Anime & Manga What Anime Character Are You Most Like?


Word Assassin
Post a picture of a character with a similar personality + outlook as yours. Feel free to explain.

Undated footage of me enjoying a day at the beach.

(I can't think of any serious answer, actually. Plenty of characters I wish I was like, though.)
Yukiteru Amano is me. Kind of a blindly optimistic weakling. I look kind of like him, though I look more like L. L is just less like me characteristically.
I'm short, I like reading, and I'm fairly smart like this cutie:


But I'd say the bulk of my personality matches up pretty strongly with Natsu. Maybe it's his ideals or his strong attachments to his friends, but considering I love all my friends to death, it's pretty accurate to say I'm a lot like him.
Just less violent.


Also this face

Normally, this is me. Renge Houshakuji. An Otaku who is into dating sims and is a complete fujoshi with a flair for the dramatic. But I also identify with this lovely lady:

Mirajane Strauss. She's a sweet girl who is always taking care of everyone, and is kind of the mom of the guild. Not to mention, she's an older sister like me! Also like me, though, if you mess with her friends, or worst of all, her siblings...


She (and I) turn into a demon hell bent on destroying whoever hurt our nakama in the most painful way possible.
complicated and confusing as hell, but genuinely cares for the friends who puts an effort to look past his worthlessness and overall demented state. tries to be friendly with everyone too but ends up creeping people out
It would be Kazuma Satou.
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He's a smart ass, I'm a smart ass. He's an insanely huge pervert, I'm an insanely huge pervert. Plus we share some same beliefs regarding equality and are very blunt. Plus he's not ashamed of becoming a lazy bum when he's got all that money.

Not only do we act alike, but Kobayashi looks almost exactly like me.
Yukino Miyazawa: I'm a completely different person than the one I pretend to be in public lmao

I act like I'm super sweet and nice because it makes people like me...but in reality I'm pretty cynical and super lazy

Normally, this is me. Renge Houshakuji. An Otaku who is into dating sims and is a complete fujoshi with a flair for the dramatic. But I also identify with this lovely lady:

Mirajane Strauss. She's a sweet girl who is always taking care of everyone, and is kind of the mom of the guild. Not to mention, she's an older sister like me! Also like me, though, if you mess with her friends, or worst of all, her siblings...


She (and I) turn into a demon hell bent on destroying whoever hurt our nakama in the most painful way possible.
voiced by the same voice actress
Captain Levi. I have hidden talents of aspects from martial arts that I am not willing to share and my haircut is different but it is a good haircut for what I do
Hanji from Attack On Titan. We're both obsessed with something viewed as dangerous, seen as eccentric by our peers (but loved for it anyways), overjoyed by strange phenomenons, and despite our normally cheerful demeanor there's something way more serious lurking beneath.
I feel as if I relate to the Super High School Level Yakuza from Danganronpa. He's a bit of an ass and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind or what he thinks about people. He's also quite stubborn when it comes to people he cares about, and tends to be vague when showing emotion towards friends. He'd rather help than be helped, and doesn't like being thanked. He has a cold exterior and a warm interior.
Edward Elric to the max. My personality is somewhat immature, like his. I also hold value to little things such as dates and times. Not to mention I am blonde and short. I'm also stubborn and I let my pettiness and vindictiveness get the best if me. honorable personality traits we share are foul mouthed, loud, sarcastic, playful, and temperamental.

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