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Nation Building The Colonial Conquest: Lore Page

Atlus Military Archives
Entry: Hoplites
Hoplites are mechs ranging from a height of 8 to 10 meters. Initially designed for construction and 0G repairs, Hoplites were weaponized in an attempt to create a middle ground between infantry and tanks. And it worked, more durable and destructive than a platoon while being more maneuverable than a tank. Early models were bulky and heavy from added armour plating and simple mechanics but they served their uses. It wasn't until the ability to mass produce Erubus Tech that Hoplites began evolving to what they are today.


(Gen II Hoplite: Storm)
A Generation II Hoplite, the Storm is the first mass-produced military model Hoplite used in the Atlus military. Fell out of combat use at the turn of the century but some units see limited use as powerloaders and construction mechs. Does not contain Erubus Tech.


(Gen IIss Hoplite: Storm Artillery Platform)
The only Gen II Hoplite still in active service. Taking advantage of the Storm's low CG and wide frame, the addition of heavy artillery and rocket pods allow for a mobile indirect support unit to be sent to the field. Usually paired with a Blitz marksman variant for better targeting of ordinance. Top speed of about 40km/h, their ability to be mobile is vital to confuse the enemy of their true location. Does not contain Erubus Tech.


(Gen III Hoplite: Blitz)
The main workhorse of Atlus mechanized infantry divisions, the Blitz is an all-rounded unit and a relatively common sight in Atlus combat operations. Their versatility and varied loadouts make it the perfect unit for any job needed. Be it scouting, defense, spearheading, and even recon, the Blitz will get the job done. In the hands of a capable pilot of course. Does not contain Erubus Tech unless they are part of the 33rd Mechanized Infantry, an all Mycaenian unit.


(Gen III Hoplite: Hurricane)
The Hoplite of choice in the Royal Marines. The Hurricane doesn't just come with a different head unit and a darker paint scheme, the internals are tuned up to maximum efficiency and the reactor is improved to provide a 20% increase in operational time. Another difference is the ability to mount Erubus Tech on board to really increase its combat prowess. Only on request.


(Gen III Hoplite: Typhoon)
A truly interesting batch of Hoplites, Typhoons are the ones piloted only by those with Mycaenian blood due to having Erubus Tech built into it. Compared to the Blitz, the Typhoon has improved statistics along with their access to Erubus Tech make them a whole new league on its own. Of course, it does come with the drawback of shorter operational times. Usually given to Commanders and Aces.


(Gen III Hoplite: Typhoon Royal Guard Variant)
A variant of Typhoon used by the Royal Guard. Pretty much the same other than the addition of the ceremonial ponytail.


(Gen IV Hoplite: Excalibur/Fragarach/Ichaival)


(Gen IV Hoplite: Rhongomiad)


(Gen IV Hoplite: Hrunting)


The Divine Intervention is what you could consider a ship that is nothing like any other. Unique in its own way and sharing no qualities with any other vessel active within the New Republic Navy. It itself has been hailed a marvel of engineering. Only the Supreme Admiral of The Fleets is gifted with such power in his finger tips. To the people of the Solaure I, it is their guardian - protecting the liberties that they enjoy each day.

By all accounts of the New Republic's naval assets fresh from the production line, the Divine Intervention is the only vessel within the entire military force to be apart of a new breed of ships. By document this vessel is officually recognised as a Super Dreadnought. The first - and only - such warship to come into existence under the New Republic's reign.

It is by the far the largest vessel serving under the New Republic, coming to a width of about 322km and a length of 992km. A crew of 20 million - along with automated systems - is a necessity to just operate the ship. About 2042 cannons of varying size have been fitted onto the ship. 7088 AA weapons serve as company and the warship's primary defence against aerospace entities. By cost, the construction of the Divine Intervention required an investment of approximately 4 Quintillion Units - the highest amount of money ever placed into a military project under the New Republic.

One may find 22 Divisions of the Colonial Marine Corps permanently stationed aboard. A total of 3 Aerospace Command have been assigned to the Divine Intervention for related duties. It is a common gag amongst the crew of the vessel to otherwise recognise the Divine Intervention as "the New Republic's preservation backup plan".

Though being what could be the difference between victory and utter decimation, the Divine Intervention was only provided a single purpose: to watch over her mother world. It has no other objective. A defensive state may be permanent for the rest of its lifetime of service.

The Divine Intervention is to be considered untouchable. In the event of the highly unlikely capture of the ship, the current Grand Minister will have the option to initiate an effective and immediate self-destruct process. Only havoc would ever come if the Divine Intervention was to be claimed by the enemies of the Free People.
Atlus Military Archives
Entry: Erubus Tech
ACCESS CODE: ××××××××

Erubus Tech or ET for short, refers to an ancient alien technology found only on Olympus at the old ruins of the previous civilization living there. Formerly known as Grail Analog by the Mycaenian locals, Erubus Tech is both more advanced than current technology while also being centuries old. Erubus Tech seem to only 'awaken' when in contact with a being that is either full or part Mycaenian and its theorized that the Mycaenians are descendents of the Creators.

Id Driver


(The use of an Id Driver is almost limitless. Here, Sgt Y.Unver demonstrates the effects on an old Storm Drone.)


(A much more potent version of the earlier effect is demonstated on Sgt Unver. He survived with no permanant injuries.)
Id Drivers are the most commonly known forms of Erubus Tech used by the military. Usually mounted on Hoplites, they usually fulfil the role of willpower powered energy barriers. As long as the pilot focuses on the shield protecting him, it won't break. But there is a flaw, such a barrier can only cover one direction, leaving the rest of the sides defenseless.

Another use of Id Drivers is increasing the capabilities of a Hoplite and the damage caused by its weaponry. It acts on the same principle as the shield generation but it focuses on letting the weapon do more damage or puncture barriers. Of course, the system isn't perfect and Id Driver enhanced attacks, and even the shielding, drains the Hoplite's power reserves at a shocking rate.

But there are unique Id Drivers that do even more impossible feats. An example would be the Fragarach's copies. Most would assume that by targeting the orginal would solve the problem but that is not the case. The 'copies' created by the Fragarach's Id Driver are not only very real but the pilot is able to transfer her consciousness to any one of the pilots. In essence, they are all real.

Another example would be Excalibur's fighting style. A Hoplite that carries only swords aught to be easy picking from a distance but not the Excalibur. The Id Driver not only ramps up its speed while cancelling out G-Forces but it also allows Excalibur to cut opponants from a distance.

But the most interesting feature is found in the Rhongomiant's Id Driver. It turns the pilot's emotional state onto energy it can use to enhance weapon damage, shields, and even negate self-damage from being caught in its howitzer's insane blast radius.

Other Uses
Other forms of Erubus Tech can be found in novelty self-solving magic cubes and small arms such as user locked pistols. The principle behind those objects are more or less the same as the ones in Id Drivers. When there is a will, there is a way.
GKES military archives
Standard footman-
The footmen of the GKES are composed of fierce soldiers, trained to their fullest potential, and genetically enchanced on top of that. They are trained to widstand the harshest of climates and temperatures, while keeping their heads clear and focused during the toughest of situations. Here are an overview of their specs.
SIR-43, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/metroid/images/9/90/Metroid_Other_M_Rifle_Art_52.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110219153126&imgrefurl=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_Rifle&docid=-E5F_h2-14F2jM&tbnid=QqLTvZ7UGkkUgM:&vet=10ahUKEwj9yPLywp_UAhVD7iYKHVXxDYYQMwg4KAgwCA..i&w=1920&h=1080&client=tablet-android-samsung&bih=800&biw=1280&q=galactic rifles concept arts&ved=0ahUKEwj9yPLywp_UAhVD7iYKHVXxDYYQMwg4KAgwCA&iact=mrc&uact=8 the standard rifle, used by the soldiers, it's designed to run on batteries, though used as the cartridge, and shoots focused laser blasts, capable of burning holes through not only the enemy, but even the thickest of armors. 40 shots per round, medium fire rate, fully automatic. Known for its accuracy, and for its ability to function in less controlled environments. (Basically an advanced version of the guns a storm trooper would use)
PR-43, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/metroid/images/0/00/Paralyzer.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101027023515&imgrefurl=http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Paralyzer&docid=87qjYGwivTKAyM&tbnid=HX7l5_LBcXt6IM:&vet=10ahUKEwiAvMycxJ_UAhVMPiYKHdseAgwQMwg2KAcwBw..i&w=1920&h=1080&client=tablet-android-samsung&bih=800&biw=1280&q=galactic pistols concept arts&ved=0ahUKEwiAvMycxJ_UAhVMPiYKHdseAgwQMwg2KAcwBw&iact=mrc&uact=8 the standard pistol, using the same laser tech as the rifle. 40 rounds per clip, simi automatic. Though it lacks the range of the rifle, it makes up for the impact, which is stronger than the rifle up close, plus it is much easier to use.
AS-43, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...Z_UAhUm6YMKHZItAGIQMwhoKAswCw&iact=mrc&uact=8 The highest power, range, which makes up for its fire rate and usability, it's 5x stronger than the rifle, has a range 60x that of the rifle. It has a scope which can be used normally, seek the heat out of stealth units, or the energy of any stealth units. Used only by soldiers trained to snipe. 10 rounds, slow fire rate, simi automatic.
GS-43, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...p_UAhWm2YMKHauTBZkQMwgyKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8 A gun used to fire high power explosives of varying degrees, it's not commonly used anymore, though squads of troops can be sent in to clear a path for raids are suprise attacks. It's range is adjustable and can be shot 5x that of the rifle. 10 grenades each, mid fire rate, simi automatic. It can shoot explosive, napalm, toxic, or electromagnetic grenades.
RL-43, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...5_UAhUK6YMKHZ4rDuIQMwhbKCEwIQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 the rocket launchers of the weapons, they are used against structures, units such as mechs and tanks, and anything stronger than your basic units. 5x the range as a rifle, these rockets can take out entire structures with their explosion radius. 1 rocket each (though the user usually carried more to reload), low fire rate, simi automatic
Standard armor-https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F0a%2F2b%2F1c%2F0a2b1ca17658b301f74e25fee15ad7aa.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fmichaelohara199%2Fadvanced-mechanics%2F&docid=whuMSxfSi3fT9M&tbnid=USSYbpPt0lCJ9M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjLh5m7yJ_UAhWBzIMKHQ2lDL4QMwhVKBswGw..i&w=736&h=694&client=tablet-android-samsung&bih=800&biw=1280&q=advanced%20armor%20concept%20art&ved=0ahUKEwjLh5m7yJ_UAhWBzIMKHQ2lDL4QMwhVKBswGw&iact=mrc&uact=8 A full body armor, which is designed to be equally as defensive and mobile, using an electomagnetic system of deflecting blast, by dispersing it's energy as soon as it gets close, using the blast as extra energy for the primary systems, though the sheilds aren't invincible, and will run out. The metal can easily deflect metallic projectiles, and some an danced form of blast after the sheilds are down.
Light armor-https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Forig09.deviantart.net%2F5488%2Ff%2F2014%2F275%2F6%2F3%2Flight_armor_concept_by_jimhatama-d81ab7n.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fjimhatama.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FLight-armor-concept-485890115&docid=1tFun1zcpN1BTM&tbnid=760Mpna9zy1bmM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwihm-HZyZ_UAhVGNSYKHfGbC2UQMwgzKAQwBA..i&w=1800&h=983&client=tablet-android-samsung&bih=800&biw=1280&q=advanced%20light%20armor%20concept%20art&ved=0ahUKEwihm-HZyZ_UAhVGNSYKHfGbC2UQMwgzKAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8 A full body armor, designed for speed and stealth. The laser sheilds aren't present, and the metal is slightly weaker, but the suit enhances speed to the point of being able to dodge some projectiles, and a stealth can be activated that not only hides the user from the naked eye, but hides any heat and energy put off, so sensors can't track it either, though it only last for 15 minutes, and has a 10 minute charge time. Used by light divisions, and by primarily snipers.
Heavy armor-https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Ff2%2Fdf%2F78%2Ff2df78c6a2dfe8aebe101186b154be54.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F474777985693858400%2F&docid=lxs5UFW-9IoOfM&tbnid=7tZVtTpg3xhfGM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwizrKzOyp_UAhUF0iYKHcpyCdYQMwgxKAEwAQ..i&w=1600&h=1238&client=tablet-android-samsung&bih=800&biw=1280&q=advanced%20heavy%20armor%20concept%20art&ved=0ahUKEwizrKzOyp_UAhUF0iYKHcpyCdYQMwgxKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 the heavy armor for the troops. This is in place, and would most likely be classified as a mech, making the user 4ft taller and 6 ft wider, it lacks speed and stealth, but is heavy armored and equipped with not only hand cannons, but can hold the HMG-43. The electomagnetic armor is much stronger, 30x the capacity of the normal armoe, and when it does fail, the actual metal is designed to be much stronger, able to deflect even blasts from that classified as a tank, or a battleship. Despite these things, an AI is installed to scan the area, inform the wearer of any danger it sees (and the wearer doesn't see), and makes it to where no one unarthorized to wear the suit can use it, as it will release a built in toxin to put the intruder in a coma like state, untill the antidote is administered. It is also armed with advanced explosive rockets, shot out of its back and ordered to track what the wearer targets. There are 7 in total.
HMG-43, https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=29469&stc=1&imgrefurl=https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/unreal-tournament-development/ut-development-art/15369-eightball-s-concept-art-thread&docid=0qlI6Qwu7ad6yM&tbnid=ydxGYQ_KTTbMQM:&vet=10ahUKEwjmrLv6zp_UAhUm9IMKHaZ9AMoQMwhSKBowGg..i&w=1250&h=790&client=tablet-android-samsung&bih=800&biw=1280&q=advanced minigun concept art&ved=0ahUKEwjmrLv6zp_UAhUm9IMKHaZ9AMoQMwhSKBowGg&iact=mrc&uact=8 an advanced machine gun, big enough only to be held by those with heavy armor, it's ammo is 40x the strength of that of the rifle, it if fully automatic, and possess a high fire rate and range. The downside, it that the cartridge cannot be replaced during battle, so it's designed to hold 2000 ammo.
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GKES military files
Types of ships:
Corvettes- Considered small, yet speedy in the intergalactic warzone, these ships amount to the size of a structure such as the iffel tower in length, being about 5x in width, their easy rate of production means that packing these speedy ships with high firepower is what the GKES do. Mostly used to protect convoys, small space stations, and can be used in security clearance (if ships decide to enter GKES space, or to check convoys floating from one planet to another within the supramacy).
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/672/976/large/adam-burn-fortress-class.jpg?1430429016&imgrefurl=https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yJdQ5&docid=Z3RPP20Z9mqyOM&tbnid=z56Zn6bZ5XYUrM:&vet=10ahUKEwiUqaSCvKXUAhVF4CYKHcjrAlgQMwg4KAgwCA..i&w=1600&h=860&client=tablet-android-samsung&bih=800&biw=1280&q=advanced ships concept art&ved=0ahUKEwiUqaSCvKXUAhVF4CYKHcjrAlgQMwg4KAgwCA&iact=mrc&uact=8
Numbers: WIP
Destroyers- Large, behemoth ships, masters of both attack and defense, and at an affordable cost, these ships are at a size comparable to a large town (the size comparison sheet will be linked at the end). These things lack speed, and such must rely on said attack and defense to get the job done. Used in offensive missions against other factions, and pirate groups at times. Can land pods on planets, moons, ect. Can damage entities and buildings on planets, moons, ect from space. Border control
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...KXUAhVF4CYKHcjrAlgQMwgzKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8 (ignore demensions)
Cruisers- Considered the father to the destroyer, it is bigger, has much greater firepower and defense, though is slower, and harder to produce. At a size of a metropolis, it's designed for maximum damage use, used more for attack than defense. Used against other factions, to defend important planets, to land troops, to insure the capture of planets, moons, ect, to insure maximum destruction to its target, so not used for raiding. Can be used to transport others into GKES space.
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur...qfUAhUMxYMKHfaJAPQQMwhWKBkwGQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 (ignore demensions)
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The Astartes Imperiale

An Astartes Battle Captain of the 303rd Star Legion during the Liberation of Hragok.
Nobody knows precisely when the Astartes were founded, but it was some time during the very early Empire. Some speculate it was a top secret Westlandian weapons project seized by Vadius and his men during the revolution. However the technology came about, the first Astartes were like nothing anyone had seen before. The first 100,000 men were hand picked by Vadius I himself. They were the best warriors the galaxy had seen at that point, and they were the tip of the emperor's spear, escorting him into battle and leading the Empire's expansion. Today, thousands of years later, the Astartes represent the best of Vadia's armed forces. They undergo an extensive genetic modification, and years of harsh training. They don suits of power armor that can resist anti tank weapons and carry a variety of Vadia's most powerful weapons systems. Some of the most daring and ludicrous feats of Vadia's long history have been accomplished by Astartes.

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