
La Sagrada Famlia:

Colloquially called "La Familia", this gang is one of the biggest in Dorcha, as well as one of the most influential. Currently run by Lucía Valentina Molina Ruiz, known simply as 'Plague', the daughter of the original founder. The gang is well known for having it's members be really close to each other, referring to themselves as a family. Self interest is very uncommon, instead the well being of the general 'family' is considered first and foremost. Gang structure differs from normal gangs, for they are divided into two sub-categories. The first one, called Familia, is made up of these so called family members. These include the oldest members, as well as the most experienced. Reaching this rank is generally difficult and considered an honor within the gang. The second category is 'Los Adoptivos', or 'The Adopted'. This refers to the members that work for the gang, but aren't considered part of the family. While less experienced, they make up more than half of the total force of the gang and are used for most of the daily gang activities. Loyalty isn't as high as Familia members, but because it is in their interest to become part of that group, loyalty is still strong.

Familia members tend to live withing the bases, while Adoptivos are more likely to stick to their original homes. Very much like other substantially big gangs, sets have formed in Adoptivos, which are separated by street and slightly differ in color scheme. Competitiveness isn't uncommon between sets, to the point that sometimes the only thing keeping them together is their shared goal as well as the well-being of the gang.

Gang colors are green and yellow.

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