Commander Hawking


Watermelon king


Full Name: George J. Hawking

Aliases: The Commander, red-eye

Age: 49

Gender: male

Birthday: August 5th

Zodiac sign: Leo

Sexuality: straight

Color(some people like typing characters in color so i leave to open for convenience):

Occupation: Sargent Major for the US Army and Marine Corps

What side are you on?: Government America


Natural hair color: Blond

Current hair color: White

Eye color: red

Body type: AB-

Voice type(literally anything you want.): low but stern, its cuts through the air.

Personality: Commander Hawking is very serious and focused on his work. Nothing is ever late,  and he takes almost everything to seriously. But this doesn't make him rude, only strict. He has a good sense of humor and he he pretty good relationship with everyone he knows. Though he still is looking for a girlfriend because he his friend ___ keeps telling him to get one. He is loyal and determined.

History/Bio: George grew up in a pretty normal family, and was close with all of them, he went to school, and got good grades. He joined the military when he was 26, and every once in a while, every few years, or somewhere in between he would get a premotion. He Likes his job very much.


Mother: Teriese M. Hawking

Father: Connor A. Hawking

Brother?: James P. Hawking


Any other relatives?:

From: Nevada

Like: promotions, dogs, his men, he commanding officers-most of them.

Dislikes: naive soldiers, liers, mutants-only certain ones, incorrect war films/military in books and on TV
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