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Fantasy Legends of the Beyond


Founder of Villains & Heroes
The kingdom was taking more lengths to expand. About a month ago, King Leon issued an order. Explorers would be dispatched to explore the Beyond. That's what they called it. The Beyond was a place no clan or kingdom had ever explored. Rumor had it that armored wolves lurked the forests, witches creeped in their huts, and magicians wandered the icy plains. The last time explorers were sent there was about 60 years ago. The king's new order was surprising. But, things were different this time.

Nobody volunteered. Nobody wanted to go. Strangely, the king never asked for volunteers. His servants rode around on horses, knocking on the doors of family homes. They handed the men sheets of parchment. It had their names on it, and information. Some men as young as 15 were given the parchment. Others were as old as 60. Their information varied, but all pieces of parchment shared one common message: Meet at the King's quarters in 4 weeks time to begin your exploration to the Beyond. Bring this piece of parchment as your pass in. Fail to arrive, and you will face execution.

You have been recruited by the king to venture out to the Beyond. You're ready to say goodbye to your family today, as you rally at the king's quarters. Your bags are packed, and you sigh, afraid of the journey ahead. You pick up the piece of parchment, and your eyes scan over the fine writing. What do you read?

A. Name: Syllus Remarus | Age: 46 | Occupation: Blacksmith | Appearance: Black eyes, tan skin, blond hair

B. Name: Tresk Boloba | Age: 59 | Occupation: Tailor | Appearance: Blue eyes, pale skin, brown hair

C. Name: Yondo Maskari | Age: 16 | Occupation: Baker | Appearance: Black eyes, dark skin, black hair

D. Name: Aari Tatama | Age: 31 | Occupation: Cobbler | Appearance: Green eyes, pale skin, red hair
Sorry guys, I'm illiterate. Guess I'll have to stay home and continue being a cobbler since I can't read that message!

iiittt's coin flip time!
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(I randomly selected between the two options. Also, if you're interested in this game, let me know, and I can ping you every time a new post is made.)

This is what you read on the piece of parchment: Name: Aari Tatama | Age: 31 | Occupation: Cobbler | Appearance: Green eyes, pale skin, red hair. You pick up the piece, and walk into your closet. You slip off your nightshirt, and open your suitcase. It's stuffed to the max, but you manage to squeeze your nightshirt in. What to wear?

You open a window, and take a peek out. On the streets, you can see hundreds of men being escorted. To the castle, most likely. Servants are taking them on their horses. A glance to the right, and you can see a compartment being pulled by horses. There are men in the cage. They are cuffed. Execution. They denied the king's orders, and will face execution, as the letter said. You shudder at the thought.

Based on what you know, the king is sending out explorers to go to the Beyond. He wants to expand his territory. He's also forced men to go as explorers. You're a cobbler. None of you are explorers. Just random people, with varying jobs.

Right, back to your wardrobe. You throw aside shirts and pants, until you come across four outfits. What will you wear?

A. Redirect Notice

B. Redirect Notice

C. Redirect Notice

D. Redirect Notice
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Gotta go with the last one. It's simple and dark, whereas the other outfits are clearly drawing too much attention to the 'adventurer' factor.

All suited up and ready to go, the only things standing between me and the Beyond are my fashion-conscious neighbors. Everyone has at least one of 'em in this world.
You choose the last outfit. Hastily, you throw off your nightshirt. You decided to pack light. Nothing complicated. Just the clothes on your back. Hopefully you will receive your weapons at the castle. Wouldn't want to venture into the Beyond without something as simple as a sword. Secretly, you were afraid of witches, and wolves, and mages.

Taking a deep breath, you calmly walk down the stairs, ready to say goodbye to your family. Who knows? It could very well be the last time you ever see them. Best to treat it that way.

After an immediate goodbye, you walk out into the bustling street. Down the row of houses, other families are saying goodbye to the men in their families. The kingdom has never been more active. Carriages are being pulled by horses. Some carriages are locked up. Those contain the men who denied the king's orders. Others are normal carriages. People are in them, men mostly. You wave your hand, and climb up into a carriage.

Upon arrival at the castle, you are escorted to a large room. The ceiling is high above, and there are knights in the room. Hundreds of men are sitting on the floor. You sit too. Knights come in and out of the room. They are taking men, and when they return, they are equipped with weapons. Soon enough, a knight grabs your wrist, and leads you into a room with weapons on the wall. Do you grab

A. A silver sword.

B. A simple wooden staff.

C. A bow with 60 arrows.

D. A sharp metal dagger.

official clown business official clown business @Dat_Potato
"Sword, sir," you say to the knight. With that, the knight cautiously takes the silver sword off of the rack. The knight guides you into another room, and hastily shows you how to use the sword. He throws a piece of parchment into the air, and slices it into a perfect half. You notice that the knight uses both hands, and when walking, he points it down. He grabs a sheath off of a nearby table, and he sheathes the sword. He hands it to you, but gives you a warning.

"Attempt any rebellion, or use this weapon without permission, and you will be executed," warns the knight. You nod in understanding, and collect the sheathed sword from the knight. The knight then guides you back into the main room. A minute passes, and another knight approaches you. Saying nothing, he grabs your wrist, and forcefully takes you to yet another room. In this room, there are hundreds of leather bags, on tables, on the stone floor- littered all over the room. The knight leaves you in the room. Soon after, another person walks into the room. It's not a knight. Someone different.

"W-welcome to t-t-the resource r-room. We h-have a sp-special bag p-packed for you, A-Aari." You are surprised that he knows your name. Nevertheless, you continue listening. "In this b-bag, y-you will f-f-f-find a m-m-m-map, a belt for y-your sheath, a-and w-w-water. T-the bag is yours to k-keep." With that, the man hands you the bag. You rummage through it, and put on the belt. "N-now, you will be t-taken to the d-departure p-p-post." The man bows his head, and the knight returns. He escorts you to the main room.

After a minute, ANOTHER knight comes, and gestures for you to follow. He takes you to the outside of the castle. You can see hundreds of carriages, pulled by horses, lined up. You are shoved into one of them, being sure to hold on to the leather bag.After waiting for what seemed like hours, the carriages start to pull away. You take one last look at the kingdom. It may be the last time you ever see it.

On your ride, you pass majestic waterfalls, dense forests, grassy yellow fields, and so much more. At long last, you come to a lake. There are boats waiting for you. All around, your fellow explorers start to exit the carriage. You follow them, taking your bag and thanking the driver. You start to head towards the boat, when a surge of people throw you offtrack. Hundreds of men start to board the boats. It dawns on you that these boats don't have enough room for every single man here. You hastily stand up, hoping that a boat is still open. Nope. You glance around. There are a couple other people, who have also missed their chance to board a boat. You consider a couple options. Do you

  1. Attempt to swim across the river.
  2. Look for another part of the river that you can cross.
  3. Write-in an option.
Um, write-in.

Search for wood and old planks you could use to build your own boat and sail across to wherever the boats are heading to..
Yes, finding another way to cross would be the safest option, and probably the easiest one too since no one in this area has the kind of skills needed to boat across a river.
Legends of the Beyond: Stage 5

You choose to look for another opening along the river. Gesturing for the other men to come, you push your way through trees and piles of leaves. Squinting your eyes, it is visible that the boats are almost across the river. The waters look mostly calm. What a shame. It should have been you on that boat. You were the one with no experience. Ah, shit, oh well.

At last! You approach a spot along the river. In the distance, you can still see the boats. They are not far. They don't matter anymore. What's in front of you does. You're hoping for a log or something to hop across. Better yet, maybe there's a large rock formation. That'd be a piece of cake. Don't be too confident. The voice inside your head rings like bells. It fades away, but the echoes remain.

You look forward. This is the moment of truth. But what you see isn't like what you were hoping for. That being said, it could be worse. Ahead of you are scattered rocks, thrown around the path ahead. They aren't too big, but it seems that you can definitely place a foot on it. You stomp on the first rock. It shakes. It's not stable. Do you

A. Continue with the plan, and go across.

B. Keep looking for yet another opening.

C. Write-in an option.

HP: 100/100
official clown business official clown business TheGhostlyPirate TheGhostlyPirate
Legends of the Beyond: Stage 6
You choose to continue your short search for an opening. You step away from the rocks, signaling your decision not to go. However, not everybody follows you. The group breaks up in two; some stay at the opening, and others join you as you walk along the riverside.

On your walk along the riverside, it seems as if the river is growing wider. That ain’t good. Maybe you should have taken your prior chance when you had it. Too late for regrets. You continue, walking around bushes and staying on the shore.

Only about fifteen minutes later, you approach a line of trees. It’s right in front of you, dividing the sandy shore up. You venture into the trees, breaking off branches and discarding them. Soon, you come into a small opening. The river is still visible from here. However, you see something spectacular- a large boat bobbing on the river. But, something else catches your eye.

A hut. It looks small, maybe cozy inside. It is made of stone. Some stone bricks are cracked and others have lime green moss growing on them. Whoever lives there clearly owns the boat. Do you
  1. Take the boat.
  2. Leave the boat and move on.
  3. Write-in.
official clown business official clown business TheGhostlyPirate TheGhostlyPirate ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R

HP: 100/100
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I wish there was an option to check the hut first, because I would've chosen that option. I don't even know if anyone is actually inside right now.
I can't cobble a good solution out of either of these options, basically I either take the large-ass boat and get noticed immediately, or continue crossing the river for two more years.

edit Well my write-in is going to be to check inside the hut of course, see if there's anyone there.
Write in: Look around for anything that resembles a weapon to protect yourself with and check out the hut.
Legends of the Beyond: Stage 7
You decide to venture into the hut. Beckoning to the other members of the group, you cautiously walk towards the hut. A couple other men snatch sticks, for defense, most likely. That’s a good idea. You take a stick too, choosing a thicker one. With that, you swing open the small door of the hut.

It is very dark inside, as if no light is being let inside. In fact, that’s probably the case. You don’t know how to make a fire with sticks. If you had known how to use that survival skill, then you’d have crafted a torch, and the place would be lit. One man opens the door again, so that light can be let in. You can clearly see your surroundings.

There’s a black cauldron with steam rising out of it. A large stick in in the pot. As you glance into the pot, you can see a purple liquid. Shelves are attached to the wall, stashed with vials and bottles. They are filled with purple, green, and orange liquids. There is a flat rock which bears some resemblance to a bed. Suddenly, footsteps approach.

A woman enters the hut. She has red warts speckled over her face, which are hard to miss. The woman is wearing a black garment. She has ratty gray hair, which has clearly not been groomed in years. The woman is also carrying a thin stick in her left hand. Wait a moment. It all fits. The cauldron, the vials, the wand- you’ve entered a witch’s residence.

“My oh my, you kids are in trouble! I oughta teach you a lesson!” cackles the witch. Do you

1. Attempt to escape.

2. Attack the witch.

3. Write-in.

ViciousVip3R ViciousVip3R official clown business official clown business TheGhostlyPirate TheGhostlyPirate
It's not even October yet. There's still time.

There's only one thing we can do right now, and that's to grab our sword and lunge as fast as possible to shank the witch.
Good thing for strength in numbers, huh? I feel like the others could just rush in afterwards and hold her down.

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