or guys?
a: both! though i prefer guys more (: i don't date much

q: how tall r u?
a: i think im p tall..... im about 168cm, that's tall right

q: your hair is so nice!!! did you ever dye it ?? also do you wear contacts bc your eyes are so big aaaaa
a: aw thank u for ur lovely comments!! i dye my hair occasionally but i like keeping it smooth so i do a brown at most haha ;; currently its a shade of rly rly dark brown (basically black) // i don't wear contacts! i have trouble sticking things in my eyes heh

q: i bet ur rly fat. u eat so much. btw u still owe me $15
a: sjdklsj jihyuk get out im only 50kg PLEASE

q: im in siaa too but ive never seen u around ): what club are u in?
a: omg what a coincidence! this is anon so shoot me a dm and maybe we can hang out sometime // im in figure skating and archery! figure skating's really fun, and it meshes well w dance i think cause ice dancing lolol im not that good at archery tho, but i'll keep working at it (ง •̀_•́)ง

q: you look soo much like yulhee from laboum wtf
a: do i? i don't follow laboum but i looked her up and i don't really see a resemblance- she's too pretty for me!

yoon ara @araseo · Apr 10
binged goblin w/ this cutie ♥♥ the rest of you, come hang out with us next time ( ;´Д`) i love @askMEEEE but the more the merrier ;;
caps from poppywear btw

@tetsulovescake : 노잼 !! can't believe you didn't want to watch goblin !!! and i thought we were friends ;( come next time, n bring ai too ^^
@princessHana : we're crying bc you're not here ):
@wonhyung : ???? u ditch.
@yongtaesoo : don't tell me romance ain't your taste i kNOW you're a softie ):<
@dannyishot : you being in track isn't gonna stop me from catching you to make you watch with us
@tinyxiaog : i hope your competition went well! come with gabriel next time (:
@username :

Esmeralda Lee and poppywear apparel

alla yoon ara Retweeted
jiheck @hyukji · Mar 14

happy birthday yoonie. i cant believe ur 18 already, u grow up too fast.
high school passed so fast n ur in college already...... wow im shedding a tear.
u kept asking for this, so here (finally) is my advertisement for u.

ara's an amazing catch! not only is she *sweet*, *kind* and *incredibly loyal*, she comes with the extra benefits of *good looks* and *amazing legs*! her hair is to die for! she has 10k followers on twitter! try dating her, she literally can't say no!
on a more serious note, she rlly is amazing, and she deserves the world. if u end up with her and u hurt her, we will have words (of the fist kind). ara's too nice to say no, and she's sooo friendly it almost hurts. her smile can literally brighten ur day bc it's so genuine. if ur looking for someone to have a good time w, go to her, bc she's down for like almost anything??? all the time?? and such great company. extroverted af lmao

her strengths include being cute, having the ability to lift anyone (and i mean *anyone*)'s spirits, amazing at dance and super patient with teaching others even when they can't seem to grasp the easiest damn move (sorry), and dang..... her stamina
if i had to name a few weaknesses - she needs to learn 2 stand up for herself more tbh, i see her get pushed around so often and taken advantage of bc she's non-confrontational and too damn nice to say no. stand up for ur self, honey. sometimes i see her make a single mistake in a routine and be unable to recover from it, esp when she's hella into it.

4 years knowing u sweetie, and they were great. here's to many more years to come, and i hope u have an awesome 18th yoonie. call me soon and give me my money please

yoon ara @araseo · Apr 9

an update on life so far;

siaa has been fun so far!! i'm a seoul girl through and through but i'm meeting so many new people from all different sorts of places and it's so cool! it's also lucky that i'm going to school here cause my parents aren't that well off, bless the scholarship! though i hope i do well enough to keep it (๑•﹏•)⋆* ⁑⋆* i miss my family loads, esp my younger brother (i'll still make it for ur high school graduation @yoonjoowon dont you worry) he better be focusing on his exams.......

i've been dancing for close to 12 years now, and even i can't believe i've been doing it that long. really, thank god for my mum forcing me to start those ballet lessons and making me keep going or i would've never found my passion for modern and street/urban dance! so thanks for that mum ♥ and also thank u so soso so much to my teacher miss choi - always an inspiration and a huge influence on my life! thank you for everything (❁´◡`❁)
in other news, thank you all for 16k, and please click on the link in my bio if you're looking to get some rlly nice outfits! i've been picked to be a social media ambassador for poppywear, and their apparel is,,, so nice,,, check it out!!

yoon ara @araseo · Mar 8
ugh i love cats so much! i went back to my old home this weekend and i saw this cutie again. hea is as beautiful as ever, and the pictures joowon sends me as updates on her don't do her beauty justice (●♡∀♡)
i think i'm definitely more of a cat person than a dog person, though dogs are sooo cute as well heh
while home, i got to taste my mum's signature gimbap again.....best in the world tbh. also saw all my astro posters lolol. i miss them now that i'm staying in the dorm, but i don't want to take them down in case they rip ;(

⠀♡coded by uxie♡

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han wonho, at your service. i shoot arrows pretty well, good enough to represent korea in the asian games, at least.

Seoul, South Korea
Joined September 2017

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한원호 @wonhyung · Jan 8
updated introduction q&a for 2018 // all questions taken from askme-anything

how old are you?
// ill be twenty in november.

are you taken?
// i don't know. you tell me.

you do archery in siaa right? can you shoot as well? also what club are you in?
// yes, and yes. i'm in the swimming club.

what's your sexuality?
// straight.

height and weight?
// 182cm and 64kg.

do you wear contacts? is your hair dyed?
// nope. my hair is naturally this shade of black. i don't plan on dyeing it anytime soon.

can we be friends?
// maybe.

are you korean?
// yes. i am 100% korean, born and raised in incheon.

what kind of things do you like ?
// archery, spring (the season) and fried chicken. and also dogs, dogs are cute.

i swear this ulzzang dei8ht on instagram looks exactly like you
// i don't see it.

한원호 @wonhyung · 21h
introduced some old friends to new friends. i think it went well. i'd like to hang out with you all again soon. please do not flood the group chat such that it becomes bothersome, thank you.

yoon ara, Minwoo, call me oppa and 5 others

한원호 @wonhyung · Mar 12
i met my 6y/o cousin today, and he's really cute. i asked him what he'd like to be in the future, and he said "a good person" very simply, then added "like you." it melted my heart, but it also got me thinking. am i actually a good person?

people tell me i'm too sarcastic sometimes, and i agree, i can be kind of a dick. but perhaps it's just that i'm not interested in making conversation at times? who knows. a lot of people tell me i'm intimidating as well, not that i try to be. i don't see why they find me intimidating, maybe because i don't smile enough? either way, i feel that if someone wants to be friends with me, they should take the first step. i've always valued quality over quantity, and to me, that's what matters more.
maybe this is a weakness. it's hard putting yourself in other people's shoes a lot of the times, at least for me. i guess i'm too blunt and harsh sometimes as well, but that's a sign of honesty, right? i hope my cousin's right about the type of person i am. maybe i should start donating to charity.
minwoo told me once i'm not fun to prank b/c i don't get scared by anything, that's a strenght(?) i think. but maybe sometimes people want more of a reaction from me, idk.
but in the end, even if im an asshole, at least i'm still good at archery.

한원호 @wonhyung · Mar 12
went back to incheon to visit my family last weekend. it was really nice seeing them again. i didn't expect myself to miss them that much, but i guess i did. they're all very proud of me, and they hope archery will take me far. i hope it does, or the past 11 odd years would've been for nothing. my parents are doing well, they're in good health, my dad's still playing golf and all. ma reminded me not to spend too much, since even though we weren't poor, we weren't particularly wealthy either.

my older brother happened to be there at the same time as well. he's studying law in SNU, and he says it's fine. he also did archery, but he mentioned that he's happy i managed to get into it, whereas he could not. i suppose so. SNU seems to be treating him well, and he's gotten a girlfriend even.

한원호 @wonhyung · Feb 12

⠀♡coded by uxie♡

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Gabriel Nicolaev








dark blonde-brown hair ; murky blue eyes ; a plethora of tattoos all over his body


at the suggestion of his coach to take lighter sports to balance it out, dancing/swimming/possibly gymnastics

strong and steady as a rock ; quick reflexes ; high stamina levels ; nerves of steel ; aggressive (boxing advantage)

impatient ; more or less easily ticked off ; not very agile ; not very flexible


gabriel could be described as intense. which is no surprise since he always looks like he wants to punch someone (all part of the boxing gig) and always seems to keep things under a cool, cold expression. patience is not his forte and if you anger this muscle machine, you'd be asking for asking a death wish. outside the boxing ring, gabriel is usually passive, calm and collected, moody if you catch him on one of his bad days. you'd see a soft-spoken, almost timid-looking giant who wouldn't even dare to hurt a fly, much less punch an opponent.

but in the boxing ring...

you see a whole different person.

it's as if he's shed his skin, lost the whole 'gentle giant' act. a ferocious, angry bull takes it's place, aggressive and not afraid to beat the bloody hell out of you if it means he'll win. and when he trains, you see the drive, the ambition, the amount of dedication he has to reach the top. pride won't let him accept help too quickly, or to open up so easily

and so, now you know. gabriel is driven. when he knows what he wants, he'll get it. he doesn't do so well when it comes to orders---he has quite the pride and it's hard for him to humble down. he hates cowards and liars, doesn't appreciate bossy people and backstabbers. he never provokes first---but if you challenge him, he'll never back away from a fight. he'll stand up for what he believes is right and when he doesn't get his way, he can turn into a bit of a bully. he has that hard work ethic---and will sacrifice anything for the people he cares about.
all in all, gabriel is one tough cookie---even with his soft, timid side. and sure, for all his arrogance and cold distant attitude, he's hard to love.

but really, who wants a love that's easy?


gabriel had to look out for himself from day one.

being born to parents who never really knew how to be parents was hard---especially when the setting was post-soviet Moscow, not too long after the fall of the soviet union in 1991. the economy was failing---everyday essentials were a scarcity and the tax system was failing. at home wasn't so great either. gabriel's father was an alcoholic---turning to the sooh of booze when things often became too stressful. though he'd never beat gabriel's mother, he verbally and emotionally abused her often. gabriel was obviously too small to really comprehend anything, and thankfully, at the age of seven years old, gabriel's parents had enough sense to get the hell out of that broken country and move to the land of opportunities.


now there was a fresh start, right?


turns out michigan's really, really, really, cold. no worries---as russians, they were already used to that. but it also turns out america was more than it was cracked up to be. at the time, unemployment rates were skyrocketing, the economy seemed to be no worse than the situation they thought they left back in moscow---which meant no job, no money, no home, and just more stress, more alcohol, more fights.

gabriel grew up that way---always fending for himself. in elementary, the boy would always get into fights---suspensions and detentions were nothing new and visits to the principal's office were almost weekly. it was clear gabriel was a fighter. always had been, always will be. but sometimes, there are just things you can't fight off.
like his parents.
often, he'd escape to the streets to avoid his parents' fights. he'd go explore, cause some mischief, make friends, make some enemies, even make some in between. as the years went by, you could say gabriel was more influenced by the streets than he ever was from his own family. he grew an almost unhealthy obsession with tattoos---and every time he had the money, he'd go over to the local tattoo artist and have a tattoo drawn on him.
once middle school started, his tendency to get into fights didn't leave him. he was still causing trouble, still the bad boy, still a fighter. the habits kept up with him into highschool. by the time he entered as a freshman, he had been expelled from two schools. his grades were less than impressive; overall, the future looked bleak for him.

and then came in Lisa.

he didn't know what it was, but there was just something about her, about them, and they just---clicked. she had always been so generous, so kind. it was weird to gabriel---raised the street way, it was every guy for himself. but she proved him wrong. they became friends instantly---she was the friend he never had. they'd spend their days together roaming their small town in michigan, listening to Lisa's favorite classics, you name it. she unlocked a side gabriel thought he never had; a timid, gentle side, opened up the real softie inside him.

but there was still that anger issue problem.

gabriel couldn't help but be aggressive---anger ran through his blood; whether it was directed to his parents for not acting like his parents, whether it was to himself, to his enemies, it didn't matter. and lisa saw that. she knew he needed an outlet, somewhere where he could channel this combativeness.

and thus, she introduced him to the idea of boxing.

the idea of boxing was new to gabriel. he had never thought of it, but to lisa's insistence and help, he signed himself up with the only local boxing coach in their town; a stern, weathered-looking man by the name of Frankie Dunn. At the time, Dunn's business wasn't doing too great; his best fighter had left him for bigger, better managers, and his gym was losing profit. overall, the old coach was skeptical of taking another chance, taking a risk, fearing that one would fail too, especially being so young.
but gabriel proved him wrong.

once frankie saw a glimpse of gabriel's raw aggressiveness, it was hard to say no. the sixteen-year-old had so much potential in him; all that raw power, the hidden anger that could be channeled into something so much greater---in no time, frankie began to train him.

gabriel was pushed hard, trained hard, and in the beginning, he was nervous. could he really win? could he really manage to be a champion in this sport? Gain the money he never had? he'd often go over these anxieties with lisa, and she'd always encourage him, tell him it was worth it.
and it was.
gabriel found out more about himself than ever. he found out he loved it---the effort, the sweat, the adrenaline, and later, when he was ready, the adrenaline of the fight on the boxing stage, and finally, the satisfaction of winning.

and soon, gabriel was winning all over the place. he won city-wide boxing championships, then state-wide, and then, came in nation-wide championships. gabriel was confident. he was focused. he was going to win this one like any other match. so much was riding on this one match. his reputation, his fortune...everything he worked so hard for...

except he didn't win.

he lost the match to his much more experienced senior fighter, knocked out unconscious with a spinal injury that would put him down for months to come.

it was almost heartbreaking. right at that moment, he wished lisa had been there. but he had lost contact with her a year ago---he just never had the time, the boxing industry consuming him. and so, there gabriel sat, growing more frustrated and depressed---he lost. In front of everyone. his rep, his fortune, all gone. he was never ready for nationals, was he? he felt more angry at himself than ever.
frankie stayed by his side thankfully, trying to convince the young nineteen-year-old that all was not lost. there was still time---he was young, there was still much to learn.

and so, gabriel was enrolled to Seoul Athletica Academy just months after his (almost) full recovery. on the advice of his doctors and coach, gabriel is advised to take it easy. after that humiliating and painful experience, gabriel has become calmer and more mature.


theme song

Uxie Uxie
A lecto A lecto
Makomin Makomin
cherub. cherub.
Skita Skita
@D O V E



Cody by apolla apolla


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[class=titleholder]height:60px; padding: 20px 10px 0px 10px; width: 320px; background-image:url(http://lana-condor.net/gallery/albums/photoshoots/2016-ladygunn/ladygunn-2016-008.jpg); background-size:120%; background-position: 50% 60%; transform:rotate(-90deg); transition:all 1s ease-in-out; color: white; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 2px; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; position: relative; top: 130px; margin-left: -120px; [/class] [class name=titleholder state=hover]color: #f1f1f1; text-shadow: 2px 1px 0px #BC6350; letter-spacing: 5px [/class] [script class=bigimage on=mouseenter] addClass selected bigimage fadeIn 600 hoverimg[/script] [script class=bigimage on=mouseleave] addClass selected bigimage fadeOut 800 hoverimg[/script] [div class=titleholder]fiona.
[div class="bigimage" style="height:100%;width:130px;background-image:url(http://lana-condor.net/gallery/albums/photoshoots/2016-ladygunn/ladygunn-2016-012.jpg);background-size:400%;background-position:50% 50%;filter: saturate(90%) contrast(100%);position:relative;top:-80px;left:100px"] [div class="hoverimg" style="display:none;height:100%;width:130px;background-image:url(http://ladygunn.com/files/2016/05/lanaprint-7.jpg);background-size:300%;background-position:60% 40%;"][/div][/div] [class=container]height:240px; width: 295px; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; font-style: oblique; position: relative [/class] [class=taboutside]height: 30px; width: 100px; padding-top: 20px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; font-size: 0.55em; position: absolute; top: 50px; margin-left: 200px[/class] [div class=container style="top:-400px;left:240px"] [class=tabs]cursor: url(https://i.imgur.com/fkP02Jr.png), pointer; background: black; display: inline-block; color: transparent; font-size: 17px; text-align: center; transition: all .7s ease-in-out [/class] [script class=first on=click] hide tabsContent2 hide tabsContent3 fadeOut 400 tabsContent2 fadeOut 400 tabsContent3 fadeOut 800 tabsContent1 fadeIn 800 tabsContent1[/script] [script class=second on=click] hide tabsContent1 hide tabsContent3 fadeOut 400 tabsContent1 fadeOut 400 tabsContent3 fadeOut 400 tabsContent2 fadeIn 600 tabsContent2[/script] [script class=third on=click] hide tabsContent2 hide tabsContent1 fadeOut 400 tabsContent2 fadeOut 400 tabsContent1 fadeOut 400 tabsContent3 fadeIn 600 tabsContent3[/script] [class=boxcontainer1] display: inline; position: relative; [/class] [class=boxcontainer2] display: inline-block; opacity: 0; position: absolute; margin-left: -15px; margin-top: -10px; height: 100%; text-align: center; transition: opacity 0.4s; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=boxcontainer2 state=hover] opacity: 1; transition: 0.8s; [/class] [class name=box]background-color: #BC6350; border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 0px; margin-top: -10px; color: white; display: inline-block; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.6em; padding: 2px 5px; letter-spacing: 0.3px; word-spacing:0.5px; text-align: center; transition: 1.5s[/class] [class=infocontainer]height: 230px; width: 295px; padding: 5px; position: absolute; top: 50px; margin-left: -5px; color: white; font-family:'Heebo', sans-serif; font-size: 0.69em; letter-spacing: 0.2px; font-smooth: 2em; overflow: hidden [/class] [class name=overflow]height: 100%; width: 104%; padding-right: 40px; overflow-y: auto; line-height:15px; font-style: normal; text-align: justify [/class] [class name=titleblock]width:295px;font-size:25px;text-align:center;color:#BC6350;text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px white;font-weight:700;margin-top:-260px[/class] [class name=line]height:1px;width:100%;background:#BC6350;[/class] [class=firstword]height: 10px; display: inline-block; background: #BC6350; padding: 0px 5px 7px 5px; color: #fff; font-weight: 700 [/class] [div class=taboutside style=position:relative;margin-top:220px;left:-100px;color:transparent;][div class="tabs first" style="height:10px;width: 10px;border-radius: 50%;background: #BC6350"][div class=boxcontainer1]1[div class=boxcontainer2][div class=box]requisite[/div][/div][/div][/div][div class="tabs second" style="height:10px;width: 10px;border-radius: 50%;background: #BC6350"][div class=boxcontainer1]2[div class=boxcontainer2][div class=box]persona[/div][/div][/div][/div][div class="tabs third" style="height:10px;width: 10px;border-radius: 50%;background: #BC6350"][div class=boxcontainer1]3[div class=boxcontainer2][div class=box]background[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"] [div class=titleblock]requisite[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow][div class=firstword]name[/div] fiona tien.

[div class=firstword]nationality[/div] american with vietnamese ancestry.

[div class=firstword]age[/div] eighteen.

[div class=firstword]gender[/div] female.

[div class=firstword]sexuality[/div] heterosexual.

[div class=firstword]height[/div] 5'3".

[div class=firstword]weight[/div] 125 lbs.

[div class=line][/div]
[div class=firstword]looks[/div]
straight black hair, dark brown eyes. fiona has always kept her hair natural, simply because after being transformed into a warrior of the ice -- a challenger of the laws of physics -- for an entire day, she wants to be able to recognize herself in the mirror at night. when she has shed her heavily embellished costume and washed away every layer of makeup after a performance, she wants to be able to see something familiar -- something that reminds her of the little girl that stepped into her first ice rink thirteen years ago, tugging fiercely on her mother's hand with pleading eyes and the first flicker of a dream.​

[div class=firstword]face claim[/div] lana condor.
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none"] [div class=titleblock]persona[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow] [div class=firstword]program[/div] figure skating.

[div class=firstword]clubs[/div] swimming, dance.

[div class=firstword]strengths[/div]
+ stubborn unwillingness to give up on anything that is important to her.​
+ certainty in her own decisions.​
+ vast imagination -- ceaseless fuel for her restlessly inquisitive nature.​
+ meticulousness in the way she skates, the way she speaks.​
+ tendency to smell really good all the time.​

[div class=firstword]weaknesses[/div]
- inclination to neglect small details; forgetfulness.​
- unreliability, inconsistency -- often her downfall in high-level competitions.​
- difficulty collaborating with other people; fierce independence.​
- tendency to become envious of those who outdo her in some small way.​
- adamant refusal to admit when she is wrong.​

[div class=line][/div]
[div class=firstword]personality[/div]
fiona is a hot air balloon, plentiful with buoyant, lofty dreams. the relentless fire of her determination keeps her afloat, suspending her in the air, yet leaving her at the mercy of whatever impending storm might loom in the distance. but she is no ordinary hot air balloon; she does not bend to the will of anything or anyone that might pose a threat to her, nor does she cower at the sight of danger. instead, she dives headfirst into the tempest -- a cannonball against the raging wind, a forest fire against the pouring rain.​
in the world of figure skating, fiona is notorious for her inconsistency. however, if there is any aspect of her that remains consistent, it is her eagerness to push the limits of everything just within her grasp -- whether it be her own physical capabilities, whatever rules might attempt to hold her in place, or the farthest reaches of the human mind. she absolutely never backs down from a challenge and at times acts on impulse, but it would be foolish to view her from this angle and condense these characteristics into the simple fault of recklessness. fiona thinks before she acts, and she chooses her words carefully; she may be resolute in her decisions, but these decisions are seldom made without a considerable degree of contemplation.​
fiona may be a hot air balloon, but at the same time she is a bulldozer. when she has set her mind to something, she does not rest; she does whatever it takes to fulfill a certain goal. she must always have her way, and those who dare to obstruct her path shall meet her in full force -- but rarely is she armed with anything aside from her blazing spirit and the caffeine that always seems to course through her veins. she is impatient, unpredictable, and sometimes condescending, but she is also independent, fearless, and passionate. often oblivious to her surroundings, she stays in her own little hot air balloon, which she knows will eventually come crashing down to the earth -- but when she does go down, it will not be without a fight to her very last breath.​
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display:none"] [div class=titleblock]background[/div] [div class=infocontainer][div class=overflow][div class=firstword]biography[/div]
the only thing fiona knew about her real father was his sad, pathetic surname. "tien." that didn't mean anything in america, nor did it mean anything to her new family. but it clung to her, and she carried it with her wherever she went. it seemed like the only thing about her that was permanent, this meaningless name, this name that she knew was associated with immortality and transcendence and spirit in vietnam, but aside from her mother, no one else knew that -- particularly not her new family, her new father, her new siblings. to them, the name was nothing more than a reminder that she was not and would never be one of them, no matter how painfully she ached to belong.​
her stepfather, however, promised something that her biological father likely could not. he promised money, financial security, the capacity to make dreams come true for people who had never even dreamed before. perhaps it was no mistake that her mother, as charming and charismatic as she was, managed to catch the eye of a wealthy american lawyer with fiona only a month from being born, or perhaps it truly was love at first sight on that long, tedious flight from hanoi to san francisco, the flight that depleted the last remaining shreds of her mother's wallet. all that mattered was that they were safe now -- safe from poverty but certainly not from the intense pang of hollowness that occasionally tormented the desolate void in fiona's heart where a father is supposed to leave his loving mark.​
fiona first fell in love with figure skating when she was five years old, when her stepfather still doted on her as though she were his own. a single longing glance, a squeeze of her mother's hand, and she was suddenly enrolled in an intensive figure skating program that she wholeheartedly enjoyed. she was built for jumping, as her coach liked to say -- the resilience of her knees, the way she launched her body into the air without reserve. it was as though she could fly.​
but the attention quickly evaporated a year later, the moment her mother gave birth to the first baby that she would share with her stepfather. and then another baby was born, and then another, and a ten-year-old fiona was left lost and confused in a family that was no longer her own. they all had the same last name -- williams -- yet she was stranded, alone, with the surname of a man she had never seen in her life. tien. her stepfather did not hesitate to provide her with luxurious gifts, expensive clothing and accessories, and everything she needed to become the best figure skater she could possibly be, but no longer did he care for her like he would his own daughter. even her mother paid less and less attention to her as the years progressed.​
detached from her family, fiona established close bonds with acquaintances both at her ice rink and at school during her early teenage years. she spent increasingly more time away from home, becoming little more than a shadow to her stepfather and half-siblings -- not that they observed any difference. however, as she transformed from a recreational figure skater to a fierce competitor, her friends from school slowly began to flake away; she had become distant, absorbed in her own endeavors, often refusing to spend time with them. her figure skating friends were all she had left, but they, too, left her in the dust, driven by jealousy and a feeling of betrayal as fiona shoved them all off the ladder in order to claw her way to the top.​
in the end, fiona had no one -- no one but the ice. the ice brought her comfort; it brought her healing. it was the only companion that never left her side. the wings of her stepfather's seemingly neverending wealth carried her here, to seoul, where she would never have to be separated from her lifelong companion -- and perhaps where she would find a true home.​

[div class=line][/div]

[div class=firstword]yang xiao yu[/div]
fiona met xiao yu two years ago at an international figure skating competition that took place in san jose. although she did not compete, she harshly criticized the techniques he used in his performance and was unafraid to express her contempt shortly afterward. to her surprise, xiao yu thanked her for the advice and remained in california for the following few weeks, practicing in the same rink as she did and helping her improve her own flaws. it was not long before the two of them developed a mutual understanding, but just as quickly as it arose, the companionship seemed to dissipate when xiao yu returned to his home and rarely surfaced in fiona's thoughts again -- that is, until now.​

[div class=firstword]name[/div] let me know if you'd like a relationship!

[div class=firstword]name[/div] let me know if you'd like a relationship!

[div class=firstword]name[/div] let me know if you'd like a relationship!

[div class=line][/div]

[div class=firstword]theme song[/div] walk the moon - kamikaze
[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=credit]width:550px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 5px; font-size: 9px; color: #BC6350 [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div]
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basics here ///​

Yang Sohyon

Nationality: Half-Korean, Half-Chinese
Age: 19
Gender: Masculine Genderfluid (he/him or they/them)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'9
Weight: 143 lbs (64.8 kg)
Looks: Bleached silver hair. Somewhat of an effeminate face and figure. Plush lips. Soft brown eyes, long legs, he looks a lot skinnier than he probably actually is. He has high cheekbones with slightly chubby cheeks, and pale skin. His fingers are long, as are his eyelashes, and he takes very good care of his nails.

Program: Ballet
Clubs: He does a bit of skating on the side


Queen Prince

+ Flexibility (both mental and physical)
+ Intelligence
+ Always works with forethought
+ Poised and well-balanced
+ Good at listening and taking instruction
+ Very hygienic!

- Grudge-holder
- Emotionally distant
- Far too routine-oriented
- A bit haughty
- Blunt at times
- Likes attention way too much

Personality: Yang is known for being elegant, well-poised and serious, which he most certainly is. Due to his androgyny he's even known as the "Queen Prince". He's talented, intelligent, and attractive. He knows it. He loves it. Attention makes him happy, and he can be just a bit big-headed because of it. He doesn't enjoy openly socializing with people, and tends to keep to himself more often than not. Oftentimes he plays up his assholery by acting more self-centered than he really is, particularly when he wants to be alone, which is pretty often. He likes being lavished with attention... just not being spoken to. It's kind of a problem.

Biography: (1+ para)


Other: (anything else you would like to share about them, photos, theme songs,...)


code by pasta pasta

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Name: Feng Xiao Gong.
Nationality: Chinese
Age: 20
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’4
Weight: 52kg
Looks: natural beach waves with a soft fringe. Black eyes. A few chicken pox scars on her forehead.
Others: Speaks 4 languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and English)

- - - -
Programme: Taekwondo
Clubs: Gymnastics
~ Deception: her small and cute Apperance give her opponents a false sense of security but Xiao Gong is at the top of her game and can take on opponents twice her size.

~ Kind: Xiao Gong has always been a bubbly and socialable girl who loves to meet new people but sometimes she gets nervous around pretty people.

~Competitive: This is the basic need for atheletes but due to people underestimating her due to her appearance it just makes her want to prove them wrong ten times more.

~ Flexible: pretty self explanatory.

~ easy to love.

~ always positive.


~ Has a hard time expressing her true feelings to people.

~ pushes herself too hard. This has led to a couple of injuries.

~naïve: she always sees the best in people and will let people hurt her over and over again.

~ gullible: will believe anything anyone tells her. Especially if they are her senior.

- - - -
~ Loyal
~ loveable
~ competitiveness
~ positive
~ falls in love easily
~ determined
~ gullible
~ soft natured when not in competition.
~ fierce in competition
~ cute
~ cheerful
- - - -

Gabriel Nicolev: you never see this pair more than 100 metres apart from eachother, whether it’s in the gym training or just walking around campus they are always together. Many people mistake the pair to be dating but they aren’t. But does Xiao Gong have feelings for him that she isn’t noticing?

Xiao Yu: The SIAA China line. They bonded over the fact that they are Chinese but then developed a sibling like relationship as Xiao Gong is always offering him advice on how to land jumps even if She has no idea about figure skatin, she just wants to help him.

Esmeralda Lee: Xiao Gong’s mother when her actual mother isn’t around. The two girls became extremely close when placed in the same dorm room and became like sisters.

- - - -
Growing up in Hong Kong as an only child her parents put her under a lot of pressure to perform well in every thing she did. Xiao Gong was the perfect child, perfect grades, pretty and an aspiring national athlete but behind the perfect mask was an exhausted girl. The pressure Xiao Gong felt by her parents and peers to became to much for her to handle and so one day she snapped. She abandoned her studies and focused solely on her Taekwondo, she didn’t try so hard to please anyone anymore and she became much more confident than when she was ‘perfect’. Now that she was only focused on Taekwondo she shot up through the ranks as she achieved her 1st degree black belt at age 17, one of the youngest ever.

Xiao Gong learnt how to truly be herself and pursue the things she loves without apologising for it. Her talent and fighting spirit gained her a place at Seoul Athletics school, a new and exciting start for the upcoming Taekwondo athlete.
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Name: Kim Hye-Sin.
[Korean name given by the foster home.]
Nickname: Mad dog.
Nationality: Korean.
Age: 20.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Height: 175cm
Weight: 68kg.
Looks: Dark brown eyes, chocolate brown hair, abs.


Program: Boxing.
Clubs: Dancing.
Strengths: Endurance, power, footwork.
Weaknesses: Overconfidence, wild.


Personality: Hye-Sin is very ambitious, stubborn and determined. She refuses to give up in a difficult situation and she is also very head strong. She is well known for her undying and furious fighting spirit. Hye-Sin enjoys to play against strong opponents and sees no point in boxing when there are no challenges; this was evident when Hye-Sin faced first years who didn’t have a lot of experience. The down-side of this, is that she is also very hot-headed and has a short temper. It is revealed that she has a serious case of arachnophobia: having seen a spider in the gym and immediately running over to the other side. She is also a glutton and is able to eat two times a normal meal, therefore she learned to cook and became pretty good at it.


Biography: Hye-Sin grew up in an orphanage, her parents having left her on the doorstep as they couldn’t take care for her, at least that was what the nuns had said. The people living in there became her family instead. However when it became known where she lived [her appearance didn't help as she wasn't Korean like the others], students thought of her as an easy target for bullying which had started in elementary school. Despite being bullied, she never cried in public as she didn’t want to show anyone her weak side, only crying in the bathroom when nobody was around. The bullying didn’t stop and only became worse which made her sign up for boxing lessons with the consent of her caretakers. Learning it diligently while trying to keep her calm but failed most of the time. However her temper seemed to be her strength in a way. After months of training, she decided that enough was enough and faced her bullies. Crunching the leader of them beneath her feet which made the others scurry away. She received the nickname Mad Dog by the students of her school. She kept on training and became stronger, gaining more confidence and no longer seeing herself as a weakling. Even joining competitions with her club, winning about 60% in total of her matches. It wasn’t enough. So once time came to get into a college, she heard about Athlet Academy. Later on she got in and joined the boxing program as well as a dancing one. Her winning percentage went up to 75% due to receiving more opportunities and experience.

> Family: the people of the orphanage which she occasionally visits.
> Couple of friends at school.


> Likes to eat, especially BBQ.
> Allergic to peanuts.
> Listens to country music when concentrating on something [keeps her relaxed].

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Name: Seoung Hyun

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Orientation: Gay. Very gay. Super super gay. Might casually date and kiss a girl but will never go further than that.

Nationality: Korean

Programme: Ice skating

Clubs: Dance

Height: 5'8

Weight: idk. 145lbs?

Relationships: None as of yet.

Looks: Nothing all that distinguishable. Though I guess he's got some AMAZINGLY clear skin if you really wanna brag about it. The image will show what he looks like I guess.

Bio: Born in Korea. Where exactly doesn't matter, his life was pretty ununique. Had his fair share of bullies. He struggled with his sexual orientation in youth, never quite able to let anybody know and never quite being able to come out of the closet. His parents always suspected it but they never outright asked or made direct accusations. His parents were very stern and strict, assuming they were around. They never actually approved of any of his activities as a Korean youth. They VERY traditional in a way. Always focused on money and their careers. Things like reputation and honor weighed heavily on their mind. In many ways they were very much stereotypical asian parents. So concerned with grades and a good eduaction. They did not approve of his love of modern trends and flamboyance. He was placed in an unwanted arranged marriage at a young age, a dying trend in Korea. Seong refused it outright, much to the distaste and disapproval of his parents. After fighting back and forth they agreed to have him enrolled in Athletica Academy to pursue a career in figure skating. With their disapproval out of the way he hoped that whatever was coming with these new changes that it would be for the better. He wanted something different out of life.

Personality: Cute, shy, quite, kind of gay. Okay, VERY gay. Always watching and listening and always likes learning new things. He has an obsession with modern western culture and is very much a maverick when it comes to social norms of his society.

Likes: Boys, milkshakes, bringing them all to the yard. He likes reading, writing and music. Art and literature are things he likes and there are many more things that he likes.

Dislikes: Rude people, bullies, pressuring social situations. Hates parents with big hang ups about social norms.

Strengths: Graceful, coordinated, has a stage presence unlike any other.

Weaknesses: Shy, quiet, doesn't really get out of his shell very much. Not as much as he should or not in the right ways.


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Name: Yuuto Ueda
Nationality: Full-blooded Japanese
Age: Twenty (20) years old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'1 (185cm)
Weight: 78 kg (172 lbs)
xxxxxxNatural russet-colored eyes
xxxxxxKept his hair original (cocoa-brown) color (Doesn't like dying his hair in any color)
xxxxxxNot as muscular as many males, but is in a decent size of 19% body fat. He likes to leave his hair down and on rare occasions, will brush up his hair. People remembered him due to his distinct kind smile.
xxxxxx Has a scar on the side of his hip from being injured at one of his volleyball games in a tournament back in high school.


Program: Volleyball (Position: Outside hitter)
Clubs: Swimming & taekwondo
Strengths: Strong outside hitter, quick on his feet, tall, and has a high rate of endurance.
Weaknesses: Has too much fun (mostly during practice), sometimes not as serious as he should be (sometimes), plays soft if opposing team isn't as competitive, cramps on his back shoulder because he doesn't stretch well
Specialties: Judo, volleyball, doodling in class, English
Hobbies: Going out for a walk, [has a golden retriever],


Life for Yuuto was plain and ordinary. South from the bustling and famous city of Tokyo, he was born and raised in Yokohama, Japan. He lived in a middle-class environment where he could live without worrying about where his next meal is and was always known to be a bright young child. Yuuto's father owned a small business store where he taught young children and adults judo. His father was part of the judo team at one point that represented Japan in his prime years, but as time went on, the old man retired and wanted to teach his children and other people how to defend themselves.

Around the age of five, Yuuto began his Judo lessons at a beginning level. There was one thing that always bothered him so much: he hated it. He didn't like being thrown by his father and other kids and sure enough, he didn't like to fight other children his size to throw them down too. Yeah it was competitive alright and Yuuto was decent at Judo, but he never felt the adrenaline in throwing people or compete against them. Maybe it was the pressure that Yuuto would have to live under his father's shadow, and he didn't want that. Still, even if he detested it, he continued to take judo lessons and training until he reached his middle school years. Judo was a sport that he was forced to participate in. He wasn't interested in any other sports because he wasn't introduced to any other sports that caught his interest-that is until he saw his brother's team and volleyball game. His older brother, who was a year older than him, joined the volleyball team and went to go watch them compete against another school. His experience watching his older brother beat the other team with his teammates and spike the ball down was phenomenal to the teenage boy. His eyes lit up and everyone's cheering and the team's encouragement to each other made Yuuto envious. That's when he wanted to join the volleyball team. He knew he wouldn't surpass his brother, but he wanted to try something different than judo.

Luckily for Yuuto, since he was trained since young, the male caught up with their conditioning and tryouts and joined the team. He wasn't the best player at first in middle school, but as time went on, Yuuto (alongside with his older brother) worked together on the volleyball team all the way until they graduated in high school. The two brothers were always together until the older brother left to live on his own to study medicine at the University of Tokyo. Not knowing what he wanted to do in his life, Yuuto questioned his path in life until he received an invitation in Seoul, South Korea to an academy called, "Athletica Academy."

With something to go for, especially since his love for volleyball stuck onto him, Yuuto left his family and home behind and flew to Seoul to find his path in the academy.

Yuuto is an easy going person who is light-hearted and would seem to be receptive to other people and strangers. Although he's a friendly person who may be approachable to many (and his patience is long), when he is in an emotional distress, he has no way to let it out (thus, volleyball is the solution for him) and keeps his temperament in until he explodes. He relishes the little things in life and gets really into topics that he likes (this includes class too). Although this is true, this idiot does things without thinking, causing him to be reckless sometimes (especially when he thinks he lost his phone, but he's holding it -_-). The young man is a perfectionist with volleyball and tries to practice so he will not put his team down and fall behind.



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name... violet lorne
age... 19
gender... female
nationality... new zealand
sexuality... heterosexual
weight... 60 kg (~132lbs)
height... 173 cm (~5'7)
+ medium length blonde hair
+ blue eyes
+ a small birthmark on her neck that people always mistake for a hickey
coded by: lorde
in depth—

program; track (specializing in long-distance and aquathlons)
clubs; swimming
+ incredibly high stamina
+ strong mind (when she gets into it)
+ highly motivated
+ very anxious under pressure (especially before running, she would find herself wanting to throw up)
+ skin bruises very easily
+ fears failure
+ sketching still-life and portraits
+ photography



Here’s the thing with Violet. You look at her and you think she’s very chill and calm because she doesn’t talk much, and she has that laidback aura to her — but no. no, no, no. Her mind is frantically searching for something to say and her palms are sweating waterfalls. so when you say hello to her she’d probably return it with a “um hi” in the meanest tone possible without meaning to. That said, Violet believes that people don’t have to talk all the time; to be able to share a comfortable silence with the person you love is beautiful.

When it comes to running, Violet takes it very seriously.

The blasé act drops and the professional Violet steps in. There is nothing that can stop her from finishing the last two kilometres. Her mind is steel. On the track, she is immortal. Once she decides to do something, she will excel at it; where most people will give up and move on, Violet climbs further.

But when she falls, she falls hard.

She’d constantly beat herself up for it, saying how stupid and incapable she is even weeks after what happened. During times like this, Violet would want someone there to support her — more than she admits — despite being so self-sufficient.

As seen in her aforementioned awkward social skills, Violet finds it difficult to truly loosen up in front of people; you definitely will not find her wasted during ungodly hours of the night (...unless she’s in one of those ‘I am a failure don’t talk to me’ states) nor giving a speech to a large group of people. So although she may sometimes come off as robotic, depressing or outright crazy, Violet cares. She’s just, like, super creepy about it.

Amidst the rolling hills and green pastures of New Zealand, growing up on a farm had its ups and downs, but most of the time, it was every kid’s dream. The farmhouse was cozy, warmed by a crackling fire during the chilly winter, and the kitchen had the aroma of Mama’s baking all year round. For Violet, it was a safe place to explore, to run, to play. In fact, farm games were the best. She’d jump out from the dark place between hay bales just to see Papa temporarily go into cardiac arrest or she’d race her brother from the house to the stables because the last one to get on their horse was “a rotten egg!” Yes, there were chores, but with muddy boots and the wind tousling their hair, life was perfect.

Everyday, Violet ran about 1 km from the farm to the bus stop to catch her school bus, and she got real fast at it. She noticed that when she was ‘it’ when they played catch, everyone would groan; heck, she even started beating her older brother in races and he was always better than her at everything.

Until high school rolled around.

Violet was sent to live with her Aunt in the city to attend high school, with her brother having already moved a year before. Her new home was in Whanganui and had a population of around 40,000. That wasn’t a lot compared to the big cities with millions of people, but for Violet, Whanganui was a big change from what she was used to. Her aunt was a sweet lady, and the settling in was quick and easy but the hard part was school.

Freshman year, Violet joined the track team. In the mornings and after school, she trained. During the weekends, she trained. Everyday was training and Violet loved it. She made a few friends from the team, her academics were consistent and life in the city was pleasant than she expected — until the Junior girls started staring. It was the type of stare that made you want to shrivel up into a corner and hide, like everything you did was wrong and embarrassing. Violet decided to let them be; maybe it was just because she was a new student to the team?

Of course not.

Throughout her freshman and sophomore year, achievements came flowing in: Violet broke the school’s record for the 5 km run, at 19.26 minutes. She placed first in the inter-school 2km event. She became the top 10 fastest long-distance female runner in New Zealand who was under 18 years old. It was unbelievable, and she received lots of attention for it, especially from the Juniors in the track team. In fact, it turned from staring, to calling her ‘stupid’ and ‘ugly’, to slapping and kicking her behind the school.

Every. Single. Day.

Violet came home with bruises and scratches all over her body, and her aunt and brother always asked why she looked like that. “Track,” She always said. And that was the truth. She was abused for being able to run faster than normal — that was it.

So one sunny, beautiful day, Violet quit track.

Those girls got what they wanted. Everyone was shocked. Why did she quit? Wasn’t that such a waste of talent? If I was her I’d never quit. Was she stupid? Violet never ran again. Every step she took on the track would remind her of every punch that collided with her face. People lost interest in her and Violet was ever so lonely. She ached to go back to the farm with her brother, to be able to embrace Mama and Papa in her arms and listen to nothing but the sound of water rushing down the river nearby, and the melodic chirps of birds building nests in the trees.

Junior year, the girls graduated and they were never to be seen again. But they’d left a deep scar in Violet’s heart, and she still swore never to do track. On the first day, she’d heard that a boy had transferred from South Korea and that he was the second fastest runner, under 18, in his country. Violet watched him ace a 200m sprint during Sports Day, all the while with a smile on his face and giving humble handshakes to his competitors. People were congratulating him and cheering him on, just like they did to Violet, and she grew a little jealous.

After the track event, Violet was sitting on a bench alone sipping from a bottle of water when he sat down next to her. She remembers their first conversation.

“Violet! I mean, you’re Violet Lorne right?” He asked. She immediately noticed his American accent, and the way he seemed to be glowing even after having run 200m a few minutes ago.
“I’m Minhyuk. The exchange student guy.”
He trailed off, expecting Violet to introduce herself or something. But she didn’t say anything, leaving a short awkward silence to hang in the air. Minhyuk cleared his throat. “Um, I saw your track record and you’re really fast. I’m impressed!”
Another awkward silence.
“Well, I was just wondering why you quit track? Did you inju-”
“Why do you even care?” Violet interrupted. She was mad. So, so, so mad. Why was Minhyuk, the second fastest runner in South Korea, even bothering to talk to her? Why she quit was none of his business. With that, Violet chugged the rest of the water in the bottle and stomped away.

The next day, Violet felt really bad; Minhyuk was just trying to be nice. But despite her very rude first impression, he came to her and apologized for being “really nosy”. What kind of person does that? And he kept talking to her. He wanted to be friends. At first, Violet was hesitant, but his persistence and bubbly personality got to her and they quickly became close.

He got her to continue track again.

It was difficult — she broke down so many times — but it changed her life. Minhyuk taught her how to strengthen her mind; how to swing her arms at a different angle to run a little faster; how to be whole again. Heck, he even persuaded her to join the swim team as well. But the year went by too fast. Their time was running out. Before she knew it, Minhyuk had gone back to Seoul. As time went by, work piled up and they lost contact.

Senior year, Violet beat Minhyuk’s 200m record by 4 seconds. Freshman year of college, she placed first for the Women’s 10km Cross Country National Championship. But most importantly, she was accepted into Korea’s most elite athletics school: Seoul International Athletics Academy’s transfer programme.

It has been a wild roller coaster ride, and there’s a whole new chapter waiting for Violet: From a farm girl in New Zealand’s countryside to being a transfer student in Seoul, all the while trying to find the boy who put her life back on track.

Come what may, for she will conquer.



she knows no one but we can plan their relationship
unless you have an idea for them having met beforehand
then slide into those dm's~

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