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Fandom The Mamodo War (Nenma Takashi & Randomfella)

"Ha-ha...Ha-haha-Ha." Lucy's voice altered in pitch as she laughed at Tamashi's claim to never read the book again.

"Foolish." She coughed, falling limp into Tamashi's arms, her voice now starting to sound weak as well as fading. "That boy was weak, more will come." Lucy moved her head to face Tamashi, even the most basic movements were becoming difficult. "Ironic that you would think of me in this way, you will learn that I'm necessary, you simply do not understand." She scoffed again.

Tendrils uncoiling, they returned to her hands, freeing Maruta who stood still in shock.
"You'll need me again, and I will be king." She stated, letting out a final breath of air, before her eyes instantly turned to a light blue, before closing from fatigue, her body following soon after.
None of her previous bruises seemed to remain, and her sleeping breaths were smooth and steady, her face clear and hair back to a light pink state.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
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Tamashi pet her head softly her words sticking with him. "King?" He repeated picking the girl up and placing her on his back. He made his way out of the alleyway Murata stared at Tamashi as he stepped from the alleyway. "T-thank you for sparing me I promise you'll never see me again really I-" He was cut off by Tamashi's piercing glare. "Piss off!" Murata turned and ran down the street as the adrenaline faded from his body Tamashi was truly beginning to feel the pain in his side and arms. "More will come huh? Well let him I'll kick the ass of anyone who hurts Lucy." Tamashi used all his will power to make it to the door before he collapsed from the pain in his side. "Ow."

The door opened and the last thing he could hear before his vision faded was his mother calling his name.
Randomfella Randomfella
"Was it just a terrible nightmare?" Lucy thought to herself as she awoke, stretching her small arms to each side, a wide agape yawn escaping her mouth. Looking out the window the sun was shining bright, how long had she been sleeping for? "If it did happen, I don't think I'd be welcome here." She shivered at the thought of it, before slowly planting her feet to the ground, and taking the rabbit from the bedside.

Playing in silence as to not disturb the humans further, she toyed with it, attempting to distract herself from her 'dream'. But she couldn't help but to dwell on it.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
At the foot of the bed was a sleeping Tamashi on his side a large patch over where he had been hit. A similar one on his arm as well the door opened and in walked his mother. Holding a tray of eggs and bacon she sat it down by Lucy with a smile. Sitting next to Tamashi she pet his sleeping face with a small sigh. "It's been a while since he came home this beat up. He probably got this way being reckless again." She turned to Lucy with a sad smile. "Promise to watch out for him Lucy, he clearly won't do it for himself." With that stood up and left the room gently closing the door behind her as she did.

Randomfella Randomfella
Looking up toward Tamashi's mother, Lucy nodded in thanks, before noticing the young man at the foot of the bed. In her state of confusion, she had hardly noticed Tamashi resting, his body still bruised. "N...N-No, I." She moved toward Tamashi, her eyes already starting to well slightly, it was all her fault, and even his mother thought he had done something wrong. "T-Ta-ma?" She nudged him, looking over his broken body in sadness. "I... I'm sorry." She clenched her fists on her knees as she knelt, looking toward the ground in shame. "I understand if you never want to see me again." She sobbed at him, broken up by what pain her presence had caused him.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Tamashi opened one eye and placed a hand on her head. "Hey don't start k." He sat up his chest and stomach now visible. Scars covering it he chuckled scratching his cheek. "Don't worry ain't the first time I've gotten a bit tattered up." He leaned toward the ground and picked up Lucy's book which he had sitting next to him. Holding it up he tapped the cover. "I'm not gonna abandon you but I wanna know. Everything." He opened the book to the spell. "I already promised myself to not read this ever again." He closed the book crossing his legs he sighed. "I'm gonna need all the info I can get to take on any punks that come looking for a fight."
Randomfella Randomfella
"I... I can't...." Lucy paused, not wanting to look Tamashi in the eyes. How could he stand to have her near him after what he had seen? It was true, he needed to know the truth. "Un." She nodded to him, before relaxing a bit, placing her palms flat on her knees, still looking toward the ground.

"That boy, Baruuk..." The words seemed increasingly difficult to escape from her. "He and I, we're Mamodo, sent from a different world." She looked out of the door toward Tamashi's parents, it drove her to remember her mother in the mamodo world, what would she think of her? She missed her more than anything. Keeping her voice down Lucy continued. "I lied about being abandoned." She glanced at Tamashi's gaze, before quickly looking to the side in shame for admitting her lie. "One hundred of us were sent to your world to battle, until only one remains. Our books... They keep us here somehow, connecting us to a human." She ran her hand over the cover, before placing her palm on Tamashi's forehead. "I'm so sorry Tama-Chan..." She pulled her hand away as she apologized, resting it once more, her body remaining still, refusing to avert her gaze from a random point on the side of the wall. "I told you I would be nothing but a burden."

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
As Lucy told her story explaining things Tamashi's gaze slowly became more and more confused. "So like wait if you win do you like become king. At least that's what I figured you were talking about." It would make what transformed Lucy was talking about make sense and explain what Baruuk meant by people bowing to his will. He stood up stretching his arms and legs before sitting down on the bed next to Lucy. "Hey Lucy I promised to never abandon you and protect you. Although I never got a promise back that you'd do the same." He held out his pinkie to her a small smile on his face. His usually cold piercing seeming somewhat softer. "So how about you promise to not leave me and stop talking about this being a burden crap."

Far from the house far from the town in a completely different country was a tall boy with long spiky blond hair. A girl by his side wearing a black gothic dress before them a burning book and a man running away. The boy spoke sighing as he walked towards a car. "Just ain't no body worth a damn here." The girl followed close behind. "I told you give it time and we'll find tons of fun people to fight." The boy chuckled. "I'd sure hope so."
Randomfella Randomfella
"Tamashi you could get really hurt!" She shouted up to him, quickly turning to face him as she did so, before soon giving up and leaping onto him, still clueless as to why he held his pinkie out. "A mamodo doesn't get to choose who their partner is..." She rested her head upon Tamashi's shoulder. "But I'm glad... That it was you." She paused, before releasing the young man from her grip.

"I wasn't lying before..." Her tone became much more somber, as she reminisced back to their recent fight. "The battle takes place once every thousand years, to decide the king. The winner... They're the last one remaining." Bringing her palms together Lucy began to twiddle her thumbs. "Mamodo with powers you couldn't imagine will... They'll hunt us both down. I promise I won't leave, but if I stay..." Lucy took the book, pushing it toward Tamashi's face. "You'll h-h-h." It was clear this was difficult for her to admit. "You'll have no choice but to read it... It's yours." Her tone was serious, yet wracked with nervous guilt.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Tamashi chuckled as once again Lucy didn't take his pinkie and simply hugged him. He returned the embrace another chuckle coming out. "I'm glad too that I have the honor of being your partner." As she held the book to him he took it and stared at it. Remembering how Lucy was when he used this spell how she didn't think twice about killing someone. How twisted she became and yet how strong she was at the same time. He sighed then looked at Lucy nodding his head. "If...and only if I truly think I can't handle something I'll maybe read the spell. Though I need you to be tough also don't go pulling what you did this time. No trying to give yourself up or whatever got it."

He stood up from the bed heading for the door he grabbed his shirt off the foot of the bed. "Come on let's go play outside."
Randomfella Randomfella
A small nonchalant smile grew on Lucy's face at Tamashi's original response, though doubt soon overflowed her about the idea of him reading the spell again. It was strange, in the mamodo world she had no recollection of what would happen when she was with her father, but here it was all too clear. The way the spell twisted her mind and body, how could she possibly control something like that? What if that side of her took over...?

Leaping from the bed onto Tamashi, she climbed up onto his shoulders, supporting herself by placing her hands over his eyes, trying to shake the thought from her mind. But there was something she needed to admit.
"I don't want to be a king." She glazed over the subject once more. "But maybe I can stay for a while."

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
"Woah hey I need those!" Tamashi warned as he stumbled out of the room blindly feeling his way through the hall of his house. "Yeah I get ya being king would probably blow anyway." He added to her sentence as he miraculously reached the door. Opening it he reached to his back and pulled Lucy off so he could see. Placing her on his shoulders he walked down the sidewalk. "So what kinda game do you wanna play?"
Randomfella Randomfella
Letting out a slight giggle at the young man trying to feel around the house, Lucy slumped a bit soon after Tamashi's second response, that wasn't really what she meant, but she was happy that he tried to relate regardless.

"Game?" She questioned, looking down at Tamashi from her perch atop his shoulders. "I don't know any games, in my world I never really left the house..." It felt good to speak so freely and truthfully, but it did make her wonder, in truth she needed to correct herself. "Well I did but... Uhm, nevermind." Folding her arms atop his head, Lucy rested upon it. "What games do humans normally play?" Remembering the times she would watch mamodo children from her window, their playtime was somewhat similar to those at the park, with a few key differences, human children couldn't shoot fire from their hands, for instance.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Tamashi tapped his chin thinking of games to play. "Uh like tag, or hide and go seek or.....ya know....uh." It was now when Tamashi realized he too wasn't too well versed in playing games either. It was hard to do so when you had no friends to play said games with. Despite sometimes playing hide and seek he never was ever found. Only later in life did he understand this wasn't just him being the greatest hider ever.

"Why don't we build a sand castle or something." He walked towards the sandbox children already there scattered as he approached. "Mr.Devil's come to take our souls run!" They laughed as they rushed for the swings Tamashi placed Lucy in the sandbox. "You at least know what a sandbox is right?"
Randomfella Randomfella
"Uhh?" Lucy picked up a handful of sand with her tiny palm, rubbing it with her fingers as it fell back down. It was like a million course bits that had been softened for molding, like something she had at home for a similar purpose. "Un" She nodded to Tamashi, before taking a small bucket and scooping some sand inside.

Watching as the children ran, Lucy looked toward them, and back at Tamashi. "Why do they always do that?" She asked, a bit agitated in her tone, Tamashi was so nice to her, he didn't deserve that kind of treatment. She glanced over at the adults in the area who clearly turned away from Tama as he looked around. It almost reminded her of someone similar, like he stirred fear into others somehow, maybe it was the way he would stare?

Placing the bucket to the ground, she formed an awkward crumbling mound, the bucket perhaps not full enough and not held for enough time. A small smile formed on her face in accomplishment regardless, it was good to play so freely again.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Tamashi felt a sense of joy just watching Lucy play he hadn't seen the girl play since finding her. It was nice to watch her attempt her sand castle at her question he softly chuckled. Pointing to his face he shrugged his shoulders. "No a lot of people who can get past this face." Saying it out loud made him thankful to Lucy for being able to get use to his villain like appearance. Looking at what he guessed was Lucy's sandcastle he picked up a small twig and placed it on top. "Looks good to me."

A little bit away some kids were playing superheroes. One child stood atop the monkey bars and called out. "Evil doers beware for Ms.Power is here!" She jumped from the monkey bars landing on Lucy's castle. Looking down she jumped back. "Whoops sorry I mean fear not citizen I Ms.Power can fix this." The girl quickly scooped up sand in a bucket and flipped it. When she pulled the bucket away a perfect outline of the bucket was left. For a total of two seconds before it crumbled into a small hill.
Randomfella Randomfella
Giving a small clap as he placed the twig on the mount, Lucy gave Tamashi a small smile, before reaching over toward him. "You should try doing... This!" She announced as she pulled his cheeks up to make his mouth look like a smile. "Then you won't look so scary." She giggled.

Suddenly, another child landed feet first into the mound, causing Lucy to let out a frightened "Eep!" Scuttling behind Tamashi, watching from his shoulders as the girl tried to fix the castle. A variety of nervous noises escaped Lucy as the girl did so, shivering slightly all the while. Remaining silent she watched on.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
The girl attempted again to fix the castle but her failure continued. She looked to Tamashi and Lucy coming face to face with Tamashi. She quickly stood up pointing at Tamashi. "You must be the legendary Mr.Devil I've been hearing about!" Before the girl could continue she was picked up by a woman in her early twenties. "Babalo I told you to not do that in public. Sorry she just loves to play super hero." As the woman carried Babalo away she called out to Lucy. "Fear not citizen I shall return tomorrow to right the wrong I have done."

Tamashi chuckled watching the girl leave. "I think she liked you."
Randomfella Randomfella
Lucy continued to watch nervously as the small girl was pulled away. "Super hero?" She questioned. "I hope she doesn't come back..." Lucy mumbled, returning to the sand pit once more. "Well I don't like her, she shouldn't call you that." She complained.
Tugging on Tamashi's shirt she handed him the bucket.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Tamashi sighed taking the bucket and dumping sand into into it. "Your going to have to make friends with more than just me eventually." He flipped the bucket his sand castle coming out perfectly. Placing a second one next to it going on about how Lucy should focus on making more friends. All the while slowly making a surprisingly elaborate sand castle even with it's own draw bridge and moat. "And that's why you should make friends." He finished assuming Lucy had listened to his speech.
Randomfella Randomfella
"Woh." Lucy exclaimed, watching as Tamashi built the elaborate castle, taking another scoop and placing a half broken mound on the ground. "Hmm." She looked between it and Tamashi's, before slumping a bit in failure.
Glancing over at some other kids she dwelled on the small amount she listened from Tamashi's rant. "If they're scared of you, I don't think they'll want to see me..." She glanced back to the young man, attempting to change the tone with a small forced smile, light blue eyes closing in glee. "And Tama-Chan is worth two.. No, five friends." She stuck her palm up toward him, each finger raised, before taking her attention back to the sand.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Tamashi shook his head at Lucy. "What are talking about your adorable I bet a good bunch of those kids have already fallen in love." He said pointing to a group of boys. Seeing her failure at making a sand castle he decided to help her. "You're pulling the bucket up too quickly ya gotta be delicate with it." While explaining Tamashi noticed another little girl in the sandbox with them. Watching intently. "Um hello." She flinched for a moment before pointing to Tamashi's sandcastle. "D-did you make that." Tamashi looked to the castle. "Uh yeah."

The girl then grabbed a bucket of her own sitting a bit away. "T-t-teach me t-then." Tamashi glanced at her then to Lucy. "Deja vu." He muttered before getting a bucket of his own. Continuing his explanation on making the sandcastle.
Randomfella Randomfella
"N-n... No.." Lucy awkwardly responded to Tamashi, quickly glancing at the group he pointed toward before looking away. Taking the bucket she attempted to follow the young man's advice, holding it there for a few seconds. As she raised it, it still wasn't as good as Tamashi's, but it was clearly better than before. "Loo-" She went to get Tamashi's attention, her focus cut off by a different voice.

Scuttling back a bit toward Tamashi, she stared at the young girl like a deer in headlights, waiting to see what she would do. This one was a lot more calm than the other children at least, but Lucy was still cautious nevertheless. Grabbing onto his arm Lucy watched on as Tamashi tried to explain the technique. "Deja Vu?" She was confused on what he had muttered. "Dig a... Two?" She attempted to piece the words in her mind.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
The girl watched with immense focus after a few tries she managed to get a smaller scale version of Tamashi's castle. "I did it!" She triumphantly exclaimed Tamashi nodded turning to Lucy who was clutching to him. "Lucy?" Tamashi raised an eyebrow to her silently telling her to attempt talking to this girl. The girl laid eyes on Lucy and quickly shot her look to her own castle. Before looking at Lucy then back to the sandcastle again. Tamashi picked up on the glances and whispered to Lucy.

"Say something about her castle." He figured this was the chance they needed. If he could just get Lucy to come out of her shell even a little bit. He'd consider thata job well done. He was proof it could happen she just needed some time and a reason.
Randomfella Randomfella
Sand blowing slightly in the wind, Lucy glanced as the girl copied Tamashi, her one looked pretty good too. Her ears perked up as the young man tried to involve her, causing her to nervously stumble on her words for a short time. "I-it's.. Good." She complimented, before face-planting into Tamashi's arm in a shy fit. Being forced to socialize becoming too nerve wracking for her.

"Let's... Let's go now." Lucy's moping muffled voice escaped from Tamashi's shirt, as she tugged on the front of it to get his attention. What if another thing like yesterday happened? Imagine if they all saw what she truly was... What she truly was? Did she too believe that was who she was? Once again it dwelled in her mind.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

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