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Realistic or Modern Neighbours (no relation to the TV show)

Phoenix sighed "My laptop's in the Van... I hate moving house..." She kicked the wall before clutching her foot "Ow! *#@&" She shouted again angrilly
He would give a small chuckle as he saw her hurt herself a bit "now now... don't be so angry, you can borrow my laptop if you need to" he would walk over to her "it happens when people move, I myself ended up leaving my wallet in the moving van when I came here, I had to settle with a coffee only for a day"
"Really? Thanks!" Phoenix said smiling "Umm... can it run Cities Skylines? I'm sorta addicted to it and well... let's just say I haven't been doing much else for the pas few days..." Phoenix blushed and rubbed the back of her head
"Yeah that's fine, my laptop has a lot of processing power as I use it for work. Though don't you need the disk or something to install it? He'd ask curiously
"geez, how old are you? never heard of steam?" Phoenix smiled jokingly "naw it's on my account, if I log in I can access it from any computer in the world, well most of them anyway, as long as I can use it and it has steam."
"ah... true... I haven't really played much games recently, besides Starcraft 2, I don't play anything else" He said chuckling "But yeah, I believe I do have steam on my computer, might need an update though, haven't used it in a while" He would go to the lounge room as he does a few things on it before disconnecting the cables "alright... that should do it" He would grab it with its charger "You can use it now, by the way, what you like to eat? I forgot to ask that before, I got pretty much everything I need to make something"
"Well since you asked, could I have a corned beef and cheese toastie please?... and do you mind If I take a shower?" Phoenix said as she began installing Cities Skylines on his computer. "It's been a long day...I've been up since 3:00"
"Of course you can, I'll give you some of my clothes to use, may be a bit big but it should do for a day, towels are under the sink so help yourself, as for hair dryer I don't think I have one unfortunately" he'd head to the kitchen to prepare some food
Phoenix smiled "Thanks Brian" she called down from the top of the stairs, a few seconds later the sound of running water could be heard throughout the house as well as Phoenix's humming which was making out no particular tune but still sounded good
Brian would have gotten a small smile as he would calmly make some food for themselves as it would take only a few minutes before it was done as he brings it to the table to set it up for them to eat as he then went back into the kitchen to make some tea while he waited for Phoenix to finish her shower
Phoenix poked her head around the door her hair was no longer in a ponytail and she had a towel wrapped around her "Brian? didn't you say I could borrow something to wear? what exactly should I wear?"
"Ah right... I have a shirt and track pants if you would like to use that, it's string tied tracks so you can adjust it, either that or I can give you some shorts to wear" he said almost forgetting that he was supposed to get clothes for her "I'll go get them for you so what you like to wear?"
Phoenix thought for a while "shorts I guess" she called from another room as she went to put her underwear on and dry her hair. She looked outside through a small gap in the curtains it was already getting late, Phoenix went out into the back garden alone to look at the sky, The backdoor closed and locked itself when a large gust of wind blew leaving Phoenix trapped outside
He would have gotten her clothes as he would go check for clothes for her before he knocked on the bathroom door thinking she was in there "Phoenix, you there? I got your clothes for you" he would wait for a reply
Phoenix tried telling him she was stuck outside but to no avail she tried to climb over the fence to get back in front of the house but couldn't climb over due to her being to short
He would call her name again"Phoenix? You there? If you don't respond I'll come in"he said jokingly but when he heard nothing he actually decided to check as he realised she wasn't in there as he rubbed the back of his head as he called her name out "hey... Phoenix where are you..." he would look around the house a bit
Phoenix eventually made her way around to the front of the house during her climb over the fence something had bitten her ankle she had assumed it to be a stray dog at the time, she limped over to the front door and knocked twice on it whilst checking over her foot
Hearing the knock he would go check the front door opening it and seeing her "Dear god... how on earth did you get out there" he would see her foot injured as he moved to her to help her to the couch "come on... let's go clean your foot up..."
"I wanted to look at the stars..." Phoenix said sort of embarrassed "You don't see them too often where I come from and the night sky here is really pretty"
Brian would let out a sigh as he went to get his first aid kit as well as a wet cloth to wipe away the dirt and blood "you could have waited till you gotten changed you know" he would kneel down in front of her "I'll need to wipe the blood away so it might hurt a bit"
"I'm sorry Brian... I wasn't thinking... I didn't know that the back door would lock behind me..." she said biting her lip "you don't think I could catch anything from that do you?"
"Well... if it isn't to bad... it should be fine... but we can always go get it checked if you'd like, I do have a licence and Van, it's not exactly the car of the century but it's something" he would finish wiping the blood off as he takes a look at it more clearly
The bite was clearly from a large canine and actually went pretty deep down into Phoenix's ankle it wouldn't pose a serious threat to her health though but would definitely need some bandaging to prevent infection
Brian was a bit concerned with it as it was a fairly big bite as he rummaged though the first aid kit "I think it was probably a stray dog or something I'll apply some disinfection onto it, which will hurt a lot... sorry.... but after that I'll bandage it, I'll take you for a check up tomorrow though"
Phoenix nodded "okay Brian..." She took a deep breath and chose not to look at her foot in the hope that she wouldn't feel the pain that bad It didn't work she went back to biting her lip but her bite felt a little... sharper than before she thought it was just the amount of pain she was going through that made her bite deeper

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