Istar's Trial

This iron door seems very similar to the door that you entered through, it also lacks any hinges, although this time it appears to slide to the side rather then down. But as you start to pull you feel heavy resistance, not like it was locked more like it wouldn't budge. This door is stuck.
Istar groaned as this door , too , was stuck. "Of course.." , she muttered. She resumed pulling on the door with increased effort.

Strength:Roll(1d20)+3:2+3 Total:5
Istar grimaced when her efforts once again failed to open the door. "I guess I'll just try again! I hate these doors.." , she muttered as she once again put her effort into drawing the door open.

Strength:roll(1d20)+3:2+3 Total:5
Istar's features twisted into a half-snarl as her continual struggle once again gained little result. "What is this door made of? Is it cursed!? Open already! Please!" Instead of trying to pull the iron ring again , she simply slammed the door with her bodyweght , using her left side.

Strength:roll(1d20)+3:4+3 Total:7
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Istar , for all her decorous manners , was nearly on the verge of cursing - as , for the fourth time , she had gained little results for her efforts. Instead of speaking , she merely ground her teeth and slammed herself into the door a second time.

Strength:roll(1d20)+3:10+3 Total:13
Your body slams into the door, your shoulder a little sore from the harder impact, but the door only rattles a little, but the door does not move.

You do recall the lack of hinges and that it looks like it should slide out of the way.
Istar laughed in a slightly unhinged , bitter manner as she remembered the door's specifics. "This wouldn't happen in a forest , no , things there actually look different - but no , I'm trapped in a maze , underground , where everything is designed to be as confusinh as possible. Why couldn't this have been a forest?" She once again gripped the iron ring in her hands , this time trying to slide it to side. "This had better finally open.."

Strength:Roll(1d20)+3:1+3 Total:4
Istar backed away from the door , her features set in a particularly displeased scowl. "Fuck!" , she yelled as she kicked the door. But quickly she realized what she had said and blushed deeply , her eyes quite widened as she quickly prayed to absolve herself of what she saw as a wrongdoing. Then , once again , she resumed the effort to open the door , her features still reddened quite severely.

Strength:roll(1d20)+3:10+3 Total:13
As the echoes of your shout slowly die down, mixed with the low thud of the iron door meeting your not, you pull and tug, but the door does not move.
Istar winced each time the echoes of the shout reached her ears , the same echoes serving to keep her features flushed scarlet. Still , she kept working at the door , struggling with it for nearly two minutes before it finally slid into it's pocket and allowed her entry. "Please be an exit.."

Taking 20 (2 minutes elapse)
With much effort you manage to pull the door open, the metallic scraping on stone accompanying the exertion, to reveal a passage stretching before you(west) and another to your left(north), both about seven strides(35 feet) before turning.

The passage before you turns to the left(North) after seven strides.

The passage to your left turns to the right(west) after seven strides.
Istar groaned quite deeply , putting her hand to her forehead. "Why did I expect anything different?" , she quietly ground out as she walked along the forward path. As was her pattern , should nothing impede her she'd stop at the corner and peer around it's edge.
As you peek around the corner you see the passage continues(North) for about three strides(15 feet) before an opening on the right(East) side appears. Further along the (North looking) passage, about eight strides(45 feet) your elven eyes can see an opening on the left(West) side and beyond that you are able to see the long passage continues straight(North).

So you have a new passage three strides from you on the right.

Another passage seven strides on the left.

And the passage continues straight beyond the range of your moon rod.
Istar paced for quite some time , unable to decide whether she was going to travel forwards or take the passage to her right. In the end , her intrigue at the forward passage continuing won out , and the Paladin was soon slowly , cautiously striding along the corridor. Unless something proved to be of significant interest or otherwise impeded her , she'd walk all the way to the end.
You move down the passage until you reach the opening on your left(West) side. From the corner you can see a wooden door about two strides(10 feet) on the right(north). Directly across from that door is an opening.

If you continue forward(North) you can see a door on the right(East) about four strides(20 feet) ahead and an opening about two strides past that door, leading to the right(East), with the passage continuing to end range of your vision.
Istar decided to enter the first opening on her left , after a brief moment of contemplation. "Maybe this will finally prove to be an exit. Or at least lead to an exit.. Please?" After she muttered that , she - provided nothing directly impeded her - strode over to the door opposite the opening , looking it over for any traps or other abnormalities.

Perception:roll(1d20)+3:19+3 Total:22
You scrutinize the door, it is a well maintained wooden door, similar in construction to the other wooden doors you've seen.

You do not see any traps.
Istar gently gripped the iron pull-ring , whispering a prayer as she so often did. She pulled the door to herself slowly , alert for any sign that she had triggered a trap.
The door opens outward easily and with barely any noise.

As your light fills the darkened room you see the door is in the corner, with the room opening to your left(West) about four strides(20 feet) and before you about six strides(30 feet). Scattered about the room you can see discarded bones, they are not humanoid by the look of it.

In the center of the room is a large carpet, and in the center of that is a manger and a crate.

In far opposite corner there is a painting with a jar of what you assume is paint next to it.

Everything in the room is covered with bits of cobwebs, the thickest covering the painting. However it would seem the manger and crate have what appears to be the least amount of cobwebs and dust.
Istar once again found herself mystified. "Animals were down here?! Just who lived in this place?" She paused , a second thought coming to her. "What could've happened to make them simply.. disappear like this?" Of course , she assumed the bones were the remains of whatever creatures had utilized the manger. After a moment she walked to the painting , standing directly in front of it. Without so much as a second thought she used her free hand to brush away the cobwebs covering it.
As you walk through the room some of the bones crunch and clatter under foot, like old twigs and deadfall.

The cobwebs pull back like a thick curtain to reveal a dinghy, faded, and ruined picture. The colors faded to the point toy cannot tell what the image once was.

Roll a perception check.

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