Silver Kiri Zentetsu

Erin Shintetsu

The Hero You've All Been Waiting For

<<Name: Silver Kiri Zentetsu>>


<<Age: 16>>


<<Gender: Conservative Male>>


<<Magic: Requip>>



<<Black Iron Greatsword>>

Ability: The Sheer Strength and Size of the sword can cut tough steel in two, and could reduce a Dragon's Skull to dust.

<<Flaming Blood Uchigatana>>

Ability: By pouring blood on the Uchigatana, the blood is turned to reddish-white flames that burn until the blood has evaporated.

<<Spiral Spirit Katana Set>>

Ability: By pouring Magic into the 3 Katana, they will gain black spirals around the blade that enhance the set with dark magic, increasing the cutting power.

<<Lightning Emperor Claw Set>>

Ability: Lightning Magic is imbued within the claws. They also have immense speed.

<<Valkyrie's Spears>>

Ability: These Spears can clone themselves with the help of magic poured into them. They can be controlled, and float in the air with the user.


<<Black Iron Armor>>

Ability: By expending a lot of Magic, the user can cast a tough set of Black Armor that protects all parts of the user, and can deal devastating damage while retaining impressive defense.

<<Red Samurai Armor>>

Ability: Extremely defensive against Fire Based Attacks, and keeps the user very cool, and agile.

<<Weightless Gi>>

Ability: Allows the user extreme flexibility, speed, and agility. Lightweight, Padded Material under the Gi make it somewhat defensive.

<<Lightning Lion Emperor's Armor>>

Ability: Strong against beasts, and reflects Lightning based attacks. High Attack and Resistance in exchange for some speed. 

<<Valkyrie's Winged Chariot>>

Ability: By expending some magic, this armor has the capability of flight. However, there are many open weak spots in the armor. Speed and Agility compensate heavily for the lack of defense.


<<Time Spent with Guild: Ever Since Silver was 9 years old, he was raised by the people of Fairy Tail.>>



Silver was the youngest of three sons. He had two siblings who he never can seem to remember, Sora and Kaito. Silver was the son of Eritio Zentetsu, the strongest known Lightning Dragon Slayer to all the guilds. However, his bad reputation of leaving catastrophic damages in the places where he fought criminals made him a "Questionable Hero". One day, after extensive training and leaving his youngest, Silver, in the hands of the Fairy Tail Guild, he promised the people of Magnolia that they would no longer live in fear of the Dark Guild, Grimoire Heart. Eritio then left the town and started his search for the Grimoire Heart. He was never heard from again, many assured he had died. Soon, his body was recovered from a forest deep in the mountains, mutilated and torn to bits. Blood had covered the forest, and ash lay everywhere. It was obvious a horrid battle had taken place, and Eritio had gone out with a blaze, taking a few enemies out with him before biting the dust. However, a Dragon Lacrima was found nearby Eritio's remains. By law, the remains and Lacrima were to be returned as a part of Will to the 9 year-old Silver.


Silver only wept for the loss of his father no more than one day, and quickly decided it was time to move on. His father had taught him strength, determination, and the power to keep going forward, even at an early age. It was his father's philosophy on what being a "True Hero" meant. Silver believes it is his responsibility to carry on not his father's legacy, but succeed him while creating a new legacy; one that was made just for Silver. After training with a blade since the early age of 5, Silver has been renowned for his remarkable bladesmanship, much as his father expected of him. His Magic surfaced almost 1 year after his father was announced dead. After utilizing the power of Requip and being a renowned fighter with only weapons in a magic based world, Silver is a respected individual. Some of the public still look down upon him for his father's failure and unintentional mischief, while others see him as a new ray of hope. Silver is a nice person, and helps out the community while not messing around with his family in Fairy Tail, or doing missions. 


Silver wants to be the friend of anyone he meets, and aspires to be the strongest swordsman in all of the magic world. Unlike his father who was a Chaotic Good Hero, Silver wishes to be more of a Lawful Good Hero,  forgiving those who are filled with hatred, but then regret and seek forgiveness. Silver wants to be something everyone can admire and look up to, and is ready to protect everyone and everything he cares about. Now matter how people view him, Silver is determined to be the Hero of this story!


<<Relationship Status: Single. Silver is a sweetheart, and is easy to fall in love. (and sometimes even easier to fall in love with!)>>

<<Relationship with Father: Very good. Respects his memory for his good intentions.>>

<<Relationship with Mother: Questionable. Seeks whereabouts of his mother.>>

<<Relationship with Brothers: Unknown. Unaware of having any siblings.>>


<<Theme Song>>




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