Klaus Mathis Diefenbach

Pretzel Heart

Afterimage of Broad Daylight

Klaus Mathis Diefenbach
"Sometimes in life we wait years for one perfect moment of happiness."


Position: Prince of Ramen

Country of Origin: United States of Rameria

Gender: Male

Age: 19 (born on Salune 20th, an Illiosae)

Hair: A color that not even the RIT dye specialists can parse Pale ginger

Eyes: Emerald green

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 142 lbs

✧fOther Distinguishing Traits: Although he doesn't show it off much, Klaus does, in fact, have a "v cut" six pack. He is also very neat and organized, valuing cleanliness and good hygiene, so he consistently appears polished and posh. Thought not exactly stiff in his movements, he carries with him a kind of natural elegance and grace befitting of a prince and a true gentleman. His manner of speaking is the same, and he has been described as being particularly eloquent in his speeches and letters.
His smile is said to radiate charm enough to make the five nearest swoon.
✧fRomance and Partners?: Kind of. Despite the fact that Klaus seems to already hold someone closely in his heart, he has been hesitant about coming clean over his feelings, knowing that his family has very specific expectations for his future path. Due to his long-standing partnership with Luciano, he has been able to evade any new commitment for some time under various guises and excuses. However, as a full-fledged adult and recently elected Senator, the time has come for his parents to start prodding him towards finding a wife and considering the future of his political career, which is making him uneasy.
✧✧✧✧✧Fiercely loyal to his best friend and lifelong partner, Klaus is reluctant to dance with anyone else while Luciano is present, especially because he knows how much it bothers him. Though, owing to his doormat nature, he still struggles to refuse any of the dozens of requests he receives every time he attends any sort of dancing event. His mother, keen on getting her son away from 'that Gallerian nuisance,' also makes sure to fill Klaus's time with endless lists of prescribed dates, and it's gotten to the point where he can scarcely dance a single round with a girl before they're cycled out for an eager replacement.

✧fPosition on the Rebellion: Officially Rameria is Pro-Rebellion, as they were never particularly friendly with Lepumir to begin with, and assume that whatever happened up there they probably deserved. As a country that has taken great strides to integrate their arien population, Rameria believes they have nothing to fear as they have already solved the issue of arie and humans getting along. Likewise, Klaus, true to his idealistic nature, is passionate about the Rebellion, proud for the oppressed arie to take a stance and, like many Ramerians, believes the arien cause to be just. He was even inspired by the movement to take a strong pro-arien rights platform during his first year in office. With the support of several other senators, he has been working to rewrite anti-human-aria-relationship laws to this end. It should be noted that he is a huge pacifist at heart, and would want to avoid violence whenever possible, so he would likely advocate a "peaceful revolution" such as the one his own country benefitted from, at least if the Rebellion were ever to spread, or he asked to take an official stance. Thanks to his gilded life and constant love and support, Klaus is far removed from any knowledge of true cruelty, so he, like many other Southern Roserasians, barely understands how dire the situation has become.

✧fPersonality: Klaus is a well-kept naturally positive thinker with an an addictive air of contentment about him. Though respectful and considerate of strangers, countrymen, friends, and family alike, he feels especially indebted to his parents. His gratefulness to them stems from the thinking that they've done everything to provide him with a good life - even if their overbearing nature can sometimes make him feel overwhelmed - and he will do as they ask without question. Quick to trust others, he can easily be taken advantage of by anyone if left to his own devices. He’s overly compassionate to the point where he often has trouble just standing up for himself. If it’s for someone else’s sake, however, Klaus has less of an issue finding courage to speak out for what he thinks is right. Slightly less, in any case. He can even be a bit of a busybody to the extent that he goes out of his way to give others his care, energy, and assistance. But that's just how he believes a true gentleman behaves.
✧✧✧✧✧Despite his father's worries that Klaus's kindness and charity would make him a terrible politician, his term as senator has been off to a smashing start. In fact, it is partially thanks to Klaus's intervention and presence as the "fresh young face of the Senate" that the body is becoming stronger and more organized. Even if he might lack worldly knowledge (being so often puppeted), logical know-how, or experience, he has a great deal of enthusiasm when it comes to Rameria's wellbeing, and his passion inspires others who then work to apply logistics to his romantic visions. Klaus has a great deal of pride in his country, completely believing in Rameria's ability to do good in the world. One of his great hopes is to use Ramerian innovation to generate a tide of progress that will wash over all Roserasia, resulting in a better, happier world. His impassioned speeches and natural charisma are almost like a drug, making him one of the most popular senators and changing impressions of the Senate from a group of bumblers to a true unified political force. Sadly, though Klaus might preach idealistically and encourage others to follow their dreams, he isn't one to practice his own mantras, being too soft-hearted to stand up to defend his own interests.
✧✧✧✧✧Because of his kind-heartedness, gentlemanly attitude, high lineage, good looks, skill in dance, and the efforts of his parents to constantly push him towards the spotlight, Klaus has become excessively popular with the ladies, who tend to monopolize his time whenever they can get near. The eternal "nice guy," his actions have a tendency to confuse and fluster, and his lack of conviction when it comes to his own desires has frustrated many a lass, much to his dismay. Since he is often surrounded by people thanks to his parents' political career and his own adoring fans, he treasures his alone time...though he'll often "waste" it writing letters to his myriad of friends. One could certainly say he is a social butterfly, and the type to all-too-quickly assume friendship of anyone he meets. Though his compassion and love of others may seem over-the-top or even disingenuous (leading to some problems in his past), he isn't trying to be duplicitous. He is physically incapable of lying, or even cursing, despite the fact that Luciano constantly pushes him to do both. All in all, he does his best to act a true and perfect prince...though not always to the most successful effect, and often at personal cost.

✧fBiography: Born just one year after the United States of Rameria was rockily established, Klaus grew up perfectly content with his position as the "President's son," proud of his country for seeking new outlets to solve the unrest that had plagued the culturally-divided lands for so long, and having no understanding of how his life might have been different were he born a true prince. Even as a child Klaus was overly friendly and showered with adoration from both of his parents (and many others). As high-ranking politicians, Klaus's father and mother were under constant scrutiny and performed to their utmost to be viewed as congenial and charismatic open-hearted leaders trying to move forward from a dodgy past. This is the image they always try to portray to outsiders, at least. In truth, there is still much bitterness felt by Klaus's father, President Roman Diefenbach, over how he was forced to give up his crown by the roughhousing rabble (even if he was allowed to remain their "elected" leader). Roman is further plagued by the guilt of failing the long-established Diefenbach line, seeing the movement in Rameria towards united statehood as only a temporary measure, and has been keen that his son take control of things and set them right as he comes into his "inheritance." Klaus's mother, Freya, loves attention more than anything, and has been using her charming son since his toddler years to obtain more of it. By constantly watching over and orchestrating his public appearances, she is the driving force behind Klaus's overwhelming popularity (added, of course, to his own innate charms). This pleases Roman who is expecting, if nothing else, Klaus's own election to the Presidency, and he has already persuaded his wife to begin grooming their younger daughter Rosalein in the same manner.
✧✧✧✧✧Still, Klaus remains unaware of his parents' darker intentions and has simply enjoyed his enriched life. The fact that he cares greatly for others and is constantly reaching out towards representatives of the nine states as well as other countries has given him and his family a very positive public image. This spirit of outreach also helped him find his best friend and longterm dance partner, Luciano.
✧✧✧✧✧As a youngster, Klaus showed much promise in dance as he took immense pleasure from his lessons, practicing by himself when he thought no one was around to watch. Thus the Diefenbachs saw an opportunity to persuade the embarrassingly lost land that had become the Galleria Countship back into their possession as a "state" through offering up their son as the dance partner and pupil to the notoriously strict and serious Barbosa heir.
✧✧✧✧✧Klaus was merely 12 the first time they met, and, despite his being all-too-happy to help reunite the tangled relationships between their countries, got off to a rocky start with his new partner. The lessons were incredibly intense, with Klaus learning all about a new side of dance he didn't really want to know. But he persisted, having taken to Luciano and finding something motivational in his dedication. Rising to the challenge, Klaus shaped up so that he could live up to Luciano's harsh corrections. Eventually he was able to improve by leaps and bounds under the viscount's guidance, and all without losing the inherent freedom that had made his dancing so beautiful to begin with, which he inevitably began to impart towards his tutor as well. A fast friendship eventually blossomed from their lessons together, as the two young men found themselves surprisingly compatible with one another despite being so mentally and emotionally different. Luciano even grew attached enough to stalk Klaus to his boarding school in Rushmaur - a Ramerian uppercrust tradition - to try and sneak in more practices with him outside of their regularly scheduled bimonthly lessons.
✧✧✧✧✧Thus, with Klaus's fluid dances partnered with Luciano's perfect poise and technique, the two make formidable enemies to any competitor. Unfortunately, due to their both being males, they've been denied entry into a number of dance competitions in the past. While Rameria (with all of its different cultures) is necessarily more open-minded to such things, many international contests and long-held traditions (like Heritage) are not. Nevertheless, Klaus began to hope that one day he may change this and take center stage alongside his closest friend at the top of the world.
✧✧✧✧✧Now as a budding adult, however, the young man's popularity has garnered him attention from various ladies all over the states and Roserasia. His parents, keen on preserving the family's monarchical power, have been waiting for the perfect chance for their son to catch the top prize: the Euthalian princess herself. Certainly the girl seems fond of Klaus as a pen pal and dear childhood friend. And finally at this year's Cendrillion Ball, their son has the opportunity to become hers. With the support of Euthalia, the Diefenbachs wish to smoothly transition back into a state of absolute power, having a hearty military to back them up and settle the conflict between the "states" once and for all.
✧✧✧✧✧For Klaus's part, he is overjoyed to be able to go to the Ball. He has vague memories of attending with his parents once when he was 6, the royal couple participating as part of a publicity stunt to show Rameria's strength after the revolution. While Klaus's recollections of the event are hazy, he strongly recalls meeting a mysterious young playmate there whom he would have fun with in Tango Garden. Though he never caught her name, one of his deepest secret desires is to meet her again and see what kind of person she has become. He should have been able to attend Cendrillion last year, having just come of age, but due to unpleasant circumstances he was left at home, thoroughly disappointed to learn that Luciano danced without him, partnering up unsatisfactorily and losing to the Lepumiran prince.

✧✧✧✧✧It was also around that time that Klaus, age 18, won his first election, being easily chosen to become Tenenbaum's new sitting Senator alongside longtime family friend Fleeming Stenger. Klaus immediately took to his new political life, to the extent that at times it even takes priority over his dancing - something that Luciano isn't all too happy about.
✧✧✧✧✧Nevertheless, for the length of Cendrillion Klaus has determined to stay by Luciano's side and help him win it all, though his parents' warning about getting closer to the princess also weighs heavily on his mind......

✧✧✧✧✧ Roman Diefenbach. Klaus's father and current "President for Life" of Rameria, age 39. Quite handsome in his younger years, these days he constantly looks in need of some sleep and a shave. He is rather fond of drinking and spends an inordinate amount of time huddled in his study partaking in the practice, though he's the type to be more genial drunk than sober. Once as charismatic, idealistic, and well-loved as Klaus is today, Roman has become increasingly solemn and reclusive as the burdens of ruling a country have sat heavy upon his shoulders. He suffers from various stresses and constantly feels as if he's failed the long and proud Diefenbach line. Though he started his reign truly wanting to make a true difference in Rameria - to prove he's more than just the husband in his family's trophy set - instead he feels as though he's betrayed his ancestors and driven the country into the ground. Somehow, with the support of his popular wife and son, he has been able to maintain the people's adoration, despite behind the scenes working to make things as difficult as possible for the new Senate. He's certainly a schemer, though at the expense of being a bit distant from others, able to see their tactical advantage over their human worth.
✧✧✧✧✧ Freya Marliese Diefenbach. Klaus's mother and current "Lady Elect" of Rameria, age 37. A beautiful and flirtatious woman, don't be fooled by her full giggle and suggestive glances. Freya is a dangerous opponent with no shortage of cunning and wit. A commanding presence, the former Ramerian queen still manages to turn heads as she enters a room (and the fact that she always makes sure to wear the flashiest outfits while doing so surely doesn't hurt). A media expert and entrepreneurial prodigy, Freya's father runs the largest newspaper circulation in the states, which she would have taken over if not for her marriage to Roman. Rumors circle about her and her older sister's involvement with King Yeruslan of Nezzie in her youth, as he was also once a bit of a flirt, but Roman vehemently denies them and Freya just smiles when questioned about it. She craves attention and the limelight more than anything, and these days seems most adept at getting it through her starling kids. A bit of a spendthrift, she indulges in no end of lavish excesses, though she's even better at raising money than spending it, promising that not one of her expenditures comes from Rameria's treasury. Where it does all come from remains a bit of a mystery... Despite Klaus's close friendship with Luciano, Freya seems to hold the viscount in contempt, claiming that he's a bad influence on her son (and honestly she may have a point). Roman, for his part, hardly listens to her, as Luciano is a necessary piece in his plans. So Freya tries to get back passive-aggressively, lining up as many girls as possible for Klaus to dance with to occupy his time. Even without the threat of Luciano, Freya is a helicopter parent who loves to schedule endless activities for her compliant son. Her relationship with her husband is unconventional, but it works. The two seemed to have joined forces to achieve their mutually beneficial goals rather than out of any real sense of love, though the physical attraction is certainly present. While they work in perfect cohesion with one another, Freya seems to only show a more 'lovey dovey' side towards her husband for the eyes of the media, or when she's trying to remind someone who got just a bit too close to whom she is married.
✧✧✧✧✧ ???. Klaus's aunt, age 45. As beautiful as her sister, though some might say decidedly more refined. She turned her back on Rameria many years ago, moving up North to marry a resort owner at Widerspieg. Her father has tried to use her as a foothold to gain more media access in Nezzie, however she hardly seems interested in the family's affairs. When they were younger Freya greatly looked up to her sister but felt as if she was trapped in her shadow, perhaps leading to her somewhat demanding nature. The two have a close-yet-tense relationship and still keep in contact, sending holiday cards and the like, and her presence has been used as an excuse for the Diefenbachs to visit the North in the past. She is kind to her niece and nephew, showing them the indulgence their parents do not, however she has not made any great strides to become a more active part of their lives.

✧✧✧✧✧ Rosalein Katharina Diefenbach. Klaus's younger sister, age 18. She's just come back from school in Rushmaur and so far has announced no intentions to follow a political life. Rosalein shows much more interest in artistic pursuits and is skilled in music as well as painting. However, she has never been drawn much to dance, learning only the bare minimum to get by. She can come off as cold since she is wry, a bit aloof, and certainly not as charismatic as her older brother, though she is just as good looking as the rest of the family. Klaus has a soft spot for her and they get on well enough, with Rosalein often fighting against their parents for both her own and Klaus's rights. However, being immensely independent, she is expecting her brother to marry advantageously so that she doesn't have to. If it came down to it, she'd rather run away than be forced into something by her parents. She is stubborn and puts her art and the lifestyle she is used to above her family and country.
✧✧✧✧✧ Brynocki Flaut. Majorodomo of Guildenstern Castle, age 29. A black-bear-based aria known for his geniality and being a bit overemotional and easily moved to tears. He has acted like a father-figure, older brother, and confidant to Klaus for as long as the boy can remember, and is President Roman's trusted friend. After the Senate was formed, many of Guildenstern's servants were either dismissed, reshuffled, or left voluntarily, and Brynocki, failing as a photographer and seeing an opportunity, decided to ask for a position. His reasoning was that by getting close to the former royal family (and 'Media Empress' Freya), he would be able to get inside scoops and gain a leg up in the industry. Over his attempts to get in thick with the Diefenbachs he accidentally let his emotions get involved. Brynocki ended up making for a good drinking buddy with Roman, growing attached to the entire family. Eventually he decided to give up the dreams of his youth, dedicating his life to the Diefenbachs and Rameria. As Guildenstern Castle's custodian, he has played a key role in connecting Roman with the going-ons of the Senate.
✧✧✧✧✧ Cynthia Stenger. Daughter of Fleeming Stenger (the other sitting senator of Tenenbaum besides Klaus), age 20. Rich, beautiful, and an excellent dancer, Cynthia and her family are close personal friends of the Diefenbachs. Everything about her screams a perfect match with Klaus, and if the Diefenbachs weren't so keen on finding a politically advantageous match for their son, it's likely that he would be promised to Cynthia. While she seems very keen on realizing this future, Klaus's feelings on the matter are unknown. He certainly considers her a precious childhood friend, but he's felt uneasy around her since the fiasco at last year's Cendrillion Ball.

✧fDance Level: Extremely high. Not only has training with "the best" kept Klaus in excellent shape, but the drive to remain Luciano's partner has made him work extra hard to improve. Not to say that his dedication is at quite the same starched level as his friend's; in fact, Klaus is an excellent dancer precisely because his skill stems from his pure love of the art. His liberality and joy is echoed most eloquently in the loose freedom of his country's dances, drawing eyes to the handsome youth even in a crowded ballroom. Despite little prompting from his parents, he has enjoyed dance since childhood, and says that he rarely feels happier than when dancing outside amidst the fresh air and flowers or under the stars and shining moon.
✧✧✧✧✧He has won all manner of competitions, constantly being pushed to enter by his mother regardless of partner and in spite of his reluctance to partake in anything without Luciano. He dreams of one day being able to accompany his best friend to the top stage of the annual Dance Heritage Competition, overcoming their strict regulations against partners of the same sex. Equally controversial is the pair's tendency to switch up the 'lead' and 'follower' roles depending on the dance, though, for Luciano, who usually decides such things, creating a stunning performance outweighs keeping with tradition.

✧fLast Year's Cendrillion Ball: Last year's Cendrillion was nothing short of a mini nightmare for Rameria. While Klaus was originally supposed to attend alongside Luciano, a scandal developed shortly before their departure date causing quite the media sensation. The specific details are unknown, though the Stenger family suddenly publicly accused the Diefenbachs of betraying their friendship. An attempt to privately settle the matter only worsened it, with Cynthia incorrectly claiming to be Klaus's new partner and his fiancee. In the end, to quell the fires of madness, it was decided that Klaus would remain at home and Cynthia would go alone to represent Rameria in his place. However, without her promised pair, the girl lost all interest in the competition. Despite considerable skill on the dance floor, she refused to participate in the actual Ball. Rumor has it that an extremely embittered Luciano made several very graphic threats against her (resulting in a few scandalous altercations over the course of the celebration), and in all likelihood Cynthia avoided Cendrillion to escape him. Relationships between the Stengers and Diefenbachs has remained on thin ice since, though Klaus, feeling absolutely terrible about the whole thing, has done his best to repair the damage. Fleeming, though outwardly understanding, seems to have taken his issues up with Klaus's political career, being often among the opposition to his proposals.

✧fGoals: Roman has made it very clear that this Cendrillion is Klaus's last chance to indulge before he will be expected to step up and become a full adult. In other words, find a suitable wife. Though he was given permission to attend as Luciano's partner, it is also expected that he will get closer to the other attending Representatives, particularly the Euthalian princess. Though Roman and Freya won't be attending, they (especially Freya) plan to keep close tabs on Klaus's actions through Ramerian news sources and weekly letters they are expecting to receive from their son. Thus Klaus is torn between wanting to fulfill his parent's expectations and making true the only dream his best friend has ever had: to win the Cendrillion and Heritage dance competitions. He already plans to speak with Prince Kiefer about lifting the Heritage restrictions against partners of identical sex. And if that all wasn't enough, Klaus is on a personal mission to find the girl he met at the Ball all those years ago...

✧✧✧✧✧Klaus is a hearty eater but cannot stomach the oilde fruit, a popular desert from Lepumir which makes him queasy even just to think about. Still, he would force himself through it if it meant not insulting a chef.
✧✧✧✧✧He has a fondness for jokes, being drawn to people with a good sense of humor. This can be surprising given his usually collected nature.
✧✧✧✧✧Since his duties keep him busy, Klaus has gotten used to writing to a great many friends long distance and treasures his numerous 'pen pals.' Chief among these is the young princess of Euthalia. He has a collection of his favorite letters and any drawings or photographs his friends have sent him hanging up near his writing desk.
✧✧✧✧✧One of his greatest treasures is a photograph taken the first time that Luciano visited Rameria. It was during their grand New Year's festival which sparked off the beginning of a great Leap-Month-long tour Klaus arranged to show the viscount all the wonderful things about his beloved country. His other greatest treasure appears to be a childish drawing of a frog.
✧✧✧✧✧Klaus is highly proficient at horse riding and horse care, though most animals seem to get along with him. Back at Guildenstern Castle he has two very large, fluffy white dogs; twin strays he adopted by the names of Ennio and Kari. They have taken quite a liking to Brynocki and are happy to be attended by him in Klaus's absence.
✧✧✧✧✧He loves to swim, being raised in the "Water Capital."
✧✧✧✧✧Keeping to a very tight and specific schedule, it is extremely difficult for him to stay up late, getting tired as soon as the sun goes down and waking up when it rises. On top of this he is an extremely heavy sleeper, though once he's up he feels refreshed and ready to start the new day.
✧✧✧✧✧May actually be a Disney Princess.

Personality Index ~
MBTI Result: ENFJ-T, The Protagonist. Klaus is a natural-born leader, full of passion and charisma, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. He finds it natural and easy to communicate, able to reach every mind be it through facts and logic or raw emotion. Klaus easily sees people’s motivations, able to bring these ideas together and communicate them as a common goal with an eloquence that is nothing short of mesmerizing. The interest he has in others is genuine to a fault – when he believe in someone, he can become too involved in their problems, placing too much trust in them. Luckily, this trust tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as his altruism and authenticity inspire those he cares about to become better people. But if he isn't careful, he can overextend this optimism, sometimes pushing others further than they’re ready or willing to go. Klaus is a genuine, caring person, and nothing makes him happier than leading the charge, uniting and motivating others with infectious enthusiasm. He is a passionate altruist, even to a fault, and is unafraid to take the slings and arrows while standing up for the individuals and ideas he believes in.
Energy = 82% Extroverted. Klaus loves interacting with others and making new friends. Though he does value the rare times he's left to his own devices, he'll usually just use the opportunity to write letters, ensuring that, at least in some way, he always remains connected.
Mind = 59% Intuitive. Though he may not immediately seem it, Klaus is a dreamer and likes to maintain an open-minded, optimistic attitude. He is very curious and eager to learn new things, especially about other people.
Nature = 96% Feeling. Always one to put others before himself, it is no accident that he scored ridiculously high in this category. Klaus is rarely concerned with personal gain or objective truth, especially when it would impede the harmony or well-being of others. Perceptive and empathetic, he's a good friend who does his best to watch out for others and their sensitivities.
Tactics = 66% Judging. Though Klaus isn't exactly adverse to spontaneity, he is much more of a creature of habit, preferring to have a clear, predictable path to follow. He is also very tidy and organized, keeping an impeccable workspace and able to balance his extremely crammed schedules.
Identity = 56% Turbulent. Klaus is highly sensitive to stress, pressure, and expectation. Always eager to improve, sometimes the weight of his own inadequacies can be too much for him to handle. Still, he is passionate about fulfilling his aspirations and does his best to use his emotions as a source of strength.

RHETI Enneagram Result: Type 9: The Peacemaker. Klaus seeks union with others and the world around him, being receptive, good-natured, and supportive. He is known for being a good listener, adaptable, and accommodating to others, able to "go with the flow." At worst, Klaus may forget who he is, passively agreeing with others and afraid to assert his own desires. He leans more closely to the 1 wing, also showing some characteristics of The Reformer. This means he has a tendency to be an ideal-seeking perfectionist, pouring energy and enthusiasm into discipline, organization, strong work ethics, and a love of fairness, justice, and truth.

D&D Alignment Result: Lawful Good. Klaus is devoted to helping others while remaining beholden to Ramerian laws of what is expected of or required of a good person. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly, telling the truth, keeping his word, helping those in need, and speaking out against injustice. He believes that law and order are necessary to assure good, and certain freedoms must be sacrificed to bring order, but truth, life, and beauty remain of the highest importance. He uses integrity and compassion to meet his goals, however, this can be dangerous when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest. He does the best that a good, lawful person can do, believing himself to be honorable and humane.



~ Relationship Journal ~

Evalyn Euthalia
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★ There are few others as charming or kind. Not to mention she always finds a way to make me laugh! We've been writing back and forth for years, so I can hardly wait to speak with her face to face. If only father and mother.........well, never mind.
Klaus Mathis Diefenbach
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★ I've been told I'm easy to get along with. I can only hope that it's true.
Rosalein Katharina Diefenbach
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★ I'm a lucky guy to be related to such an amazing young woman! My only wish for her is that all her wishes can come true, and I have complete faith she will make it so.
Luciano Barbosa
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★ We've been best friends since we were children. What else can I say? There isn't a thing in this world I wouldn't do for him.
Tristan Thaddeus Sinclair
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★I must admit, I greatly look up to Prince Tristan. There is no end to the stories I've heard recounting his kind deeds and tireless dedication to his people...I can only dream of being as great a leader one day. I must say, I was overjoyed when he began to finally respond to my attempts at outreach, and I couldn't be happier to have a chance to get closer to him over the Ball.
Dahlia Lenore Sinclair
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★What a lively spirit! I'm sure she will bring new light to Greedo. Not that I would ever wish ill will to someone so delightful, but at least she is said to be recovering, and a part of me appreciates that her accident has placed her in Saint Lyon. I've been hoping for the a chance to get to know her better, and now that opportunity is finally here.
Naomi Marie Thalassa
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★It must be hard, coming from so far to be amidst strangers for a whole month. I'll have to do my best to make sure she feels welcome... Though I can't deny I'm curious about this mysterious princess! I hope that we can become good friends.
Asuran Dorix
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★I know that he's been trying to open up trade avenues with Rameria, but I'm not familiar with much else. I can imagine it's not easy to be put in charge of an entire country at such a young age, so I suppose some of his more questionable decisions could be forgiven. I'll be very interested to learn more about such an exceptional person during our stay together in Saint Lyon.
Kiefer Arlie Avescamp
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★We only met once, but it was enough for me to value him as a confidant and true friend. Though we haven't much kept in touch, I'm sincerely looking forward to having the Ball to rekindle and strengthen our friendship.
Jervis Inigo Falx
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★He seems like a brilliant and dedicated leader. There are some unflattering stories surrounding him, but one might say the same for Luciano, and he's my closest friend. I can only trust what I decide for myself.
Brand Falx
Romance: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Friendship: ★★★★★★★★★★---


~ Diplomacy Journal ~

I haven't visited in years, though I have many fond memories. In a lot of ways we look up to them. It's hard for me to think of Euthalia without thinking of its princess. And, of course, that girl...
A wonderful nation that has the power to bring great change. I just hope I can do my part to see Ramerian innovation spread across all Roserasia! Perhaps I'm biased, but I believe the world would be a better place if more people could see things the way we do.
Though many think us rivals, I personally can't help but think of Galleria as our younger sibling. I feel truly blessed to live in a time where our nations could repair their bonds, and hope that we will continue to grow stronger together. Not to mention this is the country that sculpted my closest friend! Of course I love learning about the land he grew up in.
Things have been going well between us recently. I believe we have some very promising developments in motion, and I can't wait to see where our futures lead. Plus it gives me excuse to visit. The people there are so blessed to have such a beautiful country to dance in.
We barely know anything beyond rumors, though all that is about to change. It's rather exciting, thinking of all the prospects ahead! I know father and Zissou would be pleased if we came to trade agreements, but for now I'd just be satisfied to learn more about what they've been up to all this time.
An interesting country, to say the least! I've never seen anything as stunning as Wright Academy, and thanks to them, we can continue to make incredible technological innovations. I just wish the people there would be a bit easier about letting down their defenses... Still, since they've shown an interest in joining forces with Rameria, I think it's only natural that we respond in kind.
One of our most important allies, we've been trying to put past island disputes behind us as we forge a bright new future together. It's nice to know that they've taken such an interest in our machinery...not many others are willing to suffer the risks. Sadly, being so far away, I haven't had much of a chance to visit. It's even colder than Moustaf up there!
Sea Republic
I really wish our nations were closer together, because it seems like such an interesting land with such a unique culture! Hopefully I will get to know more about them over the course of the Ball. I feel as if our nations share certain kinsmanship in our views. Though what a tragedy about the royal family...I appreciate what Euthalia was trying to accomplish, but I don't think they handled it very well.
So far off and exotic...I've always wondered what it would be like to explore Perilin, or even meet a Witch! Though with the Rebellion...it doesn't seem like I'll get a chance to visit for some time. Poor Prince Lysander... He was an admirable fellow, I can only hope he made it out okay.

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