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Multiple Settings All Your Powers (CONCLUDED & READABLE: For more info, PM! This may make a comeback!)

(Actually got baited by the spoiler...Well I'm glad everything's ok and the two day post sounds great too!)

I agree with everyone else. We are trying to build up a friendship with Rena, and she did ask first, so let's help her with her couch. Training can wait for later.

You can work out anyday, it's not often someone wants you to help move a couch. Plus lifting a heavy couch could be a workout too!

Yeah, I think we'd be down to just hang out with Rena. Even if it's probably going to be more than just small talk, it'll probably be a good way for the rest of the day to go after what happened earlier. Don't feel like doing any real working out today, anyway. Gimme that number 2.
All Your Powers
WARNING: Karter is weird. Skip if you don't like him being weird.

Mia chuckled.

"Alright Rena, I'll be there! What's your address?" Even after asking, Mia automatically assumed where she had to go. She started walking North in a perfect straight line, her path skewed slightly compared to the sidewalk.

"Just go to Northerly Street, which is probably north from Keptro. We're just outside of the original ward at 525 Maplestreet. It's impossible to miss. Huge house with 'WURST' written on a golden plaque!"

"Got it!"

Mia ended both phone calls and continued North, towards the Wurst mansion. Something was strange for Mia, however, as her gaze met the eyes of those walking opposite her. Each individual pupil resembled a pink orb.

"Hey...something's wrong with that girl's eyes."
"She's an anomaly? The nerve, to show off here!"

It Mia like a rock. She had some superpower activated, and she was very much unaware of what it was. She lowered her head and kept walking forwards. The environment around her began to twist, bend, and flex at the center of her vision. She blinked and stepped forward once again.




Mia looked around. The city that once surrounded her was nowhere to be seen. Skyscrapers, people walking around, street lamps, they were all gone. Instead, there was a single road that lead forwards. Mia continued forward to nearest intersection and glanced at the sign.

"Just as I expected, Northerly street."

After ten minutes of walking, Mia finally made it to the mansion. A certain familiar girl stood at the door, waving.
"MIA! You actually came! Come on, help me with the couch!"

Mia didn't realize at first, but the house was absolutely huge. Several portraits of men hung from the walls. Each looked different in their unique ways, but everyone had the same dull gray eyes. "Hey, Rena?"

Rena hopped on top of the couch box and swung a box cutter, slicing the box open. "Hm?"

"These men...are they Collin's ancestors?" Mia pointed towards one of the men, one that looked particularly like the hero, Coldskin.

"Sure are! Karter bought them all for Collin so they all had a nice home. Anyway, can you use that ability to lift the couch over there? The one you used to..." Rena's gaze drifted to the doorway behind Mia, and her mouth formed into a stupid smile.

"Against Karter? Yeah. This couch should be no proble...huh?" Mia felt a warmth behind her. Then a hand touched her shoulder. It squeezed a little bit, then made a loud crackle and pop sound.


"AAAHHH he's here, isn't he!? Rena, why didn't you tell me!?"
I'm gunna piss myself! (✖‿✖)

"I've lived here for th' last six years." Karter let go of Mia's shoulder and walked into view.

"Karter..." Rena gave a soft glare towards him.

"Oh...my god..." Mia slapped her palm against her forehead.

"Something the problem?" Karter gave a half smirk.

"Why don't you start by putting on a shirt?! Stop showing off your body! And...WHAT'S THAT BOTTLE IN YOUR HAND?! IS THAT VODKA?! ARE YOU DRUNK? WHAT THE HELL? WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THAT? Collin doesn't even want you drinking in the house! AAH! What are those?! Beige boxers too?! Really?! I have a guest here! I told you she was coming over!" By now, Rena was having what looked like a minor stroke. With all her speed, she was attempting to grab Karter. Purple wisps of energy surrounded Rena's body.

"Hey, hey, chill!" Karter dodged each of Rena's movements. "I can't be shirtless in my own house?"

Mia suppressed a laugh. It didn't work out very well. Soon, she broke into a fit of laughter. "You two are perfect for each other! I'll give you two a minute."

"NO! COUCH! Please don't leave me here!"
"I'd love to stick around with you here."

"NO GET OUT!" Rena slammed her hand into Karter's back. In a flash of light, the vodka-drinking redhead was gone.

3 hours later
Mia carried the fully assembled couch to the side of the room. Rena just watched in excitement. "So, you got that ability from Trust? Oh man, I don't know what I feel about him. His ability is pretty cool though."

"Oh, that's right. You edited his EXNet page, Rena-ex-cupcake. Did you put in some sort of twisted joke?" Mia lowered the couch against the wall. "Coming to think of it, I've never clicked on your name. You're not registered, are you?"

"No. I'm not. To be honest, I'm actually eager to register. I want my power to have a name and learn everything about it. Even I don't know what I can do with it." Rena hopped on the couch and bounced on it with her knees. "Karter doesn't want me to register. He says they'll put a chip in me because of what I can do with my power."

"I didn't register either and nothing's happened yet. There's someone who wants me to." Mia sat down next to Rena, glancing at the girl. Almost immediately, Rena tucked her knees up to her chest. "Is something the matter?"

"Oh, nothing. Hey, I'll make you some dinner. It's late, isn't it?"

"Don't worry about it! I can help!" Mia got off the couch and went over to the kitchen. Before she could walk through the doorframe, Rena appeared inside the kitchen.

"We're making spaghetti. Go and get some ingredients from that cabinet." Rena began tying her apron.

Mia walked over to a cabinet and reached for it. She started to open it. "This cabinet's kinda big. Oh well, must be a lot of ingredients."

"Oh, that's not the right one-MIA DON'T THAT'S MY-"


Several plastic bowls tipped. Multicolored liquids with the consistency of corn syrup poured from the bowls and splattered onto Mia, the floor, and made a huge mess.

"HOLY SH*T! This is so cold! What the hell was that?!" She pushed her hair out of her eyes and wiped down her face with her hands.

"...That's...where I keep bowls of exotic plant waste." Rena sighed and closed the cabinet. "Don't worry, it's mostly water. And...some-"

"Ew! My arms are sticking to my body!" Mia nearly gagged. It smelled like she inhaled all the perfumes from the department store. "It smells so weird! What kind of plant was this?"

"Karter, get the baking soda! Mia spilled plant waste all over herself!"

A few moments later, Karter showed up with the container of baking soda and started to fill a mug with water, mixing in the baking soda slowly.
"Oh my God, Rena, you f*ckin' idiot. You should tape that up or something."
"It wasn't my fault! She opened it! Here, Mia, pour this on your head." Rena pouted and took the mug of baking soda-water.

"Rena...what was that? What kind of hobbies do you have?" Mia took the mug from Rena's hands and poured it over her head. The plant syrup began to liquify, almost instantly.
Before Rena could open her mouth to explain, Karter interjected.

With a smirk, he started on Rena's hobbies. "She's a gardener. If you look at our back yard, there are' hundreds o' strange plants fighting for dominance over th' soil. She probably has some fantasy about being one with nature and being eaten by a giant flytrap-"
"Karter, what the hell?! Sorry about that, Mia."

"Well, I can pay for ya bus fare. You probably don't wanna be around us weirdos anymore." Karter leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.
"OR, Mia can just wash up and spend the night here while we do her laundry. You can use my bedroom and have some of Collin's unused clothes. Show some hospitality, Karter!" Rena glanced towards Mia, waiting for a response.

What the hell just happened?
1. Mia takes the bus fare offer and gets out of there. Who knows what else is in store for the night if she stays? Besides, Mia could visit Elora on the way home.
2. Stay the night. Spaghetti sounds appealing, and this might be a chance to learn a little more about Rena. There was an unfinished conversation about registering, after all.
[A/N: So...it's that time of year again. Late February-Early March is when my brain shuts down and new ideas don't show up at all. I think most people call that writer's block or something? Don't worry, that doesn't mean a hiatus again! (I took too many already ;-; ). I'm just going to be asking for more in the choices.
I'll still be around, posting for All Your Powers every 4-5 days! Yeah, the story's slow for now, but it'll ramp up to eleven soon. Turns out, break throws you off schedule.]
I was sort of looking forward to talking to Elora regarding everything that has transpired since the last time we saw her(both what happened on our side and the event between her and Kale), as well the new powers we have discovered since then, but I guess that can wait. Plus, it is not as if we can refuse the allure of spaghetti or the appeal of Karter's ever pleasant company. *sarcasm intensifies Hopefully Epiphany is correct about Rena making up for Karter :P

Plus it would be rude to refuse her offer and prematurely cut off this conversation, so let's get out of this plant gunk and ready for some Italian cuisine. After all, we earned it.

(I actually struggle with writer's block a lot myself. According to one of my former teachers, writing block arises when you overthink things and start to be overly critical of your own writing. Just put pen to paper, or in this case, fingers to keyboard, and write away, even if you have nothing to say yet. It will be easier to come up with ideas once you get over the initial hump and start writing. You could also message me if you ever need some ideas or a prompt to get yourself started.)

(Since Karter has already started on the alcohol, some warm food in his belly should get him to open up to us even more. The next scene could be a good bonding opportunity for us, whether it be over the food, wine, or even a board game or something. (Fits pretty well with Rena's character) I also want to learn more about our intrepid trio and of course, the process of registering. (The alcohol should get Karter talking, while the portraits would be a good starting point with Coldskin, and Rena has not been holding back from us at all.)(Getting more info on registering would also help us make the decision whether to register or not and provide another topic to cover with Elora))
I'll play devils advocate here and say if we don't want our throat slit we might want to avoid slipping in the former (?) enemy's house...

Option 1
Alright, I'll play. What is your reasoning?
Well, simply put...
Karter is a manipulative bastard shown to be more than willing to play a "nice guy" role until he is ready to strike. From what we can tell morality isn't exactly his highest priorities in fact he is prone to violence or at least anger even against people he supposedly knows well. He seems to have a hate for our origins and has shown no remorse for what he did, for cowardice and is likely to be petty. All of this make it extremely likely that the second he gets a chance he'll want to finish what he started.

And some may be thinking "hey, what about Rena, she can help out right?" . Well, even if we assume she's on the watch 24/7 , she still may not be in time to react but more than likely she'll be her usual naive guillable self. And we'd probably be aware of this.

And we'd probably get killed if we simply relied on RENA of all people to protect us.

It's not like we didn't have anything else to do either.
I like your sound reasoning, but not as much as Mia likes spaghetti, unfortunately, so I'm still picking 2 regardless.

Sure, we can leave just because Karter's here, and that'll be really fun for us to deal with the next time we have to talk to them. If Idea's prediction does come true, that's good. We'll put up with it now instead of later.

I took the optimistic approach. I don't want to be paranoid, and I suspect Rena's spaghetti will be sure to impress.
I've been swamped with work, so Devil's Avocado has to wait. A preliminary read-through along with Jake's confirmation suggests that your reasoning is sound. But I'll still stick to 2 in order to streamline the process. (Also still pretty busy)
Sleepover I
All Your Powers
Sleepover Part I

"Oh, no, it's alright, I'll stay! Don't wanna...leave you two...alone." Mia gave a soft titter.

"Okay! I'll get you a fresh pair of clothes!" Rena walked toward the door frame, promptly disappearing into a puff of light.

"Haha, so ya decided to stay. That's cool and all, but, you should really reconsider." Karter chuckled as he reached into a cabinet. He pulled out a package of raw cookie dough, and slowly opened it. "We're a weird family. Not sure if a valley girl like you can handle it." He pulled out a wad of cookie dough and put it in his mouth.

Mia gave a slight grimace. The cookie dough made an unusual crunching sound as Karter bit down. "Trust me, you wouldn't survive a day in Ebeville. I might not look like it, but I have a bit of a history fighting bullies-"

"Rena told you about what I did when we first met, right?" Karter interrupted, raising his container of cookie dough slightly. "Face it, the city's bigger than the three of us. Sure, your bully hunting skills might be good, but we're talking about Qi-"

"Hey, Mia! I put clothes in the bathroom. Go ahead and shower." Rena walked back into the room and turned to Karter. "I have to talk to you about something."

"Thanks Rena."


Mia turned on the shower. The rushing stream of water sounded different in the mansion. Instead of the harsh crackle and splashing of an apartment shower, it had a softer, sound.
"Sounds like one of those ASMR videos. If I start whispering now to myself..."

Mia wiped the plant juices off of herself; she'd actually decided to whisper to herself. "This house is weird, but I can totally entertain myself with shower ASMR. It makes everything a lot better. Anyway, for today, we're going to be exploring the intricacies of soap."

Minutes Later...

"Why do you always do that? You could've just sat in your room all day. At least you helped me with spaghetti today." Rena looked over to him from the opposite couch in their lavish living room. Despite being roommates for over five years, the two refused to sit next to each other when it was just them.

"I get bored real easily. Y'know, bored. Always bored." Karter sat back, folding his arms behind his head. "I'd really like to get myself tested, the right way. Not gettin' a needle in my arm, but by destroying shit."

"Mia coming over doesn't mean you can just destroy her! What the hell are you even saying?" Rena gave Karter an evil glare. Karter reacted almost immediately, sitting back.
"Rena, you misunderstand! I didn't want to hurt her for any reason. I'm just destructive is all. Remember when we met?"

No! I don't want to! Rena shook her head. "You had a gun and you shot that guy in the head. Everyone accepts that happened."

Karter leaned forward and locked his fingers. "It's what happened. And I've been your guardian ever since. Keep it that way."
"Okay." Rena's heart sank. She hung her head, tucking her colored hair behind her ear and sniffling softly.

Karter got one glimpse of her ear. Three studded earrings, all different shades of purple, lined the inside of her ear. Those are hers...?

He got up, and drifted over to Rena. He got down on his knees and placed his fingers under Rena's chin and cleared his throat.

"It's not bad, Rena. I'm not the best people, but I still gave you a home. I've told you this many times, I was a horny ass teenager back then and I thought I could smash if I saved you." He gave a smile. A genuine smile.

"Ha." Rena wiped her eyes with her arm. "You're so silly sometimes."

"It's pretty damn clear that you don't want romance. No matter how badly I wanted you, I couldn't look past how you needed a family more than anything." Karter moved his hand down to Rena's fingers and lifted her hand.

"It's kind of like that." She blinked, letting a tear fall. "Of course it's like that...I haven't loved anyone. I'm just the girl that's above everyone else-"

"Hey, something's bugging me. Turn your head this way." Karter pointed to the left.

"What the hell? We're having a conversation here!" Rena turned her head, reluctantly, but didn't stop glaring at Karter.

"Rena Irsienna."

"Yeah, that's my name? What the hell?"

"I couldn't get it when we first met. It was so hard to pronounce." Karter smiled, but only for a second. His mellow look drained from his face. His eyebrows became angrier, and turned to the door to the living room.

Almost a second later, Mia walked in, wearing the clothes Rena gave her. They weren't too far off from what she usually wore, just a little baggier. "Hey-"

Karter sighed. He let go of Rena's hand. "Welcome back."

"Good to be back. Should I give you two a moment?-"

"We're not like that!"
"Thank God you're back!"

Rena and Karter exchanged a glance.

"Oh right, the spaghetti."

"Wow, it's good!" Mia shoved another forkful of spaghetti into her mouth.

Rena grinned from ear to ear. "Glad you like it! Just don't eat too fast, or you'll feel sick." She put a cookie jar on the table. "I guess since you're spending the night here, we should play a game with Karter! How does truth or dare sound?"

"Pass. Karter's gonna be playing with us. Might get weird." Mia finished up the last of her spaghetti and went over to put the plate in the sink.

"Okay, then, how about-"


Mia reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone. Luckily it didn't get damaged from the plant liquids.

"Hold on, I got a text from Elora."

Mia. It's been a week. Exactly a week. You're not in your apartment. Me and a hero stopped by just to check on you. Where the hell are you?

Mia did a double-take on her phone. What happened a week ago?

"Rena, what's going on outside? There's a truck with a giant satellite dish, pointing at the house." Karter called out from the other side of the house.


Before Mia could react, Rena disappeared, reappearing in a fraction of a second later with Karter.

"Cover your ears!" Mia's hands flew to her ears, as did Karter and Rena's to theirs.

A disorienting BLAM!, preceded by a flash of indigo light, filled the entire house, before everything suddenly went dark.

"Wait, what the hell is going on? Mia, explain!" Rena glowered towards the door, despite not being able to see. Footsteps on the pavement and the grass became glaringly obvious. "Is it a raid? We've never been raided before!"

From the darkness, a crackling ball of reddish electricity formed on a palm. Two, glowing green eyes sat in the dark above the ball. "I swear, I haven't seen them in five f*cking years. I'm going to blast the face off of the first person that walks in through that door."

. . .

Rena and Mia stood in anticipation. A second felt like four as the footsteps neared the doors.

Karter clenched his teeth as the ball grew in diameter.

The door handle turned.

A red bandana wearing man stepped in.


Karter pulled his hand back and thrusted it forward. His electricity arced through the air, speeding toward the door with an explosive crackle.


Before the shock had a chance to reach its target, the bolt turned a bright yellow and curved, spiraling into the staircase and leaving a small, glowing hole. Another pair of eyes peered from behind the man in the red bandana. He also had green eyes that were like Karter's, however this man had wild blonde hair and a blue bandana. Mia recognized him almost immediately from Four Worlds. What was he doing here?!

"Nice to see ya, baby gorilla. And another Current harnessing anomaly. Never heard of a red lightning power."

1. BUM RUSH HIM NOW! It's either attack or be attacked! Of course, Mia activates Trust's power first.
2. Mia calls Elora for backup and lets her know the exact location. Stall the attackers, even though there seem to be several.
3. Ask Rena to teleport the three of them out of the house to hijack the van, and use whatever is inside to attack QIERA and the powered man. It's likely that they have some sort of rubber bullet gun, or something they can counter electricity with inside the van.
4. Both Karter and this man's specialty seems to be electric attacks, despite being in different forms. Let Karter handle the fight with the man while Mia and Rena focus on the other, unpowered members. It shouldn't be too hard to beat them with Rena's teleportation and Trust's incredible strength.
[A/N: First fight of the second part of S1. Let's make it count.]

[Oh, also, a funny little thing happened when I was writing! I zoned out and wrote this ridiculous line for some reason. This is why I normally don't write AYP on 4 hours of sleep. I screenshotted it before I deleted it because why the hell not. Memes are good.]
Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 5.38.06 PM.png

There's a pressing issue I'd like to address regarding my writing and this current story of All Your Powers.
The story initially started off because of a joke, but over the last two months I've been writing it, it really grew on me and I've taken it seriously, and put a lot of effort into it. Sure, anyone can write a Quest RP. I'm not saying it's some world-breaking feat to sit at a computer, pulling about an hour out of your life, and writing once a week, but it's work. I love doing it, though. I hate to complain and when I do, it's usually with what I feel like, is a good reason.

I'm never going to try to justify what can blatantly be described as bad writing. So, if I ever write something that you see as inherently bad, know that the reason is likely that I didn't know how to go about writing that portion of the story, or I rushed it, or I worked on it in segments. You can definitely shoot me a PM if you really don't like something; I'm not changing my current accepting of criticism. What I would like, however, is that you ask me before you want to give criticism. Unwarranted criticism is uncalled for, especially if the criticism is overstepping the boundaries of what is considered criticism, and simply asking me to, quite literally, change entire parts of the story because someone thinks its current direction will open up several plotholes.

As much as I try to be open towards it, I am not very fond of criticism, and it's likely apparent now more than ever. It's a personal struggle. It has to do with me apparently being too critical of myself already, but let's be honest, almost everybody who does anything is overly critical toward themselves. That's no excuse for me to shut out proper feedback.

I figured I'd also get this point out there, that English is technically my second language. "But Jess, there's no problem with your English!" Because I've been learning it as I learned to write, since grade school. I can't really say it's my second language anymore, but it doesn't change that I was brought up speaking a different language. Until about two years ago, I didn't even communicate with my mother in English. But, if we've ever voice chatted, you probably know I don't have the greatest vocabulary.

As of now, I request kindly that criticism is served at icy snowball-temperature rather than liquid nitrogen. It doesn't have to be sugarcoated, it just has to be warranted. Let me know before you proceed to say anything that I could possibly take in a negative light.

I'm not going to hide the fact that I love positive feedback. It's motivating, and it makes me want to push everything further and exceed all of your expectations. Of course, saying this story is good isn't going to make me grow and improve as a writer. So naturally, it's alright to give criticism. If you have proper, constructive feedback, I would love to hear it. It's just that when someone oversteps their boundaries for criticism is when I'll have to say no.

I'm sorry, if this message sounded über-rude. I love each and every one of you equally and just because I've had something thrown at me from two people doesn't mean I think any less. You're the blood, bone, and skin of All Your Powers, and I will remember all the votes, thoughts, and times we've shared together. Please don't go on a witch hunt, they probably felt as though it was the right thing to say to save me from future embarrassment.

Of course, I don't want to say "I hope this doesn't change your perception of me." That's not the point of me writing this message. I think it's alright if you see that this side of me exists. I'm human. You can talk or chat with me. It's all good. I like a good conversation as much as I like goofing off! =)

P.S. If you want to be super meta and give criticism on my criticism on criticism, PM me. Don't make it public. ( °٢° )
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#3. This guy's plainly up for a head on fight and I say we don't give him one. He's also probably used to direct fight or flight; us taking out his support is probably not what he's used to. If nothing else, it shrinks the odds if we do decide to duke it out.
I'm gonna go with 3

Truth be told this person being here in any capacity can't be good news. I'd say our best chance would be to flee but there is no option like that. So I'd say gaining some potential tactical advantage would be to our benefit at least.
He just stopped the sudden attack by Karter, so 1 is out for me. 2 feels like it'd take too long, and between 3 and 4 I think using their van to take them out would be best.

3. It's wiser to gain more advantage rather than hoping for a long lasting distraction. So why not just teleport in there? Maybe there are threats but the element of surprise is a powerful thing.

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