


The Almighty Sugar Princess



Name: Isabella Celeste Cipher
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Transcendent Bakeneko, Dragon, Witch, Nephalem, Deity
Sexuality: Bisexual
( Left: Awakening Right: Seal #1-16 )
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She has Blue De France tips in her white hair.
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Spider bite piercings on the left side of her lip and a dragon piercing in her ear.
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She also has a tattoo sleeve on her right arm of her grandfather Lucifer falling along with other angels. On her left arm she has a tattoo sleeve of the Dragon's roar members fighting against her faction in the battle to save existence. Both having the same art style.
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Personality: Isabel is afraid of the world around her. Feeling isolated, cold, and constantly targeted Isabel trusts no one at all and her fear begins to build because of it. Whenever she sees someone else achieving happiness and acceptance she grows angry, saddened, and then confused on why she's any different. Isabel feels like and knows that she has to walk alone in the world, with nothing but herself and the path. She doesn't feel the urge to kill or love but if it's to protect herself or feel then she'll do either one. She dislikes the feeling of her undying loneliness and down-spiral into transcendent depression but she knows its the only thing she has and the only thing that hasn't betrayed her. Isabel's adventurous, brave, and creative side was painfully torn to shreds years ago. She's lost her dream of exploring the world and refuses to pick up the paintbrush once more. No longer believes in friendship.

Transcendent Ghost Physiology
Transcendent Dragon Physiology
Transcendent Mage Physiology
Transcendent Nephalem Physiology
Transcendent Physiology
History: Grew up as a young Van Fen'rir for 7 years until she was captured and experimented on. The only friends she has to mention is her younger sister. For three years she's endured extreme torture until she blew herself apart into five fragments at the age of 10. All other forms of information regarding her has been erased.
Extra: In love with and mate to Fola Keryn. Is the true Sugar Princess. Fola means everything to her. Constantly evolves and adapts to her environments. Destined to either destroy all of existence and non existence or make it prosper.

Isabel's Soul

Name: Christina Cipher

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Bakeneko

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Some could say she's mischievous and or calm in a spiritual aspect. Christina is a constant sly thinker and a strategist. She wouldn't bother herself with the affairs of others unless she has a hidden motive. She connects with spirits better than actual people and uses her words as well as others rather than fighting. Since she's just a "gentle black cat".

Physiology: Bakeneko Physiology,

Feline Physiology.

Dream Walking
Feline Physiology
Claw Retraction
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Balance
Enhanced Bite
Enhanced Flexibility
Enhanced Jump
Enhanced Senses
Night Vision
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Predator Instinct
Stealth Tactics
Spiritual Awareness
Enhanced Immunity
Ghost Lights
Human Disguise/Shapeshifting
Matter Ingestion
Poison Immunity

( From here on out Weaknesses and limits are everywhere, look out for them. )

Transcendent Phantom Physiology
( Weakness: Once she takes this form her seals will assume she's safe and revert her back to the seal below, putting her life at risk. So she has a higher chance of her own powers killing her the moment she obtains this power than being able to use them in the first place. This is the very last seal so chances are she'll never hit this. )

Absolute Condition
Astral Plane Manipulation
Astral Manipulation
Astral Trapping
Death Embodiment
Death Transcendency
Ectoplasm Manipulation
Ectoplasmic Beam Emission
Soul/Soul Energy Absorption
Fear Inducement
Remote Possession
Nether Manipulation
Non-Corporeal Form
Phantasm Manipulation
Solipsistic Manipulation
Reality Warping
Sympathetic Magic
Spirit World Lordship
Portal Manipulation
Teleportation Manipulation
Ultimate Intangibility

Powers: Phantasm Manipulation which consists of

Apparition Materialization- It may not listen to her and she'll have to focus on its every action if she doesn't give it a set goal immediately. When she gives it a set goal the apparition will continue with that goal. To make it stop it change objectives she'd have to get a new one.

Astral Trapping
Ectoplasm Manipulation- More tiring than her other powers. It's minimal in terms of strength without breaking a seal. Once she breaks her very last seal it's at its full dangerous potential.

Fear Inducement- She sees the same imagines she inflicts on others. This power may or may not affect those with fearlessness, indomitable will, and psychic shield. It's weakened without breaking seals.

Remote Possession- Can only Possess 3 people at a time. Once the first seal breaks she can possess 6. Once the the second seal breaks she can possess 9. Then once the last seal breaks and she transcends she can possess 12. She needs to keep concentration or else she'll lose them.

Soul Manipulation- Limited to only the dead.

9 lives.

Weakness: Still suffers from PTSD. Her seals could get her killed depending on how they break. Embarrassed about the fact that she can't read and write very well, since it's harder for her to understand English than the other personalities. When this is brought up she becomes reckless and loses calculation. Slowly becoming infatuated with Malren, which ties her down and changes her calculated outlook on things.

Limitation: Her pool of mana has been sealed in certain levels. She currently has access to 1/4 of her power. Once the first seal is removed she can access half of her power and her current powers are much more effective. After that the second seal being broken she gains full mana potential and her powers are at full strength. Once the last seal breaks she transcends. The threat of her life being in danger may or may not automatically break the first seal and continue on.


Extra: She loves corny love gestures. She's fluent in Gaelic. Great granddaughter of the Abyssal Realm. Created the Phantom Realm.
Isabel's Emotions


Name: Alice Cipher ( Also known as the Queen of Diamonds in a separate realm. )

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Alice has a serious issue with her anger and when she hits her boiling point, she destroys everything in her path. The terrifying thing about it is that she isn't thinking wildly during a tantrum, she's fully aware of everything she does. She's usually prideful and refrains from harming small children. Everything else doesn't get any form of mercy if you mess with her number one personal rule. "Get out of my way and I'll stay out of yours, get in my way and give Grimm my regards." She can only be defined as prideful and wrath engulfed. She's extremely aggressive and protective over her kids and people she cares about. Basically your misunderstood mother bear.

Physiology: Dragon physiology which consists of.

Atmospheric Adaptation
Decelerated Aging or Semi-Immortality
Dermal Armor/Scale Manifestation
Elemental Breath

Fire Breath
Enhanced Condition or Supernatural Condition
Enhanced Durability/Invulnerability ( In Dragon Form )
Enhanced Endurance
Enhanced Intelligence
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Vision
Fear Masking/Fearlessness
Flight, possibly by Wing Manifestation

Magic Immunity
Natural Weaponry

Claw Retraction
Enhanced Bite
Prehensile Tail
Prehensile Tongue
Thermal Resistance

Transcendent Dragon Physiology ( When in Queen of Diamonds form. )

Draconic Elemental Manipulation
Draconic Energy Manipulation
Dragon Aura
Dragon Manipulation
Limitation Transcendence
Transcendent Physiology
Absolute Condition
Absolute Athleticism
Absolute Immortality
Absolute Speed
Absolute Strength
Absolute Stamina
Contaminant Immunity
Divine Combat
Disease Immunity
Absolute Hearing
Supernatural Smell
Night Vision
Poison Immunity

Powers and Limitations: Carnage Magic, a magic that eats everything it comes into contact with. Can take the form of one of the four states of matter. It's the literal entity of the physical and metaphorical meaning of carnage that took Alice as his host. So when there's extreme bloodshed and murder they both grow stronger.If the user shows weakness Carnage magic will devour them.

Dragon Soul which consists of

Dragon Arm
Dragon Armor
Dragon Aura
Dragon Heart- Alice can feel the same pain as the person she connects to.
Draconic Energy Manipulation
Draconic Elemental Manipulation- She can only use elements that are used by dragons.
Elemental Breath- She can only use elements she has control over and cannot control the element itself if she's breathing it.
Elemental Combat
Enhanced Roar- Alice is unable to control where the roar spreads. She can't roar if she runs out of breath.

Regenerative Healing Factor- Can only heal so much in certain spans of time.

Queen of Diamonds: She has an extra seal on her due to the fact that she was pulled into a death game and survived, becoming the Queen of the realm. She was granted powers over life and creation in this transcendent form. Once she takes this form her seals will assume she's safe and revert her back to the seal below, putting her life at risk. So she has a higher chance of her own powers killing her the moment she obtains this power than being able to use them in the first place. This is the very last seal so chances are she'll never hit this.

Limitation: Her powers and mana have been sealed and she only has access to 1/4 of them. Currently she can only use Carnage magic and Enhanced Roar. Once the first seal breaks and she can use half of her mana pool she's able to use Elemental Combat and Elemental Breath. Once the second seal breaks Alice is capable of Dragon Arm, Dragon Armor, Dragon Aura, Dragon Heart, Draconic energy Manipulation, and Draconic Elemental Manipulation. She gains full mana potential once that seal breaks. Her life being in danger may or may not release the first seal and will continue on. She has various Dragon Forms that change and get stronger only when her seals are released. Once her last form breaks she finally gains Queen of Diamonds transcendence.

Weakness: Still suffers from PTSD, would put her life on the line if her kids are even in the most minimal of danger. Carnage sees this as weakness and constantly has internal battles with herself over this, causing emotional breakdowns at times. Her seals could end up getting her killed in battle since they have a mind of their own. Loses control of herself if she doesn't allow Carnage too eat as much as he desires too since he possesses her. She ends up having too literally fight herself.

Extra: She's the co-captain of her best friends armada full of dragon. Claimed the chain of mountains called the Rocky mountains as her territory. She's secretly a skilled singer and dancer and has three adopted kids. She's working on making an orphanage. She likes corny love things like love letters and cheesy confessions. Fluent in Gaelic. Great granddaughter of the Abyssal Realm. She thinks about the woman she was in love with that kept her anger under control who died a while ago. She still can't get over her feelings for her and the dread she feels. Though these thoughts are rare.
Isabel's Mind


Name: Morgana Cipher

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Witch

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Extremely lazy. Uninterested in the world around her and outside of witchcraft. She'd rather be a shut in and spend her time with potions and books. She doesn't mind dabbling with things she shouldn't unless she knows it's dangerous. Morgan is less sympathetic than the average person and sees no real value in friendship since she thinks the same goal term of a comrade is more valuable. She'd rather speak with true words and disregard preserving someone's feelings. Morgan doesn't believe in morals since, "There's no point in trying be acceptable towards the world because the only thing we can truthfully do as one is sin."

Physiology: Witch physiology

Magic Affinity
Magic Combat
Magical Energy Manipulation
Magical Energy Generation
Mana Manipulation
Magical Intuition
Magicians Intuition
Potion Creation
Potion Amplification
Spell Casting
Spell Creation
Spell Destabilization

Transcendent Witch Physiology ( Once every seal breaks. )

Almighty Ascension
Absolute Condition
Absolute Force Manipulation
Absolute Immortality
Matter Manipulation
Adaptive Magic
Elemental Magic
Logic Manipulation
Magic Aura
Magic Combat
Magic Empowerment
Magic Immunity
Magic Negation
Magic Transcendence
Mana Manipulation
Meta Summoning
Meta Teleportation
Spell Casting
Ultimate Invincibility

Powers: She's the host and central core of witch mana. She has access to the selection process of witches and has access to the minds of witches as well. Witch mana eats away at regular mana, then energy, and lastly your soul once it comes into contact with something.

Weakness: She has to battle witches from the past in her dreams each time she sleeps with her soul on the line. She also has to fight her demons and darkest fears since they've come to life. The majority of her powers will not affect those magically immune. Most of them also take time to charge through incantation. Some summons may not listen to her. Still suffers from PTSD. Her seals are slightly sentient and may not unlock depending on how they feel.

Limitation: Her powers are sealed and she only has access to 1/4 of them. At this position she can only use the basic properties of witch mana. The first seal being raised allows her to have access to half of her mana pool and gives her the ability to use a wider range of witchcraft. Such as summoning a mass number of demons and performing grand spells. Once her second seal is raised Morgan can access her full mana pool and partial potential as the central core of witch mana. Once her last seal breaks she gets full potential and transcends as the center core of witches. Allowing her to communicate with witches and summon high level beings. This also gives her the ability to travel in and out of the Abyssal Realm with ease as well as using Julius physically. Most spells she uses are less time consuming and minimal spells are almost instantaneous. Once she takes this form her seals will assume she's safe and revert her back to the seal below, putting her life at risk. So she has a higher chance of her own powers killing her the moment she obtains this power than being able to use them in the first place. This is the very last seal so chances are she'll never hit this. The threat of her life being in danger may or may not break the first seal and continue on.


Extra: Center host of Witch mana. New owner of the Dark Arts. Likes cheesy love things. She loves squeezable applesauce packs. She gets along with Julius, the source of all witches mana and their creator. Which makes them more than a host-entity partnership. Fluent in Gaelic. Great granddaughter of the Abyssal Realm.

Yes Raw Witch Mana is purple.
Isabel's Body


Name: Alexandria Cipher

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Transcendent Nephalem

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Alexandria likes to stay as neutral as possible. She thinks about a distant world but doesn't daydream as much as Ashlyn does. She's usually conflicted on her decisions and prefers to stay out of things unless action is necessary. She's slightly awkward and extremely shy. Though internally she's falling apart.

Physiology: Transcendent Naphalem

Angel Manipulation

Demon Manipulation

Demonic Force Manipulation

Divine Force Manipulation

Ethereal Manipulation

Nigh Omnipotence

Elemental Manipulation

Holy Fire Manipulation/Hell-Fire Manipulation
Reality Warping
Superpower Manipulation

Space-Time Manipulation
Twilight Manipulation

Twilight Conjuration
Twilight Dimensional Manipulation
Twilight Energy Control

Ethereal Physiology
Absolute Existence
Absolute Condition
Energy Perception
Extrasensory Perception
Regenerative Healing Factor
Halo Generation
Divine Presence
Holy Fire Manipulation
Hell-Fire Manipulation


Light Element Manipulation
Dark Element Manipulation

Powers: Luck Energy Manipulation

Accelerated Probability
Blessing Inducement- Her blessings cannot be of bad intent. Only of good.
Luck Bestowal
Curse Inducement- Most times her curses backfire on her. She can't remove curses on others after she sets them. Depending on the severity, cursing can and will be extremely taxing.
Elemental Aura- The aura can only stem from her body to a certain distance. If she's defending herself with it she can't attack back if her attack has to pass through it.
Energy Attacks
Probability Bolt Projection
Energy Concentration- She needs to focus on this exact action of concentrating energy.
Energy Constructs
Energy Generation- More than half of her focus has to be on this or it stops completely.
Energy Infusion
Luck Absorption

Weakness: Still suffers from PTSD and is almost afraid of everything. She can barely make decisions on her own anymore, treating herself like a child needing to depend on others. She doesn't have any friends too rely on in times of need. Her seals can get her killed since they decide how and when they break. Her past is slowly crushing her from the inside out and she can't get closure. Everyday her personality's condition gets worse. She doesn't know how to let things go.

Limitation: Alexandria only has access to 1/4 of her power and mana pool. She can only use healing, all things under Luck Energy except for the elemental and energy powers, and regenerative healing factor. Once the first seal of broken she can use half of her power and mana pool. Alexandria can now use light and darkness manipulation once the first seal is broken. Once her second seal breaks she can use her remaining Luck Energy powers and all things under Ethereal Physiology. Her full mana pool comes back as well. When the third seal breaks she can use Angel and Demon Manipulation, Divine and Demonic Force Manipulation, and Ethereal Manipulation. Though she gets no additional mana. Once her last seal breaks she can use all things under Nigh Omnipotence.


Extra: She likes cheesy love things like the other split personalities but she chooses not to love again. Ever since her first and last boyfriend whom she was experiencing the feeling of love with broke up with her, she blamed herself. He was extremely dedicated to her and sacrificed a lot for Alexandria, so when he did break up with her blaming herself was her only sensible explanation on why. He was still a good man and treated her like a heaven sent life preserver so that made it even harder to let him go. Which made her lack all confidence in herself with many life decisions. She's secretly still broken on the inside. Hasn't truthfully smiled in years. She either gives off a depressing, awkward, or relieving aura. Fluent in Gaelic. Great granddaughter of the Abyssal Realm. Spends her time in the Realm of Neutrality. She has a mirror in the realm which reflects her internal condition. Currently this mirror is severely cracked and at times these cracks produce blood.
Isabel's Heart


Name: Ashlyn Van Cipher

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Deity of Chaos

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: She's a dreamer type of girl. She zones out all the time thinking of a distant world. She dislikes participating in violent matters unless highly necessary. She cares deeply about her other split personalities even though most of them are out to take her life. Ashlyn loves to paint and experience the calm aspect of adventure. She's no stranger to jokes and people who don't take many things seriously, in fact she likes them. Though at times she can get serious herself.

Physiology: Transcendent Physiology

Chronolock/Freedom/Reality Separation Divinity
Ethereal Physiology
Cosmic Awareness
Energy Perception
Extrasensory Perception
Higher Consciousness
Immortality/Absolute Immortality
Quintessence Force
Supernatural Condition
Superpower Manipulation

Powers and Limitations: Divine Slayer

Absolute Defense- A field in which all possible threats are detected and deflected if needed.
Absolute Strength- A field that converts all forms of energy such as mana inside of it into limitless physical strength. Unfortunately it drains from her own energy and mana as well unless she takes physical strength and converts it into mana.
Death Inducement- She can raise a field that slowly kills and destroys all things within it using a time limit based off of the targets leftover power as well as her own. The more leftover power the target has within them, the longer they last within the field. If her leftover power is high the target dies even faster. Extremely tiring.
Divine Ingestion- She would actually have to eat the target. Like, put them in her mouth and swallow to gain their powers.
Divine Power Negation- She creates a field that negates all Divine powers from being used in the field. The field also negates all separate powers of a being made up of a divine species.
Immortality Negation- The way this field works is the same as the divine power negation field.
Chaos Manipulation

Limitation: Her powers are sealed away and she only has access to 1/4 of her mana pool. She can currently use Absolute Defense. Once the first seal breaks she can use Absolute Strength and gains half of her mana pool. When the next seal breaks she can use her entire mana pool, Death Inducement, Divine Ingestion, Divine Power Negation, and Immortality Negation. Once her last seal breaks she can use Chaos Manipulation but she gains no additional mana. Once her life is threatened the first seal will break and continue on. She can only use two fields at a time. The absolute defense field makes it harder and harder to break a seal the more she uses it. She always needs a 5 minute recharge in between using each field.

Weaknesses: Deity Slayers.

Theme: Celldweller- Solaris
Extra: Ruler of the Deity realm and the leader of Dragon's Roar.
Isabel's Powers, Seals, Evolutions, Physiology

Transcendent Angel Physiology
Transcendent Demon Physiology
Transcendent Physiology
Universal Embodiment
Hybrid Transcendency
Scythe Proficiency
Weapon Physiology
Grim Reaper Physiology
Ethereal Physiology
Mythic Physiology
Feline Physiology
God Mode
Infinite Energy
Fate Embodiment
Time Embodiment
Space Embodiment
Powers & Seals:

Christina Alice Morgan Alexandria Ashlyn Azriel Temperance

Seal #1-
She can access a small portion of her powers, all other powers she has are locked away and she can only use basic levels of her soul's powers. Feline physiology.

Gains full control of her current powers.

Seal #3-
Healing, Luck based powers under Luck Energy Manipulation, regenerative healing factor, light and darkness manipulation.

Seal #4-
Remaining Luck Energy powers and Ethereal Physiology are unlocked.
Seal #5-
Gains Carnage magic, Enhanced Roar, Elemental Breath, and Elemental Combat. Regenerative Healing Factor. Second and First Dragon Form.

Seal #6-
Dragon Arm, Dragon Armour, Dragon Aura, Dragon Heart, Draconic Energy Manipulation, and Draconic Elemental Manipulation become available. Third Dragon Form.

Seal #7-
Mass Summoning and Grand Spells.

Seal #8-
Gains her abilities as the central core of Witch Mana.

Seal #9-
Angel Manipulation, Demon Manipulation, Divine Force Manipulation, Demonic Force Manipulation, and Ethereal Manipulation.

Seal #10-
Death Inducement without the need of a field, Divine Ingestion, Divine Power Negation without the need of a field, and Immortality Negation without the need of a field.

Seal #11-
Obtains Queen of Diamonds form, life and creation are available. Transcendent Dragon powers and physiology. Final Dragon Form. Control of all emotions throughout all realms. Mythic Physiology.

Seal #12-
All things under Transcendent Physiology, Absolute Defense, Absolute Strength.

Seal #13-
Chaos Manipulation. Control of all deities throughout all realms.

Seal #14-
Remaining abilities underneath Nigh Omnipotence and Transcendent Nephalem physiology. Transcendent Demon and Transcendent Angel physiology. Control of all bodies throughout all realms. God Mode. Bliss.

Seal #15-
She gains her Transcendent Phantom/Ghost powers and physiology. Control over all Negativity throughout all realms. Scythe Proficiency. Weapon Physiology. Grim Reaper Physiology.

Seal #16-
Transcendent Mage/Witch powers and Physiology. Control of all minds throughout all realms. Universal Embodiment.

Seal #17-
Omnipotence Embodiment. Awakening. Anti-God. Complete Transcendent Physiology. Time, Space, and Fate Embodiment.

The conditions to break a seal requires her to be overwhelmed. Each attack that overwhelms her breaks another seal. If there are two attacks coming at her at the same time, she'll hit Seal #2. If there are 16 attacks coming at her then she'll hit Seal #16.
Isabel constantly adapts and evolves.
She possesses Awakening.

In Awakening all evolutions and adaptations are implied. At this form she can either take the destructive path of her destiny or the peaceful path. She refers to herself differently and as two separate mentalities based off of her path.

Isabel's Hate


Name: Azriel Cipher

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Unknown

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: She's focused on destruction and the end of all of existence. She believes all things are evil and her sole purpose is her only way to freedom and security. She hates the rest of the world and other realms, finding comfort in the happiness of true endings. Internally terrified of other things other than herself, Temperance, and the opposite of destruction.

Physiology: Unknown
Powers: Destructive Omnipotence Embodiment. Anti-God.
Scythe Proficiency. Weapon Physiology. Grim Reaper Physiology. Mythic Physiology. Universal Embodiment. God Mode. Complete Transcendent Physiology. Time. Space, and Fate Embodiment. Infinite Energy. Bliss.

Theme: History: Unknown
Extra: Looks like the younger version of Isabel.
Isabel's Love


Name: Temperance Cipher

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Unknown

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Kind, loving, and happy. Temperance loves She sees the truth in things and can't help to but drive away evil and bring about good. She believes that her destiny is extremely vital to the point in which it's the lucky break existence needs. She dislikes Azriel's goal but doesn't dislike Azriel herself. She'd like to accept her and teach her that not everything is to be hated and destroyed. Bliss.

Physiology: Unknown
Powers: Life giving Omnipotence Embodiment. Anti-God.
Scythe Proficiency. Weapon Physiology. Grim Reaper Physiology. Mythic Physiology. Universal Embodiment. God Mode. Complete Transcendent Physiology. Time, Space, and Fate Embodiment. Infinite Energy.

History: Unknown

Extra: Resembles Isabel's mother. Has a child and adult form.


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