• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Closed r e n o v a t e

best seen at 100% on chrome

Elodie Blythe Scamander

Running across the green pastures of the field, loud and cheerful laughter could be heard. The sound of the wind whistled past her small frame as her hair blew in her face, but it didn't matter to her, she was free, running as quickly as she could all around the wide, open area. Bagheera, a grey spotted half serval and half kneazle, on the other hand, lazily slept on top of Colt, the Abraxan that Elodie had grew up with. There was a whole herd of Abraxans in the field of where the Scamander-Cross family lived, they, afterall, bred them. Nevertheless, the young brunette swiftly ran around the meadow, loving the feeling as she felt as if she was flying. Although the female was short in stature, she held a lot of energy and vibrancy in her small silhouette.

"Elodie!" A stressed-voice called from the distance as a woman stood in the back doorway, shaking her head at her child's rambunctious nature of dirtying her dresses or rather any article of clothing she had on that day.

Hearing her mother's voice, Elodie stopped in her tracks quickly, only to fall and trip over her shoes as she face planted into the dirt near where Colt was grazing in the grass and Bagheera had been resting. A loud "oomph" was heard as Elodie plopped her face up and got up from where she fell. A small laugh escaped her lips as she tried to brush off the dirt on her clothes, but to no avail. Seeing Elodie's dilemma, Colt neighed, giving a slight rasberry respond as Bagheera lazily looked over and mewed. With a small grin, Elodie walked over and gently petted both Colt and Bagheera, whispering, "Maman's going to be upset with me, isn't she?" At those words, Elodie sighed before picked up her shoes as she always loved walking bare-foot, trusting nature to take its course and to protect her, perhaps. With another neigh, Colt nudged and pushed her back in the direction of her house. With one last look, Elodie hugged Colt's face, sighing softly, "I'm going to miss you, Colt. Take care of Papa and Maman for me okay?" Closing his eyes as he took in Elodie's embrace, he gave a softer neigh in response, saddened to see her go off.

After a few more moments, Elodie had let go of Colt before taking Bagheera in her arms, waving a sad goodbye. "See you soon, Colt!" At that, her little feet made it's way towards home, hastily. Once she approached her mother who seemed well-intent on giving her a scolding as well as a disappointed look at what a mess she looked, her Maman sighed, shaking her head, "Ma chérie, you know how I feel about you running without shoes on. And, look at you! You're a mess! Come inside, we need to clean you up before we take you to the train." As she felt her mother's tone of disappointment, Elodie swayed her body to the side, biting her lips as she peeked up from her eyelids, "Mais . Maman. . Je suis désolé. . It was just. . . the sun was shining. . and and. . Colt was running through the meadow and it looked like so much fun! I just. . wanted to go out and be with nature at home before leaving off to school.. . " Elodie's tone drifted slowly and softly away as she finished her explanation, a little saddened that her mother was scolding her, yet again. Feeling Elodie's change in emotions, Bagheera curled up next to her before purring against her cheeks.

With a sigh, her mother knelt next to her, gently touching her face as she brought Elodie into a hug, "Oh, mon poupée, I understand. But, you need to remember to listen to your professors as well. If you go off on your own to find the little daring adventures you love, you may get an even bigger punishment and do you want to get expelled from school?" At hearing those words, Elodie's eyes widened in surprise before shaking her head quickly, "Non! I don't. I have been waiting for years for my letter!" Smiling, her mother nodded, signaling her to come inside, "Remember that, okay?" Soon, Elodie took her mother's hand with her free hand as Bagheera followed inside, jumping up on her father's lap, mewing before a loud chuckle echoed inside the house of the Scamanders.

Late was an understatement as Elodie just recently got onto the train as it was preparing for take off. Before fully getting inside, she had waved goodbye to her mother and father, smiling widely before their silhouette slowly became a blur. Soon enough, she made her way inside, practically skipping as she held Bagheera in her arms. As she looked around for a place to sit, her eyes zoomed in on a trolley cart filled with so many different kind of snacks! Squealing slightly, Elodie quickly made her way over as her eyes widened in delight as she looked at the Trolley lady. "Bonjour, madam!" She said cheerfully as her french accent fell through. "Everything here looks so delightful!" Elodie commented as Bagheera mewed before he took notice of another cat in the compartment the trolley lady had stopped at. Looking over to see what Bagheera was mewing at, Elodie noticed three people inside. With a bubbly yet shy smile, Elodie waved, "Hello there! Is that seat taken? It's been a while since Bagheera had interactions with another cat." At that, Elodie lifted Bagheera so the others could get a better look at him as he perked his ears in response. Soon, Elodie looked back at the trolley lady, smiling before her attention went back towards the others, "I'm Elodie! And I hope I wasn't intruding!" She finished, cheerily.
location: home - compartment two | scenario: "the trolley and new friends" | with: susanna, kliff, and clay | tags:
coding; allrightsreserved crucialstar
note: 100% mobile friendly and 100% can be used on any screen resolution. this is not a freebie. please ask.
in character code

Valerie Aspen Blanchard
Reincarnation: eris, goddess of chaos, strife, discord
Guild: styx
Location: dining room - game room
Scenario: "nothing will keep us apart"
With: [formerly] katya
[currently] phil, cami, oliver

"They broke the wrong parts of me.
They broke my wings and forgot I had claws."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec ipsum condimentum justo vehicula volutpat eget vitae ligula. Sed vehicula dignissim nulla nec sodales. Phasellus sem neque, consectetur a leo non, condimentum semper ipsum. Sed quis dolor finibus, varius leo a, mattis lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tempus, nibh vestibulum facilisis placerat, diam erat sagittis nisl, et dapibus ex lorem eu orci. Fusce id nisi mollis, mattis elit id, imperdiet enim. Mauris elementum metus metus. Cras consectetur mi sed quam imperdiet mattis. Vestibulum interdum, lectus fringilla vestibulum tempus, urna enim pulvinar urna, vel accumsan neque est eu felis. Proin imperdiet, urna id molestie scelerisque, ligula nisi tristique purus, in aliquam sem lorem sed ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Etiam scelerisque erat libero, ac interdum justo fermentum ut. Etiam dignissim consectetur velit, ut feugiat ante hendrerit vitae. Nulla et est venenatis, elementum risus sed, dictum mauris. Sed semper ex maximus, tincidunt augue vitae, ultricies est. Nulla non dui ornare, mattis quam pellentesque, euismod urna. Phasellus mattis turpis lorem. Suspendisse mollis tellus ac nunc suscipit laoreet. Quisque nec condimentum risus. Vivamus dui odio, eleifend non semper eget, dignissim ut arcu. Ut sed bibendum nunc.

Mauris vulputate mi in gravida tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec aliquam ullamcorper mi ut rhoncus. Morbi id commodo ipsum. Etiam nisl leo, facilisis vitae enim eget, lacinia porta ipsum. Nulla molestie risus non nulla mattis lacinia. Nunc rutrum arcu quis urna placerat ullamcorper. Nam ultricies tellus quis nibh efficitur dapibus. Vivamus pretium scelerisque imperdiet. Aenean quis viverra magna, nec sollicitudin orci.

Vivamus sagittis nisi quis augue condimentum, ut tempus libero faucibus. Etiam tincidunt neque lectus, nec pharetra turpis congue id. Pellentesque semper, dolor a sagittis ultricies, tellus nisl lobortis diam, sit amet consequat orci metus at purus. Duis felis diam, euismod ut metus non, blandit porta massa. Etiam dapibus nibh purus, non lobortis enim lacinia sed. Nam lacinia commodo lacus sed auctor. Sed congue, ipsum a dapibus pellentesque, odio sapien cursus elit, iaculis luctus turpis est a mauris. Aenean sit amet augue vitae diam condimentum euismod. Mauris auctor scelerisque mi. Sed sit amet orci id turpis dapibus accumsan. Integer at mauris eu felis congue ornare. Proin lobortis fringilla fermentum. Aenean interdum velit sit amet turpis tincidunt, vel imperdiet tellus facilisis.

Aenean tincidunt ex vitae volutpat ultricies. In eget ligula lobortis, finibus leo sit amet, laoreet dui. Suspendisse tincidunt justo dolor, a pretium elit facilisis in. Quisque iaculis ac tellus nec imperdiet. Donec tristique ante at leo ullamcorper, id rhoncus justo lobortis. Mauris id ipsum laoreet, fermentum dolor sodales, viverra ipsum. Praesent euismod eros risus. Etiam massa ex, sagittis vel dolor eget, condimentum rutrum leo. Aenean et imperdiet odio. Phasellus sed purus vel neque elementum interdum.
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
Last edited:
MegMath13 MegMath13 : oh my goodness! Thank you! And I can try and answer any questions if you'd like? It took me awhile to code as well! And I don't have a specific form, actually, so let me know if there's something you'd like and I will do my best!
Hi lovely!! I was looking to see if there was a certain form I needed to fill out for a request, because I have two. Whatcha want me to fill out?
lonecoyote lonecoyote : hi lovely! ahhhh! of course! I don't have a specific request form since I think I do better request without it! but, what kind of code are you looking for? any specificities as in the kind of style you'd like?
deer deer I realized that their wasn't request form but if you can(and you can take as much time as you need) is it okay if you can create for mme an in character post for the face claims of Nina Dobrev and Sean O'Pry. You can make the way you want I don't really mind but like again take as much time need if you would like to make it for me :D
Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah : hi dearie! of course I can make one for you! and thank you so much for being lenient with the request time!

yes, I don't have a request form since I realized that when I did a code with a request form, the code turned out not the way I liked. But, if there's anything specific as in the color theme (for example: pastel, shades of green, etc,) let me know! (I love Nina Dobrev!)
Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah : hi dearie! of course I can make one for you! and thank you so much for being lenient with the request time!

yes, I don't have a request form since I realized that when I did a code with a request form, the code turned out not the way I liked. But, if there's anything specific as in the color theme (for example: pastel, shades of green, etc,) let me know! (I love Nina Dobrev!)
No no you can do whatever theme you like I don't mind (And I love Nina to xD)
Character Sheets
Note: Another character sheet for another roleplay. Honestly, I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it's a simple and easy to use code, I would think.
I'm a bit tired right now so this code was just pure instincts and sleepiness. I hope you guys enjoy, regardless. Much love.

Emmeline Hertz


About Her:

"Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine."
(see 'FOLKLORE' tab)


Underneath the Surface:







coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
Would you mind me using this for a character sheet? I would rather ask then just use I don't want to come off as rude..
MegMath13 MegMath13 : Of course dearie, you're free to use that code! Would you still like me to make a separate code for you or will you use the ones here that are freebies?
character sheet made for lonecoyote lonecoyote , it is only for her usage, please and thank you.
note: 100% mobile friendly and 100% usable for any screen resolution

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit odio. Aenean mauris velit, condimentum ut egestas ac, blandit eu odio. Fusce elementum sapien libero, et porta ex facilisis fringilla. Praesent augue est, ultrices at nisi semper, dignissim rhoncus leo. Sed tristique erat sit amet nunc placerat dapibus. Nunc vel nunc ut ante mattis viverra id nec elit. Aenean eget sem odio.

Nam feugiat mattis pharetra. Nam viverra odio dolor, in dictum augue varius ac. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam interdum tempor sem, vel maximus arcu gravida in. Proin ac iaculis lorem. Aliquam eu mattis tortor, sed fringilla diam. Pellentesque efficitur commodo lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean sit amet augue ac lacus imperdiet tempor vel porttitor tortor. Morbi ultrices vitae diam eu placerat.

Donec at mauris rutrum, elementum dolor viverra, rhoncus augue. Maecenas eu enim at mi vulputate fermentum. Sed blandit enim id hendrerit facilisis. Nullam lectus sapien, sollicitudin eget urna vel, ultricies congue eros. Etiam purus enim, consequat quis cursus vitae, suscipit at libero. Morbi eu viverra justo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque non luctus nibh, non aliquet lectus. Phasellus volutpat vestibulum leo, ac fringilla tellus ullamcorper tempus. Nunc in ligula nec magna facilisis mollis pulvinar vitae urna.

Cras id fermentum massa. Praesent lobortis mi ac ante congue, ac mollis mi porttitor. Cras vel vulputate tortor, aliquet lobortis ipsum. Donec vel arcu ut sapien sagittis faucibus. Nunc in cursus purus. Morbi lacus risus, luctus in tincidunt sed, ornare sed neque. Praesent ac lorem tincidunt, ornare ipsum sit amet, porttitor sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut sodales, neque eget viverra varius, metus quam iaculis nibh, quis convallis odio erat eu leo. Quisque commodo imperdiet convallis. Ut quis dignissim lectus, vitae vehicula est. Integer aliquam metus felis, id interdum turpis eleifend nec. Morbi placerat erat vel tortor ornare, vitae blandit libero tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit odio. Aenean mauris velit, condimentum ut egestas ac, blandit eu odio. Fusce elementum sapien libero, et porta ex facilisis fringilla. Praesent augue est, ultrices at nisi semper, dignissim rhoncus leo. Sed tristique erat sit amet nunc placerat dapibus. Nunc vel nunc ut ante mattis viverra id nec elit. Aenean eget sem odio.

Nam feugiat mattis pharetra. Nam viverra odio dolor, in dictum augue varius ac. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam interdum tempor sem, vel maximus arcu gravida in. Proin ac iaculis lorem. Aliquam eu mattis tortor, sed fringilla diam. Pellentesque efficitur commodo lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean sit amet augue ac lacus imperdiet tempor vel porttitor tortor. Morbi ultrices vitae diam eu placerat.

Donec at mauris rutrum, elementum dolor viverra, rhoncus augue. Maecenas eu enim at mi vulputate fermentum. Sed blandit enim id hendrerit facilisis. Nullam lectus sapien, sollicitudin eget urna vel, ultricies congue eros. Etiam purus enim, consequat quis cursus vitae, suscipit at libero. Morbi eu viverra justo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque non luctus nibh, non aliquet lectus. Phasellus volutpat vestibulum leo, ac fringilla tellus ullamcorper tempus. Nunc in ligula nec magna facilisis mollis pulvinar vitae urna.

Cras id fermentum massa. Praesent lobortis mi ac ante congue, ac mollis mi porttitor. Cras vel vulputate tortor, aliquet lobortis ipsum. Donec vel arcu ut sapien sagittis faucibus. Nunc in cursus purus. Morbi lacus risus, luctus in tincidunt sed, ornare sed neque. Praesent ac lorem tincidunt, ornare ipsum sit amet, porttitor sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut sodales, neque eget viverra varius, metus quam iaculis nibh, quis convallis odio erat eu leo. Quisque commodo imperdiet convallis. Ut quis dignissim lectus, vitae vehicula est. Integer aliquam metus felis, id interdum turpis eleifend nec. Morbi placerat erat vel tortor ornare, vitae blandit libero tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit odio. Aenean mauris velit, condimentum ut egestas ac, blandit eu odio. Fusce elementum sapien libero, et porta ex facilisis fringilla. Praesent augue est, ultrices at nisi semper, dignissim rhoncus leo. Sed tristique erat sit amet nunc placerat dapibus. Nunc vel nunc ut ante mattis viverra id nec elit. Aenean eget sem odio.

Nam feugiat mattis pharetra. Nam viverra odio dolor, in dictum augue varius ac. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam interdum tempor sem, vel maximus arcu gravida in. Proin ac iaculis lorem. Aliquam eu mattis tortor, sed fringilla diam. Pellentesque efficitur commodo lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean sit amet augue ac lacus imperdiet tempor vel porttitor tortor. Morbi ultrices vitae diam eu placerat.

Donec at mauris rutrum, elementum dolor viverra, rhoncus augue. Maecenas eu enim at mi vulputate fermentum. Sed blandit enim id hendrerit facilisis. Nullam lectus sapien, sollicitudin eget urna vel, ultricies congue eros. Etiam purus enim, consequat quis cursus vitae, suscipit at libero. Morbi eu viverra justo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque non luctus nibh, non aliquet lectus. Phasellus volutpat vestibulum leo, ac fringilla tellus ullamcorper tempus. Nunc in ligula nec magna facilisis mollis pulvinar vitae urna.

Cras id fermentum massa. Praesent lobortis mi ac ante congue, ac mollis mi porttitor. Cras vel vulputate tortor, aliquet lobortis ipsum. Donec vel arcu ut sapien sagittis faucibus. Nunc in cursus purus. Morbi lacus risus, luctus in tincidunt sed, ornare sed neque. Praesent ac lorem tincidunt, ornare ipsum sit amet, porttitor sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut sodales, neque eget viverra varius, metus quam iaculis nibh, quis convallis odio erat eu leo. Quisque commodo imperdiet convallis. Ut quis dignissim lectus, vitae vehicula est. Integer aliquam metus felis, id interdum turpis eleifend nec. Morbi placerat erat vel tortor ornare, vitae blandit libero tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit odio. Aenean mauris velit, condimentum ut egestas ac, blandit eu odio. Fusce elementum sapien libero, et porta ex facilisis fringilla. Praesent augue est, ultrices at nisi semper, dignissim rhoncus leo. Sed tristique erat sit amet nunc placerat dapibus. Nunc vel nunc ut ante mattis viverra id nec elit. Aenean eget sem odio.

Nam feugiat mattis pharetra. Nam viverra odio dolor, in dictum augue varius ac. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam interdum tempor sem, vel maximus arcu gravida in. Proin ac iaculis lorem. Aliquam eu mattis tortor, sed fringilla diam. Pellentesque efficitur commodo lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean sit amet augue ac lacus imperdiet tempor vel porttitor tortor. Morbi ultrices vitae diam eu placerat.

Donec at mauris rutrum, elementum dolor viverra, rhoncus augue. Maecenas eu enim at mi vulputate fermentum. Sed blandit enim id hendrerit facilisis. Nullam lectus sapien, sollicitudin eget urna vel, ultricies congue eros. Etiam purus enim, consequat quis cursus vitae, suscipit at libero. Morbi eu viverra justo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque non luctus nibh, non aliquet lectus. Phasellus volutpat vestibulum leo, ac fringilla tellus ullamcorper tempus. Nunc in ligula nec magna facilisis mollis pulvinar vitae urna.

Cras id fermentum massa. Praesent lobortis mi ac ante congue, ac mollis mi porttitor. Cras vel vulputate tortor, aliquet lobortis ipsum. Donec vel arcu ut sapien sagittis faucibus. Nunc in cursus purus. Morbi lacus risus, luctus in tincidunt sed, ornare sed neque. Praesent ac lorem tincidunt, ornare ipsum sit amet, porttitor sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut sodales, neque eget viverra varius, metus quam iaculis nibh, quis convallis odio erat eu leo. Quisque commodo imperdiet convallis. Ut quis dignissim lectus, vitae vehicula est. Integer aliquam metus felis, id interdum turpis eleifend nec. Morbi placerat erat vel tortor ornare, vitae blandit libero tincidunt.

"quote or name here, laa dee daa dums baa boo"

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
Aaahhh! It's absolute perfection, Cruci <3 I am in love with everything about it and the soft colors are perfect and better than I ever imagined!!
lonecoyote lonecoyote : oh my gosh! i'm so so so so happy that you like everything about it! and i honestly love the softness of the colors as well! i'm going to work on your second character sheet for you! eeeep , this makes me happy!
Hey deer deer could you make me an in character for the Hogwarts roleplay? Maybe lavender or light blues for color scheme other than that I have no idea what else so I guess it's up to your create expertise
matching character sheet made for lonecoyote lonecoyote , it is only for her usage, please and thank you.
note: 100% mobile friendly and 100% usable for any screen resolution

"quote or name here, laa dee daa dums baa boo"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit odio. Aenean mauris velit, condimentum ut egestas ac, blandit eu odio. Fusce elementum sapien libero, et porta ex facilisis fringilla. Praesent augue est, ultrices at nisi semper, dignissim rhoncus leo. Sed tristique erat sit amet nunc placerat dapibus. Nunc vel nunc ut ante mattis viverra id nec elit. Aenean eget sem odio.

Nam feugiat mattis pharetra. Nam viverra odio dolor, in dictum augue varius ac. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam interdum tempor sem, vel maximus arcu gravida in. Proin ac iaculis lorem. Aliquam eu mattis tortor, sed fringilla diam. Pellentesque efficitur commodo lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean sit amet augue ac lacus imperdiet tempor vel porttitor tortor. Morbi ultrices vitae diam eu placerat.

Donec at mauris rutrum, elementum dolor viverra, rhoncus augue. Maecenas eu enim at mi vulputate fermentum. Sed blandit enim id hendrerit facilisis. Nullam lectus sapien, sollicitudin eget urna vel, ultricies congue eros. Etiam purus enim, consequat quis cursus vitae, suscipit at libero. Morbi eu viverra justo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque non luctus nibh, non aliquet lectus. Phasellus volutpat vestibulum leo, ac fringilla tellus ullamcorper tempus. Nunc in ligula nec magna facilisis mollis pulvinar vitae urna.

Cras id fermentum massa. Praesent lobortis mi ac ante congue, ac mollis mi porttitor. Cras vel vulputate tortor, aliquet lobortis ipsum. Donec vel arcu ut sapien sagittis faucibus. Nunc in cursus purus. Morbi lacus risus, luctus in tincidunt sed, ornare sed neque. Praesent ac lorem tincidunt, ornare ipsum sit amet, porttitor sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut sodales, neque eget viverra varius, metus quam iaculis nibh, quis convallis odio erat eu leo. Quisque commodo imperdiet convallis. Ut quis dignissim lectus, vitae vehicula est. Integer aliquam metus felis, id interdum turpis eleifend nec. Morbi placerat erat vel tortor ornare, vitae blandit libero tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit odio. Aenean mauris velit, condimentum ut egestas ac, blandit eu odio. Fusce elementum sapien libero, et porta ex facilisis fringilla. Praesent augue est, ultrices at nisi semper, dignissim rhoncus leo. Sed tristique erat sit amet nunc placerat dapibus. Nunc vel nunc ut ante mattis viverra id nec elit. Aenean eget sem odio.

Nam feugiat mattis pharetra. Nam viverra odio dolor, in dictum augue varius ac. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam interdum tempor sem, vel maximus arcu gravida in. Proin ac iaculis lorem. Aliquam eu mattis tortor, sed fringilla diam. Pellentesque efficitur commodo lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean sit amet augue ac lacus imperdiet tempor vel porttitor tortor. Morbi ultrices vitae diam eu placerat.

Donec at mauris rutrum, elementum dolor viverra, rhoncus augue. Maecenas eu enim at mi vulputate fermentum. Sed blandit enim id hendrerit facilisis. Nullam lectus sapien, sollicitudin eget urna vel, ultricies congue eros. Etiam purus enim, consequat quis cursus vitae, suscipit at libero. Morbi eu viverra justo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque non luctus nibh, non aliquet lectus. Phasellus volutpat vestibulum leo, ac fringilla tellus ullamcorper tempus. Nunc in ligula nec magna facilisis mollis pulvinar vitae urna.

Cras id fermentum massa. Praesent lobortis mi ac ante congue, ac mollis mi porttitor. Cras vel vulputate tortor, aliquet lobortis ipsum. Donec vel arcu ut sapien sagittis faucibus. Nunc in cursus purus. Morbi lacus risus, luctus in tincidunt sed, ornare sed neque. Praesent ac lorem tincidunt, ornare ipsum sit amet, porttitor sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut sodales, neque eget viverra varius, metus quam iaculis nibh, quis convallis odio erat eu leo. Quisque commodo imperdiet convallis. Ut quis dignissim lectus, vitae vehicula est. Integer aliquam metus felis, id interdum turpis eleifend nec. Morbi placerat erat vel tortor ornare, vitae blandit libero tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit odio. Aenean mauris velit, condimentum ut egestas ac, blandit eu odio. Fusce elementum sapien libero, et porta ex facilisis fringilla. Praesent augue est, ultrices at nisi semper, dignissim rhoncus leo. Sed tristique erat sit amet nunc placerat dapibus. Nunc vel nunc ut ante mattis viverra id nec elit. Aenean eget sem odio.

Nam feugiat mattis pharetra. Nam viverra odio dolor, in dictum augue varius ac. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam interdum tempor sem, vel maximus arcu gravida in. Proin ac iaculis lorem. Aliquam eu mattis tortor, sed fringilla diam. Pellentesque efficitur commodo lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean sit amet augue ac lacus imperdiet tempor vel porttitor tortor. Morbi ultrices vitae diam eu placerat.

Donec at mauris rutrum, elementum dolor viverra, rhoncus augue. Maecenas eu enim at mi vulputate fermentum. Sed blandit enim id hendrerit facilisis. Nullam lectus sapien, sollicitudin eget urna vel, ultricies congue eros. Etiam purus enim, consequat quis cursus vitae, suscipit at libero. Morbi eu viverra justo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque non luctus nibh, non aliquet lectus. Phasellus volutpat vestibulum leo, ac fringilla tellus ullamcorper tempus. Nunc in ligula nec magna facilisis mollis pulvinar vitae urna.

Cras id fermentum massa. Praesent lobortis mi ac ante congue, ac mollis mi porttitor. Cras vel vulputate tortor, aliquet lobortis ipsum. Donec vel arcu ut sapien sagittis faucibus. Nunc in cursus purus. Morbi lacus risus, luctus in tincidunt sed, ornare sed neque. Praesent ac lorem tincidunt, ornare ipsum sit amet, porttitor sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut sodales, neque eget viverra varius, metus quam iaculis nibh, quis convallis odio erat eu leo. Quisque commodo imperdiet convallis. Ut quis dignissim lectus, vitae vehicula est. Integer aliquam metus felis, id interdum turpis eleifend nec. Morbi placerat erat vel tortor ornare, vitae blandit libero tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit odio. Aenean mauris velit, condimentum ut egestas ac, blandit eu odio. Fusce elementum sapien libero, et porta ex facilisis fringilla. Praesent augue est, ultrices at nisi semper, dignissim rhoncus leo. Sed tristique erat sit amet nunc placerat dapibus. Nunc vel nunc ut ante mattis viverra id nec elit. Aenean eget sem odio.

Nam feugiat mattis pharetra. Nam viverra odio dolor, in dictum augue varius ac. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam interdum tempor sem, vel maximus arcu gravida in. Proin ac iaculis lorem. Aliquam eu mattis tortor, sed fringilla diam. Pellentesque efficitur commodo lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean sit amet augue ac lacus imperdiet tempor vel porttitor tortor. Morbi ultrices vitae diam eu placerat.

Donec at mauris rutrum, elementum dolor viverra, rhoncus augue. Maecenas eu enim at mi vulputate fermentum. Sed blandit enim id hendrerit facilisis. Nullam lectus sapien, sollicitudin eget urna vel, ultricies congue eros. Etiam purus enim, consequat quis cursus vitae, suscipit at libero. Morbi eu viverra justo. Nulla facilisi. Quisque non luctus nibh, non aliquet lectus. Phasellus volutpat vestibulum leo, ac fringilla tellus ullamcorper tempus. Nunc in ligula nec magna facilisis mollis pulvinar vitae urna.

Cras id fermentum massa. Praesent lobortis mi ac ante congue, ac mollis mi porttitor. Cras vel vulputate tortor, aliquet lobortis ipsum. Donec vel arcu ut sapien sagittis faucibus. Nunc in cursus purus. Morbi lacus risus, luctus in tincidunt sed, ornare sed neque. Praesent ac lorem tincidunt, ornare ipsum sit amet, porttitor sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut sodales, neque eget viverra varius, metus quam iaculis nibh, quis convallis odio erat eu leo. Quisque commodo imperdiet convallis. Ut quis dignissim lectus, vitae vehicula est. Integer aliquam metus felis, id interdum turpis eleifend nec. Morbi placerat erat vel tortor ornare, vitae blandit libero tincidunt.

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
MegMath13 MegMath13 : hi dearie, here is your in character code! if there's any changes let me know! it is best seen at 100% on chrome and is 100% mobile friendly!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel minim aeterno pertinacia in, id corpora consequuntur his. Cu eos dictas habemus adolescens. Cu dicta aeque phaedrum eam, sea ne tantas soluta platonem, pri mollis numquam deterruisset te. Sit omnes nostro in, pri iudico labitur sententiae ad. Vis debet nemore delicata id, recusabo intellegam at pri. Dolore persecuti mei ne, pri elitr expetenda referrentur id. Sit illum tractatos id.

Et option debitis delicata eum, munere molestie imperdiet et sea. Causae percipitur cum in, eos et errem deterruisset, et mundi dolor ocurreret cum. Ei his veniam albucius vulputate, usu odio erroribus ex. At atqui nostro efficiendi vix. Ut officiis constituto sit. Usu ei saperet vulputate conclusionemque, dicit zril deseruisse eam te.

Ad possim postulant scripserit nec. Meis consul epicuri ne sed. Cu munere option forensibus vix. Vim eu suas dignissim, at nec pericula tincidunt.

Diceret inermis in mei, veritus voluptua sea ex. Et quo dolorum pertinacia maiestatis, eu sea urbanitas intellegam delicatissimi. At sit vero omittam euripidis. Usu impetus delectus an, alienum menandri antiopam ut mei.

Te affert noster has. Alia debitis qui ei, ne rebum pertinacia vis. Ne luptatum incorrupte scribentur qui. Suscipit conceptam sententiae eu quo, est clita voluptua hendrerit et. Vix at comprehensam signiferumque, at officiis omittantu est.

house: hufflepuff? | location: home - train? | scenario: meow
mood: estatic? | with: so and so | tags: link link
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

[centerblock=70][bg=#D7C9D9][row][column=span2][bg=transparent; pointer-events: none;][IMG]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=116453323[/IMG][IMG]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=127740565[/IMG][IMG]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=127739739[/IMG][/bg][/column][column=span6][FONT=Short Stack][SIZE=10][b][COLOR=#E5E9FC]NAME WRITTEN HERE[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE][/FONT]
[div=background-color: #D7C9D9; margin: auto; overflow: auto; height: 250px;][SIZE=3][COLOR=white]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel minim aeterno pertinacia in, id corpora consequuntur his. Cu eos dictas habemus adolescens. Cu dicta aeque phaedrum eam, sea ne tantas soluta platonem, pri mollis numquam deterruisset te. Sit omnes nostro in, pri iudico labitur sententiae ad. Vis debet nemore delicata id, recusabo intellegam at pri. Dolore persecuti mei ne, pri elitr expetenda referrentur id. Sit illum tractatos id.

Et option debitis delicata eum, munere molestie imperdiet et sea. Causae percipitur cum in, eos et errem deterruisset, et mundi dolor ocurreret cum. Ei his veniam albucius vulputate, usu odio erroribus ex. At atqui nostro efficiendi vix. Ut officiis constituto sit. Usu ei saperet vulputate conclusionemque, dicit zril deseruisse eam te.

Ad possim postulant scripserit nec. Meis consul epicuri ne sed. Cu munere option forensibus vix. Vim eu suas dignissim, at nec pericula tincidunt.

Diceret inermis in mei, veritus voluptua sea ex. Et quo dolorum pertinacia maiestatis, eu sea urbanitas intellegam delicatissimi. At sit vero omittam euripidis. Usu impetus delectus an, alienum menandri antiopam ut mei.

Te affert noster has. Alia debitis qui ei, ne rebum pertinacia vis. Ne luptatum incorrupte scribentur qui. Suscipit conceptam sententiae eu quo, est clita voluptua hendrerit et. Vix at comprehensam signiferumque, at officiis omittantu est.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/div]
[border=1px solid #E5E9FC][CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=white]house: hufflepuff? | location: home - train? | scenario:  meow 
mood: estatic? | with: so and so | tags: link link[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/border][/column][/row][/bg]
[RIGHT][SIZE=2]coding; allrightsreserved @crucialstar[/SIZE][/RIGHT][/centerblock]
Last edited:
in character code - laa dee daa - best at 100% zoom

Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way. . .

Echoes of children's laughter permeated through 'an móinéir milis' (the sweet meadow). The vibrant colors of green, pink, yellow, and brown surrounded the small, tiny silhouettes as their little feet scrambled around, running care-freely in the open area. As the sun beamed down from the sky, a slight breeze flowed through the air. A game of hide and seek was starting as each little ones found a place to hide, not wanting the seeker to find them. Finding a hiding spot was always hard, especially when there was only so much room to scatter across the field, but nevertheless, it was exciting!

Soon, a young princess Áine found her hideaway behind a big oak tree; her hand covered her mouth to prevent any noise or sound to escape her lips. A smile formed inside her hands as she suppressed the urge to giggle loudly. Hide and seek was her favorite game to play! She always knew, no matter who the seeker was, they could always find her, especially her most trusted friend Ella. As Áine remained hidden behind the tree, she waited and waited until someone found her. However, as time passed, the day was growing longer and the heat was starting to affect the young princess. Where had everyone gone? Did they forget about her? So many thoughts went through her head as she was getting worried. Why didn't she hear any voices?

Feeling tired from waiting, Áine got up from her spot, only to fall back down due to the numbness in her leg. With a slight whimper and a small "ow" that escaped her lips, tears formed around her eyes as she bite her lips, not exactly happy with the fact that no one came to see where she was and how she was doing. Once more she got up, feeling little statics on her legs as it was waking up. A small giggle escaped her lips, feeling absolutely ticklish from the feeling.

Walking back to where the "base" was which was in the middle of the sweet meadow, Áine looked up as the sky seemed to darken. Had she been out all day already? It didn't feel that long. However, seeing no signs of her two friends and her sister, Áine called out worriedly. "Hello? Is anyone out there? Ella? Bash? Aoife?" But, as she continued calling out their names, no one showed up. Soon, before she knew it, she felt a presence behind her, feeling relieved it could be her friends and her sister, however, only disappointment, shock, and fear showed on her face. Before the young little princess was a tall male with a blurred face and blood drenched all over him. She couldn't recognize him but, she recognized her friends and her sister though they didn't look like themselves. Instead, they were dirty, still, and almost lifeless.

Her eyes widened in horror as she screamed in fright from what she saw. They couldn't be. . not dead. . ! But before Áine could run away, huge massive hands extended towards her. She couldn't move as she felt planted to the ground. Shaking rapidly, Áine screamed for her sister and for her friends. "Aoife! Ella! Bash!"

Into a land of enchantment . . .

At that, Áine's eyes quickly fluttered open as cold sweat dripped down from her face. Her head moved side to side, seeing the blankets around her fumbled together in absolute chaos. Had she been dreaming again? How much has she moved? Her stare was blank, almost emotionless. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but feel a scratchiness and dryness in her throat as if she screamed so loud and long that she lost her voice. Her heart beat pounded erratically against her chest from the jolt of being woken up from such a nightmare. However, at hearing footsteps coming near to her chambers, Áine quickly fixed the sheets around her, putting it straight and neatly as she closed her eyes. At hearing a faint knock, Áine stayed still in her position, keeping her eyes closed, relaxing her face to make it seem as if she was asleep.

As the person came inside, if she could, Áine would have let out a sigh of relief, knowing it was none other than her handmaiden Eleanor due to her footsteps and her scent. Hearing her caring voice in the morning to wake her up, Áine slowly fluttered her eyes open, smelling the scent of food near her bedside as Ella opened the curtains from the porthole of Éireannian's Fleet. Blinking slightly to adjust her vision as the sun light shined through the port-hole, she slowly sat upright on her bed, leaning against the cushion of pillows behind her as her back was straight and her posture was one of a princess that knew to never slouch, to keep her shoulders width apart, and to always have her chin up high and proud. Even through her exhaustion and in her closed quarters, Áine still carried herself with poise and grace since it was engraved in her bones. Her hands rested against her lap as she looked at the muffin, egg, and tea on the stand. Not feeling at all hungry, her brows furrowed together, not able to look at the food as she turned away to observe her handmaiden. The rocking of the boat didn't help the headache that was beginning to form in her head. However, the sounds of the birds soothed her slightly.

Watching as Eleanor made her way around her chambers, a soft smile displayed on her lips as she always loved to see Eleanor hard at work, just for her. However, seeing how hard Ella was working, Áine shook her head at Ella as Ella uncovered her duvet sheets. Her eyes showed concerned as she began to speak, "Ella," Áine started, her voice was pleasing to the ears, soft and not unkind, yet not above a whisper, "thank you for sending in my morning breakfast. But, I am afraid I can not eat a bite of any of it." She paused for a moment, her eyes reaching Ella's, showing more emotions that she usually would. Áine was fair-skinned with no blemishes, however, despite how porcelain she looked, Ella was always the one to notice her fatigue and saw pass the mask she managed to showcase others. However, a princess should never show any weaknesses, but with just her and Ella, Áine trusted her hand-maiden dearly and doted on her for support. "You are growing thinner as the days pass, Ella. Have you eaten? You should eat and are welcome to eat my portion as I do not have an appetite." Áine finished as she voiced her worry and concern for her dear friend.

At those words, Áine reached over towards her plate, carefully holding it in her hands as she extended her plate towards her handmaiden. "How long has it been since we have been on the boat? We should be arriving soon, should we not?" Áine questioned, her face paler than usual.

"You shall not worry about me my princess, I have already eaten something from the kitchens. You must eat to regain your strength to get you through this lovely morning." Ella responded quietly and calmly in reply to Áine's worry before she made her way towards her bed and sat next to her. Once Ella was seated next to her by her side, Áine allowed herself to slightly alter her posture as she became more open and approachable, allowing herself the peace of mind to lean against her only friend in the Éireann. Áine hummed in response to Ella's testament, shaking her head slightly at the idea of eating, despite needing energy for the day.

Soon Ella spoke again in regards to her question of time, "It's been roughly five days since we set sail. I could see land through my chambers when I awoke. We should dock anytime soon." With a small nod, Áine had let out a low sigh, her worries creasing the more they were approaching Imperium Renata. She had been wanting for this moment since she was a mere child and here she was, so close yet so far, nervous and shakened.

"I had a dream. Elder sister was there. And so was he and you," Áine's brows furrowed , only for her hand to slightly reach her forehead, rubbing her temples as she admitted and voiced out her nightmare to Ella before adding on, "the boat is rocky and as much as it is nice for fresh air. I miss the vibrancy of Éireann. Five days is far too long. But I suppose the trip is worth it." Seeing such display, Ella showed a concerned look at Áine's revelation, "Are you alright, Áine? You seem a bit pale..." Ella spoke lightly, taking a fresh cloth to dab it to her face, wanting to freshen her up, "Are you unwell? Perhaps some fresh air might do you well."

If it was anyone else who had called her by her first name without any title, she would have been punished or scolded severely. Despite threatening her servants that she would hit them, she'd never fall through with it, especially since secretly, she always hated violence and blood terrified her. But, she had to showcase her power somehow. . and it was always with the help of Ella. Her personal handmaiden, but most of all, the woman she calls her sworn sister. Although she wished with every part of her to show her closeness to Ella, she couldn't. Weaknesses would be exploited and she would never risk it, no matter how much she treasured Ella.

A small smile escaped her lips, a smile that is only reserved in closed chambers for her sworn sister, as she looked towards Ella, sitting back upright, going back to her poised posture, "My heart is at rest knowing you are here now with me. Fresh air . . shall we?" She softly whispered before eyeing Ella's dress, a hand-me down she had given her. "The dress suits you." At that Ella thanked her and got up to show her the dress she had readied for the Festival and for her "coming-out" celebration of becoming a candidate for a chance to be the King of Kings. A small gasped escaped her lips, seeing that she had chosen one that matched hers, aside from the different intricacy of designs and extravagance. It was truly eye-catching and definitely would have those around her know of her status. Soon enough, Ella began to undress and re-dress the young princess, fixing her together, making sure she was presentable as first impressions always meant the most to Éireannians.

Soon, the Fleet arrived at Imperium Renata where joyous music echoed through the Kingdom and the Empire was filled with smiles, laughter, and cheers. Imperium Renata was prosperous as the people came from foreign lands and other countries to attend such a celebration. Áine and Ella had been standing on the deck, looking out from the Fleet, seeing the vast land and the scenery of Imperium Renata. A soft yet polite smiled surfaced Áine's lips as she looked and observed her surroundings. The spirited Empire made Áine's heart swell from joy and even excitement, though her expression did not show the emotions she hid inside. It had been a while since she visited Imperium Renata. Áine appeared calm and poised as she elegantly made her rounds across the Fleet, expressing her gratitude as she spoke to all of the servants and sailors, raising their spirits and congratulating them on a safe journey from Éireannian to Imperium Renata.

As the servants began packing and unloading the items that Áine had brought with her, she allowed the servants she brought along with her to head start their travels to the Palace of Imperium Renata. For a moment, Áine wanted to take in the brightness of the scene and feeling before her. The air was refreshing and she was finally going to be on foot. Turning her attention towards Ella, Áine kept her same composure, keeping a good amount of distance between her and her handmaiden, not allowing or wanting others to see their closely-bonded relationship. Áine spoke formally with Ella, switching from an informal tone and dialect to a formal one. "You are welcomed to join in the festivities in the Capitol. I do not see any reason to keep you behind with me as I head to the castle. For the day, you are free from your duties. I expect you hold your composure and to uphold the image of the Éireannians." At that, Áine nodded, a gesture of reassurance towards her hand-maiden. Deciding that she sounded a little too harsh or formal with Ella, Áine gave a gentle pat on Ella's hand, "Let me know of your adventures in the Capitol and what you think, will you?"

Turning back to look towards the Capitol of Imperium Renata before boarding off the Fleet, Áine looked around once more, however, her eyes zeroed in on an all too familiar Fleet, its flag, and a silhouette. "King Gabriel?" Her words slipped out of her lips, as her tone carried curiosity and surprise. Looking over towards his fleet, her brows furrowed, deciding whether or not she should greet him. A part of her wanted to avoid his presence at all cost, however, seeing as perhaps he may have seen her, it would be impolite of her to not greet him. Oh, the trouble.

Looking over at Ella, Áine secretly gave her the look that only she could decode. It was a look that said "trouble hath come". "Ella, should we head in the opposite direction to avoid any unnecessary commotion? We should head out, time is currently wasting the longer we stand around." She asked and stated, wanting to try to at least find herself an opportunity to avoid King Gabriel. Áine hoped Ella was on board with her idea to pretend that they have not seen them, but knowing Ella, she may scheme something for the sake of her and King Gabriel's allied acquaintanceship.

Location: The Fleet - Imperium Renata | Scenario: "Unforgotten Memories."
With: Eleanor | Mentions: Bash and Gabriel | Outfit: Royal Gown
MegMath13 MegMath13 : hi dearie, here is your in character code! if there's any changes let me know! it is best seen at 100% on chrome!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel minim aeterno pertinacia in, id corpora consequuntur his. Cu eos dictas habemus adolescens. Cu dicta aeque phaedrum eam, sea ne tantas soluta platonem, pri mollis numquam deterruisset te. Sit omnes nostro in, pri iudico labitur sententiae ad. Vis debet nemore delicata id, recusabo intellegam at pri. Dolore persecuti mei ne, pri elitr expetenda referrentur id. Sit illum tractatos id.

Et option debitis delicata eum, munere molestie imperdiet et sea. Causae percipitur cum in, eos et errem deterruisset, et mundi dolor ocurreret cum. Ei his veniam albucius vulputate, usu odio erroribus ex. At atqui nostro efficiendi vix. Ut officiis constituto sit. Usu ei saperet vulputate conclusionemque, dicit zril deseruisse eam te.

Ad possim postulant scripserit nec. Meis consul epicuri ne sed. Cu munere option forensibus vix. Vim eu suas dignissim, at nec pericula tincidunt.

Diceret inermis in mei, veritus voluptua sea ex. Et quo dolorum pertinacia maiestatis, eu sea urbanitas intellegam delicatissimi. At sit vero omittam euripidis. Usu impetus delectus an, alienum menandri antiopam ut mei.

Te affert noster has. Alia debitis qui ei, ne rebum pertinacia vis. Ne luptatum incorrupte scribentur qui. Suscipit conceptam sententiae eu quo, est clita voluptua hendrerit et. Vix at comprehensam signiferumque, at officiis omittantu est.

house: hufflepuff? | location: home - train? | scenario: meow
mood: estatic? | with: so and so | tags: link link

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

[centerblock=70][bg=#D7C9D9][row][column=span2][bg=transparent; pointer-events: none;][IMG]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=116453323[/IMG][IMG]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=127740565[/IMG][IMG]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=127739739[/IMG][/bg][/column][column=span6][FONT=Short Stack][SIZE=10][b][COLOR=#E5E9FC]NAME WRITTEN HERE[/COLOR][/b][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][div=background-color: #D7C9D9; margin: auto; overflow: auto; height: 250px;][SIZE=3][COLOR=white]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel minim aeterno pertinacia in, id corpora consequuntur his. Cu eos dictas habemus adolescens. Cu dicta aeque phaedrum eam, sea ne tantas soluta platonem, pri mollis numquam deterruisset te. Sit omnes nostro in, pri iudico labitur sententiae ad. Vis debet nemore delicata id, recusabo intellegam at pri. Dolore persecuti mei ne, pri elitr expetenda referrentur id. Sit illum tractatos id.

Et option debitis delicata eum, munere molestie imperdiet et sea. Causae percipitur cum in, eos et errem deterruisset, et mundi dolor ocurreret cum. Ei his veniam albucius vulputate, usu odio erroribus ex. At atqui nostro efficiendi vix. Ut officiis constituto sit. Usu ei saperet vulputate conclusionemque, dicit zril deseruisse eam te.

Ad possim postulant scripserit nec. Meis consul epicuri ne sed. Cu munere option forensibus vix. Vim eu suas dignissim, at nec pericula tincidunt.

Diceret inermis in mei, veritus voluptua sea ex. Et quo dolorum pertinacia maiestatis, eu sea urbanitas intellegam delicatissimi. At sit vero omittam euripidis. Usu impetus delectus an, alienum menandri antiopam ut mei.

Te affert noster has. Alia debitis qui ei, ne rebum pertinacia vis. Ne luptatum incorrupte scribentur qui. Suscipit conceptam sententiae eu quo, est clita voluptua hendrerit et. Vix at comprehensam signiferumque, at officiis omittantu est.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/div]
[border=1px solid #E5E9FC][CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=white]house: hufflepuff? | location: home - train? | scenario:  meow
mood: estatic? | with: so and so | tags: link link[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/border][/column][/row][/bg]
[RIGHT][SIZE=2]coding; allrightsreserved @crucialstar[/SIZE][/RIGHT][/centerblock]
I absolutely love it thanks very much!
MegMath13 MegMath13 : honestly I'm so honored and utterly happy that someone loves my code so much! If you'd like me to make a character sheet, let me know!
Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah : Hi lovely, I just wanted to let you know that I am working on your code! Don't think I have forgotten, love!

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