Among the Stars


King Allyn the Autistic
Firstly a bit of information for newcomers: all characters that came from the original RP will have a link and a short description of their previous actions in the 'origins' tab. You won't have to read up on these characters, as your characters will not have had any interaction with them up until a few days ago. The short description on the setting can be found in the 'Overview' tab. All other tabs contain more detailed information (still necessary though). If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in a PM

A second warning is that this RP will be maintaining very high quality standards, and though I encourage everyone who wants to join to try, I really need you to bring out your A-game.

Step 1: pick a side


Free For All (7)

This is the standard side, and where most of the story will take place. It's recommended for people who are able to reply quick and want to see most of the action. There will always be room for people to join on the FFA side, and it is pretty much unlimited at least until we hit ~10 characters in here. What you can expect:

- Fast paced RP'ing

- Detailed story arcs and loads of room for character development

- Story driven and a good chance to influence the world

- A reward system for effort put in


The Illuminated Rebellion (2)

This is the side for players who do not want to bother with the mechanics of missions, and want to go at their own casual/relaxed pace. You won't have most of the interactions or story, but offer a valuable insight from the perspective of IR. It also means that at this side the limitations regarding weapons and ships might be a bit loosened. So you can just pick anything moderately strong, as long as it isn't incredibly unbalanced considering when and how you are. The one rule here is that the amount of people IR is at most HALF those in FFA. Full is full. What you can expect:


A more casual, easygoing pace -


You will only be posting when the FFA side has missions involving IR -


You can obtain weapons and spaceships more easily -


No chance based death or wounds -


Less people to take into account -

Step 2: provide me with the following information

- Two images of your character

- Age (18+); Weight in kg, optionally lbs; height in m & cm , optionally feet & in; Race (no half-animals, aliens are allowed); Hair colour; Skin colour; Eye colour

- 4 to 5 positive and negative traits + one paragraph of personality description

- Your characters capabilities (1 paragraph at least)

- Your characters birthdate and origin (3 paragraphs at least, also doubles as a writing sample)

- Your rebel side of choice 

Step 3: tag me in the OOC or send a pm when you are done and await your review.
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'Sam'; 'Prick'



Age: 20, though technically he has only been conscious for 8 of those.
Birthday: 30th of November
Weight: 63kg (~140 pounds)
Height: 1m 91 (~6' 3"), he grew an inch, then lost it again due to his prosthetic legs being slightly shorter.
Race: human, but infused with technology and specks of alien DNA here and there
Hair colour: white
Skin colour: Saami's skin can not create any melanin, so it is completely white, to the extend where it has a near sickly pale blue hue. His skin is slightly thicker than that of a normal human, making it a more consistent colour without being able to see too many smaller veins beneath it.

Eye colour: a bright turquoise, and from up close you can see circuitry lines in them. The circuitry (the base colour stays the same) glows white when it is activated and showing data to him, blue when it is enhancing vision, and red when he is focusing on hostile life-forms or enemies.​


Positive traits:
- Fierce - Intelligent - Courageous - Honest - Reliable

Negative traits:
- Cynical and rude - Has been showing asocial and antisocial behaviour - Has trouble being sincere about his feelings - PTSD - Careless - An extreme fear of being bound/restrained

Full description:
Normal people do a 180 by turning around, Saami added to this by also doing it upside down. Nearly unrecognisable from his former well-behaved, polite and disciplined self, he is now pretty much an asshole when he sees it fit. There are still positive traits to him though, which show fairly easily if one takes the time and patience not to immediately slap him in the face. His intelligence, honesty and reliability haven't changed, just the form in which they appear. Take an even deeper look and you might find why people still stick around him: the bratty and cynical behaviour, though thick, is only a layer he nearly desperately puts on to not show how broken he is exactly. Having lost his legs and many people for no other reason than what he believes to be himself. The arrogance and pushing people away is just so he doesn't have to care and lose again. It's a desperate but effective method to keep the cracked pieces of his good nature and kindness tied together, which still occasionally shimmers through.

Saami is still extremely capable of combat and flying, and his new nature hasn't changed anything about this except perhaps that it made him more dangerous: now he's a killing machine with a temper. His favourite weapons are twin pistols, to the point where he would even use two mismatching ones to fight. He has some other talents beyond mere destruction though; he is still incredibly intelligent with a knack for mathematics, actually manages to cook some decent food and if you can consider it a talent pissing people off is also on the list. The only thing he is absolutely inept in is thus making sense of himself, and subsequently teamwork isn't his strong suit. Rather he is left alone to work and do his own thing.

Due to his past and despite his anger issues he often times does not want to outright kill, which might be mistaken for him not being able. In situations where he is in control he will stop enemies with well aimed bullets, or otherwise incapacitate them with martial arts. He has no qualms with killing enemies when he has to protect crewmates or when it would be dangerous not to. It could be said he uses a calculated kind of mercy; if the threshold of safety for his side is reached, he will start adding the lives of the other side into the equation. More or less... a hospital visit might not be a luxury afterwards.

An INANES made in a laboratory, he was never meant to be in the first place. His "father" lost a child in an accident and illegally attempted to recreate his son by using the wrong DNA in the super soldier program. The error was detected only once the new life had already been found and was growing inside the artificial womb, and the researches decided that if it was viable, it would perhaps be worth investigating and putting through training. This particular model was different from the others in that it was very frail and physically weak from the start, and it was initially decided he would be denied physical training after his mental training was done and to be given another purpose at the facility as a servant or helper. After he was 'born' it turned out that his speed and agility were unprecedented by any genetically engineered super soldier, and a new purpose was laid out for him, namely as a cosmonaut. It was easy, you take a mindless robotic human that is technically failed, so his death won't have any impact, yet his reaction times are good enough to warrant some use. He would make the perfect explorer, since none would even care if he died, himself included. The problem here... this particular one wasn't mindless, though at the time none knew it yet as he was trained and raised to behave equally to his brethren.

He served as lieutenant and second in command on the SSE-Lullaby before he lost his friends and his legs: his left leg to about halfway his thigh, and his right leg to just below the knee. On top of that he had several internal bleeds and shrapnel wounds to his organs, meaning several are partially or entirely replaced, including a kidney, his liver and the bottom of his right lung. For a week afterwards he was kept in a coma, only to find when he woke up that the whole world knew his secret of actually being sentient. It was a very good thing the military only found out after they replaced his limbs, seeing as this gave him the means to escape. Later some of the surviving crew, including the captain, followed him and joined the organisation working against IR. It never became quite sure what his own motives were: if it was a desire for vengeance or safety or simply not having any other plan. His angry behaviour might suggest the first.

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Jericho Urbain Constantine




Age: 52, give or take a few weeks. </span>

Weight: 85 kilograms.

Height: 188 centimeters.

Race: Human, with all strings attached.

Hair colour: Brown and greying.

Skin colour: Fair complexion.

Eye colour: Dull blue.



- Having prosthetic limbs, despite his age, his limbs can support great pressures and blunt forces.

- His age comes with wisdom, and with wisdom, a sense of being polite.

- Growing up, he studied to be an engineer, so with his education, he is able to understand human and alien technologies better than most. This becomes indispensable when repairing anything.

- He is well cultured, having spent a lot of time in different cultures. Not only has he lived with the variations of the human culture, he has spent time with indigenous species of planets he has explored.

- Having worked as a mercenary for this long comes with certain skills, which Jericho is adept in. </span>


- Chain smoker; he cannot make it long without his cigarettes and when he doesn't get them, he suffers the standard withdrawal symptoms.

- Cynical. What more is needed to be said?

- Old-fashioned in his mannerisms. Though he has spent a lot of time with other cultures, it does not mean he does not have his prejudices.

- A traditional nihilist, he despises all non-driven and unmotivated people.

- A compassionate person, he feels attachment to life, even if his nihilism tells him otherwise.

Stoic, stubborn, and judgmental. He is reasonable by all means, but his prejudices tend to get the best of him considering that he believes his way is the best way. If you would ask him, he would point to his experience and his age as clear proof of this. Though he will never admit it, he is extremely sympathetic and a big softie. Past the cloud of smoke, and his deep, grim eyes, you would find a man who cradles children, cares for small animals, and cries for the death of the enemy. His duty, however, is above all else, and he does not hesitate to do what is necessary but this leaves much to be desired in his conscious. He is God-fearing, guilty, and sinful—a mentor and midwife to the rebirth of his character.


His limbs are extremely durable, his mind even more so, but outside of this—he has no particular skills. His use comes from his sense of duty and his knowledge in engineering (both mechanical and electronic). He once repaired a salvaged medical drone with nothing but sheet metal, contact welding, and tweezers to cauterize an open wound from a hostile tribe spear. For combat, he uses his prosthetic limbs to their threshold, using the hard metal to absorb hits and deal hits. In close quarters, he follows no formal doctrine, following instead his intuition and experience to mirror a street boxer. He puts a lot of faith in his servos, and it shows from the amount of artillery strength punches he throws out. Firearms are not his forte, and when having to use one, usually sticks with the easy to use scatter-guns (ballistic, plasma, or laser). Other than that, operating with his former officers has rubbed off some leadership onto him, and his confidence in command is a double-edged sword, but a sword nonetheless. 


Jericho, from a very young age, has been exposed to technology. His father was an electrical engineer for one of the hundreds of power companies, but for Jericho, nothing seemed more interesting than watching his father repair the wires of industrial complexes or brightening the Christmas lights in his tiny, subsidized apartment. He was fortunate to grow up on Earth, so from this, he witnessed the lavish lifestyle of businessmen and culture icons and figured how to act among the intellectual elite of his home planet. A dirty, son of an engineer that keeps the center of trade glowing bright as a beacon for all of humanity. Becoming the apprentice of his father, he proved sufficient enough to be drafted into the government engineer program where he was assigned to medical equipment. After his training, naturally, to pay for his school debts, he signed a contract to pay off the credits needed to put him through said training. Working for one of the numerous hospitals of Earth, his hospital got a sponsor for a new type of aesthetic surgery machine, but much to his dismay, the machine was ill-tested and malfunctioned with someone inside. Being the overseer for the machines use, he was the first to begin grabbing and prying open the machine after tradition shutdown procedures had failed, and having stuck his arms into what is essentially a blender of scalpels, suctions, and other aesthetic tools, when he managed to shut down the machine... His limbs had been left brutalized and destroyed. The only arm he saved was his right arm, which had held the exterior the machine to prevent the entirety of his body from falling into the chaos. Depressed and left without limbs, the state decided to pay for his prosthetic replacements and compensation for the trauma. He got out of the repayment program and with his compensation money, reserved himself to the darkness of an apartment for ten years where he studied his own natural philosophies and wrote his feelings down on paper. The start of his hobbies. Eventually though, debts stacked up as he ran out of compensation money and he ended up slaving for eight years, to pay of his debts. Lost in a world with billions of professionals like him, and no cash, he took the first opportunity at money making and joined the crew of SSE-Lullaby when they advertised their need for a "boot on the ground" medic for their culture/archaeology team. He wasn't necessarily the best surgeon, or even the best medic, but his experience in a hospital and operating the machines that people relied on made him a proven choice above the usual rabble that flock to jobs like this. He had hands-on experience. How many people can say that?

However, after the bomb incident, Jericho has been faced with a new life purpose. Now, instead of driven by wanderlust and greed, he is driven by a strong sense of justice and purpose. A strong stray away from his previous occupation. He lost his left eye to the explosion, which is truly tragic, but his experience aboard the Lullaby with the INANES has made him reconsider his previous paradigms on cybernetics. What used to be distaste toward mechanical supplements has been an acceptance of his standpoint, and his desire to provide insight into the topic for those new to cybernetics. His most recent pupil being Saami, for his lost legs and recently discovered sentience.

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Adira Rik




Age: ~22

Weight:~54 kg [~120 lbs]

Height: 1.7m [5'7"]

Race: Human

Hair colour: Black, but about four inches on the end of her hair is white from excessive time in the sun on a frozen planet.

Skin colour: Pale

Eye colour: Blue with gold and silver flecks


Positive traits:

- Smart - Inventive - Loyal (almost to a fault, however, she is only loyal to individuals) - Great speaker - Disciplined (when she cares enough)

Negative traits:

- Temper - Can be overwhelmed in crowds - Doesn't easily trust people, and trusts groups/organizations even less - Can't think clearly when infuriated, needs time to cool down - Internalizes issues

Full description:

Adira is a natural born leader. She takes command only when needs be, trusts that her crew is confident in their abilities, and helps them if they're not. Adira's very quick-witted, not too quick to trust, and she's willing to take risks. She is kind and caring, and quite humorous when she wants to be (she can sweet-talk her way into anything and put anyone at ease), but when she's needed for command, she cracks down. She has no qualms with killing. Never has she thought of herself as a saint or a hero, but quite the opposite, however, she knows that what she does is right, even if there's nothing right in the way she operates. In her mind, it is better that she go to hell while helping someone than just go to hell, for she knows she has done considerable wrong in her life. She is motherly and protective, and her morals are very strong, which tends to get her into trouble as she doesn't particularly care about her own fate. Her biggest problem is that she's headstrong and doesn't care who is in her way as long as she gets to whatever her goal is.


Adira is ambidextrous with her phaser and a near-perfect shot, making her lethal at a distance. Besides that, though, she's extremely inventive and can work most situations into her favor. Her skills in debate and her coll head make her a good Captain and leader, and easy to be around. However, she can be impulsive, which can get her into trouble, and internalizes issues which doesn't help her mentally. Having worked for a short time in engineering and medical, she knows basic medicine and mechanics. With her trim physique, she'd be unable to do much fighting in traditional styles, so she has to use an opponent's weight against them, but she is very fast. Her history in the Black Markets gives her a number of illegal contacts that she can use when needed. The jacket she always wears connects with her helm and forms an airtight suit that can allow her to survive in empty space and harsh environments, and her biological enhancements help with that.

Cybernetic/biological enhancements

+ Body can withstand pressure a bit more than humans can

+ Body can stand cold longer and better than an average human's can

+ Reflexes slightly heightened

+ Universal translator implanted in neck

- Not as good in heat


Adira appeared to the Solar Empire for the first time as an illegal hitch-hiker on a Scientific Research transport ship leaving the icy planet 502, and used remarkable wits in hiding in the Engine room and discreetly watching and learning from the engineers. She managed to befriend them and prove her worth as a crewman, and when accepted, she recorded her age as approximately thirteen. After spending a few months on that ship, she dropped off the record and appeared a month later aboard the Constellation, again as a hitchiker who convinced the Captain to let her stay. There she worked in the medical bay, mostly handling medicines. Again she dropped off record and reappeared almost a year later, but when that ship had been attacked, she defied direct orders and risked her life to save her crewmates in a daring infiltration. Aboard another ship months later, she took control after the crew abandoned ship (and believed her to be with them) during an attack by pirates and technically took on the battlefield-rank of Captain when she destroyed the enemy ship.

Later she went to the military academy, and by age twenty (assumed) was an official Captain with her own crew on the ship Stargazer. Adira's crew assisted her on a number of "moral missions" and the police looked the other way, and her tactics in exploration gave her both fame and infamy. However, legal troubles appeared for the young Captain a number of times, and during one particularly messy trial, she was assigned Captain of the SSE Lullaby, mostly to keep her out of the spotlight for a bit. Originally she had been a tad upset, as she had been close to her old crew, but soon grew even closer to the crew of the Lullaby, to the point where she even learned how to wear casual clothes instead of her jacket and full equipment, and even got to where she felt she could show some of her own emotions around them. Those were good days that she wished had never ended. Adira unfortunately turned back to old habits after the bombing. She gave up on the Science Division, official military, and the Solar Empire in general, because she knew that they couldn't do what she wanted to: to end the IR for what they did, and for their associations in Black Market trading. In the end she had decided that she already had too much blood in her history to matter, so why try to be a good guy and play by rules that limited her? Especially when she could just do what she needed to and save someone else from having to risk their life in such a way. Joining FFA hadn't been her idea, as she hadn't wanted to ally with any groups, but she wasn't about to leave her crew.

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Kirian Hanover




Age: 23

Weight: 58.5 kg (129 lbs)

Height: 1.61m (5'3")

Race: Human

Hair colour: Black

Skin colour: Fair

Eye colour: Midnight Blue 


Positive Traits:

- Stylish - Intelligent - Technologically savvy - Determined - has a mind for accounting and business

Negative Traits:

- Wary - Distant - Not street smart - Secretive -Prone to naivete

Full description:

The first thing that can be observed about Kirian? She is one closed off, reserved young woman who bears aloofness and all the poise and grace of a noblewoman of old being judged in a beauty pageant. She has a quiet intelligence that comes out when talking about finance, or acting as a figurehead, especially when it comes to political and...the darker side of business. She is distant at first as she attempts to gauge a person through observation, but can be quite charming when she warms up to people. Growing up as a mafia princess she does not have many notions for life outside of the moon, and that comes off when approached with slang and many general lifestyles.



Groomed from childhood to be an assistant to a CFO of a Mafia family she is book smart woman with an eye for finance and politics. Her breeding and environment make her an excellent choice for undercover work and as a mafia princess she has contacts within many powerful families. While not an engineer by any means she does know her way around and through anything technological, whether it means hacking, or programming, laying false trails or falsifying records. [/tab]



The Hanovers, a branch of the Hayanase Crime Family has their fingers in just about everything, from the black market, to political pockets, military forces and orphanages. As the CFO to Hayanase, Justin Hanover handles anything to do with money, arms deals, bribes, profits from just about any sale and the punishment for everyone who gets in his way, without mercy. Seeing this dangerous man at work, is frightening, however seeing this man with his daughter, now that's a different story. Kirian Hanover, affectionately called Kira by her mother was born and raised in the lap of luxury, living on the Moon with just about any comfort that could be imagined. She had the best tutors, stylists and body guards, people practically fell at her feet for her attention. A socialite in every sense of the word, she attended public functions with her family from 10 to 22 years of age, has shaken hands with many celebrities and government figures, and while she supported her father's anti-alien views and agenda, she did not share the same intense hatred towards them, it was just what was done and believed. In her early teens Justin started grooming her to take over his position when the time was right, including her in the arms deals and many other aspects of the Hayanase businesses as she got older, she thrived in it, proving to be even better than Justin could have hoped for. Soon though it all went down hill. Shortly after her 23rd birthday she started noticing several sales that were taking place within several blocks, these sales were very quickly deleted from record however. A week later, the first IR terrorist attack hit. She started seeing a pattern, a series of purchases and then an attack, it didn't take long for her to realize that the Hayanase were providing the weapons for these attacks, but when she inquired about it she was simply told ," It's just business honey." After 2 months she had just come home from shopping to find her father and a family bodyguard holding two green tinged aliens and three of their green skinned kids hostage in the courtyard, one by one he executed them, starting with the youngest and ending with the father. Kira was mortified. Wanting to solve this in house she went straight to the head of the Hayanase and was met with total apathy as the head of the family shrugged it off and waved her away. Business was business, this was murder. Hacking into the computer system she pulled as much information about the IR and the Hayanase's involvement as she could, withdrew a small sum of money, packed a bag and left. First thing, she went to earth, and promptly got robbed of everything except for enough money to eat and two changes of clothes. Not knowing what to do she hung around in public places, until she by chance heard about the FFA, she knew then what she needed to do.

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The Marshal



Age: Unknown, estimated to be in his thirties or early fourties.

Birthdate: Unknown

Weight: 241lbs

Height: 6'3''

Race: Human/Cyborg

Hair colour: N/A

Eye colour: Hazed Blue orbs glow from within his mask.



-A determined man, he's one that will pursue a goal until it is done. -His past life experiences have given the man an absolute control of his anger. -Despite his seemingly grisly appearance, The Marshal is very charismatic and finds ease in drawing people to his side. -He often mentors those who are recovering alcoholics or substance abusers, directly involving himself in their affairs to ensure they can drop their bad habit.


-Unforgiving of those who fail to complete tasks assigned to him, he rules with fear as much as he does love.

-Despite his charismatic nature, he harbors no love for those who serve him and will halfheartedly abandon those loyal to him if it is to further the mission.

-Seemingly afraid of large bodies of water, he outright refuses to swim in oceans and deep lakes, while remaining uncomfortable in rivers or even pools.

Full description:

A forward thinking, charismatic leader of a particularly dangerous branch of the Illuminated Rebellion, The Marshal has gained his moniker by not only proving himself a skilled politician, but also as a battlefield leader. Inspiring men by never asking them to do something he wouldn't, this call to arms has been the inspiration for many traitors and rebels from the Solar Empire to join the ranks of the Illuminated Rebellion. Though many harbor distrust for him due to his several cybernetic implants, many accredit him to remaining loyal to humanity despite the augments put inside him, he still recognizes that humanity is threatened on all sides and only by rooting out the alien, the INANES, can humanity begin to strengthen itself once again. 


While certainly a capable soldier, The Marshal prefers to utilized a custom built power armor suit that was once an old construction mech. The suit has since been almost entirely rebuilt, new armor, new weapons, new appendages, only the base frame remains and reveals the past of this armor. The armor stands at approximately 12ft at it's tallest point and is made of poly-laminate composite to allow for superb protection while remaining relatively light in weight. Capable of withstanding over 2500 Joules of kinetic impact, the power armor renders The Marshal virtually invincible against small arms fire, quite literally like a walking tank. 10-micron-thick silver ablative coating can reflect laser and other heat-based emissions, damaging the composite surface but keeping the wearer alive, at least for the first few hits. The faceplate has long since been removed entirely and the user of the suit must utilize a plethora of cameras (located on the torso and mid-section of the suit to see the outside).

While wearing the armor, one can lift things 10 times heavier than the average human could, however it's cumbersome appearance does it justice as it is very difficult to maneuver in. Movement is limited to a slow awkward jog at best and the heavy plating forces the wearer to have clunky, 'robotic' movement of their limbs. The armor is complete with four built-in weapons; one M7 Xixiz-plate automatic rifle is mounted on each arm, the rifle is somewhat retractable to allow better use of the hands but this leaves the arms unusually thick and can make aiming precision movement or aiming difficult limiting the weapon to a 'spray-and-pray' method of fire. On the right shoulder a Phalanx missile defense system in mounted, four 7mm missiles can be loaded and fired defensively in order to defend the suit from incoming missile attacks. The left shoulder is mounted with 15mm Gatling gun, the suit must be deployed and stabilized in order to utilize this devastating weapon. All these weapons and defenses make the Power Armor suit a dangerous foe to face, however it's large size, immense weight, and clunky nature extremely limit the use of this armor to little more than wide open battlefields as even the narrow streets of urban combat can make it difficult to aim precisely. Outside of his armor, The Marshal is still an experienced and dangerous combatant, equipped with superb situational awareness and control, he seamlessly can command his own troop, manage himself, and conquer an enemy in almost any scenario. In close quarters, he has been formally trained in martial arts, most of which allow him to utilize his firearm as a tool for melee combat. Outside of combat, he is a skilled mechanic, and political figure. 


Little is known about the history of the Marshal, as his appearance in the Illuminated Rebellion has only been within the [TO BE FILLED] of their activity. The most widely accepted theory is that he was a former Solar Empire soldier, when he and his squad walked into a trap and were pinned under heavy fire, the squad leader (who was an alien) called for a retreat the would involve abandoning half of the team, including the Marshal himself. Marshall was forced to watch as the remaining team was outmaneuvered and were picked off one by one while he miraculously managed to stay one step ahead of the surrounding enemy force and remained unharmed for two hours under constant fire. When an elite INANES squad arrived to flank the enemy, one of the INANES preformed a lightning quick triage session and deemed the Marshal a priority target over the dead and dying squad members around him. Against the wishes of the the Marshal, his life was spared and he became the sole survivor of the ambush. In truth, the Marshal is actually Garrett Marshall. A mercenary hired alongside those on the Lullaby and was present during their mission complete ceremony. While he certainly had many conflicts with the members of the crew, he found much more than just friends aboard the Lullaby. The Captain and Security Commander personally assisted him in avoiding a path of self-destruction and he was ever grateful for their efforts to try and assist him, rather than cast him aside as countless others had before them. Still haunted by his past however, Garrett Marshall had a falling out with both the Captain and Security Commander when he revealed his past work as a Slaver, as well as the murder of a SIAD operative. Marshall, unable to forgive himself separated himself from the crew of the Lullaby and avoided contact with them. His shame was so deep that he almost didn't attend the ceremony a time later. Unfortunately, he attended and when the bomb was thrown on stage and when Saami threw it beneath the stage it erupted in a fiery explosion and killed dozens. Garrett himself was caught in the blast and suffered severe injuries and was declared to be in critical condition. His entire left arm was blow away, his right right hand was mangled beyond repair, his rib-cage collapsed under concussive pressure and ruptured many organs. His face was mangled beyond recognition as well and Marshall remained in a coma for two months while he recovered before mysteriously disappearing from the hospital. Marshall had awakened and in a panicked frenzy freed himself from his hospital bed and shambled out into night, a severely crippled Marshall still proving more than a match for a few concerned doctors and nurses. In a twist of fate, Marshall was nearly apprehended before a Illuminated Rebellion squad ambushed the first responder's and captured Marshall. At their head quarters, they implanted Marshall with mechanical limbs to replace those lost, as well as several other cybernetic implants that bolstered Marshall to a meta-human level. Despite their supposed hatred of aliens and INANES, the IR were quite efficient at creating their cyborg soldier and those higher up on the chain of command planted a control chip within Marshall's head that would compel him to obey orders, as well as planted stories about; "The Marshal", a legendary IR super-soldier to inspire others to join their cause and to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. Though a control chip had been planted, it could be argued that Marshall willingly serves the IR and blames the INANES Saami for his dis-figuration and mutilation that caused him to be in his current predicament in the first place.

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N'thagn Yalyax




Age: 72

Weight: 44.4 kg (98lbs)

Height: 2.1m (7')

Race: N'thagn

Hair colour: N/A

Skin colour: Pale White

Eye colour:Vibrant Sky-blue


Positive traits:

- Thanks to a lifetime surrounded by advanced technology, Yalyax finds himself easily learning the processes of the older technologies utilized by the Solar Empire.

- Unlike many N'thagn before him, Yalyax was deployed as a direct envoy to the humans and is culturally enriched for being so. He has adapted many human customs and culture which allows him to function normally within their society, however he still holds true to many N'thagn traditions which can make for awkward situations at worst.

- Having been sent as an envoy to humanity, Yalyax is more than willing to help others to the best of his abilities. He is fluent in many languages and understands the basics of negotiation - Having been grown in a N'thagn breeding pod, he has little sense of self and will often do what is best for the majority, rather than himself.

- Yalyax is accepting of most creeds and beliefs, he harbors little anger or hatred towards anyone individual or organization and even understands the grievances of the IR, if but disagreeing about how they go about accomplishing their goals.

Negative traits:

- Merciful to a fault, Yalyax is very rarely to intentionally kill anything. Though he can accidentally hit an enemy too hard and result in their death, he will NEVER do it intentionally.

- Restricted to N'thagn regulations, his ability to help others is limited to those he is directly serving. Civilians and other unwanted casualties cannot be helped without reprisal.

- Combat inept, Yalyax is not built for the chaos of battle (both physically, or mentally) and is a poor fighter both at range and in melee

- Though his superior technology allows him to understand more primitive technology easier, it can also make it more difficult if a concept is used that has not been studied by his own people for a millenia. Standard weapons baffle Yalyax to no end.

- Is easily distracted by human/alien anatomy, specifically hair.

Full description:

An intelligent and well mannered N'thagn, Yalyax is a sight for sore eyes as his species is still an unknown quantity to the Solar Empire. He is one of five envoys sent to the Solar Empire, the other four placed strategically throughout the Empire to study and act as a median between the Empire of Man, and the Athenaeum of the N'thagn. Yalyax serves a similar purpose but is much more welcoming and friendly to his human neighbors and friends. 


A robotics expert and a highly skilled technician, he can pilot damn near anything and repair it too! Aside from this technological skill he brings a mediocre medical training to limit wounds on his organic companions. His intelligent serves him well on the team as he is a go-to guy for anything unknown or needing of study, as he is more than comfortable looking at something that isn't within his professional field. Along with all N'thagn, Yalyax as latent psychic ability that enables some fantastical powers.

Biological Advantages:

-The N'thagn have evolved six fingered hands which grants them a surprisingly powerful grip, despite their usual frailness and weakness. Many say it's easier to beat a N'thagn to death than it is to pry something from it's hands.

-Eyes like a cat, the N'thagn have tapetum lucidum inside their eyes and can see clear as day even in the darkest of areas. Their eye sight is also attuned to notice the slightest of movements, primitive N'thagn used this to avoid predators, modern N'thagn use it to read body language, making it almost impossible to lie to a N'thagn.

-N'thagn can run extremely quickly, with almost no noise. They can also sprint in short bursts reaching speeds up to 80MPH.

- Hearing is attuned to hear 'more'. Nothing is actually louder to them than the average human, but they may hear the breaths of an enemy around the corner where a human may not.

Psychic Abilities: Hyper intelligence has unlocked a myriad of psychic abilities for N'thagn. Though more prevalent and powerful in females, males have also evolved these powers. There doesn't appear to be a rhythm to the abilities other than females generally have them more often and they are usually more powerful than the male equivalent.

Cosmic Presence: The most common psychic ability among the N'thagn, Yalyax can sense the 'cosmic presence' of people he has become emotionally attached to. Essentially allowing him to 'sense' where they are at all times and know their well being. The process is instantaneous after an undetermined amount of affection Yalyax as accumulated for a person.

Technomancy: Most modern technology utilizes electrical currents in order to function, with some intense concentration, Yalyax and alter the current of electrical flow disabling, overloading, and potentially destroying or damaging equipment/technology.

Psychokinesis: Yalyax can maneuver objects from a distance so long as their weight is within what he could lift normally with his own strength. Seeing as N'thagn are naturally weak creatures, it can be a potentially useful if somewhat limited power.


-Frail bodies, N'thagn can be killed if punched hard enough in the head or chest.

-Use of psychic abilities temporarily increases their metabolism, essentially forcing them to consume their already limited muscle mass in order to burn enough calories to remain alive.


Brought into this universe while within the bounds of the Ardent Aetheneum, Yalyax was born inside a breeding facility in which eggs are fertilized and incubated mechanically and separated into sections which determine their occupation within the Aetheneum. Being among the hatchlings of batch 413/A/54 (First number is in thousands, the class number, the letter designates a certain field of education they will specialize in, last number is the number of students.), Yalyax was sent to the Eyes of the Aetheneum a sect of the N'thagn government that specializes in the observation and discovery of potential members to the Ardent Aetheneum and over the centuries determine them an asset or a potential enemy. While the Eyes of the Aetheneum is the smallest branch of the Aetheneum, it could be considered a godsend as it is the only branch that does not restrain one to a confined cell, or force one to serve in a military capacity. When he arrived at his station, Yalyax was given a name by his matriarch and began his indoctrination to the Aetheneum, his loyalty to the government was engraved on his brain for thirty years so that even centuries abroad cannot suede him to abandon the Aetheneum. When he past his indoctrination he was dispatched to the Solar Empire and began the long process of analysis. When he arrived to his first Human city, Yalyax was in a massive culture shock, however he was more than willing to learn and within his first year was a productive member of society. It took some time before

the Solar Empire took news of a mysterious unknown alien species living among them seriously and when there was an official response, Yalyax happily turned himself in and explained his duties to the Solar Empire officials. When he was released he was assigned to various research vessels and colonization ships in order to be given a wide spectrum to examine, while also remaining out of the hair of the bigger governments. His comrades arrives shortly after and have since been yearning for positions in the government to examine how the Solar Empire governs its people. Yalyax was heart broken to hear about the attacks the IR had been committing and volunteered his service in any way to assist the efforts against them.

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Nadanya Noronywich





Age: 26

Weight: 63kg (~140lbs)

Height: 1m 57 (~ 5' 2") she always goals to be the tallest in the room, going through ridiculous ends to fulfill this

Race: Though she adamantly claims she is a transcendent being, she actually is 1/4th alien and 3/4th simple human.

Hair colour: Black

Skin colour: Olive

Eye colour: Yellow


Positive traits:

- Strong leader - Great negotiator - Good to her subordinates - Iron patience - Charismatic

Negative traits:

- Believes herself to be the manifestation of the gods in the universe

- Skewed idea of right and wrong - Dissociated from the world

- Can not stand the idea of being inferior

- Exceptionally cruel against those she deems 'unworthy'

Full description:

Whatever good Nadanya possessed, it was taken out when the bomb struck, and 'prophet' revealed itself to her mind. Like a switch turned around she found her calling to be the messenger of the gods, preaching the superiority of the human race and the neglect of the virtues. To her humanity has fallen into the Infinite Vice, a state only she can lead them out of. Creating her cult she declared the weakness of man could be solved by them being broken into following the Children of Virtue: prophets like her. She is merely the first to have found her way. She rules with iron hand, and demands nothing less than absolute obedience from her followers. In return they shall be freed of their chains of vices, though it might be argued that the chains of the prophet are no less heavy. However, perhaps one redeeming thing is that Prophet does appear to care for her followers, and even if they have to do whatever she says, what she says is not always bad for them. Things like forcing them to rest at least 8 hours a day, have two free days and to maintain body and mind at all times make for a strangely kind contrast to the otherwise dark image of Prophet. 


Prophet has rapidly proven to be a strong leader, her cult growing to a few hundred in merely three months. She has amazing charisma when holding her famous sermons and speeches, her mysterious, ever-masked figure imposing on the people. When negotiating her demands she always seems to come out a little better than the other party, proven by when she and her cult merged under the banner of IR. Somehow Prophet managed to gain the ability to be in control of her subordinates over the leaders of IR: meaning she can separately send them out as her own militia. To keep control of this small army and to make the best of her military and religious prowess, Prophet has surrounded herself with six equally faceless Saints. Named simply for what they do, the Saints have a strict hierarchy:

  1. Strategy
  2. Intelligence
  3. Preach
  4. Appearance (also called 'Propaganda' by those who don't follow Prophet)
  5. Psyche
  6. Matter

However, Prophet remains at the top as the ultimate leader. No measures are passed without her, and no public appearance is made of the saints without her accompanying them. Ever watching and everywhere. If ultimately these measures do not suffice to keep her subordinates in control, she will perform her most powerful proof of godliness: smite them. In a public execution in front of all her followers she makes a show out of electrocuting the 'unworthy' and the 'fallen'. This usually works in keeping the remainder of the followers perfectly obedient and believers.



The origin of Prophet is simple: created from the goodwill of the gods to be the salvation of humanity. In her task to purify men, she will absorb the Infinite Vice of her followers, until it 'destroys' her at the end of every thirty day cycle. After the destruction the darkness in the hearts of those who are true will be removed, making her core followers pure. Once this eerie ritual is completed she will be reborn in innocence, allowing for the process to begin anew. This is shown in her appearance becoming increasingly dark and complex nearing the end of the month. It is rumoured that this purity process is completed by killing the worthless, and it does seem like she calls more and more for violence at the end of the month. Others say Prophet just has really bad periods... In truth, her origin is a lot less flashy and mysterious. Being a simple engineer on board the Lullaby, Nadanya was perhaps not closely as damaged as most physically, but definitely the one to get out the most deranged. The explosion caused a heavy piece of metal to graze her face, leaving a long, rugged scar all the way across and taking out most of her nose. Hence the reason why she always wears the masks. Already having mentally declared herself the Prophet, she lied through the follow up psych evaluations to get herself declared sane. Knowing that in her end task could not be hindered by something as meek and filthy as a human trying to get into her great and endless mind. Having some experience with living in backwards colonies, she dropped off of the face of the earth immediately after. Only to return as the glorious Child of Virtue that is Prophet.

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Deimos Blair



Age: 38

Weight: 75 kg (165lbs)

Height: 1.75m (5'9)

Race: Human

Hair colour: Dark Grey

Skin colour: Fair

Eye colour: Dark Brown



- Knowledgeable on his field

- Great memory

- Resolute

- Patient


- Brusque

- Insincere. Doesn't outright lie, but tends to hold the truth back.

- Stubborn

- Will become seriously frustrated when failing at his job.

Full description:

Although his bluntness and harsh tone can make Deimos look like an unpleasant person, he never goes out of his way to needlessly put people down. Strongly opinionated, he's not the type of person to back down from a discussion, even if it threatens to become a violent argument. He is much calmer and cordial whenever his ego is not on the line, though, and while that might not make for interesting conversation, he won't be shoving his personal views on everything you say. This dichotomy is very much omnipresent with him. Either emotionally invested on a subject but terse and unlikable, or relaxed and affable while not being very much involved. One might mistakenly derive his resolve in arguing with almost anyone from either bravery or stupidity, or a combination of both. In reality he is neither. Any threat to his safety will result in him swallowing his pride and shutting his mouth, and his arguments are the work of thought and patience, rather than shouts and meaningless contradictions. The few moments in which he can act in between these two ends is when dealing with people he's known for a while. Hard working by nature, once he starts something he will not stop until it's done or until he fails. Failure, however, is not an option for him, and he will work excessively so that doesn't happen. As it is expected of a doctor, Deimos isn't keen in the idea of killing, and while he won't lecture other people about it, he'll object to having to do it himself, no matter the circumstances.


Being a licensed physician, Deimos' strengths are focused on medicine. His specialty is treating physical injuries, both minor as well as life threatening, as well as some forms of surgery. Of course he is also capable of treating other ailments, such as infections and diseases. He can't perform miracles though, so the quality of his work will be dependent on the materials he has at hand. He is still capable of providing care with little to no equipment, but the lack of tools means he will have to resort to unorthodox methods. Some of them painful, none of them pretty. His left prosthetic arm, while more durable than a normal limb, wasn't made for combat and instead trades strength for finesse, something much more useful for a medic.


Born to two hard working physicists in Earth, Deimos' entire youth had been all about learning and studying. Very much like his parents, what drove him was curiosity, but not of space or the workings of the universe, but of people, more accurate the way people work on the physical level. Although his parents wanted him to pursue the same career they had, they were happy enough with his choices. But work is work, so there wasn't much of a reason for them to be picky as long as he could make a living out of it. Something he did without much trouble. His interest for medicine and general curiosity made it easy for him to study and do well in university. He wasn't the top student of his class, but he did well enough so that he didn't have much trouble finding a job after finally graduating. The biggest change of routine he ever experienced was the car crash which killed his parents and made him lose his left arm. Technology saved his career in the form of a prosthetic arm, however there was nothing that could be done to save his parents. To say he was traumatized would be a lie, but he did resent their passing away. But there wasn't anything aside from mourning that he could do, so he continued on with his life. As time went by, he found it increasingly harder to work as hard as he normally did. He had made his peace with their death already, but it still felt strange to live and work so close to where they used to live. Eventually he decided he needed to change scenery, go somewhere different, preferably far away. Which is when he decided to give the FFA a chance. Partly because he still wanted to help people; one didn't work as a doctor for so long without wanting to do so. But mostly he wanted the chance to go away while still being able to practice medicine.  

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Erin Jones




Age: 24

Weight: 50kg (~110 pounds)

Height: 1m & 73cm (5'8")

Race: Human

Hair colour: Black

Skin colour: Fair with a slight tan

Eye colour: Copper-silver, "pupils" may change drastically in size.


Positive traits:

 - Enthusiastic - Brave - Confident - Adaptive - Level-headed

Negative traits:

- Reckless - Naive - Lazy - Competitive - Thrill-seeking tendencies

Erin's life revolves around one thing -flying- and her personality shows it. Oftentimes she puts her (and others) lives at risk just to shave a few seconds off a flight or to complete a particularly dangerous twist through an asteroid field. For her, life is short and fleeting and she won't let anybody or anything stop her from wringing out every last bit of excitement. In this way, Erin can have a bit of a selfish streak in her. However, her constant energy helps to keep people around her, making her new friends every time she reaches a different port. It can also be draining on others, but that's just the way Erin likes it - by flying in and out of people's lives, she'll never have to be tied down.


Her natural talent at flying is a god-send, giving to her rather lazy habits. With little practice, Erin can commandeer many ships with expertise - though she will have to take her time to get used to foreign controls. Tying into her flight skills, Erin is able to come up with unorthodox methods under pressure in short alert - under which it is hard to get her to crack. She holds knowledge of how ships work, and has fixed a fair share in her time but she has no formal training. Her ace-in-the-hole, so to speak, are her "eyes". Having replaced her eyeballs for enhanced robotic sight, Erin is able to zoom in and spot things from very far distances. They can hold information on places she has visited before, giving her access to an inner library holding more information than she could ever memorize. There are different settings Erin can set her eyes to, but her favorite remains to be "Auto-track." With this, she can focus on other tasks as her eyes whiz around on their own, identifying each and every thing that moves. However, too much of this setting leaves her disorientated and it is not that useful in a crowd as the mass of peoples would overwhelm the system. Erin prefers to use it instead to overlook the stars. Gas and other vision-obscuring attacks may take her sight system a while to adapt to, but it never lasts for long. She has many connections in different ports, but whether or not those connections are benevolent towards her is a different story. Still, it can come in handy when needing a seedy discount on ship parts, if one's moral compass can choose to ignore where they came from. As a human, Erin is not physically strong and is only as intelligent as an average person can be. Her eyes -being her greatest assets- can be shut down, rendering her rather useless. She is a mediocre shot with most weapons, but she's never had the perchance for violence in her life. She carries around a hand-gun only for intimidating purposes - it's never actually been fired and remains unloaded.


From the day she was born, Erin Jones had looked up to the sky. Her family had been as well-off as anybody's -at least in the Bracken district- and although Erin never wanted for anything growing up, she never had any interest in the toys and books her parents would buy her. She was an active child and often acted out against both her play-mates and teachers. Her parents were even advised to take Erin in to get scanned - she would never sit in a chair for more than a minute. All this changed when one day, she was able to sit in a pilot's seat. Though her father had never meant it to be more than a treat for his flight-loving daughter, from then on Erin was hooked. In her teenage years, she found herself sneaking out more and more to engage in illegal pit races where she was able to buy enough money to rival her father's income. It was never the cash she was after, however. It was the thrill of the flight itself, the rush of danger that screamed at her to pull up seconds before she hit the ground - which she ignored, time and time again. In the otherwise boring life of a middle-class neighbourhood, Erin had found her drug. Eventually her recklessness caught up to her when she was involved in a fiery crash that cost both of her eyes. Though she was certain that she would never be able to fly again, her sponsor -a seedy man who demanded payment in more than one way- took what she had saved up and installed a state of the art bionic sight system into her. She was grateful for her vision back and took to the skies once more, confident in her new eyes. As she grew more proficient, the confines of pit-racing grew ever smaller before Erin left for larger skies. Though she kept in contact with her parents, they never knew the extent of her flying mania and generally left her alone. Before getting a steady job, she floated in and out of the outer districts and spent her time in and out of holding cells (for reckless flight behaviour and illegal racing). Erin worked for a while as a freelance cartographer and delved deep into lonely corners of space alone before calling it quits (her drawing skills left much to be desired). With years of experience under her belt, Erin has been applying for any and all positions on hiring spacecrafts.

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Age: 12

Weight: 39kg (~85lbs)

Height: 1m 42 (~ 4' 8")


Hair colour: white

Skin colour: white

Eye colour: a golden yellow, containing similar circuitry to Saami's, except with two different modes.

night mode: her eyes glow a bright golden, and heatsight and nightsight are activated simultaneously

escape mode: her circuitry glows purple and her vision focuses on lining out spaces she can fit through. Her body enters a 'rubber' state, meaning she can bend in superhuman ways, including things such as shifting her bones to squeeze through smaller spaces. Similar to how a rat can.


Positive traits:

- Kind - Smart - Helpful - Knows what she wants - Creative

Negative traits:

- Escape artist - Shy - Sly and cunning - Picky - Demanding

Full description:

Amanda is a tricky one at best; at the same time she can be incredibly nice and friendly to someone, acting cutesie and innocent to get them to trust her. Only to later turn that around to try and wriggle her way into getting something she wants. However, she isn't using this skill for bad things, more or less to give herself a point of advantage with something she'd already do otherwise. She simply is cunning enough to turn her kindness into something she can use properly. Furthermore, she doesn't quite like people generally, shying away a bit. However, this shyness is overcome once more by her pragmatism; she simply manipulates people she doesn't really like more. Being very picky as to whom she likes, this means only but a few can keep her under control.


On top of her intelligence she's a master at getting away, either with things or out of things; it is incredibly hard to hold her someplace she doesn't want to be. Being made to fit into small, dark spaces and having a knack for problem solving means she is a natural born escape artist. Though she is frail and not made for direct combat, she still has the enhanced senses and body. It would be a very very dangerous mistake to think her harmless simply because her first response is getting away and fleeing instead of attacking. It wouldn't be the first time that her type of INANES has been used for the purpose of striking from where you'd least expect it.  


(Her backstory is entirely integral to the RP, so instead I'll list specifics or her type of INANES here)

Though INANES originally were made for pure combat purposes, there are a few lesser known 'brothers and sisters' that take on support roles. Where the standard image is that of a tall, broad man with a machine gun, Amanda is still very much an INANES made with a purpose. Her kind is more intelligent and naturally more autonomous than the standard, and are made to solve technical problems on board spaceships and in facilities. Their bodies are designed especially to fit into small spaces, and their eyes are adapted to revolve solely around nightsight and heatsight. Their minds are meant to be very focused on details and small key elements. Meaning that unlike combat oriented INANES like Saami, their peripheral awareness is close to none, ignoring any distractions that might come their way. Amanda's systems are equipped with a far more powerful self-learning adaption and memory capablities, but this is at the cost of computing power. She is able to solve puzzles and practical challenges, then remember their patterns perfectly, but she can not take in the whole of her environment. If she were to stand in a library she'd be able to recognise the patterns in the books of a bookcase, tell every correlation between colour, title and texture and ways to order it, but she completely misses the rest of the library. The same goes for mathematical problems: she has to solve one at a time, but won't be able to create a greater picture with it. Unlike Saami who can condense great amounts of data instantly to a single image, Amanda can use a single source of data to instead generate large amounts of correlations and patterns.

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Nurya'ophel Valore

People often address her as 'Nurya' or 'Nury'. The way one would pronounce her name: Nuriyah'O Fell Valore.



Age: She is twenty one years of age.

Weight: 55.2 kg (121.7 lbs)

Height: 1.65 m (5'5")

Race: She is 100% alien. She is a Mystic - like Saundary - but they would classify her as an Intueri. Intueri's are individuals with a very high intuition; this depends on the things they are capable of, thus they are considered to be very confident majority of the time.

Hair colour: Natural Black & Dark Brown; appearing reddish-brown (occasionally) in the light, black any other time. Her hair length stops just below her chest.

Skin colour: A fair skin tone with the illusion of a porcelain doll.

Eye colour: Black, the blackest of black to the point where you could see your reflection in the endless void connected to her skull.


Positive Traits

- Calculative; she has a systematic way of thinking. This implies that she analyzes her surroundings

- majority of the time it is for an escape route rather than psychological purposes. When she is mindful, she is sensible so long as it pertains to decision making. Communicating with people in a deeper mindset is just something that she is unfamiliar with due to the fact that she has been her own dependent.

- Optimistic; her happy-go lucky attitude in a nut shell. She takes life in a positive stride; she's laid back and very assertive.

- Respect; she knows how to behave. Despite the fact that she acts like she doesn't care about a damn thing majority of the time; due to ulterior motives, she still has her head screwed on straight. She gives people respect so long as they respect her also.

- Determined; once she sets her mind on a plan, a mission, a goal, anything that has a target that she desires, she sticks to it. Her devoted time to this is so passionate that one might actually be able to respect. That's if she wasn't talking in the midst of doing so. Beware, this trait is not always a good trait.

Negative Traits:

- Untrustworthy; never let your guard down around a thief. Whenever you're around Nurya you have every right to be dubious of her, for there is always an ulterior motive up her sleeve. Typically, Nurya is seen as a thief for stealing minor things, unimportant things to most. Therefor, taking her seriously is difficult and her optimism makes it burdensome.

- Greedy; when she sets her eyes on something that she wants then goes for it and there aren't any if-and-but's about it. This make her a difficult individual due to her strenuous personality.

- Headstrong; she has a very stubborn attitude. Although she can be determined, it's kind of difficult to deal with that. Nurya could be determined to make you pissed just to get a reaction out of you and she would grab that information like the greedy thief that she is and throw at it you like a baseball. Waiting for you to smack it with so much rage that she could go on a home run. A terrible character trait of hers because she can be well-aware of the consequences at times. However, when it is seriously taken too far . . . that's how you know her head isn't on straight. She's too bold.

- Casual; she can be very relaxed and unconcerned majority of the time. Meaning she can sleep just about anywhere; she feels as though sleep relieves her of exhaustion. Especially when dealing with pressing matters that are deemed worthy of her attention.

Due to the fact that Nurya is a thief; once a thief - always a thief - she's pretty unpredictable and everyone believes that they have her down to a solid 'T'. They don't. Nurya's back ground is the reason why she does the things that she does and say the things that she says. It is difficult trying to understand her and when people believe they've got her down to the core, she comes back having you want to know more. You can very easily say that she plays with life's laws in a very coy manner and she does nothing to stray away from that side of her. Trusting someone is also very difficult for her because of the way of life she grew up in, so you won't get another peep after she tells you the things that she wants you to hear at least three times. In fact, even if that is the case this still contradicts the fact that she is very comfortable with her history and is willing to tell you about it. You'd be very lucky if you heard all of it, how she grew up and the like, instead of a portion. When you think of Nurya try thinking about . . . foxes and a child. She's very . . . youthful for a woman.


Psychological Capabilities:

As an Intueri she is capable of picking up languages very fast, especially since she does a lot of . . . unnecessary extensive traveling about the universe. She is also capable of fitting into small places, despite how tall she is, and she is the perfect woman to take with you when going on a heist. Her foxy behavior makes her able to fit into many situations.

Physical Capabilities:

Nurya is capable of hand to hand combat, but she's a bit sloppy. She has never been in a situation where she was attacked, but she is okay with learning should the need ever arise. Obviously, she would have to be fast, but not inhumanely fast in order to avoid getting caught.

Nurya is also capable of 'sweeping people off of their feet' in both physical and metaphorical ways.

Technological Capabilities:

Nurya is the kind of woman that isn't afraid to get dirty with nature or mechanics. She steals often, mostly mechanical parts in order to get a step closer to her given goal. Basically, she has common knowledge in the Engineering department.

Nurya is crafty with knives and guns, preferably knives because they're quieter than guns. Plus, they don't require a lot of excessive weight unlike guns.


[Officially a heavy piece of work in progress.]



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Lydia Camden

Your friendly resident mad scientist


The first image is a reference to her typical outfit. When working, she'll replace the jacket-poncho with a lab coat.


Age: 21

Weight: 50kg (110lbs)

Height: 1m 60cm (5’3”)

Race: Asian-American (Human)

Hair colour: Dark brown, nearly black (shoulder length, mildly curly)

Skin colour: Light tan

Eye colour: Dark brown (with glasses for nearsightedness)

Birthday: 13th of August

Prosthesis: Prosthetic foot (left) at the ankle, and prosthetic arm (left) from the elbow down.

Enhancements: Enhanced short-distance vision

Extra: Lydia has a few mild burn scars on her left leg below the knee, her left upper arm, and left shoulder.


Positive traits:

+ Hardworking + Determined/Driven + Curious + (A bit more) Self-aware (than before)

Negative traits:

- Overdoer - Stubborn - Too curious - Socially not so great - Don't make her angry

Full description:

Lydia is a driven and (too) curious person, who cares more about studying the little-known than almost anything else. That being said, she doesn’t really know when to stop, whether it be to stop talking, stop working, or stop pursuing something (coughcough spiders). Sometimes she'll seem like she wants to know everything about everything, and often times she’ll work herself to sleep. It’s difficult to dissuade her from anything, but at least there’s no doubt that she’ll give something (that she cares about) her best effort. Lydia is in an awkward position where she is aware of the problems she and her habits create, and consequently is trying consciously to keep them in check. In a social situation, Lydia is no longer a silent, strict, professional person. Now, she’ll give attempts at social interaction, but she’s pretty inept at it. Most of the time, she’s a bit too honest and regularly misinterprets others, despite her best efforts. Lydia has also begun trying to develop a more orthodox sense of humor, although most of her on-the-spot material is a bad metaphor comparing one thing to another, very obscure, thing. She may be a total social blunder now, but talking is a surprisingly effective distraction from the psychological effects of the bombing. She’s still a little slow to get over things like that, but she’ll probably not try to wage war on any more arachnid colonies.



She is first and foremost a researcher in the field of biology, which was what led her to the Lullaby in the first place. Studying more than just human biological functions landed her a spot on their biomedical team, although she did other things as well. Like dissect stuff. Skilled in first aid, sometimes deployed as a field medic before joining the Lullaby’s crew. Useful in a hospital setting, too. Great sharpshooter, prefers some kind of pistol but can use a wide variety of firearms. Mediocre mechanic. Who do you think she let install her prosthesis?



In her childhood, Lydia grew upon a colonial, relatively-earth-sized planet, with a population of several million. She, her parents and two older siblings (along with a sandy brown tabby called Flapjack) lived comfortably in a suburban-like neighborhood. At around time when she was seven, a pair of Xyvir attacked the area, taking as their victims one of her siblings and her father. About a year later, an incident arose where she more or less turned Flapjack into a Xyvir-cat. It didn't work. The event was effectively quieted by the Science Division, who had been alerted quickly. For a short while, there was a small dispute over how to handle the situation. Little Lydia and her hunger to know how things worked could be dangerous to herself and those around her, but it wasn't as if they could take her into custody. For a long while, she was assigned a tutor from the ranks of the Science Division who visited the planet every so often for the disguised purpose of monitoring her and her experiments. At the age of fourteen, Lydia was enrolled in one of the more prestigious schools on Earth, where she came to the top of the majority of her classes, much to the bafflement of those around her. It seemed as if the the prodigy appeared out of nowhere. After she skipped a grade (or two) and was graduated from one of the many universities, she took up her job of research (testing experimental weaponry and medical technology, usually by tagging along with the Outliners) with the Science Division until she joined the crew of the Lullaby in the biology and medical department. After the bombing, Lydia took back her position of research among the Science Division, although now she worked on very different projects. No longer did she bother with weapons testing, now she joined others to preform more studies on the variety of extraterrestrial flora and the little bit of fauna that had been retrieved from the planets visited by the SSE Lullaby. One of the most promising things so far is the venom of the mega-centipede, and the next most intriguing was the hallucinogenic plant. Yes, Lydia has no problem with working with her own blood samples. Few people actually know her past up until she began working with the Science Division. As per her request, those who know about have it locked up tight. To everyone she meets, she simply came to the top of her classes very suddenly. Nobody really believes it, though, but at the same time, it's never quite been brought into question.  


At some point during her highschool years, she ran a small personal experiment. She was, for purposes of testing her own skill, attempting to recreate a formula that would enhance one’s eyesight. With successful testing on a few animals, she tried it for herself. It didn't go as planned, and though it enhanced her short-range eyesight (she can see about .75 times as much detail as a normal human), she became quite nearsighted. As if to spite the failure of the experiment, she trained her aim in firearms to what is almost impeccable. Lydia is no INANES (although dissecting one is still on her bucket list-- she had always been kept away from that area), but her aim is kind of terrifyingly accurate.

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 Para Buideach



Age: 20
Weight: 83kg (182lbs) 
Height: 1.88m (6’2”) 
Race: Human, partial technology 
Hair Colour: Black  
Skin Colour: White 
Eye Colour: green


Positive Traits
Dedicated & Loyal - Kind Hearted - Honest - Disciplined - Reliable 

Negative Traits 
Disorganised/Messy - Thirst to Prove Himself -  - Control Freak - Doesn’t Trust People

On duty Para is a dutiful and responsible soldier, following rules and procedures with attentive detail to ensure he fulfills his duty, taking his role; no matter what that may be, incredibly seriously, refusing to fool around and slack off, and having no patience for those who do. He’s also insubordinate to those with authority directly over him to the point of overlooking his morals in order to fulfill his duty. Off duty however, Para is disorganised and playful, his life at the academy had given him a chance to develop his social skills, and to find the perfect balance between work and play, being top of his squadron but also a charismatic ‘party boy’ which helped offset his almost uptight demeanor that he carries whilst on duty. 


Para is gifted with physical prowess, being a skilled hand to hand combatant naturally after having spent years training and pushing those skills to a finesse. He is also enhanced post medically, and a bionic prosthetic arm that not only improves his reflexes but has a superior strength. Along with this his skills as a marksman are outstanding although he is unlikely to use those as he prefers hand to hand combat, having had more training and enhancements with those. He also has a broad knowledge of both Biology and Chemistry, having excelled in those classes whilst training at the academy, however he has little experience with those actually out in the field, so his knowledge of those in the field is mostly self taught, something he’s eager to improve on. 


Para grew up on a small rural moon, the communities were small but were tight knit and strong in their ways. They called themselves highlanders and practiced the ways of old whilst farming produce and selling both that and the bi-products. Travelling outside of their moon only quarter annually in order to sell what they produce. He was the youngest of Five, his older brothers all successful and praised by their community, Para feeling as though he was living in a shadow often attempting anything to stand out and earn praise from those above him. This carried through the moment he learned about the Academy. From then he decided he needed to rise above expectations, to move away from what his family had taught him and to be better than what others thought of him. From an early age practicing and dedicated himself to being a deadly fighter and educating himself so he could pass the entrance exams and work his way from there.

Now 16, Para was top of his classes, exceeding in combat and the physical challenges he faced. Although he still felt he needed to prove himself, and fortunately there was ample chance to prove that when the chance to compete to take part in a programme, available only to those who have proved they’re worth it. Para would never turn down such an opportunity. So he worked at it, until he was chosen for the programme. The programme was a series of experiments in medical and technological enhancements to improve the typical soldier. It promised enhanced reflexes and more power for physical combat by enhancing naturally built strength along with superior technology. Of course the promise of being a better soldier, physically, was promise enough, but with his superiors leaning on his shoulder and encouraging him, giving him little choice but to accept, Para underwent the treatment. Which consisted of a bionic prosthetic arm, natural enhancements to his strength and rigorous and extensive combat training to hone his new abilities. This worked perfectly for the most part only catching a hitch with the side effects, with Para now experiencing chronic pain and at first uncontrollable reflexes such as reacting inappropriately to non threatening situations.

For three years Para kept at the academy, set to graduate at 19, he was well on his way to achieving what he had set out to do. But moral conflict strained his decision to stay. With his enhanced abilities they had extended his coverage of field work, taking him on more elite missions. Whilst incredible for Para’s record, he saw the extent of destruction and inequality of some, some missions were even calling for wiping out communities that were much like the Highlanders, the only differences being their race and whatever ‘threat’ somebody else had deemed they pose. Conflicted between his desire of approval, not wanting to disobey the authority above him and his morals, not believing in the actions he was told to carry out. Para eventually choosing to go with his instincts and to leave the academy instead of directly disobeying the authority. He ended up spending a year searching for a way to both prove himself whilst not obstructing his morals and to make a difference, which led him to learn of the FFA, trying to figure anyway that he could become involved with their cause so he could fight for something that he wanted to believe in. 

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Argus Stein




Basic information 

Age: 25
Weight: 67 kg (148 lbs)
Height: 181 cm (5'11½")
Race: Human
Hair color: Lilac (dyed)
Skin color: tan/ brownish
Eye color: Yellow (colored contacts)






Unorthodox thinking



Tries to avoid violence

Obsesses about mistakes

Easily trust others 




When someone first meets Argus, he comes across as a nice guy, sweet, happy, and rather compelling. He seems to give off a warm and caring aura that naturally draws people in. Argus is known to take responsibility and tends to avoid violence when possible. He is always willing to own up to his mistakes and takes the blame for any misfortune that falls his team. He cares deeply for his comrades, considers them not only as his team, but his family as well. If blood is ever shed, no matter whose blood it is, he will go into a state of depression. This comes from his lack experience with death and his empathy for others. Argus has a lot of personal charisma and is great at communicating. Argus’ has a very strange way of thinking and is an innovator, often thinking outside the box. Argus’ loathes sitting at a desk and doing paperwork, but is very proficient at it.



Argus is talented in linguistics, communication and Logistics. Argus is a gifted public speaker and is a well-spoken person. He is able to convey meanings and ideas to others with only the use of his words. This is what makes him a great negotiator. He also has a great understanding of language, language form, meaning, and language in context. This allows Argus to have a better understanding of others and what they want to say. Argus knows a multitude of foreign tongues, and he is constantly trying to learn new ones. His logistics skill makes him able to coordinate, in detail, complex operations that involve many people, facilities, and/or supplies. This makes him very valuable when it comes to trade and business deals.


He is able to take command and show leadership in many situations. Argus’ charisma and communication skills often helps him lead a team towards success, but he isn't the most comfortable being in charge. He's often thinks outside the box which is both a good and a bad thing in the field.


[SIZE= 14px]Argus has undergone experimental spinal cord surgery, after an accident at his family’s company. The surgery would allow him to walk again, but also vastly improve the conduction of sensory information from his spine to his brain. As well as, improve and enhance the conduction of motor information from the brain to various other parts of the body. Although the surgery did allow him to walk again, it also limited his physicality. He can no longer exert his body past normal everyday activities. But There was some enhancement that came from the surgery. He now has a better sensory perception and pathways to his brain. Allowing for better communication with his brain and body. Sadly, this also leads to complications because of his body's inability to act at full capacity. This improvement often leaves him overwhelmed because of over-stimulation of his brain.[/SIZE]




Argus was born into a successful and well known family. His father ran one of the leading innovators in medical advancements and leading trader in medical supplies. Growing up as the oldest son in his family meant he was groomed for business, management and trade. From an early age, he was taught finance, sales, public relations and business. He was given the best tutors his father could afford to make sure he was ready to take over, when the time came. Even with all his tutors praising his intelligence and skills, his father could not find a way to instill the one characteristic he wanted. He wanted his son to be cutthroat and cruel, but no matter how hard he tried, Argus continued to be friendly and good-natured to those around him. This made his father question giving the company to him. 


His father then turned his attention to his younger son Kane. He wanted to instill in him the characteristic that Argus didn't have. That's how Kane became a competitive, ruthless, and a malicious person. He was everything their father wanted the head of the business to be.  Yet, Kane lacked the natural intelligence and skill that Argus possessed. This cause Kane to be extremely jealous of Argus. Their father decided when he stepped-down, they would run the company together. This was something that Kane would not let happen. He set it up so that Argus would have an "accident" and cripple his chance of running the company. So when Argus was 22 he suffered extensive spinal damage. His brother blackmailed some employee to knock over crates of cargo so that it would land on Argus during his evening inventory rounds. 


His family rushed him to have the latest and experimental spinal cord surgery. They promised them he would be better than before. Months before their father was about to step-down from the company. Kane convinced him that they couldn't have Argus head of the company with such an injury on record. Kane claimed that it would make their company look weak and allow competitors to have leverage on them. Believing this he made Kane the sole president of Stein Inc. Argus continued to work for the company and gain the love and admiration of both employees and business partners alike. Again, this made Kane fear that Argus could takeover of his company. He framed his brother for insider trading and fire him. 


From that day on he wanted nothing to do with his family. He began to dye his hair and wear colored contacts. He wanted to distance himself from the people that he once called family. He then made it a goal to work for a place that want everyone to be equal and a place his talent could be put to use for the good of many. He joined the FFA. He was immediately captured by their message and their ideals. He knew this was the type of organization he wanted to work for and strive to make their goals a reality.  


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Michael Jechin




Age: 27

Weight: 72 Kg (158 Lbs)

Height: 1.85m (6'1 ft)

Race: Human- slight chemical augments to organs

Hair Color: Black/Dark Brown

Skin Color: Slight tan

Eye Color:  Grey


Positive Traits:  


-Naturally quiet

-Survivalist (fully capable of surviving extended periods in hostile environments)


-Skilled in trickery

Negative Traits:

-Hard on himself (Often takes blame or takes losses seriously)

-Instinctive (Often doesn't listen to orders, doing what he believes is right)




A born and raised hunter and survivor, Michael was never taught formally how to act courteous or polite, acting completely on his own moral compass and what he believes is for the best, for himself and the people around him. Michael's environment and previous experience living in a harsh environment have shown themselves in his personality, being extremely aware and analytical of what is around him, waiting for hours, if need be, to get what he needs to get. Due to this sense of self-survival and individualism, he believes the failures or mistakes involving him are his own fault, mentally punishing himself extremely for what he believes he had done wrong.  With this mentality,Michael can be seen as laid back outside of working or a serious environment, yet this is all an elaborate ruse, being full aware of his environment at all times and always ready to make a move.



Michael, being thrown into a deadly and uncaring world at a young age, was taught how to make the land work for him, and when it can't, how to go after it. To summarize this, one would have only have to see how extremely long Michael can survive in an environment, even with hostile creatures around every corner.His scavenging skills are phenomenal , being able to find much needed water reservoirs, or how to track down a creature based on hour-long prints. As for offensive capabilities, Michael's main weapon of choice is a classic revolver that he can hide against his cloak, making it seem as if he possesses no weapon.He has also trained with an extremely large classic sniper rifle, capable of taking down bigger targets from far away, making it a great partner for his hunting trips. When confronted up close, his weapon of choice is a heated machete, capable of searing through the ginormous plant growth of his home planet, or burning right through and cauterizing flesh.

Michael also possesses chemical increases to some of his organs, aiding him in his already unnaturally high survival ability; Within 5 days of living in and experiencing an environment, his body is already well suited to the surrounding territory.


Michael had a simple upbringing on his cruel, unforgiving homeworld; learn how to survive or die clueless. Nature was extremely unforgiving here, one half being a heat-scorched wasteland full of rich minerals and resources, the other,an overgrown massive jungle, filled with predators that wouldn't ever pass up the chance to pounce on someone new to the environment. Due to the predicament, Michael's people had carved out settlements in the middle ground, yet leaning ever so slightly into the jungle to avoid the unending scorching light,. The common folk, not wanting to get themselves involved in these particularly nasty situations, recruited scavengers and hunters, people like Michael, to go into both of these lethal domains and find whatever was needed. Michael learned survival quick from his work, sometimes being outside populated areas for months at a time to find something ever so precious and small for someone he barely knew. Over time, Michael had worked more and more with other hunter-scavengers, forming bonds of brotherhood with them. Yet this all took a sour turn when Michael headed a search and recovery into the green landscape; Michael was the only one to come back out, and even then, barely. Blood soaked and traumatized from the event, Michael's own people deemed him to be psychologically dangerous. He was banished from his own world shortly after returning.

Michael solemnly accepted the demand before it was even legally documented, leaving on the first ship off world. And so, his illegal entry into the Solar Empire had begun, Michael entered with no legal documentation, no proof of his identity, and so he had to use his skill to infiltrate this new environment. Within due time, he had adapted well to the metal surroundings, surviving well off in the slums illegally. With his analytical and survival skills, wandering from place to place in the cities was not straining for him at all. Through the people in the slums, Michael had heard of the FFA, and a light bulb filled with self-redemption had entered Michael's thoughts, and he was fully on board with the idea of supporting others again.




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Elias Xanthous
Age: 26

Weight: 81Kg

Height: 1.79m

Race: Human
Hair: Short, rather unkempt

Hair color: Brown

Skin color: Olive

Eye color: Brown

Build: Athletic

General description: Very much average looking and difficult to place him out if he were to be in a group of people.






-Knowledgable in his field


-Very talkative

-Forgetful/bad memory

Elias is a man with one passion, weapons. Pistols, rifles, shotguns, snipers, anything that can shoot is up his alley. He loves cleaning them, repairing them, and most of all talking about them. In fact, he likes to talk quite a lot, and it's not uncommon for him to go from one topic to another in a matter of seconds. Thankfully, for those interacting with him, he's also quite a good listener, so conversations tend to go both ways. In contrast with the aggressiveness that is common in his choice of interest, he is not only a friendly and cheerful person, but also a pacifist. He'll unload hundreds of bullets onto dummies and targets, but he has vowed to never shoot at another person. Ironically enough, this is due to the fact that he knows guns really well, and knows exactly how deadly they can be.


Weapons expert: Being surrounded by guns most of his life, it's no surprise that he knows them better than his hand. He can clean them, disasemble and assemble them back, repair them, and even identified which caliber just by hearing it be shot. If you need anything gun related, he's the man to talk to.

Good shot: What else is there to do in a gun range? While having never shot at another person (both for lack of need and for his pacifist beliefs) he is quite a good shot.


Guns have been a part of his life since early age, being raised by a policewoman and a gun range owner. First at foremost he was taught the dangers of guns and how to correctly handle them, but his interest grew quickly and he easily learned all about guns. Their mechanisms, how to differentiate between two sub-types, the sound a specific caliber makes, etc. However, guns weren't his only interests, for his father was also a bodybuilder. When he was a kid he had been amazed at his father's strength, and vowed to become as strong as he was. Reality caught up to him and he eventually learned that one doesn't just become Mister Universe like that, but at least he had gathered a healthy interests in sports, particularly swimming. Having finished school, Elias spent several years working at his father's range, trying to decide what to do with his life. Science wasn't really his strong point, and he wasn't interested in business that much, and he couldn't do anything that even resembled art, no matter the medium. Eventually, after several years of waiting, he decided that enough was enough, he needed to go out and do something more than sit behind a counter making sure people didn't shoot themselves, so he enlisted into the FFA. His shooting skills were good, but due to his no-killing beliefs and lack of any actual professional skills, he became the weapon's expert wherever he was assigned, making sure his crew's arms were up and ready.
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Anreowix "Mako" Dowrean

((Eyes remain green like her natural form, has twice as many teeth as a human all of which are sharp, also her antlers are still there, though much much smaller))

- Age (18+); 25
Weight in kg:~300kg
height in m & cm:1.67 meters shifted, 2.14 normal.
Race: Ffered: From the planet Figuran, the Ffereds are one of the few intelligent species in the galaxy that aren't humanoid. Most of the time. Millions of years of evolution with the goal of being able to hunt in smaller spaces, eventually led the Ffered with ability to morph and contort their bodies at will and as they grew more intelligent they learned to change this contortion into full on shapeshifting, with the most skilled being able to fully imitate other intergalactic species.
Hair colour:Blonde, Black naturally
Skin colour: Caucasian when shifted.
Eye colour: Green
+Caring: She is a medical professional after all, and care for her patients is a must. And it's not just professional, Mako just wants everyone to be healthy and happy.
-Sadistic: Some people forget that Mako is a part of an innatly predatory species. She doesn't actively seek pain out but she does seem to enjoy it too much.
+Practical: Mako knows how to stretch any resource til it's gone, she doesn't use more or less than necessary and has very realistic views on what she needs and what to do with it.
-Socially Oblivious: Mako doesn't quite get some social standards, like cleaning the blood off her clothes. Not eating with her hands. Not saying everything that goes through her head. Etc.
+Empathetic: Mako gets people, more than many suspect. But she is just a big cat at the end of the day and she has a way of knowing exactly what people want or more importantly, need.
-Self-Loathing: Mako doesn't really like being a Ffered. She doesn't like scaring people with her true form, and fears never being accepted by her more civilized friends.
+Experimental: Mako is unafraid to take risks and try new things, leading to a very dynamic personality and medical practice.
-Stubborn:Mako is always right. Always. This is non-negotiable. No matter what anyone says.
Full Description: Mako is smart and she knows it, a brilliant doctor, She's dedicated to the health of everyone around her and is a medical professional first and last. The middle though, gets a little more complicated. Ffereds are very new on the intergalactic stage and Mako is very much a fish out of water off-world. She is very aware that she is the only one in most situations that has spent most of their life on four legs. As a result she is very self-conscious and nervous about her real form, and very scared to be herself. This leads her to use her species quirks as almost a shield, letting people write her off as a quirky alien, not a massive vicious monster she fears she is. But outside that she really loves the universe, and the exploration within. The reinvention, the adventure, ingenuity, she loves it all.

Mako is one of the few doctors that can competently operate on Ffered, a incredibly difficult task due to their natural mutations and morphing. This incredibly complicated branch of medicine quickly led her into doctorates in Xenobiology and universal medicine. In addition her time with FFA has led her to being schooled in a variety of, advanced interrogation techniques. Not to sugarcoat, she's good at making people talk, without ever having to lay a finger on them. Turns out having overly sharp teeth is the best kind of unspoken threat there is. If all that's enough it should also be noted that she is a 300 kg alien monster with fangs as long as your finger, can run near 35 km/h, can shake off small arms fire, with antlers that were evolved to punch through bone like tissue paper. To simplify, Mako's greatest skill is fixing people, but she is also very good at scaring them until they talk, though she's not exactly fond of it.

Born and raised on Figuran, Mako was named after the Anreowix, a ferocious aquatic apex predator of the Figuran oceans. Like her namesake, Mako grew up quick in mind and body, excelling in school and on the prowl for food. But she was very, very good at fixing up other Ffereds, a practice that had always been more of an art then a science on Figuran, due to their morphing abilities. Then, first contact happened. To be clear, while the Ffereds were culturally and biologically advanced, their technology evolved quite differently than humanoids, due to the differing needs of a quadraped shapeshifter. The closest equivalent is when uplifted, the Ffered had the equivalence of mid 20th century human technology in some areas of study but in others their teh surpass the 21st and even in one case 22nd. However, as Mako saw, the Ffered adapted well to this adaptation, readily starting a diplomatic alliance with the Solar Empire.
As part of that Alliance, Mako was given the privilege of studying on Earth as a part of a cultural and scientific exchange program. And despite her technologic knowledge being several centuries behind she excelled in the program, becoming a well respected doctor, by human and alien standards both. By the time she was 20 she had earned two phds (Which to be fair Ffereds mature much faster than humans, so it's actually about when one would be expected to complete grad schools). But it wasn't all fresh meat and bone marrow. Mako had trouble fitting in with her peers as their cultures were so different and the one friend she made abandoned her after seeing her in full Ffered form. This experience scarred her and made Mako terrified to show others her natural form. Despite this She was constantly involved in pro-Alien movements and activism.

Her outspokenness led her to FFA who she joined with little qualms. She started of course, as an excellent doctor who wouldn't ask any questions, she eventually worked her way into full employment with them. This work led her down some interesting paths, as people figured out that she was very good at interrogating IR members. But after five years of that, she requested to be put on the more active duty being assigned to a ship, seeking new adventure and new worlds.


Silas Burns

View media item 25639


Weight: 87 kg

Height: 1.85m

Race: Human

Hair color: Black

Skin color: White

Eye color: Blue

Build: Athletic

Description -

Silas is a rugged looking man with greasy hair and tired eyes. His days as a mechanic has taken its toll, and even though he's only 28, he has the appearance of someone older. His hair is always either slicked back or loose and shaggy. Burns takes great care of his beard, and uses various styles and trimmings to mix it up every now and then.
Silas isn't a big fan of formal attire, but will wear it when needed. Instead, he prefers to wear light clothes that don't restrain his movement. Burns often wears as little as possible when he's working, but usually keeps up a casual look outside of shop.


Positive -

-Is almost always polite and respectable
-Perceptive and booksmart
-Will always put his team first
-Works best with a team

Negative -

-Self concious and always afraid of messing something up
-Can be hard to regain trust after its been lost
-Tendency to forget/ignore
-Doesn't follow the 'rulebook' and tends to make his own plans

Silas isn't very good with people and definitely better with machines, but finds it easy to trust others when they've shown their good intentions. He opens up to those who stick with him, and never seems to give up his polite attitude and happy-go-lucky charm. Still, he always tries to make his own path, and will occasionally disobey orders if he deems them not morally right.

Capabilities -

Burns spent a lot if time with machines and can work well with them, primarily in ships and weapons. He isn't the best shot, but can hold his own in battles. Silas has basic know-how of survival and knows what's needed and what's not if the situation arises. Lastly, he can be a great asset for foreign diplomacy and can show the more gentle side of humanity.

Origin -

Silas Burns was a simple kid who grew up on a backwater farming colony. His family was a caring and nurturing one, who supported his wildest ambitions until the day he parted with them at age 19. He abandoned his backwater home for a more industrial style of life, working for various technicians and learning his skills with machines. His father was a technician for a spaceport, often bringing home pieces from scrapped ships to let Silas work on them. Instead of toys and games like other kids, Silas tinkered with ship parts. This early love for his father and his work is what drew him to a job that gave him the freedom to work on almost any ship he could've dreamed of. He continued to hop around planet to planet whenever he got bored with his old work setting though, never sticking with the same crew for over a few years.

Burns doesn't talk much about his past, not because it was hard or difficult to talk about, but because he felt it was uninteresting. At least, it was until the bombing of the IR. Many friends he knew died when the terrorist attacks began, and felt an intense hatred for the group. From then on, Silas never felt safe under any kind of allegiance, until the FFA began their talk of freedom for all. This drew him and his technical skills to the organization and found himself doubling his work as a mechanic in the FFA to help repair and make ships. He tends to lean more towards trying to understand his enemies rather than fight them ignorantly. After all, everyone deserves a chance in his eyes.

Now, at age 28, he's decided to further his career in the FFA and try joining a group. He looked for a ship that could provide him the excitement he craved, but one where he didn't need to kill something every moment of his career. He hopes to one day return to his home planet with the skills and money to live a decent life as a technician.

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