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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Severin Daylede
Storm Rider
Interactions: Neo Alice Neo Alice (Open!)
Mentions: Tapfic Tapfic GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Ghostiiys Ghostiiys
Notable Events: Dashing up to the deck
Notable Physical Features: The gloves are back on, eye color still fighting

Severin beamed as the lady walked away. They knew they were indecisive with the seed, but it actually worked! Next time, they'd focus more on one thing. They kept the little puppy in their hand, and watched her go around to each student. It was interesting to hear the feedback, and watch as the other's also produced creatures from the seeds. The thing that Rumi made was a little terrifying, and the larger boy's cabbage-like creature was intriguing as well. It was all so interesting, especially to see these Earthly creatures form from what seemed like ordinary seeds.

The puppy licked the side of their face, giving the small dog a smile and scratch under the chin. Before anything else, they slipped back on the gloves. It felt weird to not have them now, after wearing them everywhere. Plus they were significantly colder, and they didn't want to make the puppy cold. Even though they were pretty sure they wouldn't be able to keep the little thing, they could still be nice to it, unlike the lady with the iridescent hair who seemed annoyed at the screeching raccoon attached to her leg. Maybe they could even name the puppy. But that'd have to wait, as the Professor was beginning to address all of them.

Still petting the creature, they snapped their head up upon hearing they had arrived and could go to the deck. They grinned, eyes lit up and immediately stood. Severin thanked the lady as they opened the door and dashed up the stairs. Finally, they could leave that horrid room! Skidding to a stop, they practically leaned over the railing while looking at the Academy. The puppy barked, still in their arms. Their excitement seemed to rub off onto the dog, even though the poor creature had no idea what was happening. "It looks so cool!" They let out a short breath of disbelief. The towering wings on the academy that showed off each Earth, Sky, Sun, and Moon were intriguing on their own.

This would prove to be an interesting few years. The lady back there did say years. Although they did worry about what the other students would think, that was the last thing on their mind. A thousands thoughts and questions swirled around their head. Luckily, it was very easy to distract them from their mind. They were focused on the building they'd be staying at for at least two years. It'd better be prepared, cause the new arrivals are sure to bring a surprise.
0a8050377976ed6a75dee0755de6374e.jpgBaxter Caufield
Location: Storm Rider, Bellow Deck Room
Interactions: Neo Alice Neo Alice Tapfic Tapfic
Mentions: N/A
Notable Events: Baxter and Chomper bite each other several times before Chomper scurries off to slurp up the gooey remains of Rumi's summon, which Baxter explicitly cheers him on for before checking to make sure Rumi didn't need that goo for anything.

Baxter went ahead and overlooked the majority of the teacher girl's words concerning the other students, he was still tied up with whether or not he could sink his teeth into the thing gnawing on his arm. Chomper wasn't exactly getting far, its baby teeth seemed barely able to puncture skin. Baxter had had far worse injuries in his time, and was more than content to let Chomper enjoy its last meal if things went his way.

Finally it was his turn, and he showed off Chomper for examination waiting for the go ahead. Teacher girl didn't seem willing to give it to him, completely ignoring his question and talking about focus or instincts or something of the nature. Baxter went ahead and forgot that entire portion of her speech the moment she mentioned the upcoming banquet. With a future meal guaranteed he turned his attention back towards Chomper.

"Welp, looks like you escaped my salad, Chomper." he congratulated the gluttonous creature before getting an idea "Buuuuuuut..."

Baxter leaned down and bit one of Chomper's vines anyway. Chomper immediately released his arm as it bellowed a guttural gasp of surprise.

Baxter opened his mouth and let Chomper fall, slurping green juice from his mouth before folding his arms. Chomper managed to catch itself on the floor with its tentacles, still giving deep gasps as it rolled around. But Baxter was less concerned about that than he was about the flavor Chomper had.

"Yep... that's grass." he'd know that flavor anywhere, "Definitely... definitely not for salads."

Despite what he said, Baxter finished swallowing the grassy fluids before stretching his neck and giving the gasping green ball of teeth and tentacles a grin "Hey, hey now boy. Don't go throwing a fit. First Rule of Biting is ya better be able to tank a bite yourself."

1537121363.elenawing_marlborocharm2rez.pngChomper's gasps ended as it swirled around towards Baxter and started biting at the air. Realizing immediately that it was trying to communicate, Baxter squatted down and listened closely. Chomper bit two times, then grinded its gums together for a half second before extending several vine-tentacles and waving them around.

"Kid trapped in a well?" Baxter asked, prompting Chomper to twist itself side to side.

"Parents kidnapped by gangsters?" another shake

"Need me to wingman for you at the next Garden Prom?" Chomper actually growled at that, but Baxter had lost interest in cross-species communication by that point.

"Welp... that's all I got." he stood up and turned away "Maybe someone else here can speak plant or-"

Baxter paused as he felt a familiar sensation, one he was certain that he'd felt before somewhere. Looking down, he lifted a leg to find Chomper chewing on his shin.

"Ah... Hungry.... gotcha." he nodded before bending down whilst lifting his leg up and biting another one of Chomper's vines "First Rule of the Bite, bro, you gon' learn one way or another!"

Once again Chomper detached himself and crawled away, but Baxter wasn't about to let his grass volleyball thing get away that easily. He gave chase, but he didn't really have to go far. Something apparently drew Chomper's attention, and the little guy was quick to change directions and practically throw himelf at some random gooey puddle on the floor and start slurping it up. Baxter was about to tell Chomper off until he realized that the Smiley girl was standing over that gooey puddle.

Then he remembered that gooey puddle was all that was left of what she'd turned the seed into.

"Going for a defenseless opponent now, eh Chomps?" Baxter grinned and pumped his fist "Good! You're learning! Go get'em boy! Get'em!"

He paused for a moment before leaning towards the smiley girl, "Hey, you weren't planning on using that stuff, were ya?" he asked whilst pointing towards the rapidly disappearing puddle that Chomper was ferociously drinking up.
Ariiasqthylinh Au Drayceon
Storm Rider Passenger Bay
Interactions: Neo Alice Neo Alice
Mentions: .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf.
Notable Events: Arii has officially made A Thing.
Notable Features: Dark blue-black sclera, vibrant orange pupil, dual-colored malar marks, pointed ears longer than their head, horrible posture, and a strange way of moving that isn't overtly wrong but just looks weird and unsettling.

She never once said that anyone should be able to feel the magic from the seed. Arii's ears twitched once, flicking as if removing something from their tips. Worse than an English teacher, they decided, turning their attention back to the seed.

They weren't quick enough to avoid the words caught just barely as they stopped thinking about the teacher.

"I'm authorized to turn any disrespectful brats into worms to feed the baby griffins, keep that in mind."

The words ran like ice down their neck, rattling their spine as if it was a frozen chain. Why? Why?

"Respect your elders if you expect to survive your first year."

Something oily and corrosive rose in their throat as the beating of their staggering heart lopsidedly increased, their expression only unchanged by the years of time they'd had to perfect stepping away from themself. They didn't make the mistake of gritting their teeth a second time.

Fear dug its claws into their shoulders, hooked talons dragging nonexistent, bloody lines down their back and neck as it leaned to whisper into their ear. They didn't stiffen. Didn't whimper. Didn't move. Fear laughed.

Amidst the haze of Fear, it was easy to identify tiny things that were wrong. Tiny things to fuel Fear's voice.

So, it wasn't a surprise to Arii to feel the tiniest sliver of warm humming from their hands.

Fear stuttered as Ariiasq latched onto the feeling of softly sung melodies. Of dry workshops filled from floor to ceiling with paper. Of a pencil scratching on parchment, outlining things they recognized on paper only.

They saw a chance and leapt for it.

Slowly—carefully—the seed in Arii's hand began to grow, first sprouting thin, root-like strands of redwood that twisted around each other, locking together into spiraling lines segmented every half centimeter. A spine. Two legs. Two wings. They all formed out of red-tinted wood, weaving around themselves and the seed until it was suspended right at the base of the neck. From the redwood came vines. Thin, leafless vines building up what should be muscle around the armature. Under Arii's careful eye, muscles, tendons, and ligaments formed.

Only after the muscles were in place did the vines sprout. Leaves layered up and over the little, palm-sized thing, that now resembled a bald baby bird with an especially long, thick tail. They bloomed and layered over the little thing, wrapping tight around its neck and tail, but leaving its middle chubby and distended.

Arii wasn't surprised to see it; they knew that it was going to look like a baby bird—maybe closer to a baby bird mixed with just a little dromaeosaur—but feeling it curled in the center of their palm, little tail tucked around its feet, and eyes still covered by petal-like eyelids was... interesting.

It didn't move, though, and for a moment, Arii was concerned that they'd somehow broken it. They shifted their free hand just a little to poke it, almost startling when a spiral of leaves flourished on top of its little head.

With a short breath, they released the stranglehold they'd apparently had on their magic, rooting themselves at their heels in preparation for Fear's return. And return it did, slamming into them so hard they thought they were actually about to move for it.

They knew better than that, though.

So, instead, Arii turned their attention to the little bird... pterosaur... dromaeosaur... thing in their hands. For moment, it simply sat there, still as a statue and curled up as if it were still in the egg. Then a twitch. A tiny flutter of its miniscule, membranous wings.

A tiny little breath.

A long buried chunk of muscle memory woke Arii's brain, shuddering to life with a panicked jerk that made Arii clap their free hand over one of their ears, and use their shoulder for the other.

The little thing in their hand raised its little (well... big for its body) head, eyes still closed, and begged. It was a sharp, hoarse, screechy sound that Arii was saved from the brunt of. It wasn't... loud, but certainly not quiet, and it took Arii a moment to remember what the ominous, looming cloud of teacher in front of them had said.

They uncovered their ears, and instead tucked the little thing into one of their empty jacket pockets, the lack of things being offered to it and the dark getting it to be quiet. Their voice rose out of their throat before they could stop it.

"'M storry—it—tha—that's what baby birds do." Their voice remained flat and toneless. Measured. They didn't look up at the teacher, ears flattened backward. It was only the startling of a student and their run up to the top deck that informed Arii that anything had changed.

They didn't get up, at first, though, the mere thought of making themself even more of a target to the teacher boiling what nerve they had, and catching their breath in their chest.

Even still, their expression remained completely impassive.
fc 24.pngRumi Komori
Notable Features
Red eyes, sharp teeth, and hair down to their ass.
Storm Rider, Below deck
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Neo Alice Neo Alice ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon
Notable Events
Rumi said nothing in response to the teacher, before talking to Baxter.

"Hahahaha, so fitting for you. Fake people make faker things I guess."

Rumi's eyes hadn't moved from the little puddle of death that continued to drip from her hand until the teacher commented on her creation. Red eyes snapped up and met the gold of her teacher.
Now, where in the world had she gotten that impression? She had only said a single word to the woman, and her attempts to quell the previous crisis were- in fact- genuine.
She opened her mouth to comment- but the teacher kept speaking.

"I was hopping you could back up that attitude with some power and talent." The woman gestured to the other students; most of whom she had given at least some direction to after their
initial attempt.
"But at this rate might as well get used to being at the bottom of the food chain, your little party trick of minor illusions will get you nowhere past this point."

The wild born let out a shaky breath she hadn't noticed she'd been holding in. Calm down. There was no point in letting herself loose balance.
Fine. This teacher didn't seem to like her much; oh well. Rumi was used to being disliked.
Despite her efforts to be friendly (or.. less than snarky at least ), she simply wasn't made to care about every little hair she ruffled while going about her day.
It wasn't like the woman could be any worse than her mom anyways-

"Oh and it's Professor le Fay for you. I'm authorized to turn any disrespectful brats into worms to feed the baby griffins, keep that in mind."

Ah yes. That's right.
Rumi had chosen this path with the expectation that the world she was escaping to would be better than the one she left; but there was never any promise. She was still living at the mercy of whatever adult decided she still had the right to live.

There was no where that would ever be safe. Not for her at least.
Maybe she was just made to hurt, like the little doll she had made the mistake of giving life.

Some sad chirping sounded somewhere in the background followed by an explanation that was somehow both monotonous and frantic- but both were ignored. Rumi couldn't turn her face that way at the moment.

Without a word of reply to the teacher, she moved her head down to avoid looking at her; or anyone else. A vice grip squeezed the meat of her forearm until she felt a blister pop under the pressure and her smile faltered, straining- but didn't fade. With a sudden, jerking motion she moved the once grasping arm quickly, wiping away a straggling tear before her discomfort garnered any unwanted attention.

She... Couldn't leave even if there was a way out, so here was no point in complaining. Rumi had a reason to be here. It would only last just long enough to find something to help Ruri- but it was still a reason. They could seal off her magic, execute her- whatever they wanted after. But not before then.

"Respect your elders if you expect to survive your first year."

Oh she hated that phrase so deeply, and hated the woman that uttered it wholly.
Rumi didn't have an ounce of respect for any of them in her body, but she could certainly pretend to.
Standing perfectly still, smile struggling to stay in it's place- she bit her lip. Fuck her stupid ( sexy ) sharp ass teeth though. A pinch of pain and a trickle of warmth dripped into her mouth.

"Hey, you weren't planning on using that stuff, were ya?"

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed the little green monster slurping at the little puddle of goo until the tall boy standing by her pointed it out.
This was...This was so, so stupid.
She was thankful for the distraction though.

" Aww, i was actually going to see if I could make that rotten plant soup into a hair mask, " The joke came out more weakly than she had expected.

" ...Im kidding, of course," There we go, her smile lost its tight lip strain, and the quiver to her voice evened as she steadied herself. She wasn't sure what that... thing was- but she took a cautious step away. Just to be safe.
" It's' dead- may as well be food, " Which was true ( despite herself being a vegetarian, but that was predominantly due to an irrational fear of animals ) " I'd let your little friend have this too, " she said- holding up the hand still smeared with dark slime " but I think it'd just take the whole hand with it."

The attempt at a joke fell flatter than Rumi would have liked, and she sighed. Apparently she'd have to wait a while longer before she regained her composure, thanks a ton Miss.Bitch.

" See you on deck after the meal then," she managed to retain her manners at least. And with that she dragged her baggage back up, in a hurry to get away from the woman who had recently threatened to murder her over a first name.
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6CCC5DAF-9F67-4FC1-916A-89952FD46694.jpeg 24C9D84C-E9E0-419A-B55B-BDE50E986748.jpeg
Sonia Lockheart

: Storm Rider, Top Deck
Interactions: .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf.
Mentions: Nothing out loud
Notable Events: Heading up the stairs to the top deck to look at the school
Notable Physical Features: Eyes turned bright blue by Conduit Moment

Sonia had been too focused on her own creation to watch many of the others, but when she finally looked around she marveled at all of the very different creatures they’d conjured up. There were cats and dogs, birds, and more! The screaming raccoon made her want to laugh even while the biting vine monster and the failed pile of goo made her feel a mix of disgusted and sad. She was going to have to get used to sudden whirlwinds of strange things happening, wasn’t she?

When Moraine started to circle the room, Sonia couldn’t help a little thrill of nerves, as anxious about sudden quizzes as anyone - and the tests from here on out had potential to be volatile, too. She stayed still and listened to all of the instruction, hoping to learn more despite feeling like she'd succeeded in this particular trial. She’d made something from just a seed, after all, and even if it turned out that the seed had been special in some way it felt like an accomplishment. Still, when Moraine criticized her in a warning tone, Sonia nodded seriously and tried to commit the idea to memory. Magic was unpredictable when not strictly controlled, she gathered, and after seeing what had become of some of the seeds the others held she knew she would need to pay better attention to instructions in the future and follow them to the letter. That idea was only reinforced in a more negative way when Moraine continued about the room, and the comment on turning people into worms had nervous tension curling tight around the back of Sonia's neck. Were their teachers going to be so strict? Was this new school so terrible to its students? She didn’t want to think about it.

Instead of letting herself continue to worry, Sonia looked at Korri for a moment to see how he would react, then gave herself a little shake and tried to smile again. "I’m going to go take a look up top. If you don’t want to come, I’ll find you once we land, okay?"

As much as she wanted to help comfort those that had 'failed' the test, she wasn't quite sure what to say. It wasn’t as if she thought she knew any more about magic than they did, and she didn’t know what others' aptitudes for it would be like. On top of that, if she came over to them with little Fern in her hands and they’d still made nothing, she was worried she might only make them feel bad.

Letting Korri decide whether he would follow or not, Sonia made her way to the stairs with Fern cradled to her shoulder with one hand, the other keeping her balanced on the way up. The wind up top felt like the few times she’d been on a boat, cool and fresh as it rushed past, and the deck was surprisingly steady when she made her way to the edge a few feet away from another student to look out at the school.

"It’s beautiful!" She exclaimed, staring out at it with an almost giddy smile, eyes wide and amazed. The mixes of colors were so pretty! As daunting as the future could be, the sight in front of them - and the small, newly grown life in her hands - was starting to help her feel more excited than afraid.

Wanting to make as many friends as she could, Sonia gave the other student nearby a little wave and a smile, in case they didn’t like handshakes. She wasn’t sure what the gloves were for, but didn’t want to push anyone uncomfortable with touching others' hands. "Your little dog is so cute!" She said, giving a big grin and angling Fern so he could look at both the other student and their creation. "Maybe they'll play together! I'm Sonia, and this is Fern. What’s your name?"

She wasn’t sure if she would get to keep Fern by her side or not, and she was already sad at the thought, but for now she would just enjoy his and the other plant creatures' presence. It was best to smile when she could, and try not to worry about what might happen in the future when, now more than ever, the answer was anything.
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Korrnelius Mountcastle
Location:Storm Rider
Interactions: CanaryCry CanaryCry Neo Alice Neo Alice (open)
Mentions: .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf.
Notable Events:looking upon the school for the first time. Also having a full blown conversation with the owl he just created
Notable Physical Features: Glowing Blue eyes and the glowing tattoo on his neck.​

Earth witch?” Korri said questioningly before looking to the owl which titled its head and hooted in response. Korri chuckled and rubbed the owls head “how do you like the name Hana?” He asked the owl who pecked his hand in response “ow” he exclaimed rubbing the sore part on his thumb. “Boy owl?” He asked “ok what about Omo?” He flinched waiting for the peck but instead was greeted with a long coo from the owl which made Korri smile. “Omo it is then” he chuckled and pet the owl once more before looking over to Sonia when she spoke to him

Something looked like it was bothering her as she exited after saying she was going up top “yea I’ll meet you up there” Korri managed to call out before she took her leave.

He looked down to Omo on his shoulder and decided they should head up top with the rest of the group and also to check on Sonia. “Wanna go get some real wind under those wings?” Korri grinned to the owl who ruffled his feathers in response and flew off towards the door. “Well damn wait for me” he called out “shoot sorry” he looked towards the teacher before dashing out the door behind the excited owl. This time Korri bolted up the stairs and through the ship like it was nothing simply trying to keep up with the owl “for someone so little, you are really fast” he called out with a huff and the owl hooted in response before both of them barged into the upper deck and was created by the warm of the sun, a strong breeze that blew his hair tie away which resulted in his hair dancing in the wind like a band of blue snakes.

While the breeze was pleasant to Korri, it was way to much for Omo and he struggled to flap his wings against the wind current the ship was creating. Korri reached up and scooped the owl in his hands “don’t worry, you’ll be able to fly more when we land” he added trying to cheer up the obviously upset owl. He looked up to see Sonia introducing herself to the kid who made the dog and be he decided he would go to the front of the ship to look at the school.

So this is literally a castle huh” He exclaimed looking at the different colors the the building that represented the sources
I’m guessing that one’s for earth” he pointed to the side with the green accents. He thought about the teachers comment on how he could be a earth witch and he looked to the owl “So obviously there is more than one source, I wonder which one my first magic came from..” he trailed off as if thinking of an answer to his own question “it’s Earth, I heard the teacher say something about Sky, I’m guessing the yellow building is for sun” he paced back and forth before it clicked in his head that each source had an opposite “moon!” He shouted before cringing down and looking around quickly to see if anyone had heard him “that’s where the ice comes from…but it can’t just be ice right? I’m feel like there’s other stuff involved” he looked at the owl as if he could understand what Korri was saying and he gave a short hoot in response

Korri sighed and looked at the school “maybe this place won’t be so bad after all” he mumbled before moving hair from his face.

Catoria Veltora
Location: Storm Rider, Bellow Deck Room
Interactions: None.
Mentions: Neo Alice Neo Alice Tapfic Tapfic GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Notable Events: Is now laying up.
Notable Features: Ice Cold Skin (Dark Blue/Borderline Purple), glowing purple eyes and a Scar underneath their right eye.
Catoria couldn't help but scowl at the critique of her methods from the teacher, sure she may of used up quite a bit of her magic reserves, but it helped her adapt herself to the consistent flow of things, which eventually ended up with her providing decent results. After all the path you use doesn't matter, as long as you get to your destination successfully. With those thoughts in mind the small creature began nudging their hand, it was a bit cute, and a bit annoying, as she wondered what the point of creating these things were, she didn't like it one bit, and she had no idea how to take care of a animal like this. When the teacher announced that they could go up deck to go see the school Catoria didn't' even bother to get up, as they were content with laying on the floor until they were actually able to get off, besides they were going to see it soon anyways once they got off of this, thing. So it wasn't like she was missing out on much, it was just a minor self delay and she didn't mind waiting a extra couple of minutes to see the school, and the extra couple of minutes to rest their body.

After a few seconds though, Catoria got up in order to lean against the wall and get a visual on the other students and their bag that was still untouched in the corner. Catoria watched as some students went up in order to look at the school, while some stayed and talked, Catorias eyes going to the one girl who was the same one to try to play peacemaker early on. Their task seemed to be a utter failure, they didn't seem very happy, though they seemed to be trying to hide their feelings, which they were doing a decent job at. It wasn't until some strange guy started talking to her that she returned to her smug self, Catoria couldn't help but blink at how quickly she recovered. Her eyes began to glow from the spark of emotions she was feeling, Catoria figured that, that woman could be a valuable ally to have later on, the trick would be figure out a good way to approach them, which she supposed she could find out once they finally land.

But as of right now, she allowed her eyes to dim down, as she looked around the room, before then turning their attention to their little creature that was now running around in circles in front of them. Catoria didn't do anything besides watch it continue to run around in circles as of begging for their attention, that they were only reluctantly giving them.
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Ryan Teller
Location: Storm Rider, Top Deck

Interactions: Neo Alice Neo Alice Tapfic Tapfic Lord_Boreas Lord_Boreas

Mentions: Ghostiiys Ghostiiys

Notable Events: After coming up to the deck of the ship and looking at the school, is now attempting to pry Birch from his nose.

Notable Physical Features: Green and silver tattoos glowing lightly up his arms.

Ryan couldn't help but give a brief grin as his teacher congratulated him on his success and shrugged after she patted Birch on the head. "I just winged it. Wasn't actually expecting to create this little guy," he chuckled lightly, scratching behind Birches ear before looking to inspect the rest of the other student's creations. The one that grabbed his attention first came from a screaming raccoon clutching at the leg of the rude girl from before. Ryan couldn't help but laugh at the sight, covering his mouth with a fist as he continued to snicker at the expression on her face as she stared down at her creation. "Pretty fitting," he chuckled before Birch gave a loud yip in agreement. "You said it buddy," he laughed and rubbed his mossy head with a smirk. If the rude girl were to look his way she'd see a smug-looking Ryan and Birch looking at her. After forcing himself to look away from the entertaining sight he looked to the other success with curiosity. From pups and different types of birds to small doughy looking humanoids and plant soccer balls with teeth, Ryan couldn't help but be impressed. Everyone had such different tastes and styles that created cool creations. Of course, to Ryan, they had nothing on his new fox friend. With a bit of pride, he scratched under his companion's chin.

Glancing over to the long-haired girl with red eyes he winced at the puddle of her creation below her and frowned slightly from Moraine's rather harsh words. It didn't seem necessary to beat down new students like that, but her warning kept him from questioning her actions. Hopefully, the girl would be able to shake it off and not let it get to her. After their teacher finished giving feedback to the other students and announced that they were about to arrive at their destination Ryan arched his brows in slight surprise, not expecting to reach the school yet. With a shrug, he simply made his way towards the stairs leading up to the deck of the ship, though as he passed the long-haired girl he leaned over slightly. "Don't let it get to you too much, you'll get it next time," he whispered before passing her and making his way up the stairs, Birch looking over his shoulder to let out an encouraging yip to her.

Once finally emerging onto the deck he took a deep breath and stretched his limbs with a sigh. They hadn't been down there for too long, but it felt good to breathe in the fresh air. The voices from the edge of the ship caught his attention and saw the boy with ice magic looking out over the ship. "Let's go get a look too," he said to Birch before walking over to join the others looking out at the school. As he reached the rail side of the ship he paused for a moment, his eyes widening in shock at the amazing structure, and felt a shiver run up his spine. Silently he leaned forward, gripping the railing for support as Birch climbed down to sit atop the wood railing, his tail curling around Ryan's wrist to ensure he doesn't go flying off. Finally, his mind snapped out of the moment of awe and smiled. "Holy shit, this place is insane!" he laughed, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he let his gaze wander on the spectacle before them. The different sections of the school dividing the classes were clear, Earth, Sky, Moon, and Sun.

His eyes fell onto the earth section of the school and swallowed, his hands tightening on the railings as he unconsciously leaned a bit further over the edge. This was it, this is where he got started on his new path. Ryan's eyes closed as he tried to settle his racing mind, the swelling of emotions in his chest growing stronger and the tingling in his arms becoming more intense as his marking began to glow. At the moment he could only think of home, of his mother and his brother waiting for him to return. His nails dug into the wood as the shame of abandoning them struck his heart, knowing he had no intentions of returning until he found the answers he was looking for. Flashes of the incident that led to his powers awakening filled his mind and made his shoulders grow tense, an unpleasant frown coming to his face. The soft brush of mossy fur against his hand brought him back from his thoughts and opened his eyes, looking down to see Birch looking up at him with their ears folded backward. Ryan simply stared down at his wooden companion for a moment before feeling his body relax and smiled. With his free hand, he scratched behind their ear and chuckled before looking back towards the school.

Closing his eyes once more he took the moment to think of his family and home one last time, giving a silent farewell before snapping his eyes open with a determined glint in his gaze. No turning back, no giving up! He will learn to control these powers and find the answers he's looking for! "Alright!" he blurted before snapping his hands away from the railing and slapping his cheeks a couple of times to prepare him for the first step in his journey. "Let's do this!" he declared with a wave of confidence flowing through him. He wouldn't have long to enjoy this new sense of confidence though as a panicked yelp reached his ears over the wind. Looking up he realized Birch had still been wrapped around his wrist and widened his eyes in a panic to see his wooden buddy flying in the air with flailing limbs. "AH! Birch!" he shouted in alarm as he shot out with his hands latching out to grab him before they fell. Luckily, he managed to catch his companion before they plummeted over the side, though he himself nearly fell off alongside them before falling backward back onto the deck. Panting heavily and clutching Birch to his chest Ryan let out a long sigh of relief.

After gaining his composure he held up his scared senseless companion, still trembling in his hands, and gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that pal," he chuckled nervously. Birch seemed to snap out of his petrified state and growled at Ryan before snapping their small jaws on his nose, latching on with a snarl. "AH! Owowowowowow!! Let go, let go!" Ryan shouted in panic as he tried to pry his angry creation from his face. The confidence he had before was now completely gone, replaced by doubt and the painful feeling of splintered teeth clamped onto the bridge of his nose. Oh well, least there wasn't blood. Yet.
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Location Storm Rider; below deck room and then Storm Rider; above deck.

Neo Alice Neo Alice - Ms. Moraine le Fay
(Open to more!)


Tapfic Tapfic - Rumi Komori

Notable EventsCaoimhe takes to heart what Ms. le Fay says about her work and also what she says about Rumi's. They try to ignore the sinking feeling in their stomach as they go up top to see the school, all the while speaking to their crow and trying to come up with a name.

Notable Physical FeaturesPointed ears and teeth, as well as a streak of white hair and a blue eye from new-found heterochromia.

Caoimhe frowned as Ms. le Fay chided them on their lack of concentration. They looked down at the crow in their hands, " Yes ma'am... " They mumbled quietly. While the praise was sweet, it hurt a bit to know that they had harmed their creation without even trying. But she sighed, standing up and holding the corvid closer to her face, " It's alright... even if you can't fly, I'll love you regardless. " She whispered. The little crow cawed softly at that, gently pushing it's beak up against Caoimhe's nose, eliciting a slight laugh from the wild-born.

As Caoimhe was placing the crow on their shoulder, making certain that the little thing wouldn't fall off, they overheard the professor's remarks towards one of the other students. Something harsh and honestly a bit threatening. She flinched, tucking her hands under her arms as she listened in with worry. Feed them to griffins? That- that didn't seem right. A punishment for far more than... what? Making a small mistake? They shuddered at the thought. Detention was bad, but this place sounded like it might have even worse types of punishments and that scared Caoimhe more than she wanted to admit.

What made it worse was the way Ms. le Fay seemed to brush off the fact that she had said anything like that, going on to continue to tell them that they had arrived. Caoimhe exchanged a slight glance at the other student and then to the crow on her shoulder before silently deciding it was better not to bring anything up so soon after that. Instead, they walked past everyone to go upstairs.

When she made it up top, Caoimhe froze, staring at the academy in the not-so-far distance. It was huge and beautiful. Full of colors and stained glass and it genuinely startled Caoimhe. To think a school could actually have enough money to do something like this seemed a bit out-there. But, then again, Caoimhe had gotten so very used to the little high-school she used to go to... barely able to fund the arts. They looked back over at the crow on their shoulder, " I... can't believe this is what we're getting into. " The crow cawed back, shifting it's weight before nudging her in the ear. " Oh- right... I don't have anything to call you, do I? Hm. How about this, we'll both think about it, yeah? And maybe one of us will figure something out? " And the crow flapped it's wings in seeming agreement.
Severin Daylede
Storm Rider
Interactions: CanaryCry CanaryCry Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Notable Events:
Interacting excitedly with others
Notable Physical Features: The gloves, eye color still fighting

They looked over at the person talking to them. They grinned nodding, "Thank you! He's very sweet, I bet they'll get along." They turned to Sonia, and turned the puppy towards the both of them to show them. The puppy barked at Fern, wagging his tail. "I'm Severin! I haven't named this sweetheart yet, though. Fern is so cute!" They were glad to meet someone else, and make as many friends as possible. Not all of them had to be close, but less enemies were what they wanted. It was slightly concerning to think that the students already here might not be as nice. But they'd deal with that, if it happened, later. Severin felt as if they were finally returning back to their usual self, and not so nervous.

The nervousness could've just been from the fact they were taken from their original home and life, by complete strangers who looked not so friendly, thrown onto a whale-ship, and a strange lady who is apparently one of their professors forced them to use magic and ridiculed a few of them. This would be like when they moved in the middle of Freshman year, but probably in a slightest resemblance. In the way that the students weren't too welcoming to the fact this new kid just barged in and immediately started trouble. It wasn't intentional trouble either.

Everything had sunk in, and they realized their situation. Why not try and make the best of it? "So, what do you think of the academy so far? Doesn't it look really cool?" They wanted to keep conversation for a little bit. Well that was until the commotion that happened a little ways away from the two of them. They hesitated for a moment, but the person looked like they were having a little trouble. The puppy turned towards the fox and barked twice, with a tilted head. He seemed confused why the fox was so angry and tried to wriggle out of Sev's arms. Which worked, and the tiny puppy clumsily dashed over to the boy and the fox. The puppy put his front paws against the boy's leg and barked a few more times. By now Severin had given Sonia an apologetic look and rushed over to grab the puppy.

Before Sev managed to get the creature, he had used his wings to propel himself upwards and bit a piece of the fox's root-like tail. Sev grabbed the puppy, who was still wagging his tail, and made him let go. "I'm sorry about him.. Do.. Do you need some help?" The puppy still wriggled and barked in their arms, which led Severin to shush the puppy and held him with one arm. As far as they were concerned, the puppy was in trouble for biting the fox.
(the dragon summoned is the one pictured but much smaller and without any horns or facial hair)

lómhara Cloch

Location: Storm Rider, Bellow Deck Room

Interactions: Neo Alice Neo Alice (open to interaction)

Mentions: Generally everyone and their summons

Notable Events: Hatched a dragon from her seed, the dragon has taken the form of a bracelet on her wrist.

Notable Physical Features: Hara's eyes are tainted orange and her hair is stained with streaks and tips of the same yellow/orange hue. She is also very tall at 5'11

In all honesty, the professor's perplexed expression and initial response did very little to fill Hara with confidence. In fact, her clear confusion only made Hara all the more worried about her seed and more importantly what it was she actually had done to it. Clearly, this was not something that was meant to happen though upon allowing the professor to further inspect the seed Hara was soon encouraged to try again. How strange, could she really force life from a petrified seed? Wait, since when was it strange for it to only be from a petrified seed, had seeing so many lifeforms already extracted from the seeds already warped her sense of normality so much so that she only found her own situation strange? Magic was dangerous. It spat in the face of logic and all the science she had learned up until this point and even now it was rapidly changing her outlook on life. How terrifying!

With the professor moving on to the other students and with many of them heading toward the upper deck, Hara returned her focus to her seed. Closing her hand over it, she began to visualise and concentrate. All she had to do was remember what that first moment felt like and then expand on it right! After about a minute had passed a soft cracking could be heard from the seed and in response, Hara opened her palm wide. Her mind was filled with memories of the cave in. Of how she overcame it and of how the earth had listened to her orders. How the very mountain itself made way for her escape. She honed in on that feeling, on the power she felt surge inside her and the resonating power of the earth itself. And as she began to pool her power, so too did her seed. Crack after crack could be heard time and time again. That was until eventually the seed burst open like an egg and from it emerged a small dragon made from the very same stone. At first, it was no bigger than a fingernail but after a few seconds, it quickly grew to a size that could comfortably wrap around Hara's wrist like a bracelet. It had absorbed her mana and grown to a proportionate size.

Looping her wrist the little dragon sat comfortably like an accessory and after a few adjustments to its positioning, it lay its head down on its body and solidified into hard stone. As though hibernating or conserving energy. Raising her wrist to carefully examine the hardened creature Hara began to smile softly to herself. It truly blended in like an ornate bracelet. In fact had she not summoned and witnessed it herself she would have thought it a bracelet herself. How fascinating!

"Professor. Did you see that? This little dragon, it's turned itself to stone. I can still feel it resonating with me but it is like its in a deep sleep. It's refusing to wake up... something about not having enough energy... Could you explain that to me? How do I give it more energy?"​
C351FE34-6BB9-4486-AA96-011303BF1F2F.jpeg 64343F47-A1F9-47AA-866A-CAD461DDAEA3.jpeg
Sonia Lockheart

: Storm Rider, Top Deck
Interactions: .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf. Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Mentions: Lord_Boreas Lord_Boreas
Notable Events: Trying to help Sev save Ryan
Notable Physical Features: Eyes turned bright blue by Conduit Moment

It was easier to smile while talking to a friendly face. Severin seemed nice, willing enough to speak with her and in good spirits. It made Sonia feel a little more hopeful about what came next, knowing there were at least a couple of people willing to be, if not friends, then at least friendly. Korri even came up on the deck with them, though he seemed to be bonding with his new owl friend rather than coming over to talk. She couldn’t blame him, really. She was already rather attached to Fern, herself.

"It looks amazing," Sonia said with a grin, looking back out at the academy once more. "I can’t wait to see what the inside looks like." The building itself was probably amazing. It was the students that worried her. Being wildborn rather than born with magic seemed like something that could be held above their heads for a long time. She could only hope that witches weren’t so snobby.

"Oh?" Sonia looked over, a bit startled, when the new male student nearby threw his hands up, and her eyes went a little wide at the ensuing chaos even as she moved immediately as if to make a grab for the both of them. They were so high up she couldn’t stomach the thought of them falling, and reaching for them with one hand while still clutching Fern to her chest with the other was instinctual. Thankfully, at least, the student and his fox friend didn’t end up needing to be pulled back to safety, as she hadn't been quite close enough to help.

When Sev and their puppy hurried off to help, Sonia was far from offended and hurried to follow and kneel down next to the boy whose fox was biting his face. It didn’t look comfortable, and she didn’t think the puppy pulling too was helping, even though she wasn’t sure what to do to help.

"Are you okay?" She asked, glancing at Severin with a little grimace as if they might know what to do and setting Fern down at her side, hands hovering as if to do something but not knowing what. "Should - Should I try to pull its mouth open?" She would probably get splinters, and it might even try to bite her instead of him, but at least it would be away from his face.

Fern, quiet but curious, reached out to try and swat at one of the fox's paws with his small hands, though he wasn’t quite tall enough to reach, and the tiny plant being flailing his arms around was cute enough to make Sonia want to laugh. She couldn’t tell if he was trying to grab onto it, or just trying to tell it no.
Ruth Goodwill

Location: Storm Rider - Below Deck
Interactions: GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Neo Alice Neo Alice Uasal Uasal
Notable Events: Trade offer
Notable Physical Features: Multiple-colored irises

As Ruth was watching her potato baby trying to turn itself on its back, a boy approached her and playfully offered her to turn it into hash brown. A mischievous smirk appeared on Ruth's face as she lightly elbowed while looking at her potato, she licked her lips as if imagining how tasty it would be.

"Really? I might take your offer for that." Hearing the banter, the potato baby curled into a fetal position while trembling. Ruth found it interesting that the creature knew what was happening. She smiled and lifted the potato onto her lap to reassure it.

"Just kidding~ I'm not gonna do that. I like fries more."

After spending her time watching other students make their own seed buddy, the teacher decided its time for scoring. Overall Ruth was pretty happy with her potato, but the teacher said she should work her concentration more. Ruth was wondering how can she projects her will if she can't speak it out loud?

Finally they arrived at their destination, Ruth wanted to go upstair and take some fresh air but something immediately caught her attention. A dragon! One of the girl just hatched a dragon from their seed, Ruth didn't want to lose the opportunity so she approached the girl.

"Hey, hey. You got a cool one there! How about a trade? My potato for your stone bracelet dragon?"​
Vienna Clement
Location: Storm Rider, Below Deck Room; Storm Rider, Above Deck
Interactions: Lord_Boreas Lord_Boreas
Mentions: Neo Alice Neo Alice Tapfic Tapfic
Notable Events: N/A
Notable Physical Features: pointed ears, bright green eyes

In her concentration, Vienna hadn’t had much of a chance to see what the other students had grown. Now, as Professor Le Fay strolled around the room, Vienna browsed the other creations, some more successful than others. Some of the students hadn’t grown anything at all. Others had produced creatures that were misshapen or… unconventional was the best word she could find to describe the leafy, sharp-toothed thing chewing on one boy’s arm.

Vienna was growing nervous, watching Moraine speak to each student individually, but at least she didn’t seem to be too harsh so far. Thankfully, Professor Le Fay seemed to approve of Vienna’s bird. She had noticed the incident with the fire, however, which was a bit embarrassing. Vienna smiled awkwardly, unsure whether she should thank the teacher for the praise or acknowledge her initial mistake, but luckily she moved on to the next student before Vienna could say anything.

That hadn’t been too bad. Maybe Vienna’s first impression of the Earth Source teacher had been wrong. Based on the woman’s showy entrance and the scornful way she had first addressed the room of Wild Borns, Vienna had expected someone dramatic, condescending, and as indifferent to the students’ feelings as many of the Abjurers had been. But so far, Moraine had seemed caring in her individual appraisals, supportive of even the students who had failed to complete their task.

Until she reached the girl with the sickly-sweet smile who had prevented the fight before. The only result of the girl’s effort to grow something from her seed seemed to be a strange goo dripping from her hand. She wasn’t the only one who had been unsuccessful, though, so why was Professor Le Fay targeting this girl specifically? All Vienna had seen of her was her attempts to stop an altercation and bring the group together in a conversation—sure, she may have been a bit domineering, but she seemed to have the others’ best interests in mind. Vienna wasn’t sure what disrespect the girl had shown to Le Fay, but the teacher’s warnings made Vienna nervous. Surely the comment about feeding them to griffins was a joke… but such punishments, though outlandish, weren’t exactly out of the question in this strange magic school that had put over a dozen unpredictable witches in a cramped room together. Vienna had no idea what to expect, so she couldn’t dismiss the idea of harsh punishments like the one that Le Fay had described. She would certainly respect her elders, as Moraine put it, or at least stay out of their way when they were in a bad mood.

They were arriving at the academy already. The trip had been brief, which was probably to be expected with magical forms of transportation. To Vienna’s relief, the students had been allowed to keep their companions. For now, at least. Her parakeet (she would have to think of a name for it soon, but for now she had more immediate concerns) had flown to a perch on her shoulder. After making sure that it was secure, she followed several other students up the stairs, hoping to get her first view of the school. She emerged onto the deck to a strong gust of wind, which caused her bird to nestle closer to her neck. It didn’t seem to be in danger of falling off of its perch, though, so Vienna ventured to the front of the Storm Rider.

The school was much bigger than the one Vienna had gone to before, and the decor was far more impressive. Its imposing nature made her feel a bit sick. All of this change was overwhelming, especially when Vienna had lived in the same place, with the same people, for all of her life. Now she would spend every day in that building, learning to control this magic. Hopefully the lessons would be less stressful than the one she had just had. But Vienna feared she would have to get used to incidents of accidental magic, at least until she and her classmates improved at controlling themselves. That was another thing she’d have to get used to—the other witches. Vienna would be spending a lot of time with them from now on.

She noticed one of them standing alone, looking at the school. The boy who had created the ice in the other room. He appeared to be talking to his owl. Now would be a good time for Vienna to introduce herself to him if she wanted to get to know some of the other students. At least he was less intimidating than some of the others; he’d had some difficulty controlling his magic, but he hadn’t tried to start a fight with anyone. Vienna took a deep breath before approaching him. “Hey, I like your owl. Does it have a name?” she asked with a (hopefully) friendly smile.
Felix Grant


Location: Storm Rider, Below deck

Interactions: Neo Alice Neo Alice , open

Mentions: Rumi ( Tapfic Tapfic ) and Arii ( ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ), plus most if not all of the other students

Notable Events: Got lost temporarily, ended up missing most of the lesson but was able to try and participate towards the end.

Notable Physical Features: White hair, slightly pointed ears, sharp canines

Felix had remained quiet during the trip to the abandoned building that wasn't so abandoned, full of pointed eared witches moving about and wondered if the place had some sort of spell in place to make the building look rundown so they can continue to work without interruption in….whatever they did here.

When handed over the cloak and belt he, admittedly, thought they were okay, though the chameleon(?) and rainbows were kind of ugly. He put them on over his oversized sweater and sweatpants anyway without outward complaint, pulling the hood over his head once taken to the roof.

When asked to hand over any technology, he started to with only the slightest bit of hesitation before double checking that he wiped it before leaving the house, much to the Abjurers annoyance as they waited to be handed the device. Felix had only texted his friends that morning as he was packing a few clothes and his toothbrush into his backpack as he didn't own a luggage bag, having left a simple note for his mom whenever she got back. Once doing finally handing over the device, said Abjurer had to make sure the young Wild Born didn't get bowled over by a strong gust of wind as the Storm Rider descended to allow the students to board.

"What is that?" Felix muttered, hand raised to keep his hood in place while also thanking the Abjurer for keeping him steady. Once given an answer and seeing a few of his fellow Wild Borns board, he carefully made his way across the bridge made for them. While others had immediately gone below deck, Felix had grown rather curious and tried to explore. There hadn't been much to look at, and he quickly grew bored. Then grew concerned when he realized he…had no idea where exactly the others were.

It took him a few minutes before he heard voices and followed those, and when he did reach where the others likely were his hands had grown a bit sweaty from nerves, reminded of his first day in high school in 9th grade when he had been a bit late and had to try to remember where his first class was, hearing the teacher through the closed door and feeling bad for interrupting, as well as embarrassed for being stared at by other kids he didn't know. The teacher had been rather sweet though, and Gabe had been the first to talk to him and ease his nerves, even allowing him to sit with him.

Having calmed at the memory of meeting one of his closest friends, and missing said friend dearly, he walked into the room, and felt a surge of magical energy in the air from some of his fellow students, watching as some created animals in their hands. Or tried to, in some cases, after catching just about the last bit from the supposed teacher in the room. At first he stood there, awkward, but no one seemed to notice him at first, and so he simply slipped away into a corner out of the way.

"Feel it's energy and then shape it as if it was clay, nurture it and give it form." Moraine said towards another student, causing him to raise a brow. Sounded easier said than done, if some of the others struggling was any indication. And then he had been handed a seed, and he had tried to follow instructions, but…nothing…happened. Not at first. She was already giving criticism to others a few minutes after, and some of them were harsh and caused irritation to flare even if the words weren't directed at him at all, but to a red eyed girl who seemed effected by the words sent her way.

He glowered down at his sweaty hands as Le Fey nonchalantly said she'd turn them into worms and feed them to griffins if they so much as misbahaved, that familiar cold anger slowly creeped into his limbs from his chest. What counted as 'misbehaving' and being 'disrespectful' enough for that to be a possible punishment? If it was some form of joke, it was one in bad taste.

'No, stay calm. Focus.' he thought to himself, even if the teacher already didn't make a good first impression with him so far, seeming much like his mother with her almost snobbish way of speaking even if the words hurt others whether they meant well or not. Other than suspecting that he wasn't going to like her class for the duration he'd be stuck in it, he tried to take hold of the cold anger and bury it. Instead, he felt the warmth of the seed in his hands and tried to focus on that instead of the cold he associated with the shadows and his magic. He tried to picture an animal of some form.

Green…all he could picture was greenvat first. Green vines and brown twigs twisting into a vague rodent like shape. Sprouting from the seed had been such, slowly making the framework to what may have been a cat or weasel or other mammal, then came green moss like fur with white petals making up most of it's face markings, beady black eyes settled deep into it's face as he stared down at the creature he made and the glowing green encasing his hands began to fade away.

A Red Panda…well, Green Panda, more like. Except, it had a stub for a tail, the twigs and vines having not finished completely and the moss seeming thinnest there as it covered said twigs and vines. The little guy didn't seem too bothered as his black eyes stared up at Felix, who was a bit tired channeling his magic like that while trying to keep his more negative emotions in check. He was pleased with the results nonetheless, and didn't really care if it wasn't perfect, or if it's stare was a bit…unsettling, it had a cute charm to it. The black of it's eyes kind of reminded Felix of the shadows somehow.

Then they had arrived, and most of the others had left by now, and the nerves started to creep back in, but he contained them, gaze flicking to Rumi and the other witch who both seemed...in not so great shape emotionally, somehow. For now his gaze drifted back to Moraine, awaiting her comments before leaving to get off this whale ship.

E9E4ADF6-ACDD-4946-8751-DE5BA0878165.jpeg C405C99C-FC86-4B25-BBF1-FDEB8A949189.jpeg Judas Carter

Location: Storm Rider, Top Deck and Below Deck

Noticeable Physical features: Glowing Yellow Eyes, a lightning-shaped ‘mark’ on his cheek that goes up to the bottom of his eye

Interactions: Neo Alice Neo Alice Peckinou Peckinou

Mentions: Tapfic Tapfic GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Notable Events: Slightly blushing at Professor le May’s compliment. Going up to see the Academy

At first, Judas expected the professor to point out all of his mistakes. How he didn’t think about the whole ‘visualization’ part of the exercise. But to his surprise, the professor complimented his abilities despite being a Sky Witch. His cheeks flushed with red. He has rarely been praised for ssomething he did. “Ah…t-thank you professor.” He said quietly. He looked at Ivy and petted her. As he was petting Ivy he glanced over at some other students. Notably, One of the had a rather strange cabbage-shaped monster, who was…quite hungry. Hopefully it doesn’t find him and Ivy appetizing. He looked over at another student, who’s creation was nothing more but a puddle. He felt a bit sorry for her. “I guess most people struggle with certain types of magic. Especially if the magic isn’t one that they specialize in.” He sighed and got up as Ivy slithered up to his shoulder. “Might as well see what the academy looks like.” He walked up to the top deck to be greeted by an amazing view. He looked at the academy down below. He remembered what the professor said. His face that was once of awe, to that one of slight dread. “A few years here? That’s a bit jarring, but ok.”

He headed back below deck gather his stuff to prepare for landing. He made sure everything was here and that he had enough for few years. But then again, the school would provide some form of essentials for the student body. Once he got all his stuff together, he remembered the girl he was going to greet before Professor le May appeared. He looked around and saw her up against the wall. He took a deep breath and approached the girl. “Hi, again. My name’s Judas. Judas Carter. Sorry for not telling you earlier. Since, Y’know, the Professor interrupted me.” He nervously chuckled. “So what’s your name?”
Ryan Teller

Location: Storm Rider, Top Deck

Interactions: .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf. CanaryCry CanaryCry

Mentions: N/A

Notable Events: Managing to calm Birch down before introducing himself to Severin and Sonia.

Notable Physical Features: Green and silver tattoos glowing lightly up his arms.

"Come on I said I was sorry!" Ryan shouted as Birch continued to latch onto his nose, a muffled growl vibrating from his wooden jaw as he glared at his creator. Stubborn little bastard could really hold a grudge! As Ryan tried to pry his little attacker away, he arched a brow as small barking reached his ears. Soon he felt a pair of paws on his leg and looked down, Birch writhing as ferociously as a fox his size could when attacking its prey and tilted his head as he momentarily forgot of the slight pain of his companion's little jaws. Before he could question the pup's sudden appearance, he saw one of his fellow students, the one with unique eyes, heading his way. Ryan realized the pup must have been theirs, but before he could say anything the pup used its wings to fly up and bite down on Birch's rooted tail. "Ah! Damn it! That's making it worse!" he cried out as the pup pulled Birch back by his tail, yanking his nose along with them. Luckily the student reached them before the two could pull his nose completely off and sighed with a bit of relief, well as much relief as he could with a set of wooden teeth gnawing on his face. As his fellow classmate asked if he needed help Ryan gave a strained chuckle, trying to wiggle his attacker from his face.

"I-OW- I think I can handle this soon-to-be pile of splinters-OW!" he grumbled with a strained smile before glaring side aways at Birch who, by the look in his eyes, did not take too kindly to Ryan's threat as he threw his own challenging glare towards him. "Ballsy little twig, huh?" he growled before turning his gaze back up to the student to see a girl now arriving to try and help. Ryan held back a groan from the new face. He had appreciated the concern from the two but felt foolish at the moment and would rather be spared from the humiliation. With a forced smile between brief winces of pain, he held up his hand. "N-No, it's fine. Really," he assured them before looking down to see a small soft plant humanoid swatting out at Birch. A long sigh escaped him as the situation only seemed to get more ridiculous by the second, though it was a bit amusing to see the small being try and come to his aid.

"I did almost drop him off the ship after all," he said and arched a brow as he felt Birch's bite soften a bit. After a moment of silence, he closed his eyes and crossed his legs. Bringing his hand up to Birch he rested his hand atop his head and sighed softly before the markings on his arms began to glow a light shade of green and silver. They began to pulsate gently from his wrist up to his shoulders, the glow creeping out from beneath his sleeves. "Calm down buddy," he whispered in a soothing tone, his thumb softly running along his forehead. Soon Birch's glare softened before his teeth slowly began to loosen around Ryan's nose. Finally, Birch released his creator and sat down in his lap, looking over at the others around them and at their creations with a curious expression. With a yawn, the wooden fox curled up in Ryan's lap and rested his head on his thigh. A long sigh of relief escaped him as he leaned back propping himself up with one hand while still rubbing the murderous fox's head. "Shit, vicious little bastard aren't ya?" he muttered as he looked down at his companion, smirking in amusement before looking back up to the two students that came to his aid.

"Sorry about that, little dispute between creator and creation," he chuckled sheepishly before clearing his throat, slightly embarrassed from the ordeal. "Ryan. Ryan Teller, and thanks for trying to help out," he thanked after introducing himself with a smirk. "Cool companions you got there, a lot less violent than this block of wood," Birch's tail twitched at the insult, but Ryan quickly sped up the head rubbing to calm him down.
1658129042810.pngBellatrix Astra

Location: Storm Rider, Top Deck

Interactions: (Open for interaction)

Mentions: Neo Alice Neo Alice

Notable Events: Appreciating the fresh air and having a moral debate with herself.

Notable Physical Features: Elf ears, pointed teeth, claw-like hands, iridescent white hair.

After putting some distance between her and the animated bush by stretching her leg as far as she possibly could away from her body, she overheard the winged elf give her reviews of said mini assignment.

She couldn't say that her teacher was wrong about said raccoon's emotional disturbances, but how in the hell is one supposed to expand focus on a personality? Bellatrix didn't acknowledge anything she said after that point. Looking down at the creature she couldn't help but examine it. Were these creatures supposed to be physical manifestations of themselves? Bellatrix shook her head in denial , she'd rather not think that this clingy emotionally draining thing had any connection to her.
She pinched her forehead trying to soothe an incoming migraine, this room was starting to feel stuffy since everyone basically conjured up other living breathing things.

But once Moraine mentioned that they had reached the school and could go to the top deck, Bellatrix practically hobble-ran up the flight of stairs, ignoring any leers that she may have gotten.

''Ugh, really?" she said in a disappointed tone. Bellatrix had expected something... different, the school looked pretty modern which surprised her and not in a good way. But as long as it fed her and housed her she couldn't exactly complain. But what she could and would complain about was this rat still clinging to her leg. Bellatrix had enough and forcefully grabbed it by the scruff.

''I don't know what you think you're doing but you're just an over-glorified bush. You annoy me.''

The creature's ears flattened as Bellatrix held the raccoon over the ledge of the floating ship, hopefully, the fall would flatten the thing, it probably couldn't feel pain. So if anything Bellatrix was doing it a favor by killing it instead of it having to stay with its cruel master. Bellatrix didn't smile, for she simply felt nothing but revolt. Bellatrix wasn't fond of animals, especially after an incident where her father would kill any animals that she or her siblings would bring
home. So just looking at this thing made her feel things she would never be able to confront herself.

But Bellatrix was at a standstill with herself. She gripped its scruff harder before pulling it back and throwing it on the ground. This time she had no words, that one instance of thinking about her family threw her into a tizzy as she crossed her arms and just stared at the school.

She didn't realize the Raccoon had found its home by her leg again, this time holding on a little tighter.
outfit update.pngRumi Komori
Notable Features
Red eyes, sharp teeth, and hair down to their ass.
Storm Rider, on deck
Ghostiiys Ghostiiys

Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Notable Events
Rumi makes it to the deck, and decides to bother Bellatrix

"Don't let it get to you too much, you'll get it next time,"

The boy from earlier whispered the encouragement as he passed, and Rumi paused. The innocent reassurance sparked a...strange thought. " You'll get it next time, " that was encouragement for people who were bad at something.
Rumi had never been bad at anything. So what had happened?
Unfortunately, the teacher had provided....minimal correction- so It was up to Rumi to piece this together herself.

The girl rolled the instance over in her mind, tearing every second apart with a steady scalpel and hungry teeth. Stepping mindlessly, chewing each second piece by piece- until every shred of meat was torn from the still breathing rib cage of her failure, and she made her way up to the deck.

No later than the heel of her boot set onto the smooth deck of the ship, had she reached her conclusion.

It was told to grow, not to live; and did exactly as told as swiftly as possible- with a poorly patched together body and few organs to sustain it. Until it had reached the logical conclusion of its growth.


This of course, was still only a theory that would need extensive testing to be "proven," but while Rumi may have been a bit less than empathetic to other's pain- bringing another dozen dolls to life only to snap themselves until they became nothing but a puddle of rot was a bit too sadistic for her tastes.
...She'd certainly make sure to practice earth magic with a special intrest though, if only to avoid talking to the teacher as much as possible.

Sun fell uncomfortably on Rumi's eyes and against pale skin, and she wrinkled her nose before pulling the gaudy robe up to protect her pale shoulders. While she had- in fact, applied and brought sunscreen with her- covering up in bright light was the best preventive measure to avoid skin cancer.

Rumi scanned the deck, watching in mild amusement as some of the kids she had spoken to earlier drank in the sight of the building, chatted happily, or declared their determination to "do this" whatever "this" was. It was cute.

At least until the sweetheart from earlier nearly tumbled off the ship to his tragic death. That was not so adorable.
Rumi's eyes widened as the boy tipped over the ledge- and she took a reflexive step forward, though he was safe back on deck before she could take another. The scare was enough to have the girl uncomfortably aware of her own heartbeat.
Well, the reaction on her own part was a bit surprising, considering she had so far been acting with the explicit purpose of making "friends" she didn't need to form an actual bond with. But oh well, the startle was a normal human reaction. She'd hammer that flaw out later.

Black heels clicked against the wood of the deck as she stepped back, taking a breath and continuing on as though nothing had happened in the past hour or so- a remarkable talent of hers she had been cultivating since preschool.

With a determination to look like a normal teenager in need of attention, while avoiding any conversation that may drag on; she studied the crowd for someone to pester. Half-lidded gaze drifted to the girl with opalescent hair, holding her chubby little bush thing over the ledge of the ship by its scruff. Red eyes held the scene with interest, but Rumii didn't move to stop the possible euthanasia. To her surprise, after a tense moment Skittles yanked the thing back, throwing it on the ground- to which it responded by scuttling back to her leg.

Rumi failed to hold back a short laugh.

" If you really hate the little thing so much, why don't you just pawn it off on someone else?"

In a moment, dragged out by Rumi's lazy steps- she had wandered to stand next to the short tempered girl ( giving plenty of space for the fluffy little thing attached to her leg, though she still want sure if these things counted as animals ), leaning her elbows against the ledge of the ship.
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Korrnelius Mountcastle
Location: Storm rider, above deck
Interactions: BlueHibiscus BlueHibiscus
Mentions: N/A
Notable Events: eyes returning to their normal cyan
Notable Physical Features: normal

Korri stopped mid conversation to look at the girl who asked about his owl and smiled brightly before rubbing the owl’s head who hooted in response. “His name’s Omo” he responded and the owl hooted as if to acknowledge his name. “Your bird is cool too” he said looking to the parakeet on her shoulder

This was weird, first with Sonia and now with another classmate which was causing his head to hurt. Before today no one had ever made an attempt to talk to him let alone compliment him on something, especially when it came to magic. He looked down to Omo and gave a light smile, maybe this school will be a chance at a fresh start. After spending the last few weeks alone and both mentally and physically covered in ice, this new experience warmed him to his core.

After his mental drawl he looked back to the girl and her parakeet “birds of a feather am I right” he laughed which came out as more of an awkward cackle to which he immediately deadpanned and internally slapped himself.”I’ve really lost my game” he grumbled shaking his head before looking to the girl “Do they have a name yet? Took me awhile to think of one for this guy here” he rubbed the owl again
574C354C-5F83-466D-855C-11C1C6F2A239.jpeg BD24EFB4-37E0-4E69-9AF8-1102532155DD.jpeg
Sonia Lockheart

: Storm Rider, Top Deck
Interactions: .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf. Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Mentions: N/A
Notable Events: Sitting down on the deck with Ryan, and Sev standing nearby
Notable Physical Features: Eyes turned bright blue by Conduit Moment

Sonia wanted nothing more than to help, but couldn’t quite find a way to do it. Not only would her fingers be at risk if she tried to pry the wooden fox's jaws open, she was worried about hurting it, and also worried about making the mossy little thing bite down harder in response. She was relieved, really, when it started to relax and let go on its own, and had to marvel for a moment at the way it calmed under Ryan's touch, listening to his voice. Maybe there was some part of their creations that knew and took comfort in their makers' trying to soothe them. Maybe they would even share bits of personality.

Her eyes were drawn away when the colors on Ryan's wrist started to glow, and she couldn’t help but stare for a moment. Everyone around her was so unique and interesting - and who knew how much more would change once they met actual witches. She was sure she was going to have to remind herself not to stare on an hourly basis.

"It’s okay," she said quickly when he apologized, holding her hands up placatingly and giving a relieved sort of smile. "I’m just glad you’re all right. I’m Sonia, and this is Severin," she added, glancing up at them with a slight gesture of her hand as well. "And this is Fern - oh! Sorry!"

Fern, inquisitive thing that he was, had been distracted from scolding the fox by the pulsing magic across Ryan's arms, and had taken hold of Ryan's sleeve with his little hands to try and pull it back and see more. Sonia, embarrassed as if he were a misbehaving child, gently disengaged Fern's grip and picked him up to set him on her knees where she sat next to Ryan, staying down because he was down.

"He's very curious…" She said sheepishly, letting Fern hold on to a finger of each of her hands to keep him occupied though his eyes were fixed on the fox. It was like having an infant around, she thought, and since Ryan didn’t seem to be bleeding or anything else serious she let attention drift to their new companions instead of his previous struggle. She didn’t want to embarass him, and it wasn’t as if she could do much about any injuries right now. The small first aid kit she usually carried around in her purse had been left with her luggage, and she wasn’t sure where that was or when she would get it back.
Severin Daylede
Storm Rider
Interactions: CanaryCry CanaryCry Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Notable Events:
Interacting with others
Notable Physical Features: The gloves, eye color still fighting

Severin smiled as Birch finally let go, but found it very interesting when his arms began to glow. Everyone here was indeed unique in their own way. They kept forgetting that it was okay here and they could take off their gloves. It was just a habit now. But they were sure once they've been here for a little while, that would change. At least they hoped. They returned to the two others and waved with a smile when introduced. Their puppy was running circles around Ryan, and sniffing his legs. Sev didn't try to stop the puppy, because they'd end up looking stupid, "I think that goes for the both of our creations" They giggled, and sat on top of the railing. It was almost clear they had no regard for the danger of that. It definitely wasn't the first thing they thought of when sitting on the railing of the massive flying whale.

It seemed that Ryan wasn't hurt too badly, so no need for concern. Which was good, as Severin didn't bring even a simple med kit. Safety was never one of their priorities, and often slipped their mind. It was always a friend that'd actually bring the safety equipment because while Sev likes to think their careful, it's not uncommon for them to actually get hurt.

The puppy propped itself up to sniff Birch, his body practically wiggling violently as his tail seemed like it could whisk him away. Severin didn't try to hide his amusement or interest of the creatures . They had completely different personalities and looks, it was honestly really cool to see them all. The professor did concern them slightly, though. They knew they used Sky magic as a base of some sorts and wouldn't exactly be good at Earth Magic, seeing as they are opposites. Hopefully there would be teachers that are nicer, not that she wasn't. Just, nice in a different way.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Peckinou Peckinou JuniperBoi JuniperBoi Lord_Boreas Lord_Boreas ave goin insane ave goin insane Ghostiiys Ghostiiys Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Tapfic Tapfic Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf. CanaryCry CanaryCry BlueHibiscus BlueHibiscus Xenobiology Xenobiology Tattletale Tattletale Uasal Uasal GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Moraine saw in awe how the girl hatched an actual dragon from the petrified seed, such talent for some things from a source and so many little for others of the same source was not an everyday occurrence. Clearly the girl was curious about it all, so she answered as directly as she could. "You can't." She touched the bracelet with her left hand, caressing the intricate scaly pattern. "Not directly at least, it's still a baby. Usually it would spend a century or two deep below ground, feeding from the natural concentration of earth magic." She concentrated for a moment, feeling it with her power rather than with her fingers. "However, this one seems to see you as their mother, which I guess it's the truth, you gave life to it in more than one sense but that means a different method of feeding." She takes her hand away, trying to force it away could just end up with a handless heir. "Whenever you cast earth spells it will use your connection to feed from the earth source, which it's totally safe for you. Simply put, cast a lot of earth magic and it will wake up sooner or later." What would it do once it's awake? Well... that's future Moraine's problem, present Moraine it's excited to see an actual dragon born and grow from a simple wild born novice. "I expect nothing but greater things in the future, Miss Cloch."

Moraine overhears Ruth proposal, arching her left eyebrow at her. "Why don't you try to make your own? With a better focus while at it." She says the last part while looking at the potato dragon, nothing but a joke next to an earth drake. Another student demanded her attention tho, so she went to felix and appraised his green panda. "Good, excellent work." She gives him a little wink with her right eye. "I also appreciate the strategy, you got the most info before doing it by going last and I think that kind of preparation will serve you well."

She then proceeded upstairs while petting her kitty, noticing the display that the students were giving. She wouldn't interfere of course, she just waited patiently until the ship finally landed.

After a few electrical static noises from the the glass container on top of the ship, a set of stairs sprang from the top deck to the solid earth below. Suddenly another electrical surge and strong winds, not coming from the ship, were present and within a lighting flash there she was. Another witch, with black hair that faded to dark blue as it got longer, iridescent irises and accompanied by her storm peacock familiar.


"You cheater!" Said the woman while her familiar recovered some energy. "You totally ditched me and got a head start." She put both hands on her waist, clearly upset.

Moraine smirked at the woman, playing dumb. "I haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about, I told you when the ship was sailing." She giggles deviously. "It's not my fault you can't be bothered to be on time."

"Ugh, you always do this! You know I tend to get a bit sidetracked" On her defense, she did try to be there on time but she happened to pass by a store that sold the most beautiful earrings and on her way out she overheard a couple of surfers commenting on how there was this huge wave that only happened like every 50 years or so, how could she miss something like that? Anyway, the wave was awesome and she had a wonderful time. Oh right, that was totally not the point. "Sorry I missed the ship guys, I really tried." She said to the students that happened to be a the top deck. "I'm Lorena Vestisca, I'll be teaching you all Sky Source 101 this year." Then her peacock pushes its head into her left arm, demanding an introduction too. "Oh! And this is Stormy, my familiar." She pets her head while laughing. "Welcome to Corvallis!"

Everyone is escorted out of the ship by the two witches and taken towards the academy main building where they are greeted by another witch waiting for them at the entrance. She's riding a green male deer and smiling calmly. When they see her, Moraine and Lorena both bow respectfully to her.


"Greetings, everyone, my name is Victoria Greenwood and I'm Corvallis Academy's Headmistress, I welcome you all to my beloved house and wish you an excellent year." She raised her left hand, signalling approving the opening of the doors. The everyone was guided inside where students could be seen either practicing spells or just chatting casually on the campus, none of their cloaks are black nor share the rainbow colored edges of the wild Borns instead they are either completely yellow, blue, white or green and their clasps and belts have a lion, wolf, butterfly or a snake shape.

Whenever they spot you, there are a few whispers which quickly die down when they also notice Victoria's glare. "You might notice you are the only ones that belong to the rainbow chameleon's house." She says while continuing to guide you all through the courtyard. "Rest assured this is a temporary matter, at the end of your first year you'll have a clear identifiable affinity and be sorted to one of the proper houses accordingly: Yellow Lion for Sun Source, Blue Wolf for Moon Source, White Butterfly for Sky Source and Green Snake for Earth Source." She stops, as you finally reach your destination. "For now, this is where you'll be living." She gestures towards a beautifully designed cabin with a chameleon shape.


Then she explains. "I know It looks small for such a large group but don't worry, it's bigger inside." She then proceeds to assign everyone their rooms by providing them with pentacles with a number engraved in the center and afterwards she says her goodbyes, explaining that she still had preparations to make for tonight's feast.

"Well, you'll notice that Headmistress Greenwood's pentacles each have number." Says finally Moraine. "Find whoever has the same number, you are now roommates until the end of the year."

"Oh! Only the room owners can go inside it, visitors need to be allowed in by a owner. Trespassers get heavily cursed." Lorena rubs her left arm instinctively. "On my first year I tried to pull off a prank on Moraine's room and went blind for a week."

"Serves you about right, you're lucky you didn't got anything worse." Says the devilish woman while giggling. "In any case, go unpack, relax and we'll fetch for you when the feast is ready. If you decide to go exploring make sure you're wearing your uniforms, classes haven't begun yet but you still must be easily identifiable as students." Then both witches leave, bickering about some other memories and laughing from time to time.

Rumi Komori and Bellatrix Astra

Ariiasqthylinh Au Drayceon and Sorey Soriel

Ryan Teller and Francisco Hierro

Korrnelius Edgar MountCastle and Felix Grant

Caoimhe A. Mildred and Vienna Clement

Judas Mackenzie Carter and Baxter Caufield

Ruth Goodwill and Sonia Lockheart

Severin Cassidy Daylede and Noah Chance

Catoria Veltora and lómhara Cloch

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Catoria Veltora
Location: Storm Rider, Bellow Deck Room -> Upper Deck.
Interactions: JuniperBoi JuniperBoi
Mentions: Neo Alice Neo Alice
Notable Events: Moved to upper deck.
Notable Features: Ice Cold Skin (Dark Blue/Borderline Purple), purple eyes and a Scar underneath their right eye.

As Catoria sat on the ground resting, they suddenly felt a presence approach them, when they lifted their head up in order to get a visual on the person, they saw that it was the same guy them met earlier. She wasn't able to get much of a good luck on him before but now that she was able to see him more clearly, she was able to note the glowing eyes and the lightning mark across his cheeks, which was a bit interesting to them. But she snapped out of her thoughts when the man went on to introduce himself as Judas Carter. When he went on to ask for her name though, she couldn't help but ponder on it for it moment putting her hand under her chin as if in deep thought, she couldn't use her phones notepad like she use to do. But then a thought came to mind, as she went into her wallet and pulled out one of her old School IDs, which had her name on it, along with a Tribal Warrior, which was her old school's mascot in the background. She then handed her old ID to him so that he could look at and get her name, without her having to say a word. However when Catoria saw who she assumed to be staff move to the upper levels of the ship, and felt the ship stop, Catoria took a deep breath in and out real quick before using wind magic to bring her bag closer to her so that she could grab it, before getting up, reobtain her ID back, and then leaving to go upstairs in order to figure out what their next step was. She gave Judas a look as if to beckon him to follow her before continuing to make her way upstairs, only making it in time to hear the final parts of the conversations, and when they looked at the Chamaeleon house the couldn't do anything but shudder on how embarrassing it will be to live there, and no amount of magic, would make living there any cooler.​
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0a8050377976ed6a75dee0755de6374e.jpgBaxter Caufield
Location: Storm Rider, Below Deck Room ==> Rainbow Chameleon's House
Interactions: Tapfic Tapfic
Mentions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Peckinou Peckinou Neo Alice Neo Alice
Notable Events: Captured Chomper in his Jacket, Greeted the Students of Corvallis Academy in a fairly Baxter-like fashion, Tossed Jacket Chomper away outside Chameleon House, Began climbing up Rainbow Chameleon House

Luckily the owner of the goop puddle took Chomper's hunger in stride. Well, as much stride as she could with that painful looking smile smeared on her face. Baxter probably overlooked whatever had caused that, but he wasn't interested enough to start trying to remember things. He took it at face value as her just being A-Okay with Chomper's devouring of her former plant summon thing. It was kinda like the girl with the potato's reaction except with less sarcasm.

Thankfully, a bit of joking about her pet's demise and its suitability as Chomper's lunch was enough to make her smile look a whole lot less painful-looking to Baxter, though it didn't help her jokes land any better. Baxter found the attempt in and of itself humorous enough not to dog on her, but did manage to notice someone staring at them the entire time. Well, not staring at them, just keeping on eye on the Smiler. Some chick with a weird pinkish-purple plant running around her was giving Smiler 'that look'.

Baxter wasn't exactly sure what 'that look' was, just that Pinkie's owner was definitely giving it at that moment.

But his observation was eventually drawn back to Smiler dragging some baggage up to the deck, where everyone was apparently going to take a look at the school. Baxter was in no rush, they'd be staying there for at least a couple years if what he'd been told so far was accurate. That meant him staying down only until Chomper was finished slurping up Smiler's summon. As it neared finishing, Baxter once more slipped his jacket off his shoulders and spread it wide while bracing himself.

The moment Chomper paused to release a pleased burp of satisfaction, Baxter lunged.

Tossing the jacket on Chomper as if it was a burlap sack, Baxter zipped it closed before using one of the arms to wrap it sshut. Chomper struggled and fought, but his plant tentacles were no match for two-hundred and ten pounds of pure Baxter.

Slinging the shaking jacket over his shoulder just as the Ship stopped moving, Baxter grinned before finally moving to join the majority of the students up on the Storm Rider's deck. He was making his way up the stairs when the electricity surge and wind rolled in, and only just got above deck when the lightning came down. He found the stairs leading off the Storm Rider just in time to see Moraine Le F-Cup chatting with another aggravated woman who quickly began apologizing for some reason.

She introduced herself as Lauren Vesticles before leading them with Mormor towards a big building that Baxter assumed was the Academy. He didn't really care to drink in any details, because the Headmistress was waiting to greet them.

"Hey yo welcome to my crib, its Corvallis Ace up in here." was pretty much all he heard from her "Ya'll be getting put up in that bum-ass Rainbow crib till we get yo asses sorted dawg."

Baxter figured it was safe to tune her out until they got to their actual house, taking the time instead to wave to students, give some winks and smiles, blow a few kisses here and there.

They reached the chameleon place, which Baxter found worthy of more than a casual once-over due exclusively to the fact that it looked like a chameleon with a house growing out of its back.

He was starting to notice plenty of animal themes going on.

He was handed some kind of star thing with a number on it, apparently it was supposed to tell who was rooming with who and where, but Baxter wasn't exactly feeling like going for a roommate hunt, especially since eighteen people wasn't enough for a good game of Guess Who. So as the witches took their leave he found himself free to focus on what actually got his interest.

That wacky looking house they had.

1537121363.elenawing_marlborocharm2rez.pngNeeding both hands for what he envisioned, Baxter casually tossed his jacket on the ground before cracking his knuckles and approaching the Cabin with a smile that suggested nothing but ill-intent. The jacket rolled around for a bit before several of Chomper's tentacles emerged and began crawling around in confused circles with the article of clothing still obstructing both his movement and eyesight.

But Baxter couldn't bring himself to care.

He was too busy scaling that scaly bastard.

With little fanfare or forewarning, he just started casually climbed atop one of the barrels in front of the cabin before reaching up and climbing towards the protruding balcony, making his way towards the Chameleon's head while whistling a jaunty tune the entire time.

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