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Fantasy Game Over (OPEN & Accepting!)


Demon Warrior




Where: Chordata

With: Kai, Hexx, Apollo, and other beta-testers

Thoughts: What is this woman planing...?

As Akumada left the gathering Beta testers, he heard Hexx’s question about saying someone’s actual name rude. He just grumbled to himself as he left. ‘If she doesn’t know that much…’ He thought then sighed to forget about it. In most if not all games, Tags, usernames or whatever you call them, is a way to protect one’s identity. In some style of games such as RPGs, people can take it to the next level. For example: Sumiko chose the name Apollo for her name, and can choose to act as the sun god Apollo to create legends in his name through the game. Some people take that seriously and will show distain if those who know their real name and announce it in-game. Austin wasn’t like this entirely but preferred using the names created for the characters at least.

As he was waiting at the quest board, he noticed it didn’t take one the recently arrived testers to follow him to look over the quests. He crossed his arms as he looked at her from the corner of his eye noticing her long red hair, it reminded him of one the beta testers back in the lounge that didn’t introduce them self. He didn’t quite care though. He didn’t need to know her real name…He had her user: Kai.

As Akumada looked at her he felt the sensation of straining in his eye. Realizing this he looked away and covered his eye confused what that was. He felt something similar with that Midori guy when he entered…but this time it was more noticeable. Before he could get too deep in thinking what that was, he felt a palm on his shoulder, gently pushing him. He looked to see it was Hexx and sighed hearing her say he elected himself Quest leader. “It’s not like that…” He said then pulled up his menu and brought up the manual on quests. He then tossed it over to her to read as he stepped out of the way of the quest board for the others. “Quest leader is the one who first to accepts the quest, and is that till the end of that mission/quest. Pretty much it’s just saying who was first to arrive…their only a leader if the group treats them as such.” He informed her. “Apparently the system is a max of 3 players per quest…but it doesn’t seem that there is anything saying that multiple groups can’t take on the quest.” He told her as he thought about it. Usually MMOs have party limitations can allow separate groups/parties to go after the same quest/mission by putting them in a separate room to do said quest/mission by them self.

Akumada looked at Hexx again as she stepped away from the board as if waiting. He looked at her dully as she said that they they’ll be in his care. ‘Did she even accept the quest or sent a party invite…?’ He thought then looked back at his menu and saw no notices from her since she entered. “Guess not…” He said then noticed a message from Apollo. ‘Must have missed it due to turning of the chimes…’ He thought then opened it. It was about the party limit. He closed it figuring he tell her when she arrived at the quest board. He stood to the side of the board to have the others choose the quest they were going to do and all.

Soon Apollo arrived at the board and joked about him being initiative. ‘Hell I could do that…but I’ll admit…I’m on the same level as these guys. So till I get a handle on things…well depends…’ He thought then watched her. When she asked about adding her to his party he thought a bit to himself. “Sure why not.” He said then sent her a party invite through his menu. He then looked at Hexx as she laughed to herself strangely. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. ‘She wants to test the extent of the reality…? That usually means one of two things…’ He thought dully. “The age rating may be R, due to the difficulty of the system in this game. But I’m sure there are limits to whatever you’re thinking…” He told her dully.

Akumada then thought about something. ‘Hm…I should add her to the party too. That way I can get a look at two different archers styles, since she’s a Crossbow user, and Apollo’s a normal bow user. I can also keep an eye on her…plus two archers on the team; I should get interfered with too much in battle.’ He thought then looked to Hexx. “Hexx want to be a part of the party?” He asked as he looked at her. This also gave him the opportunity to view how focus Apollo can be, since Hexx seemed to affect her some way.​

Weapon: Sword, and Gauntlet

Gold Peices: 10K

@Athenian @ShyEra
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Nora 'HEXX' Nichijun





epeater Crossbow, 10 000 Golden Coins, Sash of Bolts (x50), Curved Short-sword

At Akumada's response, she seemed to calm down, crossing both of her arms across her chest and letting out another sigh. "Eh. Shame ... I suppose I'll find out how far I can go before they boot me later on - but no interest in being kicked off this joy-ride just yet." Shooting Apollo a look, a sheepish grin spread across Hexx's face. "You are frighteningly innocent, y'know? -... Not that I am perverse or anything, sheesh - just curious. After all, this game is supposed to market realism, right?" A light shrug was given to the two. She caught the Quest Manual with relative ease, opening it afterwards. A puzzled expression spread across her face as she skim-read it. "Sure, sure, suppose that is how it works - but for some reason I highly doubt you'll settle for anything less than such a position." Closing the manual and throwing it back to Akumada, she raises both hands defensively. "Not that I know you that well or anything. Just seems like the kind'a thing you'd be up to." Both sides of her lips curve into a devious smirk.

Shortly after, Hexx shot the 'quest leader' a side-ways glance. "Me? In the party? Err ... Yeah, I suppose. You two look focused and able enough - just don't let my lack of seriousness drag you down ... And, er, thanks. Yeah." After her awkward thanks, she flicked open the menu and accepted the party invite with a few gestures, the three of them: Hexx, Akumada and Apollo now forming a complete party. "What a strange limit to have ... usually it is five or more, isn't it? I'll send a note to the admin later." Covering her mouth as she yawned ever so slightly, Hexx looked curiously over at the other beta members. "Do we wait up, or should we simply go ahead?" Spotting that Apollo was in their party, Hexx eyed her up and down. "Two archers? Hopefully Akumada can tank pretty well, then. Or are we all going Attack Damage?" Looking over at Akumada, she questioned: "Have you got a considerable amount of HP or any spells of the type, whatever, that will aid you in, you know, making sure we don't die and you still not dying yourself?" Hell, worst case scenario they could probably all three just burst down whatever came in their path. Then again, Hexx had no idea what the creatures in this world were like. Hopefully just the occasional bandit and goblin; but you could never be too careful in beta-tests. If a glitch were to arise, low-ranked mobs could become super-bosses or unbeatable in the blink of an eye.


—>Elven Rogue



Where: Chordata, Chordata

With: Some of the others

Thoughts: Fading embarrassment>Fascination>Lack of confidence>MOVING LEGS! :D


Once regaining her balance completely, she looked down at these new legs with all sorts of wonder and fascination. She inspected her thighs and calves, finding the unusual amount of muscle on them—which was actually the normal human amount—quite strange to what she was used to; her sickly legs sitting in her wheelchair were definitely not a pretty sight, but theses here as a video game character were not just nice to look at, but happened to also be fully functional! MissMacabre was just so fascinated, that she did not even notice the woman that had hurried to her rescue, then asking if she was alright or not. She merely smiled back in response, as if silently speaking to her that she was, indeed, alright. This was just so different. And she also noticed that she could actually bend at the waist! This was just all so completely foreign to her. But then she quit her intense wonder as she noticed just how strange this probably looked to any onlookers. She stood up straight quickly and stumbled a bit, a red hot blush on her cheeks as she looked around at the others.

She did not mean to look so odd, she just was not used to such mobility. Back in the real world, MissMacabre would have been forced to the cumbersome movement that was with a large and clunky wheelchair of sorts. She then looked to the side as someone else was beginning to speak to her: another girl. "Ehh...Knowing the fantasy-action-adventure genre of video games, I would assume that they are checking a mission board of sorts?" She said in response, purely guessing. She looked at the girl with a small smile as she then commented on her hair, thus making her smile a bit wider, the edges of her lips curving more upwards. "Heh, thanks. Yours is nice too." MissMacabre returned the compliment to the girl whilst looking up a couple inches at her. Maybe she should not have made her character her own height, which was terribly short? Well, it was probably too late to change that factor now. "Maybe we should go over there with them?" She suggested, although being a bit intimidated by this entire walking thing.

She bit her lip as she hesitantly slid her foot forward about an inch, her wobbling leg of the same side soon following. Then finally a step was made—an achievement of some sort of progress—before the other leg soon followed in an actual step forward. And soon enough, she was walking like she had been able to at a young age before her multiple sclerosis finally hit her hard and took he majority of her human mobility. And it felt great to finally be experiencing things somewhat like the average human being could!

Inventory: Mystic Pocketwatch, Dagger, Rabbit Mask

Gold Pieces: 10,000


Apollo listened attentively as Akumada explained the more unique partying system in this game. Nodding along, she hummed for a second. "So that basically means a party leader is simply a useful moniker for those who accepted a quest first. Quite a bit different from most MMOs, hm? But of course, this is a different game." Her eyes flicked towards the stunningly realistic graphics for a second, before going back to the Quest board. She still couldn't believe just how amazing and wonderful everything was around her. It was another world, and at this point Apollo wasn't sure if she even wanted to leave. But of course, you had to; games were only a respite from reality, no matter how nice it was.

Derailed from that depressing train of thought by a merry little ding, Apollo looked around for a split second before realizing that yes, that was her inbox. Opening it and accepting the party invite, she gave Akumada a cheeky grin, although it wasn't really clear what she was cheeky about. Her gaze sliding over to Hexx when Akumada gave the comment about the game rated R, Apollo tipped her head, still slightly confused. "Why would you need to know the rating anyways? I do believe blood and gore shouldn't be... A..." She trailed off, looking at Hexx with a more narrowed and scrutinizing gaze, before it hit her. Face flushing and eyes widening, she put a hand over her mouth. "Oh. That. Um." She quickly turned away, not sure how to reply; she had zilch experience in such matters and it was just so shocking to hear it so... Openly. She herself had never even gotten "the talk", although she knew the... Ah, "basics". She puffed up slightly in indignation. "I am not innocent nor naive! I simple have never needed to breach such... Um... Matters." She said, although her sentence proved that she was exactly that; innocent.

Apollo smiled when Hexx joined the party. "Thank you for the compliment! I think." She frowned, not sure what to make of it. "As for general class or status distribution, I think we're pretty set if Akumada can tank, yes. Of course, we could also use this time to try out or secondary weapons, which we might find even more useful than our ranged weapons. Ah, I love the versatility in this game!" She suddenly exclaimed, clapping her hands together in a few seconds of childlike glee before calming down almost immediately. "Ah, pardon. Although Hexx brings up a good point; what happens when we die? Do we "wake up" and make a new character? Or is it one of those re-spawning things? I have a sneaking suspicion it's the former; Kyugo did not seem like the type of man that would give people power to abuse the reps awning capabilities."

Opening up her quest log, she gave it a once over. "Akumada, I think you have all the quest details. What are we fighting today?" She inquired, flicking through her menu. "Also; do these quests tell you how long it will take to reach the area where the quest takes place? It would be amazing if this game had a realistic GPS-esque system, but I'm not sure if that's possible." She chuckled sheepishly, realizing she had gone off on a tangent, but said nothing more.



-Quiver of Arrows(x36)


-10k coins



@ShyEra @Kishune

Where: Chordata, Chordata

With: All the Beta Testers

Thoughts: How..different. Yet the same.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-30_14-23-20.png.4ba3f2bc7304233a7985f43bc7d5bb0f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-30_14-23-20.png.4ba3f2bc7304233a7985f43bc7d5bb0f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




How terribly frustrating it had been to wait. Kameron could admit she was a little spoiled, at least - she didn't often have to wait on much. But, aware the she was simply being impatient, she spent her time in lab quiet and aloof, choosing not to engage the other testers. Though, that did not stop her from listening.

To others she would appear..odd, to say the least. Crystal blue eyes staring straight ahead and pale white hair falling so far down her back that it lay on the seat behind her as well, curling in gentle wisps of silver against her hip. Not one much for talking, she was content to observe what little she could, relying mostly on her hearing to gauge what was going on though she caught flashes of red hair from some testers and careful movements from another girl at a pool table.

No one attended her; she had bid a fond farewell to Josston minutes before. He had been reluctant to leave her. It had been her parents idea to get her into this game testing to see how it affected her sight, if at all. They were hoping for a miracle at this point, following random whims in the hope that something might restore her vision. Josston hadn't liked the idea, but she had convinced him, assuring him it wasn't permanent. It was just a fun game for her to play in her spare time. It gave her something to do, and maybe did something in terms of her motor skills that could lead to recovering her vision. The last part got him. Josston was such a kindly old man and cared so much for her..He would do anything for her happiness. Thinking of him brought a miniscule smile to her lips. He was her anchor. She had grown up looking up at a bushy white mustache and thinking hair atop is head, a warm smile and long talks of places to visit and things for her to see..

Her smile faltered. She was running out of time. If this didn't work...would she ever get to see all the places and things Josston had told her of?

Before she knew it they were ushered into the back. She had to resist the urge to smack someone's hand as they moved to guide her.

Once "down-and-out", she woke in game; her character design had been set up prior on the off chance that even in game she wouldn't be able to see well.

Well, off chance or not, her vision was the same. Blurred. Colors bright and yet dim all at once as she came to being in Chordata. Immediately her senses were overwhelmed and she was grateful she had chosen to wear a mask. She grimaced, hands clenching at her sides. Lots of people. They were in what must be a town with NPCs wandering about. Everything was..different. The same and yet not. Her shoes were thin enough she could feel the texture of the earth beneath her feet. Similar to what was worn my elite ninja in feudal times, this would allow her stealth. Vibrations seemed stronger here, like she could tell where people were based on the way the Earth felt. Her already abnormally heightened senses were sharpened..further? Almost to the point of pain. It was so loud. This was definitely going to take some major adjustment on her part.

For minutes she remained this way, those same sharp blue eyes staring straight ahead as she breathed deeply. She would not be used to this for awhile yet, but she would do as trained.
Take advantage of all opportunities..

Focusing on voices she recognized, those of the other beta testers, she listened carefully to their conversation and followed them towards the Town Center. Still adjusting she bumped into a few NPCs, which frustrated her to no end. It had been years since she had ran into someone..

The menu was discussed, and an announcement rang out that they could now sign up for questions. She had briefly been told that her own character was a little special in the sense that if her eyes didn't work, they had made adjustments so that she could navigate the menu. Eyes fell unseeing to the menu as she waved her arm to open it, now standing a good distance away from the other testers, but still within earshot so she might learn what she could. Keeping her hand lifted, she trailed her hand over the words in the menu. She could feel the brail against her fingertips though the words appeared as regular text.
Genius. They didn't skip on any details. How fascinating..

Quickly her fingers trailed over words, finding the Rules and Guidelines portion. She skimmed, paused, and attempted audio interaction. Her voice was smooth and calculated,
"Search quests." The menu responded immediately, making her breathe out a startled "Oh.." as the lights flashed in her vision. This would do. After a few minutes of familiarizing herself with the menu and equipping her weapons of choice, two lethal looking short swords now strapped on her back, she gave a curt nod as if to herself, closed the menu, and strode confidently towards the quest board.

Still she engaged no one, seemingly content to deal with herself. She found a quest paper with surprising ease and moved her hand across the board until she found one she thought suitable. It read, "Celestial Howl". The girl, woman, dressed all in glistening black armor closed her fist to accept it only to pull up details of the quest for her to read. Her eyes narrowed, trying to focus on the text while she used her fingers anyway to read the more finite details.

At this point she had drowned out the other beta testers, focusing on the details of the quest. Though 3 players were the max, it said nothing about the minimum, and she had no intent to invite anyone. Even if this game did nothing to help her eyes as intended, exploring a new world where she could wield weapons freely and truly use her fighting styles to accomplish quests and gain experience? This was right up her alley. Not to mention the strain on her senses was intriguing. She wanted to know more. Much more.

Inventory includes:

Two short swords. Each is engraved with a name on the glistening gun metal steel hidden beneath ominous black sheaths. One is "Mercy". The other, "Redemption".

10 Health Potions

10,000 Gold pieces



  • upload_2015-8-30_14-23-20.png
    244 KB · Views: 86


Demon Warrior




Where: Chordata

With: Hexx & Apollo

Thoughts: Curious

Akumada looked at Apollo as she pretty much simplified what he said. ‘Yeah pretty much. It’s like the Monster Hunter games, where you form a party and star a mission doesn’t mean you’re leading them.’ He thought as he went through his menu as Apollo accepted the invitation. He then looked to Hexx as she went to on to speak about how far she could go before getting booted. The look he had was of dull un-amusement to the girl, and then looked to Apollo again as she asked about the rating. It wouldn’t be obvious to everyone what Hexx was thinking, and apparently Apollo was one those that it took a while for her to catch on. He sighed as she was about to say that blood and gore shouldn’t be a high rating like that, but realized what Hexx was talking about. Her reaction was at least humorous to him. He then looked back at Hexx as she called Apollo innocent and explained herself. ‘uh huh…Sure you’re not perverse or anything…’ He thought with a roll of his eyes. He then looked to Apollo as she responded to being called innocent. The way she reacted almost made him laugh, but he covered his mouth and looked away before they noticed. He didn’t want to seem rude to such a thing. But it was rather…cute in a way to him.

As Hexx replied about the Quest manual Akumada mainly went over a few other manuals not giving her a response about how she thought he was like; though depending on things she may not be too far off in the future. When Hexx awkwardly accepted the invite, she mentioned about the strange limit for parties. Akumada shrugged it off not thinking it was such a strange thing for a demo. Hell they couldn’t change armor (Though can unequip it), so why should such a limit to the party be much stranger for a demo.

As Went on about the party Akumada looked at her as he thought for a moment as Apollo chimed in. She agreed that Akumada could tank, and that if they needed to they could test out their secondary weapons, and could find them more useful than their range weapons to which caused Akumada shook his head. “Actually no each class has their own primary weapons for a reason. That reason being that the weapon is stronger in that classes hands than the other. For example a warrior used a bow the damage be weaker than that of the archer.” He told them. “It’s an affinity type system. Magic seems to be like that too, but that’s harder to figure out…” He said. “But I guess what you’re going to do in the party, be the support, the tank or whatever they type of weapon used could make a difference.” He said with a shrug hearing Apollo praise the games versatility. “But I can tank..I’m just more strength based right now due to my stats. But I’m sure my defense if good enough to the start of the game.” He told them.

Akumada then looked to Hexx as she asked about his HP stat, then if he had any spells to aid him from dying. Apollo even started to fire off questions after question about stuff such as dying and the quests. He rubbed the side of his head as this was slightly getting over whelming and a bit annoying. He grumbled to himself as he closed his eyes to gather his thoughts. “Ok fist off, my stats I can’t say are high or not without comparing them to another. My attack stat is just the largest at the moment is why I said what I did about it…HP I’m unsure. Depending on how this RPG plays, stats aren’t the only thing necessary to know. In action RPGs, which this game seems more like than any other RPG; evasion is more based on position and movement than stats alone…” He explained to them. “As for the spell you mentioned, there’s magic that any class can use, just depends on your race. I’m a demon so I have a couple of attack magics, which I can turn to skills…” He said then looked at them dully. “If you want to know what those all are…refer to your manuals…” He told them not wanting to go through that whole process of explaining that. Akumada then looked to Apollo to answer her questions. “As for the dying in-game question…I’m unsure there’s no mention about it in the manual anywhere. As for the quest telling us how long it will take to get to the area we are need…no it doesn’t. But as for the GPS system you’re asking about…” He said then pulled the menu that had the quest details on it, and then tapped the location section and an arrow appeared just in sight above everyone in the party’s view. “There is one. The arrow you should be able to see should point us in the location we are needed…” He told the two. “I believe along the way we should battle with some wondering monsters to get a handle on things.” He said then looked to the other testers. He figured they have to figure out everything by themselves without him, but he was just one guy who read the manual. They all can do the same thing and not rely on him…like his party members have. He sighed and looked at Apollo and Hexx. “Come on let’s get going before it gets late. We don’t know what how long daylight is in game…” He told them and started to head in the direction of the arrow. He was also curious, wondered what awaited them outside this city as well.

Weapon: Sword, and Gauntlet

Gold Peices: 10K

@ShyEra @Athenian




HP - ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

MANA - ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮


Where - Chordata

With - Other Testers

Thoughts - Oh shit > Fuck. Yes.


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

Vera had been late, lovely. This was always the best first impression to make when being selected to test a new (and not to mention amazing) product in the gaming industry. She had just slunk unto the back of the room when a few people with fresh lab coats entered. A towering, brawny man walked with a cigarette clasped in between his lips and hands in his pockets. The two others beside him were quite young, the difference in age being stark. In a dull tone, he asked "So, this is all who have been selected to test my new revolutionary system, huh...?" someone mentioned game consoles being brought in to help pass time, new to her and Mr. Uninspiring. "Sorry to disappoint but things have been finally set up. So your little plan three won't be happening..." His rude tone annoying Vera as he looked to the female on his left "Kuchiku, collect their devices from them. Cell phones, handhelds, anything electronic...we don't seen them effecting the system...or have any leaks before its time." In response, the woman silently nodded and walked around to each of them, one by one to collect any sort of electronic devices. Then, Mr. Uninspiring took a long drag on his cigarette before removing it from his mouth, taking his time to slowly release the vial fumes. "I'm Kyugo, the head scientist, and developer here in the Company and creator of the new system you are going to be testing here shortly. And these are my two interns; Kumoi and Kuchiku." Kyugo said.

Vera handed over her phone as she listened to the man's little speech. 'Reeeeeaaaaallllyyyyyy impressive bud.' she thought bitterly to herself. Hell she almost felt sorry for the interns. Yet, she couldn't dwell on the subject for too long because his voice made her train of thought crash and burn. "my apology for the delay, but the system is ready for you now." "Thought it was your fault for it..." Intern Kumoi said as Kyugo threw him a sharp glare. "I'll explain it to you along the way. So you won't have any questions when we get to where you'll be testing...hopefully." The last bit half buried under his breath as he turned around and gestured for them to follow with about as much enthusiasm as a kid getting homework on a Friday night. Vera walked to where they were suppose to follow, Kuchiku surveying them like prisoners rather then game testers. As her gaze met Vera's, it felt as if her cold eyes stared right into your soul. Quickly looking away, she continued with the rest of the testers.

As they walked down the lengthy hall, Kyugo explained a whole hell lot about the system they were testing "This new system I brought to reality is taking a step up from modern game systems that use such things as motion controls and systems such as the Oculus rift, with only gave the illusion that you were playing a game in a virtual world, this new system takes that and throws it away. It’s not an illusion no more, but damn near close to reality itself." A grin plastered upon that rugged face of his. "This is achieved through the system by connecting to the brain itself, through our specially made gear." The scientist glanced over his shoulder just to make sure everyone was paying attention.

" You don’t need to worry though; we’re not sticking needles in your head or anything like that. It connects to your brainwave your mind emits…like a wireless connection if you will." Kumoi insured the testers. "But with this, you can experience more sensations other than just sight and sound like you would in those dated systems. Heck, you may experience something you may have never witnessed before…then again you are going into a virtual world that based on fantasy." He contemplated with a chin scratch. 'But still' Vera thought 'How is this possible? I mean yeah its science but...' she trailed off, her train of thought being derailed once more.

Kyugo continued "This is due to the system's ability to connect to your brainwaves, but is only possible if the person is in a subconscious state...such a being asleep. The gear we developed for the system should help with that." Vera frowned slightly at the thought of being put into an artificial sleep like state. She listened for more, yet none came.

"And for those sleep walkers among you, you have no need to fret." Kumoi said "This gear should also halt your motor skills as you're under...plus you'll be strapped down for further safety..." with the last bit hushed and Kyugo smirking, Vera was beginning to feel like a lamb lead to slaughter.

"There is still a lot about the system capabilities that are unknown to us. Mostly due to lack of knowledge about the brain itself…But that is why you are here. To help us discover this system’s potential as you play along with the game. Because this system’s only limitation is pretty much limited by one’s brain." The scientist told them as they arrived at a huge mechanized door. He then pulled out an ID card from his coat pocket and swiped it on the card reading handle followed by entering a code. Then, once the doors opened, they reviled an extremely advanced looking computer room complete with monitors with other white coats working on them. It was as if they were being controlled by strings, their moments robotic and unaware of the new comers. 'Totally not probed with some advanced scientific tech to make them work against their will...' Vera thought to herself, the pit in her stomach expanding.

Against the far wall of the room was a massive computer with a monitor to match. They were lead to that computer and as they neared, it was apparent that there was one hospital bed with a single helmet resting upon it.

Then, they needed someone to demonstrate. How do I put this lightly? Hell. No. Vera was not about to be the "first" death to one of these experimental things. Then, when some guy named Austin volunteered, relief swamped her, though she did her best to hide it.

And, as soon as Kyugo mentioned SAO, she was ready to panic. This was way to sketchy, something else was afoot here. Glancing to the others, her pale blue eyes nervously scanning those in the room before landing back into Austin.

He went on for a bit, saying that the setting will differ from person to person depending on where the mind goes when creating a character. The corner of Vera's lips twitched a bit, knowing the exact place where she would most likely be. And when he mentioned opening the start menu, Vera had to assume it was similar to SAO seeing as he loosely mentioned it.

Then, after his little tantrum of not getting a good enough show from Austin, he began to fill out the form just like for any other MMORPG.

The rest was explained and then they were each lead to their own hospital bed. Yet when he slipped and said "Machine" it made a bit more sense and only made her nerves worse. Yet, she still laid down and let the thing be set upon her skull. Then, she was put in the exact place she thought she would. Looking at the room around her, it calming herself a bit before opening the menu. Looking thoughtful for a moment, she then entered the username The_Doctor praying she could do what she hopped, and when she selected the mask, over-clothing garment, etc. It was set. Grinning as she continued with the class necromancer, all that was left was to decide her race. Scrolling through the list, debating on what to chose, Vera finally decided to pick a Half shifter. And before she could change her mind, she selected random creature and hit enter. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD

Bam. It didn't take long for her to load in, just an extremely odd sensation and a light a bit to bright for her liking. Then, when she regained her sense back, complete disbelief engulfed her like a tidal wave. She was here, standing in the middle of a virtual city, with..wait...what...Glancing to her side, Vera's eyes widened inside her mask. Large, leathery wings most likely belonging to a bat now rested upon her back. Rolling her shoulders a bit, she twitched and rolled her back muscles until she figured out to extend them. This was absolutely incredible! Now, with all her previous nerves sent away, The_Doctor turned and walked towards the small group of testers.

(Haven't really interacted, justed walking over. Also, I'm not quite sure who's where so I just tagged the majority of yah.)

@Cloud Nagasake




@Dark Child


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Camden jogged along the streets, trying to recall the address of the game company he was supposed to have been at a good while ago. He clicked his tongue as he looked around him. All the buildings looked the same. Exactly the same. "How on earth am I supposed to find the place?" He scratched the back of his head as he slowed down, eyes shifting from building to building. "Why ever did i agree to do the test run for some stupid game. I don't even like video games to begin with. If this is anything like those stupid video games the guys made me play I'll be annoyed that I wasted time I could have spent playing sports floundering around in some stupid game." He clicked his tongue yet again as he finally found the building and was hurriedly rushed into the waiting room by an employee. The briefing had already begun and there were about a dozen others all lounging around the room. Camden walked over to a corner of the room and leaned against the wall, only giving the man at the front of the room half his attention. Doesn't matter what the guys says. I'm not gonna understand any of it anyway. His mind drifted off to his last archery tournament. The final shot he had made. A frown took form as he recalled how he had released the string, how it had felt on his fingers and instant frustration surged. Frustration at how he had missed the very centre of the bullseye on his last shot. He had barely gotten it in. An embarrassing mistake. Camden raised his head and got off the wall when he noticed the other testers move from their seats. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed as he followed them. The sooner he got this over and done with, the sooner he could go back to his sports.

Camden found himself being led to a bed where the man continued to give instructions. This time he tried to listen and understand what was going on but found himself lost anyway. He followed suit and got into the bed where they placed the head gear over him and instantly found himself in a different world. It felt strange, uncomfortable and he definitely didn't like it but it really was different from the usual games he got dragged away from training and practice to play. He listened closely and slid his hand as instructed, blinking in surprise as the menu appeared in front of him. He stared at his hand then the menu and smiled slightly. He could do this so long as no funny controls were involved, as long as all he had to do was move his body like in sports. He stared at the menu which now asked him for his username. Again the hand ran through the hair. "Names, names, names." He bit his lip as he started keying and deleting letters at random until he finally ended up with the name Reyto. Weird but not too weird. He shrugged his shoulders as he pressed the enter button. A screen full of clothes appeared next. Clothes of all varieties. Some metal, leather...you name it they had it so it seemed. He slid his finger across the screen trying to find something comfortable. Camden's eyes lit up when he saw one. A long sleeved black outfit with gold trim. He selected it and felt the outfit take form over him. His eyes widened when it materialised. He could feel the fabric on his skin. This would be like real life except in some funny world. His excitement grew as his attention return to the screen. He could do this. It would be like playing sports. Not like those crummy games he played before. A selection of weapons was the next to show and Camden wasted no time selecting the first item on screen. A beautiful black bow that had him instantly mesmerised as it took form in his hand.

Camden's eyes were glowing like a little kid's as he held the bow in his hands and pulled back the string. It was the best bow he had ever used in his life and if playing this game meant he could use it he'd be getting it after testing ended. Camden cast the menu a glance and looked through the weapons they showed. He eventually selected a unique looking black sword. Camden's surroundings changed as he found himself in a town. He moved forward slowly and tried various things as his smile grew wider and wider. If it was a game like this he could do it. All he had to do was treat it like real life. "Let's see what this game is all about then."

Weapons: Bow and Arrow, Sword

Coins: 10k


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Nora 'HEXX' Nichijun





epeater Crossbow, 10 000 Golden Coins, Sash of Bolts (x50), Curved Short-sword

A light laugh escaped Hexx: "So I was right, is what you're saying?" Her right hand covers her mouth as she lets her giggle fly, but she ceases within moments - it seemed to be more so to playfully mock Apollo than anything else. As stealthy as Akumada had attempted to be, Hexx caught glimpse of the rare occasion. Whilst not saying anything, she gave him a smug, narrow-eyed look for a few seconds - a sheepish grin forming on her face. Oho?

Shortly after, she'd give a nod towards her two companions and flick open her menu, moving to the MAP interface and spotting the arrow that pointed them towards their objective. "Sure, sure, let's get moving then. Though I have a serious interest in seeing how sleep works here ... same with the daylight cycles." And so, she'd start to follow the 'quest marker', so to speak, making her way towards the objective, the 'Town Hall', to find the Mayor. As she went along, she checked the quest details on her menu: "Celestial Howl, eh? Strange mission name. But boding the quest description, wit the howling and aggression, I believe we'll be fighting some sort of humanoid-animal, maybe made from a virus or curse or something. Maybe a standing bear or wolf or dog that puts this curse slash virus on other people and causes them to turn to ... whatever." A light shrug was given. "So do we check with the Mayor first, or should we simply check the out-skirts of the city? Hell, maybe ask anyone who has filed one of these 'reports'."

As for Akumada's suggestion of fighting monsters pre-hand in order to ensure that they understand how the system works, Hexx replied: "Why don't we just start a brawl with some bandits in a nearby tavern or inn or something? Not sure how else to get combat experience within the city - unless we are heading towards the out-skirts." She focused her gaze on her two companions, that is, if they had followed, whilst she was walking. Hexx didn't seem to be minding her step for NPC's and the like ...

Walking towards first quest objective -...

Interacted with:
@Kishune, @Athenian


Feeling more settled within the game, Linwe did as the other group had, pulling up a small, black arrow.

The creators really had gone out of their way to accommodate her if she couldn't see. The arrow was a flicker of light on the edge of her vision, she could follow it if she had nothing else. However, she also felt it. Like a soft tugging in the direction of The Mayor's abode. This was going to take some serious getting used to. All of her senses, though normally more than your average joe, anyway, were on hyper drive, making the entire experience overall rather overwhelming. She could feel the breeze as if the air were truly moving against her skin. She could smell people as they walked by - the flour on the baker's shirt and lingering smell of fresh bread, or the man who..didn't shower? Did they need to shower here? And her feet..she was still trying to understand what was happening through her feet. Every step around her was a vibration of sensations and information. The baker. 5'11 and around 197 pounds. He was limping, as if the early hours of baking for the day had worn him down, and she could feel how short of breath he'd been as he carried his latest goods down the road. He leaned more on his left. She knew all this..but she could barely see him, her eyes following him as he walked by. Glancing through the menu she had seen that her element was Earth, and wondered if that had anything to do with it. This was her only guess. Only time would tell, but whatever the reason was that she could know all these things from a single footstep, this would prove to be a useful asset, of that she was already sure.

To anyone else she probably looked rather odd, standing still before the quest board and ice blue eyes darting about, watching passing NPCs curiously.

Finally she moved, and unlike the other group she went instead searching for a merchant. She read the quest details, realized they would be adventuring outside this main city, and assumed things other than potions might be necessary. It was her intent to find antidotes for poisons and any other necessities so that once meeting the mayor she might head directly towards her destination. She realized, also, she was on a time budget. Now that the quest had been accepted, she had only until nightfall to reach her destination, and it was already mid-day..

So, on that note, Linwe began a brisk jog towards where the map told her a merchant should lie. She managed to dodge carefully between NPCs rushing about, using even her minimal sight to her advantage. Already Linwe knew she was going to slip up. Years of acclimating herself to her lack of vision and now she felt a myriad of new sensations. It would at least take a few solid hours; she hoped combat with lesser monsters would prepare her for the true quest.

After making purchases as she deemed necessary she began her own journey to the Mayor's house. She had bought 5 antidotes and a cot in case she didn't make it back to the city before nightfall. Unsure of how long she intended to stay in this demo she wanted to at least be semi comfortable if she.."spent the night" in here. So far it all felt terribly real, and she didn't want to spend the night on the cold Earth. She also got necessary survival tools. A fire starter, cooking utensils. Did they eat, here..? Well, better to be safe then sorry. The cot was the most expensive of the bunch, but the total venture took her down about 2,500 gold. She only felt kind of bad. The cot, the fire starter, those kinds of things would prove useful and would last her a long time. She had left her arrow up the entire time, simply too lazy to put it away, and now followed it at a quick pace, navigating towards the Mayor's house. It was only unfortunate that it pointed in the exact direction of her destination no matter what might lie in the way..so she had to maneuver through the map and work her way towards the Mayor through crowded streets and vendors. She passed an ale house or two, and wondered briefly if they could get drunk in here..So many questions.

[[Not my best work. Please forgive the rush. I wanted to post but I'm a little busy today. The next ones will be better. >_< ]]

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HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Other Testers

Thoughts - Now, what do we have here > Oh, hello there


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

The_Doctor decided to explore a bit, get a feel for her surroundings. Glancing at the sky, it was apparently midday. 'Wait, so are they going to keep us in here over night?' she thought to herself. Frowning slightly, she then pushed the thought to the back of her mind, they would cross that bridge when the time came. For now, she just wanted to enjoy the game while she had the chance. Picking a direction at random, The_Doctor headed around the current town. Passing various shops, taverns, and inns, she began to realize how life like the game actually was.

After a bit of aimless wandering, The_Doctor finally found herself in front of what anyone who has played an RPG before would call a quest board. 'And you use it how...?' She stood dumbfounded, staring at the thing, confused. And after quite a bit of poking, prodding, and scrolling, she was able to find the hardest mission listed. Closing the interface in disgust, she would figure this all out later. Turning back around, The_Doctor yet again chose a different direction rather than the one she came and decided to wander a bit more.

As she entered what appeared to be spawn area, different then the one she loaded into, the large area seemed to be the center of town...almost. But, as The_Doctor looked through the few NPCs that littered the area, she saw by the looks of it, another player. He was holding a polished bow and dressed in a long, robe-like black outfit. And, seeing no one else around along with nothing else better to do, The_Doctor slowly approached him.

Camden was surprised by how real it felt. It was almost like real life except for that funny feeling he was still getting. A reminder that now he was in game. He was Reyto not Camden.

Reyto looked around him trying to think of what to do next. Though the controls had become something he could manage and he wouldn't be floundering around helplessly, it was still a game and like with all other games, he had no idea what to do. Reyto scratched his head as he tried to recall what his friends always did. "If I'm not wrong. I'm supposed to shoot the people around me before they can attack me." He said slowly as he looked around. There were numerous people scattered all over the place, different from the games where they were ambushing him from all corners.

"Guess I'll make the first move." Reyto drew an arrow and strung it to the bow, taking aim at one of the people in the town. He pulled back, aiming for the target's head, about to release it when he heard someone approach from behind. He spun around quickly, coming face to face with an armed player. Like him, she wore armor and had weapons unlike all the people in town he had to shoot at. If he remembered correctly, he wasn't supposed to shoot other players like him. Reyto lowered his bow. "Who are you?"




HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Reyto

Thoughts - Yes. So much yes. > What the fuck do you think your doing?


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

The_Doctor opened her mouth inside of her mask to reply, and scold him for aiming at the now alarmed and frightened NPCs when she paused. An idea forming in her mind, she grinned. This wasn't all that serious, so she was going to have a bit of fun. Instead of replying, The_Doctor gestured up to her name plate then bowed in a greeting. Her right arm crossing her body, a fist made and wings spread. She had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing at they display, yet not predicting how sharp her teeth had become due to her race selection, she bit down a bit to hard. Pain seared through and she gave a slight pain flooded hiss. Unexpectedly, the sound was amplified and was audible to the archer, Reyto. And this small action just made her enjoy her selection even more. Why speak when clicks, chirps, hisses, and various other calls would suffice?

Then, after she gave him a moment to process what she had implied, The_Doctor straightened up. Folding her wings back and standing in a relaxed manner. The NPCs around them were still frightened by his attempt at harm. She gestured to the bow and gave a sharp hiss. It was quite obvious that she was wondering 'What the fuck are you doing, trying to harm the townspeople?'

While waiting for a response, her mind drifted to her tongue. She could taste the metallic substance and feel the pain of her teeth slicing the flesh. 'Oh god...' she thought 'What will happen when we get seriously injured...or...' the thought of death here became increasingly present as the pit in her stomach returned once more.

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Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

Coin: 10,000

Thoughts: omgomgomgomg

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet

Eldon burst through the reinforced glass double doors, covered in a light layer of sweat and breathing heavily. His unkempt auburn hair resembled a birds nest, and his wrinkled shirt was backwards and inside out. He was surprised to find the lobby filled with people since he was running twenty minutes behind schedule, but it wasn't his fault that Life decided this was the morning it wanted to screw him over. First, he was summoned from his slumber by the high pitched screech of his fire alarm at an unreasonable hour. Although every hour before 11 'o' clock was unreasonable to Eldon, this was no exaggeration. Stumbling around in the dark at 5:30 in the morning with a rapidly beating heart was a recipe for disaster. Once he reached his fire alarm, shut it off and confirmed that his one bedroom apartment was not burning to the ground he realized his front door was wide open. Unlike most people in horror films Eldon did not charge through his house and take on his attacker head on, instead he called the police and sat casually under his dining table until they arrived. Only when his robber crept out of his washing room and into his gaming room did Eldon spring into action, because no one touched his games. He managed to tackle his looter to the floor and punch him a few times before registering that this shady figure was yelling Eldon's name and sounded very similar to his best friend, who just so happened to have a key to Eldon's apartment.

An hour of explaining later, the police left Eldon's house. Eldon drove his crazy drunk friend back to his own home before attempting to return to his apartment and get a bit more sleep. Unfortunately for him it was still dark out and several nocturnal animals traveled across roads at this hour. He had been driving quietly behind a mini van when it suddenly slammed on its breaks. Due to his groggy state his reaction time was a second late and he rear ended the van. This is when Eldon knew the world had it in for him, because instead of giving him a calm, understanding driver he was graced with the company of a screaming soccer mom for the next hour and a half. When it finally reached 8:00 Eldon called his mom to give him a ride, as the crash had broken one of the front turn signal on his Subaru. Her answer was simple, she was at the salon, and Eldon knew better than to push his beauty obsessed mom. Fast forward twenty minutes later and our physically fit protagonist had sprinted as fast as he could to the technology testing facility.

This was pure luck and he knew it. He had made it, and just in time too. As soon as he walked into the lobby they were being moved off to another room. There they had their electronic devices collected and watched as the first person, a boy whom he found out was named Austin, entered the game. Eldon was so excited he couldn't even pay attention when the staff explained how the VRS worked. He only knew it had something to do with brainwaves. Before he knew it he was being hooked up and entered the character creation segment.

The world around him was completely black for a few seconds, but as if someone flicked a switch, color exploded around him. He was in a sea of wild flowers, each a different color than its neighbor. A menu with countless options popped up in front of him and he began to create his new identity. "I think...I'll go with a class I neglect far too much." Eldon looked longingly at the 'Rogue' choice before selecting 'Mage'. He decided to have a bit of fun with his race and appearance. When he finally realized he was satisfied with the appearance of his character he moved on to armor. He chose armor based off of leafs to go with his whole 'Creature of The Forest' theme. The armor, called 'Nature's Guardian' was said to be made from magical leafs picked from an Iron Wood tree by nymphs and stitched together by the hands of an elven empress with her golden hair as the unbreakable the thread. Instead of coming with full legs, the armor edited itself to realistically fit his new leg structure. Instead of actually covering his whole lower half it covered his crotch area, the outside of his fuzzy thighs and wrapped fully around his calves. His hooves remained uncovered, and his tiny tail was allowed it's freedom.

Eldon entered the game with zero hesitation after confirming he had fully designed himself and picked the correct weapons. Paxis joined the game, ecstatic that he was actually inside of a game. He looked down at his legs in amazement, and then in curiosity. "I thought I made my leg fur brown, not white? Bug number one I guess. This is still so, so cool! I have hooves!"

@Linwe Lossehelin @StoneWolf18 @Xeyran (I think these people are the closest to my character, but I really have no idea where anyone is :P )
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HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Reyto & Paxis

Thoughts - Please tell me you know how to RPG...


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

The_Doctor was about to slap Reyto before she heard someone spawn in. How did she know that's what is sounded like? A pure guess. But when she turned around and saw a Satyr marveling about their hooves, it was quite obvious. Walking up, she would scan him over, his green hued armor glinting in the midday light. Once she was in his field of vision, The_Doctor introduced herself in the same manner as before. Gesturing to her name plate, then proceeding to bow and such.

Once she had straightened up, The_Doctor then began to switch her gaze from one player to the other, seeing who would respond to her introduction first yet kept a close eye on Reyto, just to make sure he didn't attempt to murder and NPCs. She would sure you couldn't kill anything or one in a safezone such as a town, yet if you could what kind of bounty would be upon your head?

(Sorry for the length, have really nothing to go off of at the moment)

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Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

Coin: 10,000

Thoughts: ooohmygooosh

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet


Paxis' observations of himself were interrupted when a quite morbid looking player approached him. He remembered seeing a similar uniform in history class when learning about a plague, the Black Death if he remembered correctly. Instead of the usual, 'Hey, hello, how are you?' greeting that he was expecting the player simply pointed up to their name plate, bowed, and unfolded their black leathery wings as their salutation. "Well, uh, whats up Doc?" Paxis greeted with a friendly smile and an awkward wave, internally congratulating himself for making an unplanned Loony Toons reference. "I don't have cool wings like those, but," Paxis turned his back towards the player, wagging his small tail as fast as he could. He craned his head back at who he was already counting as his new friend and flashed an enthusiastic grin. "Pretty cool, huh? It's like my own personal duster. If you can purchase a house and if it actually gathers dust over time, I got everyone covered." Paxis turned back around, and stuck out his hand towards the cloaked figure. "I'm Paxis, a Mage if you were curious." He honestly couldn't tell the gender of this player due to the armor, it really could have gone both ways, not that it mattered to him anyways. He didn't even mind that his new friend seemed to be mute. The armor of the player in front of him did spark a few questions in him though. "Are you hot? You're dressed in all black, so if there are heat mechanics in this game then I'm pretty sure you'd be feeling them."

Paxis finally noticed the other player and waved to him before observing the town hind him. The NPCs carried on with their daily tasks, occasionally sending suspicious and slightly alarmed looks towards the silent boy. They all looked so real, like actual people you would see while walking down the street in the real world. Nothing about them reminded Paxis that he was in a game. 'I wonder if they can feel? I'll have to go poke one of them later.' The white furred Satyr began studying his surroundings more thoroughly, now comparing everything to the amazing art style of the NPCs. He was not disappointed. The sun, the grass, the amount of clouds floating across the sky, everything was done on a skill level that Paxis didn't even know mankind reached. If it wasn't for himself or the people around him Paxis would have believed he was still in reality.

@StoneWolf18 @Xeyran (It's fine with me, I totally just said anything on my second paragraph just to try and make my post look longer)




HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Reyto & Paxis

Thoughts - Finally someone I can talk er chirp to!


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

As they introduced themselves, she couldn't help but grin under her mask. 'You...' she thought 'I like you...' and as he mentioned his tail and grinned, The _Doctor gave a soft chirping. It sounded humorous, and much more feminine than she appeared. As he stated his full 'title' and stuck out his hand, she gladly accepted it. To reply in a similar manner, she gestured to her current clothing, it being quite obvious that she was a necromancer.

After formalities were out of the way, Paxis asked about her being hot due to all the clothing and black soaking all the sunlight. Cocking her head a bit, appearing to be thinking the question over, she shook her head. The_Doctor hadn't really noticed this until the Satyr mentioned it, and it was odd indeed.

When her new friend then waved to the archer who had startled the NPCs, The_Doctor slowly facepalmed, it accompanied with an annoyed chittering. She gestured to his bow then the slowly calming Non Player Characters, chirping the whole while, her tone angry yet with hints of annoyance and humor. It was quite apparent that he had never played an RPG and thought he was accepted into this...whatever this was. She finally realized that they weren't even told what the system, the company, or their sponsor's names were. This left The_Doctor feeling unsettled, nerveless she still was enjoying her time in the game, despite how off the creators seemed.



(Heh, aight)
Reyto raised an eyebrow as he looked at her name. The_Doctor. Weird name. His eyebrow rose even higher when the doctor didn't speak a word, simply hissing at him and making noises. He glanced at the town people registering that rather than charge at him, they'd actually moved away and cast him wary looks. Perhaps he mixed up the games. There had been another one where instead of shooting them, he was supposed to go around and build up an empire to crush and conquer the other empires. A more strategic game. Reyto sighed as he put his arrow back but held onto his bow as he tried to recall what he was supposed to do in those kind of games. Organise the people and stuff if he remembered correctly.

As he tried to gather his thoughts and think, another player approached them and started talking to the doctor. Another tester judging from his armour and weapons. In the war game his enemies were the other players. In this case, the testers. So if the testers were his enemies and this was his territory then he could strike them down here and end it. He had confidence in his accuracy but they'd probably react to it and try to strike back at him.

Reyto ran a hand through his hair. He was never very smart or intelligent and all this thinking made his head hurt. So much for actually liking a game for once. His head was gonna spin if he had to do anything else that involved thinking. "Why couldn't they have just made it a game where all I have to do is wander around and kill monsters. Where higher level thinking isn't needed." Reyto muttered to himself as he looked at his bow then the two other players, their attention now shifted away from him. It was his chance. If he wanted to take them out early now was his chance. Reyto tightened the grip on his bow as he stated at the doctor and her new friend.

@RowdyPotato @StoneWolf18




HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Reyto & Paxis

Thoughts - You've got to be kidding me > Are we clear now?


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

The_Doctor then saw how confused the archer was. His stance quite defensive, tightly gripping his bow. Closing her eyes, she gave a sigh and shook her head as she opened her menu. Scrolling through her inventory until she finally found what she was looking for, a guide book. Spawning it in and dispelling her inventory, The_Doctor flipped through the pages, scanning them until she found the one she needed. A fauge description of an RPG and a synopsis of the game itself.

Walking forward, The_Doctor flashed Paxis the cover, hopping he would get the idea as she held the guide book open on that page in front of Reyto's face. Waiting for him to read, if he even could. It seemed his intelligence was lacking quite greatly, if he thought this was a run-and-gun kinda game. Then, after she gave him quite a bit of time to read over what the game was all about, she then flipped to a page explaining how your suppose to work with other players and how towns were safe zones.

Reyto raised his bow slightly before lowering it again when the doctor approached him, holding a book. He read it slowly, running a hand through his hair when he realised he'd been wrong on both guesses. It wasn't like the two games he'd played before. In fact it was even better. It was not nonstop and continuous like the shooting game nor was it an intellectually challenging game like the empire building and conquering game. All he needed to be able to do was know the strength of his enemy, his own strength and how to fight. A game that would allow him to make full use of his athletic ability. "Thanks." He smiled weakly at the doctor. "I've never really played games much." He explained. "Electronics have never been one of my strengths. Sorry about the trouble I caused." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.





HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Reyto & Paxis

Thoughts - Now...where shall we begin?


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

As he responded, quite embarrassed, The_Doctor closed the guide book and smacked him atop the head with the manual. It was less of a gesture is hostility, but more of a "and it was at this moment that Reyto knew...he fucked up". And it was strange how her mask almost copied her facial expressions. She was currently smirking, and the mask matched her smug look.

Now, facing bother of them, The_Doctor searched through the guide once more and found the section on questing. Turning it around so they both could see the pages, she gave a few chirps in a questioning tone. Basically asking if they would want to join her in a few of the currently listed missions.


Satyr Mage



Location: Chordata

Coin: 10,000

Thoughts: Friends ;3

Weapons: Staff of the Forest, Glas Gaibhnenn's Gauntlet


Paxis watched as The_Doctor spawned in a guide book and flipped through the pages until landing on a certain section. He looked on with curiosity and mild amusement as she approached the defensive archer and flashed the book in his face. When the archer finished reading the text that The_Doctor shoved in his face Paxis let a smile tug on the corners of his lips. The smile evolved into a full blown grin when she whacked him over the head with the book. He laughed and walked closer to them. "It's okay man, we were all newbie's once in our lives. I mean, we're all newbies right now but some of us have more gaming history than others." Despite his immense background of gaming Paxis' words did not come out in a bragging manner, but rather in a friendly and understanding way.

Paxis turned to face The_Doctor when she suddenly began chirping at them. She was holding up the same book, but now it seemed to be on a different page. "QUESTING" was written at the top in big bold letters. He looked from the book, then at The_Doctor, then at the book and back again towards his friend once more, his face slowly blooming with joy. His neon yellow eyes seemed to glisten with excitement. "Are you asking me if I want to go on a quest with you? Heck yeah I do! Lets do it! Necromancer, Mage and Archer! That is, if you'd like to join us?" Paxis tilted his head at the archer quizzically. His ears perked upwards, making his innocent deer-like face seem even more animal like.

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Demon Warrior




Where: Chordata Market

With: Apollo & Hexx

Thoughts: We need to be prepared.

Hexx seemed notice Akumada’s laugh at Apollo, but he ignored her to not make a scene out of it. When she suggested they get moving, wanting to see the sleep system and time system works. “Hmm…I must say I’m interested on how that works as well.” He said as he scratched his chin. He figured the time system in game was going to be either change with the day in real life or move a lot faster. He thought about it as they headed to leave the city. He heard Hexx’s questioning the Quest details and nodded in agreement as they walked. “Yeah that’s what I was thinking too. As for seeing the Mayor first, I think that’s a good start once we get to…” He paused and opened up the map to see where they were going. “Calista?” He said as he closed the map as they approached the gates to leave the Chordata.

He soon stopped and realized something; they weren’t prepared for a mission/quest. Sure they have some potions, but how much HP would that heal…Plus they had no MP restoring items. As Akumada thought about this he heard Hexx’s question about starting a brawl in a tavern. He sighed as he looked at her. “We could do that but we have to head out of this town to get more information on this quest. Also it may be better to fight the accruing monsters around here than some drunks.” He said to her as he crossed his arms.

Akumada then looked around and noticed a market place nearby. ‘That should have what we need to be prepared.’ He thought then looked at his partners. “I think we should gather supplies from the market before we leave…I think we can split up and look around for anything that’s useful here.”Akumada said taking charge of what the party will be doing already. “Let’s meet back at the gate in ten minutes. It shouldn’t take that much of time to get everything that is needed…” He said then realized who he was talking to and sighed. “Just don’t take too long…” He said then headed into the market place himself to start looking around. He soon found an item shop among the stalls. He looked through and saw a few items that seemed rather useful. ‘Let’s see what we have here…Potions restores a small amount of HP…Hi-Potions restores a moderate amount…Mega Potions restores a moderate amount of the party’s HP and Ethers restore a moderate amount of MP…’ He thought as he looked through the items. There were even antidotes and whetstones. ‘Hm? Must be to maintain weapons…?’ He thought with a curious look. ‘Potions are virtually useless here except for HP filler…’ Akumada thought then decided to sell his potions, which got him 200G and decided to buy 10 of everything that he looked at so far, which cost him about 4000 in total. “Well that took a nice chunk of gold…Oh well, what’s needed is needed…” He said then decided to check on the other two to see how they were doing.

Weapon: Sword, and Gauntlet

Hi-potion x10

Mega Potion x10

Ether x10

Whetstone x10

Antidote x10

Gold Peices: 6,200G

@Athenian @ShyEra


Fae Mage




Staff of the Blessed, Sword, Cloak, 10,000 coins

Where: Chordata, Chordata

With: The Rest of the Beta Testers

Thoughts: Fine (?)

{Short post, I'm so sorry haha, not sure what to write tbh}

Shika considered the other player's response, then smiled in bemusement as the answer made sense. How had she not thought of that before? From her position, she squinted at the board, trying to make out the tiny words on each post, but alas, their heads were blocking, and the board was a little too far for her scarlet eyes. She glanced at MissMacabre as she suggested going over and followed her, watching in interest as the girl slowly took a step forward. Her movements were awkward, and she immediately linked that to wheelchair girl that had intimidated her so much back in the lounge. Smiling at the thought, she felt like asking the player how she'd lost the use of her legs, but decided it would be far to inconsiderate, opting to stay silent. She paced herself with MissMacabre, carefully making sure not to walk too fast but at the same time making sure that it didn't seem like she was slowing down for her.
"So... are you going to join a quest?" Shika smiled again, staring down at her feet as they took steps forward, observing the white and gold designs on her boots. "I think I might wait and get a little used to the combatting in this game, ha." She mimicked punching, giggling lightly.

@PlaguedWithInsanity + anyone else who wants to join in





HP - ??????????

MANA - ??????????


Where - Chordata

With - Reyto & Paxis

Thoughts - ACCEPT! > Awww, look at the cutie wittle puppy


Weapon - Duel Bonesaws

Coin - 10,000

Not waiting for a response from the archer, The_Doctor looked through her menus, finding a map interface. Setting a waypoint to the quest boards, she then invited Paxis to a party. As she waited for him to accept, The_Doctor looked through the guide book, arriving at a section labeled "SUMMONS" In boldfaced print at the top of the page. Quickly scanning the parchment, her eyes darting back and forth along the text, she learned about how summons operate. Lowering the book once more, The_Doctor opened her inventory and found objects binded to her. And in a summon slot was the name of her summon.

Wanting to try it out, she stared at it for a few moments before closing the menu. She cleared her mind and focused upon the name before saying "Viidossssssssst" adding more S on then needed so she didn't break her 'no speak' record. The name sounded more like a garbled hiss then anything else, but if one was paying attention, they could make out the rest of the letters. Then a black, circular, vertical, void appeared at her side. And out jumped a wolf like creature standing about 4' 5". Its pelt was a pitch black and eyes burning red as if with filled with embers from the depths of hell. Looking at the guide book once more, it said that her summon was a haunt. A dog like summon with poisonous saliva and claws. Yet, at the moment it was in a passive state. Standing there, panting like any normal dog would. If normal dogs were freaking small trucks and their slobber burnt through stone like butter. Viidost then looked at her before giving a joyful yip and tackling her in what could only be described as a puppy love tackle. Letting out a cheer filled cry, The_doctor spread her leathery wings to soften her fall then continued to pet her large doge.


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