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Realistic or Modern [Casual] Containment Breach

Caffeine Freak

Two Thousand Club

They want you back.
A top secret government-military program involving the abduction and containment of talented individuals backfires as their containment facility is hit by an attack from an unknown organization. Outraged, the government calls for a city-wide lockdown in an attempt to search for and re-contain the escaped 'assets'. Streets are scoured. Curfews are enforced. Legions of elite police officers and military operatives are called in from all around the world with one purpose: your re-capture.

You are an asset. to the rest of the world, you are labelled 'escaped convicts' - terrorists of a highly dangerous nature. In spite of this, all facial records of you have been erased during the containment breach - but do not underestimate the government's resolve to see you behind bars, nor their depthless wallets funding new military technology.

Scattered around the city, the assets will need to put their talents to use if they want to survive the government's onslaught.


The City
The announcement of martial law, lack of progress on capturing aforementioned convicts, paranoia, military crackdown, random arrests and police raids on private property haven't sat well with the citizens. Riots and police brutality are not uncommon - which can either work for or against the assets.


The Military
The ACP (Asset Containment Project) goes beyond billion dollar investments and shadow deals. The government has no problem forking over a fraction of the amount to invent new ways to re-contain you. As your time in the City continues, methods of identification, combat and suppression are in constant development. That is to say, the enemies will adapt to your character as the roleplay continues. Your weaknesses will be exploited, and your strengths will be used against you.


Good luck. You'll need it.


Information for new players:
The assets have already escaped the facility, and the player group are now holed up in an abandoned police station in the downtown area with a relatively small amount of cash to go around. So far the military have developed handheld detection devices for assets as well as anti-pickpocket wallets for civilians.
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[RP Start!]

Mr Burke puffed on a cigarette, standing on a mezzanine overseeing the rows upon rows of layered prison cells. On each floor, security guards patrolled almost robotically, experimental firearms cradled in their arms. Just a few meters below him was the security room, in which a pair of guards worked their terminals.

"Hey, look at this for a second."
One of them gestured to his partner, eyes still on the screen.
The other security guard wheeled over. "What?"
"The main generator just cut out, we're on backup power right now."
His partner leaned closer to the screen. "That can't be right, wouldn't an alarm have sounded?"
"You'd think so, but-" A flash of steel, the security guard slumped out his chair.
"Wha-!?" His partner followed with an alarmed gurgle.
A shadowy figure shifted the body aside, beginning to tap rapidly at the terminal.


Xavier Oganesson idly flicked little chunks of concrete he'd scratched off the floor at the bulletproof glass door. His specific cell employed several mechanized chains anchored to the walls and ceiling that were clamped onto various portions of his body. He barely had enough leeway to transition between sitting and standing.
A security guard stopped outside his cell and rapped on the door. "Knock that off!"
Xavier glared at him, but reluctantly stopped anyway, opting instead to stretch out onto his back - or at least as much as he could before the chains went taut. "I wish I wouldn't have to sleep with my back suspended off the floor." Xavier muttered.
As if in answer, the clamps gave a resounding 'Reeeeep', giving Xavier barely enough time to even look up before they dropped him onto his back. Groaning, Xavier sat up, rubbing the back of his head. "..What.."
His cell door slid open

JayBlue JayBlue Pacificus Pacificus Abyss Abyss
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Up down, up down, up down. Sweat drenched Remington's face as he continued his push-ups, counting as he did them. "twenty-three.... twenty-four... twenty-" he braced for impact when his arms gave out and he fell to the floor. he heard laughing from right outside his cell. he couldn't see the owner of it due to the cloth they made him wear around his eyes. if he took it off they'd punish him.

"You can't even do fifty push-ups! it's almost embarrassing" cried what Remi could only assume was Harold. Harold was a security guard who took a surprising amount of interest in Remi for no apparent reason. he just liked to beat up on him all the time. "I'm getting better..." Remi pushed himself up into a sitting position, it wouldn't help him to lay in his own sweat. "Twenty-four and a half isn't much better than twenty, mate" the security guard snickered and began to walk away. "one of these days I'm gonna kill you" Remi said through clenched teeth. he REALLY hated that guy. "is that so?" the guy asked tauntingly behind him. then all of a sudden there was a buzzing sound and then the cell door slid open.

At first Remi was scared to pull his blindfold down, but eventually, curiosity got the better of him and he tore it off. It had been so long since Remi was able to see anything, it hurt his eyes at first. but then they adjusted, and Remi caught his first glimpse of his security guard buddy in a state of utter confusion. Remington had no idea what was going on and he didn't give a damn. The boy immediately dashed outside of his cell and sent a front kick to the man's stomach, sending him flying back.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Pacificus Pacificus Abyss Abyss
Shaun sat idly on his rack, which consisted of a hard foam that had been fused to the floor in order to prevent him from removing it. He made notes in his head. He was not allowed access to any materials, not even so much as a number 2 pencil without being under strict supervision with a gun to his head. So he learned to make do. "Day 445. I think. Preparation for escape attempt number 41 going as planned. Recently acquired plastic spork from chow hall after successful 3 week operation to retrieve it. Now I only need to get some kind of liquid to use a catalyst. Water would be best but anything that's atleast 40% H2O will do. After that I only need-"

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his cell door open. He looked up at it. The solid single-piece titanium door was wide open. For a moment, he hesitated, but only for one. He immediately got up and rushed out onto the catwalk outside his cell. He was relieved to see he wasn't the only one. Every cell door in the prison was opening up. And the alarm hadn't sounded yet, leaving the guards confused. "Change of plans."

He ran back into his cell. We wedged his fingers beneath the far side of his foam bedding, where the guards hadn't noticed the material was separating from the floor. Under it was a treasure trove of collected items. Shaun grabbed them all. A sharpened plastic spork, half a bottle of hotsauce and an unwound paperclip. He held the spork in his right hand and waited for a guard to pass by his cell door. As a guard came running past, he reached out with the spork and let the guards momentum carry him onto the sharpened object. The plastic cutlery broke but was lodged in the lower part of the guards neck, who fell to one knee, bleeding profusely and suffocating. As he slowly died, Shaun dragged him into his cell, intent on stealing his uniform. "Today,s the day." He thought excitedly.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak JayBlue JayBlue Abyss Abyss
Xavier stepped out of his cell door, stretching the muscles in his neck with a satisfying crack.
"Asset outside of containment!"
An alarmed guard rushed over, squeezing the trigger of the high caliber pistol. Xavier growled, stumbling sideways as the bullet ricocheted off his skull and struck the metal railing. The guard gave a monetary look of disbelief, soon followed by a terrified cry as Xavier promptly shoved him over the railing. Following the subsequent crunching noise, Xavier tossed himself over the bar, freefalling past several stories of cells before striking solid ground, unscathed by the lethal drop. The main floor quickly became a blitzkrieg. Guards and prisoners began waging war on one another, and while the occasional bullet or supernatural energy bolt whizzed his way, Xavier managed to shove his way through it - making his way closer toward the giant steel doors.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak JayBlue JayBlue Abyss Abyss
"What happened dude?" Remi asked as the security guard he'd spartan kicked recovered from the blow. "You despicable..." the man grunted and charged Remi, but the boy easily sidestepped the guy, sending him into the cell. Remi cracked his knuckles and advanced him "I knew I was gonna kill you, but who could have predicted so soon? maybe there is a god!" he mocked as he began attacking the man rapidly with a flurry of punches. "No more!" the man cried eventually when Remi cocked his fist back to deliver a powerful blow.

Remi would have ignored him but he noticed that his cell wasn't the only one open, and nobody came to pull him off of the poor guard. "The hell is goin' on?..." he muttered as he pulled back from the now, badly beaten guard. Almost immediately, a man hit the ground right outside of his cell, startling Remi for a moment.

He peeked outside and caught a glimpse of a boy dropping down soon afterward. The guy didn't seem phased by the landing so he was obviously whatever Remi was. When Remi noticed the boy begin to weed his way through a riot which had taken place, Remi found himself following the guy. He didn't make any attempts to get his attention, he just followed.
He realized he forgot to kill that security guard in his cell, that sucks....

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Pacificus Pacificus Abyss Abyss
As the guard quickly bled out, Shaun took his armor and weaponry. For the uniform, he didn't take too much so that he didn't look a guard to other prisoners that he was about to face. As for the equipment, he took the guards knife, handcuffs, sub-machine gun, tear gas, and ammunition satchel. He was a little disappointed at the lack of practical tools, but his would have to do. He exited the cell and looked on at the chaos. His cell was three floors up with a good view. A large riot had developed at the base of the cell block. Looking for a way down, he spotted a ladder well across the span from him but it was occupied by guards with shields who appeared to be doing a good job of holding their own. His only quick way down ...was straight. He took a breath and vaulted over the railing. He descended by gripping onto and letting go of the railings and light fixtures below him. He managed to descend quicker than expected. The riot was even more of a free-for-all up close. He brought the sub-machine gun to bear. He fired quick and short bursts at anyone he deemed a threat. Prisoners and guards alike. He dove for cover behind an overturned table as an electrified net fired by a guard threatened to envelop him.

As he fidgeted with the magazine release of the unfamiliar weapon, he observed a really young prisoner drop to the floor, and survive unscathed. The kid simply pushed his way through the fight towards the exit. Shaun saw his opportunity and took it. He sprinted through the battle, nearly getting his head taken off by a stray laser from god-knows-where and got right behind the kid, following in the clear path he left behind him.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak JayBlue JayBlue Abyss Abyss
(Turned out longer than I meant it to, but I have a lot of catching up to do lol)


An uncustomarily nervous Ryder S. Daniels paces back and forth between the walls of his cell on the second lowest floor of the holding facility. Something isn't right. He can feel Maximus' unease like ants burrowing under his own skin—an invisible army that makes him want to claw at his skin to relieve the unrelenting itch their stings leave behind. He hasn't seen the other 'asset' (That's what the government was calling them now right?) in days and the guards have been less than helpful in explaining the sudden shift in the schedule. He hopes it has more to do with their own lack of intel on the situation then the inclination some guards possess for screwing around with their captives.

"Hey, what's going on? Arn't we supposed to be going downstairs today?" Ryder stops pacing for a brief moment as he tries— with very little hope of actually succeeding— to get an answer from the guard. It's hard to tell with the helmet but he's pretty sure this one is Kevin: he's a little shorter than Mark, and looking not nearly as ticked off at the universe as Jude. 'Downstairs' is the level underground just below and where they keep Maximus. Sometimes they let him visit so they can do maintenance without having to worry about 'accidents' happening.

"No visits today." The guard fidgets with his weapon, looking like he wants to say more but sudden shouting starts from somewhere in the other cells—without so much as snap the door to his cell opens and a burst of light flashes down the walk way—blasting the guard-that-may-or-may-not-be-Kevin a good twenty feet back. An asset tears down the walkway from the direction of the flash, a gleefull grin splitting his face. "Take that you stupid asshole!" He shouts before running to cause chaos elswhere.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Ryder steps out of his cell and into the ever growing fray. In all the turmoil it's easy enough for him to slip among the crowd unseen: the guards have bigger problems to worry about with the other more dangerous assets on the loose then a scrawny kid who's ability is to talk to animals (Well that was a bit of an understatement on his part, but the rest was certainly true). All of the cells are onlocked and wide open, as is the door leading to lowest level where Maximus is being kept. In no time he's made it down the hall and is turning the mechanical lock on the door until it swings open.

<Ryder!> A wave of happiness and relief hits him as soon as he steps into Maximus' cell, and the dragon immediately bounds towards him until his vision is barely more than a giant bundle of spiky blue scales and wide eyes. He wraps his arms as best as he can around the dragons giant head in greeting before moving on to remove the muzzle and chains that keep him tethered. "Come on, we need to go. There's a breakout going on upstairs—everything's a mess—we've got to hurry." Climbing between the blue dragons shoulder blades Ryder gets to work releasing the thick metal clamps keeping his wings folded in place; underneath some of the scales have fallen away to leave raw skin behind. Anger swells in Ryders chest at the pain his friend has had to endure as a result of these unnecessary containment measures. In all the years Ryder had seen Maximus staying at his parent's facility there had never been a time where he had been subjected to this type of treatment. There had been no reason to by then.

"Done." Ryder says as he throws the last clamp as far as it will go, hearing it land with a harsh clang somewhere down the hall. "Let's get out of here." Maximus growls in agreement, his end of the bond smug with the anticipation of escape. <Hold on>. Ryder braces himself and grabs onto his scales for better purchase just in time as the dragon launches himself through the cells now open door with a roar loud enough to send the people at the end of the hall running.
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Tim sat idly in his cell, watching as other assets were escorted by members of the facility. Even though they knew for basically his entire life, Tim was never trusted out of his chains to prevent him from breaking anything. Although he ain't super strong, he could still do some damage. Outside, one of the facility's workers stopped outside of Tim's little prison and looked in with a smile. "Hey Timmy! How's it going in there?" In return, Tim gave a wave and faked a smiled right back. "Good to see you Joeseph. I'm doing just fine. I do have a question though." Joeseph was the nicest one in here but even he frowned slightly at Tim, then quickly recovered. "If you're asking about having the chains taken off again, you already know I can't do tha-"

Suddenly above their heads, a siren had sounded. Joeseph had a distressed look on his face. "Stay here, Timmy. I'll be right back." As soon as Joeseph ran off, the cage that had trapped him for more than 13 years was finally opening. The chains that bonded him grew limp and so he stood up, and just walked out. Outside his area, it was pandamonium. Everywhere there where assets running around killing the staff members or just escaping. Let's hope this wasn't how it was going to be outside, too. Otherwise he might as well just stay inside the facility.

As he walked forward, Tim was suddenly ambushed by a rain of bullets as one of the assets shot at him. They damaged his clothing but that was all. He continued onward with the same face of curiosity althroughout. Soon enough, he had followed a few other assets, including the one who shot him, towards the front exit. As he got closer, Tim thought more about everything he had missed in life. In the facility, there was no school, no parties, and certainly no twin brothers. Joeseph had told him about his brother. More than anything, he wanted to see him.

Pacificus Pacificus JayBlue JayBlue Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
Xavier shoved an obstructing asset aside with one arm, the confused boy yelped as he flew sideways, battering into an assortment of other assets and guards. He was face to face with the door at last; one chunky mechanical bulkhead. Xavier glared up at it for a moment, resentment in his features, before finally wrenching his hands under it. The weight of the door was more overwhelming than he had anticipated, but Xavier strained himself against it anyway. Guards began shouting behind him, bullets seemingly more focused in his direction now. He ignored them, continuing to fight under the sheer obstructive force of the door. The steel mechanism began to groan in protest, yet Xavier could feel it giving way. It lifted ever so slightly off the floor.

"Stop that asset!"
"What the hell is it doing?!"
"I want a raise!"

An unusual grinding noise resonated from the door, followed by a resounding crack, and the door flew upward. Assets began pouring toward it like bathwater to a sinkhole. Xavier huffed, disbelief catching him off-guard. Beyond the steel doorway was a rippling sapphire ocean, surrounding a beautiful metropolitan city.
Xavier gasped, the oxygen in the air suddenly not enough to keep breathing. He collapsed forward, dropping into the ocean as dozens of assets desperately leaped over him and swam for their freedom.

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Near the front of the large crowd of assets, Tim watched as one guy near the front pushed another asset out of the way, causing him to be thrown back at a force strong enough to slam him into and knock over a good amount of guards and assets. Tim watched in awe. He's really strong. Is that his talent? He confirmed that in his own mind when that other asset managed to pry open the large metal doors. Tim could barely hold in his excitement. He was about to see the outside world. He wondered what it was going to be like. Was it peaceful? Dangerous? He wasn't sure, but he knew it was going to be great. Shortly after his train of thought, the strong asset pulled the doors wide open. Immediately, hundreds of assets swarmed out, forcing Tim out. He gasped as he looked around.

It was beautiful. The sky was bright blue, better than any picture he had ever seen in his life. There were large silver towers surrounding the area, but the most beautiful of all was the ocean. Its deep blue color was like nothing he had ever seen before. It truly was captivating. It was upsetting he couldn't test out the waters though. Joeseph said that it was very frigid, even if you got used to it. Tim wouldn't last for even a minute. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he tripped and fell on something warm. Rolling off, he looked over and saw the asset who pulled open the door. Tim jumped back in surprise. "Oh I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't see you there!" Another asset kicked Tim in the head as they ran past, but Tim didn't react. Instead, he rolled the guy into his back and dragged him to the side so he couldn't be trampled. "Are you alright? You seem exhausted. Do you need any help?" He was unaccustomed to seeing what over exhaustion was like and didn't really know how to help the guy.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
Feeling lucky he survived the chaos, Shaun cursed when he saw the asset he was following had made a bee line for a closed door. He immediately began processing ways through it but that became unnecessary. Astonishingly, the kid was strong enough to lift the door up. Shaun didn't wait and immediately sprang forward, or risk being trampled. He didn't realize that the door lead right out to the ocean. Caught by surprise, Shaun didn't have the time nor speed to correctly hit the water and he hit it face-first.

It was a sudden change of scenery beneath the waves. Also a strange one. He hadn't been immersed in water for years. It felt good, except for the sting on his face from impact. The last time he was, was the time he escaped a federal prison through the sewers but that wasn't a pleasant memory. When he surfaced he floundered while coughing up water. He didn't expect to have to swim and the gear was weighing him down. He was forced to let the SMG and most of the guards armor go. He elected to bear the wait of the ammunition and tear gas. Atleast until absolutely necessary. As more assets poured into the water, he began to swim for shore. He knew he had to stay ahead of ACP.
As Remi followed the strange boy, he watched as he opened the doors. "woah..." Remi muttered under his breath as assets pushed past him to get through the now wide open space. As Remi walked forward the first thing he noticed was that they were apparently surrounded by water. As far as he could see was water.

The only thing that stood out was a large city. "only one way to go" he sighed and looked down at the closest person to the city. At first, he had thought he was some sort of special asset, with all that gear and all, but after he had dropped most of what he had, Remi just assumed he had his shit together. After observing the man swim for a few seconds, just long enough to get his technique down, Remi dove into the drink.

After hitting the water, Remi immediately had to retreat under it to barely avoid getting hit by falling Assets. It was quite literally raining men (Haha... jokes). Remi began to swim upwards after making sure there was no more threat from above. "This is gonna be interesting" He said through breaths as he swam for shore

Pacificus Pacificus Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Spice Spice Abyss Abyss
Xavier rubbed at his forehead with a knuckle, slowly coming to. So he wasn't dead, although Xavier had yet to determine whether that was fortunate or unfortunate. "I'm... fine.." He muttered, all too aware of guards that began pouring into the chamber. Both his head and his heart thrummed, but Xavier wasn't ready to give out just yet. "Let's.. Let's just get to that shore!" He offered the most enthusiastic nod he was able to give, which really wasn't that much, before forcing himself upright and leaping into the ocean.

The swim wasn't too far, wherever they'd been kept seemed to stem just off the coast from some sort of private docking yard Xavier was able to pinpoint in-between salt sprays. He switched between front crawl and backstroke, keenly aware of his slippery consciousness that threatened to tip with each breath. Where they'd come from was just a big rectangular hole hanging above the ocean, the sight confused Xavier for several moments - before realisation hit him. The facility's invisible He marveled silently, all the while fighting to stay above the surface.

Just how the ACP staff got to and from the facility became apparent, Xavier realised, as several boats began approaching them - all of which mounted with high caliber machine guns.

Pacificus Pacificus JayBlue JayBlue Spice Spice
Tim sighed in relief. "Well that's good. I hoped that I wouldn't have to have helped. I would probably have just made it worse." As he rubbed the back of his in slight embarrassment, the guy mentioned crossing the water and hopped in shortly after. Wary, Tim looked at the blue water. "Joeseph was probably wrong. That water surely doesn't like it wou-" He touched the surface of the water and recoiled in pain. "Gahh! It burns! He wasn't lying. It is cold!" He sucked on his finger and allowed the burning feeling to fade. It's salty, too. How I am supposed to get across? He looked around back and forth, trying to spot something, anything. Behind him, Tim heard a revving sound. Confused, he turned and saw multiple boats floating towards the shore.

I guess one of those are my ride. He watched, waiting for one of the boats to come closer enough to him. When one did, he jumped on and immediately both already on board turned towards him and one unsuccessfully pelted him with bullets. Tim had made sure to hid his right index finger as it was the one that had been weakened. Seeing no result from the gun, the man jumped out of the boat while the driver stayed. He dove at Tim, who just barely dodged. The driver, hardly being able to keep from falling off as he was mere centimeters from toppling off, was helpless as Tim pushed him into the frigid water. From there, Tim sat back as the boat lurched forward until he saw the guy once again, seeming to be struggling to stay above the surface. As soon as the boat got close enough, Tim moved toward the controls.

Although, he didn't know boats, he did know keys turned machinery on. He tugged out the key, and and boat stopped. Rushing back to the side where the guy was, he shouted to him. "Hey! Grab on!" Tim held out his hand so that he could grab it.

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak
<Telepathic Speech>


Ryder and Maximus wade through the remaining crowd of individuals that have yet to jump through the recently opened doors and into whatever lay beyond. Fresh air and the smell of something salty hits their senses from inside the facility but are more than welcome to those who have missed the outdoors as dearly as they. <I see the sky!> Maximus cranes his large head and forces his way past those who move to slowly for his faster pace, growling at those who stray too close. Whatever guards remain are by now few and far in between, though it is likely that back up is on its way.

<Ryder is this....>

"The ocean."

<Huge!> Even with his terrific eyesight Maximus cannot seen to the end of this body of water in several directions. Ryder has explained many things to him, including different types of water bodies and he's even seen a lake in person before, but this.... this is possibly the biggest thing he's ever seen! Surely it is enough to make even the biggest of dragons feel tiny, and Maximus is sure he is not fully grown yet. "Shoot. Looks like we're running a little behind on time buddy. There's boats over there, and they don't look friendly!"

Maximus swivels his head towards the threat Ryder has pointed out, shifting his weight on the ledge that is the last remnant of solid land before them. Most Assets seem to have opted to swim, but they have something better. They have wings. <No matter!> Spreading his, Maximus launches himself into the air with a powerful leap and thrust of his wings. Once again he free of shackles, free of limitations. He is airborn and this is freedom.


Pain. It erupts from wounds both old and new and spreads like ice in his veins, locking his joints and making it difficult to move. The shock of it sends the blue dragon into a spiral and they loose what altitude they have very quickly. Darkness fills his vision and the gaping maw of the ocean looks to swallow him whole. <UP!> Ryder's voice commands in his head and abruptly they halt. Below human voices shout and he sees that they have guns aimed at him. The pain is from bullets; they have torn holes in his the delicate membrane stretched between his wing fingers. <HURTS>

"I know. I feel it too—but we can't stop here. Look, down there; I think those Assets have taken that ship. Land there and maybe we can use take off again when we're out of range of those guns!" Ryder sends what comfort he can through the bond: happiness from better times as well as his own determination. They will make it. Ryder is right, he is clever and he makes plans. They will use this ship until they can fly again later, and then they will be far away from this place and its constant pain.

Descending as best as he can on damaged wings Maximus lands on the boat, his added weight causing it to rock briefly. The dragon crouches low to the ground so as to be as small a target for the humans with guns as possible but remains ready to defend them both if these Assets should become unfriendly. <Calm. We don't want to instigate anything here.>

"Hey—Mind if we join you guys in escaping?"

Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Spice Spice
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As Remi swam for shore he heard gunshots and turned to see Gun toting Moter boats gliding across the watery surface, shooting at anything that moved. Remi watched is disbelief as assets dropped left and right. Some burly guy who was swimming a few feet away from him let out a short scream of pain before the water muffled his cries and he went under.

Remi stopped almost completely, he wasn't gonna get away from those things. not even an Olympic swimmer could outrun those. One of the floating death machines noticed him and pointed their weapon at his head, intent on ending his life, but before it opened fire one of the guards on the other boats yelled an order, and the gun operator obliged. Turning all the attention on a giant animal soaring in the air.

"Is anybody..." Remi looked around for any confirmation that he was actually seeing a giant, scaly, lizard bat but everyone else just seemed intent on surviving. Remi watched as the bullets shot towards the dragon and then it let out a loud roar before fly down towards one of the boats... except...is that an asset?

The guy wore no gear or had any weapons, the only thing he had in common with those guards was that he had a boat. 'Screw this' Remi thought 'I'm gettin' out while there's still time' he swam back towards the shore, ignoring the battle, bringing, boat, the hella, giant, dragon, and the poor dude who looked as though he got hijacked by it.

Pacificus Pacificus Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Spice Spice Abyss Abyss
(Writing this super late, forgive me if I have to fix mistakes in the morning.)


Contained within a small single person cell unit made of unconductive materials on the upper floor, former government operative turned asset Hadrian Auris remains watched by four guards. Specialized restraints known as 'tensors' wrap around his torso and arms to prevent him from moving of his upper body, that if the pressure limit or activation key is triggered will emit a high voltage shock to reduce the cyborg's system activity. Some of the guards enjoy setting them off at the slighting provocation and as he ponders all the ways he'd like to one day return the favour, the techno-organic parasite responsible for their current situation pauses to tune into his current train of thought, picking through his head easily and like it had every right to be there. A few moments and his visual overlay is crowded with suggestions: its knowledge of human weaknesses impressive and neatly sorted. Ready to be applied to the guards only a few feet away. Some of it is tempting. If of course, breaking out were a possibility.


The cell door slides open, causing the guards to turn around in shock at the same time as the tensors lose power. Their eyes connect in a brief exchange of surprise and Hadrian sees the realization as that surprise turns to fear, seconds before the tensors collapse dead on the floor. The unarmored guards are closest so he takes them out first: using a powerful kick to the abdomen to send one back out of the cell and into the railing beyond, before closing the distance between himself and the other one as he pulls them by their vest into a headbutt that has the guard collapsing on the spot. One of the benefits of being (mostly) made of metal is that attacks like that actually work.

A flash of electrical energy whizzes through the air, close enough to sing the flesh on his right arm and cause some his more fine tuned sensors to temporarily overload. The pair of heavily armoured guards are wielding weapons similar to the tensors but on a more dangerous scale: designed to over-energize the cyborgs systems and induce stasis. They were always so eager to explain just what would happen if I got out of line.Those weapons are effective, but seem to be difficult to target accurately. I've got the advantage as long as we stick close quarters. Suggested target areas highlighted. Higher likelihood of vulnerability: joint seams, optics.

Let's see if I can't blind them then. Hadrian scoops up the nearby broken tensor and hurls it at the head of the closest armoured guard, who moves to try and avoid the incoming projectile. Using this as a distraction he rushes it, narrowly avoiding a panicked shot before he's close enough to grab the guard's experimental electrical weapon and smash the butt of it into the cluster of optics on the front of the helmet. With the one mech blinded he leaps out of range of it's flailing arms and starts shooting out bolts of lightning, one of which hit a mech in the chest then jumps to other in an almost instantaneous chain reaction. They probably won't feel this through the suits, but lets see how they like a few thousand volts shutting down their systems. It's going to be a long time that their left in the dark; serves them right to get a taste of their own medicine.

Leaving his cell Hadrian fights his way through the mob, following the path plotted by the parasite and thoroughly enjoying the sensation of his fists hitting their target. Bone gives way to his punches, armor too; in some places the skin of his knuckles has been scraped away to reveal gunmetal gray beneath. Another reminder that despite what outward appearances might suggest, he really isn't human anymore. Occasionally the parasite pitches in a couple of adjustments for a better swing or pings an alert to incoming brawlers, but these disappear if he veers too far off course. The bastard does it's best to manipulate more than just my physiology. It's an unpleasent realization, but manageable for as long as they share the same goals: Escape. Hide. Survive. Go home.

They reach the exit to the facility just in time to witness an asset prying open the gate with their bare hands. He'll have to remember this should they cross paths later. Asset added to file #3462: Unknown Persons: Possible threats: Designation "Facility Gate Opener." They're one of the first to step foot outside door. One of the first to taste fresh air. Can't get distracted. It's not over yet. The ocean stretches out before the escapees, another barrier they will have to cross.

Water... can I even it tolerate now?
Hadrian rapidly attempts to search through whatever highlighted statistics, percentages and information about their current capabilities the parasite has compiled among the masses of information stored within his own head. It's like a bloody fucking computer in here. Like some sort of tracking missile the parasite hones in on his searching and pulls up a few warnings about salt and possible rust corrosion occuring on the currently exposed metallic components.

Minimal damage. Unlikely long term effects. Proceed.

It's more than unnerving to have someone in your body that seems to know it better than you do. "I don't take orders from you dammit!" Hadrian takes a deep breath, or ventilation—whatever it's called now that he doesn't have lungs—and jumps into the ocean. It shouldn't be surprising that they sink, what with his internals being constructed of metal and all, but it takes significantly more effort to stay near the surface than he was expecting. One of the disadvantages of being (mostly) made of metal is that your new weight can be a problem.
{Agh, my notifications betrayed me!}

Xavier didn't waste much time before taking the mounted machine gun upon the gunboat, he wasn't a great shot, but the suppressive fire kept the hostile boats at bay. "Hit the gas!" He shouted over the rippling of the machine gun, the hostile crafts beginning to return fire.

Struggling through the sea, the assets could do little to protect themselves from machine gun fire, bodies disappeared below and did not resurface. The water began to slowly turn red. Xavier growled, cursing the cruelty he was witnessing. His temper was short lived, however, cut off by the sight of nothing less than a dragon soaring through the air.

The dragon appeared to have a pilot, who promptly settled the creature before the vehicle.

"Hey—Mind if we join you guys in escaping?"

Xavier blinked. "...No problems here!" He called in return, trying not to flinch at the bullets whizzing past.

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