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Adventure in Northrend (Atherium& Dethbycoffee)


Filthy Casual
The arctic land of Northrend. Home to the Scourge and to its master, the Lich King. An otherwise beautiful environment, so peaceful and serene before it has been shaken by the undead plague. A plague from which no zone of the large continent escaped unharmed. From his frozen throne, found in the highest room of the Icecrown Citadel, the evil mastermind commands his unholy armies to spread the blight of undeath and wage war and chaos upon any living being. Expeditions of both the Horde and the Alliance set out to fight the Lich King, directly, or through different operations started with the intention of diminishing the force of his grip upon different zones of Northrend.

Several smaller factions, most of them neutral to both Horde and the Alliance, and therefore, not aggressive to any of them, also set their own encampments and outposts throughout Northrend, seeking to help with the eradication of the tyranny that the Lich King was policing. The Cenarion Circle, known for their past deeds in Azeroth, known for tirelessly working to eradicate the fel blight that threatened to spread through different parts of either Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms, now sent their special, elite group of druids, under the name of the Cenarion Expedition. The groups consisted of both Night Elves and Tauren, the only two races of Alliance and Horde that were interested in the arts of druidism and passionate enough to save the environment.

The Argent Dawn, renowned order of paladins fighting to eradicate the Scourge from the Plaguelands, the first place it errupted in, have also created a special unit of elite paladins to run to the aid of both the Alliance and the Horde in their ceaseless fight in Northrend. Led by the lion hearted Tirion Fordring, the Argent Crusade has set its Vanguard right at the border between Northrend and the Crystalsong Forest. Blood Elves, High Elves, Draenei and humans, all gathered together under one banner and one single purpose: To end the Lich King's reign, and set Northrend free of his curse once and for all. A joined effort by all the forces capable enough to fight such a great evil.

I still miss my home. Light, I still dream of Karabor, And I think of it in any moment of my battles, for it is there where my heart will forever lie. It is there where I have started my journey. He finished writing, before placing the quill back in its spot and closing the journal. He made quite the habit out of writing in the journal, and within the booklet's page lain countless memories and poetic thoughts that would serve a testament after Akmaad, the Draenei paladin, would cease to exist. He sat there, in silence, in his private quarter in the Alliance inn of Dalaran, otherwise known as "A Hero's Welcome". Akmaad was the meditative type. He learned that only by meditating long enough, the Light will speak to him. And it did. So he dedicated his life to the Light, and fought in its name.

A knock on the wooden door signaled that somebody was there to speak to him. His voice, with the strange accent any Draenei bore, responded to the knock. "Yes?" And so the door was open, to reveal the form of a human. One of the lesser ranks of the Argent crusaders stationed currently at the Argent Vanguard. The man, clad in the standard Argent armor and wearing the specific tabard, stood in the doorway for a moment before entering as signaled to by the huge, gloved hand of the Draenei paladin. "Light bless you, brother." The human, named Wymore, spoke as he approached the Draenei, and handed him with no hesitance an envelope that contained most likely a letter, bearing the sigil of Tirion Fordring himself. What could it be?

"Did Lord Tirion say anything about this missive, Wymore?" Akmaad asked his fellow paladin, to which the human slightly shook his head in the sign of a "no". "Well, I better go then, be careful, Akmaad." Wymore let out a heartfelt smile to his comrade before turning around and exitting the room. The draenei looked upon the seal of the envelope once, then again, before hesitantly breaking it, and opening the letter. It was, indeed, a letter from Tirion Fordring. With worried eyes, the paladin ran through it once, mumbling what he read under his breath. "Hm... Interesting." He mumbled as he read the name of someone, a night elf female who apparently was a Cenarion warden. Your mission in the field is to accompany this lady as she travels through Northrend and studies the different types of plague existing in the land, trying to determine a way to combat it.

Placing the letter down after reading it twice with due care, the draenei took a deep breath. It seemed like he and this night elf, whom he yet did not meet, were going to have quite the adventure together. Of course, given that the night elves and draenei were both part of the Alliance, this mission was hopefully not going to be slowed down by racial divergencies. Nodding to himself, Akmaad allowed himself another couple of moments in the silence of the room before standing. Placing his journal conveniently into the backpack filled with provisions, as Akmaad was always careful to keep enough with him should times get rough, the draenei paced outside of the room, his hooves making thudding sounds as he stepped on the wooden floors and exitted the inn. The meeting place for him and his travelling companion would be at the Valliance Keep, in Borean Tundra.

Yldriel Shadowsong knelt beside the edge of the water between the Temple Gardens and the Cenarion Enclave. It had been a peaceful morning, and she was readying herself to travel to Northrend where she would travel with a paladin of the Argent Crusade. She stood finally, passing her damp fingers over her hip as feeling the cool water soak into her clothing. Her ear twitched slightly as she heard the approach of another, and turned, smiling softly, and giving the usual respectful bow to Fandral Staghelm. "Elune be with you." she greeted him, nodding her head. The Arch-Druid gruffed at her, "Why have you not gone yet? This is important, Shadowsong. Get moving." he said, and moved on quickly back to the temple.

Yldriel sighed, a small smirk playing on her lips. "I will get there when I arrive." she said simply, and began the walk back to portal that would take her to Rut'theran Village. It was a beautiful day in the city, and a light breeze rustled the boughs of the World Tree Teldrassil. After a few steps, she jogged forward and leaped into the air, shifting into a lithe cat figure and landing deftly on her paws as she raced through the streets. It didn't take her near as long in this form to reach the glowing portal, and then through the portal she ran. She blinked against the harsh sun as the canopy of green turned into clear blue, and the cool earth beneath her paws turned into hash sand. She let out a feral roar and pounded down the slope to the docks where a ship sat waiting.

She skidded to a halt at the end of the dock, and looked back to the portal, and heaved a sigh as she stepped onto the ship and changed back to her elven self, nodding to the sentries that guarded the ship. It wasn't long after she had descended into the hull that the ship began to move away from port and off they were. They made a stop in Stormwind to trade travelers and gather supplies, and were off again in a few short hours. This was going to be a long journey. She settled in for the wait, and after a few, seemingly short days aboard the ship, she arrived in the Borean Tundra. She climbed off the ship and stretched, happy to be off the rocking hunk of wood and on solid ground once more.

Again, she shifted to her cat form, and began the arduous prowl to the meeting place. Valliance Keep. The place she was told she would find the Draenai Paladin who was to accompany her on this trip around Northrend. Hopefully he was a compatible source as they were going to be at this for a long time. Northrend was a large continent, and they had to traverse many miles to complete her studies.
Ah, the great pleasure of riding. Of course, any other sane person would have bought a flight all the way from Dalaran to the Valliance Keep, which was, in a way, a distance through half of Northrend. But not Akmaad. He knew that Yldriel would arrive at the Keep at least two days later, by the ship, so there was indeed no hurry to it. Instead, after having used the crystal that teleported anyone from Dalaran in the special spot right below it, into a field of energy raised especially by magi to keep the foul creatures away, the paladin proceeded to silently summon his elekk mount. By what magic, nobody knew, but the faithful animal brought all the way from the beautiful Nagrand always found its way towards its master, Of course, paladins could also magically summon their own, special charger, a war steed that was the incarnation of speed and devotion. However, during his many travels, Akmaad noticed how the charger was not exactly a steed fit for a being his size, Draenei usually towering over humans by at least 3 feet. An elekk was a better choice for travel. And so the draenei finally mounted up, placing a hoof carefully on one side of the animal that was to carry him before straddling its large back and grabbing the reins with his massive hands.

Setting the travelling backpack against the elekk and strapping it securely, he then proceeded to extend a hand to his side and place it upon the book that was connected with a chain to his belt. A large book, with a strange, precious metal enveloping its hard covers. It was the book every paladin carried around with him from the moment they were named warriors in service of the Light. The book itself was a tome, containing all the power that stood at the base of the sacred duty of a paladin. The book gave them power and helped them overcome their foes, heal their allies should the need arise, and protect themselves and those they held close. Holding the book up, the paladin opened it and flipped through the pages filled with ancient inscriptions and symbols. A motion of his fingers caused the tome to light up, before spreading a glow all around him, encasing him in an aura that quickly faded. Silently thanking the Light, the draenei then proceeded to tug at the reins, his elekk making a sound before obeying his command and turning.

Oh, blessed be the silence, it allowed the holy warrior to meditate and to commune with the Light. His steed, although not the most gracious or glorious there could be, carried him without asking anything in return, and for that, he held it dear. Soon, the road led him out of the Crystalsong Forest and into Dragonblight, and his eyes all but roamed over the Crystal Vice. Jormungar seemed to be roaming about chaotically. They looked strange, worms that erupted from the icy ground and lived in caves, procreating. And it seemed that these particular ones had a conflict going with a few ice giants, as a small battlefield was lain just across the snowy road he rode on. Then, there it was, precisely to his right side, Angrathar, the Wrathgate, entrance to the foul domain of the Lich King. Only the sight of it and the living corpses roaming about made the paladin to scoff and he only thought of how repulsive it was. He watched with pride as yet another group of brave warriors and paladins alike, under the command of the mighty Bolvar Fordragon led a charge against the fiends with rotten flesh.

And then just another hour of travel in front of him, there was the beautiful Wyrmrest Temple, home to the Dragon Aspects. It towered proudly above the world, and in all honesty, Akmaad felt overwhelmed. The travel was long, and during it, the silence stretched. It was only by the next morning that the draenei's elekk was making its way behind the large walls of the Valliance Keep. Nodding to the men, guards, soldiers and even workers that saluted him as he passed through, Akmaad finally dismounted and placed the reins of his faithful elekk into the hands of the boy assigned with stabling the steeds. It would seem that the battle with the Nerubians now controlled by the Lich King was far from over. The assault was still going on, just as it had since he had arrived in Northrend, months ago. And although so many soldiers died, yet many more enrolled into the fight, coming from all around Azeroth. Humans, dwarves, night elves and even gnomes. The line at the recruitment desk was yet long as they stood, awaiting to speak to the recruitment officer.

"Name?" The officer asked, looking down over the table at the small, armor clad gnome that was trying to make his best impression that he was taller than he indeed was. "Boltwrench Cogtoggle, Sir." The little warrior responded, much to the amusement of the draenei female who stood just behind him, as he didn't even height to reach her knees. "You in any way related to Iggy?" The officer asked, to which the gnome responded with a vigorous head shake. Akmaad stood for a second, watching, before silently moving towards the inn. He could use a nap after travelling through a night.

The next morning found the paladin in the room he has rented for just a few golden coins, saying a silent prayer to the Light. Hearing somebody announce that the ship from Stormwind was approaching, Akmaad finished his prayer, then stood, and moved out of the inn, just in time as from the boarding ship, a nght elf female turned into a convenient cat form and prowled straight towards the inn. Looking down towards her, he tried to adjust his voice as he spoke.

" Lady Yldriel Shadowsong? My name is Akmaad. I am sent by Lord Tirion Fordring on the mission to escort you throughout Northrend as you gather information about the plague. Light smile upon us, for this travel will be a difficult one."

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Yldriel shifted once again so that she stood upon two legs, and gazed upon the Draenai who had spoken to her. She nodded, bowing her head, "May Elune watch over our journey." she recanted smoothly, her voice flowing soft, and silky as she spoke, like a soft breeze in the night. She brushed some loose hair from her face, and pulled her pack off her back. She rummaged through her provisions, producing a long, fur-lined cloak that she slipped over her shoulders and slid her arms through the sleeves. "It is an honor, Sir Akmaad, to have you accompany me. The Cenarion Expedition is greatly appreciative of the Argent's help in these matters." she said with a wry smile. She motioned toward a table near the fire of the inn, "Come. Let's sit and share a meal. We must discuss our current route." she said lithely, moving over to the table and sitting gracefully in a chair. Her body moved lithely, a trait she not only received from being an Elf as she was, but also from her cat aspect. She waved to a tavern maid, and requested a drink as well as some bread and cheese.

Her eyes fell to the paladin once more, and she watched him curiously. She motioned for him to sit, and carefully leaned back in her chair, sliding one leg over the other to make herself a little more comfortable. "Which route would you suggest we take first? There is much I need to study here on Northrend, and to many places to start." she sighed, putting a hand to her temple. "I wasn't really given more than just the simple orders to study the plague here, so frankly, I am at a loss." she sighed, groaning softly. "Sometimes the Arch-Druid can be difficult, and the lady Whisperwind wasn't available for me to speak with." she stated, smiling at the tavern maid as her food and drink was delivered. She lifted her cup and took a careful sip, all the while her eyes trained on the Paladin.
"Patience is a virtue." Akmaad replied to the night elf as he, too, took a seat at the table. The backpack he carried was slid off his large back with ease and placed upon his lap. It was quite the standard knapsack bearing the mark of the Argent Crusade upon it, just as the tabard that gloriously covered his armor. Opening the backpack, he searched through it until coming upon the desired object. Carefully rolled like any other scroll, the paladin always carried a map for orientation, even though he knew Northrend by heart already, having been through several campaigns all across it. As the tavern maid approached with the food and drink, the draenei also politely asked for a honeymint tea. It was his favorite drink and it had something special that invigorated one's body like no other tea. The tavern maid displayed a light, polite smile to the yet alien being that the draenei was before gracefully walking away to fetch his order. As Yldriel set out to eat her meal, Akmaad placed the scroll upon the free space of the table and unrolled it, revealing the map of Northrend.

"Well..." He said after studying the map. "We could always go the normal route, east towards Dragonblight 'pon the main road. I noticed, on my way here, that the Horde seems to be dealing with the same cursed Nerubians the Valliance Keep is dealing with. The only problem would be that all along the road there are hidden poachers, and while we can rest assured that the Horde will not attack us, as we are at armistice as neutral factions with them, we do not know what to expect from the poachers. Luckily enough, a Cenarion unit, the D.E.H.T.A is already handling the matter, having stationed at the crossroads just east of here." The paladin explained as he moved his rather large finger across the map, stopping it upon certain points of importance. The tavern maid made her way back with the tea, placing it upon the table before the draenei who in exchange searched his coinpurse and handed her a few gold pieces, the cost of his drink and the druid's meal as well. "Thank you." The girl spoke before stepping away, leaving the two to their own. "From the D.E.H.T.A point, we can either go north, towards Sholazar Basin, or keep it east. The Scourge point here in the Tundra is the Temple City of En'kilah which is right..." He searched with his finger for the exact spot. "Here."

"Passing by the place I have noticed that breaking through would be quite the effort. There are scourged patched abominations guarding the gates, scourged mammoths and ghouls patrolling all the zone in front of the walls, and there is also Naxxanar that floats above. If the guards of Naxxanar spot us, we will have to cleanse the place whole. I have seen the taint, that foul poison rising from the soil in front of En'kilah. By the Light, it is so filthy. But perhaps, if I make sure that no Scourge will touch you, you may have enough time to gather samples of the infested soil there. So I believe, in my humble opinion, that there is where we should start. Afterwards, we can travel the road to the west by the border with Wintergrasp and then take the road into the Sholazar Basin."
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Yldriel listened quietly, content to eat her meal as she watched the draenai plan out their route, as he knew the continent better than she. She noticed he had also supplied the coin for her meal, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thank you, sir Akmaad. You needed not pay for my meal." she said gently, her voice still smooth and almost honey like. She leaned forward and peered at the map, tracing the line that Akmaad had trailed out with his own. She nodded, the leaves rustling with the movement of her head, the small silver cresent moon on her forehead tinkling softly as the metal scraped along the small, intricate chain circlet. "Traveling to Dragonblight will be a good start, and we can continue on to the Grizzly hills, and then the Howling Fjord. If we manage to make it that far, which I am certain we will, we can circle back north into Zul'Drak. There have been many stories floating around about the trolls there have gone mad for one reason or another." she explained, sighing softly.

"I have been told it is due to the Scourge, and I would like to confirm this." she stated, leaning back in her chair again, as she finished the last bit of her meal and slid the plate to the side of her. She finished her sweetened goat's milk, and set the cup down on her plate. She brushed another loose strand of her dark locks from her face, and sighed softly. "I am ready to travel as soon as you are, be it we leave now or on the dawn." she added, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "I was sure to be ready to embark on our quest as soon as possible." she added, shifting in her seat again. She shifted her legs, moving the one and crossing the other over now. "Forgive me if I seem impatient. I'm not one to sit for long." she said, not wanting to come across wrong upon their first meeting.
Nodding to the statement of Yldriel, the paladin proceeded to place his hand upon the rather large wooden mug filled with the delicious tea. Akmaad noticed the sugar can that has been brought with the mug of tea, and with calm movements he proceeded to sweeten the drink to his liking. His eyes locked with the druid's yet again as he brought the mug to his lips and took a sip of the warm, delicious drink. "Blessed be the one who prepares it." He mused as he savored his drink, before deciding to reply to Yldriel's inquiry about Zul'Drak, or more likely, statement. "Indeed, Zul'Drak has been greatly affected by the Scourge. During the Argent Dawn campaign there, we have come to learn quite a few things about the Drakkari that inhabit that once beautiful region." He said, taking a pause inbetween his phrases to sip again from his tea and let it invade his whole being. "To be precise, the ice trolls, seeing as the Scourge was getting a grip upon their lands, desperately sacrificed their gods in an attempt to gain power to fight the Lich King. Futile effort, might I add, as it soon all but backfired. They have angered their gods, and their spirits rose to furiously retaliate, thus catching the Drakkari into a vicious death trap."

Akmaad spoke quite affected of the whole situation, and one could easily notice his gaze turning dark every now and then. The Light that guided his path was frowning upon the misfortune of the whole situation that was exposed, and it was in any paladin's way to feel for those in misfortune. A moment of silence rose, before he finally concluded. "I believe that your choice is wise, indeed. We will make a stop at En'kilah and after, travel the way into Dragonblight. Sholazar is not so affected by the plague, and I believe that the Avatar of the kind Freya is already working on it." He nodded, before lifting his mug again and finishing the tea without letting it get cold. Carefully rolling the map back, he placed it within his bag, bag that was then secured with the clasps and placed against his back. "Well, if so you wish, then let us waste time no longer. The road awaits us, and the fate of the Northrend flora and fauna might just lay in your delicate hands." He spoke in the same warm, patient tone as he stood up, carefully moving away from the table as he placed the chair he sat so far on back in its initial position.

He watched as Yldriel did just the same, and, gazing upon her once more, he reached for the book that was chained to his waist. With the same action that he took the day before, after mounting his elekk, the paladin proceeded to open the book, and, after moving his hand in a gentle motion towards the druid, he let the book, and his hand alike, shine brightly with energy before the same energy encased Yldriel for a second, bestowing upon her the kindness of the Light. The book came to hang again from the chain as he set it free from his hand, before his hooves made thumping sounds as he exitted the tavern, taking in the fresh and otherwise chilled air of the day. The sun smiled brightly, but in Northrend, nowhere was too warm. The paladin awaited patiently for the night elf lady to exit the tavern as well, before questioning. "Will you ride with me on my elekk or you prefer using your own shape shifting abilities in travel?"

Yldriel gave the paladin a subtle smirk, and a sideways glance, "I'll use my own hooves, but I thank you for the offer, Akmaad." she said smoothly as she stepped away from the tavern entrance so that passersby could still come and go as they needed. She let her eyes slide closed as a soft glow surrounded her form and she began the shift. The transformation started with her feet, which morphed into cloven hooves, a light blue, nearly purple, fur began to adorn her skin as her body continued to shift and change. Her ankles straightened to align more with the hooves and legs, her knees inverting to those of a deer. Her backside morphing to the hindquarters of a stag, and she leaned forward, her arms becoming another set of legs, complete with hooves, her torso thickening to meet the new position of her spine. Her clothing and accessories mystically melding into the form just as they always did, and lastly her head elongated and flattened slightly to meet the shape of a stag's skull rather than a night elf's, large antlers donning her head like an elegant headdress.

She shook her new body, the various ornaments that decorated her form jingling softly and her hooves clicked upon the stone and earth where she stood. She huffed, her sides heaving as steam billowed from her nostrils and she turned to look at the paladin with knowing eyes. She nodded her head to let him know that she was ready to travel, her ears and tail twitching in anticipation of the road ahead. She enjoyed adventuring just as much as she enjoyed helping the Cenarion Expedition learn about various things that they sent her to study. Her thirst for adventure nearly as insatiable as her thirst for knowledge.

Once the paladin was atop his elekk, she followed him out onto the main road leading toward Dragonblight. Her gaze shifted back and forth across the lands as they moved, the sight of the once majestic lands of Northrend effected as it was by the scourge pained Yldriel's heart. Occasionally, she would leave the pathway for a short moment to collect a few herbs or to collect the shriveled remnants of a plague effected plant or animal carcass. The road was long, but it was at least enjoyable. Thankfully, they had started fairly early in the morning, and now that the sun was dipping closer to the horizon, she paused on the road, shifting from her stag form, back to her normal self and looked up at the paladin. "Shall we stop and camp or keep moving?" she called up to him.
Akmaad's eyes watched over the majestic stag that Yldriel has turned into whenever she would leave the road to pick up plants and pieces of scourged carcasses. After all, it was what she was sent there for, and his mission was to watch her back as she investigated the problems. His gaze also shifted towards the Warsong Hold, the huge structure that represented the orcish equivalent of the Valliance Keep. Above it, he could see how flying nerubians soared and plunged downwards, assaulting the soldiers inside ceaselessly. The Horde, stalwart as it was, seemed to have quite the problems in dealing with the attack. Not far from the Hold, somewhere in the tundra grass, lain the corpse of a fallen soldier of the Horde, a Tauren. Poor soul, Akmaad thought as he silently rose a prayer to the Light, to have mercy upon the fallen soldier's soul and guide his path in the other life.

The hours passed as the two traveled side by side, casually witnessing groups of poachers being dealt with by D.E.H.T.A fighters, and lone travelers making their way to their destinations. Most of the traveler folk that were by now making their way here and there were soldiers enrolled at the Valliance Keep or at the Warsong Hold, The pair were already reaching the D.E.H.T.A encampment while the sun was slowly falling towards the horizon, and so, Yldriel relied her question towards the paladin as she eventually shifted back to her own form. And, as he gazed upon her, she questioned him. He looked towards the sun, then at the still long road that they had ahead of them, thus making a decision in the second. "Travelling through the night in these environments is quite the risk. Of course, we can do fine unless we are confronted with a full army of beings. But I would humbly suggest that we make a stop in Kaskala, the Tuskarr settlement just a mile's way from here. The Tuskarr are kind, welcoming folk, I am sure they will not refuse to host us for one night."

Akmaad nodded to his travelling companion as she seemed to be agreeing with him. seeing as she has turned back to her travelling form. Tugging at the reins of his own elekk, the paladin then continued onward, the road that took down to the coast where Kaskala was situated being visible at the horizon. The air grew colder the more the sun dissapeared beyond the horizon. The mile was easily traveled at the pace the two were going, and soon enough, they could see the warm lights of the Kaskala fires. However, the draenei's auditive senses picked up oh so quickly the battle cries, the clashing of weapons that was happening on the coast. In the dusk, small, but almost round form seemed to be dancing with what looked like giants compared to them. Spears rose into the air and cries of pain and war accompanied them. The paladin was familiar with the situation. "The Kvaldir seem to have invaded Kaskala again." He spoke to Yldriel before gently pressing his hooves against the elekk's sides, making it pick up the pace so he could reach the battlefront faster.

And indeed, a battle was going on. Another ship of Kvaldir, a faction of Vrykul sailors, was trying to dock in Kaskala, but with no success, as the small, yet fierce tuskarr were stalwart and held onto their land with their teeth. The battle seemed to have gone for quite a while, as piles of kvaldir and tuskarr alike were scattered across the ice. Several huts were burning in violent flames, thus igniting the indignated rage of the tuskarr even more, causing the otherwise peaceful folk to retaliate and fight. The paladin's righteous spirit wouldn't let him stay away, and so, in a hurry, he dismounted, letting his elekk move by itself to a patch of grass. His hammer was quickly usheathed from his back, and, as he ran towards the fight, he touched the blessed tome, which in return, engulfed him in light for a mere moment. And so he plunged head first into the battle, his two handed hammer striking with vigour against the giant kvaldir, that by now picked up the new presence that was helping the brave tuskarr. And so the battle stirred and raged as Akmaad continued striking down the invaders with holy zeal and righteousness.

Yldriel followed after Akmaad, her travel form gaining the soft glow that always came with her shifting forms. Hooves became paws, the antlers seeming to retract into her head as her face shortened and widened slightly, the fur darkening as large canines began to grow from her jaw. Her nails elongated and her paws became adorned with razor sharp claws. Her tail lengthened, and a mane of hair formed down the back of her neck. Her long stag legs shortened, and her entire form seemed to thicken and become more stocky. A loud roar ripped form her throat as she leaped into the fray, claws sinking into the back of one of the Kvaldir, teeth sinking into the back of their neck as the large body fell to the ground. She let out another feral roar as she released her victim and charged forward.

Claws and teeth ripped through flesh as she fought, though it was difficult as this wasn't her forte. She just couldn't sit back and let the battle continue without helping. After sustaining a few wounds, she fell to the back of the battle, and her body began to glow again. Her cat form became upright, and fur turned to living bark as she became a treant. Leaves sprouted from her head and shoulders, and the limbs that acted as her hands began to glow green. All around the battle, the earth began to glow with a warmness, and the energy from the earth began to flow into the stalwart tuskvarr and Akmaad, as well as the druid herself.


((If this isn't enough to respond to, I apologize. I have to make an errand run, but I can add to this as soon as I get back, Just shoot me a message and let me know))
Each kvaldir invader that fell quickly decomposed and turned into nothing more but a mist that rose into the air and soaked seaweed that mixed with the snow. Akmaad, encased in a swirling energy delivered mighty blows to the different kvaldir which crossed his path as they fought with the small but enduring tuskarr. He heard the sound of claw ripping around him, and by now knew that the druid had joined him in battle. Light guided his strikes as he fiercely fought to repel the invaders, who seemed to yet be numerous, as a second kvaldir boat ran ashore filled with more warriors and spear wielders. The paladin's eyes gazed all about the scenery and even he could see that the tuskarr would not last much longer under the crushing force of the sea vrykul. It was something quite expectable, as the peaceful tuskarr only used fight as a last resort. And then was when Yldriel did what was a decisive move into the battle. The paladin could feel the ground beneath him grow ever so warm and green, beneficent energy encasing him and the tuskarr, healing their wounds in an instant and giving them new force to fight, much to the surprise of the vrykul.

Setting one of his hands free of the hammer, the paladin again grabbed the sacred book that swung into the chain at his waist and, opening it, he let its energy engulf the whole battlefield and the fierce combatant tuskarr, along with the druid turned to tree of life form, empowering them with the blessings of the Light. The almost winning vrykuls were now falling one after another, unable to put a good fight against the Light that has filled their enemies, Light that gave new hope and new force. The remaining vrykul, now indeed frightened by the unnatural strength the tuskarr have gained began pushing back, attempting to reach the two boats that could help them escape. Red flames engulfed the structure as their boats have been now set ablaze by a group of tuskarr that quickly made use of torches to do it. With no means of escape, the kvaldir were now trapped, some jumping into the freezing water to escape and others falling under the blade.

Dead tuskarr, lying in piles of seaweed that were the remnants of the kvaldir. The field fell silently after the last of the invaders has been dealt with, and the walrus men were, at least for now, safe. The paladin let out a relieved sigh as he gazed about the battlefield, and then towards the night elf turned into a tree, nodding in deep gratitude for the great help she has given. As he approached her, one of the tuskarr stopped him in his way. Akmaad cast his gaze down towards the small being. "We are so grateful for your help, draenei. I did not think we would make it back home tonight, but your partner and you have helped us greatly. Thank you." The tuskarr spoke as he turned towards the druid who was still in the tree form and, small and fat as he was, he managed to bend his body and bow in appreciation. "The kvaldir have been making our lives hard for a long while now. Every now and then they come raiding. They have already plundered Kaskala, and all our survivors have taken refuge into Unu'pe, which is just a mile in that direction. My name is Girok, head of the Moondral family."

Tuskarr society was simple, based mainly on the concept of family. Each family head was a person of importance in the community, and all heads of the family introduced themselves to strangers with the family they led. The draenei smiled over the walrus looking man, before turning his head to his night elf companion. On the field, the tuskarr were gathering remaining things from their old huts, the main reason for which they came here. "It is a pleasure, Girok." Akmaad responded, lowering his head with respect towards the tuskarr that stood now between him and the druid. "My name is Akmaad, I am a paladin of the Argent Crusade, and my companion is Yldriel of the Cenarion Expedition. She is on a mission of great import concerning the plague that taints the soil here in Northrend, and I am on a mission to protect her while she travels and gathers information. We came here to ask if maybe there would be a place for us to spend the night in, as the night is not safe to travel through during these times." He politely requested and awaited for an answer.

"Oh, but of course! You have saved our lives tonight, we couldn't let you go without thanking you properly now, could we? Come, brave travellers, my people would be proud to welcome you, we shall prepare a feast in your honor." The tuskarr, now excited, spoke as he looked towards Yldriel and towards the draenei, before calling out in the native tongue for the other tuskarr. Once ready, the whole group, along with the two, were to travel to Unu'pe, the lights of the settlement visible not far from the place they stood in, now. The travel to Unu'pe was pleasant, to say the least, as both the draenei and the curious night elf found themselves entertained to listen to the tuskarr as they spoke oh so proudly of their small, yet so strong nation. Approaching Unu'pe, the tuskarr residing in the place were looking strangely upon them, although they have seen their kind before. After a short briefing of the survivors upon who were these two visitors and what they have done, their heroic deeds, the tuskarr now all but welcomed them warmly. An elder came out of the biggest hut in the settlement, and, stopping before Akmaad and Yldriel, who now walked together, one close to the other, he spoke in a low tone.

"Welcome to Unu'pe, saviors. I am the village elder, and I would like to thank you for saving my brave men tonight. Feel free to stay here as much as you like, and eat with us. The nets have been bountiful today, so we would like to invite you to share the delicious fish with us"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c345cae4e_Unupe.jpg.bbf3f7d076bf57099ea12779f9584bcc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c345cae4e_Unupe.jpg.bbf3f7d076bf57099ea12779f9584bcc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yldriel, now back as her true self, nodded to the paladin as he spoke with the tuskarr. She was glad to let him be the diplomat with the native folk of the region, as she wasn't quite fond of social speaking on the behalf of others. She straightened her clothing as they spoke, pulling the long cloak around her shoulders as the night drew nearer. Glad to be on the move again, she gave the curious tuskarr a small smile when they looked upon her, the leaves in her hair frosting slightly as the temperature dropped a little with the disappearance of the warming sunlight. As they walked, she drew on the forces of the earth and continued to give healing aid to these creatures, bringing even those who seemed so close to death back to health. She wiped sweat from her brow when she had finished, and looked about the small village of Unu'pe.

It was small, but then again, not everywhere was like the great cities. She gave a respectful nod to the elder, "Elune-adore, Shan'do." she said softly, "Thank you for welcoming us into your home." She gave another gentle smile to the elder tuskarr, and then took a moment to look around. "You are the survivors of the Kaskala raid? If there are any injured, I offer my services." she said smoothly, her eyes grazing over the medium encampment. Another tuskarr seemed to have over heard her, and moved over, bowing to the elder and then looking at Yldriel. "Druid, please, if you would. We've housed those who are injured over here." the tuskarr said, apparently female from the tone of voice, and motioned over to another hut, closer to the water's shoreline. Yldriel nodded, "My honor." she said, turning and following the tuskarr to the hut. She disappeared inside, and gazed at the decent number of injured tuskarr found within.

She sighed softly, "You have fought great battles. I shall do what I can to heal their pains." she said to the one who had lead her inside. From there, she started with those who seemed to be in the most serious of conditions. She moved around the hut, small, lyrical chants coming from under her breath as she moved about. She made poultices from the herbs she carried with her, potions to heal their bodies or give them added strength. Once the worst of the wounds were cared for, she began to work on those who hadn't been in terrible danger to their lives. Her hands glowed softly as she worked, infusing her work with energies given to her from the earth.
The warmth they have been welcomed with by the tuskarr made Akmaad recall the numerous stories about their hospitality. And yet, such a kind people were being constantly harassed by the unyielding kvaldir, which always resulted in them losing some of their folk. He could clearly see the grief on certain faces, and understood that those were the ones who didn't meet their family members in the group that returned with Akmaad and Yldriel. It remembered him so much of his own situation. Near one of the huts, two tuskarr children sat, alone, using their small arms to hold each against the others as what looked like tears streamed from their eyes. "They have lost their parents... haven't they?" The paladin asked the village elder as he motioned to the children, to which the latter responded with a sigh. "Sadly, yes. Many wives have lost their husbands and many children, their parents... And while we struggle here with the constant kvaldir assaults, our relatives from Indu'le, in Dragonblight, have nearly been wiped out. Only sad spirits still linger above the snow, accompanied by a few survivors who have gone mad because of the strange energy that has been set free."

The grief in the old tuskarr's voice made Akmaad's heart shrink and wrench painfully. By the Light, he wished he could lend a greater help to these pained people, but all he could do was listen and remember. He felt oh so useless, just as he did years ago, when Karabor was raided by the orcs driven by the Burning Legion. He was but a child then. He saw himself in the two weeping children. As the elder proceeded to ask for the responsible ones to begin preparing the feast, the paladin took a few steps closer to the children. But they seemed not to mind him, and even when they did, their small eyes looked upon him and timidity and fear slipped into them. Kneeling before them, to bring himself to a closer height to the young tuskarr, the draenei gazed upon them. "Oh, Light bless you, poor souls." He whispered, and noticed how the children did not understand. They didn't speak the common tongue. Taking the cold plate gauntlet off one of his big, strong hands, the paladin proceeded to bring the hand with its palm towards the faces of the children that still wept and gazed yet curious to him.

The tome at his waist reacted to his will, and began letting off a bright light, attracting the gazes of the tuskarr that were in proximity. Magically, the light transferred to his hand, charging it, all while the children did not know what to make of it. Ever so slowly, his hand descended until it lain on the tops of their small heads, the Light engulfing them and like a blessing, giving them an inner peace and warmth that caused their cries to stop, and their spirits to find calm. The other tuskarr, along with their leader, watched as the two children were being blessed. The radiant Light soon faded, and just as soon, the infants closed their eyes and fell into a deep and much needed slumber. "The Light heals not only the wounds of the flesh, but also those of the soul." Akmaad later explained the village elder as they now sat by the big, warm bonfire that has been lit all while Yldriel was working with the wounded. "We, the Draenei, have always found comfort in the Light. And although our fate wasn't precisely happy, the Light has helped us greatly, and kept us from falling altogether. On our planet, we had numerous temples dedicated to the Light, and our leader, the great Velen, always spoke to us about the importance of keeping our faith pure."

The smell of roasting fish seasoned with special, traditional spices filled the air as a few of the walrus men worked around the fire to make sure that the feast would be a success. The rest of the tuskarr sat around the fire, grouped up according to the families, all while Akmaad sat right by the village elder, as a special guest. Another spot, at the right of the old, wise tuskarr, was reserved for the druid as soon as she would finish her work with the wounded.
Yldriel worked diligently to heal and care for the injured and wounded tuskarr, eventually doing all she could. She yawned softly, feeling tired, but content with herself. She nodded her head to the tuskarr that remained to care for those who were still injured, and slipped from the tent to be greeted by the delicious scent of roasting fish. She looked to where the majority of the camp was gathered around the fire, but decided she would join them in a moment. She turned toward the water, and moved along the shore until she was a short distance from the encampment.

She knelt beside the water, dipping her fingertips into it's icy grasp. She felt a shiver run through her arm, and down her spine as the cold bit her skin. She took a deep breath, holding it for a moment, and then breathed out slowly. She let her eyes close as she leaned her head forward, her heart opening to the earth that surrounded her. It didn't take long before she felt the invigorating warmth that was the energy of the earth. "O, Earthly mother, give these creatures strength, and the knowledge to fend off their enemies. Protect them in your rocky embrace, and feed them from your bountiful bosom. I pray this, Lady Elune, cast your light on their hearts and minds to give them the knowledge to keep safe, and protected." she chanted softly, her fingers giving off a soft white glow like that of moonlight as they rested in the water.

When the spell was cast, the moon seemed to glow brighter for a moment above the camp, and each tuskarr, as well as the paladin, had a paw-print shaped glow in the center of their foreheads. Much like their mind's eye, as the blessing of the Wilds granted them Yldriel's wish. She retracted her fingers from the water when the spell ended and the lights faded. "Thank you, Elune." she whispered in passing as she stood and dusted off her clothing. She looked out across the water for a moment, listening to the quiet of the world around. It was amazing the peace the night brought with it, even with the dangers that still lurked out in the murky darkness. She took another deep breath and released it slowly before turning away from the water and moving back into the camp.

She meandered over to the large fire that everyone was gathered around, greeting those who looked to her. She noted where Akmaad had been placed, and the space on the opposite side of the tuskarr elder that had been reserved for herself. She approached, and sat, tucking her legs carefully beneath herself and sat back on her heels. "I have done all I can for those who were wounded in battle. It is up to them now to fight for their lives." she said gently, patting her forehead and cheeks with the sleeve of her coat to dry the sweat that was threatening to turn to ice on her face. Her eyes passed over the gathering, and her heart went out to these poor creatures. She took a quiet, deep breath, still feeling rather exhausted from the exertion from healing so many wounds. She thought a silent prayer to Elune, and turned to the elder. "You have all suffered horribly. Is there anything the Cenarion Expedition could do to help you and your kind?" she asked softly.
The paladin closed his eyes as he received the blessing of the Wilds with reverence, a smile curving his lips as he felt how powerful it was. Indeed, druids were so alike with paladins, although they had different methods, and different power to wield. The tuskarr all looked towards Yldriel as she returned to sit by the fire in the special spot she has been given next to the elder, and now that everyone, to the last, was comfortably sat around the fire, the leader made a sign for the fish to be lain before him. It was another tradition that the elder began the feast, and, in this case, the paladin and druid were following after him, as special guests. The delicious dish consisted of different variations of fish that has been caught in the nets that tuskarr had always within the Frozen Sea. Fishing was their main activity, and their main trade. In days of peace, a traveler could always strike a good bargain with the tuskarr, and have the freedom to choose from the various assortments their traders put out to sale. The first traditional plate that has been placed before the elder by one of the cooks was what looked like fried Moonglow Cuttlefish, season with special herbs and spices.

Another plate soon joined it, with the delicious Rockfin Grouper cooked up and spiced as well. Then a third cook presented another plate with clams, and one could see that they were succulent, fried in their very own shells. During the time that the different cooks, who were nobody else but wives coming from different families of tuskarr that formed the community in Unu'pe, the elder proceeded to respond Yldriel. "You have already done so much for us, good Lady. We cannot ask for more. The Cenarion wardens that are stationed at the crossroads do visit us from time to time. We have also the Taunka, our neighbors from the inland. We do not wish to become a burden for people already so busy as you are, but we are grateful for every help that we receive. We cannot leave our homes and we cannot survive elsewhere, so we must endure. Thank you, again, for your kindness." The elder spoke with a warm tone that expressed nothing else but the deep gratitude he felt towards the druid and the paladin alike.

Once the plates arranged carefully, it was time now The old tuskarr used his small hands to pick up one of the Cuttlefish from the plate, before skilfully managing to peel away the meat from the side. The behavior of the elder and of the other tuskarr as they sat there, gazing at him all while he was preparing to taste the fish was almost ritualistic. It was as if they awaited for him to give his accord before they could all start eating. His hand worked its way up to the mouth covered by the thick, white moustache, then inserted the meat between his lips. His jaws moved as he chewed, and took a deep breath, analyzing the food. With a nod, he finally gave his verdict upon the food. It was excellent. He then invited his two special guests to pick up whichever plate they wished, all while the other tuskarr began distributing other plates amongst the groups. Indeed, just like the elder said, their nets have been bountiful, since there was so much abundence.

Akmaad nodded to the old tuskarr as he simply settled for a clam. Taking his gauntlets off and placing them aside him, he used his big fingers to pick up one of the clams. He had eaten clams before, therefore, he knew how and what he had to do. Opening the hard shell, the paladin then proceeded to bring it towards his mouth and with precise care, to peel away its fleshy content. The taste invaded him immediately and a smile curved his lips as the pleasure of taste invaded him. The tuskarr kitchen was the best one could get in Northrend, so they said, and this just proved it. Akmaad turned his head towards Yldriel and nodded to her before picking up another clam and proceeding to empty it, under the pleased gazes of the tuskarr. There was nothing they loved more than strangers relishing in their traditions and enjoying their kitchen.
((So sorry this took so long! xD I've been busy and then I momentarily forgot I hadn't replied yet. @_@ I'm so forgetful sometimes. xD ))

Yldriel smiled gently at the elder, "It is no burden for us to help those in need, Shan'do." she said smoothly, and fell silent to watch as the elder tasted the fish and deemed it excellent. She slowly reached for a bit of the rockfin, plucking the succulent meat from the fish and placing it between her lips. She chewed slowly, almost with a royal elegance that all night elves shared. She nodded to Akmaad, a gentle smile on her lips as she ate quietly. She wasn't ever one for idle chatter while eating, as she had learned many times that there were some races among Azerothians that didn't have the best table manners. So she had just accustomed herself to saving chat for once the meal was finished. The fish was certainly delicious, and even though it seemed she ate slowly, she still ate a decent portion for her seemingly small stature. A few pieces from the first fish she had taken to eat sat in the snow beside her, an offering to her ancestors.

She let her gaze wander the gathered tuskarr as she ate, listening to those who spoke with mild curiosity. Part of why she was so good at what the Expedition asked of her was due to her curiosity. A trait that was rare among Night Elves. She would politely smile and decline speaking while eating to any who attempted to start a conversation with her. Though as the meal came to an end and she had eaten her fill, she politely responded to those to spoke to her. Her words were warm and gentle in an attempt to help the tuskarr lift their spirits. They had a rough time recently, and even with the sorrow of loss, there was still hope to be found in their survivors. When her current conversation came to an end, she looked to the elder of the tuskarr, "If I might excuse myself, Shan'do. It has been a long day of travel, and I have used much of my druidic abilities in the latter portion of today. I am very tired." she said gently, nodding her head respectfully before standing.
By the time Yldriel decided to retreat to sleep, Akmaad has also finished eating, again, silently thanking to the Light and praying that the tuskarr will always have such abundance in food. The old tuskarr nodded in return to the druid's request and turned to one of the younger of his people. "Frinn, care to accompany the Lady to her hut? Make sure to show her how to properly cover herself. Nights out here are of an intense cold." He stated, the young tuskarr immediately standing and approaching the night elf. "Follow me, if you will." He said before turning around and leading Yldriel away. The elder now turned to Akmaad, and relied the question to him. "How about you? Are you not tired after so much travelling?" "Indeed, good elder." The draenei responded "But I cannot sleep. It is my sacred duty to watch over, and sleeping during it would mean not caring. The Light will take care of me during this time, so there is no problem." He smiled, all while the tuskarr gazed upon him in slight awe. The paladin was as passionate as he could be and faithful to the bone. That was what has kept him alive for so long.

"The tea arrived!" The elder announced in a somewhat loud voice to attract the attention of everyone as each tuskarr was being handed a small bowl containing a hot liquid, so hot that the steam rose into the cold air and then condensed, falling to the ground in small rains of icy crystals. It was that cold already. Akmaad's hands were soon holding a bowl of the tea, tea that had an incredible aroma about it. "Our taunka friends were kind enough to bring a caravan earlier and to exchange some of the herbs they gathered for fish. They're not exactly fond of fishing." The elder remarked as he received his own bowl of tea and by now was already sipping from it, apparently unaffected by the fact that it was hot. Akmaad smiled and thought for a bit. It seemed that the rather crude conditions out here have forced the although different races inhabiting the place to stick with each other and forge alliances in order to survive. If only it would be possible between the Alliance and Horde. However, he did know that during their expeditions through Northrend and through the Outland, a while back, the two factions did manage to stick together in time of need.

The draenei finally tasted from his tea, nodding in agreement to the various statements of the tuskarr that it was delicious. The next hour was spent with storytelling at the side of the fire, an activity that was very common among the tuskarr. Akmaad was also invited to share some memories with them, invitation which he gladly took before engaging to tell them about his homeland as he once knew it. It wouldn't take long until the various families began retreating to their huts, along with the elder, after the latter barely fell asleep during his telling of the story of how years ago, some tuskarr have seen the fleet of the prince Arthas burning in flames back when he was yet uncorrupted by Frostmourne. "We will meet in the morning, good guardian." The elder smiled before patting the draenei on the shoulder, as he then took the way to his hut. Akmaad was now alone, the camp fire was slowly dying down and Unu'pe was falling into a deep and much needed silence. The paladin eventually stood up, and silently walked to the hut where the druid was now peacefully resting. His eyes fell upon her as he stuck his head in to assure that she was, indeed, resting well. Assured of it, he then found a comfortable place outside her hut to sit down, before closing his eyes and deepening himself in meditation. The Light was all the rest he needed.
Yldriel shifted where she lay, a minor buzz at the back of her mind when her subconscious self felt that eyes were upon her sleeping form. Though it wasn't a threatening feel, so she remained in the arms of sleep. She had bundled fairly thickly in the blankets provided to her, though eventually somewhere in the night she had shifted to her bear form to help keep herself warm. That was one of the benefits of druidic ability. There was more benefit to her animal forms than just the power and strength granted to her.

When dawn peeked over the horizon, Yldriel's internal clock caused her eyes to come open, and she shifted back to her elven self, knowing her bear form would have issues exiting the somewhat warm hut. She stretched herself, first one arm then the other. Then both together reached over her head as her muscles woke from the night of sleep. When she stood, she did the same, in essence, with her legs. First stretching one out, then the other, then bending to touch her fingers to the ground to stretch them both. She bit back a yawn as she straightened herself, and moved for the doorway of the hut.

As she stepped out into the crisp morning air of Northrend, she spotted the Draenei sitting near her tent, though it was easy to see he wasn't truly sleeping. He must have been the one she felt peek at her while she had been sleeping. Paladins certainly took their hired jobs to heart, and that was certainly something she respected. She smiled, "Good morning, Akmaad. Did you rest well?" she asked calmly, her voice soft and smooth, loud in the silence of the early dawn. She reached up to tuck a stray bit of dark green hair behind her ear, though with the following tilt of her head, the strand easily slid back out of place, though with it out of her face, Yldriel wasn't so worried about it. She stretched her arms once more before stepping further away from the building, and looking about the area.

The land glistened lightly in the early sun, the fresh frost still seemingly wet. It was almost magical in a sense, but many lands were like that in Azeroth. The druid loved every moment she caught like this, merely because it was a beauty to behold, and she was grateful for her life to be there to witness. She glanced back at the paladin, "Will we share our morning meal with the tuskarr, or will we be on our way?" she asked calmly, enjoying the quiet nature of the morning.


@Atherium So sorry this took so long!!)
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