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Chapter Nine: Crossroads

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Bren set down his fork, shaking his head slightly. "I think he was asking about the way you're eating, not the way you cast, Luna. Powerpaw, I don't think there's an official school for such things, but many Summerset nobles teach their children to use what they consider proper manners at the table. That's probably what you're seeing in Luna, at least." He looked at Nivirea questioningly, but she seemed to have dropped the subject in favor of another.

In reply to her question, he said, "Yes, Miss Nivirea, that's our current destination. The Meadowsweets live there and want to get home to their children, and Stewart to his wife (whom we hope will be nearby). Are you headed that way also?" He glanced around at the rest of the party.
.:|Nivirea - The Sorceress|:.

"I am headed any way that leads out of this forest." she replied with only a tinge of exasperation in her voice. "My business here has long been concluded, my love of dirt and cold exhausted, and I was northbound to begin with - so yes, Highwind sounds mighty appealing right now. Also," she made a wide gesture all around her, "Here I am in the unexpected company of proper nobles, cat-folk, and arcanists out of the blue - all of them personas at least as outstanding as they are peculiar - rolling around in the most uncanny means of transportation available when they're not tromping through the woods dispatching giants."

She paused for effect, looking perfectly cool before finishing with: "In case you haven't noticed, the door of your traveling wagon opens up into a swimming pool. Highwind or not, just show me where to sign up."
Both Powerpaw and Bria had paused in their nomming as they became momentarily captivated by Luna's speech. They looked at each other in total confusion. They had no idea how Luna had gotten on to this topic.

Then Bren explained. This helped their moods tremendously. They happily returned to nomming as Nivirea spoke.

As Nivirea spoke of a door, another door, this one from the hall leading into the dining room, opened. In walked a thin, older gentleman clad in wide silk breeches and a fine tunic of purple and gold. High leather riding boots adorned his feet and his gray-topped head bore a splendid feather cap. His eyes were large, giving him an owl-like appearance.

There was something proper and practiced about his manner, as if civility were this man's constant companion. He held the door for another man who entered the dining room with him.

The second fellow was almost nothing like the first. With thick, short, black-and-gray hair and stunning eyes filled with positive energy, the man strode into the room with the greatest of confidence and a minimum of ego. He wore only brown and white cotton pants tied by a simple hemp belt.

The rest of his manly, muscles frame stood out for all to see. Lean of waist, broad-chested, and strong of limb, the fellow's chiseled body was an ongoing work of living art. Best of all, however, was that smile of his - at peace, charming, and powerful all at once.

That smile turned toward Bren as the second fellow spoke in a tone most-pleased.

"Bren!" Glider exclaimed. "Did you know you've been riding along with a Pinnacle of Power in your wagon this whole time? I'd bet my belt it belongs to Bast!"

Hearing this, Powerpaw looked down at the man with a stare of complete astonishment. His jaw fell open revealing rows of sharp teeth. Instead of seeming menacing though, he looked cute in a way as Bria began playing with his whiskers.

"You're so silly-looking, Fuzzy Goof! Stewart! Glider! Please meet our new friend, Nivirea the Sorceress!"

"How do you do?" asked Stewart with a curt bow and a surprised expression.

"Oh, hi there!" Glider glanced at Nivirea and immediately returned his attention to Bren. This act was tremendously unusual given Nivirea's nymph-blessed beauty and naturally-seductive appearance.

Virtually all of her life, Nivirea had been the subject of double-takes and looks of longing. For a man, any man, to, upon first notice, treat her as if she were a common woman, was quite possibly a new experience for the young lady. Stewart, on the other hand, seemed as stricken as most men she had known.

But there this Glider stood, not two feet from her, grinning at Bren and awaiting the youth's reaction.
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.:|Nivirea - The Sorceress|:.

The young sorceress didn't miss Glider's lack of attention. Her eyes narrowed dangerously at him while he wasn't looking, but she looked favorably upon the other person.

She actually stood up for Stewart in one graceful movement, her eyes fixed on his, looking pleased to see him. "Greetings." she said, a hello that was probably meant for both men though her eyes were still on Stewart as she said it. "I am Nivirea, as Bria kindly introduced me. And indeed a sorceress. Lord Stewart, I presume?" she asked, placing the emphasis on the title.
The young sorceress didn't miss Glider's lack of attention. Her eyes narrowed dangerously at him while he wasn't looking...
It was at this moment when Powerpaw was still digesting the shock of Glider's news and Shalin looked to Bren for response that someone else's eyes at the table caught Nivirea's dangerous glare upon Glider.

It was Bria. What the peaceful healer saw caused her to pay close attention though she said nothing. In paying attention, she learned. And for the first time since the Wayward Wanderers had met the sorceress, Bria's face took on a serious look of doubt.

It was a look Nivirea did not notice*, nor did it stay long upon the Ko's monk's features. She appeared shocked at Glider's news too. Bria leaned over and put her head on Otiroin's shoulder as she turned to Bren.

As for the elder monk, if Glider had sensed or noticed something Nivirea's direction, he made no sign. Whomever this new friend of the Wayward Wanderers was, he had not meant to be rude; it was only that this woman's beauty had no effect upon him whatsoever. He would meet and hopefully welcome her acquaintance soon enough. The discovery of a Pinnacle of Power likely from halfway across Sharseya was foremost on the master's mind and he longed to know the son of Killane's thoughts on such an event. For moments like these made for serious decisions.

*(OOC information for Wolf)
I rolled a Perception check for Nivirea. The die came up 7. Nivirea's rank + ability score is +5. Total = 12.
Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 27
Fort save: +12
Ref save: +8
Will save: +4
Current action points: 9
Current HP: 87/87
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: Speak with Animals
Speech color, for reference
Also #3399ff

That smile turned toward Bren as the second fellow spoke in a tone most-pleased.

"Bren!" Glider exclaimed. "Did you know you've been riding along with a Pinnacle of Power in your wagon this whole time? I'd bet my belt it belongs to Bast!"

Bren's jaw dropped. Fortunately, there wasn't any food in it at the moment, but his most recent forkful hovered in his hand, midway between plate and mouth. "It what? There's a what?" Unconsciously he let the fork sink back to the plate. "How, by all that's holy, did that end up on this side of the world?" He looked around for Mamapaw, but remembered she'd gone off and turned to Powerpaw instead. "You didn't happen to bring it with you, did you? Or your mother, maybe?"
Luna looks confused. "What, pray tell, is a pinnacle of power? And why is its being here so unusual?"
"It what? There's a what?" Unconsciously he let the fork sink back to the plate. "How, by all that's holy, did that end up on this side of the world?" He looked around for Mamapaw, but remembered she'd gone off and turned to Powerpaw instead. "You didn't happen to bring it with you, did you? Or your mother, maybe?"

Powerpaw's eyes hardly blinked. "You gots me, face! All I heards was 'power' an' 'Bast' an' it havin' been here all along! So what iz we talkin' about?"

Luna looks confused. "What, pray tell, is a pinnacle of power? And why is its being here so unusual?"

Glider explained casually. "You see, a Pinnacle of Power is a rare religious magical device. Every pinnacle I've ever come across has three traits. They seem to operate only for a true believer of the deity in question, they act as dimensional anchorheads allowing transport to that deity's holy ground from just about anywhere on a plane of existence, and they often have a small number of lesser powers to go with. Nifty, huh?" Glider grinned. "Do you mean to tell me you don't recognize this at all?"

Stewart stepped forth and from his brown leathery satchel, he carefully drew forth a small, golden cat idol.

(It looks like this.)
(Image credit: www.harfordshelter.org)

Bria bounced up and down as she pointed and stared at the item. "Oh my gosh! Yes, I remember that! Remember, Otiorin? Luna? It really has been with us this whole time!" She giggled. "Bren, that's the little magical cat that saved Kitrin, Stewart, and me against Bilal's dancing girls! They were snake-people!"

Powerpaw sprang to his feet and gawked. "WHAT DA FACE?! You mean ta tells me dere waz Yuan-ti on dis wagon all along?! How did I not knows dis?!"

Stewart looked aside as if unable to face Powerpaw. "I do recall cleaning up the Grand Pool as quickly as I could... Oh, that was a horrible night. But a blessed one, too! Bria, you saved my life!"

"Oh, only with Kitrin's help! I'm sorry, Fuzzy Goof. I never thought to bring it up to you. What should we do with it?" Bria looked about to everyone.

Powerpaw punched his meaty fist with a growl. "First face ta say, 'oh, let's sell it' gets smacked RIGHT IN DA FACE!! RAWRRR!"
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Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 27
Fort save: +12
Ref save: +8
Will save: +4
Current action points: 9
Current HP: 87/87
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: Speak with Animals
Speech color, for reference
Also #3399ff

Bren shook his head, still not over the surprise of it. "Pinnacles themselves are rare enough, but to my knowledge (admittedly, probably out of date), Powerpaw, his mother, and one other are the only worshipers of Bast on this side of the world, and few enough would even have heard of her." He shook his head again and looked at Powerpaw. "Oh, no, selling it would be most inappropriate. I think the best thing would be to put it into the hands of Bast's priests, if we can find one."
.:|Nivirea - The Sorceress|:.

Nivirea remained quiet and unobtrusive as she listened to the unfolding conversation about the Pinnacle of Power, still standing as she had been. Her dark green eyes skimmed intelligently across the speakers and sometimes seemingly random parts of the room. Only once Bren had spoken did she raise her voice, addressing him directly.

"But you just said there's no one else, right? And Melshaef and Powerpaw should be able to use the Pinnacle, at least? As true believers." The last was a statement, not a question, though the girl's eyebrows seemed to arch slightly when she looked at the big warrior cat. "Wouldn't even these lesser bonuses help the party further its goals? I think you should keep it. It could be kept safe here at least as well as in the hands of any priest in some temple."

The Sorceress was calm and composed, and though her eyes did return and linger on the golden statue every now and then, she did not give off the impression that she was particularly interested in the thing.
(Mood music)
"Mummer's Dance" by Loreena McKennit, covered by Destiny Cross (because it's that pretty of a song). =)

It was about this time that the door to the dining room swung wide and in walked Mamapaw. She was smiling with her head high. Her red Craven-leather armor was adorned with bright flowers including a pair of circlets made up of forest-born beauties all ringed around her neck and forehead in charming display. She strode across the wood floor with a great bearing of pride unseen in her since the Wayward Wanderers rescued her from her capture by Gerran and his Painless.

In her paws, she cradled an item some of you had seen before:
3840x2400-fantasy_art-14611.jpg wallpapersonthe.net.jpg
(Image credit: WallpapersOnThe.Net)

"Friends and family! I return from the wood with glad tidings! The ten souls of the fallen are on their way to the Happy Hunting Grounds and the refugees of the Three Rings are at this very moment safe and sound in Highwind, all thanks to this! Melshaef's Tree!" She held up her tree high with both paws. "By Beautiful Bastet's wisdom and Marvelous Mielikki's insight, I have learned that the tree is indeed a Pinnacle of Power! And guess where it is anchored? EarthHome in Highwind! Mielikki's grandest shrine! I must thank you all for your-- what is it, son?"

Cats are often impatient creatures and for those that this is true, Powerpaw is likely their herald somehow and somewhere. For the big cat repeatedly pointed at the precious item in Stewart's hands. Mamapaw's eyes followed her son's claw.

So great was her surprise that she shrieked in a most undignified manner. "What in the name of catnip is that doing here?!"

"Iz been heres all alongs! You got some good timings, Mom! We was just talkin' about Pinnacles of Powa!"

"But... you mean... we now have two?"
Luna chuckles at the reaction of the elder cat-folk. "Apparently we do. The one that was here in the Wagon was apparently acquired by Bilal the Rich in his travels, adding to his collection of the unusual and amazing. We have also been informed that the first person to suggest we sell the Pinnacle will get it 'In da faaaaaccccceeeee!' Needless to say, we are not planning on doing that!"
Shalin considered, then his golden letters lit the air. "The stars have blessed you; you appear to have the means both to EarthHome in Highwind and to wherever Bastet's idol is anchored... in a lively realm likely far, far from the green woods and dark troubles of Shandra's Evergreen."

Glider turned to Shalin. "You think Mamapaw can use both?"

"If anyone can, it is she." The charming elf nodded to Mamapaw then to Powerpaw. "It is doubtful that any of the faithful can use such relics unless they are steeped in the use of magic. Your experiences with Pinnacles of Power differ from mine. Arcanists like Luna, Nivirea, Otiorin, and myself with sufficient knowledge and technique can make use of a Pinnacle of Power, but it is not a journey for the uninitiated... The gods are people too and they anger and desire vengeance against those who wrong them as quickly as any of us."

"Quite so," Mamapaw politely interjected. "This is why it was so important to get my tree lest the Ogre Magi of the Black Fang get ahold of it. They might pervert the Pinnacle and use its magic to gain instant entry to EarthHome and therefore Highwind. The atrocities they could do without the walls of the kingdom to protect them are horrifying..."

Bria raised her hand. "But what does this mean for us?"

Shalin replied. "It means our time together is coming to an end." He looked around the dining table. "For through the valiant efforts of the Wayward Wanderers, you have secured for yourselves great opportunities and the means to carry them out. You may now travel to Highwind at whim and in the greatest of luxuries," he waved one arm in display of the Adventurers' Wagon. "In doing so, those present will away to their own destinies as I must to mine."

Powerpaw scratched his head. "You tinks we'll all go our own ways or sumtin'?"

Shalin grinned. "Nay. The bonds of true friendship will hold where time and distance would otherwise divide. From what I have gathered here, some, when set safely within Highwind's grand walls, will desire to reunite with family, reforge bonds long broken, retether ties thinned by misfortune, or otherwise chase their fortunes while youth and the free spirit allow. Is this not the way of adventures?"

Bonny and Whittle paused, plates in hand. They looked at each other with longing. Stewart looked down at the blue pouch on his belt and then far to the north.

Bonny spoke up. "Mister Shalin, with great pardon to all of your grand wizardliness--"

Whittle nudged him. "Sorcererness, me love!"

"--oh, right-o! Bless you, my butterfly! Sorcererness and all! Mister Shalin, you... you make it all sound so... final." The Meadowsweets looked up to Shalin with a touch of dread in their large, round eyes.

Shalin waved away those worries, comforting the married hobbits with his silent charm. "Not so, my dear hole-dwellers. It is just the way for each of us to follow our dreams while we may. Our dreams will simply take some of us in different directions," he indicated the Meadowsweets, Stewart, and Glider, "while others will remain banded together, perhaps to chase grander fortune and greater dreams," he waved his fingers toward the Wayward Wanderers. "Whatever the case, coming to Highwind is the spark that starts the flame - one long overdue by elven eyes."

Crossing his arms, Glider agreed and looked toward Bria. "I do have a heck of lot of catching up to do with my own family, now that you have freed me. Plus, I really need time to sort out my feelings. I need to be centered again." Bria nodded to him in agreement.

As he said this, many around the table seemed to look inside for their own dreams and desires. Even Bria was not immune to this pulling of the heart.

Shalin grinned at Bren. "That you have a Mielikkian Pinnacle of Power near and a true-hearted Druidess that might bless you with its favor is in itself a wonderful thing - for where best to chase the dream of becoming the next Paladin of Mielikki but her strongest temple in all of Sharseya? EarthHome should be the first place you visit," he looked then to all of the Wayward Wanderers, both present and would-be, "but be warned - to wander everlong in Highwind is the greatest of distractions to the adventure-bound and fortune-hearted. Stay to your path and you will find it. Wander and be caught up in Highwind's considerable winds of fate. Where they would blow each of you is a riddle beyond all scholarly wisdom."

Shalin's Staff of the Magi with Havoc inside chuckled giddily at that thought. But Shalin looked across the table to each one of you. "Perhaps now is the time to voice the desires of the heart that they may be fulfilled? What seek you, Wayward Wanderers?"
.:|Nivirea - The Sorceress|:.

Nivirea's interest piqued from the moment Shalin suggested that an arcanist such as herself could make use of a Pinnacle of Power. Her eyes jumped restlessly between the cat and the tree every now and then when they weren't keeping up with Shalin's words. She stood by the table quietly until prompted to speak.

"I am not one of the Wayward Wanderers addressed," she spoke solemnly, "But this is my desire - I seek to join that number. Hereby and formally. To travel with you, for a time at least. As a sorceress and fellow adventurer. I've not yet had a chance to prove my worth, but I stand ready to do so at a moment's notice. And you will find me wayward enough, I daresay, if that is a prerequisite."
But Shalin looked across the table to each one of you. "Perhaps now is the time to voice the desires of the heart that they may be fulfilled? What seek you, Wayward Wanderers?"

Powerpaw also put voice to his desires. "Me? Welp, I gots me mom," he gave her a big lick which started her purring, "I gots me best friend," with a toothy smile, he affectionately rubbed his furry head against Bria's shoulder, "an' I gotta new maul." He hugged the masterwork weapon. "I guess I wanna magic maul; some baddies need magic ta face-smack, yanno. But above alls, dis Kitty-face want actions! Gimme adventures! Gimme.... MOOOOOOOAARR!" He raised his arms and cheered. "All dis sittin' around chattin' is makin' da gladiator in me feel all rusty..."

Bria gleefully rubbed her shoulder against Powerpaw. What a true buddy he was! She paused in reflection, then the peaceful healer's eyes slowly turned toward Otiorin. Once there, she knew her heart's desires. "Um, I'd like to look for the Sunfire Blade, the Moonlit Edge's mate. That's the one thing I think would really make Otiorin happy! Oh, and I'd like to help Bren become a paladin if I could because that would make him happy. And um..." she put her finger to her lips and thought a bit more, "if we go to EarthHome, I'd like to donate almost all of my wealth to the Refugees of the Three Rings, because, you know, they really, really probably need it for a fresh start in Highwind. All those needy families and children..." Bria's heartfelt longing showed on her face. No diamond necklaces would adorn her pretty collar, no glittering rubies on her fingers, not as long as there were the downtrodden and hungry to help.

"But this is my desire - I seek to join that number. Hereby and formally. To travel with you, for a time at least. As a sorceress and fellow adventurer."

Bria was as curious as ever. "What are your dreams and goals, Nivirea? What specifically are you looking to gain by becoming a Wayward Wanderer?"
Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 27
Fort save: +12
Ref save: +8
Will save: +4
Current action points: 9
Current HP: 87/87
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: Speak with Animals
Speech color, for reference
Also #3399ff

Bren smiled and set down his utensils. "Well, if Lady Saberfang can use Bast's pinnacle, I think she is probably the best keeper of it." He read quietly as Shalin "spoke" to the group, nodding in response to the questions and explanations, though he looked a little disappointed when Shalin implied he would be leaving the party.

He didn't look surprised by Nivirea's request to join. "I don't see why not, if the others have no objection. You've already helped a friend of one of our party." He glanced around at his party members, clearly seeking input on the question.

Powerpaw's statement of his heart's desires made him grin; a softer smile met Bria's response. He then spoke up to answer the question himself. "As many of you know now, I've decided to ask Mielikki for the honor of being one of her paladins, and that's my deepest desire at present. I expect being in her service will lead to adventure sooner or later though, never fear, Powerpaw!"

Then he turned to the others, interested to hear what they would say.
Luna is quiet as her friends talk about their goals for the future, and what to do with the two divine artifacts. She reaches out to grab her cup and take a sip, then she says, "I would never be able to look at myself in the mirror if we were to even try to separate these Pinnacles of Power from the most religious one of us all. Please, Lady Saberfang, take them, and guard them from the hands of those that would use them for evil. Also know, I will stand at your side to help you protect these sacred items from all that would try to take them, and I feel that all of the Wanderers would do the same. So! As far as I'm concerned, that issue is settled! Mamapaw deserves them, and woe to all that would disagree! Now, what are my goals? Hmmm. I have always driven myself to be the most powerful wizard that I can be, learning all that I can to better myself. I have some ideas for spell combinations that I would like to give a try, but it would be a bit rude to experiment on my friends." Luna smiles, as if she would ever use her friends for targets. Probably.

"Not to mention the ideas I have for making a wand. Thanks to the notes in my book, I am ready to try to craft one of my own! How neat would that be? From what I've been reading, it would take me four or five days to make a Wand of Scorching Rays. Nivirea, if you would like, I could even make a wand for you, if you just help me out with the cost of materials."

"So, long story short, getting some time to put my aggressive spells to use, and to get some more resources to be able to make up the wands that I want would be wonderful. I find myself standing with Powerpaw and his desire to want moar!"
.:|Nivirea - The Sorceress|:.

"I find myself on board with Luna and Powerpaw." she said, glancing at each of them in turn. "It is the promise of adventure that calls out to me. That, and the desire to forward my arcane career. I could tend to both as part of your company, and doubtless that you would benefit from having me as well. I'm not just another pretty face, you know." She smiled a beautiful smile that showed her teeth, something between sweet and mischievous.
"Not to mention the ideas I have for making a wand. Thanks to the notes in my book, I am ready to try to craft one of my own! How neat would that be? From what I've been reading, it would take me four or five days to make a Wand of Scorching Rays. Nivirea, if you would like, I could even make a wand for you, if you just help me out with the cost of materials."

(Shop Talk with Sherwood)
If memory serves, Luna has paid the cost in gold to switch her Rapid Reload feat to Craft Wand, but she has yet to study the five in-game days (long, I know!) to cement the deal.

He didn't look surprised by Nivirea's request to join. "I don't see why not, if the others have no objection. You've already helped a friend of one of our party." He glanced around at his party members, clearly seeking input on the question.

As this question rose, Melshaef looked about to her fellows. Her whiskers twitched as she wrestled briefly with a question, one claw tapping against the table. After she had it, she gave it voice. "In druidic circles, we often discuss matters like these in private for a number of wise reasons. May I recommend a brief recess from the table that we might come to clear decision?" Melshaef indicated the door leading out of the dining room.

"I doezn't mind." Powerpaw nommed, lips smacking.

"Fine by me!" Snuggled up to Otiorin, Bria looked as though ready to move. She looked to Otoirin to see if he felt the same.
Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 27
Fort save: +12
Ref save: +8
Will save: +4
Current action points: 9
Current HP: 87/87
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: Speak with Animals
Speech color, for reference
Also #3399ff

Bren looked first startled, then approving. "Good idea, Lady Saberfang. If you would excuse us while we discuss?" He smiled to those not actually in the party, then nodded to those in the party.
(Dungeon Master note to all)
In the spirit of speeding things along a little (you realize this chapter started back in November, right?), I am going to say that the Wayward Wanderers politely excuse themselves to the quietness of the storeroom across the hall. There, they can converse freely and, one hopes, return soon to Nivirea with a unanimous decision. I don't mean to railroad you guys - Sharseya is my player-driven game after all. =)

The Wayward Wanderers politely excused themselves from the dining room. They crossed the hall and entered the Adventurers' Wagon's storeroom. Here, among towering barrels of oak, thick crates of all sizes, and other storage-related items from across Averlund, the Wanderers could speak in privacy and peace. Bria stood patiently with Otiorin. The peaceful healer looked to see who would speak first. Powerpaw licked his lips, still savoring the meal they were enjoying in the dining room. He drew out his large maul, rested his mighty paws upon it, and watched the rest of you with blood-red eyes. Sparkle hopped off of Luna's shoulder long enough to inspect a barrel with Dwarfish runes upon its surface, though her reptilian ears remained aimed at the group. Melshaef, a large goblet of wine in paw, entered gracefully and closed the door firmly behind her. She moved away from it and rested her back against a crate.

"Gratitude, my leader," the furry Felane nodded to Bren. "This way, we might speak freely as a company should." Her eyes gazed calmly, but her tail swished back and forth like a sweeping sword. "I, for one, would like to know more about this Nivirea of Summerset. For while she has learned plenty about us, what do we know about her?"

Bria answered. "Well, she seems to want to adventure for the sake of it and to further enhance her sorcery."

"Aye, but what do we really know about her? What are your thoughts about this nymph-blooded one and her joining us? Won't you share your thoughts, my fellow Wanderers, be they sunny, stormy, or as calm as the moon above the desert sands?"
Luna looks to her friends. "Perhaps a probationary period? That would give us time to get to know Nivirea, and for her to get to know us better. It may happen that we all agree that she is not a good fit for us, and the Wanderers go on their way and Nivirea goes hers. But, I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. It might happen that she is a good fit for us, and we will be enriched by her company. We will never find out unless we give her the chance."
.:|Nivirea - The Sorceress|:.

Back in the dining room the girl maintained a neutral expression, if with a small, polite smile for those that remained with her. She had set herself back in her chair and awaited there patiently, seemingly unworried about anything except potential crumbs or stray hairs on her clothes.
Luna looks to her friends. "Perhaps a probationary period? That would give us time to get to know Nivirea, and for her to get to know us better.

"Oooh!" Bria clapped and smiled. "A probationary period! What a totally Outlander-like idea! No one in the Ko has ever mentioned anything like that before!"

Powerpaw leaned forward. "Probin' what? Whatzit means? I doezn't get its. Is Nivirea-face in or nots?"

"It's not a yes or no, Fuzzy Goof - it's a maybe. Kind of like saying, 'if we get along, we will team up. If we don't, we will walk separate paths.' Get it?"

Powerpaw's tail swished. "'Mebbe.' Yeah, mebbe dat'll work! Good tinkin', Luna-face!"

Melshaef nodded. "A fine idea. Having a sorceress along would definitely improve our arcane abilities within the team. But as for her personality, Nivirea appears to be a human from a high... ah... pedigree? She seems trained in the arts of social graces as opposed to simply having learned them on her own. As such, she might be used to getting what she wants?" She looked to Bren given that he was a lord in a great land.

Bria raised her hand and frowned. "My only reservation comes from something I witnessed from her at the table today. When Glider and Mister Shalin entered, Shalin noted Nivirea's presence, but Master Glider barely acknowledged her. From a Ko perspective, this is nothing unusual. And yet... I saw Nivirea glare darkly at Master Glider in a moment of great disapproval."

"What's dat mean, Bria?"

"I think her ego outweighs her confidence. This battle of child-mind versus adult-mind breaks one's inner harmony thereby creating a conflict of spirit that causes a person to lose her center and--"

"I meants in Common, angel-face..."

"Oh! Sorry! What I mean is - I think Nivirea acts like a youthful noble. From her own lips, she is also nymph-blooded. Nymphs are extremely passionate but also guarded. A young and spoiled nymph is a troublesome creature indeed as she uses her natural abilities to charm her way to get what she desires. Rare is the spoiled person that considers the feelings of those whom she does this to."

Melshaef's furry ears flicked. "And you believe she may treat us this way?"

"I don't know. I've seen enough nobles in Summerset and Highwind act haughty. I... don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt when she inevitably does not get her way. Including hers." Bria's frown deepened. With that, she settled into Otiorin's arms and looked up into his face. She wondered what his opinion was.

Powerpaw grumbled. "Hey Brenny? What we doez if dat happens?"

Sparkle appeared with an unamused expression. She sent to all in a firm grandmotherly tone. If she acts like a hatchling, then spank her like the child she is and send her on her way.

Powerpaw chuckled. "Oh yah, like somebuddy like dat would let a spankings go unanswered... Spoiled or nots, by what Bria saw, it sounds like dis Nivirea's gotta temper like a gladiator or dis Kitty-face is a dog!"

"I have a recommendation. From time to time, during this probationary period, we gather as we are now and discuss what we have experienced and felt together as a fellowship should. She may prove to be more adult-minded than many of us realize. Luna? Bria? Bren? What think you?"

Bria sighed with a combination of hope and worry. "May it be so..."


Conversations continued at the dining room as Shalin used his magic to converse with Whittle about the wonders of Shandra's Evergreen. Not far away, Bonny and Stewart passionately discussed the best pipe-weed one should smoke seasonally. This left Glider of the Ko and Nivirea. Glider turned to Nivirea with a charming smile worthy of any noble coupled with an apparently-compassionate nature that rivaled Bria's.

"Hi there!" he nodded. "My apologies for my distraction earlier - I just had to see the look on Bren's face when I gave him the news. I must applaud your wise words concerning the Pinnacle of Power remaining in safe hands. You must really care about the forest and its creatures to feel that way. Are you, by chance, a follower of Mielikki the Forest Mother?"
Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 27
Fort save: +12
Ref save: +8
Will save: +4
Current action points: 9
Current HP: 87/87
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: Speak with Animals
Speech color, for reference
Also #3399ff

Bren smiled at Luna. "I think a probationary period is an excellent idea. Good thinking!" He listened as Mamapaw and Bria expressed their concerns regarding Nivirea's personality. "It may help that Luna and I are also nobles, in our case from Summerset. Nivirea may be of Summerset also, but she doesn't seem to want to reveal her family at this time. That could mean she wants to be regarded on her own merits, and not rest on her family's laurels; it could also mean they've cast her out for whatever reason. Or, maybe she just doesn't trust everyone she meets with that sort of personal information. In any case, if she does act at all superior because of her birth, I'll be sure to let her know that's not acceptable in this group. We're all friends, are we not? And friends don't treat each other that way." He nodded at Sparkle and Powerpaw. "Verbal 'spankings' may be more to the point, and hopefully she'll accept them for the learning experiences they ought to be. If not, it may be a sign that she isn't meant to be with us."
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