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Let It Be What It Is

"The dogs could still hear us escaping," Navarre reminded her. "Is there any way we can stop them? Put up a barrier, a shield, maybe?"
"They are too far away for me to touch their minds, and besides, Lenira probably has a bunch of wards placed over them. If I was just closer, maybe I could cast a spell of peace. I use it a lot for hysterical patients. But how to get close enough without-" She cut herself off and grinned. "I have an idea, but I'm going to need your help."
"Anything to see the moon again," was Navarre's response. He had almost forgotten what it looked like.
Farkie opened the door of her cage and quickly shut it again, causing the dogs to run down the hall barking. As soon as they were in range, she began singing in a high clear voice, like a mountain stream. The dogs almost instantly began to calm and mill around before lying down and falling asleep.
Navarre blinked, and almost began to fall asleep himself. Her voice was lilting, beautiful, but he shook his head, forcing himself to stay awake. He put up his defenses, and instantly the music's magic had no effect on him. But the dogs weren't so lucky. They fell asleep, occasionally kicking or giving a slight whimper.

"Quick, before the guards realize they've been gone too long!"

Navarre wanted to open his door, but he didn't have that kind of magic. He glanced at her, and then at the dogs. Any minute now, the bell would chime, and when the dogs didn't return, the guards would come looking, and know that they were gone. Navarre knew how to get out of the tunnels and fast, so that wasn't a problem. At least, he hoped not.
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Farkrie quickly climbed out of her cage and picked her way over to Navarre's, placing her hand on the lock and concentrating. It clicked, and she warily glanced at the sleeping dogs for a reaction, but they slept on. "Now lead, quickly."
Navarre got out and stumbled against the side of the cage. He hadn't stood in so long, that his legs had began to wither away. Pain radiated in his legs, but still he moved to the cavern wall. "That way," he said, pointing to the hallway opposite of where the dogs had come from. "There's a small hallway in the wall, hidden. It leads to a cave. In the cave there's a ladder, and it'll put you outside the manor onto the beach."

He moved along the walls, and gestured for her to hurry.
Farkrie easily kept pace with the other elf. She hoped he would be able to run, if needed. If not, she could carry him. "If we are on the beach, how will we reach Gwen?"
"We'll have to come back for her." Navarre told her, grinding his teeth. His legs were not used to walking, and they wanted to collapse. He would be of no use if they had to run, which they probably would have to do.

When they were about halfway to the secret tunnel, an alarm sounded, echoing throughout the tunnels. Navarre pointed just ahead, to where they was a thin opening in the rock. "Go, before they see where you went. I can't run, I have to stay."
"I can run for both of us," She said, picking him up and throwing him over a shoulder. She ran towards the crack in the rock, maneuvering in a way that allowed them both to pass.
Guards ran past the crack, and shouted to others. The alarms were turned off, but the shouts continued past them. Navarre used his arms mostly to pull himself up the ladder, going before Farkrie. His arms were much stronger than his legs, and he easily made his way up the rope and boards ladder. The sound of the ocean echoed above him. The ladder was in a small cave, and the beach was only a few steps away.

He pulled himself out onto the beach, crawling out of the way to make room for Farkrie. He was breathing hard, but intense relief filled him. He was free. Finally free.

And then he saw the moon. Bright and full, it stood alone in the night sky. The beach he was sitting on had waves crashing on it, and he couldn't describe what he was feeling. So beautiful. His breathing calmed as he watched the waves, lying on his stomach. The sand got into his clothes, in his fingernails, but Navarre didn't care.

He was free.
Farkrie climbed up the ladder behind him and sat on the beach. She could feel Navarre's elation from being out of there, which she could understand. Being imprisoned was a horrible experience. But this was not the time for celebration. "Navarre," she said softly. "We need to move before we are found."
Navarre nodded. He tried to stand, but ended up stumbling. He needed support, and he hated that. "I can't even stand by myself anymore. What more could she take?"
"Not much," Farkrie admitted, helping him to his feet and wrapping an arm around his chest to help support him. "We need to find her, and soon."
Navarre nodded. "I'm not sure where we can hide. But there might be an old shack, down the cliff. We just need to follow the beach down to the base of the cliffs, I think." He accepted Farkrie's help, and pointed in the direction of the cliff faces that the manor was on. "I doubt there's any supplies there, but it's shelter."
Once to the shack, Navarre was already exhausted, even though he had been half-carried to the shak. It wasn't much, but it was something. Sturdily built, it had many magical wards around it and curious runes etched into the walls. To this day, Navarre had no idea who had put up the wards or the runes. There were several mattresses around the shack, and a small table and chairs in the center of the room.

But the oddest thing were all the candles. Every available surface had candles on it, and there were paths in the floor lined with candles to the various parts of the one room shack. Navarre collapsed on one of the beds, breathing hard and hating it.

"I shouldn't... I shouldn't be breathing this hard," he told Farkrie, though it was perfectly obvious. He took a few minutes to catch his breath, and then said, "Can you tell what kind of wards are on this place? If they'll keep us hidden?"
She moved closer to the wall, tracing some of the runes with her finger. "These... These are very old. I can hardly understand them. If I'm correct, when I activate them, they should keep us well hidden, among other things that I'm not quite sure about. It will be a risk, but it's one that I'm willing to take. Writing all these ourselves would take too much time. What do you think?"
Navarre shrugged. "Sure, I guess. I'm just going to sleep."

Which happened a bit sooner than he expected. As soon as he closed his eyes, he was completely out.


Vespertide said:
"Come Gwen. You must meet the rest of the family."
Gwen was enjoying herself. There was a feast prepared, in her honor, and everything was happy and dancing about. Gwen couldn't remember everyone's names, but it may have had something to do with all the drinks she had consumed.

Lenira sat at the head of the table with Mazzer, or Father. Or sir, as many of her siblings called him. Crispin invited her to join the dancing, and soon she was up with everyone else, having a lot of fun.

Lenira, too old for dancing, simply sat with her husband. "How was your journey north, my lord?"

"Fine, Lenira. I see you've been busy. Four more recruits since I left. And what's this I hear about an escape? An impossible escape?"

Lenira waved away any concern. "They won't get far. I have my best trackers on them. Don't worry, they'll be dead by dawn."

Mazzer nodded, drinking more wine. "We can't have any mishaps now, Lenira. The plans are already in motion, and with the storm girl things will move much quicker. Are you aboslutely positive she is under your control?"

Lenira smiled. "Let me show you. Gwen, come here."

Gwen stopped her dancing and jogged over to Lenira and Mazzer. Once she reached them, Lenira told her, "Tell me about Farkrie. Everything you know."

Quickly she started to spill information, anything and everything she could think of. Eventually she stopped when Lenira put up her hand. Gwen didn't know much, but Lenira was looking for something specific.

"Weaknesses, Gwen. What are her weaknesses?"

Gwen's response was swift. "She cares for others. Me, especially. She would die for me."

"And who would you die for?"
Mazzer asked.

"I would die for Mother Lenira and Father Mazzer," Gwen told them. Lenira waved her away, and Gwen went back to dancing.

"She will do nicely for what we have planned," Mazzer commented. Lenira smiled.

"Yes. Yes she will."
Farkrie closed her eyes and focused on the dormant magic of the wards. It would just take a little bit of energy to activate them. She let out a small trickle and suddenly every ward on the wood blazed with a bright light, and the candle lit themselves, exterminating every shadow in the shack. After a couple moments, the light from the wards faded, and the shadows returned, but the candles stayed lit. Farkrie was pleased, and leaned against the wall so she could keep watch for any danger while Navarre slept.
((So I'm going to say Navarre sleeps for a looong time. Plus I'm running out of creativity juice... Would you do me a favor a post again, the next day? I don't know what, maybe Farkrie's scouting around or something. But she's a healer, and knows he needs to sleep. She goes to town, whatever. Please and thanks!))
(Writers block sucks. I hope you get better soon!)

Farkrie didn't remember falling asleep, but she woke up as the sunlight filtered through the cracks in the walls. Her neck, back and bum were sore from sleeping against the wall. She stood and stretched, then turned to check on Navarre. He still slept soundly, so she left him alone. She wasn't sure what she should do now. She didn't know enough about the castle to make her way through it unaided, and it was too dangerous to go out and scout. She decided that she would look for something to eat.
Navarre came to. The room was filled with natural light, and it took him a second to realize where he was. He blinked, not recognizing why the room was so bright. Was it the candles, or...

He sat up. Navarre felt incredibly sore, but at least he could stretch his legs. For those few months he had exercised in the confined space as much as he could, but his legs hadn't bared any weight. Walking would be difficult, but not impossible. Running would be a bit of a challenge, but again, not impossible.

Standing was problematic, but he managed to only fall three or seven times. When he was finally standing, at his full height, he just leaned against the wall, not wanting to fall again. Farkrie was nowhere to be found, but he decided to wait for her to return.

And holy moon above, was he starving.
Farkrie had went to a small copse of trees nearby, gathering things like dandelion leaves and wild lettuce. None of her kind ate meet, so she didn't worry about that, she just wished she had some seeds or nuts to go along with the meal. She soon returned to the shack, carefully making sure she wasn't followed, and walked inside.

"Ah, Navarre. Nice to see you are awake. How are you feeling?" She decided the look through the cabinets on the walls for bowls or something like that. She opened the first cabinet door and grinned. In there were not just bowls, but also differing food items, like bread, crackers, jam, preserved vegetables, and other marvelous items. She took a lot of it out and set it on the small table in the corner. She chalked the foods' appearance to the activating of the wards.
"I can stand, but that's about it," Navarre told her. He watched her pull out food and dishes, and there was lots of it, too. No meat, so that was good. They had fed him half-eaten vegetables while he was in prison, so any other food item would be good to him. He still didn't leave the wall, his knees unused to supporting weight.

And as much as he didn't want to ask for help, he had to. "Could you... um... help?"

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