Take Back the Crown

He mimicked the shrug with one of his own "Market place it is then." He confirmed, making sure to match the boy's pace. "I've never been to a city either. I've seen them, however, not in person. Just in memories." He trailed off before quickly adding "not my memories, of course. I mean, how would I have memories of such places I've never been?" As always, he was rambling. "So far, is a city how you imagined it would be?"

Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa
Valeiah stood up. She was glad to be off to tend to the horses, she hadn't seen Mapiya yet. The horse would be wondering where Alo was, no doubt. She felt guilty for that.

"Should we go then, Princess?" Valeiah asked and looked towards the girl.
Vampiricdoll Vampiricdoll
Nameen found herself questioning whether Svetlana had read her mind as she and Phaedra followed the older woman through a series of twists and turns. The trio rounded one more corner before coming upon the great book collection that Nameen's mind had been on since hearing of it. Her one eye widened at the sight of the packed shelves, itching to start combing through the selection.

Nodding simply at Svetlana's orders, Nameen set off on her own down a row of shelves. She dazed excitedly upon the hundreds of tomes which she passed, trying to decide where to she should even start.

Stopping in front of a completely random shelf seemed a good place to begin. Nameen gazed closely at titles and images, scanning for the subjects which Svetlana had asked about, while also intently keeping her eye open for anything of her own personal interests.
Nameen did as instructed, gathering books containing subjects of Algoran, daemons and the land's history.
However, alongside that growing pile was another. Volumes containing details about Illusionary magic, host mages and parasite magic, hypnosis... The small collection grew dauntingly before her, reminding Nameen of her times before joinging the quest. There was certain feeling of anxious excitement and anticipation that she felt during these times of searching. Yet this was always accompanied by something dark and conflicted constantly dwelling at the back of her mind.

Deciding that what she had was a good start, Nameen flipped the cover of a novel shut while contemplating.
Svetlana will probably want to have a look at those, she thought while eyeing the stack of research she had put aside for the quest.
After managing to balance all of her gathered material under both arms, (years of library practice having served her well) Nameen strode between the shelves in search of her companion. It didn't take long for her to find Svetlana, standing alongside her own pile of research and- Nameen stopped. Was that a cat around her shoulders?

"I found some information that could be of use..." Nameen stated as she slowly approached, eye moving back and forth from Svetlana to the feline with the intricate collar.
She placed what she had found about Algoran down on nearest desk, but kept a protective clutch on her own personal research.

Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa Raven Kade Raven Kade
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"Well if it's a moss it's probably gonna be growing in wetter places - or on trees, rocks, and just like, closer to water. It's not a rule of course, but it helps narrow it down." Bo thought out loud, setting Pippa on the forest floor for a moment as he took another look at the ink drawing. "You know, I think I've seen this before. I had a friend who was a healer and dabbled in making medicines and stuff... I think I saw her use this. I think the flower was white."

Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa
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Oceana groaned as she flipped up onto her feet, face twisted in rage.

Fuilteach ifrinn! Mallachdan! Mallachdan! D 'fhuair iad air falbh!”

She was about to take off after them, tracking them would be child’s play after all, but a sniffle sounded behind her and she turned to see Galiana. She appeared to be sobbing silently, curled pathetically on the dirty street cobbles.

The huntress’ heart panged at the sight, thinking it was more pitiful, for the girl couldn’t even voice her distress. Trapped in a silent bubble where no one knew her unique brand of sound, where expression was limited to looks and hand gestures.

She darted over to the younger woman and was about to help her up but halted just as her fingers brushed her sleeve. She didn’t wish to frighten her even more.

“Galiana… Donnae be afraid. It’s just me, Oceana. I’m going to help you up now.”

The girl stiffened at her touch but nodded and looked up at the elf, her eyes wide and full of a clinging panic. She saw then the new, crimson slash travelling across her face from the girl’s left ear down to her chin, splitting her left cheek in two halves, flushed red. A thin trail of blood sluiced down her chin and onto her tunic, the drops blooming into carmine stains on the white fabric.

The elf sat the human girl up and pulled a square of extra linen from her belt pouch and tried to hold it out to her but Galiana’s shaking arms were tightly hugging herself, eyes faraway and haunted with ghosts from the past.

Steady, gentle fingers held the handkerchief against the girl’s bleeding cheek, barely touching the skin, just enough to dry the blood. It had already stopped bleeding and clotted nicely. In all, it was a rather superficial wound. But Oceana knew that it wasn’t the pain of this particular injury that had caused the redhead to collapse.

It caused her rage to simmer anew, at all slavers and at herself for letting something so horrible happen to the squire on her watch.

As they began the slow trek back to the manor, Oceana thought, no she knew that Jauquilinne would be absolutely furious.

As soon as the limping duo approached the gates of the manor, the resident squires and knights were set clamoring.

“Miss Galiana is injured!”

“Quickly, get the Commander!”

“Right away!”

One of the younger knights, a female dwarf with her full beard, rounded on the huntress.

“You there!” came the dwarven-accented accusation, “What have you done to Miss Galiana?!”

Oceana bristled at the belligerent knight’s tone and was about to bite back an answer when-


The large double doors of the manor proper slammed open, revealing the Knight Commander’s wrathful visage.

Squires and knights leapt out of the way as if that fiery, violaceous gaze would scorch them to ashes with a scant glance.

For a moment even the fearless huntress was shaken to her core. Galiana, however, walked faster leaving the elf’s grasp to fall into the commander’s chest. The tall half-elf knight curled her arms protectively around the girl and glared hard at the raven-haired woman.

Her voice was sharp and venomous.

“You wreak havoc wherever you go, don’t you? If your comrades knew what was good for them they’d leave you behind!”

Oceana flinched as if she had been shot by an arrow.

The commander saw it and her lips curled into a sarcastic smirk.

“Oh, perhaps they already tried? They obviously failed. Pity. I would have thrown you in a- OW! GALIANA ELIZABETH FREDRICK!”

The knight rubbed her sensitive ear, now red from the yank Galiana had inflicted upon it.

“What in Gaia’s name? Why did you do that?” Jauquilinne cried, beyond vexed.

The redhead simply glared up at her guardian, disappointment in her green eyes. Before the commander could say anything more she began to sign with her hands, even though they still shook.

Don’t blame her. It was slavers’

It was then that the silverette noticed the slash on her charge’s cheek and tsked, half sympathetic and half in anger at her own obliviousness. She let the girl continue.

They got away. But…’ Here the squire grew frustrated with something, half signing several things before finally giving up and carrying on with her sentence.

‘…she was trying to stop them. I got in the way.’ Her eyes dipped to the cobblestones in shame. ‘Please don’t blame her. She took care of me after I fainted. From just one whip. I am a coward.’

Then she waited, head bowed as if expecting punishment.

Oceana meanwhile looked on silently in fascination and felt a sudden desire to learn sign language, if only to understand what the squire was saying.

Jauquilinne simply touched Galiana’s shoulder gently, causing the girl to look up. “Don’t be ashamed. Knowing you, you charged right at them despite the whips?”

The red head blushed at her own predictability.

A shy nod.

The knight laughed softly.

“That’s the very opposite of cowardice, my dear. Why, that’s the exact epitome of courage” She exclaimed, smile infectious, and Galiana caught it.

The knight commander glanced at Oceana, who looked bewilderedly back and forth trying to decipher why they had gone from somber tones to twinkling grins in the span of two sentences.

“Don’t worry, Huntress. There will be no skinning of elves tonight.”

Oceana visibly sighed in relief.

“Although tomorrow is a different matter.” Came the wry disclamation.

The elf was sure she would be getting no rest until they were far from this city and its terrifying, halfblood knight commander…. who was currently leading the way back into the manor.

“Well come on then. It’s tea time.”

Translation note: Bloody Hell! Curses! Curses! They got away!
Yaroslav chuckled, "Dorian doesn't seem all that bad." He commented, "I don't doubt his diabolical nature or his cunning sneaky ways, but he means no ill will towards this companionship. That's enough for me to consider him friend not foe... Though I can't say I feel this way about everyone." He added, thinking mainly of Hjalmar who he still distrusted and despised with a fury. Perhaps less so now that the boy had put his life on the line for the warrior, but there was something about the thief that Yaroslav just couldn't look past.
Although he had only been lying there for a moment, Yaroslav propped himself up again, "Alright, I'm done sitting here. The conversation was nice, but I'd at least like to sit in a place where I can be of use." He insisted, and there was no denying Yaroslav when he made his mind up about something, "Svetlana mentioned a library. I can read- I'll just throw on a shirt and go there." He continued, getting up on his feet. He wobbled for a moment, but he was gripping the headboard of the bed for support. He snatched the shirt Svetlana had graciously left out for him, almost like she knew he'd end up doing exactly this. He was a very predictable fellow, at least to her.
It hurt to put the shirt on, stretching his arms so they'd fit in the sleeves, but it was over quick enough. He stood there for a minute, debating on something, and then looking at the floor quite ashamedly, he spoke to Garrett with a grumble, "I'll probably need help getting there." He admitted.
L1d1ja L1d1ja

Breaking off from Dorian, Hjalmar slunk behind the stalls in the comfort of shadows, walking about like he belonged there and wasn't up to anything suspicious. He could hear Dorian's honeyed voice from the other side of one of the stalls, and he peeked to see that it was a woman he was speaking to. He had already paid her for the merchandise, and she had slipped it into a pouch strapped to her side. Such distrusting people in this city- though it was completely understandable considering the hive of thieves buzzing beneath their feet. The woman was completely enthralled with Dorian, so much so that Hjalmar almost felt bad for her.
Not enough to leave her be though, of course. The boy quietly maneuvered under the counter behind her which held her supplies. He made no peep, and it was like he had become one with the shadows. His eyes darted back and forth between the woman's body language and the pouch. He wanted to watch her carefully for any indication that she detected him, but also not be stupid enough to brush against her by focusing too much. He reached swiftly for the small pouch, and with his shiv in the same hand, he cut the string which secured the coins to her hip soundlessly. They slipped from the strap with ease, and his tight grip on the coins prevented them from jingling. As he ducked back out the way he came, Dorian had bid her farewell and was walking back on the street that led to the manor. Hjalmar casually caught up to him. When the woman was out of sight, he tossed the pouch to Dorian with a smug smile, "That was some nice smooth talking back there." He complimented, and then also threw him a pear, taking a bite out of one he snatched for himself. "Snack's on me too.I saw these with the vendor next to her, I couldn't resist." He added.
L1d1ja L1d1ja

"In my experience, there's no use in telling a cat what to do and what not to do, so do as you wish." She chuckled. It was a good thing Svetlana did not have a personal bubble which could be popped, "All that sounds awfully complicated, a fiction for you is a good idea. Have you ever read Barith and the Seven Sons?" She asked, "I loved that book growing up, it's old, but I saw a copy lying on the table back there."
At Nameen's approach, Svetlana offered a warm smile, "Ah! Yes, these look quite useful. It seems you were having better luck than I. Perhaps a black cat crossing your path really does bode ill." She joked, referring to the cat the warrior surely noticed and was confused by. She took the books from Nameen, "Would you sit with me? Or would you like to continue searching?"
Rydellius Rydellius Raven Kade Raven Kade (I totally made up that title with no idea what it's about, so have at it if you wish)

GalacticRam GalacticRam (I'm gonna write this post later because I'm gonna have Lucas meet Cat's character in the marketplace! Once she's ready I'll write the post)

"I find it funny that the color white always happens to be involved with plants of healing." He commented, suspecting that Bo was right, "I suppose this means we'll have to press deeper into these woods." He added, continuing on no particular path with Pippa trailing not far behind. He stuffed the page into his pocket and brushed aside some shrubs, holding them out of the way for Bo like a good gentleman. His plan was to continue walking until he heard the sound of water, hopefully head in that direction, and find the herbage they were looking for, "I was gonna start small talk by asking why you joined the group, but you're probably asked that question oft by newcomers and I've probably already heard it anyhow." Ashlar stated, "I want to be more original with my small talk anyway." He laughed and quickly thought of a better question, "Where do you come from? If you don't mind my asking, of course, and what drove you away from home?"
soundofmind soundofmind
"Oh, he isn't that bad now, when he knows none of us pose him a threat." Garrett laughed. "But I used to be a threat, and he doesn't treat those kindly, especially when it's not only him I was a danger to. You should try to treat Hjalmar a little more kindly too. He doesn’t seem like a person who chose the outlaw life on his own volition. There's a difference between living to steal, and stealing to live, and you are antagonising the wrong one."
The soldier couldn't keep back a sigh when he saw Yaroslav get up again, but he knew that his protests would fall on deaf ears.
"I'll help you, but to make it clear, this definitely wasn't my idea. So if Svetlana has a problem with this, I'm towing you to the wolves." Garrett joked as he went to help Yaroslav out.


"Nice work on your part too. You're quite good at this." Dorian replied. He kept the pear, but tossed the coin pouch back to Hjalmar."You did the job, you keep the coin." The familiar explained before he turned his attention back to his snack, leaving no room to discuss his actions.
"Do you think we still have time to go 'round the city? There are some people I wouldn't mind sharing a few words with." He asked after a while.

Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa
Bo looked over at Ashlar with a raised brow and an amused grin. There were only so many conversation starters in the world, but it seemed with their group most people seemed to tiptoe around other's pasts. Most people in their group seemed to have guarded hearts and minds, being choosy about who they shared what with. While he definitely couldn't make that observation without including himself in that lump of people, he found it interesting how Ashalr wasn't afraid to ask those questions in the slightest. And he could respect that. It didn't seem that Ashlar was trying to be invasive - but even if he was, he was sincere. So Bo gave a small nod, in approval of the question, and proceeded to answer honestly.

"That's actually hard to answer for me, because I actually don't really know. I can't remember anything before I was 13, but the earliest I can recall, I was living in a guild just a few miles inland off the coast. Closest reference point I can think of would here - it would be south of here, and then a bit to the east. Had a mentor named Mickey who was a bit of a father figure who taught me how to control my magic, with the specific focus on combat of course. He was very kind and... old, haha. But one of the happiest people I've ever met. At the time though, I was a bit disillusioned, and ended up leaving about ten years later to do some... soul searching, haha. Or at least, that's what I realize I was really doing then, now, in retrospect. 20/20 hindsight, you know? But yeah, I haven't really stayed put ever since. The most recent job I had before this was working as a mercenary. Being a sword for hire - or uh, a lightning storm for hire, gave me the freedom to just split off and join the group when I was free of my commitments. I never really took too many long-term jobs in the past few years anyway, so it made it easy."

"Of course I skipped over a few decades of life in-between then and now, but I guess that's what happens when you summarize, ey?" He chuckled to himself, and pushed a low-hanging branch out of the way (well, it would've been high enough for most people to walk under, but not him). He stopped for a second and took a few concentrated sniffs of the air. "Smells like we're getting close to water... not cause, uh, water, has a smell. But you know, wet plants do." He cleared his throat, and gave a short laugh. "Anyhow. I suggest we head this way!" He said, pointing left, towards the source of the smell. The self-made path would head down-hill, so it made sense logically to head that direction as well, since water flowed down, not up. He paved the way ahead of them as Ashlar and Pippa followed.

"And you came from the deserts, right? What was that like? Have you always lived there, or do you travel a lot?"

Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa
Lucasta stood up from her seat and nodded towards Valeiah. She walked out of the door with her and continued down the halls until they came to the door that led closest to the stable. As they exited the building and walked outside, it was noticeably dark. Street lamps were lit, and the crowds from before seemed to have dispersed. They spotted the stable and entered it. The unpleasant smells were overwhelming. "Which job would you want to take care of? I'm sure they need feeding and brushed." She asked her.

Lilith followed the three into the library and started looking through books in her own little corner. Even though she was brought here to look for information on the daemons, she wanted to do her own research on necromancy, as she has still not perfected it. So she kept to herself as she scanned the books, ignoring everything else that was going on.

//I'm so sorry I haven't been replying. School is almost over so I will be more consistent!!//


Azriael stayed mostly limp when the new person approached, although she stretched out her limbs slightly. She noted her caution out of the corner of her eyes with some amusement, but remained quiet until Svetlana spoke. She hissed quietly at the name of the book and then when she spoke her voice sounded utterly cold and flat, "Aye that book was quite popular in it's time, and several others." Then she quieted for a brief moment and when she spoke again her voice sounded almost cheerful, save for an odd false note, "I think I am done reading for the moment. Methinks I will just sleep. Before I do, I suppose if we are to travel together introductions of a more proper sort are in order, even if I did know of you in particular beforehand." She fell silent for another brief moment before speaking and her voice shifted tone yet again, this time filling with bitter amusement, "Perhaps call me Adiella. It is a more true name than most, and I rather suspect that the more informative name is best left unsaid. I know you Svetlana Koslav and a portion of your history, but then I make a point of learning about fresh immortals. Your companion I know nothing about, although her magic smells familiar. I will warn you that if you have anything actively running, do not come within seven feet unless it is self sustaining. My aura will eat any newly raised magic."

Addressed: Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa Rydellius Rydellius Also in library: TeeKay TeeKay So I am honestly not super happy with this post, but it was taking me too long and this is about my best in warm weather, with today being an excessively warm day. Her most officially known name is Azriael, but Svetlana would likely recognize it, and not in a positive way. I leave that unspecified as honestly I am still working out the details of that, but lets just say that name has some history to it, which is currently being worked out.
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"Psh, I think she already knew I was going to try anyway." Yaro said, ignoring his comment about Hjalmar, and he placed his arm around Garrett to use him as a crutch. They headed out the door and slowly walked through the hallway towards the library.
L1d1ja L1d1ja

Hjalmar caught the pouch and smiled slightly at the gesture, sticking it in his pocket. At the question Hjalmar just laughed, "I got nothing better to do. Maybe I could browse some while you do that... Who are you planning on paying a visit to?" The boy asked curiously, "And is it a good 'visit' or a bad 'visit'? Cause I'm down for either."
L1d1ja L1d1ja

"Wow..." Ashlar responded to Bo's tale, "It sounds like life has been quite the journey for you." He commented, sputtering as he walked right into a spider web. After recuperating, he caught up to Bo's long strides and answered his question, "Yes and no." He started, "My people and I come from a land... well- let's just say it's across the sea. It's not the harsh territory where the invaders came from long ago, it's someplace else." He stopped speaking for a moment as if he were trying to find the right words, or like the subject was somewhat difficult for him to speak about, "We were sent back afterwards and Algoran cut ties with us. We wanted a piece of land there, so you can imagine that left some bitter feelings. Which, those feelings have died out for the most part, but the daemons invasion has given my people the chance to return here without being driven away." He said, "I do travel a lot though, so after they settled in Kebrun, I want out to explore... This land... it's a beautiful place. I don't wonder why my ancestors so desperately wished to live here... or why the royals drove us away for that matter. But, the past is in the past. We can only look to the future now.
"I actually left my tribe not only to venture and taste the wonders this world has to offer, but also to find someone. My chief he- a long time ago he lost his first wife and eldest son in a war. Then he met another woman. Her name was Eimher. I am close to my chief, you see... he loved her with all his heart. She helped him forget all of his pain, and at last he felt as if he could love again. The feeling was mutual. They married, and she even eventually carried his son... but, she disappeared without a trace, taking his child with her. She didn't leave- she was taken. That, I know for sure. I don't think she's alive, the chief found her grave. But he has hope that somehow his child survived. And... I think I found him... in your group... which is the main reason I'm here.
"I mean, don't get me wrong, I want to restore the crown and everything, so that's another reason. But... I made a promise, and I intend to keep it." He glanced over at Bo, debating on whether to continue. He ended up blabbering a lot more than he intended to, "I think... I think Hjalmar is the chief's son. I want to ask him about his parents and his past, but every time I do he just... shuts down. Should I mention her name? I feel hesitant. I may just look like an utter fool and only help to inconvenience him. But I want to know. He even looks like them- the chief and Eimher. More like her than anyone else."
soundofmind soundofmind

(I know I'm missing responses, I'm just realllly running out of creative juices right now- I am sorRY ;0; )
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"Maybe she still had some hope that you would be reasonable." Garrett laughed.


"Just a few friends that I want to check in on, do not worry. Just curious on what the crows and magpies do in this town, and whether any wish our little team ill." Dorian shrugged. "And you can go 'browse' around or whatever. Just don't get the city guard chasing you."

Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa
To Nameen, Svetlana's inquiry and warm tone indicated an invitation. Feeling it to be rude to simply walk off on the old woman, Nameen settled down in a chair across from her companion and the cat. She placed her own stack of books on the floor next to her feet, before lifting the cover of the first one she'd selected from the top.

Though she'd tried tuning her surroundings out, Nameen couldn't help but hear snippets of her companion's discussion as her eye took in the forward of the tome.

Hearing the cat speak carried an initial surprise, yet it definitely wasn't the strangest thing Nameen had ever come across. However it was the feline's comment referring to her dormant magic that suddenly made the words on the page much less interesting.
Her hand halted halfway through flipping a page, eye flickering from the cat to Svetlana while the rest of her remained frozen. Looking below to the book on her lap again, Nameen forced her face to remain as blank as possible. Only a repeated tapping of her foot was any indication of her obvious tension, while internally her head raced.
"...her magic smells familiar." Nameen wondered what else the feline could tell her. Yet, the ancient look in the newcomer's eyes, along with Nameen's own wariness of strangers caused her to hold her tongue as usual.

She turned another page, eye down and expression unreadable, but her ears remaining wide open.

Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa Raven Kade Raven Kade
Looking closely to the list, her ears gave a small attentive twitch as she thought,"Food should be first. We should get ahold of the best stuff before it's snatched up and store it before the gala." picking up her sidebag and making her way out to the market ( sorry for the shotty post I have no idea how to transition lmao )

L1d1ja L1d1ja
Kacel'la nodded. "Let's do that, then."
The elf easily navigated the town, her memory still quite well from when she had visited this town a few years ago. In the back of her mind she quietly wondered if she would have the time to maybe finish her map of this town before the team had to leave again, or maybe she would be able to find that one quiet inn she had performed at last, after all, it had paid well and the patrons were nice. She scowled a little when she realized that this was exactly why she often avoided traveling with a team, despite the 'safety in numbers' thing: she liked to be in control of her own time.
She blinked out of her thoughts when she realized that they had reached the market square.
"Let's hope we can find all that's on the list here." She told Aggie.

Vys Vys
Her nose was buried in the list and she still managed to weave in and out of the traffic while keeping up with Kacel'la,"Well, we need basic stuff. Like grains, rice and other things such. Should grab that stuff first because its in bulk and get it to the caravan first so we can pick up vegtables." looking up to her friend she smiled and shrugged."Work from most important and big stuff first, yea?"
Approaching a large merchant table she looked over the goods, keeping the list out for Kacel'la to read as well if she needed to do as such.
L1d1ja L1d1ja
Bo listened quietly as Ashlar began to unfold some of his story and his motives for joining the group. It was clear that he had a very clear goal and desire in his heart to help out his chief by finding the chief's son. He could understand how that relationship would be really important to him, and he made a promise to his chief. He did his best to consider everything Ashlar was saying before he responded.

"I think above all else, you need to remember that Hjalmar is a person. Not that I don't think you do, but what I mean to say is, that Hjalmar has his own things going on. He's been on his own and become his own person apart from your chief, apart from your people. Regardless of the possibility of him being the chief's lost son or not, I think it's best to consider what's best for Hjalmar. And I think you have to ask yourself a few questions. If, it turns out he's not the son of the chief and Eimher, what are your goals? Will you leave to continue your search for his lost son? Or will you continue with our group? And if he is Eimher's son, what do you plan to do? I'm sure you know that you can't force him to go anywhere or do anything, and I know - or at least certainly hope, since, in actuality, I really don't know you all that well - that you won't force him to go back to the chief with you. I think it's important to consider where Hjalmar's at. If he grew up without a father, he probably doesn't have much of a grid for good, healthy male leadership in his life. Not having a father, or even a great father figure results in lots of underlying issues, specifically with how he relates to older men. I think that may be one, among many, of the reasons why he's more guarded around you, and people in general. Before you even bring up his mom or his family, I think it's necessary to build a rapport with him. Don't start with deep intimate details. Be vulnerable - and I think, you'll do exceptionally good at that. Put yourself out there and let him get to know you first. For him, I think he'll need to know first that his relationship with you is safe, that you're trustworthy. Because for him it'll probably just feel like, who the heck is this guy, who does he think he is, he doesn't know me, etcetera, if you start trying to dig up his past."

"It may seem fruitless to invest in thim if all you're after is reuniting the chief with his son. And it may especially seem fruitless because of the uncertainty of Hjalmar's identity and whether he even has any relation to your chief. But, from what little I've observed, and drawing from my own experience... I don't think dumping stuff like this on him would be helpful. He's young, hormonal, and still trying to figure out what he is, what he isn't, and who he wants to be. The absence of his father may be something he's already dealt with, or, even, something he doesn't want to or isn't ready to deal with right now. But the only way you'll figure that out is if you get to really know him first. Not superficially, and not at a shallow level."

"I think if this is something you're really sure about and think is worth it, you have to ready your heart not to get to know Hjalmar for the chief, or for your own goals, but as a person. Because even when the moment arises to ask the question and bring up his family, you don't want it to seem like you've been manipulating him and getting to know him simply for that purpose. You need pure intentions. You'll need to learn to love him for who he is, not just for his possible relation and connection to the chief. Because as much as your chief grieves for the loss of his family, Hjalmar has felt grief as well and faces his own inner trials."

"I think... Hjalmar could use a fatherly figure, or a mentor of some sort to look up to. And in all of this I don't mean to say to forget your promise to your chief and to bail on your commitment to that. All of this is just a long winded response, but the gist of what I'm saying is, that I just think you have a unique opportunity, if you are to take it, to invest in the young man regardless of his ancestry."

Lo Alyssa Lo Alyssa
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"Yeah." Kacel'la nodded in agreement. "I can always quickly teleport back to the caravans to drop off whatever we have bought and them come back whîle you seach for whatever is on the lit next." She noted, already counting how many jumps she would have to make. The range of her teleport in trick had certain limits to it, after all, and she really wasn't keen on completely draining herself of magic because she chose an inefficient route.
'At least lifting things won't be a problem.' A smug thought rung in her mind as she watched someone struggle by, dragging a bag of flour. The elf probably wouldn't break a sweat lifting that same bag and tossing it halfway across the market.

Vys Vys
Looking up quickly from the products her eyes went wide,"Teleportation? You can do that?" Her expression was full of wonder and she smiled,"That's amazing and skilled! " looking through some spices that were held in giant drums, she dipped a finger in one and tasted it briefly and looked down at her list,"Where did you learn? I dabbled on the techniques but was only able to teleport a small walnut across a table. In two pieces."
Flagging down the merchant she pointed to the salt and some sort of meat spice,"Ill take 3 orders of salt and one of the spices please." Digging into her coinpurse she paid the man before he started to measure out the order.
"What other magic can you do? " she looked up to her friend and smiled kindly.

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Kacel'la thought for a moment how to best explain her situation. "I never really did learn. Teleportation was just a skill that I had and trained a little over time. I still have some limits: I can only go where to where I can see, or if I don't see the place, it must be very near. And please don't try to teleport anyone." She couldn’t help but joke, though her expression scrunched up a little when the mental image of a person cut in two popped up in her thoughts. "My magic is light based: illusions, heat, fire, absence of light too. Nothing very useful in a fight, though it does help a little in my trade. And I seem to get along strangely well with most magical beasts, especially predators, though some would say that isn't my magic at play." Kacel'la shrugged and raised her hand to scratch Sera's head. The wyvern purred happily, clinging tighter to her shoulders.
"How about you? Any prefered magic?"

Vys Vys
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Jauquilinne ordered a squire to fetch tea as the group of three headed towards the library.
Oceana trailed behind the knight duo, wondering about their specific acquaintanceship.
Before long they came to an ornate blonde wood door.
"All of the books here are what didn't fit in Valerie's tower." Jauquilinne intoned as she opened the door to a balcony, revealing row upon row of bookshelves below.
The huntress gasped.
Galiana smiled and led the way in.
"Your compatriots are searching for information on the daemons, correct?"
Oceana simply nodded, still staring at the entirety of the library.
"Feel free to search. There isn't much, as I recall but I wish you luck. Tea will be served soon. I hope to see you then."
Oceana's ears twitched at that.
"Tea? But we need to-"
Jauquilinne just about stomped her foot. The glacial look was a warning.
"I never miss tea time. My house, my rules."
Oceana's faced scrunched in confusion and slight fear.
Then the knight seemed to remember herself, as a hostess and not a commander. Her cheeks tinted a light pink and she cleared her throat.
"Uhm...Good luck, huntress." She mumbled and shut the library door behind her.
Oceana simply stared at the odd retreat.
"What is with her?" She whispered to no one in particular.
Next to her Galiana was trembling rather violently and the elf's head whipped around.
"Are you alright?!"
Hunched, shaking shoulders were flung back to reveal a face overtaken by deep mirth, eyes shut tight.
"Are you-... Are you laughing?" Oceana asked, bewildered and incredulous.
Galiana laughed only harder, needing to bend over to accommodate her silent giggles.
"Why are you laughing? Oi! "
Shaking her head, the squire turned and began to descend the steps to the library proper, her laughing no longer coming debilitating waves.
After all, it's not like she could say out loud that huntresses and commanders seemed to be of a rather similar mould now could she?

They were wandering the shelves when they came across the others near a table where a cat sat languidly.
"Ah. We found them." Oceana whispered.
Galiana shrunk behind her just slightly.
"Need any help?" She asked, instincts saying that perhaps she had interrupted a prior conversation.
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Shrugging she handed the bags to Kacel'la and thought for a moment,"I like my fire magic alot. What I excel at." looking towards the woman she smiled and shrugged a little,"I never really had a chance to learn more since my school burned down," stopping for a moment she looked up again, her eyes wide,"Not by me! Of course." her face flushed and she looked down at the list.

"How does vegetables sound right now?" she quipped

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"I wouldn't take you as a person to burn down a building anyway, though I am curious about what idiot failed at a spell bad enough to set a building aflame." Kacel'la chuckled, and then hummed thoughtfully at Aggie's next question. "I would suggest not to take many fresh fruit or vegetables onto any expedition, as they tend to perish quite fast in some environments. However we can always just scribble some cold runes into the inside of a chest and throw the vegetables in there to keep them fresh longer. Learned the trick when I joined a crew on a ship." She shrugged.
Kacel’la looked down at her arms and the bags she carried. "Go search for whatever is next on the list, I'll be right back." She suggested before vanishing.
The jumps needed to go back to drop off the bags and get back to Aggie, only took her a minute or two, as Kacel'la did manage to teleport to the wrong place along the way, but soon she was standing next to the night elf once again.

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Nodding a little bit at Kacel'la's words that 'she will be right back', she moved to the stand next to the one that they were just at and browsed the meats.
Turning around as her friend reappeared she tapped her own lip with a fingernail,"What kind of meats do you think the group would enjoy more? It just says 'meat'." turning the list to the taller woman a flash of slight question came across her face.

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"I'd say that that means 'buy whatever seems most edible'." Kacel'la joked as she glanced at the list and then at the stall. "I guess we will be going to places where hunting is not an option if we have meat on the list." She mused, though she knew that almost anywhere one could find something to hunt, be it giant beasts or snakes and lizards. If that was a good idea, however, was a whole other deal. Kacel’la had traveled in places where blood spilled unnecessarily meant death or something worse, and she wasn't keen on repeating some mistakes.
So she looked at the stall, her keen nose already sensing the start of decay on some pieces.
"Those seem freshest." She showed to Aggie. "Meanwhile I wouldn't take those." She gestured to a few other wrapped packages.

Suddenly, she noticed that something was missing from around her.
"Where's Sera?" Kacel'la quickly looked around herself, only to find the little wyvern annoying a street cat.
"Sera, that's a bad idea." The elf grumbled under her breath and watched as the little beast almost got her snout raked off by claws. In a flash Sera was back on Kacy's shoulders, hissing and sputtering indignantly.

Vys Vys

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